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id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl37_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Whatever Happened To...</a> </li></ul> </td> </tr><tr> <td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl07_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Doctor in the House</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl18_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Party Mamas</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl28_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Shear Genius</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl38_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Wedding SOS</a> </li></ul> </td> </tr><tr> <td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl08_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Entertainment Tonight Canada</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl19_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Plastic Makes Perfect</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl29_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Spoiled Rotten</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl39_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Workout</a> </li></ul> </td> </tr><tr> <td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl09_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">How to Find a Husband</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl20_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Project Runway Canada</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl30_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Superstar Hair Challenge</a> </li></ul> </td><td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl40_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">X-Weighted</a> </li></ul> </td> </tr><tr> <td><ul class="ShowsDropDown"><li class="ShowsDropDown"> <a id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_ShowList1_ShowMenuDL_ctl10_ShowLink" href="/web/20100723142652/">Jaclife</a> </li></ul> </td><td></td><td></td><td></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="ShowMenuBottom"></div> </div> <div id="NavHtmlForm"> <div id="ctl00_ctl00_HeaderMenu_pnlSearch"> <input id="SearchFieldTB" class="NavHtmlInput" dir="ltr" maxlength="150" name="SearchField" onblur="if 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</div> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> <div id="CorporateTextContainer"> <p class="defaultCopy"> <a name="top"></a> <a href="#RBPBMarried">Rich Bride Poor Bride Is Looking for MARRIED COUPLES!</a><br/> <a href="#newshow">New show coming to SLICE</a><br/> <a href="#At the End of My Leash">At the End of My Leash</a><br/> <a href="#Bulging Brides">Bulging Brides</a><br/> <a href="#Dress You Age">Dress Your Age</a><br/> <a href="#Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp">Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp</a><br/> <a href="#Newlywed, Nearly Dead">Newlywed, Nearly Dead</a><br/> <a href="#Party Mamas">Party Mamas</a><br/> <a href="#Princess">Princess, Gail Vaz-Oxlade's New Show</a><br/> <a href="#RichBride">Rich Bride Poor Bride </a><br/> <a href="#RichGroom">Rich Groom Poor Groom </a><br/> <a href="#New Wedding Show">New Wedding Show </a><br/> <a href="#Debt_Baby">Til Debt Do Us Part: Baby Edition</a><br/> <a href="#Debt_Home">Til Debt Do Us Part: Home Edition</a><br/> <a href="#xweighted">X-Weighted: Families</a><br/> <br/><br/> </p> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="RBPBMarried">Rich Bride Poor Bride Is Looking for MARRIED COUPLES!</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Was your wedding day everything you’ve ever dreamed of? Did you have a blast or was it a total bust?</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Canada’s most popular wedding television series, Rich Bride Poor Bride, is looking for fun, dynamic married couples that want to share what being married has taught them about life and love.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Laughter, tears, tantrums, struggles—we want to hear the exciting story of your journey to the altar! </p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you’re interested in being on the show and have been married for more than 10 years, please send a recent photo, as well as a brief description of how you met, fell in love, and planned your big day to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="newshow">New show coming to SLICE</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED <u>OR</u> HAVING A BABY WHILE PLANNING A HOME RENOVATION?</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Is the stress of planning your wedding OR having a baby while undergoing a home renovation causing tension? Are you in a race against time to finish your renovation before the big day arrives? How will you stretch your dollar to make it all happen?</p> <p class="defaultCopy">We're looking for fun couples who would like to share their stories as they navigate through the ups and downs of planning a renovation while preparing for a wedding OR the arrival of a baby. </p> <p class="defaultCopy">With a little extra help form our design team, you'll be one step closer to finishing your reno before the big day arrives.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">If your dream of having it all has left you in over your head, a new series in development for SLICE wants to hear from you! </p> <p class="defaultCopy">For more details and to apply, please email <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="At the End of My Leash">At the End of My Leash</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Is your dog tearing your family apart? Do you fight over four-legged issues such as who gets to sleep on the bed, who runs after the runaway, and who cleans up, picks up, and puts up with Fido? Are these dog-fights threatening your relationship? Are you at the end of your leash?</p> <p class="defaultCopy">With his unique training and counselling skills, life coach and innovative dog trainer Brad Pattison will stop the fur from flying—with your family—and with Fido! If your family is in an out-and-out dog fight over dog issues and you are willing to let Brad and a camera crew in to help you fix your problems, email <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with a photo and your story or fill out a questionnaire at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Thank you!</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Bulging Brides">Bulging Brides</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Are you getting married and hoping to lose 15-30 pounds before your big day? Did you buy a dress that's too tight in all the wrong places?</p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you're between the ages of 20-40, live in B.C.'s Lower Mainland, have a fun, outgoing personality, and your wedding is taking place after March 2009, you could have Vancouver's top trainer, Tommy Europe, kick your butt into shape.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you're selected, you'll get a customized fitness and nutrition plan, free exercise gear, and, most importantly, a jaw-dropping new body for your wedding day! But it comes with a price: six weeks of hard work. With a little determination and our expert help, that dress will fit better than you ever dreamed.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Just email us a few pictures (including full length), your wedding date, height, weight, and tell us why you would be great on our show. Send it to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Enjoy the show!</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Dress You Age">Dress Your Age </a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Do you know someone who is a walking fashion disaster? Someone who dresses dangerously inappropriate for her age? Are they in desperate need of a wardrobe wake-up call? If you have a female friend or relative whose drastic way of dressing is totally distasteful, then secretly nominate her to appear on Slice's fabulous new makeover series, Dress Your Age.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Dress Your Age is looking to help women everywhere find and define their most age-defying style. With the support of our fierce fashion guru, Dress Your Age helps the fashionably clueless become fashionably fearless through some fun adventures in dressing. It's a fashion-adventure joyride that ultimately teaches women everywhere how to feel and look their absolute best at any age! </p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you would like to nominate someone, email us directly at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (Emails that are not nominations or are incomplete will be deleted.)</p> <ol style="padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 30px; font-size:0.7em; color:#555151;"> <li>In the subject line of your email, you must list the City/Town and name of your nomination (i.e.,<strong>Toronto - Mary Jones</strong>,) At this time, we are casting participants in the Greater Toronto Area, Southern Ontario Region.</li> <li>In the email, include your name, age, occupation, marital status, and relationship to nominee. Also include your nominee's name, age, size, height, occupation, marital status, children if any. Describe her personality, her style, and why you feel that she dresses inappropriately for her age.</li> <li>Please include any interesting anecdotes, stories, or facts about your nominee.</li> <li>Include 2 pictures that illustrate her inappropriate fashion sense (this is a must!)</li> <li>Be sure to include all pertinent contact information, including phone numbers, emails, etc. We look forward to receiving your nomination!</li> </ol> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp">Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Attention Vancouver-area women, men, and brides-to-be: Are you desperate to fit into that great pair of jeans that you haven't worn since high school? Do you have an event that you must attend but can't bear the thought of going unless you can shed those nagging last 10 pounds? Well then it's time to get extreme and enter The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp. Our new weight loss and "body sculpting" series wants you! We'll provide a personal trainer and personal dietician to help you find the perfect you! Four weeks of expert advice, hard work, and a fabulous new target outfit and fitness wardrobe await those selected. You should be physically fit, ready to work, live in the lower mainland, and have an outgoing personality.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Send us a description of yourself, digital photos, contact info, as well as the exact location of your last 10 pounds (hips? tummy? seat? arms?).</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Send your note and photos to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Thank you!</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Newlywed, Nearly Dead">Newlywed, Nearly Dead</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Be the star of your very own newlywed show!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you're a fun-loving couple married three years or less, you and your new husband or wife can take part in the hit show, "Newlywed, Nearly Dead?"</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Now in Season 3, the series is looking for real couples like you to take part and help other couples come to terms with the reality that “newlywed bliss” isn't always a reality.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Not only do you get an opportunity to do super-cool activities, but our newlywed expert helps to squash those newlywed pet peeves!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Apply now by sending an email to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or call 416.598.2500 x224 for more information.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Party Mamas">Party Mamas </a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Think your child is a TV star? Are you an over-the-top mom throwing an extravagant party for your child? Then this is your chance to be featured in an upcoming episode of the hit reality series Party Mamas. We're looking for charismatic and feisty moms (and their event planners) who are throwing parties for their spirited children. If you're planning a party to remember, have high expectations, and believe it's your way or the highway, then we want to hear from you!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">We're currently casting anywhere in North America for people throwing the most fabulous parties, including birthdays, bar/bat mitzvahs, graduations, debutante balls, media launches, baby and bridal showers, engagements, anniversaries, quinceaneras, and any other event or milestone honoring your son or daughter (except for weddings). </p> <p class="defaultCopy">To apply, please send your contact info, photo of you and your family, the date of the party, a detailed description of your party, along with <a href="">this downloadable questionnaire</a>, to: <a href="" title="Email Party Mamas Your questionnaire"></a> or call 416-588-6821, ext. 227.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Princess">Princess, Gail Vaz-Oxlade's New Show</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Do you have a princess in your life? You know, a friend or family member who thinks the world revolves around her? A girl who can't leave the house unless she's in $300 jeans and matching manicure? Someone whose bad behaviour means that personal and professional relationships are suffering in the process? Want to give her a dose of reality? </p> <p class="defaultCopy">Slice Network's new program Princess is on the hunt for those demanding divas. Our host, Gail Vaz-Oxlade, is about to blast her tough-love tactics onto a whole new generation of women. Watch as Gail sets these girls straight when it comes to career, money, and relationships and thrusts them into the life they've always dreaded: their own! </p> <p class="defaultCopy">Contact us by email at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p> <p class="defaultCopy">So nominate the pampered prima donna in your life and see if she can earn some respect in the real world. Your princess's envious lifestyle is about to get the dose of reality it's always needed.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="RichBride">Rich Bride Poor Bride</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Invite Canada To Your Wedding!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Canada's most popular wedding television series, Rich Bride Poor Bride, is gearing up for another successful season and we're looking for fun, dynamic couples to share the story of their big day.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">No matter how high or low your budget, you can have your cake and wedding, too!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">If you're getting married and would like to audition for Rich Bride Poor Bride, airing in over 75 countries internationally and in Canada on Slice, we'd love to meet you!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Benefits of sharing your journey with us include the service of one of Canada's top wedding planners who will organize and arrange your wedding for free, as well as the chance to participate in our giveaway of an all-inclusive trip for two of our lucky couples. </p> <p class="defaultCopy">For more details and to apply, email us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="RichGroom">Rich Groom Poor Groom</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">The team that brought you the international hit series Rich Bride Poor Bride introduces Rich Groom Poor Groom, the new series featuring DYNAMIC grooms who want to take charge of planning their big day and the adventurous brides who’ll let them. </p> <p class="defaultCopy">NOW CASTING COUPLES getting married JUNE to DECEMBER 2010.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">For more information and to audition, email us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="New Wedding Show">New Wedding Show </a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Getting married? Slice is giving couples a free high-end wedding planner and potentially thousands of dollars’ worth of assistance.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">We’re casting for ENGAGED COUPLES AND THEIR MOMS who live within a couple of hours of Toronto and who are planning on getting married between now and August, 2012. </p> <p class="defaultCopy">Couples should be open to the idea of having their moms help organize the wedding.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">To find out more, please email <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Debt_Baby">Til Debt Do Us Part: Baby Edition</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy"><strong>Til Debt Do Us Part</strong> is back, and this time, host Gail Vaz-Oxlade focuses on families who are struggling financially due to the recent or impending arrival of a new bundle of joy and are facing a conflict when it comes to managing their money.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">With her take-charge approach, financial expert Gail Vaz-Oxlade will help parents navigate the minefield of the first year of baby’s life and learn to give up their short term indulgences to build a safe and secure future for their children. Couples that qualify may earn up to $5000 for their participation.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Specifically, we are seeking those who have a newborn one year old or under, or who are expecting their baby before December, 2010, and whose debt is attributable to:</p> <ul> <li>Expensive fertility treatments</li> <li>Multiples</li> <li>An unexpected pregnancy</li> <li>Having two babies that are born within one year of each other</li> <li>SAHM’s (stay-at-home-moms) Gone Wild at the mall </li> <li>Dads who’ve lost their job while mom is still on maternity leave</li> <li>Expecting or new single moms who are going it alone </li> <li>Adoption</li> </ul> <p class="defaultCopy">To apply, please download an application at and email the application and a photo of you and your family to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="Debt_Home">Til Debt Do Us Part: Home Edition</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">Home ownership is one of the biggest and potentially rewarding financial commitments that a couple can make, but there are thousands of homeowners who are now questioning their decisions and financial expert <strong>Gail Vaz-Oxlade</strong> is here to help.</p> <p class="defaultCopy"><strong>TDDUP: Homes Edition</strong> focuses on <strong>couples and families</strong> who are struggling financially with the challenges of home ownership and facing a conflict when it comes to managing their money while keeping a roof over their heads. Couples that qualify may earn up to $5000 for their participation.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Specifically, we are seeking couples that own a house or townhouse (sorry, no apartment-style condos) and are drowning in debt because:</p> <ul> <li>You put the entire down payment on credit</li> <li>You undertook major renovations that you couldn’t afford</li> <li>You consolidated consumer debt into the mortgage, over-extended on Home Equity lines of credit or took out a 2nd mortgage</li> <li>You didn’t budget for repairs and now you can’t afford to fix a home emergency</li> <li>You bought a home way out of your price range in order to live in a desirable neighbourhood and are struggling to keep it</li> <li>You got caught in a bidding war</li> <li>You spent a fortune on décor, appliances or furniture</li> <li>One of you lost their job and now you can’t pay the mortgage</li> <li>You placed a partial deposit on a new home and risk losing it because you can’t come up with the rest</li> <li>You bought when rates were low and are now facing losing your home due to spiraling interest rates</li> </ul> <p class="defaultCopy">To apply, please download an application at and email the application and a photo of you and your family to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> <h4><a name="xweighted">X-Weighted: Families</a></h4> <p class="defaultCopy">HOW FIT IS YOUR FAMILY? X-WEIGHTED IS CALLING ALL FAMILIES FOR ITS FIFTH SEASON!</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Airing on Slice, X-Weighted: Families is an inspiring series of one-hour documentaries showcasing the triumph of losing weight by encouraging healthy lifestyles and hard work. For its upcoming fifth season, X-Weighted is looking for more families ready to come to terms with their unhealthy reality. Each episode will follow a different family in their struggles and successes in effecting positive change through nutrition and exercise in their lives over a period of six months. We're looking for families who want to make healthy living a priority, inspiring both themselves and audiences everywhere.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Contact us if your family:</p> <ul> <li>is sick of living an unhealthy lifestyle and wants to make positive changes, </li> <li>has children between the ages of 8 and 17, </li> <li>lives in (or within an hour's drive of) VANCOUVER, CALGARY, or KELOWNA.</li> </ul> <p class="defaultCopy">We want to tell your story. </p> <p class="defaultCopy">Apply now by downloading the <a href="/web/20100723142652/" target="_blank">application questionnaire</a>. Please complete the questionnaire and send it with current, full-length photos of your family via:</p> <p class="defaultCopy"> E-mail: <a href=""></a><br/> Fax: (780) 465-0580<br/> Mail: Anaid Productions<br/> 208–3132 Parsons Road,<br/> Edmonton, AB, T6N 1L6<br/> </p> <p class="defaultCopy">Submit your application to X-Weighted as soon as possible.</p> <p class="defaultCopy">Check out NEW episodes of X-Weighted: Families on Slice Thursdays @ 8pm ET/5pm PT.</p> <p class="defaultCopy" align="right"><a href="#top">Top of Page</a></p><br/> <!-- ################### --> <!-- ################### --> </div> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="mainRight_Column"> <div id="BigBoxContainer" class="BBoxBg"> <script type="text/javascript">getAd('BigBox');</script> </div> <div id="BigBoxSpacer"></div> <div class="RightColumnPattern"> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> <div class="RightPromoContainer"> <div id="ctl00_ctl00_Inner_Promo2Holder_SubscribeBox_NormalContainer"> <div class="RightTitleContainer"> <a href="/web/20100723142652/"><img alt="Slice Casting Call" src="/web/20100723142652im_/" height="40" width="180"/></a> </div> <p id="NewsletterTextContainer" class="defaultCopy"><span id="ctl00_ctl00_Inner_Promo2Holder_SubscribeBox_signUpBlurbLB1">Apply to be on your favourite Slice show!</span></p> <p class="NewsletterButton NewsletterButtonPadding"><a href="/web/20100723142652/" onmouseout="Newsletter1.src='/Media/Images/Global/CastingCall_BT.jpg'" onmouseover="Newsletter1.src='/Media/Images/Global/CastingCall_BT_hover.jpg'"><img alt="Visit our Casting Calls" id="Newsletter1" src="/web/20100723142652im_/" height="22" width="124"/></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> </div> <div class="RightFadeDivider"><img alt="" src="/web/20100723142652im_/"/></div> <div class="RightColumnPattern"> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> <div id="flash_scheduleContainer" style="float:left"> <div class="OnTVPlaceHolderLG"> <img src="/web/20100723142652im_/" height="40" width="288" alt="On TV Tonight"/> <ul class="OnTVul"> <li class="OnTVli"><a href="/web/20100723142652/">For Our Full schedule</a></li> <li class="OnTVli"><a href="/web/20100723142652/">Watch Videos on Slice</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = new SWFObject("/Media/Flash/ModuleSchedule.swf","schedule",288,190,8); obj.addVariable("xml","/Media/Flash/ModuleSchedule.xml"); obj.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); obj.addParam("menu","false"); obj.write("flash_scheduleContainer"); </script> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> </div> <div class="RightFadeDivider"><img alt="" src="/web/20100723142652im_/"/></div> <div class="RightColumnPattern"> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> <div class="RightPromoContainer"> <span id="ctl00_ctl00_Inner_Promo4Holder_RightColumnPromo1_StrutFeature"> <a href="/web/20100723142652/"><img alt="Rich Bride, Poor Bride - Season 5" src="/web/20100723142652im_/" class="RightPromoImg"/></a><div class="RightPromoTitleWrapper"><p><a href="/web/20100723142652/" class="white_bold_txt">Rich Bride, Poor Bride - Season 5</a></p></div><div class="RightPromoSubtitleWrapper"><p class="white_bold_txt">Mondays at 9pmET/6pmPT</p></div> </span> </div> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> </div> <div class="flashSpacer"></div> <div class="RightColumnPattern"> <div class="BorderFades"> </div> <div class="RightPromoContainer"> <span id="ctl00_ctl00_Inner_Promo5Holder_RightColumnPromo2_StrutFeature"> <a href="/web/20100723142652/"><img alt="Wedding SOS - Season 5 " src="/web/20100723142652im_/" class="RightPromoImg"/></a><div class="RightPromoTitleWrapper"><p><a href="/web/20100723142652/" class="white_bold_txt">Wedding SOS - Season 5 </a></p></div><div class="RightPromoSubtitleWrapper"><p class="white_bold_txt">New Season! 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