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id="policies-sidebar" > <ul> <li><a class="sidebar" href="#general-registration-policies">General Registration Policies</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="#domain-name-abuse">Domain Name Abuse</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="#available-names">Available Names</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="#reserved-premium-names">Reserved &amp; Premium Names</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="#dispute-policy">Dispute Policy</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="#terms-and-conditions">Terms and Conditions</a></li><li><a class="sidebar" href="">Privacy policy</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-8 col-12 policies-content"> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="general-registration-policies">1. General Registration Policies</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Term</strong>: Domain names may be registered for a minimum of one (1) year, and a maximum of ten (10) years.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Autorenewal</strong>: Domain names automatically renew at the end of their term (the expiration date). Please contact your registrar for details.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Domain name length</strong>: .ME domain names must be at least 1 character (second level) or 2 characters (third level), excluding the extension (.me,, etc.) and a maximum 63 characters in length, excluding the extension (.me,, etc.).</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Allowable characters</strong>: Only the Latin alphabet letters a-z, digits, and hyphens are currently accepted in a domain name. Domain names cannot begin or end with hyphens. Registration of Internationalized domain names (IDNs) is allowed including domain names in the following scripts: Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Croatian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Montenegrin (Latin and Cyrillic), Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic), Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Japanese.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Contact information</strong>: Registrants must provide accurate contact information. The following contact types are required: Registrant, Administrative, Technical, Billing.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Transfers</strong>: Registrants are allowed to transfer their second-level domains to the registrar of their choice. Registrants should contact their registrar of choice to learn about transfer procedures. Registrar-to-registrar transfers are not allowed in the 5 days following the creation of a domain name. A registrar-to-registrar transfer adds one year to the term of the domain name, charged to the gaining registrar. Registrars may therefore charge the registrant for the domain year.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Grace periods</strong>: Certain grace periods exist to allow for the cancellation of transactions by registrars within certain time periods. Please contact your registrar for details.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Nameservers</strong>: To register a .ME domain name, the registrant does not need to provide nameserver information. In order to appear in the zone file and resolve on the Internet, at least two (2) valid nameserver must be associated with the domain name.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="domain-name-abuse"><strong>2. Domain Name Abuse</strong></h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Registry reserves the right to adjust the allocated bandwidth and connections allotted to registrars.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Domain Name abuses should not be tolerated and doMEn and its Registrars will take appropriate actions based upon such investigations when made by doMEn or in compliance with competent legal authority. Abusive practices include, but are not limited to, the following:</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list --> <ul class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Spam</strong>: The use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately, such as instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, online classified ads spam, mobile phone messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, social networking spam, social spam, and file sharing spam.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Phishing</strong>: Posing as a legitimate company by defrauding an online account holder to provide sensitive, personal information such as user names, passwords, social security numbers, bank accounts, and credit card numbers.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Pharming</strong>: The fraudulent practice of directing Internet users to a bogus website that mimics the appearance of a legitimate one, in order to obtain personal information such as passwords, account numbers, etc.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Willful distribution of malware</strong>: Willful distribution of malware: The dissemination of software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent. Examples include, without limitation, computer viruses, worms, keyloggers, and trojan horses;</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Fast flux hosting</strong>: A DNS technique used by botnets to hide phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever-changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. The basic idea behind Fast flux is to have numerous IP addresses associated with a single fully qualified domain name, where the IP addresses are swapped in and out with extremely high frequency, through changing DNS records.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Botnet command and control</strong>: Botnets run on a domain name and are collections of compromised hosts that attackers remotely control for their own malicious purposes. After connecting, a bot-controlled host can be controlled by an attacker and commanded to conduct malicious actions such as sending spam, scanning the Internet for other potentially controllable hosts, or launching denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) attacks.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Illegal Access to Other Computers or Networks</strong>: Illegally accessing computers, accounts, or via e-mail spam, instant messaging spam, mobile messaging spam, and the spamming of Web sites and Internet forums, phishing, pharming, willful distribution of malware, distribution of child pornography, and illegal access to other computers or networks.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Distribution of child pornography.</strong></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li><strong>Gathering domains by misuse of WHOIS information</strong>.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ul> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In addition to any other rights of doMEn, doMEn reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration, renewal, or transfer of any .ME domain name, or to place any .ME domain name on registry lock, hold, or similar status, with respect to any such domain name that doMEn, upon reasonable belief, deems is being used in a manner that facilitates abusive behavior, including the above.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="available-names"><strong>3. Available Names</strong></h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Second-Level Registrations:</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>.ME domain names are available to any individual or corporation worldwide without restriction or specific requirements.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Third-Level Registrations:</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Only individuals and entities of Montenegro are allowed to register third-level .ME domain names.&nbsp; Additionally, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ME-net</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">WebLab</a> are the registrars allowed to register third-level domain names in the Registry.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The following are third-level zones for .ME:</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list --> <ul class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ul> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The University of Montenegro Center of Information Systems (CIS) is responsible for sub-domains beneath the following domain names and should be contacted directly:</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:list --> <ul class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li> (educational)</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li> (academic)</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ul> <!-- /wp:list --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Ministry of Public Administration is responsible for sub-domain (government) and should be contacted directly.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="reserved-premium-names"><strong>4. Reserved &amp; Premium Names</strong></h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Reserved Names</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>A list of Reserved Names has been held back for the Government of Montenegro and Registry use. These names are not available for registration by the public.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Premium Names</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>.ME Premium Names are available for public registration and can be registered through .ME accredited registrars or their resellers.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="dispute-policy"><strong>5. Dispute Policy</strong></h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>.ME UDRP cases may be filed with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">WIPO</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ADNDRC</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">National Arbitration Forum</a>. Additional dispute resolution providers may be named in the future. Please see the <a href="/files/ME-UDRP-Policy.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">.ME UDRP Policy</a> and <a href="/files/ME-UDRP-Rules.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">.ME UDRP Rules</a> for details.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading" id="terms-and-conditions"><strong>6. Terms and Conditions</strong></h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>All content and software included on this site is the property of doMEn d.o.o., and is protected by Montenegrin and international copyright laws. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, distributed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by doMEn d.o.o. Copyright 2007-2011 doMEn d.o.o.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The .ME logo, and all product logos are service marks of doMEn d.o.o. All rights reserved. All third party trademarks, service marks, logos, and trade names are the property of their respective owners.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We reserve the right to make changes to our site and these disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time. You are responsible for regularly viewing the Terms of Use. Continued use of the Web sites after any such changes constitutes your consent to such changes.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>doMEn d.o.o. is a registry services provider for .ME, a country code top level domain of Montenegro (ccTLD). As such, doMEn d.o.o. accepts domain name registrations from a number of domain name registrars. doMEn d.o.o. does not accept domain name registrations directly from registrants. Please note that each registrar has its own policies and procedures. If you have any questions about a particular domain-name registration, you should begin by contacting the registrant and registrar of record.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Logo and Graphic Guidelines for Use</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Our logos are the most visible form of our brand identity, and represent our intellectual resources and high standards. That is why we ask those who wish to use doMEn d.o.o. trademarked logos in connection with news stories to observe the legal restrictions outlined below.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The logos may only be used in close proximity to, or in obvious connection with, a published article, blog post, or broadcast news story about doMEn d.o.o., .ME, or a specific doMEn d.o.o. product or service.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The logos may not be copied, distributed, or used apart from the article or broadcast commentary about the company or the applicable product or service.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The logos must be used as provided by doMEn d.o.o. with no changes, including, but not limited to, changes in the color, proportions, or design, or removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbols. The logos may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance. Changes in size are acceptable, as long as proportions are maintained.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>To properly present a logo, a minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must be maintained. Some logos are comprised of both text and graphics. Such logos should be displayed in their entirety; please do not delete any text that surrounds such logos.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The logo may not be combined with any other object, including, but not limited to, other logos, words, slogans, numbers, or symbols.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Limitations on Use of this Web site</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, rent, lease, loan, sell, sublicense, or create derivative works from this site. You may not use any network monitoring or discovery software to determine site architecture, or extract information about usage or users.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Other Web Sites</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>doMEn d.o.o.makes no representations whatsoever about other Web sites that you may access through this one. When you access a non- doMEn d.o.o. Web site, please understand that it is independent from doMEn d.o.o., and that doMEn d.o.o. has no control over the content on that Web site. In addition, a link to a non- doMEn d.o.o. Web site does not mean that doMEn d.o.o. endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, use, or products and services made available through such Web site.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Disclaimer and Indemnity</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND doMEn d.o.o., ALL CONTENT, SERVICES, PRODUCTS, AND SOFTWARE PROVIDED ON THIS WEB SITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED doMEn d.o.o. AND ITS SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT, IN ANY WAY DUE TO, RESULTING FROM, OR ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE WEB SITES OR THE CONTENT. doMEn d.o.o. 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