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return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_4000" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 308px"><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-4000"><img class="size-full wp-image-4000" alt="Manny Pacquiao; Juan Manuel Marquez" src=";h=400" height="400" width="298"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez will square off once again on Dec. 8. (Stan Honda/Getty Images)</p></div> <p>LAS VEGAS &#8212; Last week, Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach made news when he suggested Juan Manuel Marquez, who will face Manny Pacquiao on Saturday night, was using performance-enhancing substances. Roach told USA Today, &#8220;”If (his body) is natural, I will kiss his a&#8211;.”</p> <p>Part of Roach’s suspicion involves Marquez’s association with Angel Hernandez, an admitted steroids peddler who has supplied performance-enhancing substances to Olympic athletes, including Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery. Hernandez &#8212; then known as Angel Heredia &#8212; later became a witness for the prosecution against athletes.</p> <p>On Tuesday, both Marquez and Hernandez denied using anything illegal.</p> <p>“You can say anything you want, but [if] you don’t have any proof, it means nothing,” Marquez said. “I told them I am willing to take any exam they want. Let’s go together, we’ll do it together.”</p> <p>“Before the last camp, there were accusations about [Pacquiao], people saying things, and we didn’t care. We never brought it up. For this fight, all of a sudden they are attacking me. I say we do [a blood test] now.”</p> <p>Marquez says working with Hernandez has “changed everything.”</p> <p>“I have had a 20-year career,” Marquez said. “I did it the same for 18 years. Now, I’ve changed everything.”</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">Read More&hellip;</a></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Dec 04, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Marquez, Hernandez deny steroid accusations made by Roach"><span data-lf-article-id="3999" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 5 Comments</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3957"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Podcast: Freddie Roach discusses Manny Pacquiao-Juan Manuel Marquez IV, Austin Trout on Miguel Cotto">Podcast: Freddie Roach discusses Manny Pacquiao-Juan Manuel Marquez IV, Austin Trout on Miguel&nbsp;Cotto</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/11/30/podcast-freddie-roach-discusses-manny-pacquiao-juan-manuel-marquez-iv-austin-trout-on-miguel-cotto/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <p><em>Sports Illustrated</em> staff writer Chris Mannix talks with Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach talks about Manny Pacquiao&#8217;s upcoming fight with Juan Manuel Marquez, then visits with Austin Trout, who defends his WBA super welterweight title against Miguel Cotto on Dec. 1.</p> <p>Click here to listen:</p> <form id="wpcom-iframe-form-cff457ec6521d1a358c1c40be974d21c" target="wpcom-iframe-cff457ec6521d1a358c1c40be974d21c" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="frameborder" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="scrolling" value="no"/> <input type="hidden" name="resize" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="replace_attributes" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" name="fallback" value="<p class=&quot;protected-embed-fallback&quot;>This embed is invalid</p>"/> <input type="hidden" name="width" value="290"/> <input type="hidden" name="height" value="24"/> <input type="hidden" name="_data" value="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,700bdea72e3d384884f06621fafb1e033c4223f8"/> <input type="hidden" name="_tag" value="protected-iframe"/> <input type="hidden" name="_hash" value="cff457ec6521d1a358c1c40be974d21c"/> </form> <iframe name="wpcom-iframe-cff457ec6521d1a358c1c40be974d21c" width="290" height="24" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('wpcom-iframe-form-cff457ec6521d1a358c1c40be974d21c').submit();</script> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Nov 30, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Podcast: Freddie Roach discusses Manny Pacquiao-Juan Manuel Marquez IV, Austin Trout on Miguel Cotto"><span data-lf-article-id="3957" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Add A Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3554"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Quick Jabs: Adamek-Cunningham II set, Froch changes his mind and more">Quick Jabs: Adamek-Cunningham II set, Froch changes his mind and&nbsp;more</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/10/17/quick-jabs-adamek-cunningham-ii-set-froch-changes-his-mind-and-more/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_3560" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 308px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3560" title="adamek1" alt="Tomasz Adamek " src=";h=225" height="225" width="298"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Tomasz Adamek will fight Steve Cunningham again after their epic bout in 2008, which Adamek won by split decision. (Al Bello/Getty Images)</p></div> <p>Some quick jabs&#8230;</p> <p>• Though it wasn&#8217;t announced, Main Events had planned to match heavyweight contender Tomasz Adamek against former title challenger Odlanier Solis on its NBC show &#8212; the main NBC network, not NBC Sports Network &#8212; on Dec. 22nd. However, last week Solis&#8217; new advisor, Gabriel Penagaricano, went to Main Events and said the money Solis had agreed to wasn&#8217;t going to be enough.</p> <p>In an email to, Duva explained what happened:</p> <p><em>&#8220;Recently, Solis pulled out of a fight in Spain that had been made by [promoter] Ahmet Ohner. Shortly after that we were informed by Solis&#8217; new representative that he would not fight on Dec. 22nd under the terms that had been agreed to by his previous management. We went back and forth for over a week trying to resolve the situation. He was given a deadline of Friday, Oct. 12th to sign the paperwork. When he did not, we informed his representative that we were prepared to move on with another opponent. We then gave him until Monday at noon to reconsider. When he did not come back to us with an agreement by noon on Monday, we offered the fight to another heavyweight, who jumped at the opportunity. The deal was literally finished in the space of a few hours. Late on Monday night, Solis&#8217; representative informed us that he was now ready to live up to our original deal. At that point, however, it was too late to turn back, as we had committed to another bout.&#8221;</em></p> <p>That other fighter Duva alludes to is Steve Cunningham, a longtime cruiserweight titleholder who made the jump to heavyweight in September. In 2008, Cunningham waged an epic war with Adamek, losing a split decision. Though Solis-Adamek was a more meaningful fight &#8212; the winner would have been well positioned for a 2013 fight with Wladimir Klitschko &#8212; Adamek-Cunningham is a can&#8217;t miss action fight.</p> <p>&#8220;This is a fight my team and I have wanted since the first one,&#8221; Cunningham said. &#8220;Adamek and I have been on two different paths, but in December our paths will collide again. I have respect for Adamek; he has done great things in his career, but I&#8217;m confident I&#8217;ll get the victory. I&#8217;m looking forward to it. On December 22nd I&#8217;ll be the best Steve Cunningham anyone has seen yet.&#8221;</p> <p>• Meanwhile, Duva continues to look for an opponent for rising heavyweight prospect Bryant Jennings. One opponent who turned them down was Tor Hamer, a once-beaten heavyweight in Lou DiBella&#8217;s stable. According to DiBella, the offer &#8212; around $15,000, he said &#8212; simply wasn&#8217;t enough. Sound crazy? To me, too. Hamer&#8217;s career stalled after a 2010 loss to Kelvin Price and though he seemed to revive it after winning the U.K. Prizefighter tournament earlier this year, he is hardly a sought after fighter.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">Read More&hellip;</a></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Oct 17, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Quick Jabs: Adamek-Cunningham II set, Froch changes his mind and more"><span data-lf-article-id="3554" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Add A Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3356"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Quick jabs: Victor Ortiz eyes Freddie Roach, Gabriel Rosado’s rise, more">Quick jabs: Victor Ortiz eyes Freddie Roach, Gabriel Rosado&#8217;s rise,&nbsp;more</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/09/25/quick-jabs-victor-ortiz-eyes-freddie-roach-gabriel-rosados-rise-more/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_3359" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 308px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3359 " title="victor-ortiz" src=";h=303" alt="" width="298" height="303"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Former welterweight champ Victor Ortiz (above), who is coming off back-to-back knockout losses, could be pairing with Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach. (AP)</p></div> <p>Some quick jabs &#8230;</p> <p>• Victor Ortiz, who parted ways with longtime trainer Danny Garcia after last June’s loss to Josesito Lopez, has reached out to Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach. Roach says he will meet with Ortiz once the former welterweight titleholder recovers from the broken jaw he suffered against Lopez.</p> <p>• With Emanuel Steward battling a serious illness, Wladimir Klitschko will begin training camp for his Nov. 10 heavyweight title defense against Mariusz Wach without a chief cornerman. Klitschko’s manager, Bernd Boente, says that Klitschko is hoping Steward will be able to join camp in late October and work his corner for the fight.</p> <p>• A dark horse candidate to face super middleweight kingpin Andre Ward: Denis Grachev, who will face Lucian Bute in November. Grachev (12-0) is coming off a stunning knockout win over top prospect Ismayl Sillakh last April. If Grachev beats Bute, he will likely become a very appealing possibility for Ward.</p> <p>• I still think Kelly Pavlik is the most realistic big-name opponent for Ward.</p> <p>• Miguel Cotto picked a dangerous tune-up opponent in Austin Trout. Trout isn’t exciting &#8212; his win over Delvin Rodriguez in June was as dull as it was decisive &#8212; but he is slick and savvy in the ring. If Trout isn’t overwhelmed by the moment, he has a great chance at an upset.</p> <p>• What a wasted year this has been for Gary Russell Jr. For Andre Dirrell, too.</p> <p>• While Cornelius Bundrage’s IBF junior middleweight title defense against Andre Berto isn’t done yet, I’m told it’s very close to being finalized for Nov. 24 on HBO. On paper, Berto, who has not fought in over a year after testing positive for a banned substance during training for his scheduled rematch against Victor Ortiz, would appear to be a big favorite. But Berto will be moving up in weight to face Bundrage, whose aggressive, awkward style could give Berto problems.</p> <p>• The winner of Berto-Bundrage will be obligated to defend the title against Gabriel Rosado, who earned the position of mandatory challenger with a knockout win over Charles Whittaker last Friday. A year ago, high-profile opponents would have done everything they could to avoid Rosado. But because Rosado’s profile has risen considerably on the heels of three straight knockout wins on NBC Sports Network &#8212; wins that have sparked interest from the better paying premium networks &#8212; expect him to get that shot early next year.</p> <p>• I like Main Events plan to focus on moving fighters up the IBF rankings. The IBF is regarded as the most respectable of the sanctioning bodies, which is to say if a fighter is ranked No. 1, he is going to get his title shot.</p> <p>• Ricky Hatton has sold more than 18,000 tickets to his comeback fight in November &#8212; and he doesn’t even have an opponent yet. Incredible.</p> <p>• Roy Jones-Kimbo Slice? Pass. Pass, pass, pass.</p> <p>• Thoughts and prayers are with the family of former heavyweight champion Corrie Sanders, who according to police was shot and killed while celebrating a family member’s 21st birthday party in Cape Town, South Africa. Sanders was 46.</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><em><strong>&#8211; Chris Mannix</strong></em></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Sep 25, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Quick jabs: Victor Ortiz eyes Freddie Roach, Gabriel Rosado’s rise, more"><span data-lf-article-id="3356" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 3 Comments</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3251"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. tests positive for banned substance after Sergio Martinez fight">Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. tests positive for banned substance after Sergio Martinez&nbsp;fight</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/09/19/julio-cesar-chavez-jr-tests-positive-for-banned-substance-after-sergio-martinez-fight/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_3256" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 310px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3256" title="julio-cesar-chavez-jr" src=";h=437" alt="" width="300" height="437"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (above) tested positive for a banned substance &#8212; reportedly marijuana &#8212; after Saturday&#8217;s fight with Sergio Martinez in Las Vegas. (AP)</p></div> <p>Former middleweight titleholder Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. tested positive for a banned substance following Saturday&#8217;s unanimous-decision defeat to Sergio Martinez. Chavez’s promoter, Top Rank, confirmed the positive test.</p> <p>Top Rank&#8217;s Carl Moretti confirmed the positive test was for marijuana.<!--EndFragment--></p> <p>&#8220;Top Rank is reviewing the situation,” Top Rank publicist Lee Samuels said in a statement. “Julio Cesar Chavez Jr will have the opportunity to explain this situation to the Nevada State Athletic Commission.&#8221;</p> <p>The positive test is the second for Chavez in Nevada. In 2009, Chavez tested positive for Furosemide, a known diuretic that helps with weight loss, after his win over Troy Rowland. Chavez was suspended for seven months and fined $10,000 by the commission. The official result was changed to a no-contest.</p> <p>Last week, Chavez cited that positive test as one of the turning points of his career.</p> <p>“I thought about it, and I said, &#8216;What am I doing here? Do I need to be serious about this?’” Chavez said. “‘Do I really want this? How much do I want it?&#8217;”</p> <p>NSAC executive director told there is no mandatory suspension length for a second positive test. Kizer said any violation can result in a fine of up to 100 percent of the fighter’s purse &#8212; Chavez was guaranteed $3 million against Martinez &#8212; and/or a one-year suspension.</p> <p>The positive test is the latest act of immaturity from the 26-year old Chavez. Last January, Chavez was arrested for suspicion of DUI. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to probation. Before teaming up with Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, Chavez had a reputation for being lazy in the gym. Though he seemed to shed that reputation over the last year, in the weeks before the fight with Martinez, Chavez routinely skipped out on training sessions, often preferring to work out at home late at night rather than at the gym.</p> <p>Roach said he will continue to work with Chavez but that “the first day he misses something, I’m going home.”</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><em><strong>&#8211; Chris Mannix</strong></em></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Sep 19, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. tests positive for banned substance after Sergio Martinez fight"><span data-lf-article-id="3251" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 31 Comments</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3215"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Experts’ predictions for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.-Sergio Martinez">Experts’ predictions for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.-Sergio&nbsp;Martinez</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/09/14/experts-predictions-for-julio-cesar-chavez-jr-sergio-martinez/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_3217" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 310px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3217 " title="martinez-chavez" src=";h=226" alt="" width="300" height="226"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (left) looks to score the signature win of his young career Saturday against Sergio Martinez in a middleweight championship fight. (AP)</p></div> <p><em>;s boxing experts predict Saturday&#8217;s middleweight title fight between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Sergio Martinez (9 p.m. ET, HBO PPV). Share your prediction in the comments below.</em></p> <p><strong>CHRIS MANNIX</strong></p> <p>A year ago this fight was a mismatch, back when Martinez was peaking and Chavez was still learning the craft. Yet time has slowed the 37-year-old Martinez &#8212; the early success of Darren Barker and Matthew Macklin in Martinez&#8217;s last two fights attests to that &#8212; while Chavez has grown into his 6-foot frame and, with the help of Freddie Roach, into his natural skill.</p> <p>That preamble is to illustrate why this will be a closer fight than if it took place a year ago; but the outcome will be the same. Martinez has been victimized by slow starts lately but Chavez has his own habit of poor early rounds to deal with. Chavez will score with his body work but Martinez&#8217;s clean, precise punching should produce obvious points. I&#8217;m wary of a bad decision here: On Mexican Independence Day, Chavez will have a lot of fans in the building and Nevada judges have been shaky recently. But I&#8217;m still taking Martinez because in the later rounds, his talent will shine. <strong>Martinez by split decision.</strong></p> <p><strong>RICHARD O&#8217;BRIEN</strong></p> <p>I can’t decide if an uncharacteristically angry Martinez (“It is personal …. I will break his face a thousand times”) poses an extra danger for Chavez, or whether that impressive vitriol is a sign that the usually easy-going and respectful Argentine is feeling a bit of a threat and may be vulnerable. Chavez, at 26, is 11 years younger than Martinez, and appears to be maturing into a more complete fighter than it seemed he would ever become. He is also a very big (six-foot, and likely to come into the ring 10 to 15 pounds over the 160-pound limit) and very powerful middleweight. In his recent outings, against Peter Manfredo Jr., Marco Antonio Rubio and, especially Andy Lee, the son of the legendary JCC (the greatest Mexican fighter of all time) has displayed a more fluid and multi-dimensional style, seemingly finally stepping up his learning curve. Certainly he’s a very dangerous customer.</p> <p>That said, I have to think that Martinez, though 37, is still very much in his prime and has far more tools than Chavez. He’s still faster than Chavez and a far more skilled boxer, and he’s an exceptional finisher. I see Martinez dominating the early rounds. Chavez may very well mount an attack in the middle of the bout – those boy shots will get through – but I see Martinez weathering it and then his superior skill, fitness (we know Chavez Jr. has blown off more than a few sessions with Freddie Roach) experience – and maybe even his righteous anger &#8212; should come together to batter Chavez down the stretch. One danger: If it’s at all close round-by-round, look for the judges to give an edge to Chavez.</p> <p>Still, I am looking for Martinez on points. <strong>Martinez by unanimous decision.</strong></p> <p><strong>BRYAN ARMEN GRAHAM</strong></p> <p>The late-blooming Martinez has spent most of the past three years near the top of the pound-for-pound charts, generally considered the best fighter in the sport not named Floyd Mayweather or Manny Pacquiao. Chavez spent the same period regarded by many as the coddled son of a legend, more sizzle than substance. Junior&#8217;s impressive knockout of Andy Lee may have tempered that perception, underscoring a key fact: this is the biggest, strongest and perhaps most agressive opponent Martinez has faced. And, yes, the cagey Argentine puncher has showed signs of slippage in recent outings.</p> <p>Still, no one can deny it&#8217;s a major step up in class for Chavez. Expect the wiser, more accurate and more intelligent <em>Maravilla</em> to make the most of his long-awaited moment in the spotlight, taking the fight to Chavez from the opening bell, creating angles the young Mexican has never seen before and &#8212; of no small significance &#8212; trying above all to keep it out of the judges&#8217; hands. Look for boxing&#8217;s most impressive closer to make it five straight knockouts somewhere in the middle rounds. <strong>Martinez by sixth-round KO.</strong></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Sep 14, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Experts’ predictions for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.-Sergio Martinez"><span data-lf-article-id="3215" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 1 Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-3168"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Amir Khan decides to split with trainer Freddie Roach">Amir Khan decides to split with trainer Freddie&nbsp;Roach</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/09/11/khan-leaves-roach/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_3176" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 308px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-3176" title="amir-khan" src=";h=375" alt="Amir Khan" width="298" height="375"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Amir Khan is mixing up his corner after his second straight loss. (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)</p></div> <p>LAS VEGAS &#8212; It appears the working relationship between former junior welterweight champion Amir Khan and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach is about to be over. In the aftermath of July&#8217;s knockout loss to Danny Garcia &#8212; Khan’s second consecutive defeat &#8212; Khan said he would consider replacing Roach in his corner. On Tuesday, Roach said that members of Khan’s team told him the fighter would stay with him only if he agreed to drop Manny Pacquiao and Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.</p> <p>“They said ‘Make Amir No. 1, get rid of Manny and Chavez and he will still come back to me,” Roach said. “I said I can’t do that. It’s simple.”</p> <p>Roach said Khan’s team made the offer twice, first in a face-to-face meeting between Roach and Khan’s manager, Asif Vali and later in a phone call between Roach and Khan’s father, Shah.</p> <p>Roach says he has no hard feelings for Khan.</p> <p>“I’m a busy person,” Roach said. “I’ve been with Manny for a long time. Manny is my guy. Someone has to take the blame and it’s usually the trainer. I’ve been fired before and it won’t be the last time. I like Amir. I wish him the best. They better keep him away from punchers.”</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><em><strong>&#8211; Chris Mannix</strong></em></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Sep 11, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Amir Khan decides to split with trainer Freddie Roach"><span data-lf-article-id="3168" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 8 Comments</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-2604"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley odds and ends">Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley odds and&nbsp;ends</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/06/07/pacquiao-bradley-odds-and-ends/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <p>LAS VEGAS &#8212; A few random thoughts from the Manny Pacquiao-Tim Bradley press room &#8230;</p> <p>* Funny moment last week involving Freddie Roach, courtesy of Pacquiao’s publicist, Fred Sternburg. Last week, Roach threw out the first pitch at Dodgers Stadium. In the dugout before the game, he met Dodgers legend Tommy Lasorda. After throwing out the pitch, Sternburg handed Roach a ball he said was signed by Lasorda. Roach &#8212; a big Lasorda fan &#8212; took the ball home, placed it on his mantle and bragged about it to a few friends. Later that day Roach’s assistant, Marie Spivey, suggested Roach take a closer look at the ball. It was signed all right: by Fred Sternburg.</p> <p>* The battle over former featherweight titleholder Yuri Gamboa&#8211;who defected from Top Rank in April, scuttling a high-profile showdown with Brandon Rios&#8211;is apparently  over. Bob Arum says that Gamboa is back in the fold and will be at the Pacquiao-Bradley fight this weekend. If all goes well, Gamboa will be back in the ring in a small show. But the story is far from over. Arum says he plans to pursue legal action against anyone in Mayweather’s camp who interfered with Gamboa while he was under contact. “Nobody is going to f&#8212; with us,” Arum said. “If we let them do that, everyone would eat you alive.”</p> <p>* Arum confirmed that former welterweight champion Antonio Margarito has retired. “He told me last week that his body is too beat up,” Arum said. “He was a fighter that never quit. He gave everything. He’s not the most talented guy in the world, but certainly the toughest.”</p> <p>Arum defended his decision to stand behind Margarito after Margarito was busted for attempting to use illegal hand wraps before a 2009 fight with Shane Mosley.</p> <p>“In the Mosley fight, if anyone is to blame it’s [Javier] Capatillo,” said Arum. “He had no opportunity to test out the wraps. That’s what I believe. I was never going to throw him under the bus. We spent millions on this man.&#8221;</p> <p>* While Arum insists Pacquiao-Bradley doesn’t need to approach the 1.5 million pay per view buys Floyd Mayweather and Miguel Cotto did last month, he does have a number in mind: 1.2 million, which is right around what Pacquiao did in his previous fights against Shane Mosley and Juan Manuel Marquez. Arum is hoping Pacquiao’s newfound religious awakening will attract (wait for it) a large Christian audience that may have a newfound interest in the recommitted Pacquiao.</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><em>&#8211; <strong>Chris Mannix</strong></em></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Jun 07, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley odds and ends"><span data-lf-article-id="2604" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 1 Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-2541"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Bradley already promoting rematch with Pacquiao at final press conference">Bradley already promoting rematch with Pacquiao at final press&nbsp;conference</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2012/06/06/bradley-already-promoting-rematch-with-pacquiao-at-final-press-conference/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_2563" class="wp-caption aligncenter" style="width: 651px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-2563 " title="pacquiao-bradley-ticket" src=";h=413" alt="" width="641" height="413"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Timothy Bradley’s confidence, sky high throughout the promotion, showed no signs of recession at Wednesday’s final press conference at the MGM Grand’s Hollywood Theatre. (David Becker/Getty Images)</p></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The welterweight title fight between Timothy Bradley and Manny Pacquiao might be three days away, but the challenger is already preparing for the rematch.</p> <p>Literally.</p> <p>At Wednesday’s final press conference with the two fighters at the MGM Grand’s Hollywood Theatre, Bradley showed off super-sized copies of the fight poster and ticket &#8212; with a few minor changes.</p> <p>The altered versions listed the event as &#8220;Bradley-Pacquiao 2&#8243; (rather than &#8220;Pacquiao-Bradley&#8221;) and the date as &#8220;November 10, 2012&#8243; (instead of &#8220;June 9, 2012&#8243;). This, of course, references the clause in the fight contract mandating an immediate rematch in the event of a Bradley upset.</p> <p>&#8220;Training camp was <em>hell</em>,&#8221; said Bradley, with a confidence belying the 3-to-1 odds against him, before repeating for emphasis. &#8220;I&#8217;ve never ever trained this hard in my whole life. I&#8217;m ready. I&#8217;m ready to shock the world. I&#8217;m ready to do whatever it takes in there to win this fight.&#8221;</p> <p>Bradley&#8217;s theatrics Wednesday represented the closest instance of trash talk in the kind of gentlemanly promotion typical of a Pacquiao fight, and the Filipino puncher could only laugh with trainer Freddie Roach before taking the dais for his remarks.</p> <p>&#8220;My training, it&#8217;s amazing: it&#8217;s <em>heaven</em>,&#8221; he said, allowing a wry grin. &#8220;We did our best in training because Timothy Bradley is a hungry fighter. He&#8217;s young. I know what he&#8217;s feeling, [so] I trained like I was 26 years old.&#8221;</p> <p>The 33-year-old Pacquiao, motivated by a pair of lesser performances against Shane Mosley and Juan Manuel Marquez in 2011, promised a crowd-pleasing affair between two fighters who aren&#8217;t afraid to take risks.</p> <p>Roach said Pacquiao is &#8220;really focused&#8221; as he prepares for the fourth defense of the WBO welterweight title he won from Miguel Cotto in November 2009.</p> <p>&#8220;We got rid of a lot of distractions in his life, and got some new distractions that are much better,&#8221; said Roach, the five-time Trainer of the Year who&#8217;s worked with Pacquiao since 2001. &#8220;[We're] fighting a resilient, undefeated guy. I know it&#8217;s going to be a tough fight, but Manny is 100 percent ready.&#8221;</p> <p>Afterward, Roach was less diplomatic about Bradley&#8217;s showmanship.</p> <p>&#8220;I just wonder how much money they wasted on those tickets,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Seems foolish. We&#8217;re going to kick his a&#8211;.&#8221;</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><strong><em>&#8211; Bryan Armen Graham</em></strong></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Jun 06, 2012</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Bradley already promoting rematch with Pacquiao at final press conference"><span data-lf-article-id="2541" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Add A Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="post-wrap"> <div class="post-top"></div> <div class="post" id="post-1357"> <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Thomas Hearns, Freddie Roach among Hall of Fame inductees">Thomas Hearns, Freddie Roach among Hall of Fame&nbsp;inductees</a></h1> <div class="category"> <a href="/web/20130207001805/">Boxing</a> | <a href=""><span class="js-kit-comments-count" exclude-sources="Twitter" include-sources="Comments" uniq="/2011/12/06/thomas-hearns-freddie-roach-among-hall-of-fame-inductees/"></span> Comments </a> </div> <div class="entry"> <div id="cnnSCFontButtons"> <div id="cnnSCFontLabel"><img src=""/></div> <div id="cnnSCFontMinusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('default'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Decrease font" title="Decrease font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"></div> <div id="cnnSCFontPlusBtn" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet2('LargeFont'); return false;"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnIncreaseFont"><img src="" alt="Enlarge font" title="Enlarge font" class="cnnDecreaseFont"></div> </div> <div id="attachment_1358" class="wp-caption alignright" style="width: 310px"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1358 " title="hearns-cover" src=";h=400" alt="" width="300" height="400"/></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Thomas Hearns (above), the first fighter to win titles in four different divisions, will be inducted to the International Boxing Hall of Fame. (Manny Millan/SI)</p></div> <p>The International Boxing Hall of Fame will <a href="" target="_blank">welcome 13 new members to Canastota, N.Y.</a>, next June, with familiar names like Tommy Hearns, Cocoa Kid and Mark Johnson, trainer Freddie Roach, broadcaster Al Bernstein and longtime journalist Michael Katz leading the class. The inductees were announced on Tuesday.</p> <p>As a member of the Boxing Writers Association of America, I voted for fighters in the modern-era category. Here is what my ballot looked like:</p> <p><strong>Tommy Hearns:</strong> Easily the biggest no-brainer on the ballot, Hearns would have been inducted years ago had he not come out of retirement in 2005 to fight two more times. Hearns (61-5-1) was a big, powerful puncher who won titles in four weight classes. Along with Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler &#8212; the Four Kings of the 1980’s &#8212; Hearns waged some epic wars, most notably a 14th-round knockout loss to Leonard in 1981 and a third-round knockout defeat to Hagler.</p> <p><strong>Cocoa Kid:</strong> His record (176-56-10, according to and background are hazy, but Cocoa Kid’s talent was undoubtable. Tall (5-foot-10) and rangy, Kid began his professional career fighting in the 130’s and moved all the way up to the mid 150’s before calling it quits. Though he never won a meaningful world title, Kid (born Louis Hardwick) fought some of the greats of his era, including Archie Moore and Charley Burley and once reportedly knocked Sugar Ray Robinson down in a sparring session.</p> <p><strong>Wilfredo Vazquez:</strong> A three-division champion &#8212; not to mention one of the greatest Puerto Rican fighters of all time &#8212; Vazquez shined when the spotlight was brightest: in 21 career title fights, Vazquez was 16-3-2. He was never afraid to fight in someone&#8217;s backyard and was dubbed El Viajero (&#8220;The Traveler&#8221;) for his willingness to fight outside Puerto Rico. In 1996. he scored a stunning victory over featherweight champion Eloy Rojas, when he rallied to drop Rojas twice in the 12th round to win by TKO.</p> <p><strong>Ken Overlin:</strong> Overlin was a warrior. According to, Overlin fought 163 fights as a professional, winning 135 of them. And that was with the two-year break Overlin took to serve his country in World War II. The names Overlin beat in his day aren&#8217;t household today, but his wars with Ezzard Charles and Al Hostak were big news in the &#8217;40s. Overlin never shied away from a fight and his resume is littered with Hall of Fame-caliber fighters.</p> <p><strong>Pone Kingpetch:</strong> Great name, huh? Kingpetch was born Mana Seadoagbob but adopted Pone (which signifies the flight of an eagle) and Kingpetch (derived from a camp where he trained in his native Thailand). Kingpetch was a pioneer, the first great champion to come out of Thailand and one of the very first to emerge from Asia. Light handed, Kingpetch was a stylist whose best attributes were his jab, footwork and agility. Kingpetch was an inspiration to Thai fighters &#8212; there is a statue in his honor in his hometown &#8212; and a true legend in his time.</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><strong><em>&#8211; Chris Mannix</em></strong></p> <div id="jp-post-flair" class="sharedaddy sd-sharing-enabled"></div> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="post-bottom"> <li>Published On <span>Dec 06, 2011</span></li> <li id="right"><span><div><a href="" title="Comment on Thomas Hearns, Freddie Roach among Hall of Fame inductees"><span data-lf-article-id="1357" data-lf-site-id="308691" class="livefyre-commentcount">Read 1 Comment</span></a></div></span></li> </div> </div> <div class="navigation"> <div class="alignleft"><a href="">&laquo; Older Entries</a></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar test"> <div id="ad300x250" class="rightbox"> <script language="JavaScript"> siAds.render('mma_boxing/rgt.300x250', 300, 250); </script> </div> <div class="rightbox"><div class="list"> <h2>Recent 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