MQTT - The Standard for IoT Messaging

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It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc. <br/><br/> <a href="/getting-started/"><button class="major-cta major-cta-tranpsparent">Getting started with MQTT</button></a> </div> </div> </header> <nav id="mobile-nav" class="mobile-nav-home"> <div id="burger-menu"><img src="/assets/img/burger-menu.svg"></div> <div id="mobile-nav-open"> <a href="/getting-started/"><div class="mobile-nav-item">Getting started</div></a> <a href="/mqtt-specification/"><div class="mobile-nav-item">MQTT Specification</div></a> <a href="/software/"><div class="mobile-nav-item">Software</div></a> <a href="/use-cases/"><div class="mobile-nav-item">Use Cases</div></a> <a href="/faq/"><div class="mobile-nav-item">FAQ</div></a> </div> <script> $('#burger-menu').click(function(){ if ( $('#mobile-nav-open').css('display') == 'none' ) $('#mobile-nav-open').css('display','block'); else $('#mobile-nav-open').css('display','none'); }); $('.mobile-nav-item').click(function(){ $('#mobile-nav-open').css('display','block'); }); </script> </nav> <nav id="main-nav" class="homepage-nav float-left"> <div class="nav-item"><a href="/getting-started/">Getting started</a></div> <div class="nav-item"><a href="/mqtt-specification/">MQTT Specification</a></div> <div class="nav-item"><a href="/software/">Software</a></div> <div class="nav-item"><a href="/use-cases/">Use Cases</a></div> <div class="nav-item"><a href="/faq/">FAQ</a></div> </nav> <main> <section id="homepage-content"> <div class="width-container"> <h2>Why MQTT?</h2> <section id="keyfeature-list"> <div class="keyfeature"> <h3>Lightweight and Efficient</h3> <p>MQTT clients are very small, require minimal resources so can be used on small microcontrollers. MQTT message headers are small to optimize network bandwidth. </p> </div> <div class="keyfeature mid"> <h3>Bi-directional Communications</h3> <p>MQTT allows for messaging between device to cloud and cloud to device. This makes for easy broadcasting messages to groups of things. </p> </div> <div class="keyfeature last"> <h3>Scale to Millions of Things</h3> <p>MQTT can scale to connect with millions of IoT devices. </p> </div> <div class="keyfeature"> <h3>Reliable Message Delivery</h3> <p>Reliability of message delivery is important for many IoT use cases. This is why MQTT has 3 defined quality of service levels: 0 - at most once, 1- at least once, 2 - exactly once </p> </div> <div class="keyfeature mid"> <h3>Support for Unreliable Networks</h3> <p>Many IoT devices connect over unreliable cellular networks. MQTT鈥檚 support for persistent sessions reduces the time to reconnect the client with the broker. </p> </div> <div class="keyfeature last"> <h3>Security Enabled<br />&nbsp;</h3> <p>MQTT makes it easy to encrypt messages using TLS and authenticate clients using modern authentication protocols, such as OAuth. </p> </div> </section> <h2>MQTT Publish / Subscribe Architecture</h2> <section id="pub-sub-graphic"> <img src="/assets/img/mqtt-publish-subscribe.png" alt="MQTT: publish / subscribe architecture" title="MQTT: publish / subscribe architecture" /> </section> </div> <section id="mqtt-in-action"> <h2>MQTT in Action</h2> <p>MQTT is used in a wide variety of industries</p> <div class="flex-wrap-centered"> <a href="/use-cases#automotive"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/automotive.jpg');">Automotive</div></a> <a href="/use-cases#logistics"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/logistics.jpg');">Logistics</div></a> <a href="/use-cases#manufacturing"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/manufacturing.jpg');"><span style="color: #000">Manufacturing</span></div></a> <a href="/use-cases#smarthome"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/smart-home.jpg');">Smart Home</div></a> <a href="/use-cases#consumer-products"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/consumer-products.jpg');"><span style="color: #000">Consumer Products</span></div></a> <a href="/use-cases#transportation"><div class="mqtt-in-action-box" style="background-image: url('assets/img/transportation.jpg');">Transportation</div></a> </div> </section> </section> </main> <footer> <p class="float-left">&copy; 2024 | <a href="/legal"><span style="color: #000;">Legal Note</a></span></a></p> </footer> </body> <!-- Sticky navigation hides an offset for anchor link targets. 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