University Student Awards | American University, Washington, DC
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</div><div id="cs_control_4702274" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-4702274" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-4702274"> <h1>President's Award</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-4702274"> <p>This award goes to one graduating undergraduate student, who receives $1,000.</p> <p>The President's Award is the highest award for undergraduate students and is presented to a graduating student whose accomplishments during the course of their undergraduate years are truly exceptional and reflect the highest ideals of American University.<br /> <br /> Nominees will have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement, integrity, selflessness, leadership, and service to the Washington, D.C., community. They will have contributed significantly to building community and promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural and racial diversity on the AU campus.<br /> <br /> In addition, the nominees must be eligible for Latin Honors:</p> <ul> <li>Achievement of a minimum 3.67 cumulative grade point average and a semester GPA of 3.67 (for the most recent completed semester)</li> <li>Completion of at least 60 credit hours required for the degree in residence at American University聽</li> </ul> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_4702288" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-4702288" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-4702288"> <h1>Scott A. Bass Outstanding Scholarship at the Undergraduate Level Award</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-4702288"> <p>This award is named in honor of Provost Emeritus Scott A. Bass to acknowledge his longstanding commitment to and support of academic excellence and high-quality, cutting edge research at the undergraduate level.聽聽It is presented聽to two graduating undergraduate students, who receive $1,000 each.</p> <p>This highly competitive award recognizes the nominee's sustained excellent academic record and exceptional academic success as exemplified by extraordinary publications, research, creative work, merit awards, or competitive selection for presentations at regional and national academic societies and conferences, or participation and recognition at case, brand, or product competitions.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_4702289" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-4702289" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-4702289"> <h1>Outstanding Scholarship at the Graduate Level Award</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-4702289"> <p>This award goes to two graduating master's, MFA,聽LLM, JD, SJD, EdD, or PhD students, who receive $500 each.</p> <p>This highly competitive award recognizes the nominee's sustained excellent academic record and exceptional academic success as exemplified by extraordinary publications, research, creative work, merit awards, or competitive selection for presentations at regional and national academic societies and conferences, or participation and recognition at case, brand, or product competitions.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_4702290" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-4702290" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-4702290"> <h1>Outstanding Service to the University Community Award</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-4702290"> <p>This award goes to two graduating students (undergraduate, graduate or law), who receive $500 each.</p> <p>Requires demonstration of unique contributions and sustained service that will leave a lasting impact on the University community, whether through student government, public service, organizational leadership, or a combination of several categories.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_4702291" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-4702291" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-4702291"> <h1>Student Achievement Awards</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-4702291"> <p>Eleven students receive Student Achievement Awards, named after聽<a href="/universityawards/Student-Achievement-Awards-History.cfm" >significant individuals from AU's history.</a>聽Each of the recipients must聽be graduating undergraduate students. Awards amounts vary.聽Student Achievement Awards聽require demonstration of unique contributions as well as service benefiting the American University community. Criteria are very specific; find out more about the awards and their recent recipients to learn more!</p> <h3>Bruce Hughes Award</h3> <p>A senior who has performed outstanding service to the University community and demonstrated unusual depth and maturity in leadership abilities.聽</p> <h3>Carlton Savage Award</h3> <p>An international student who has contributed most to increase intercultural understanding at the University.</p> <h3>Catheryn Seckler-Hudson Award</h3> <p>A senior who best exemplifies qualities of character and achievement, while making significant contributions to Student Government.</p> <h3>Charles C. Glover Award</h3> <p>A senior who has best combined citizenship and business leadership in service to the University community.</p> <h3>Charles W. Van Way Award</h3> <p>A student who has contributed the most to building community at the University.</p> <h3>Evelyn Swarthout Hayes Award</h3> <p>A student who has contributed most to the University through the arts, while maintaining a high academic average.</p> <h3>Fletcher Scholar Award</h3> <p>A senior who best exemplifies integrity and selflessness in citizenship on and off campus, together with academic achievement.</p> <h3 id="hanson">Gail Short Hanson Award for Advocacy</h3> <p>A student聽who has demonstrated principled and informed leadership in advancing a cause, policy or program objective that benefits the campus community or a community beyond the campus.聽</p> <h3>Harold Johnson Award</h3> <p>A student who has contributed most to promoting understanding and acceptance of cultural and racial diversity within the University community.</p> <h3>Kinsman-Hurst Award</h3> <p>A senior who has made significant contributions to the University while maintaining a high scholastic record and serving in Student Government or the Student Conduct system.</p> <h3>Stafford H. Cassell Award</h3> <p>A senior who best exemplifies the traits of Stafford Cassell - total, selfless dedication to the University, profound energy, reliability, intellectual curiosity, friendliness, and helpfulness.</p> <h3><i>For the Student Affairs Awards category, see below.</i></h3> <p>聽</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6488308" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6488308" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6488308"> <h1>Student Affairs Awards</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6488308"> <p>Seventeen students receive Student Affairs Awards, recognizing a variety of contributions to the AU community. Criteria and eligibility are very specific.聽<strong>Every nominee must submit a nomination narrative using the form below. This is a seperate process </strong>from the President's Award, Outstanding Scholarship, Outstanding Service, and Student Achievement awards.聽<strong>The deadline for submitting nominations to the Student Affairs Awards is March 20, 2024.</strong><br /> <a class="btn btn-primary" href=" ">Nominate Here</a></p> <h3>聽</h3> <h3><strong>Richard L. Schlegel Legion of Honor Award</strong></h3> <p>Recognizes a currently enrolled outstanding American University student who supports the needs of LGBTQIA+ community and issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The award will honor recipients who demonstrate advocating, educating, improving policies, and raising awareness about issues related to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for American University community members of all sexual orientation, gender identities and gender expression to thrive.</p> <h3><strong>First-Generation Student Achievement Award</strong></h3> <p>Recognizes a currently enrolled outstanding American University student who supports the needs of first-generation student community. The award will honor recipients who demonstrate advocating, educating, improving policies, creating pathways, and raising awareness about issues related to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for first- generation students at American University to thrive. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible.)</p> <h3><strong>The Kay Spiritual Life Center Leadership Award</strong></h3> <p>This award is presented to a student who best exemplifies the vision of Kay Spiritual Life Center, helping students of all beliefs explore meaning, discern purpose, and find community on campus. This award will acknowledge the energy, creativity, and service of a student in creating community and programming across different beliefs that make up the KSLC and AU community. (Graduating Seniors only)</p> <h3><strong>Collaborative Community Engagement Award</strong></h3> <p>The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement recognizes a student led team (of 2 or more individuals) that has exemplified outstanding collaborative leadership and significant engagement in the community. It acknowledges groups for the achievement of their work that impacted American University and Washington DC/DMV communities through advocacy or awareness initiatives during the past academic year. Teams that have effectively worked together to engage with a community partner or develop and implement a community engagement project or initiative will be considered for this award. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible.)</p> <h3><strong>Active Citizen Award</strong></h3> <p>The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement honors a student who embodies the principles of active citizenship through exemplary community service, leadership, and a steadfast commitment to addressing both global and domestic issues. This award is designed to honor students who have made significant contributions to social change locally and globally. It recognizes students who have actively participated in community projects, global initiatives, or social change movements, demonstrating a commitment to creating a positive impact beyond their immediate environment. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible.)</p> <h3><strong>The Catalyst Award</strong></h3> <p>The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement honors an individual who has not only dedicated themselves to meaningful community service but has demonstrated exceptional mentorship and leadership qualities. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible.)</p> <h3><strong><strong>Soaring Eagle Award</strong></strong></h3> <p>This award recognizes a student on an executive board of a recognized student organization who has demonstrated exceptional leadership and service to the AU community, academic achievement, and outstanding contributions to campus life. This student shows a dedication and commitment to advancing the mission of their organization and creating a sense of belonging and connection on campus. Nominees must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate students are eligible. Must be in a leadership position in a registered student organization)</p> <h3 id="hanson"><strong>Emerging Eagle Award</strong></h3> <p>This award recognizes a rising sophomore or junior student who is actively involved in campus life and demonstrates a potential for leadership. This student has made a significant contribution to their organization and/or impact on campus. Nominees must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.</p> <h3>CSI Award of Excellence (2)</h3> <p>This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated excellence in leadership in a CSI recognized board or council through membership development, academic achievement, and outstanding contributions to campus life. This student shows a dedication and commitment to advancing the mission of their governing board and creating a sense of belonging and connection on campus. Candidates must have at least a 3.0 GPA. (The recipient must be a leader in AUSG, AUCC, Student Media Board, Student Activities Council, Graduate Leadership Council, Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council or Intercultural Greek Collective.)聽</p> <h3>Community Impact Award (4)</h3> <p>This award recognizes a RSO that has had a significant impact on the AU community through membership development, leadership, programming, and service.</p> <h3>Outstanding Student Leader Award</h3> <p>The Outstanding Student Leader Award is crafted to honor students who have exhibited remarkable dedication and leadership by actively participating in one or more campus activities, leading to a tangible improvement in the campus's overall quality of life. The recipient of this award will have contributed significantly to fostering a positive campus environment, elevating the standard of student life, and actively contributing to the continuity of effective leadership. (Currently enrolled Undergraduate students)</p> <h3>Advisor of the Year Award</h3> <p>This award aims to acknowledge the exemplary contributions of a student organization advisor who has demonstrated outstanding service, unwavering dedication, and exceptional leadership in guiding the organization they advise.</p> <h3><i>The deadline for submitting nominations to the Student Affairs Awards is聽<u>March 20, 2024</u>.</i></h3> <p>聽</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_4702329" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="row text-block clearfix" id="txt-4702329"> <div class="col-xs-12 no-bs-padding-left"> <h2>聽</h2> <h2 id="nominate">How to Nominate聽</h2> <p><em><strong>Nominations for 2024聽University Student Awards are closed.聽</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Deadline</strong>: Wednesday,聽March 20, 2024</p> <p><strong>How:聽</strong>Fill out the online nomination form (by clicking the "nominate student" button below). It includes聽a聽"nomination narrative" that says why you're nominating the student.聽</p> <p><strong>Who is eligible:聽</strong>Students聽graduating between聽<strong>August 2023聽and May 2024</strong>聽(This includes all聽students eligible to walk in the December 2023 or May 2024聽graduation ceremonies.)聽Of the 18聽awards, 14聽go to undergraduates,聽two go聽to graduate students, and two awards are open to both groups.</p> <p><strong>Who can nominate:聽</strong>Anyone at AU - so students, faculty and聽staff聽may all nominate. We also accept and encourage self-nominations.聽<br /> <button class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled" href="">Nominate Student</button></p> <ul> </ul> <h2 id="upload">Optional Supporting Material</h2> <p><strong><i></i></strong></p> <p><strong><i>The deadline to upload supporting material has passed.</i></strong></p> <p><i></i><strong>Deadline:聽</strong>Friday, March 22, 2024</p> <p>After the nomination,聽other material can be added -聽such as a聽<strong>resume聽</strong>or聽<strong>up to 3 recommendation letters.</strong>聽Recommendations are support material for existing nominations.<strong>聽</strong>They do not create the聽nomination and can't be uploaded until there's an existing nomination.聽</p> <p><strong>Who writes recommendations:聽</strong>Anyone who knows your work or impact - e.g. faculty, staff,聽fellow students, off-campus internship supervisors, etc.<strong><i></i></strong><br /> <i></i><button class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled" href="">Nominate Student</button></p> <p>聽</p> <h2>Questions (and Do's and Dont's)</h2> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267564" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267564" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267564"> <h2>Can a student nominate themselves or a friend?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267564"> <p>Yes. But in that case, it will strengthen the nomination to have a recommendation letter from someone else. (Though this is not required.) Please see the tips below to avoid common errors!</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267577" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267577" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267577"> <h2>Important Tips for Self-Nominations or Nominations by Friends: Do's and Don'ts</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267577"> <ul> <li><strong>Please do not have a group of friends submit a flood of nominations lacking in content.聽</strong>It is strongly advised that friends who wish to support an existing nomination submit recommendation letters - NOT another nomination. One nomination is good; three nominations are more than sufficient. Please note that we exercise the right to cap the nominations at six, and will reject excessive nominations that are submitted without narratives. As wonderful as it is to support a friend, it is important to do so in a way that will be truly helpful.</li> <li><strong>Please do not submit nominations without narratives or with minimal content.聽</strong>A nomination with no content is not helpful, unless you have written a separate recommendation letter. Please note, too, that minimal content - such as a single sentence or two that says "so-and-so is a great person and very helpful and deserves an award" - is not a strong nomination. A single compelling nomination, or one nomination聽with a single compelling recommendation letter, will beat multiple聽nominations with no content every time.聽</li> <li><strong>If self-nominating, recommendations are strongly advised.聽</strong>Sometimes it's easiest to self-nominate, for various reasons - including the simplicity of filling out the form. This does NOT harm your chances! But please do submit recommendations from faculty, staff, peers, or others who know your work and impact and can speak to why you're a strong candidate for a particular award.</li> <li><strong>Please be intentional in your choice of awards, and do not</strong>聽<strong>nominate yourself for an excessive number. </strong>Each聽award is for a specific contribution and has its own criteria. Certainly some students qualify for multiple awards, and multiple nominations are very welcome.聽But a self-nomination for all awards available will not help your chances.聽</li> </ul> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267560" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267560" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267560"> <h2>What's the difference between a "nomination narrative" and a "recommendation"?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267560"> <p>The nomination narrative is聽part of the nomination itself.<em>聽</em>It's written into a text box on the nomination form by the nominator. (Of course, the聽nominator is clearly recommending the person they nominate! But it's not a "recommendation letter.")</p> <p>In contrast, a聽recommendation letter is an聽<em>additional聽</em>recommendation, from a person who did not聽nominate the student but supports the nomination. It's uploaded after the nomination has been created. It can be聽helpful but is not required.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6287150" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6287150" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6287150"> <h1>What is a good number of nominations for a single award?</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6287150"> <p>One.</p> <p>Most winners have a single compelling nomination. It is, of course, possible that more than one faculty member, staff member, or peer will nominate the same person - and that's great. But there is no advantage to having multiple nominations.聽</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6287153" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6287153" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6287153"> <h1>What is a good number of recommendation letters?</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6287153"> <p>One is fine. None is also fine, if there is a compelling nomination narrative.</p> <p>The main consideration with recommendation letters is the case they make for the student for the particular award.</p> <p>As a rule, we prefer no more than three recommendation letters. Quality is more important than quantity!聽</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267562" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267562" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267562"> <h2>Can a student be nominated for more than one award?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267562"> <p>Absolutely! Students can be nominated in multiple categories (President's Award, Scholarship, Outstanding Service, and Student Achievement). They can also be nominated for multiple awards within the 11 Student Achievement Award category.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267566" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267566" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267566"> <h2>Can I nominate or recommend more than one student?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267566"> <p>Yes. You can nominate students for multiple awards, nominate several students for the same awards, or support nominations of multiple students with recommendation letters.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267572" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267572" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267572"> <h2>Can I start a nomination and then edit it later?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267572"> <p>Yes, although it's not really a "nomination" until it's submitted. You can save聽it in draft and keep working on it until you're ready to submit. But the student cannot upload support material until they're officially nominated, so please聽try to finalize it early and submit! After you hit "submit," you can still go back and edit the nomination until the deadline.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6267575" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6267575" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6267575"> <h2>Can I nominate a student and also write a recommendation letter for them?</h2> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6267575"> <p>Please don't. It doesn't help, because it's just a duplicate - assuming you've written the nomination narrative on the form, as per the directions.</p> <p>In order to nominate, you must write a nomination narrative on the form,聽where you say why you're nominating them.聽<strong>This is your "recommendation," </strong>and there's enough space in the box to make a solid case.聽</p> <p>It is possible to simply write "recommendation letter attached" in the nomination narrative box, and then upload a recommendation letter as supporting material. But that's not the preferred approach.</p> <p>Recommendation letters are supposed to come from people who are NOT the nominators, and are considered supporting material.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6268276" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-intern-blue narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-intern-blue"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6268276" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6268276"> <h1>Can a non-AU person write a recommendation letter?</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6268276"> <p>A recommendation letter, yes. A nomination, no.</p> <p>The nomination must exist first. All nominations must come from within AU. However, we welcome supplemental materials聽(such as a recommendation letter) from anyone who knows your work - including non-AU indicviduals such as an internship supervisor, a retired or former faculty or staff member,聽etc.聽</p> <p>Please connect first by email with the contact person for your award聽(see names and emails聽above in the "Contacts" box), as you or the recommender may need to email it to them in order to attach it to the nomination.</p> </div> </section> </div><div id="cs_control_6286803" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section class="collapsible clearfix collapse-suffragist-purple narrow-margin"> <header class="col-xs-12 bg-suffragist-purple"> <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse-6286803" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-6286803"> <h1>Can I email a recommendation letter instead?</h1> </a> </header> <div class="collapse col-xs-12" id="collapse-6286803"> <p>Please try to upload into the system by following the instructions above - it's really quite easy! If you do run into problems, though, you can email the appropriate contact for the award (listed above) with a request to help out.</p> <p><b>Only letters in the form of documents can be attached to nominations by our team.聽</b>An email message cannot be used as a recommendation letter. There must be a separate document for each recommendation (e.g. you can't send a single letter and then get it attached to multiple awards. Each award needs a separate letter.)</p> <p>Recommenders from outside AU may email the appropriate contact for the award category or send their letter to the nominee, who can upload it.</p> </div> </section> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> <div class="hidden-xs hiddem-sm col-md-1 col-lg-1"></div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-4 no-bs-padding section-right"> <div id="cs_control_4673360" class="cs_control CS_Element_Schedule"><div title="" id="CS_Element_4702210_4673360"><div id="gridRow_1_1_4673360" class="cs_GridRow"><div id="gridCol_1_1_1_1_4673360" class="cs_GridColumn"><div id="cs_control_4714981" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <section data-audience="All Students" class="el-flex-grid flex-count-6 clearfix"> <header class="col-xs-12 no-bs-padding"> </header> <article class="el-flex-item flex-left col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-12 no-bs-padding"> <div id="cs_control_4714983" class="cs_control CS_Element_Schedule"><div title="" id="CS_Element_4702210_4714983"><div id="gridRow_1_1_4714983" class="cs_GridRow"><div id="gridCol_1_1_1_1_4714983" class="cs_GridColumn"><div id="cs_control_4714987" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <div class="flex-promo-text solid right-exclude bg-intern-blue" data-analytics-label="Contacts"> <header> <h2>Contacts</h2> </header> <div class="promo-content"><p><strong>For President's Award:</strong><br /> Lisa Arakaki<br /> Office of the President<br /> <a href="" ></a></p> <p><strong>For Outstanding Scholarship:</strong><br /> Sara Biggs<br /> Office of the Provost<br /> <a href="" ></a></p> <p><strong>For Student Achievement Awards and Outstanding Service:</strong><br /> Dayne Hutchinson<br /> Divison of Student Affairs<br /> <a href="" ></a></p></div> </div> <script> // Override style / color preference in right sidebar placement unless override has been indicated in element data $('.section-right').find('.flex-promo-text.right-exclude').removeClass('solid').addClass('outline'); $('.right-col').find('.flex-promo-text.right-exclude').removeClass('solid').addClass('outline'); </script> </div></div></div></div></div> </article> <article class="el-flex-item flex-left col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-12 no-bs-padding"> <div id="cs_control_4714984" class="cs_control CS_Element_Schedule"><div title="" id="CS_Element_4702210_4714984"><div id="gridRow_1_1_4714984" class="cs_GridRow"><div id="gridCol_1_1_1_1_4714984" class="cs_GridColumn"><div id="cs_control_5760089" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <div class="flex-news-feature" data-analytics-label="Announcement Meet 2024鈥檚 University Student Award Winners"> <div class="news-photo"> <img src="/student-affairs/news/images/2024-University-Student-Awards_1_5589884_350x183.jpg" alt="2024 University Student Award winners"/> </div> <footer> <p> <span class="topic">Announcement</span> 路 <time class="pub-date" datetime="2024-05-08 00:05:00">May 8</time> </p> </footer> <header> <h1>Meet 2024鈥檚 University Student Award Winners</h1> </header> <p><a href="/student-affairs/news/2024-student-awards.cfm" class="btn btn-news" title="Read more about Meet 2024鈥檚 University Student Award Winners" aria-label="Read more about Meet 2024鈥檚 University Student Award Winners">Read More</a></p> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> </article> <article class="el-flex-item flex-left col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-12 no-bs-padding"> <div id="cs_control_4714985" class="cs_control CS_Element_Schedule"><div title="" id="CS_Element_4702210_4714985"><div id="gridRow_1_1_4714985" class="cs_GridRow"><div id="gridCol_1_1_1_1_4714985" class="cs_GridColumn"><div id="cs_control_6569577" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <div class="flex-news-feature" data-analytics-label="Student Life Honoring Some of AU鈥檚 Best and Brightest"> <div class="news-photo"> <img src="/news/images/D24_458_007_5589884_350x183.jpg" alt="From right, University Chaplain Bryant Oskvig with Caroline Routh, SIS/BA '23, winner of the Kay Spiritual Life Center Leadership Award. Photo by Jeff Watts."/> </div> <footer> <p> <span class="topic">Student Life</span> 路 <time class="pub-date" datetime="2024-05-14 00:05:00">May 14</time> </p> </footer> <header> <h1>Honoring Some of AU鈥檚 Best and Brightest</h1> </header> <p><a href="/news/Honoring-Some-of-AU-s-Best-and-Brightest.cfm" class="btn btn-news" title="Read more about Honoring Some of AU鈥檚 Best and Brightest" aria-label="Read more about Honoring Some of AU鈥檚 Best and Brightest">Read More</a></p> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> </article> <article class="el-flex-item flex-left col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-12 no-bs-padding"> <div id="cs_control_4714986" class="cs_control CS_Element_Schedule"><div title="" id="CS_Element_4702210_4714986"><div id="gridRow_1_1_4714986" class="cs_GridRow"><div id="gridCol_1_1_1_1_4714986" class="cs_GridColumn"><div id="cs_control_4714990" class="cs_control CS_Element_Custom"> <div class="flex-promo-text solid right-exclude bg-district-gray black-text" data-analytics-label="Past Winners"> <header> <h2>Past Winners</h2> </header> <div class="promo-content"><p>View past winners of the University Student Awards! 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But in that case, it will strengthen the nomination to have a recommendation letter from someone else. (Though this is not required.) Please see the tips below to avoid common errors!</p>"},"name":"Can a student nominate themselves or a friend?"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Please do not have a group of friends submit a flood of nominations lacking in content.聽</strong>It is strongly advised that friends who wish to support an existing nomination submit recommendation letters - NOT another nomination. One nomination is good; three nominations are more than sufficient. Please note that we exercise the right to cap the nominations at six, and will reject excessive nominations that are submitted without narratives. As wonderful as it is to support a friend, it is important to do so in a way that will be truly helpful.</li>\n\t<li><strong>Please do not submit nominations without narratives or with minimal content.聽</strong>A nomination with no content is not helpful, unless you have written a separate recommendation letter. Please note, too, that minimal content - such as a single sentence or two that says "so-and-so is a great person and very helpful and deserves an award" - is not a strong nomination. A single compelling nomination, or one nomination聽with a single compelling recommendation letter, will beat multiple聽nominations with no content every time.聽</li>\n\t<li><strong>If self-nominating, recommendations are strongly advised.聽</strong>Sometimes it's easiest to self-nominate, for various reasons - including the simplicity of filling out the form. This does NOT harm your chances! But please do submit recommendations from faculty, staff, peers, or others who know your work and impact and can speak to why you're a strong candidate for a particular award.</li>\n\t<li><strong>Please be intentional in your choice of awards, and do not</strong>聽<strong>nominate yourself for an excessive number. </strong>Each聽award is for a specific contribution and has its own criteria. Certainly some students qualify for multiple awards, and multiple nominations are very welcome.聽But a self-nomination for all awards available will not help your chances.聽</li>\n</ul>"},"name":"Important Tips for Self-Nominations or Nominations by Friends: Do's and Don'ts"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>The nomination narrative is聽part of the nomination itself.<em>聽</em>It's written into a text box on the nomination form by the nominator. (Of course, the聽nominator is clearly recommending the person they nominate! But it's not a "recommendation letter.")</p>\n\n<p>In contrast, a聽recommendation letter is an聽<em>additional聽</em>recommendation, from a person who did not聽nominate the student but supports the nomination. It's uploaded after the nomination has been created. It can be聽helpful but is not required.</p>"},"name":"What's the difference between a "nomination narrative" and a "recommendation"?"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Absolutely! Students can be nominated in multiple categories (President's Award, Scholarship, Outstanding Service, and Student Achievement). They can also be nominated for multiple awards within the 11 Student Achievement Award category.</p>"},"name":"Can a student be nominated for more than one award?"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Yes. You can nominate students for multiple awards, nominate several students for the same awards, or support nominations of multiple students with recommendation letters.</p>"},"name":"Can I nominate or recommend more than one student?"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Yes, although it's not really a "nomination" until it's submitted. You can save聽it in draft and keep working on it until you're ready to submit. But the student cannot upload support material until they're officially nominated, so please聽try to finalize it early and submit! After you hit "submit," you can still go back and edit the nomination until the deadline.</p>"},"name":"Can I start a nomination and then edit it later?"},{"@type":"Question","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Please don't. It doesn't help, because it's just a duplicate - assuming you've written the nomination narrative on the form, as per the directions.</p>\n\n<p>In order to nominate, you must write a nomination narrative on the form,聽where you say why you're nominating them.聽<strong>This is your "recommendation," </strong>and there's enough space in the box to make a solid case.聽</p>\n\n<p>It is possible to simply write "recommendation letter attached" in the nomination narrative box, and then upload a recommendation letter as supporting material. But that's not the preferred approach.</p>\n\n<p>Recommendation letters are supposed to come from people who are NOT the nominators, and are considered supporting material.</p>"},"name":"Can I nominate a student and also write a recommendation letter for them?"}]}</script> </div> <script> // Function to handle skip link click function skipTo(targetId) { var targetElement = document.getElementById(targetId); if (targetElement) { targetElement.tabIndex = -1; targetElement.focus(); } } </script> <!-- beg (1) PrimaryResources --> <script src="//"></script><script src="/commonspot/javascript/lightbox/overrides.js"></script><script src="/commonspot/javascript/lightbox/window_ref.js"></script><script src="/commonspot/pagemode/always-include-common.js"></script> <!-- end (1) PrimaryResources --> <!-- beg (2) SecondaryResources --> <link rel="dns-prefetch" href=""><script src=""></script><script src=""></script> <!-- end (2) SecondaryResources --> <!-- beg (3) CustomFoot --> <!-- end (3) CustomFoot --> <!-- beg (4) TertiaryResources --> <script src="/customcf/2016-redesign/js/script.js?v=20241108"></script> <!-- end (4) TertiaryResources --><script> <!-- var jsPageContributeMode = 'read'; var jsPageSessionContributeMode = 'read'; var jsPageAuthorMode = 0; var jsPageEditMode = 0; if(!commonspot) var commonspot = {}; commonspot.csPage = {}; commonspot.csPage.url = '/universityawards/students.cfm'; = 4702210; commonspot.csPage.siteRoot = '/'; commonspot.csPage.subsiteRoot = '/universityawards/'; // --> </script> <script> <!-- if (typeof parent.commonspot == 'undefined' || typeof parent.commonspot.lview == 'undefined' || typeof parent.commonspot.lightbox == 'undefined') loadNonDashboardFiles(); else if (parent.commonspot && typeof newWindow == 'undefined') { var arrFiles = [ {fileName: '/commonspot/javascript/lightbox/overrides.js', fileType: 'script', fileID: 'cs_overrides'}, {fileName: '/commonspot/javascript/lightbox/window_ref.js', fileType: 'script', fileID: 'cs_windowref'} ]; loadDashboardFiles(arrFiles); } //--> </script> </body></html>