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GENERAL TERMS OF SALE </strong></a></p> <p class="wysiwyg-indent1"><a href="#definition"><strong>1.1. Definitions</strong></a> <br><a href="#aboutdigi"><strong>1.2. About Digital Products</strong></a> <br><a href="#processing"><strong>1.3. Processing and Payment</strong></a> <br><a href="#pricing"><strong>1.4. Pricing</strong></a> <br><a href="#billing"><strong>1.5. Billing</strong></a> <br><a href="#billingdigi"><em>1.5.1. Billing of Digital Subscriptions</em></a> <br><a href="#billingone"><em>1.5.2. Billing of One-Time Purchases</em></a> <br><a href="#currency"><em>1.5.3. Currency</em></a> <br><a href="#unpaid"><strong>1.6. Unpaid Charges</strong></a> <br><a href="#promotion"><strong>1.7. Promotions</strong></a> <br><a href="#software"><strong>1.8. Software Products</strong></a> <br><a href="#thirdparty"><strong>1.9. Third Parties</strong></a></p> <p id="cancel"><a href="#cancellation"><strong>2. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY</strong></a></p> <p id="canceldigital" class="wysiwyg-indent1"><a href="#canceldigi"><strong>2.1. Cancellation and Refunds of Digital Subscriptions</strong></a><br> <a href="#cancelpromo"><strong>2.2 Cancellation During Promotional Periods</strong></a><br><a href="#changesub"><strong>2.3. Changing your Subscription</strong></a> <br><a href="#cancelone"><strong>2.4. Cancellation and Refunds of One-Time Purchases</strong></a></p> <p id="general"><strong><a name="general"></a>1. GENERAL TERMS OF SALE</strong></p> <p id="defs"><a name="definition"></a><strong>1.1. Definitions</strong></p> <p>The term "digital product" refers to paid digital products available from NYTimes, including both NYTimes digital subscriptions and one-time purchases.</p> <p id="about"><a name="aboutdigi"></a><strong>1.2. About Digital Products</strong></p> <p>You are not required to purchase anything for certain limited use of or the NYTimes apps. However, if you do not purchase a subscription or product, your access to NYTimes content and services will be limited.</p> <p>You can review the various NYTimes digital subscriptions <a href="">here</a>. We also offer other products and services, such as <a href="">crosswords</a>, <a href="">gift subscriptions</a>, e-books and articles from our archive. The purchase of a gift subscription is a one-time purchase; for more information, see the <a href="">Gift Subscriptions FAQ.</a></p> <p>The New York Times reserves the right to modify the content, type and availability of any digital product at any time.</p> <p>Only one person may use the user name and password associated with a digital product account.</p> <p>For details about your purchases, including payment methods and billing cycles, <a href="">visit the My Account area of</a>.</p> <p id="processing"><a name="processing"></a><strong>1.3. Processing and Payment</strong></p> <p>The New York Times will process your purchase as promptly as possible. There may be a delay in the activation of your product while payment details are verified.</p> <p>We accept major credit cards, PayPal and certain digital wallet services. We reserve the right to reject any order or purchase at any time.</p> <p>If your initial payment authorization is later revoked, your subscription, product or access will be terminated. <a href="">Contact our Customer Care group </a>if you believe your access was terminated in error.</p> <p>Unless specified otherwise in the <a href="">Cancellation and Refund Policy</a>, all charges are nonrefundable.</p> <p>To view or change your payment method, <a href="">visit the My Account area of</a>.</p> <p id="pricing"><a name="processing"></a><strong>1.4. Pricing</strong></p> <p>When you purchase a digital product, the price will be made clear during the order process. You agree to pay the price that is stated at the time of your order, as well as any applicable taxes. You also agree to the billing frequency stated at the time of your order.</p> <p>Discount eligibility is determined at the time of the order. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively.</p> <p>All prices are in United States Dollars, unless otherwise stated.</p> <p>The New York Times reserves the right to change prices and fees at any time. We will notify you in advance if the regular rate of a product changes from what was stated at the time of your order. You will have the opportunity to accept the new price or cancel your subscription or purchase from that point forward.</p> <p>Applicable taxes may vary. We are not able to notify you in advance of changes in applicable taxes.</p> <p>If a stated price is determined by us in our sole discretion to be in error, we are not under any obligation to offer you the product at that price. We will notify you of the error and give you the opportunity to cancel your order and obtain a refund if payment has already been made.</p> <p><em>Additional Costs</em></p> <p>Your subscription may not include access to all areas of the digital product, and you may have to pay additional fees for full access. These additional charges will be clearly stated.</p> <p>When you use your digital product, you may incur other additional charges from third party service providers, such as telecommunications fees, data fees or service provider fees. You are responsible for paying any additional charges.</p> <p>If you believe someone else has used your account or you are being charged for a product you do not have, please <a href="">contact our Customer Care group.</a></p> <p id="billing"><a name="billing"></a><strong>1.5. Billing</strong></p> <p id="digital"><a name="billingdigi"></a><em>1.5.1. Billing of Digital Subscriptions</em></p> <p>We will charge or debit your payment method at the beginning of your subscription or, if applicable, at the end of your free trial period. Billing will continue according to the cycle stated at the time of your order.</p> <p>To view information about your billing cycle, <a href="">visit the My Account area of</a>.</p> <p>All NYTimes digital subscriptions are renewed automatically. When we renew your subscription, we will use the payment method currently associated with your account. If you redeem a gift subscription and choose to extend your subscription at the time of redemption, that subscription will renew automatically. You can view your payment method at any time in the <a href="">My Account area of</a>.</p> <p>In most cases, you will not be notified in advance of impending renewals and you expressly agree to waive the application of New York General Obligations Law section 5-903 and any similar laws. Please see our <a href="">Cancellation and Refund policy</a> below for information about canceling.</p> <p id="nonsub"><a name="billingone"></a><em>1.5.2. Billing of One-Time Purchases</em></p> <p>When you make a one-time purchase (for example, a subscription sponsorship or standalone product such as an article from our archives or a gift subscription), we will charge or debit your payment method at the time of purchase.</p> <p id="currency"><a name="currency"></a><em>1.5.3. Currency</em></p> <p>The currency in which you will be billed will be stated during the purchase process and is determined based on your billing address.</p> <p id="unpaid"><a name="unpaid"></a><strong>1.6. Unpaid Charges</strong></p> <p>If your credit card expires or your payment method is otherwise invalid, your subscription or product will not automatically be terminated. You will remain responsible for all charges.</p> <p>You will be responsible for all costs we incur in connection with the collection of unpaid amounts, including court costs, attorneys' fees, collection agency fees and any other associated costs.</p> <p id="promos"><a name="promotion"></a><strong>1.7. Promotions</strong></p> <p>We may occasionally offer promotions. The specific terms of each promotion are stated at the time the promotion is offered. Each promotion may be different. Promotions cannot be combined.</p> <p>You are required to provide your payment details when you sign up for a promotion. At the end of the promotion, your subscription will automatically renew at the rates displayed at the time of purchase.</p> <p>We will not notify you in advance that the promotion is about to end and we will not notify you when your promotional rate has ended. To cancel and avoid being charged, you must notify us before the promotion ends.</p> <p id="software"><a name="software"></a><strong>1.8. Software Products</strong></p> <p>If you purchase a digital subscription that includes downloadable software, your download and use of that software may be subject to additional terms or end user license agreements.</p> <p id="third"><a name="thirdparty"></a><strong>1.9. Third Parties</strong></p> <p>If you have purchased your product through a third party, these Terms of Sale may not apply to you. We are not liable to you for any claims related to purchases made through third parties. Please contact the third party directly.</p> <p>_____</p> <p id="cancel"><a name="cancellation"></a><strong>2. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY</strong></p> <p id="canceldigital"><a name="canceldigi"></a><strong>2.1. Cancellation and Refunds of Digital Subscriptions</strong></p> <p>When you cancel a subscription, you cancel only future charges associated with your subscription. You may notify us of your intent to cancel at any time, but the cancellation will become effective at the end of your current billing period. <br><br>Except in the case of certain promotions, you can change or cancel your digital subscription at any time by calling Customer Care at 800-591-9233 (for international customers, click <a href="">here</a> for international phone numbers), chatting with us <a href="">here</a>, or emailing us <a href="">here</a>. Group Subscription billing cycles and terms of cancellations may differ and are governed by the terms set forth in the Group Subscription Purchase Order. <br><br>Digital products sold as part of a promotion, subject to an annual commitment or as an add-on to your home delivery subscription, such as Times Insider, may have different cancellation or refund policies that will be made clear at the time of purchase.</p> <p>Cancellations are effective the following billing cycle. You will not receive a refund for the current billing cycle. You will continue to have the same access and benefits of your product for the remainder of the current billing period.</p> <p>We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.</p> <p><em>Changes to Content or Access</em></p> <p>We reserve the right to make changes to our digital products at any time. If we temporarily reduce or eliminate the charge for content or access that you are currently paying for under different terms, you will not receive a refund.</p> <p><em>Cancellations by Us</em></p> <p>We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your subscription or product for any reason, with or without notice and without further obligation. You will not be entitled to a refund in these circumstances. If any or all of our digital products are temporarily unavailable, you will not receive a refund. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future.</p> <p><a name="cancelpromo"></a><strong>2.2. Cancellation During Promotional Periods</strong></p> <p>Certain promotions may not permit cancellation during the promotional period. You agree to the cancellation and refund terms stated at the time of purchase.</p> <p><a name="changesub"></a><strong>2.3. Changing your Subscription</strong></p> <p>When you change your subscription, you will receive a pro-rated credit toward your new subscription.</p> <p><a name="cancelone"></a><strong>2.4. Cancellation and Refunds of One-Time Purchases</strong></p> <p>One-time purchases cannot be canceled or refunded. For more information on the cancellation terms for gift subscriptions, see the <a href="">Gift Subscriptions FAQ.</a></p> <p>We reserve the right to make changes to our digital products at anytime. If we temporarily reduce or eliminate the charge for content or access that you are currently paying for under different terms, you will not receive a refund.</p> <p>If any or all of our digital products are temporarily unavailable, you will not receive a refund. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. 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