5 photos of Donald Trump with famous Muslims - POLITICO
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(While the ban would include both immigrants and visitors, Trump later clarified that it would not apply to American citizens traveling abroad and would allow some exemptions.) “We have to do the right thing,” Trump told Barbara Walters on Tuesday night. “Somebody in this country has to say what’s right. I have great respect and love – I have people I have tremendous relationships with, they’re Muslim, and, Barbara, they agree with me 100 percent.” POLITICO takes a look at some of Trump’s past relationships with Muslims or those who have at one time identified with the Islamic faith."> <meta property="og:description" content="The political news cycle has been consumed with all things Donald Trump this week following his call Monday for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Members of both parties have called the Republican presidential front-runner’s proposal hateful, bigoted and dangerous – and many journalists have questioned whether it applies to his own Muslim friends. (While the ban would include both immigrants and visitors, Trump later clarified that it would not apply to American citizens traveling abroad and would allow some exemptions.) “We have to do the right thing,” Trump told Barbara Walters on Tuesday night. “Somebody in this country has to say what’s right. I have great respect and love – I have people I have tremendous relationships with, they’re Muslim, and, Barbara, they agree with me 100 percent.” POLITICO takes a look at some of Trump’s past relationships with Muslims or those who have at one time identified with the Islamic faith."> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta property="twitter:site" content="@politico"> <meta property="twitter:creator" content="@politico"> <meta property="og:fb_appid" content="114037015331397"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="icon" sizes="32x32" type="image/png" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="icon" sizes="192x192" type="image/png" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="icon" sizes="96x96" type="image/png" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="icon" sizes="16x16" type="image/png" href="/web/20151212174055im_/"> <link rel="manifest" href="/web/20151212174055/"> <link rel="mask-icon" href="/web/20151212174055im_/" color="#5bbad5"> <meta msapplication-tilecolor="content"> <meta msapplication-tileimage="content"> <meta theme-color="content"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="POLITICO"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script type="text/javascript">window.jQuery || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')</script><script type="text/javascript">if (Modernizr.touch) {document.write('<script src=""><\/script>') }</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!--[if lte IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/style-core.min.css"><script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/js.min/preload-ie.js"></script><![endif]--><script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><script>var gptadslots=[]; var googletag = googletag || {}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; (function(){ var gads = document.createElement('script'); gads.async = true; gads.type = 'text/javascript'; var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; gads.src = (useSSL ? 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}); </script> <section class="micro-carousel has-timeline"> <header class="micro-carousel-header"> <h2> <strong>50</strong> New </h2> </header> <div class="micro-carousel-group"> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="'Historic' climate deal in sight as nations parse final text" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-12T12:00-0500">12/12/15 12:00 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">'Historic' climate deal in sight as nations parse final text</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Andrew Restuccia</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The agreement still needs approval from representatives of the U.S. and 195 other governments.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T11:48-0500">12/12/15 11:48 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Podesta to donors: Cruz is likely GOP nominee</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Gabriel Debenedetti</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Clinton's campaign chairman says the Texas senator is likeliest, then Trump, Rubio.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="This week in photos on Capitol Hill: Dec. 7-11" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="category"> <a href="" target="_blank">Photo Gallery</a></p> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T10:06-0500">12/12/15 10:06 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">This week in photos on Capitol Hill: Dec. 7-11</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">M. Scott Mahaskey</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">John Shinkle</a></span></p> </footer> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Final text of proposed climate deal" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T08:42-0500">12/12/15 08:42 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Final text of proposed climate deal</a></h4> </header> <div class="tease"> <p>The draft will be discussed later today.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Silicon Valley still cool on Rand Paul" style="opacity: 1;" 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href="" target="_top">The GOP's staunchest young hawk is having a moment</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Burgess Everett</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Tom Cotton lost big on NSA surveillance and the Iran nuclear deal, but his worldview is gaining currency in the wake of terrorist attacks.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Ryan, Pelosi meet for rare dinner" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T07:49-0500">12/12/15 07:49 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Ryan, Pelosi meet for rare dinner</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Lauren French</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Jake Sherman</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Sources familiar with the dinner say Ryan asked his Democratic counterpart to join him.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Project X: The Cruz files" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T06:00-0500">12/12/15 06:00 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Project X: The Cruz files</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="JFK memorial album sets sales record, Dec. 12, 1963" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-12T12:06-0500">12/12/15 12:06 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">JFK memorial album sets sales record, Dec. 12, 1963</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Andrew Glass</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The album is an hourlong collection of highlights taken from JFK’s speeches.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="The rapture of Marion Maréchal-Le Pen" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <h4> <a href="" target="_blank">The rapture of Marion Maréchal-Le Pen</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Trump takes on Cruz, but lightly" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T09:24-0500">12/11/15 09:24 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Trump takes on Cruz, but lightly</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Eli Stokols</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>In Iowa, he couldn't let the Texas senator's dismissive private comments go by.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="$10 bill decision delayed as Hamilton successor debate continues" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T07:49-0500">12/11/15 07:49 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">$10 bill decision delayed as Hamilton successor debate continues</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Hanna Trudo</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>It will be postponed until next year.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="State Department can't find emails of top Clinton IT staffer" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T07:27-0500">12/11/15 07:27 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">State Department can't find emails of top Clinton IT staffer</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Rachael Bade</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The FBI has taken possession of Bryan Pagliano’s computer system.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Trump raises money for a divided GOP establishment" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="category"> <a href="" target="_blank">2016</a></p> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:37-0500">12/11/15 06:37 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Trump raises money for a divided GOP establishment</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Ben Schreckinger</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Lawmakers boycott the pricey event while donors show up to see a ‘circus’.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="House GOP probes claims ISIL intelligence manipulated" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="category"> <a href="" target="_blank">Congress</a></p> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:36-0500">12/11/15 06:36 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">House GOP probes claims ISIL intelligence manipulated</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Jeremy Herb</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Austin Wright</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The accusation could roil a presidential race already upended by fears about terrorism.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Why Is the Washington Post So Obsessed With Its Move?" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="category"> <a href="" target="_top">Fourth Estate</a></p> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:33-0500">12/11/15 06:33 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Why Is the Washington Post So Obsessed With Its Move?</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Jack Shafer</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>It’s easier to write an obituary for a building than a profession.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Clinton ally Brock lays out Cruz attack plan" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:23-0500">12/11/15 06:23 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Clinton ally Brock lays out Cruz attack plan</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Annie Karni</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>David Brock zeroes in on the Texan’s character as well as his policy positions.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Rand Paul on brokered convention chatter: 'They'll destroy the party'" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:17-0500">12/11/15 06:17 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Rand Paul on brokered convention chatter: 'They'll destroy the party'</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Nolan D. McCaskill</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Grassroots vs. the establishment?</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Ben Carson blasts RNC, threatens to leave Republican Party" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:09-0500">12/11/15 06:09 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Ben Carson blasts RNC, threatens to leave Republican Party</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Nolan D. McCaskill</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Kyle Cheney</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>"I will not sit by and watch a theft,” he says.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="State Department belatedly finds 1300 emails on Anwar Al-Awlaki" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T06:01-0500">12/11/15 06:01 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">State Department belatedly finds 1300 emails on Anwar Al-Awlaki</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Josh Gerstein</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>They were found in official accounts belonging to top aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="White House stands by visa bill critics call discriminatory" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T05:43-0500">12/11/15 05:43 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">White House stands by visa bill critics call discriminatory</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Nahal Toosi</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The changes to the visa waiver program target dual nationals from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Sudan.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Playbook Breakfast with House Speaker Paul Ryan " style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-15T08:00-0500">12/15/15 08:00 AM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Playbook Breakfast with House Speaker Paul Ryan </a></h4> </header> <div class="tease"> <p>Join POLITICO’s Chief White House Correspondent Mike Allen, as he takes Playbook live for a breakfast conversation with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)...</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Trump website hacked by Anonymous, group claims" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T05:06-0500">12/11/15 05:06 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Trump website hacked by Anonymous, group claims</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Eliza Collins</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The online hacker group makes another appearance.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Clinton ally's Cruz attack plan" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T05:01-0500">12/11/15 05:01 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Clinton ally's Cruz attack plan</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard">Henry C. Jackson</span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Cruz the data harvester — Debate shakeup</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Senate creates Select Committee on finance, Dec. 11, 1815" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:52-0500">12/11/15 04:52 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Senate creates Select Committee on finance, Dec. 11, 1815</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Andrew Glass</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>On this day in 1815, the new committee was given full or partial jurisdiction over tariffs, taxation, banking and appropriations. </p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Dem 2016 hopefuls demand the Citadel remove Confederate flag" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:43-0500">12/11/15 04:43 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Dem 2016 hopefuls demand the Citadel remove Confederate flag</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Eliza Collins</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Hillary Clinton called for the Confederate flag to be removed from the Citadel Friday.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Billionaire Saudi prince to Donald Trump: Drop out" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:26-0500">12/11/15 04:26 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Billionaire Saudi prince to Donald Trump: Drop out</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Eliza Collins</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal says he's a disgrace to America.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="How Congress finally killed No Child Left Behind " style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:17-0500">12/11/15 04:17 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">How Congress finally killed No Child Left Behind </a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Maggie Severns</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>'I said, "We’ve got a bill for you," ' Sen. Lamar Alexander told Speaker Paul Ryan.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Justice Scalia's comments about black students and 'lesser schools'" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:14-0500">12/11/15 04:14 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Justice Scalia's comments about black students and 'lesser schools'</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="WMUR booted from next Democratic debate" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T04:13-0500">12/11/15 04:13 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">WMUR booted from next Democratic debate</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Hadas Gold</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Gabriel Debenedetti</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>At issue is the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1228's accusation that WMUR is trying to strip pensions from about a dozen of their...</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="McConnell poised to give Jon Stewart what he wants" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:53-0500">12/11/15 03:53 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">McConnell poised to give Jon Stewart what he wants</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Burgess Everett</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Seung Min Kim</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The Senate leader, who's been flayed by Stewart over a stalled 9/11 health bill, vows in a POLITICO interview that the measure will pass.“</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Ted Cruz to barnstorm the South in Super Tuesday sweep" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:44-0500">12/11/15 03:44 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Ted Cruz to barnstorm the South in Super Tuesday sweep</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Katie Glueck</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The Texas senator plans to visit 12 cities in one week.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Emerging Health Care Leaders with Sarah Johnson" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:28-0500">12/11/15 03:28 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Emerging Health Care Leaders with Sarah Johnson</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Emerging Health Care Leaders with Melanie Egorin" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:28-0500">12/11/15 03:28 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Emerging Health Care Leaders with Melanie Egorin</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Protests disrupt Trump at ritzy Manhattan fundraiser" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:06-0500">12/11/15 03:06 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Protests disrupt Trump at ritzy Manhattan fundraiser</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Ben Schreckinger</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Protesters and police scuffled.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Emerging Health Care Leaders with Dr. Mandy Cohen" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T03:01-0500">12/11/15 03:01 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Emerging Health Care Leaders with Dr. Mandy Cohen</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Ryan calls Pelosi on spending deal" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:54-0500">12/11/15 02:54 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Ryan calls Pelosi on spending deal</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">John Bresnahan</a></span> and <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Jake Sherman</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>The two talked by phone Friday about the Democrat's push to end a ban on federal research on gun violence.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="New York senate majority leader convicted on all counts" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <h4> <a href="" target="_blank">New York senate majority leader convicted on all counts</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard">Josefa Velasquez - Capital New York</span></p> </footer> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Laquan McDonald’s family calls on Obama for heavier intervention in Chicago" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <h4> <a href="" target="_blank">Laquan McDonald’s family calls on Obama for heavier intervention in Chicago</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard">Natasha Korecki</span></p> </footer> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Charles Barkley blasts CNN: 'Kissing butt' for ratings" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:45-0500">12/11/15 02:45 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Charles Barkley blasts CNN: 'Kissing butt' for ratings</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="2 Syrians arrested in Switzerland with traces of explosives" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:42-0500">12/11/15 02:42 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">2 Syrians arrested in Switzerland with traces of explosives</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Nolan D. McCaskill</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Switzerland's public prosecutor says authorities are looking for suspects linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Emerging Health Care Leaders with Katie Simeon" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:26-0500">12/11/15 02:26 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Emerging Health Care Leaders with Katie Simeon</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Trump protestors removed from The Plaza hotel " style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:09-0500">12/11/15 02:09 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Trump protestors removed from The Plaza hotel </a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Week in Playback: Reaction to Trump's Muslim ban statement" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:05-0500">12/11/15 02:05 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Week in Playback: Reaction to Trump's Muslim ban statement</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Protesters ejected from The Plaza Hotel during Trump event" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:03-0500">12/11/15 02:03 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Protesters ejected from The Plaza Hotel during Trump event</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Sizing up Dow-DuPont" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T02:00-0500">12/11/15 02:00 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Sizing up Dow-DuPont</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Isaac Arnsdorf </a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Reid's rider — Whitfield to CBA, Pearson to Google, Rosenblum to Guardian Life</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Emerging Health Care Leaders full event" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> <time datetime="2015-12-11T01:57-0500">12/11/15 01:57 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Emerging Health Care Leaders full event</a></h4> </header> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Obama calls Chinese leader as climate talks blow past Friday deadline" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p class="timestamp"> Updated <time datetime="2015-12-11T01:42-0500">12/11/15 01:42 PM EST</time></p> <h4> <a href="" target="_top">Obama calls Chinese leader as climate talks blow past Friday deadline</a></h4> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Andrew Restuccia</a></span></p> </footer> <div class="tease"> <p>Obama personally called Chinese President Xi Jinping to sort through the biggest issues standing in the way of an ambitious climate agreement.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="micro-carousel-item"> <article class="timeline-frag"> <figure class="thumb"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <a href="" target="_top"><img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Martin O'Malley visits a mosque, rips Trump" style="opacity: 1;" data-size="promo_small_square"></a></div> </figure> <div class="summary"> <header> <p 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(While the ban would include both immigrants and visitors, Trump later clarified that it would not apply to American citizens traveling abroad and would allow some exemptions.) “We have to do the right thing,” Trump told Barbara Walters on Tuesday night. “Somebody in this country has to say what’s right. I have great respect and love – I have people I have tremendous relationships with, they’re Muslim, and, Barbara, they agree with me 100 percent.” POLITICO takes a look at some of Trump’s past relationships with Muslims or those who have at one time identified with the Islamic faith.</p> </header> <footer class="meta"> <p class="byline"> By <span class="vcard"><a href="" rel="author" class="url fn" target="_top">Diana D'Abruzzo</a></span></p> <p class="timestamp"><time datetime="2015-12-10T06:51-0500">12/10/15 06:51 AM EST</time></p> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-group gallery-tools"> <div class="tools-group"> <div class="tools-item"> <aside class="user-tools"> <ul class="share-tools tools-list" data-share-url=""> <li class="share-total is-hidden"> <span class="count-total" style="opacity: 1;"></span> <span class="label-shares">Shares</span> </li> <li class="share-facebook"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-facebook"></b> <span class="icon-text count-facebook" data-shares-text="true" style="opacity: 1;">Facebook</span> </a> </li> <li class="share-twitter"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-twitter"></b> <span class="icon-text count-twitter" data-shares-text="true" style="opacity: 1;">Twitter</span> </a> </li> <li class="share-googleplus"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-google-plus"></b> <span class="icon-text count-googleplus" data-shares-text="true" style="opacity: 1;">Google +</span> </a> </li> </ul> <ul class="utility-tools tools-list"> <li class="utility-email"> <a href=""> <b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-mail"></b> <span class="icon-text">Email</span> </a> </li> </ul></aside> </div> </div> </div> <div class="content-group gallery-core"> <div class="gallery-carousel"> <div class="gallery-carousel-group"> <div class="gallery-carousel-item"> <figure class="gallery-frag"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – pictured with Donald Trump and Julius Erving at the Trump Taj Mahal in 1992 – converted to Islam when he was 24 in 1971, changing his name from Lew Alcindor. In January 2015, Abdul-Jabbar told “Meet the Press” that he wished Americans better understood his religion: “Islam is a religion of peace, Islam does not tolerate wanton murder.”"></div> <figcaption> <h2></h2> <p>Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (left) – with Donald Trump and Julius Erving at the Trump Taj Mahal in 1992 – converted to Islam when he was 24 in 1971, changing his name from Lew Alcindor. In January 2015, Abdul-Jabbar told “Meet the Press” that he wished Americans better understood his religion: “Islam is a religion of peace, Islam does not tolerate wanton murder.” <br/></p> <footer> <p> Frederick Watkins, Jr./Ebony Collection/AP Photo</p> </footer> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="gallery-carousel-item"> <figure class="gallery-frag"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Donald Trump and Muhammad Ali attend Ali’s Celebrity Fight Night XIII show in Phoenix, Ariz., in March 2007. The boxing legend, who was born Cassius Clay, joined the Nation of Islam in 1964. On Wednesday, he released a statement in response to Trump’s proposed ban: “I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world,” he said in the statement. “True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.” "></div> <figcaption> <h2></h2> <p>Donald Trump and Muhammad Ali attend Ali’s Celebrity Fight Night XIII show in Phoenix in March 2007. The boxing legend, who was born Cassius Clay, joined the Nation of Islam in 1964, and, according to the Guardian, converted to Sunni Islam in 1975. On Wednesday, he released a statement in response to Trump’s proposed ban: “I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world,” he said. “True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.”<br/></p> <footer> <p> John Shearer/WireImage/Getty Images</p> </footer> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="gallery-carousel-item"> <figure class="gallery-frag"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Donald Trump and a newly crowned Miss USA Rima Fakih laugh in May 2010 while posing in Trump’s New York office. Fakih is said to be the first Muslim to be crowned Miss USA, an organization that until recently was owned by Trump. In a 2010 interview with Religion News Service, Fakih talked about being an ambassador for Muslims. “I feel like I can be a great representative,” she said. “America is the land of opportunity, and people can live in America and be who they want to be. Don’t deny your faith. Don’t deny your ethnicity. Don’t stereotype Muslim women, because as you can see with me, or in Lebanon, for example, beauty is appreciated.”"></div> <figcaption> <h2></h2> <p>Donald Trump and a newly crowned Miss USA Rima Fakih laugh in May 2010 while posing in Trump’s New York office. Fakih is said to be the first Muslim to be crowned Miss USA, an organization that until recently was owned by Trump. In a 2010 interview with Religion News Service, Fakih talked about being an ambassador for Muslims. “I feel like I can be a great representative,” she said. “America is the land of opportunity, and people can live in America and be who they want to be. Don’t deny your faith. Don’t deny your ethnicity. Don’t stereotype Muslim women, because as you can see with me, or in Lebanon, for example, beauty is appreciated.”<br/></p> <footer> <p> Jason DeCrow/AP Photo</p> </footer> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="gallery-carousel-item"> <figure class="gallery-frag"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, pose with Piers Morgan, Eliot Spitzer and Dr. Mehmet Oz at “Shooting Straight: Guns, God, Gays, and George Clooney” in New York City in 2013. TV personality Oz, who in 2010 talked with Henry Louis Gates Jr. on PBS’ “Faces of America” about his family’s Muslim faith, is said to identify with Sufi Islam."></div> <figcaption> <h2></h2> <p>Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, pose with (from left) Piers Morgan, Eliot Spitzer and Dr. Mehmet Oz at “Shooting Straight: Guns, God, Gays, and George Clooney” in New York City in 2013. TV personality Oz, who in 2010 talked with Henry Louis Gates Jr. on PBS’ “Faces of America” about his family’s Muslim faith, is said to identify with Sufi Islam. <br/></p> <footer> <p> Getty</p> </footer> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="gallery-carousel-item"> <figure class="gallery-frag"> <div class="fig-graphic"> <img data-lazy-img="" src="" alt="Donald Trump and boxer Mike Tyson get friendly in 1989 during an annual March of Dimes gala in New York City. In a 2011 interview with Fox411, Tyson talked about his Muslim faith. “I’m very grateful to be a Muslim. Allah doesn’t need me, I need Allah.”"></div> <figcaption> <h2></h2> <p>Donald Trump and boxer Mike Tyson get friendly in 1989 during an annual March of Dimes gala in New York City. In a 2011 interview with Fox411, Tyson talked about his Muslim faith. “I’m very grateful to be a Muslim. Allah doesn’t need me, I need Allah.” <br/></p> <footer> <p> Ron Galella/WireImage/Getty Images</p> </footer> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </article> </div> </div> </main> <div class="global-footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="global-footer-inner"> <div class="footer-group footer-intro"> <div class="footer-branding"> <h2> <a href="" title="Home" target="_top"><b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-politico"></b> <span class="icon-text">More on POLITICO</span> </a></h2> </div> <div class="footer-actions"> <form class="simple-nav orient-horizontal color-inverted"> <fieldset> <label for="jumpEdition"> <b aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-globe"></b> <span class="icon-text">Core Footer - dropdown links</span> </label> <select name="jumpEdition" id="jumpEdition"> <option selected="selected" value="">U.S. Edition</option> <option value="">Europe Edition</option> </select> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> <div class="footer-group footer-nav"> <div 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