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of AI </h6> <h2 class="mb-7"> The future of AI. </h2> <p class="m-0 mx-auto text-xl/7 lg:w-8/12"> Glide gives you the powers of a developer and a code — for designer to create remarkable tools that solve your most challenging business problems." </p> </header> <div class="relative w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl bg-black px-5 py-16 md:px-8 lg:pe-0 lg:ps-14"> <figure class="pointer-events-none absolute start-1/2 top-0 z-0 w-full max-w-none -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2" aria-hidden="true" > <img width="3110" height="1142" src="/themes/dark/assets/landing-page/glow-1.png" alt="Glowing blob" /> </figure> <div class="lqd-tabs flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-y-20"> <div class="lqd-tabs-triggers flex flex-col gap-12 lg:w-4/12"> <button data-target="#ai-text-generator" class="group/trigger text-start lqd-is-active" > <span class="flex items-center gap-6 text-[24px] font-normal group-[&.lqd-is-active]/trigger:text-white md:text-[32px]"> <span class="w-8 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Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a coding newbie, our tool will help you streamline your coding process and get your projects up and running in no time. </span> <img class="mt-10 hidden w-full max-lg:group-[&.lqd-is-active]/trigger:block" width="878" height="748" src="/themes/default/assets/img/site/code-generator.jpg" alt="Fix. Improve. 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