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class="container"> <ul class="sub-nav-light__list"> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#tcs152" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >152nd Open Ticket T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#ballottcs152" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >152nd Open Ballot T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#tcs153" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >153rd Open Ticket T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#ballottcs153" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >153rd Open Ballot T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#accreditationtcs" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >Accreditation T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#Resale2024" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >Ticket Resale <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> <li class="sub-nav-light__item "> <a href="#Hospitality2021" class="sub-nav-light__link" data-dc-sub-nav-ref="links[]" >Hospitality T&amp;Cs <svg class="sub-nav-light__icon" width="11" height="12" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-anchor-blue"></use> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="tcs152" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 152nd Open Ticket Terms and Conditions</h2> <p> </p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>IMPORTANT SUMMARY INFORMATION</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">It is important that you read and understand these Ticket Terms and Conditions, which relate to your tickets for The 152nd Open at Royal Troon ("<strong>The Open</strong>"). By attending The Open you will be deemed to have accepted these Ticket Terms and Conditions</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">In particular, we want to draw your attention to the following:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Availability</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">All ticket types, including "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets are subject to availability, and cannot be issued once a day has sold out (see Section A for further details on buying your tickets).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Refunds</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">You may be entitled to a refund if: (i) The Open is cancelled or postponed prior to its commencement; (ii) play is cancelled or suspended during your visit to The Open; (iii) The Open is staged behind closed doors; (iv) The Open is staged with reduced spectator numbers; or (v) you change your mind within 48 hours of your purchase (provided this is before 13 July 2024). Tickets are non-refundable in all other circumstances (see Section B for further details on refunds).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>No Resale of Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">It is important to us that as many tickets as possible for The Open are sold at a price that is affordable to a greater number of consumers and we are concerned about the inflated prices that tickets can be sold for on the secondary ticket market. The resale of tickets is therefore prohibited except in limited circumstances. This means that if you sell your ticket to someone else for commercial gain or at a higher price than face value, or advertise it for sale, other than as permitted under these Ticket Terms and Conditions or otherwise with our permission, we may cancel or void that ticket and other tickets purchased by you (see Section F for further details on using your tickets). This includes tickets being bundled with other goods or services (e.g. accommodation, travel, hospitality, golf tee times) and selling on without the permission of The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Where you are no longer able to use your tickets, you may be able to advertise for sale and resell your tickets via the official Ticket Resale Platform, details of which will be provided by The R&amp;A in advance of The Open (the "<strong>Resale Platform</strong>").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Re-Admission</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Our re-admission policy will be communicated to ticket holders prior to The Open. We reserve the right to update our re-admission policy at any time. <br /> Health and Safety</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">We reserve the right to impose health and safety related protocols which spectators must comply with while attending The Open that we consider appropriate or that we might be required to implement, including in relation to COVID-19. Any spectators who refuse or fail to comply with such conditions may have their tickets cancelled, be refused entry or removed from The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>DETAILED TERMS AND CONDITIONS</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">These Ticket Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply between (i) you as a purchaser of tickets for The Open and, where you are not the purchaser of tickets for The Open, to you as a holder of a ticket for The Open (referred to as "<strong>you</strong>" or "<strong>your</strong>") and (ii) us, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA ("<strong>The R&amp;A</strong>", "<strong>we</strong>" or "<strong>us</strong>").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 1: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">A. Buying Tickets<br /> 1. In the first instance, tickets will be available for purchase by entering the official Ticket Ballot for The Open (the "<strong>Ticket Ballot</strong>"). Please note that tickets are subject to availability and entry into the Ticket Ballot does not guarantee that you will be allocated tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Following the closure of the Ticket Ballot, if surplus tickets are available, tickets may be purchased:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) On our website ( ("website");<br /> b) By telephone (see paragraph I.6 for contact details);<br /> c) On the Resale Platform;<br /> d) From our official authorised ticketing providers; or<br /> e) Through any other sale or transfer mechanism authorised in writing by The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. We offer three categories of ticket based on age. These categories and the eligibility requirements for these tickets are as follows:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> <strong>Ticket Category&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong style="letter-spacing: 0.325px;">Eligibility</strong></strong><br /> <br /> Adult &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="letter-spacing: 0.325px;">25 years of age or over on 13 July 2024</span><br /> <br /> Youth (16-24 years) &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The ticket holder must be aged between 16 and 24 years of age on 13 July 2024<br /> <br /> "Kids Go Free" &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Junior (under 16 years). The ticket holder must be under 16 years of age on 13 July 2024</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Adult and Youth Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. The maximum number of Daily Adult and/or Youth tickets that can be purchased by you (regardless of the method of purchase) is 4 per day of The Open. For example, you may order 4 tickets for Saturday and 4 tickets for Sunday in a single transaction, but once you hold 4 tickets for any given day of The Open, your maximum limit has been reached.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Weekly tickets are not available for purchase by members of the public except in limited circumstances. Where Weekly tickets are made available by The R&amp;A, the maximum number of Weekly tickets that can be purchased by you (regardless of the method of purchase) will be decided by The R&amp;A in its sole and absolute discretion.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. Requests for more than the maximum number of tickets stated above or otherwise specified by The R&amp;A (for example, for a school trip or golf development group visit) can be made by contacting The Open Ticket Office on +44 (0)1334 460010 or <a href=""></a>.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong></strong></span><span style="font-size: 1.125rem; letter-spacing: 0.025rem; font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif;" class="article-copy"><strong>"Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. Children under 16 years of age on 13 July 2024 cannot attend The Open unless accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 who holds a valid course admission ticket (Adult or Youth (16-24 years)). All children under 16 years of age on the above date must hold a "Kids Go Free" Junior Ticket to attend The Open. Please note that "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets may not be listed for sale on the Resale Platform.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. Requests for "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets can be made: (i) via the Ticket Ballot application process; or (ii) in any sales period following closure of the Ticket Ballot (in the event that "Kids Go Free" Junior tickets are still available). Please be aware that "Kids Go Free" Junior tickets will count towards your maximum allocation of 4 tickets per day of The Open and will be subject to a maximum of 3 per accompanying adult, being a person who holds a valid course admission ticket (Adult or Youth (16-24 years)) or who is applying for or purchasing such a Ticket at the same time as requesting the "Kids Go Free" Junior Ticket. That adult must accompany the Junior while in attendance at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Mobile Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. All tickets will be issued digitally through a mobile app, details of which will be confirmed by The R&amp;A to ticket holders prior to The Open (the "<strong>App</strong>").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. All ticket holders are encouraged to have their own mobile ticket on their own device for security purposes and to speed up entry on arrival. Where you purchase and/or are allocated any ticket(s) which are for use by other people, you will be able to transfer the ticket to each person who will be attending The Open using the App following your receipt of the ticket(s). Depending on your ticket type, your ability to transfer tickets may be restricted or limited to a maximum number of transfers.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">11. If you do not have a mobile device that is compatible with the App or if you have any questions in relation to mobile tickets, please visit our website for more information or contact The Open Ticket Office on +44 (0)1334 460010 or <a href=""></a>.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>General</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">12. Where you are the purchaser of tickets, your purchase of tickets will be completed when we deliver the tickets to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">13. In most cases this will be via the App (to your mobile phone). In limited circumstances this may be by post or in person (for example, by handing out tickets at the entry gate to ticket holders who do not own a mobile device that is compatible with the App).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">14. The R&amp;A reserves the right to choose to accept or reject your order whether for all or any number of the tickets requested. In the case of an order being rejected in whole or in part, you will be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. Such notification may not be received until we have had an opportunity to complete all pre-despatch ticket checks. Our failure to notify you of the rejection of your order in whole or in part does not mean that your order has been accepted.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">15. The R&amp;A will accept no responsibility for, or offer any refunds for, loss arising as a result of any incorrect information provided by you at the time of purchase, unless this is due to our error.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">16. If tickets ordered by you become unavailable for any reason then you will be informed of this by The R&amp;A. The R&amp;A reserves the right to complete the transaction by issuing part of the total order, or to cancel it completely. In either event, you will be refunded for any ticket(s) ordered but not received and this will be the only liability that we have to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>B. Refunds</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Cancellation of your order</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. If, after you have placed your order, you wish to withdraw or cancel your order then you may do so by informing us no later than 48 hours after your purchase. The right to cancel tickets set out in this paragraph B.1 must be exercised no later than 13 July 2024 and does not apply to any tickets purchased on the Resale Platform. You will not be entitled to cancel your order or be entitled to a refund after 13 July 2024. If you withdraw or cancel your order within these timeframes, we shall reimburse the payment made by you within 30 days of receiving: (i) your notification that you wish to cancel your order, and (ii) where ticket(s) have been despatched to you, the unused ticket(s). Return of the ticket(s) to us is at your own cost and you will be responsible for the returned ticket(s) during transit.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Suspended Play or Cancellation during The Open</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Daily tickets: If The Open is cancelled after its commencement or play on the day(s) to which your ticket relates is suspended, you shall be entitled to a refund of the cost of the ticket(s) based on the following criteria:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span><strong style="font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 1.125rem; letter-spacing: 0.325px;">Total Hours Course Available for Play&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<strong style="letter-spacing: 0.325px;">Refund Due</strong></strong></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><span style="letter-spacing: 0.325px;">Zero &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span>= 100% refund in respect of that day's ticket cost</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy" style="letter-spacing: 0.325px;">Less than 5 hours &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; = 50% refund in respect of that day's ticket cost</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. If the course is open and available for play for 5 hours or more on a day, no refund shall be due in respect of that day. In calculating the number of hours the course is open and available for play on a particular day, each day will be considered to have commenced when play begins that day, and will end when play finishes for the day.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. Refunds due to cancellation or suspension of play do not apply to Weekly tickets or car parking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. For the purpose of calculating refunds under paragraph B.2 above, the number of hours the course is open and available for play will be timed by The R&amp;A Rules Department and its decision shall be final. Information on this decision will be published on our Website. This right of refund for cancellation of play lasts for four months after The Open has ended.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Postponement prior to The Open</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. In the event The Open is postponed prior to its commencement and such postponement results in The 152nd Open being held at Royal Troon at a later date than scheduled, The R&amp;A will honour tickets for the re-scheduled dates of The Open. If you do not wish to attend The Open on such re-scheduled dates you must notify The R&amp;A in writing of that fact as soon as possible. Upon receipt of such notification, The R&amp;A may elect at its sole discretion to refund you for the cost of your ticket(s). Refunds will be available in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of postponement.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Cancellation prior to The Open and Staging Behind Closed Doors</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. In the event The Open is cancelled prior to its commencement and such cancellation results in The 152nd Open being held at a venue other than Royal Troon, or in the event that The Open is staged at Royal Troon behind closed doors with no public attendance, you will be entitled to a full refund for the cost of your ticket(s). Refunds will be available in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of cancellation or our decision to stage The Open behind closed doors, as appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Reduced Spectator Numbers</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. In the event that, due to health and safety reasons, we can only admit a limited number of spectators to The Open, The R&amp;A may cancel your ticket(s). If we cancel your ticket(s) in such circumstances, you will be entitled to a full refund for the cost of your ticket(s) in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of our decision. The R&amp;A has absolute and sole discretion as to which tickets to cancel in a reduced capacity scenario.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>General</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. You have no rights in the event of cancellation or postponement of The Open, or suspension of play, or in the event that The Open is staged behind closed doors or with reduced spectator numbers other than a refund for the ticket(s) calculated in accordance with paragraph B.2 or payable pursuant to paragraphs B.6, B.7 or B.8. If you purchase a Daily ticket for play on a Sunday, this does not guarantee that Sunday's play will be the final round of The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. Refund requests must be received by the deadline date specified by The R&amp;A in communications issued to ticket holders during the refund process. Please note that any tickets bought through authorised agents must be returned to the agent, rather than to The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">11. The R&amp;A shall retain ownership of all tickets issued to you under these Ticket Terms and Conditions, and your tickets may be recalled by The R&amp;A at any time. Where such a recall takes place, The R&amp;A will issue a full refund to you or provide replacement tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>C. Payment</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Prices quoted are in Pounds Sterling and are inclusive of applicable VAT (VAT Registration Number: 827 8424 04), but exclusive of any postage or packaging (if applicable).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Payment in full must be made prior to despatch of the ticket(s) in accordance with paragraph C.3 below.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. We will process an order where payment is made using Mastercard&reg; or Visa&reg;. We will also accept BACS Transfers for telephone sales where the value of your total order exceeds &pound;2,500. If your payment is rejected, then we will notify you and your order will not be fulfilled and we have the discretion not to fulfil or process any other order received from you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. If you use a Mastercard&reg; to purchase your Weekly or Daily tickets, you will receive a &pound;5 reduction on the total value of the transaction. This offer is subject to the following conditions:-</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) This offer is limited to a single transaction per card holder and does not apply to orders for more than the maximum number of tickets specified in paragraphs A.3 and A.4;<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) You must be 18 years of age or over to qualify;<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c) No cash or credit is available as an alternative;<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d) You must enter the relevant promotional code in order to redeem the offer;<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">e) This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer; and<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">f) This offer is subject to availability and we can withdraw it at any time.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. The R&amp;A shall not be responsible for any exchange rates, fees or charges levied by your bank or payment card provider.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>6. When placing your ticket order online or over the phone, you must take the following positive action in order to benefit from this discount:</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) For online sales: follow the online instructions (i.e. enter the correct offer code as part of the payment process).<br /> b) For telephone sales: state that you would like to pay with a Mastercard&reg; before the card details are provided.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 2: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>D. Our Liability to You</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. If we are in breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, we will not be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result, unless the losses are a foreseeable consequence of the breach. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or where it could be contemplated by you and us at the time you purchased your tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any loss or damage to property incurred at The Open, unless the loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Nothing in these Ticket Terms and Conditions shall limit any rights you may have which are not capable of being lawfully excluded or limited, nor shall these Ticket Terms and Conditions exclude or restrict our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>E. Your Safety</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Whilst The R&amp;A is committed to ensuring that proper safety measures are in place to try to prevent injury to spectators, you acknowledge the risk of injury whilst attending The Open, despite such precautions being taken, including the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease and being struck by a golf ball, and you agree that you are assuming all risk and danger arising from your attendance at The Open. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any injury, illness, loss or damage suffered by you at The Open unless this injury, illness, loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You should be alert at all times to the golf being played in your vicinity including the direction of play, any instructions from marshals (e.g. flags advising of the direction in which a player's shot has been struck) and any warnings issued on the course (e.g. a warning shout of "Fore") to try to prevent injury to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You acknowledge that you are subject to and you agree to comply with the health and safety protocols applicable at The Open, as issued and updated by The R&amp;A and/or its safety advisers prior to and during The Open by email, via the App and/or displayed on our website.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You must at all times follow the instructions of The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>F. Use of Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. The R&amp;A reserves the right to void your ticket(s) if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, any ticket purchased by you:-</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) is to be or has been sold, donated, transferred or in any way disposed of to any person/entity for the purpose of commercial gain or is to be or has been sold at a higher price than its face value, other than as required under paragraph A.9 above or permitted via the Resale Platform;<br /> b) has been purchased for resale along with any other goods or services, e.g. hospitality, travel, accommodation, golf tee times, from a person/entity who is not an authorised ticketing provider;<br /> c) is advertised for sale or transfer; or<br /> d) is to be or has been used in an unauthorised manner as a prize or in any other manner in a lottery or competition or for any other promotional, advertising or commercial purpose not specifically authorised by The R&amp;A in writing.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Unless The R&amp;A has agreed otherwise in writing, any transfer or purported transfer of any ticket by you in any manner set out in paragraph F.1 above shall constitute a breach by you of these Ticket Terms and Conditions. You shall have no right to attend The Open nor be entitled to a refund or any compensation in respect of any ticket(s) voided by The R&amp;A in accordance with paragraph F.1.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You may sell your ticket(s) via the Resale Platform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Resale Platform, save where the ticket(s) have been issued subject to a restriction that they may not be sold on the Resale Platform.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. Please do not post pictures of your ticket on social networking sites. People may use the details and offer them for sale online to defraud/attempt to defraud third parties into buying them. This may result in ticket holders encountering difficulties when attending The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Where The R&amp;A, or its security contractors, have reasonable grounds to suspect that a ticket has been copied, resold by an unauthorised person or company, or has been altered in any way without the consent of The R&amp;A, its security contractors may seize and retain that ticket and may refuse entry to The Open where this is deemed appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. If we reasonably believe that you have been involved in fraudulent activity relating to your ticket(s), or that you are attending The Open without a valid ticket or other accreditation, we reserve the right to remove you from The Open and we may pass your details to the police or other relevant authority, who may take further action against you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. By attending The Open, you agree to being searched by our security contractors or police officers for health and safety reasons, including to prevent prohibited items being brought in to the venue. We reserve the right to refuse entry to or remove you from The Open if you refuse to be searched. A list of prohibited items will be posted on our website and at the entry gates. In addition, any item which in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A or its security contractors could potentially harm, or cause alarm to, attendees at The Open will not be allowed at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>G. Attendance at The Open</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Mobile phones and personal cameras are permitted at The Open, subject to the following conditions:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) no audio recording, video recording or flash photography is permitted at any time;<br /> b) still photography is permitted, provided that it does not disrupt play and images are not sold, used or published commercially in any way whatsoever unless expressly authorised by The R&amp;A. Cameras, including mobile phones, may be confiscated if such usage is suspected or found to be taking place;<br /> c) all mobile phones must be on "SILENT" mode at all times without the "VIBRATE" option activated, and<br /> d) data use (e.g. texting, email and website access) is permitted, however, the device volume must be muted at all times. Mobile phones, cameras, other electronic devices, communication devices, audio-visual equipment or radios must not be used to capture, supply or transmit data or other information for any commercial purpose (including, for example, betting or gambling) or assisting for these purposes.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Rules governing the use of mobile phones, cameras, video, sound or image recorders, personal digital assistants and other electrical communication devices shall be posted on our websites and at the entry gates. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Use of global positioning systems, including without limitation transponder and/or receiver equipment, or similar positioning, tracking or measurement devices shall not be permitted at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. When asking for autographs, you must always respect the players, other spectators, The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. Unless the player has given you permission, you must not solicit autographs from players outside of the designated autograph zones. Autographs obtained at The Open must not be used for any commercial purpose.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Rules governing pets will be posted on our website.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. It will be considered by us to be a breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions if you have at The Open any objects or clothing bearing commercial identification which The R&amp;A have reason to believe is intended for "ambush marketing" or other unauthorised promotional purposes. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against anyone that we consider to be involved in "ambush marketing".</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. Where you, through your negligence or intentional or reckless act, cause damage or loss to The R&amp;A or to any property at The Open (including, without limitation, the course or any equipment or facilities), you will be responsible for compensating the person who has suffered the loss or damage.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. You may be removed from, or refused access to, The Open if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, your behaviour is, or could be considered to be dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoying to other spectators, players, The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. For example, if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or are acting aggressively, or if you fail to obey any conditions of use, posted signs or instructions of The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. If you are refused admission to The Open under these circumstances, you will be entitled to a full refund for your ticket. If you are removed from The Open under these circumstances after gaining entry, you will not be entitled to a refund.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. Ticket Transfers: You must not transfer your Daily ticket to any other person during the course of a day&rsquo;s play. If you hold a Weekly ticket, this may be transferred to another person but only between days, not during the course of a day's play. Nothing in this paragraph G.9 affects your right to transfer tickets in accordance with paragraph A.10 above. Tickets must be retained at all times and provided for inspection by security personnel as required.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>H. Junior and Youth Tickets</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. We reserve the right to request age verification for Junior and Youth ticket holders and to refuse entry if verification of their age is not provided on request. This also applies to requests for these ticket types at the public Ticket Office at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are the Junior's parent or guardian, you consent to these Ticket Terms and Conditions applying to your child. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are not their parent or guardian, you must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian for these Ticket Terms and Conditions to apply to such child. In each circumstance, you are responsible for the supervision of that child during The Open and for ensuring that they comply with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>I. General Ticketing Conditions</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Ticket Terms and Conditions.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. If any provision of these Ticket Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Any personal data provided by you will be used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), which is available on our Website. If you have any questions or concerns about information we hold about you, please contact us by email at <a href=""></a> or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this paragraph and paragraph I.4 below are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. In agreeing to these Ticket Terms and Conditions and attending The Open, you consent to being filmed, photographed and recorded for television, radio, webcast and other public broadcast in any medium and/or for any video or DVD as part of the audience and/or, for security purposes, by any CCTV cameras and recordings at The Open. You also agree that we can utilise your image or likeness or the image or likeness of a member of your party in, or incidental to, any photograph or live or recorded television or in any other type of transmission or reproduction, in whole or in part, and that you shall not be entitled to any compensation or credit. This may include use of footage and images for marketing purposes and includes footage and images broadcast or published by The R&amp;A and by third party rights holders. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are their parent or guardian, you consent to their images being taken and used in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are not their parent or guardian, you must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian for the images of such child to be taken and used in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Ticket Terms and Conditions, including this paragraph I.5, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. All enquiries should be addressed to: The Open Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: +44 (0)1334 460010; Email: <a href=""></a>.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ballottcs152" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 152nd Open Ballot Terms and Conditions</h2> <p><span class="article-copy">These Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, together with the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions (collectively, the <strong>"Terms"</strong>), set out the basis on which we, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA (<strong>"The R&amp;A"</strong>, <strong>"we"</strong> or <strong>"us"</strong>) operate the official ticket ballot ("Ticket Ballot") for The 152nd Open at Royal Troon (<strong>"The Open"</strong>).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Entry to the Ticket Ballot is conditional on acceptance of the Terms. By submitting a Ballot Request Form, you are deemed to have read and accepted the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>A. Definitions</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. In these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ballot Request Form"</strong> the online electronic form completed and submitted by you via the Portal to make a request for Ticket(s);</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ballot Success Email"</strong> the email sent by us to you confirming that your Ticket Ballot request has been successful, detailing the amount payable for the Ticket(s) and instructions for payment;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Portal"</strong> the online portal for the Ticket Ballot which can be accessed via the Website;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"The One Club"</strong> the official membership club and loyalty scheme relating to The Open operated by The R&amp;A;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket(s)"</strong> a day ticket (whether a hard copy ticket or a digital ticket) for an individual to attend The Open;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket Purchase Confirmation"</strong> the email sent by us to you confirming that you have successfully purchased Ticket(s);</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions"</strong> the 152nd Open Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions which govern all Tickets issued for The Open, and which you will be required to agree to on the Portal as a condition of entering the Ticket Ballot;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Website"</strong> the website at; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"you"</strong> the applicant for the purchase of Tickets to The Open in accordance with the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Expressions defined in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions and used in these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions shall have the meaning set out in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions. If there is any conflict between these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions and the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, the Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions shall take precedence.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>B. Ticket Ballot Duration and Eligibility</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Applications for the Ticket Ballot will open on 27 June 2023 and close on 25 July 2023.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You must be aged 16 years or over and a member of The One Club to enter the Ticket Ballot. If you are below 16 years of age and/or are not a member of The One Club, then you are not permitted to submit a Ballot Request Form.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. In submitting a Ballot Request Form, you confirm that you are eligible to do so. The R&amp;A may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the Ticket Ballot.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>C. Exclusions and Restrictions on Use</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Ticket(s) are for personal use only. Every person, regardless of age, will require a Ticket to attend The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. There is a limit of one entry to the Ticket Ballot per person. If you submit more than one Ballot Request Form, only the first Ballot Request Form will be considered valid for entry into the Ticket Ballot.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Any person who, in our reasonable opinion, purchases Ticket(s) using any computer software which is designed to afford them with an increased chance of being successful in the Ticket Ballot (such as bots) shall: (i) have their application excluded from the Ticket Ballot; or (ii) have any Ticket(s) allocated and/or purchased by them cancelled in full.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. See Section F of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions for further details on using your Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>D. How to Participate in the Ticket Ballot</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. To enter the Ticket Ballot you must complete and submit a Ballot Request Form via the Portal.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The Ballot Request Form gives you the opportunity to submit a request to offer to purchase Ticket(s) under and in accordance with the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You can submit a request for up to 4 Tickets for each day of The Open. Requests for more than the above stated maximum number of Tickets will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and can be made by contacting The Open Ticket Office at</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>E. Completion of Ballot Request Form</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. In the Ballot Request Form, you are required to provide your name, title, date of birth, email address, permanent residential address and phone number.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the Ballot Request Form has been completed in full with all required data and is properly submitted in accordance with the instructions specified. Any failure by you to comply with said requirements will result in your Ballot Request Form (and therefore your offer to purchase Ticket(s)) being rejected.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You must ensure that all information provided by you in the Ballot Request Form is true and accurate. If you are subsequently found to be in breach of this section E.3, The R&amp;A shall be entitled to refuse your Ballot Request Form or void your Ticket(s) (if they have been issued).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You acknowledge and agree that all Ticket purchases made on the Ballot Request Form are final. Except for circumstances where any refund is payable under the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, no cancellations will be permitted and/or refunds or exchanges given following the closure of the Ticket Ballot and successful processing of your payment.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Submission of a correctly completed Ballot Request Form, properly received by The R&amp;A, constitutes an offer by you to conclude an agreement for the purchase of the Ticket(s) indicated in the Ballot Request Form, which may be accepted by The R&amp;A in accordance with section F.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. We anticipate that demand for Tickets will exceed supply for each day of The Open. If there is more demand for Tickets than supply for any day of The Open, or for any category of Ticket, the Ticket Ballot for that day or category will be operated as a lottery so there is no guarantee that your application will be successful.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. We want to ensure that The Open is accessible to everyone so in the event of a lottery, applications will be sub-divided into categories, for example based on residency. Please ensure you apply using your permanent residential address, not a student or temporary address, holiday home address or business address.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. If your Ticket Ballot request is unsuccessful in such lottery, you will be informed by The R&amp;A via an email sent to the address indicated by you in the Ballot Request Form.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. If your Ticket Ballot request is successful, you will receive a Ballot Success Email with instructions about how to pay for the Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. If you fail to make payment within the timescales specified in your Ballot Success Email or your payment is rejected, then we will notify you and your Ticket(s) will not be allocated and we have the discretion not to fulfil or process any other order received from you. Please refer to Section C of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions for further details on payment.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>F. Offer Acceptance</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. The agreement between The R&amp;A and you for the purchase of the Ticket(s) will be concluded and confirmed (under the Terms) only after:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">(a) cleared payment is received by The R&amp;A for the total amount indicated in the Ballot Success Email; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">(b) acceptance of your offer by The R&amp;A by way of submission of the Ticket Purchase Confirmation to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Successful applicants are requested to review their Ticket Purchase Confirmation for any inaccuracies, in particular with regards to their Ticket(s) quantity and price. Any inaccuracies must be immediately notified to The Open Ticket Office at</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Except as expressly set out in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, successful applicants shall have no right of withdrawal when purchasing a Ticket. Consequently, every agreement between The R&amp;A and a successful applicant for the purchase of Ticket(s) (as confirmed in accordance with section F.1 above) is binding on the applicant and obliges the applicant to pay for, and accept, the ordered Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>G. General</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You acknowledge and accept that The R&amp;A may use third party service providers in the Ticket Ballot process (including but not limited to SecuTix Limited and Two Circles Limited for the purposes of administering the Ticket Ballot) however, and for the avoidance of doubt, The R&amp;A shall remain the seller of the Tickets and retain ownership of all rights vesting in such Tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Any personal data provided by you will be used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), which is available on our Website. If you have any questions or concerns about information we hold about you, please contact us by email at or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this section are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, including this section G.3, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. All enquiries should be addressed to: The Open Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: + 44 (0)1334 460010; Email:</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="tcs153" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 153rd Open Ticket Terms and Conditions</h2> <p> <span class="article-copy">IMPORTANT SUMMARY INFORMATION</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">It is important that you read and understand these Ticket Terms and Conditions, which relate to your tickets for The 153rd Open at Royal Portrush ("The Open"). By attending The Open you will be deemed to have accepted these Ticket Terms and Conditions. <br /> In particular, we want to draw your attention to the following:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Availability</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">All ticket types, including "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets are subject to availability, and cannot be issued once a day has sold out (see Section A for further details on buying your tickets).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Refunds</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">You may be entitled to a full or partial refund if: (i) The Open is cancelled or postponed prior to its commencement; (ii) play is cancelled or suspended during your visit to The Open; (iii) The Open is staged behind closed doors; (iv) The Open is staged with reduced spectator numbers; or (v) you change your mind within 48 hours of your purchase (provided this is before 12 July 2025 and your ticket has not been purchased from the Resale Platform). Tickets are non-refundable in all other circumstances (see Section B for further details on refunds).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">No Resale of Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">It is important to us that as many tickets as possible for The Open are sold at a price that is affordable to a greater number of consumers and we are concerned about the inflated prices that tickets can be sold for on the secondary ticket market. The resale of tickets is therefore prohibited except in limited circumstances. This means that if you sell your ticket to someone else for commercial gain or at a higher price than face value, or advertise it for sale, other than as permitted under these Ticket Terms and Conditions or otherwise with our permission, we may cancel or void that ticket and other tickets purchased by you (see Section F for further details on using your tickets). This includes tickets being bundled with other goods or services (e.g. accommodation, travel, hospitality, golf tee times) and selling on without the permission of The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Where you are no longer able to use your tickets, you may be able to advertise for sale and resell your tickets via the official Ticket Resale Platform, details of which will be provided by The R&amp;A in advance of The Open (the "Resale Platform").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Re-Admission</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Our re-admission policy will be communicated to ticket holders prior to The Open. We reserve the right to update our re-admission policy at any time.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Health and Safety</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">We reserve the right to impose health and safety related protocols which spectators must comply with while attending The Open that we consider appropriate or that we might be required to implement Any spectators who refuse or fail to comply with such conditions may have their tickets cancelled, be refused entry or removed from The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">DETAILED TERMS AND CONDITIONS</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">These Ticket Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply between (i) you as a purchaser of tickets for The Open and, where you are not the purchaser of tickets for The Open, to you as a holder of a ticket for The Open (referred to as "you" or "your") and (ii) us, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA ("The R&amp;A", "we" or "us").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">SECTION 1: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">A. Buying Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. In the first instance, tickets will be available for purchase by entering the official Ticket Ballot for The Open (the "Ticket Ballot"). Please note that tickets are subject to availability and entry into the Ticket Ballot does not guarantee that you will be allocated tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Following the closure of the Ticket Ballot, if surplus tickets are available, tickets may be purchased:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) On our website ( ("Website");<br /> b) By telephone (see paragraph I.6 for contact details);<br /> c) On the Resale Platform;<br /> d) From our official authorised ticketing providers; or<br /> e) Through any other sale or transfer mechanism authorised in writing by The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. We offer three categories of ticket based on age. These categories and the eligibility requirements for these tickets are as follows:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Ticket Category</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Eligibility</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Adult&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;25 years of age or over on 12 July 2025</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> Youth (16-24 years)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The ticket holder must be aged between 16 and 24 years of age on 12 July 2025</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">"Kids Go Free" Junior (under 16 years)&nbsp; &nbsp; The ticket holder must be under 16 years of age on 12 July 2025</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Adult and Youth Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. The maximum number of Daily Adult and/or Youth tickets that can be purchased by you (regardless of the method of purchase) is 4 per day of The Open. For example, you may order 4 tickets for Saturday and 4 tickets for Sunday in a single transaction, but once you hold 4 tickets for any given day of The Open, your maximum limit has been reached.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Weekly tickets are not available for purchase by members of the public except in limited circumstances. Where Weekly tickets are made available by The R&amp;A, the maximum number of Weekly tickets that can be purchased by you (regardless of the method of purchase) will be decided by The R&amp;A in its sole and absolute discretion.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. Requests for more than the maximum number of tickets stated above or otherwise specified by The R&amp;A (for example, for a school trip or golf development group visit) can be made by contacting The Open Ticket Office on +44 (0)1334 460010 or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">"Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. Children under 16 years of age on 12 July 2025 cannot attend The Open unless accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 who holds a valid course admission ticket (Adult or Youth (16-24 years)). All children under 16 years of age on the above date must hold a "Kids Go Free" Junior Ticket to attend The Open. Please note that "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets may not be listed for sale on the Resale Platform.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. Requests for "Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets can be made: (i) via the Ticket Ballot application process; or (ii) in any sales period following closure of the Ticket Ballot (in the event that "Kids Go Free" Junior tickets are still available). Please be aware that "Kids Go Free" Junior tickets will count towards your maximum allocation of 4 tickets per day of The Open and will be subject to a maximum of 3 per accompanying adult, being a person who holds a valid course admission ticket (Adult or Youth (16-24 years)) or who is applying for or purchasing such a Ticket at the same time as requesting the "Kids Go Free" Junior Ticket. That adult must accompany the Junior while in attendance at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Mobile Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. All tickets will be issued digitally through a mobile app, details of which will be confirmed by The R&amp;A to ticket holders prior to The Open (the "App").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. All ticket holders are encouraged to have their own mobile ticket on their own device for security purposes and to speed up entry on arrival. Where you purchase and/or are allocated any ticket(s) which are for use by other people, you will be able to transfer the ticket to each person who will be attending The Open using the App following your receipt of the ticket(s). Depending on your ticket type, your ability to transfer tickets may be restricted or limited to a maximum number of transfers.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">11. If you do not have a mobile device that is compatible with the App or if you have any questions in relation to mobile tickets, please visit our Website for more information or contact The Open Ticket Office on +44 (0)1334 460010 or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">General</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">12. Where you are the purchaser of tickets, your purchase of tickets will be completed when we deliver the tickets to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">13. In most cases this will be via the App (to your mobile phone). In limited circumstances this may be in person (for example, by handing out tickets at the entry gate to ticket holders who do not own a mobile device that is compatible with the App).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">14. The R&amp;A reserves the right to choose to accept or reject your order whether for all or any number of the tickets requested. In the case of an order being rejected in whole or in part, you will be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. Such notification may not be received until we have had an opportunity to complete all pre-despatch ticket checks. Our failure to notify you of the rejection of your order in whole or in part does not mean that your order has been accepted.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">15. The R&amp;A will accept no responsibility for, or offer any refunds for, loss arising as a result of any incorrect information provided by you at the time of purchase, unless this is due to our error.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">16. If tickets ordered by you become unavailable for any reason then you will be informed of this by The R&amp;A. The R&amp;A reserves the right to complete the transaction by issuing part of the total order, or to cancel it completely. In either event, you will be refunded for any ticket(s) ordered but not received and this will be the only liability that we have to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">B. Refunds</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Cancellation of your order</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. If, after you have placed your order, you wish to withdraw or cancel your order then you may do so by informing us no later than 48 hours after your purchase. The right to cancel tickets set out in this paragraph B.1 must be exercised no later than 12 July 2025 and does not apply to any tickets purchased on the Resale Platform. You will not be entitled to cancel your order or be entitled to a refund after 12 July 2025. If you withdraw or cancel your order within these timeframes, we shall reimburse the payment made by you within 30 days of receiving: (i) your notification that you wish to cancel your order, and (ii) where ticket(s) have been despatched to you, the unused ticket(s). Return of the ticket(s) to us is at your own cost and you will be responsible for the returned ticket(s) during transit.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Suspended Play or Cancellation during The Open</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Daily tickets: If The Open is cancelled after its commencement or play on the day(s) to which your ticket relates is suspended, you shall be entitled to a refund of the cost of the ticket(s) based on the following criteria:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Total Hours Course Available for Play&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Refund Due</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Zero&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; = 100% refund in respect of that day's ticket cost</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Less than 5 hours&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;= 50% refund in respect of that day's ticket cost</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. If the course is open and available for play for 5 hours or more on a day, no refund shall be due in respect of that day. In calculating the number of hours the course is open and available for play on a particular day, each day will be considered to have commenced when play begins that day, and will end when play finishes for the day.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. Refunds due to cancellation or suspension of play do not apply to Weekly tickets or car parking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. For the purpose of calculating refunds under paragraph B.2 above, the number of hours the course is open and available for play will be timed by The R&amp;A Rules Department and its decision shall be final. Information on this decision will be published on our Website.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. The right to a refund set out in paragraph B.2 must be exercised no later than four months after the last day of The Open. You will not be entitled to a refund after that date.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Postponement prior to The Open</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. In the event The Open is postponed prior to its commencement and such postponement results in The 153rd Open being held at Royal Portrush at a later date than scheduled, The R&amp;A will honour tickets for the re-scheduled dates of The Open. If you do not wish to attend The Open on such re-scheduled dates you must notify The R&amp;A in writing of that fact as soon as possible. Upon receipt of such notification, The R&amp;A may elect at its sole discretion to refund you for the cost of your ticket(s). Refunds will be available in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of postponement.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Cancellation prior to The Open and Staging Behind Closed Doors</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. In the event The Open is cancelled prior to its commencement and such cancellation results in The 153rd Open being held at a venue other than Royal Portrush, or in the event that The Open is staged at Royal Portrush behind closed doors with no public attendance, you will be entitled to a full refund for the cost of your ticket(s). Refunds will be available in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of cancellation or our decision to stage The Open behind closed doors, as appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Reduced Spectator Numbers</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. In the event that, due to health and safety reasons, we can only admit a limited number of spectators to The Open, The R&amp;A may cancel your ticket(s). If we cancel your ticket(s) in such circumstances, you will be entitled to a full refund for the cost of your ticket(s) in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A following the date of our decision. The R&amp;A has absolute and sole discretion as to which tickets to cancel in a reduced capacity scenario.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">General</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. You have no rights in the event of cancellation or postponement of The Open, or suspension of play, or in the event that The Open is staged behind closed doors or with reduced spectator numbers other than a refund for the ticket(s) calculated in accordance with paragraph B.2 or payable pursuant to paragraphs B.7, B.8 or B.9. If you purchase a Daily ticket for play on a Sunday, this does not guarantee that Sunday's play will be the final round of The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">11. Refund requests must be received by the deadline date specified by The R&amp;A in communications issued to ticket holders during the refund process. Please note that any tickets bought through authorised agents must be returned to the agent, rather than to The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">12. The R&amp;A shall retain ownership of all tickets issued to you under these Ticket Terms and Conditions, and your tickets may be recalled by The R&amp;A at any time. Where such a recall takes place, The R&amp;A will issue a full refund to you or provide replacement tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">C. Payment</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Prices quoted are in Pounds Sterling and are inclusive of applicable VAT (VAT Registration Number: 827 8424 04).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Payment in full must be made prior to despatch of the ticket(s) in accordance with paragraph C.3 below.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. We will process an order where payment is made using Mastercard&reg; or Visa&reg;. We will also accept BACS Transfers for telephone sales where the value of your total order exceeds &pound;2,500. If your payment is rejected, then we will notify you and your order will not be fulfilled and we have the discretion not to fulfil or process any other order received from you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. If you use a Mastercard&reg; to purchase your Weekly or Daily tickets, you will receive a &pound;5 reduction on the total value of the transaction. This offer is subject to the following conditions:-</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) This offer is limited to a single transaction per card holder and does not apply to orders for more than the maximum number of tickets specified in paragraphs A.3 and A.4;<br /> b) You must be 18 years of age or over to qualify;<br /> c) No cash or credit is available as an alternative;<br /> d) You must enter the relevant promotional code in order to redeem the offer;<br /> e) This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer; and<br /> f) This offer is subject to availability and we can withdraw it at any time.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. The R&amp;A shall not be responsible for any exchange rates, fees or charges levied by your bank or payment card provider.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. When placing your ticket order online or over the phone, you must take the following positive action in order to benefit from this discount:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) For online sales: follow the online instructions (i.e. enter the correct offer code as part of the payment process).<br /> b) For telephone sales: state that you would like to pay with a Mastercard&reg; before the card details are provided.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">SECTION 2: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">D. Our Liability to You</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. If we are in breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, we will not be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result, unless the losses are a foreseeable consequence of the breach. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or where it could be contemplated by you and us at the time you purchased your tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any loss or damage to property incurred at The Open, unless the loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Nothing in these Ticket Terms and Conditions shall limit any rights you may have which are not capable of being lawfully excluded or limited, nor shall these Ticket Terms and Conditions exclude or restrict our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">E. Your Safety</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Whilst The R&amp;A is committed to ensuring that proper safety measures are in place to try to prevent injury to spectators, you acknowledge the risk of injury whilst attending The Open, despite such precautions being taken, including the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease and being struck by a golf ball, and you agree that you are assuming all risk and danger arising from your attendance at The Open. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any injury, illness, loss or damage suffered by you at The Open unless this injury, illness, loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You should be alert at all times to the golf being played in your vicinity including the direction of play, any instructions from marshals (e.g. flags advising of the direction in which a player's shot has been struck) and any warnings issued on the course (e.g. a warning shout of "Fore") to try to prevent injury to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You acknowledge that you are subject to and you agree to comply with the health and safety protocols applicable at The Open, as issued and updated by The R&amp;A and/or its safety advisers prior to and during The Open by email, via the App and/or displayed on our Website.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You must at all times follow the instructions of The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">F. Use of Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. The R&amp;A reserves the right to void your ticket(s) if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, any ticket purchased by you:-</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) is to be or has been sold, donated, transferred or in any way disposed of to any person/entity for the purpose of commercial gain or is to be or has been sold at a higher price than its face value, other than as permitted under paragraph A.9 above or via the Resale Platform;<br /> b) has been purchased for resale along with any other goods or services, e.g. hospitality, travel, accommodation, golf tee times, from a person/entity who is not an authorised ticketing provider;<br /> c) is advertised for sale or transfer; or<br /> d) is to be or has been used in an unauthorised manner as a prize or in any other manner in a lottery or competition or for any other promotional, advertising or commercial purpose not specifically authorised by The R&amp;A in writing.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Unless The R&amp;A has agreed otherwise in writing, any transfer or purported transfer of any ticket by you in any manner set out in paragraph F.1 above shall constitute a breach by you of these Ticket Terms and Conditions. You shall have no right to attend The Open nor be entitled to a refund or any compensation in respect of any ticket(s) voided by The R&amp;A in accordance with paragraph F.1.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You may sell your ticket(s) via the Resale Platform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Resale Platform, save where the ticket(s) have been issued subject to a restriction that they may not be sold on the Resale Platform.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. Please do not post pictures of your ticket on social networking sites. People may use the details and offer them for sale online to defraud/attempt to defraud third parties into buying them. This may result in ticket holders encountering difficulties when attending The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Where The R&amp;A, or its security contractors, have reasonable grounds to suspect that a ticket has been copied, resold by an unauthorised person or company, or has been altered in any way without the consent of The R&amp;A, its security contractors may seize and retain that ticket and may refuse entry to The Open where this is deemed appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. If we reasonably believe that you have been involved in fraudulent activity relating to your ticket(s), or that you are attending The Open without a valid ticket or other accreditation, we reserve the right to remove you from The Open and we may pass your details to the police or other relevant authority, who may take further action against you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. By attending The Open, you agree to being searched by our security contractors or police officers for health and safety reasons, including to prevent prohibited items being brought in to the venue. We reserve the right to refuse entry to or remove you from The Open if you refuse to be searched. A list of prohibited items will be posted on our Website and at the entry gates. In addition, any item which in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A or its security contractors could potentially harm, or cause alarm to, attendees at The Open will not be allowed at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">G. Attendance at The Open</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Mobile phones and personal cameras are permitted at The Open, subject to the following conditions:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) no audio recording, video recording or flash photography is permitted at any time;<br /> b) still photography is permitted, provided that it does not disrupt play and images are not sold, used or published commercially in any way whatsoever unless expressly authorised by The R&amp;A. Cameras, including mobile phones, may be confiscated if such usage is suspected;<br /> c) all mobile phones must be on "SILENT" mode at all times without the "VIBRATE" option activated; and<br /> d) data use (e.g. texting, email and website access) is permitted, however, the device volume must be muted at all times. Mobile phones, cameras, other electronic devices, communication devices, audio-visual equipment or radios must not be used to capture, supply or transmit data or other information for any commercial purpose (including, for example, betting or gambling) or assisting for these purposes.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Rules governing the use of mobile phones, cameras, video, sound or image recorders, personal digital assistants and other electrical communication devices shall be posted at the entry gates. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Use of global positioning systems, including without limitation transponder and/or receiver equipment, or similar positioning, tracking or measurement devices shall not be permitted at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. When asking for autographs, you must always respect the players, other spectators, The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. Unless the player has given you permission, you must not solicit autographs from players outside of the designated autograph zones. Autographs obtained at The Open must not be used for any commercial purpose.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Rules governing pets will be posted on our Website.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. It will be considered by us to be a breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions if you have at The Open any objects or clothing bearing commercial identification which The R&amp;A have reason to believe is intended for "ambush marketing" or other unauthorised promotional purposes. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against anyone that we consider to be involved in "ambush marketing".</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. Where you, through your negligence or intentional or reckless act, cause damage or loss to The R&amp;A or to any property at The Open (including, without limitation, the course or any equipment or facilities), you will be responsible for compensating the person who has suffered the loss or damage.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. You may be removed from, or refused access to, The Open if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, your behaviour is, or could be considered to be dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoying to other spectators, players, The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. For example, if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or are acting aggressively, or if you fail to obey any conditions of use, posted signs or instructions of The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. If you are refused admission to The Open under these circumstances, you will be entitled to a full refund for your ticket. If you are removed from The Open under these circumstances after gaining entry, you will not be entitled to a refund.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. Ticket Transfers: You must not transfer your Daily ticket to any other person during the course of a day&rsquo;s play. If you hold a Weekly ticket, this may be transferred to another person but only between days, not during the course of a day's play. Nothing in this paragraph G.9 affects your right to transfer tickets in accordance with paragraph A.10 above. Tickets must be retained at all times and provided for inspection by security personnel as required.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">H. Junior and Youth Tickets</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. We reserve the right to request age verification for Junior and Youth ticket holders and to refuse entry if verification of their age is not provided on request. This also applies to requests for these ticket types at the public Ticket Office at The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are the Junior's parent or guardian, you consent to these Ticket Terms and Conditions applying to your child. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are not their parent or guardian, you must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian for these Ticket Terms and Conditions to apply to such child. In each circumstance, you are responsible for the supervision of that child during The Open and for ensuring that they comply with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">I. General Ticketing Conditions</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Ticket Terms and Conditions.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. If any provision of these Ticket Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Any personal data provided by you will be used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), which is available on our Website. If you have any questions or concerns about information we hold about you, please contact us by email at or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this paragraph and paragraph I.4 below are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. In agreeing to these Ticket Terms and Conditions and attending The Open, you consent to being filmed, photographed and recorded for television, radio, webcast and other public broadcast in any medium and/or for any video or DVD as part of the audience and/or, for security purposes, by any CCTV cameras and recordings at The Open. You also agree that we can utilise your image or likeness or the image or likeness of a member of your party in, or incidental to, any photograph or live or recorded television or in any other type of transmission or reproduction, in whole or in part, and that you shall not be entitled to any compensation or credit. This may include use of footage and images for marketing purposes and includes footage and images broadcast or published by The R&amp;A and by third party rights holders. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are their parent or guardian, you consent to their images being taken and used in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior for the purposes of that child obtaining a "Kids Go Free" Junior ticket and you are not their parent or guardian, you must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian for the images of such child to be taken and used in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Ticket Terms and Conditions, including this paragraph I.5, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. All enquiries should be addressed to: The Open Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: + 44 (0)1334 460010; Email:</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ballottcs153" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 153rd Open Ballot Terms and Conditions</h2> <p><span class="article-copy">These Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, together with the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions (collectively, the <strong>"Terms"</strong>), set out the basis on which we, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA (<strong>"The R&amp;A"</strong>, <strong>"we"</strong> or <strong>"us"</strong>) operate the official ticket ballot ("Ticket Ballot") for The 153rd Open at Royal Portrush (<strong>"The Open"</strong>).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Entry to the Ticket Ballot is conditional on acceptance of the Terms. By submitting a Ballot Application, you are deemed to have read and accepted the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>A. Definitions</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. In these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ballot Application"</strong> the online electronic form completed and submitted by you via the Portal to make a request for Ticket(s);</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ballot Success Email"</strong> the email sent by us to you confirming that your Ticket Ballot Application has been successful, detailing the amount payable for the Ticket(s) and instructions for payment;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Portal"</strong> the online portal for the Ticket Ballot which can be accessed via the Website;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"One Club"</strong> the official membership club and loyalty scheme relating to The Open operated by The R&amp;A;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket(s)"</strong> a day ticket (whether a hard copy ticket or a digital ticket) for an individual to attend The Open;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket Purchase Confirmation"</strong> the email sent by us to you confirming that you have successfully purchased Ticket(s);</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions"</strong> the 153rd Open Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions which govern all Tickets issued for The Open, and which you will be required to agree to on the Portal as a condition of entering the Ticket Ballot;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"Website"</strong> the website at; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>"you"</strong> the applicant for the purchase of Tickets to The Open in accordance with the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Expressions defined in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions and used in these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions shall have the meaning set out in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions. If there is any conflict between these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions and the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, the Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions shall take precedence.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>B. Ticket Ballot Duration and Eligibility</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Applications for the Ticket Ballot will open on 1 July 2024 and close on 31 July 2024.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You must be aged 16 years or over and a member of One Club to enter the Ticket Ballot. If you are below 16 years of age and/or are not a member of One Club, then you are not permitted to submit a Ballot Application.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. In submitting a Ballot Application, you confirm that you are eligible to do so. The R&amp;A may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the Ticket Ballot.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>C. Exclusions and Restrictions on Use</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Ticket(s) are for personal use only. Every person, regardless of age, will require a Ticket to attend The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. There is a limit of one entry to the Ticket Ballot per person. If you are deemed to have submitted more than one Ballot Application, only the first Ballot Application will be considered valid for entry into the Ticket Ballot.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Any person who, in our reasonable opinion, purchases Ticket(s) using any computer software which is designed to afford them with an increased chance of being successful in the Ticket Ballot (such as bots) shall: (i) have their application excluded from the Ticket Ballot; or (ii) have any Ticket(s) allocated and/or purchased by them cancelled in full.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. See Section F of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions for further details on using your Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>D. How to Participate in the Ticket Ballot</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. To enter the Ticket Ballot you must complete and submit a Ballot Application via the Portal.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The Ballot Application gives you the opportunity to submit a request to offer to purchase Ticket(s) under and in accordance with the Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You can submit a request for up to 4 Tickets for each day of The Open. Requests for more than the above stated maximum number of Tickets will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and can be made by contacting The Open Ticket Office at <a href=""></a>.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>E. Completion of Ballot Application&nbsp;</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. In the Ballot Application, you are required to provide your name, title, date of birth, email address, permanent residential address and phone number.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the Ballot Application has been completed in full with all required data and is properly submitted in accordance with the instructions specified. Any failure by you to comply with said requirements will result in your Ballot Application (and therefore your offer to purchase Ticket(s)) being rejected.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You must ensure that all information provided by you in the Ballot Application is true and accurate. If you are subsequently found to be in breach of this section E.3, The R&amp;A shall be entitled to refuse your Ballot Application or void your Ticket(s) (if they have been issued).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You acknowledge and agree that all Ticket purchases made on the Ballot Application are final. Except for circumstances where any refund is payable under the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, no cancellations will be permitted and/or refunds or exchanges given following the closure of the Ticket Ballot and successful processing of your payment.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. Submission of a correctly completed Ballot Application, properly received by The R&amp;A, constitutes an offer by you to conclude an agreement for the purchase of the Ticket(s) indicated in the Ballot Application, which may be accepted by The R&amp;A in accordance with section F.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. We anticipate that demand for Tickets will exceed supply for each day of The Open. If there is more demand for Tickets than supply for any day of The Open, or for any category of Ticket, the Ticket Ballot for that day or category will be operated as a lottery so there is no guarantee that your application will be successful.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. We want to ensure that The Open is accessible to everyone so in the event of a lottery, applications will be sub-divided into categories, for example based on residency. Please ensure you apply using your permanent residential address, not a student or temporary address, holiday home address or business address.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">8. If your Ticket Ballot application is unsuccessful in such lottery, you will be informed by The R&amp;A via an email sent to the address indicated by you in the Ballot Application.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">9. If your Ticket Ballot request is successful, you will receive a Ballot Success Email with instructions about how to pay for the Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">10. If you fail to make payment within the timescales specified in your Ballot Success Email or your payment is rejected, then your Ticket(s) will not be allocated and we have the discretion not to fulfil or process any other order received from you. Please refer to Section C of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions for further details on payment.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>F. Offer Acceptance</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. The agreement between The R&amp;A and you for the purchase of the Ticket(s) will be concluded and confirmed (under the Terms) only after:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">(a) cleared payment is received by The R&amp;A for the total amount indicated in the Ballot Success Email; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">(b) acceptance of your offer by The R&amp;A by way of submission of the Ticket Purchase Confirmation to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Successful applicants are requested to review their Ticket Purchase Confirmation for any inaccuracies, in particular with regards to their Ticket(s) quantity and price. Any inaccuracies must be immediately notified to The Open Ticket Office at</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Except as expressly set out in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, successful applicants shall have no right of withdrawal when purchasing a Ticket. Consequently, every agreement between The R&amp;A and a successful applicant for the purchase of Ticket(s) (as confirmed in accordance with section F.1 above) is binding on the applicant and obliges the applicant to pay for, and accept, the ordered Ticket(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>G. General</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You acknowledge and accept that The R&amp;A may use third party service providers in the Ticket Ballot process (including but not limited to SecuTix Limited and Two Circles Limited for the purposes of administering the Ticket Ballot) however, and for the avoidance of doubt, The R&amp;A shall remain the seller of the Tickets and retain ownership of all rights vesting in such Tickets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Any personal data provided by you will be used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), which is available on our Website. If you have any questions or concerns about information we hold about you, please contact us by email at or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this section are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Ballot Terms &amp; Conditions, including this section G.3, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. All enquiries should be addressed to: The Open Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: + 44 (0)1334 460010; Email:</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="accreditationtcs" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 152nd Open Accreditation Terms and Conditions</h2> <p><span class="article-copy">Before you apply for accreditation for The 152nd Open at Royal Troon in July 2024 ("The Open"), it is important that you read and understand these Accreditation Terms and Conditions (these "Terms").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">These Terms set out the terms and conditions that apply between (i) you, as an accredited individual at The Open, including where someone else has applied for accreditation on your behalf (referred to as "you" or "your") and (ii) us, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having our registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA ("The R&amp;A", "we" or "us").</span> </p> <p><strong style="font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 1.125rem; letter-spacing: 0.025rem;">SECTION 1: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION</strong></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>A. Applying for Accreditation</strong></span></p> <p> <span class="article-copy">1. Applications for accreditation at The Open must be made via The Open online accreditation portal. This online portal is accessible via a personalised link sent to you by The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The R&amp;A reserves the right to choose to accept or reject your application whether for all or any number of the accreditation passes requested. In the case of an application being rejected in whole or in our part, you will be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. Our failure to notify you of the rejection of your application in whole or in part does not mean that your application has been accepted.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Applications for accreditation at The Open will only be accepted for, and accreditation passes may only be used by, individuals who require to be on-site at The Open in a working capacity or guests of The R&amp;A who require to be accredited. If you are a guest of The R&amp;A your attendance at The Open will also be subject to The 152nd Open Ticket Terms and Conditions, available at <a href=""></a>.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. The R&amp;A will accept no responsibility for loss arising as a result of any incorrect information provided by you at the time of submitting your application, unless this is due to our error. &nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>B. Cancellation</strong></span></p> <p><strong><span class="article-copy">1. If, after you have applied for accreditation, you wish to withdraw your application, you must do so by informing us as soon as possible at <a href="mailto:"></a>.</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span class="article-copy">2. The R&amp;A shall retain ownership of all accreditation issued to you under these Terms, and your accreditation may be recalled by The R&amp;A at any time.</span></strong></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 2: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</strong></span></p> <strong> </strong> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>C. Our Liability to You</strong></span></p> <p> <span class="article-copy">1. If we are in breach of these Terms, we will not be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result, unless the losses are a foreseeable consequence of the breach. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or where it could be contemplated by you and us at the time you completed your application for accreditation.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any loss or damage to property incurred at The Open, unless the loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Nothing in these Terms shall limit any rights you may have which are not capable of being lawfully excluded or limited, nor shall these Terms exclude or restrict our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>D. Your Safety</strong></span></p> <p> <span class="article-copy">1. While The R&amp;A is committed to ensuring that proper safety measures are in place to try to prevent injury to accredited individuals, you acknowledge the risk of injury whilst attending The Open, despite such precautions being taken, including the risk of being struck by a golf ball, and you agree that you are assuming all risk and danger arising from your attendance at The Open. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any injury, loss or damage suffered by you at The Open unless this injury, loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You should be alert at all times to the golf being played in your vicinity including the direction of play, any instructions from marshals (e.g. flags advising of the direction in which a player's shot has been struck) and any warnings issued on the course (e.g. a warning shout of "Fore") to try to prevent injury to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The R&amp;A reserves the right to impose health and safety related protocols which accredited individuals must comply with while attending The Open that we consider appropriate or that we might be required to implement. Any accredited individuals who refuse or fail to comply with such conditions may have their accreditation cancelled, be refused entry or removed from The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You must at all times follow the instructions of The R&amp;A and The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>E. Use of Accreditation</strong></span></p> <p> <span class="article-copy">1. An accreditation pass shall become void and you shall have no right to attend The Open where in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A you have failed to comply with The Open staffing policies and procedures, including (without limitation) the safety protocols applicable at The Open, as issued and updated by The R&amp;A and/or its safety advisers from time to time.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Unless The R&amp;A has agreed otherwise in writing, any transfer or purported transfer of any accreditation by you in any manner set out in Section H.1 shall constitute a breach by you of these Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Please do not post pictures of your accreditation on social networking sites. People may use the details to gain unauthorised entry to The Open.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. Where The R&amp;A, or its security contractors, have reasonable grounds to suspect that an accreditation pass has been copied, resold by an unauthorised person or company, used in breach of Section A.3, or altered in any way to the detriment of The R&amp;A, The R&amp;A or its security contractors may seize and retain that pass and may refuse entry to The Open where this is deemed appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. If we reasonably believe that you have been involved in fraudulent activity or criminal behaviour relating to your accreditation, or that you are attending The Open without valid accreditation, we reserve the right to remove you from The Open and we may pass your details to the police or other relevant authority, who may take further action against you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. By attending The Open, you agree to being searched by our security contractors or police officers for health and safety reasons, including to prevent prohibited items being brought in to the venue. We reserve the right to refuse entry to or remove you from The Open if you refuse to be searched. Any item which in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A or its security contractors could harm or cause alarm to attendees of The Open will not be allowed at The Open.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>F. Attendance at The Open</strong></span></p> <p> <span class="article-copy">1. Rules governing the use of mobile phones, cameras, video, sound or image recorders, personal digital assistants and other electrical communication devices shall be posted at the entry gates.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. It will be considered by us to be a breach of these Terms if you have at The Open any objects or clothing bearing commercial identification which The R&amp;A have reason to believe is intended for "ambush marketing" or other unauthorised promotional purposes. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against anyone that we consider to be involved in "ambush marketing".</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Where you, through your negligence or intentional or reckless act, cause damage or loss to The R&amp;A or to any property at The Open (including, without limitation, the course or any equipment or facilities), you will be responsible for compensating the person who has suffered the loss or damage.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You may be removed from, or refused access to, The Open if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, your behaviour is, or could be considered to be dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoying to other accredited individuals, players, The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel. For example, if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or are acting aggressively, or if you fail to obey any conditions of use, posted signs or instructions of The R&amp;A and The Open officials, marshals and/or security personnel or if, as a volunteer, you fail to comply with any of the requirements set out in Section G below.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>G. Volunteers</strong></span></p> <span class="article-copy">If you have been allocated a role as a volunteer at The Open you must at all times: (i) perform your role in accordance with the role description provided by The R&amp;A; (ii) carry out your duties with all due care, skill and to the best of your ability; (iii) conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful of The Open so as not to bring The Open or The R&amp;A into disrepute; (iv) attend all briefing, training and support sessions relevant to your role; and (v) comply with The R&amp;A&rsquo;s policies notified to you from time to time.</span> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>H. Additional Terms</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The personal data which you supply to us during the accreditation process may be used by us, our group companies and our service providers for the purpose of administering your accreditation. For more information about how The R&amp;A uses your personal data, and your rights under data protection law, please refer to our Participant Privacy Policy, available at <a href=""></a>. If you have any questions about how we use your personal data, please contact us at <a href="mailto:"></a>.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. In agreeing to these Terms and attending The Open, you consent to being filmed, photographed and recorded for television, radio, webcast and other public broadcast in any medium and/or for any video or DVD as part of the audience and/or, for security purposes, by any CCTV cameras and recordings at The Open. You also agree that we can utilise your image or likeness or the image or likeness of a member of your party in, or incidental to, any photograph or live or recorded television or in any other type of transmission or reproduction, in whole or in part, and that you shall not be entitled to any compensation or credit. This may include use of footage and images for marketing purposes and includes footage and images broadcast or published by The R&amp;A and by third party rights holders.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Terms affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. All enquiries should be addressed to: The R&amp;A Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: +44(0)1334 460010; Email: <a href="mailto:"></a>.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Resale2024" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">The 152nd Open Ticket Resale Terms and Conditions</h2> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>IMPORTANT SUMMARY INFORMATION</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">These Ticket Resale Terms and Conditions (these "<strong>Terms</strong>") set out the full terms and conditions applicable to purchasing and selling tickets for The 152<sup>nd</sup> Open at Royal Troon ("<strong>The Open</strong>") using the official Ticket Resale Platform ("<strong>Resale Platform</strong>"). </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">It is important that you read and understand these Terms. By using the Resale Platform to purchase or sell tickets for The Open you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">If you purchase tickets for The Open using the Resale Platform you will also be required to comply with <a href=""><span>The 152nd Open Ticket Terms and Conditions</span></a> (the "<strong>Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions</strong>"). A small number of provisions set out in the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions are not applicable to tickets purchased through the Resale Platform, as is explained at paragraph F.11 below.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>DETAILED TERMS AND CONDITIONS</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">R&amp;A Championships Limited is a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047, with its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA ("<strong><span>The R&amp;A</span></strong>", "<strong><span>we</span></strong>" or "<strong><span>us</span></strong>").</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>We operate the Resale Platform so that tickets purchased from us may be sold by the original buyer on a safe and secure basis. Tickets listed on the Resale Platform (</span></strong>"<strong>Resale Tickets</strong>"<strong>) may only be listed at the price paid for the Resale Ticket by the original buyer. The Resale Platform therefore provides a safe place to purchase tickets that may otherwise be unused at a price that is free from inflation. We believe this to be in the best interests of golf fans and The Open.</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">The existence of Resale Tickets is subject to availability and does not mean that tickets to The Open are sold out (although this may be the case) or that tickets to The Open are not available to purchase from other sources, including us and our authorised ticketing providers. </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Please be aware that Resale Tickets cannot be resold or refunded after purchase, except in limited circumstances where The Open is cancelled, suspended, held behind closed doors or postponed. Please see paragraph B (Refunds) of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions for further information. Paragraph B.1 (Cancellation of your order) of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions does not apply to Resale Tickets. </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>SECTION 1: THE RESALE PLATFORM</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>A. Use of the Resale Platform and Legally Binding Contracts</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">In order to sell or purchase a Resale Ticket using the Resale Platform, you must:</span> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li><span class="article-copy">be 16 years old or older and be able to enter into legally binding contracts;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">be a member of <a href=""><span style="color: #0070c0;">The One Club</span></a>, the official membership club and loyalty scheme relating to The Open operated by The R&amp;A. Membership of The One Club is free and there is no limit to the number of people that can join; and</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">if you are a seller, have purchased your ticket(s) directly from The R&amp;A, either through the ballot for The Open or general sale.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">The Resale Platform may be opened to a wider group of buyers or sellers or restricted to certain audiences at our discretion.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">By listing, selling or purchasing a Resale Ticket using the Resale Platform you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms, which form a legally binding contract between you and us in relation to your use of the Resale Platform. If you are buying Resale Tickets, you will also have a separate legally binding contract with us in respect of your use of the Resale Ticket. If you do not agree with these Terms or any other applicable terms and conditions, or if you cannot comply with any of them, then you must not use the Resale Platform. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">We reserve the right from time to time to make changes to these Terms. Where we make any such changes, we shall post the updated version on We recommend you check these Terms regularly to stay informed. All listings, sales and purchases are subject to the applicable version of these Terms that was published at the time of listing, sale or purchase. If you do not agree with any revised version of these Terms, or if you cannot comply with it, then you must not list, sell or purchase Resale Tickets.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>SECTION 2: SELLER TERMS</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>B. Listing Resale Tickets for Sale</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">Sellers will only be able to list a Resale Ticket for sale if they have purchased it as a One Club member as part of the ticket ballot for The Open and the ticket is of a type that is capable of being resold using the Resale Platform. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">The following tickets are unable to be listed for sale on the Resale Platform:</span> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li><span class="article-copy">"Kids Go Free" Junior tickets;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">Hospitality passes;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">R&amp;A member and staff tickets;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">Patron tickets; and</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">Any tickets that have been issued by us free of charge or otherwise than through the ticket ballot for The Open. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">All listings of Resale Tickets are subject to the following conditions and restrictions:</span> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li><span class="article-copy">Resale Tickets may only be listed at the original price paid for the tickets;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">Resale Tickets may only be listed whilst the Resale Platform is open. We reserve the right to close the Resale Platform at any time prior to The Open; </span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">sellers may only list Resale Tickets that they have the right to sell, and where no third party rights, no applicable terms and conditions and no laws or regulations are breached by listing the Resale Tickets;</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">sellers may not list Resale Tickets that have been obtained in breach of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions or these Terms or through any other illegal or unauthorised activity; and</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">sellers must not list duplicate, counterfeit or stolen tickets.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">Sellers may also be subject to any other specific listing conditions or restrictions imposed by us on a case-by-case basis and at our sole discretion. </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">We cannot guarantee that Resale Ticket listings will be published and active within a certain time or that listings will appear in a particular order or in any search results, or that listed Resale Tickets will sell. If any Resale Tickets are not listed due to a technical or other error and/or do not sell for any reason, we will not be liable or responsible in relation to the same. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">We reserve the right to delist any Resale Tickets if:</span> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li><span class="article-copy">a seller fails to comply with the listing conditions set out under this paragraph B; or</span></li> <li><span class="article-copy">the Resale Platform needs to be disabled for any reason (in which case all affected Resale Ticket listings will automatically be delisted or suspended and orders already placed will be cancelled and refunded to the relevant buyers).</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">If a seller lists all of their tickets for any given day of The Open then we reserve the right to cancel any associated "Kids Go Free" Junior tickets or complimentary Carer tickets that were ordered as part of the seller鈥檚 original purchase, regardless of whether those listed Resale Tickets sell. Juniors cannot attend The Open unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult, as set out in paragraph A.7 ("Kids Go Free" Junior Tickets) of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>C. Sale and Fulfilment of Resale Tickets</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">When a buyer confirms that they want to purchase any Resale Tickets and makes payment, the order will be processed, and the seller will receive an "order confirmation" notification. Please note, upon the issuing of the order confirmation the seller is giving up their rights to the Resale Ticket. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Whilst we try to ensure the accuracy of order confirmations, sometimes technical or other errors may occur. If an error results in an incorrect order confirmation being issued, we will notify the seller as soon as possible and reserve the right to cancel the order without any further liability. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">In rare circumstances, for example if the buyer鈥檚 payment for an order is recalled by the associated bank or payment provider, we reserve the right to cancel an order for which an order confirmation has been sent and refund the buyer without any further liability. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Upon receipt of the order confirmation, no action is required by the seller. The Resale Ticket will be removed from the seller鈥檚 "My Account" on or from The Open Ticket App and re-issued to the buyer. </span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>D. Other Seller Obligations</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">If we need to make enquiries about any Resale Tickets listed or sold, the seller should respond promptly and within such timeframes that we notify to the seller. If the seller is not contactable within our required timeframes, this may lead to us delisting the seller鈥檚 Resale Tickets and/or cancelling the order. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">If The Open is cancelled in full or staged behind closed doors or if any Resale Tickets are cancelled by us because the number of spectators permitted at The Open needs to be restricted due to health and safety reasons, then unsold Resale Tickets will be removed from the Resale Platform and the seller should check the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions to understand their rights to claim a refund. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">If The Open is postponed and such postponement results in The Open being held at Royal Troon at a later date than scheduled, the Resale Platform listing page will be updated with the new information and all live listings will remain listed and available for sale. However, the seller may delist their Resale Tickets (provided they remain unsold at the time of delisting) and seek to exercise any right to a refund they may have under the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>&nbsp;</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>E. Payment to Sellers</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">Sellers will receive from the Resale Ticket proceeds the sum that the seller paid for the Resale Ticket. If the seller used a Mastercard庐 to purchase their ticket and benefited from a 拢5 reduction in the total value of the transaction then, unless other tickets were also purchased by the seller as part of that transaction and have not been resold, the amount the seller receives from the Resale Ticket proceeds will be reduced by 拢5 to reflect the amount the seller paid when purchasing their ticket. Further information in relation to the Mastercard庐 price reduction is set out in paragraph C.4 (Payment) of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Payment to the seller of any Resale Ticket proceeds shall usually be made within 7 to 10 working days using the card details provided by the seller when making the original purchase. If payment cannot be made using such details, for example because the seller has closed their bank account, then we will contact the seller to arrange an alternative method of payment once the payment has been returned to us by the original bank. In the first instance, we must always attempt to refund to the original payment details.</span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Payment to the seller will be processed in Pounds Sterling (GBP). If the seller originally paid for the Resale Tickets using a different currency, the value of the payment may not match what was originally paid due to a difference in the exchange rate on the day that The R&amp;A processes payment, but the GBP value will always be the same.</span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">We reserve the right to cancel orders and issue refunds to buyers where, in our reasonable opinion, a buyer is legally entitled to a refund for any reason, in which case no payment shall become due to the seller.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>SECTION 3: BUYER TERMS</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>F. Prices, Payment and Placing Orders</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">All prices for Resale Tickets offered for sale on the Resale Platform are quoted in Pounds Sterling and are inclusive of VAT (VAT Registration Number: 827 8424 04). The price payable will be the original price paid by the seller for the Resale Ticket. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Payment in full must be made in accordance with paragraph F.3 below prior to despatch of the Resale Tickets. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">We will process an order where payment is made using Mastercard庐 or Visa庐. If the buyer鈥檚 payment is rejected, then we will notify the buyer and the buyer鈥檚 order will not be fulfilled and we have the discretion not to fulfil or process any other order received from the buyer. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">The R&amp;A shall not be responsible for any exchange rates, fees or charges levied by the buyer鈥檚 bank or payment card provider. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Upon providing payment details and submitting the buyer鈥檚 order, the buyer is expressly authorising us, acting as disclosed agent on behalf of the seller, to debit or authorise payment via the method of payment provided by the buyer. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Once payment has been made, the buyer鈥檚 order will be processed and an order confirmation will be issued. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">If the buyer does not receive an order confirmation after submitting payment information, or if the buyer experiences an error message or service interruption after submitting payment information, it is the buyer鈥檚 responsibility to confirm (via the "My Account" section of or by contacting us using the details set out in paragraph H.5 below) whether or not the buyer鈥檚 order has been placed. Only the buyer may be aware of any problems that may occur during the purchase process. We will not be responsible for any costs or losses the buyer incurs if the buyer assumes that an order was or was not placed because the buyer failed to receive an order confirmation. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">The maximum number of Resale Tickets that can be purchased by a buyer is 4 per day of The Open. For example, a buyer may purchase 4 Resale Tickets for Saturday and 4 Resale Tickets for Sunday in a single transaction, but once the buyer holds 4 Resale Tickets for any given day of The Open, the buyer鈥檚 maximum limit has been reached. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">It is prohibited to obtain or attempt to obtain any Resale Tickets through unauthorised use of any robot, spider or other automated device or software, or any other illegal or unauthorised activity. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that we reasonably suspect to have been made in breach of these Terms, without any notice to the buyer, and any and all Resale Tickets obtained as part of such orders will be void. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Resale Tickets may only be purchased whilst the Resale Platform is open. We reserve the right to close the Resale Platform at any time prior to The Open. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">All Resale Tickets purchased via the Resale Platform are subject to the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions, except for the following sections which do not apply to Resale Tickets: (i) paragraph B.1 (Cancellation of your order) and (ii) paragraph C (Payment). </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">All Resale Tickets purchased via the Resale Platform are final. The buyer does not have a general right to cancel and no refunds or exchanges will be given except where expressly set out in paragraphs B.2 to B.11 (Refunds) of the Ticket Terms &amp; Conditions.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>SECTION 4: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS </span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>G. Our Liability to You</span></strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">If we are in breach of these Terms, we will not be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result, unless the losses are a foreseeable consequence of the breach. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or where it could be contemplated by you and us at the time you sell or purchase your tickets (as applicable). </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Nothing in these Terms shall limit any rights you may have which are not capable of being lawfully excluded or limited, nor shall these Terms exclude or restrict our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or breach of duty.</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>H.</span></strong> <strong>General Resale Ticketing Conditions</strong></span></p> <ol> <li><span class="article-copy">You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">Any personal data provided by you will be used by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time), which is available at <a href=""><span></span></a>. If you have any questions or concerns about information we hold about you, please contact us by email at <a href=""><span></span></a> or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this paragraph are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Terms, including this paragraph H.4, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law. </span> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> </li> <li><span class="article-copy">All enquiries should be addressed to: The Open Ticket Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK; Tel: + 44 (0)1334 460010; Email: <a href=""><span></span></a>.</span></li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Hospitality2021" class="anchor"></div> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="richtext-editor"> <h2 class="headline-large">Terms &amp; Conditions for Hospitality Services at Events</h2> <p> </p> <p class="p1" style="color: #000000; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: justify;"><span class="article-copy">These Terms and Conditions for Hospitality Services at Events (these Terms) set out the terms and conditions that apply between (i) you as a purchaser of hospitality passes and services for the Event and, where you are not the purchaser of hospitality passes and services for the Event, to you as a holder of a hospitality pass for the Event (<strong>you</strong> or <strong>your</strong>) and (ii) us, R&amp;A Championships Limited, a company registered in Scotland under company number SC247047 and having its registered office at Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA (The R&amp;A, we, our or us).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> 1. The following expressions have the meanings set out below, unless the context requires otherwise:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Booking</strong> means the booking for the provision of hospitality passes and the Services.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Booking Form</strong> means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Scotland.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Charges</strong> means the total price for the hospitality passes and the Services as notified to the Customer by The R&amp;A as part of the process of making a Booking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Customer</strong> means the purchaser of hospitality passes and the Services.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong style="color: #000000; text-align: justify;">Event</strong><span style="text-align: justify; color: #000000;"> means the event organised by The R&amp;A to which the Booking relates.</span></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Event of Force Majeure</strong> means the occurrence of circumstances beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation: (i) blockades, riots, acts of war, acts of terrorism, piracy, destruction of essential equipment by fire, explosion, storm, flood or earthquake; (ii) epidemics, pandemics, health emergencies or similar occurrences; (iii) events of national mourning (iv) failures of, shortages in or a loss of access to equipment, power, supplies, fuel or transport facilities; (v) failure of a third party to provide required consent, exemption or clearance unless caused by the act or omission of The R&amp;A; (vi) failure of a third party to permit reasonable advance access to the Premises or to provide proper and reasonable food preparation amenities unless caused by the act or omission of The R&amp;A; or (vii) failure of a third party to permit access to the Premises unless caused by the act or omission of The R&amp;A (including, for the avoidance of doubt, Guests).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Guest</strong> means any person attending the Event as part of the Booking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Premises</strong> means the rooms or locations at the Event at which the Services are to be provided.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Services</strong> means the hospitality services, being the supply of food and drink and/or any catering and/or any other services at or in the vicinity of the Premises.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Website</strong> <span style="color: #000000;">means the websites at the URLs of: (i) <a href="" style="color: #0563c1;"></a> in respect of hospitality for The Open; and (ii) <a href="" style="color: #0563c1;"></a> in respect of hospitality for the AIG Women&rsquo;s Open, or such other website(s) as notified to you by The R&amp;A from time to time.</span></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 2: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Booking Hospitality</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Subject always to availability, hospitality can be purchased:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) By signing and submitting a completed Booking Form to The R&amp;A;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) On our Website; or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c) from our authorised providers; or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d)&nbsp;through any other sale or transfer mechanism authorised in writing by The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;The Customer's purchase of hospitality will be completed when we deliver the hospitality passes that have been ordered to the Customer. This may be done by post, in person (for example, by handing you your hospitality passes at the entry gate), by email or digitally through a mobile app, the details of which shall be confirmed by The R&amp;A prior to the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;The R&amp;A reserves the right to choose to accept or reject the Customer's order for hospitality. In the case of an order being rejected in whole or in part, the Customer will be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. Our failure to notify you of the rejection of your order in whole or in part does not mean that your order has been accepted.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;The R&amp;A will accept no responsibility for, or offer any refunds for, loss arising as a result of any incorrect information provided by the Customer at the time of purchase, unless this is due to our error.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>B. Charges and Payment</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;Prices quoted by The R&amp;A are in Pounds Sterling and, unless specified otherwise, are exclusive of applicable VAT (VAT Registration Number: 827 8424 04) and any postage and/or packaging. The Customer will be responsible for paying applicable VAT and any postage and/or packaging.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2 The Charges will be due and payable as set out below, unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by The R&amp;A:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a)&nbsp;if the Booking is made by signing and submitting a completed Booking Form to The R&amp;A 90 days or more before the date of the Event, the Charges will be due and payable in full within 14 days from the date of The R&amp;A's invoice, which will be issued to the Customer by The R&amp;A following receipt by The R&amp;A of the Customer's order;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b)&nbsp;if the Booking is made by signing and submitting a completed Booking Form to The R&amp;A less than 90 days before the date of the Event, the Charges will be due and payable in full on receipt of The R&amp;A's invoice, which will be issued to the Customer by The R&amp;A following receipt by The R&amp;A of the Customer's order; or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c) if the Booking is made on one of our Websites, the Charges will be due and payable in full at the time the Booking is made.<br /> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. We will process a Booking where payment is made using MasterCard&reg;, Visa&reg;, Maestro&reg; or BACS Transfer. If the Customer's payment is rejected, then The R&amp;A will notify the Customer and the Customer's order will not be fulfilled and we will have no obligation to fulfil or process any other order received from the Customer. The Customer authorises us to charge to its debit or credit card (where applicable) any Charges which are incurred by the Customer or Guests at the Event and which remain unpaid at the conclusion of the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;If the Customer fails to make a payment of the Charges in accordance with the payment due dates set out in paragraph B.2 and we do not cancel the Booking under paragraph F.1, we will be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the base rate for the time being of HSBC until such time as payment is made. The parties acknowledge and agree that the amounts set out in this paragraph represent a substantial remedy in terms of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5.&nbsp;Where the number of Guests that attend the Event is less than the number of Guests specified in the initial Booking by the Customer, the Customer will be required to pay for the number of Guests specified in such initial Booking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6.&nbsp;The R&amp;A's prior written approval is required to increase the number of Guests which form part of any Booking as there may be restrictions on the number of Guests that can be accommodated. If, subject to the Customer obtaining such approval from The R&amp;A, the number of Guests that attend the Event is greater than the number of Guests specified in the initial Booking by the Customer then the Customer will pay for the actual number of Guests at the price per Guest agreed with The R&amp;A. If a payment card has been used then the Customer authorises us to charge this amount together with any additional fees or charges for any additional goods or services provided by or on our behalf to you at the Event at your request which are not included in the Charges to the payment card used for the Booking. Alternatively, we may issue an invoice to the Customer following the Event for such additional charges, which will be payable by the Customer within 7 days of the date of such notice.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> 7. The R&amp;A shall not be responsible for any exchange rates, fees or charges levied by your bank or payment card provider.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>SECTION 3: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>C. Our Obligations</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;We will perform the Services with all reasonable care and skill in accordance with generally recognised commercial practices and standards in the industry for services substantially similar to the Services and in accordance with all legislation, statutes, regulations and other enactments having the force of law from time to time which are applicable to the provision of the Services.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;Whilst every reasonable effort will be made to ensure the Services are in accordance with the details set out in the Booking Form or on our Websites or in any marketing materials, we reserve the right in our sole discretion to make any changes to the Services which do not in our reasonable opinion materially affect the quality of the Services.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>D. Your Obligations</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;You will not hinder or delay or otherwise prevent our performance of the Services and you will provide us with all reasonable assistance and cooperation for us to perform our obligations under these Terms in relation to the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You will promptly:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) provide to us all information which we may reasonably require to enable us to perform the Services; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) if you become aware that incorrect or insufficient information has been provided to us, you will provide us with corrected and/or additional information without delay.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. You will:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) obey all reasonable instructions given by our staff at the Event;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) pay the cost of clearing up any unreasonable debris resulting from your acts;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c)&nbsp;not damage or deface the Premises in any manner whatsoever nor allow or permit a breach of the law or in any way cause a nuisance or be an infringement of any licence required to provide the Services (for example, relating to the sale of alcohol). Failure to comply with this paragraph will constitute a material breach of these Terms and entitle us to require the offending person to leave the Event immediately;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d) not consume any food or drink within the Premises except for that supplied as part of the Services, unless otherwise agreed in writing with us; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">e)&nbsp;not introduce or attempt to introduce nor permit the introduction of any signage or other publicity material of any kind into the Event or onto the Premises without our prior written consent, such consent to be obtained no later than 14 days prior to the commencement of the Event. The granting of such consent will be at our sole discretion.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;Any materials, goods, supplies or other items delivered, held or stored on the Premises on your behalf will be at your sole risk and we will not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever caused to such items. You will immediately provide full details of any such items to us upon request. You will ensure all such items are removed from the Premises no later than the end of the last day of your Booking and in the event any such items are not removed we will arrange for such removal and you will be liable for all of the costs incurred by us in relation to such removal which you will pay in full immediately upon receipt of an invoice from us.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong><span>E. Cancellation by the Customer</span></strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;Any cancellation of a Booking by the Customer must be given by notice in writing to The R&amp;A within 48 hours of making the Booking, in which case The R&amp;A will refund the Charges that have been paid in full (excluding the cost of any postage and packaging). The right to cancel a Booking set out in this paragraph E.1 must be exercised no later than 21 days prior to the first day on which competition golf is played at the Event. The Customer will have no right to cancel a Booking or be entitled to a refund after that date.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;If the Customer cancels the Booking more than 48 hours after making the Booking, The R&amp;A will have no obligation to make any refund to the Customer.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;Notwithstanding paragraphs E.1 and E.2 above, there may be exceptional circumstances in which The R&amp;A considers that it is appropriate to refund the Customer if the Customer wishes to cancel the Booking. Any such refund will be at the sole discretion of The R&amp;A and may require the Customer to pay a fee to cover any financial charges that may be incurred by The R&amp;A as a result of processing the refund.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>F. Cancellation by Us</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;If the Customer fails to make a payment of the Charges in accordance with the payment due dates set out in paragraph B then The R&amp;A may cancel the Booking.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;We may cancel a Booking if you become bankrupt or insolvent or enter into liquidation or receivership or are subject to an application for an administration order or suffer an administrative receiver to be appointed in relation to the whole or part of your assets or make a composition with your creditors or suffer any judgment to be executed in relation to any of your property or assets.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>G. Refunds</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;The R&amp;A will have the option to cancel, postpone or alter the timing or duration of the Event at any time if The R&amp;A considers in its sole discretion that it would be appropriate to do so, including (without limitation) due to an Event of Force Majeure.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><em>Cancellation prior to the Event or Behind Closed Doors</em></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;In the event of cancellation of the Event prior to its commencement, or in the event that the Event is staged behind closed doors with no hospitality, the Customer will be entitled to a full refund of any Charges that have been paid.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><em>Postponement prior to the Event</em></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;In the event of postponement of the Event prior to its commencement, The R&amp;A will honour any Booking made by the Customer for the re-scheduled dates of the Event. If the Customer does not wish to attend the Event on such re-scheduled dates it must notify The R&amp;A in writing of that fact as soon as reasonably practicable. Upon receipt of such notification The R&amp;A may elect, at its sole discretion, to refund the Customer for any Charges that have been paid in full or in part.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><em>Suspended Play or Cancellation during the Event</em></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;If the Event is cancelled after its commencement or play on the day(s) to which your Booking relates is suspended, The R&amp;A will have sole discretion regarding any refund that it may make to the Customer. Any refund in such circumstances will be for a proportion of the cost of the ticket element of the Charges only, taking into account the number of hours the course is open and available for play on the particular affected day(s).</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><em>Reduced Spectator Numbers</em></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5.&nbsp;In the event that, for health and safety reasons, we can only admit a limited number of hospitality guests to the Event, The R&amp;A may cancel the Booking. If The R&amp;A cancels the Booking in such circumstances, the Customer will be entitled to a full refund for any Charges that have been paid. The R&amp;A has absolute and sole discretion as to which hospitality passes to cancel in a reduced capacity scenario.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><em>General</em></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6.&nbsp;You have no rights in the event of cancellation or postponement of the Event, suspension of play, in the event that the Event is staged behind closed doors or with reduced spectator numbers or for any failure by you or your Guests to attend the Event (whether or not due to an Event of Force Majeure) other than, in the case of the Customer, a refund for the Charges pursuant to paragraphs G.2, G.3, G.4 or G.5 above. If you purchase hospitality for the Sunday, this does not guarantee that Sunday&rsquo;s play will be the final round of the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7.&nbsp;Refunds will be available in accordance with the refund process communicated by The R&amp;A and will be processed in Pounds Sterling. If the Booking was paid for using a different currency, the value of the refund may not match what was originally paid due to a difference in the exchange rate on the day that The R&amp;A issues the refund. The GBP value of the Customer&rsquo;s payment and refund will always be the same.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>H. Inability to Provide Part of the Services</strong></span></p> <span class="article-copy">If we are unable to supply any part of the Services, we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible. Where it is reasonably practicable to do so, we will replace that part of the Services with one of at least equal standard and value at no additional charge to you. We will seek to agree the details of the replacement Services with you. If it is not reasonably practicable for us to replace that part of the Services then we will refund in full all sums paid by the Customer that relate to that part of the Services (excluding the cost of any postage and packaging). For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this paragraph H do not apply to discretionary refunds for the ticket element of the Charges made by The R&amp;A pursuant to paragraphs G.3 or G.4 above.</span> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>I. Variations</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">If you wish to change the Services after the date that the Booking is made, then you must notify us of that wish in writing as soon as possible. We will notify you if we are able to accommodate these changes and/or if the changes give rise to additional charges. Any changes to a Booking must be confirmed by us in writing and the Customer will pay for any additional charges resulting from the changes to the Booking no later than the date set out on our invoice relating to such charges.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>J. Liability</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;Nothing in these Terms will be interpreted or construed as excluding or limiting the liability of either party for any matter in respect of which it would be illegal or unlawful do so, including for death or personal injury or fraudulent misrepresentation.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;Subject to paragraph J.1, our total aggregate liability under or in connection with the Services and/or these Terms for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused will be limited to the Charges.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;Subject to paragraph J.1, we will not be liable to you in connection with the Services and/or these Terms for any:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a) direct or indirect economic loss of any kind other than as expressly provided for in these Terms;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) direct or indirect loss of profit, business, contracts, opportunities, revenues or anticipated savings or damage to your reputation or goodwill or special loss;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c) indirect or consequential loss or damage; or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d) loss to the extent it is caused wholly or partly by breach of these Terms by you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. In respect of any event that gives rise to a claim under these Terms, you agree to notify us in writing within 14 Business Days of the date of the event giving rise to the claim and giving all details of the claim including any loss or damage and the cost of any loss or damage, or we will not otherwise be liable.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5. You agree that before bringing a claim against us, you will use best endeavours to recover losses, claims, demands or expenses incurred by you from your insurers instead of us and to the extent that you are successful in recovering such sums from your insurers we will not be liable to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>K. Indemnity</strong></span></p> <span class="article-copy">You will fully indemnify us for any loss of or damage to property at the Premises suffered or incurred by us and any loss or liability arising from any claim made against, or incurred or paid by us (and our expenses in respect of such losses, damages or liabilities) arising from or caused by (whether directly or indirectly) your acts or omissions.</span>&nbsp; <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>L. Force Majeure</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">The R&amp;A will not be in breach of these Terms, nor liable for any failure or delay to perform any of its obligations in relation to a Booking due to an Event of Force Majeure.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>M. Use of Trade Marks and banners</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"> </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You shall not be permitted to use (whether or not in connection with the Services) any trademarks or other intellectual property rights belonging or licensed to The R&amp;A or any R&amp;A Group Company without the prior written consent of The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You shall not erect any banners, advertisements or the like at or near the Event venue without the prior written consent of The R&amp;A.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>N. Juniors</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. Children under 16 years of age on the Saturday prior to the first day on which competition golf is played at the Event cannot attend the Event unless accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 who holds a valid hospitality pass.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. Children aged 18 months or over at the time of attendance will require their own valid hospitality pass to attend hospitality at the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. Children under 18 months of age at the time of attendance will require their own valid "Kids Go Free" admission ticket to attend hospitality at the Event. Such tickets must be applied for in writing to The R&amp;A and requests are granted at The R&amp;A&rsquo;s sole discretion.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>O. Your Safety</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;Whilst The R&amp;A is committed to ensuring that proper safety measures are in place to try to prevent injury to spectators, you acknowledge the risk of injury whilst attending the Event, despite such precautions being taken, including the risk of being struck by a golf ball, and you agree that you are assuming all risk and danger arising from your attendance at the Event. The R&amp;A will not be responsible for paying any compensation to you for any injury, loss or damage suffered by you at the Event unless this injury, loss or damage was suffered as a result of our negligence or other breach of duty.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2. You should be alert at all times to the golf being played in your vicinity including the direction of play, any instructions from marshals (e.g. flags advising of the direction in which a player's shot has been struck) and any warnings issued on the course (e.g. a warning shout of "Fore") to try to prevent injury to you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The R&amp;A reserves the right to impose health and safety related protocols which spectators must comply with while attending the Event. Any spectators who refuse or fail to comply with such conditions may have their hospitality passes cancelled, be refused entry or removed from the Event, and in such circumstances will not be entitled to a refund.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4. You must at all times follow the instructions of the Event officials, marshals and/or security personnel.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>P. Use of Hospitality Passes</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;The R&amp;A reserves the right to void your hospitality pass(es) if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, any hospitality pass in your name:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a)&nbsp;is to be or has been sold, donated, transferred or in any way disposed of to any person/entity for the purpose of commercial gain or is to be or has been sold at a higher price than its face value;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b)&nbsp;has been purchased or obtained from a person/entity who is not an authorised provider;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c)&nbsp;is advertised for sale or transfer; or</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d)&nbsp;is to be or has been used in an unauthorised manner as a prize or in any other manner in a lottery or competition or for any other promotional, advertising or commercial purpose not specifically authorised by The R&amp;A in writing.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;Unless The R&amp;A has agreed otherwise in writing, any transfer or purported transfer of any hospitality pass by you in any manner set out in paragraph P.1 above shall constitute a breach by you of these Terms. You shall have no right to attend the Event nor be entitled to a refund or any compensation in respect of any hospitality pass(es) voided by The R&amp;A in accordance with paragraph P.1.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;Please do not post pictures of your hospitality pass on social networking sites. People may use these details and offer them for sale online to defraud/attempt to defraud third parties into buying them. This may result in the hospitality pass holders encountering difficulties when entering the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;Where The R&amp;A, or its security contractors, have reasonable grounds to suspect that a hospitality pass has been copied, resold by an unauthorised person or company, or has been altered in any way to the detriment of The R&amp;A, The R&amp;A or its security contractors may seize and retain that pass and may refuse entry to the Event where this is deemed appropriate.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5.&nbsp;If we reasonably believe that you have been involved in fraudulent activity relating to your hospitality pass, or that you are attending the Event without a valid hospitality pass or other accreditation, we reserve the right to remove you from the Event and we may pass your details to the police and any other relevant authority, who may take further action against you.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6. By attending the Event, you agree to being searched by our security contractors or police officers for health and safety reasons, including to prevent prohibited items being brought in to the Premises. We reserve the right to refuse entry to or remove you from the Event if you refuse to be searched. A list of prohibited items will be posted on our Websites and at the entry gates. In addition, any item which in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A or its security contractors could potentially harm, or cause alarm to, attendees at the Event will not be allowed at the Event. </span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>Q. Attendance at the AIGWO</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1.&nbsp;Mobile phones and personal cameras are permitted at the Event, subject to the following conditions:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">a)&nbsp;no still photography of play is permitted on Championship days. Personal cameras (including cameras in mobile phones and other devices) may only be used on practice days. No professional cameras or video cameras or any photographic equipment used for commercial purposes will be permitted at the Event;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">b) no audio or video capture is permitted at any time;</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">c) all mobile phones must be on "SILENT" mode at all times without the "VIBRATE" option activated. Calls must be placed or received in approved designated areas, referred to as "Mobile Device Zones"; and</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">d)&nbsp;data use (e.g. texting, email and website access) is permitted, however, the device volume must be muted at all times. Mobile phones, cameras and other electronic devices, communication devices, audio-visual equipment or radios must not be used to capture, supply or transmit data or other information for any commercial purpose (including, for example, betting or gambling) or assisting for these purposes. Rules governing the use of mobile phones, cameras, video, sound or image recorders, personal digital assistants and other electrical communication devices shall be posted at the entry gates. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;Use of global positioning systems, including without limitation transponder and/or receiver equipment, or similar positioning, tracking or measurement devices shall not be permitted at the Event.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3.&nbsp;When asking for autographs, you must always respect the players, other spectators, the Event officials, marshals and/or security personnel. Unless the player has given you permission, you must not solicit autographs from players outside of the designated autograph zones. Autographs obtained at the Event must not be used for any commercial purpose.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;Rules governing pets will be posted on our Websites.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5.&nbsp;It will be considered by us to be a breach of these Terms if you have at the Event any objects or clothing bearing commercial identification which The R&amp;A have reason to believe at its sole discretion is intended for "ambush marketing" or other unauthorised promotional purposes. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against anyone that we consider to be involved in "ambush marketing".</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6.&nbsp;Where you, through your negligence or intentional or reckless act, cause damage or loss to The R&amp;A or to any property at the Event (including, without limitation, the course or any equipment or facilities), you will be responsible for compensating the person who has suffered the loss or damage.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7.&nbsp;You may be removed from, or refused access to, the Event if, in the reasonable opinion of The R&amp;A, your behaviour is, or could be considered to be dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoying to other spectators, players, the Event officials, marshals and/or security personnel. For example, if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs and/or are acting aggressively, or if you fail to obey any conditions of use, posted signs or instructions of the Event officials, marshals and/or security personnel. If you are refused admission to the Event under these circumstances the Customer will be entitled to a full refund for your hospitality pass. If you are removed from the Event under these circumstances after gaining entry, you will not be entitled to a refund of any part of the Charges.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"><strong>R. General Conditions</strong></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">1. You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">2.&nbsp;If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">3. The personal data provided by you will be processed by us for the purposes set out in these Terms and in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed on the Website. If you have any questions or concerns about the information we hold about you, please contact us by e-mail at <a href="" style="color: #0563c1;"><span></span></a> or in writing at Data Privacy Manager, The R&amp;A, Beach House, Golf Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JA. For details of your rights regarding your personal data including the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, please refer to our Privacy Policy. References to "us", "we" and "our" in this paragraph and paragraph R.4 below are to all of the organisations named in our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">4.&nbsp;In agreeing to these Terms and attending the Event, you consent to being filmed, photographed and recorded for television, radio, webcast and other public broadcast in any medium and/or for any video or DVD as part of the audience and/or for security purposes, by any CCTV cameras and recordings at the Event. You also agree that we can utilise your image or likeness or the image or likeness of a member of your party in, or incidental to, any photograph or live or recorded television or in any other type of transmission or reproduction, in whole or in part, and that you shall not be entitled to any compensation or credit. This may include use of footage and images for marketing purposes. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior and you are their parent or guardian, you consent to their images being taken and used in accordance with this paragraph. Where you are the responsible adult accompanying a Junior and you are not their parent or guardian, you must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian for the images of such child to be taken and used in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">5.&nbsp;We may amend these Terms to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements or to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to update references to certain dates or contact details. These changes will not affect your right to attend the Event. In addition, we may make more material changes to these Terms, but if we do so we will notify you and you may then contact us to end the contract before the changes take effect and receive a refund for any Charges that have been paid.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">6.&nbsp;The contract between us shall be governed by the laws of Scotland and any disputes relating to that contract shall be decided in the Scottish Courts. If you are resident in the European Union, then as a consumer you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Terms, including this paragraph R.6, affects your rights as a consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy"></span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">7. All enquiries should be addressed to:</span></p> <p><span class="article-copy">Post: Hospitality Office, The R&amp;A, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9JD, Scotland, UK<br /> Tel: +44 (0)1334 460010<br /> E-mail for The Open: <a href=""></a> <br /> E-mail for the AIG Women&rsquo;s Open: <a href=""></a><br /> </span></p> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer"> <section class="footer__patrons"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer__patrons-row"> <h4 class="footer__patrons-title">PATRONS</h4> <ul class="footer__patrons-list"> <li class="footer__patrons-item"> <a href="" data-dc-gtm-label="Hugo Boss >" data-dc-gtm-category="Sponsor" class="footer__patrons-link" data-dc-component="gtm" rel="nofollow noopener" data-dc-gtm-action="Click" target="_blank" ><img class='footer__patrons-logo lazyload' sizes='320,360' data-srcset='/-/media/images/logos/patrons-logos/boss-logo-new-v1.png?w=320&hash=AC0A7BA6F8CB2AB598370E6E11745FCF1159DC4F 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