Wing Commander Fan Directory S

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gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-27929279-1'); </script> <BR><BR><BR> <BR><BR><BR> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%"> <BR> <TABLE WIDTH="95%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" ALIGN="CENTER"> <TR><TD> <P> <center> <FONT size=+1>Wing Commander Fan Directory S</A></FONT> </center> <P><A name=pekkasahlberg> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sahlberg, Pekka "Catscratch"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Catscratch</TD><TD>Sidewinder/Keyboard</TD><TD><A HREF='ssite.htm></A></TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>November 1, 1984</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Finland</TD><TD>WC1-P, SO, P2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> Got hooked on Wing Commander in '96 after buying WC3. After I completed that WC4 came out and I bought it. When Prophecy came I wanted to buy that, but my computer was too slow... so I bought better one, and now I spend at least two hours in day blowing up bugs. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=eltonsanchez> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sanchez, Elton "Sanjiyan"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Sanjiyah</TD><TD>923654</TD><TD>University Student</TD><TD>Joystick</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>May 3, 1979</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>San Jose, CA, USA</TD><TD><A HREF=>..sanjiyan</TD> <TD>WC1-P (addons), P1/2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=5> I got hooked on the WC series back when a friend lent me a copy of Privateer. Since then, I was hooked. To me, this entire universe was like discovering a whole new space war world (like Star Trek or Star Wars). I'm also an avid roleplaying fan (both paper/dice and video games like Final Fantasy), enjoy computing in almost any form, and also relish Japanese animation. My callsign came from my fav anime series, 3x3 Eyes (see my page for more info). </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=adamsanders> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sanders, Adam "Sandman"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Sandman</TD><TD>Colonel</TD><TD>15812200</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>October 14, 1983</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Big Stone Gap, VA, USA</TD><TD><A HREF=>.._2002</TD> <TD>Wingman Extreme Digital</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD align=center><A HREF=><IMG SRC= BORDER=0></A></TD> <TD COLSPAN=3> I'm a 15 year old male that is addicted to the Wing Commander series. I am also a big computer freak, I love anything that has to do with computers... programming, building, web, you name it. </TD> <TD align=center><B>Experience</B> WC1-2, Prophecy </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=jasonsanders> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sanders, Jason "Nomad"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Nomad</TD><TD>Student</TD><TD>Keyboard</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>Febuary 17, 1985</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Devon, England</TD><TD>WC1-P, SO</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=adamsanderson> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sanderson, Adam "Sandman"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Sanders</TD><TD>Student</TD><TD>Thrustmaster Pro</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>April 15, 1979</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Edmonton, Alberta, Canada</TD><TD>WC1-P (addons), ER, FA, HotT, TPoF</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I've read the books except for the (relatively) new ones and haven't gotten my hands on the Confed Handbook yet. I enjoy hockey, skiing, movies and anything to do with the WC series. I like the CIC because, "I usually just play the game, the CIC offers so much more in-depth information. The message board is especially great." </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=nickscalan> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Scalan, Nick "Dorado"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Dorado</TD><TD>Marlin</TD><TD><A HREF=>../~marlin/</A></TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>May 7, 1969</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Austin, TX, USA</TD><TD><A HREF=>Dell</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TH>Experience</TH><TD COLSPAN=3>WC1&2 (all four addons), WC3 Premiere Edition, WC4, WCP, WCSO, P1/RF, P2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4>I am an ex-Originite. I was one of the QA playtesters for WCP. After it was released I transferred over to Customer Service where I answered support e-mail for WCP. Unfortunately, in April of 1998, Origin had to let go of their entire CS department. I now work for Dell Computer Corp.<BR> I first fell in love with Wing Commander when a sales person at a Walden Software in Corpus Christi, TX was playing the original Wing Commander on one of the systems there in the store. I knew this was a great game by just watching it. I went back the next day and bought it. It was a great joy for me to actually be involved in the creation of one of these masterpieces of computer gaming. Someday I should go see if that sales person still works there and thank him.<BR> If you ever get to meet one of the members of Origin's Quality Assurance team, they might have an interesting story or two to tell about me. But I won't back them up on it. ;)</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=krisschacht> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schacht, Kris "N'Kratsck"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>N'Kratsck</TD><TD>Student</TD><TD>Joystick</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>September 9, 1980</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Belgium</TD><TD>WC3-P, SO</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> It all started a few months ago when I grew up in Houthulst (don't even bother to look it up). Since the sunny day I was born (actually, it rained a bit), I did what every normal guy does: throw books at the teacher (sci-fi books), seducing women (their knee is still printed in my underbelly) and walk around a bit. To make a long story short: I'm now a wing commander, alive and well. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=montyscherff> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Scherff, Monty "Rider"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Rider</TD><TD>Farmer</TD><TD ROWSPAN=3>WC1-P, SO,<BR> KS (all addons),<BR> P1/2</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>October 11, 1961</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Hampton, NE, USA</TD></TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> Looks like I'm the old timer on the block. I started with WC1 when it first came out and I've been playin' WC games since then. WC is probably the only series that has hooked me so intensely. GOD, I LOVE THIS GAME! </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=pierreschlesinger> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schlesinger, Pierre "Runner"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Runner</TD><TD>Computer Engineer</TD><TD>Keyboard/Joystick</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>March 29, 1962</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Louveciennes, France</TD><TD>WC1-P (addons), SO, P1/2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> I've been a big WC fan since the first game. It's because of WC that I bought my first PC! It's a great game and saga, and I hope it will be for a long time. I like WC, RPG with friends, and computers. I await WC6,7,8,9,10 and more. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=andreasschmitt> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schmitt, Andreas "DieHard"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>DieHard</TD><TD>PrinceThrakhath</TD><TD>Air Force/ Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>1980</TD> <TD>Germany</TD><TD><A HREF=>..howling.htm</A></TD><TD>WC1-P (addons), SO, Armada, Academy, P2, FF, ER, FA, HotT, TPoF, AS, FC, HB, MN, PS</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> Well... I've been a WC fan since I played WC2 in 1993... after that I tried to get all WC products that in existence. I am in mílitary service in Germany at the moment and will study programming after that and hope to co-work on a WC game someday... </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=mattschmitt> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schmitt, Matt "Grinch"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Grinch</TD><TD>GrinchWSLG</TD><TD>MS Sidewinder</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>December 21, 1984</TD> <TD>Elkhart, IN, US</TD><TD><A HREF=>grinchworld</A></TD><TD>WC1, WC3, WCPG, ER, AS, DVD</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> Attends Concord High School, and marches on the drumline. Father is a Vietnam veteran. Currently working on a sci-fi novel entitled The Star Fighter. In flight training and planning on attending the Air Force Academy. First introduced to the Wing Commander genre after renting the snes game, later bought WC3 and couldn't get enough. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=kevinscholl> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Kevin, Phoenix "Scholl"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Phoenix</TD><TD>305090</TD><TD>Phoenix</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Gender</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>May 16, 1970</TD> <TD>Glen Allen, VA, USA</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD><A HREF=>kscholl</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> Kevin is a long-time fan of the WC universe, having been with the series since its inception in 1990. He is an accomplished professional Web developer, responsible for many sites (or parts thereof) one may find in the online WC community. He also enjoys competitive softball, bicycling, movies (including his growing DVD collection), and spending time with his "significant other," Holly. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=ericscholten> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Scholten, Eric "Bloodkiller"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Bloodkiller</TD><TD>21008682</TD><TD>Senior Networker, XDSL-Specialist</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>November 11, 1978</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Switzerland</TD><TD><A HREF=></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD align=center><A HREF=><IMG SRC= BORDER=0></A></TD> <TD COLSPAN=3> Born in Antwerpen, Belgium - grown up in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Hannover, Germany and live in Zürich, Switzerland more recently. Reading and writing books are my biggest passions and to travel through the old world and see what we have created so far.. (of course I sometimes have time to establish a connection to the fine wcnews-site with my notebook and read the latest WC-News - and bring in some rumors, too ;)). </TD> </TR> <TR> <TH>Experience</TH> <TD COLSPAN=3> WC1-P (addons), SO, P1/2, Academy, Armada, FF, ER, FA, HotT, TPoF, AS, FC </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=katrinschroeck> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schroeck, Katrin "Der Alchemist"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Birthplace</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Der Alchemist</TD><TD>Schreischeim, Deutschland</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>May 13, 1984</TD> <TD>Des Moines, Iowa, USA</TD> <TD><A HREF=>alchemist</A></TD> <TD>Der Preis der Freiheit</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> Ich spreche kleine Englisch, but I learn. Neu to WC. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=raoulschroeder> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schroeder, Raoul "Memphis"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Memphis</TD><TD>Gravis Ultra</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>May 4, 1975</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Graz, Austria</TD><TD>WC1-P (addons), SO, P1/2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> WC1 was the reason he got a PC. No soundcard, no nothing, but it was fun. Actually killed a Dralthi with a porcupine in his favorite craft, the Raptor. Prefers earlier WCs to new laser'n'slay WC parts. Other than that he is trying to get his degree now and enjoying life as much as he can. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=basschut> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Schut, Bas "Maverick"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Maverick</TD><TD>57290695</TD><TD>Top Gun Joystick</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>February 28, 1984</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Warnsveld, Netherlands</TD><TD>WC3-P, SO, SWC</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I'm a guy who, besides a Wing Commander fan, is also a Star Wars fan. My favorite game it WC III, I think on the 3DO because the movies are of really good quality. But CD #1 is broken into half, so it won't be able to be played it again (played it out more then 20 times). </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=tylerscooby> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Scooby, Tyler "Tarantula"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Tarantula</TD><TD>18839985</TD><TD>WC1-WCP</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>April 26, 1984</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>London, England</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4>I've been playing the original WC since before I could read, I would destroy the Tiger's Claw and believe I had won! But I learned how to read sooner than later and unleashed my fury onto the cats. I lived in Plano, Texas for a very long time before moving to London in June 1998. And here I am!</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=patsheehan> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sheehan, Pat "Ice"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Ice</TD><TD>22745402</TD><TD>Wingman Extreme Digital</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>February 21, 1986</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>MS, US</TD><TD>WC1, WC4-P, So</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> Hi I'm Ice. I'm into all simulations, even *cringe* microsoft ones. I especially like space comabt a la WC, I-War etc. I'm currently a Technical Sergeant in the Civil Air Patrol, Auxillary of the United States Air Force. I love to fly, anything that flies will do. Contact me for more info 'bout that (trust me it's fun!). Umm anythin else you wanna know write to me! </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=jasonshown> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Shown, Jason "Phoenix-Hawk"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Phoenix-Hawk</TD><TD>Wingman Extreme Digital</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>March 30, 1972</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Kentucky, US</TD><TD>WCP, So</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> "The Hands that grasped them, And the Hearts that fondly clasped them, Cold and dead are lying low." </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=justinshusterman> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Shusterman, Justin "Jewey"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Jewey</TD><TD>JustinS</TD><TD>Keyboard</TD><TD>GameStop Supervisor</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Sex</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>September 5, 1983</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Seattle, WA, US</TD><TD>Never</TD><TD><A HREF=></A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><CENTER><A HREF=><IMG SRC= border=0 align=center height=100 width=100></A></CENTER></TD> <TD colspan=4> At one time I owned a couple of PC Gamer’s that had Wing Commander reviews in them… but I gave those to Chris. I thought I owned a demo for a Wing Commander game but I guess I threw it away. Once I found this WC game on DVD at a computer show, but I gave that to Chris also. </TD> </TR> <tr> <TD colspan=5> My experience with Wing Commander (WC for short) can be summed up in one word… nonexistent. The only time I have ever seen WC running is when Chris put in a copy of WC4 into the PS2 at work and I had the pleasure of watching the opening movie. I found it very entertaining. I have also seen the WC movie. I also found it to be entertaining, I even started to cry when that black chick crashed and they were sweeping her off the ship while the white guy was trying to run out there are stop them, but Shaggy was holding him back so he couldn’t go outside because it was space and everyone knows that if you walk out into space without a space suit you will explode. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=jimsleesman> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sleesman, Jim "Viper"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Viper</TD><TD>6568938</TD><TD>WC2-WCP, SO, P1</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>April 24, 1982</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Farmington Hills, MI, USA</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I got started with Wing commander some time after the release of Wing Commander IV. I downloaded the demo, (the 14 MB one) and loved it. However, I still was using a computer without a CD-ROM. I played the WC3 demo, and liked it too. Then, I got a new Pentium II, and got the full WCP demo right after it was released. The next time I went to the mall I got WCP and I have been hooked ever since. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=scottsmith> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Smith, Scott "Derelict"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Derelict</TD><TD>Derelict</TD><TD>19167099</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>March 23, 1963</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Midland, MI, USA</TD><TD>Chemical Process Operator</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=><IMG SRC= border=0 align=center width=100 height=100></A></TD> <TD colspan=3>I have lived in Midland pretty much my whole life. I first played Wing Commander on my Sega CD, then decided I needed a computer to play all the rest of the WC games. I now work for Dow Corning.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=tylersmith> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Smith, Tyler "TC"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>TC</TD><TD>TC^</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>June 26, 1984</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Vancouver, BC, Canada</TD><TD rowspan=2>WC1-P, SO, P1/2, Academy, Armada, AS, MN, PS, FF, ER, FA, HOTT, TPOF, FC</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=><IMG SRC= border=0></A></TD> <TD colspan=2> As a child, TC ate a lot of rocks -- which explains why he's pretty darned proud to be a Canadian! It also explains the <A HREF="">Twix Memorial</A>, the <A HREF="">Exploding Dolphin Page</A> and <A HREF="">Claw Marks</A>. Well, not so much Claw Marks. A great many things make Mr. Csooby cry... but not just because he's a wuss! He's Canadian! </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=richardsnyder> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Snyder, Richard "Crusader"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Crusader</TD><TD>Gravis Gamepad</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>March 15, 1985</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Margate, Fl, USA</TD><TD>WC1-P, SO, P2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=michaelsöchtig> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Söchtig, Michael "Sonntag"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Sonntag</TD><TD>CH Flightstick</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>September 9, 1982</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Denmark</TD><TD>WC1-P, P1&RF</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I was born in 1982 in Germany, and I am temporarily in Denmark because my father is a German Luftwaffe member. I have know Wing Commander since 1995. I started with Privateer and continued with WC 1, 2, 3 and 4. I completed them all. My favourite games are Wing 1, Wing 2 and Privateer. </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=michaelsørensen> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sørensen, Michael B. "Tram"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Tram</TD><TD>Tram</TD><TD>3434274</TD><TD>System Administrator</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Interface</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>March 29, 1968</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Denmark</TD><TD>Thrustmaster</TD><TD>WC1-P, KS, SO, P2, FF, FA, TPoF, WC1/2 Guide</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF=><IMG SRC= border=0></A></TD> <TD colspan=4> Six years of training in the Royal Danish Air Force as a electronic engineer, three more years as radar technician, extra training into computers and Novell-networks. Worked as an instructor and now as a system administrator at a buisness college. I've tried too much to write it here. Best thing was learning how to load an F16 Fighting Falcon. :-) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=devinsperling> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sperling, Devin "Platypus"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Platypus</TD><TD>Platypus</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>December 12, 1981</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Alexandria, VA, USA</TD><TD>WC1-P, SO, Armada, P1</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4>I'm pretty much your average run of the mill WC fan, not much to say about that. Outside of school I'm a Technical Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force Auxillary which is a search and rescue group that accepts high school students.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=benjamenstarkweather> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Starkweather, Benjamen "Jack"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Jack</TD><TD>Platypus</TD><TD>PC Flight Pro</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>August 11, 1986</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Charlottesville, VA, USA</TD><TD>P1&RF</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I have played Wing Commander since '91. I was 5 years old. I wanted to learn to read because I wanted to know what they said at the bar (true story!). I have played all but Prophecy and Privateer 2, because I will only play WC games by Roberts. Unfortunatly, I lost my WC games in '95 when my dad moved out. Only now (finally having a computer again) am I trying to get back into it. I will buy Saga hopefully in the year. I like Jedi Knight and Star Wars sims. But I will always remain a huge Wing Commander fan. My worst memory of the games was when you find out (close your eyes if you haven't finsihed WC3) Hobbes is a traitor. That pissed me off. Anyways send me a mail if you want. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=brandonstrevell> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Strevell, Brandon "ace-1"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>ace-1</TD><TD>ace</TD><TD><A HREF=""></A></TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>July 30</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Valatie, New York</TD><TD>CH Force FX Joystick</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4><B>Experience</B>: WC1, WC2 Deluxe, WC3, WC3 EA classic, KS, WC4, WC4 DVD, WCP, SO, WCP Gold, 3 P1&RF, Armada, Proving Grounds, P2 Deluxe (DOS), FF, ER, FA, AS, HotT, TPoF, WC3 Guide, WC4 Guide, P2 Guide, WCA, 2 of 'em</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> I have been a WC fan since WC1 and even remember being excited by the advertisements for it before its release. I ventured into the online world about four years ago and have been there nearly every day since..</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=ivanstrougatski> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Strougatski, Ivan "Cold Heat"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Homepage</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Cold Heat</TD><TD>Student</TD><TD><A HREF=></A></TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>June 26, 1979</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>London, UK</TD><TD>Logitech WED</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> First played WC1 seven years ago on 286 with a keyboard. Loved it. Tried to get my hands on every new WC game. </TD> <TD align=center> <B>Experience</B><br> KS, P1/2, WC4-P, Armada </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=robertstukowski> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Stukowski, Robert "Meson"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>IRC Nick</TH><TH>ICQ #</TH><TH>Occupation</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Meson</TD><TD>Meson</TD><TD>21971528</TD><TD>Student</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH><TH>Homepage</TH><TH>Interface</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>November 20, 1976</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Rochester, NY, USA</TD><TD><A HREF=>..8148</A></TD><TD>Precision Pro</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=5> I'm a physics student at Rochester Institute of Technology, looking forward to a career in astrophysics. My first WC experience was WC1 as part of a combo disc in 1991 and I have been hooked ever since. I have dreams about inventing some of the technology and physics seen in the WC universe.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><A name=williamsutherland> <table bgColor="#990000" border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="100%" height="21"> <tr><td height="19"><font color="white" face="arial" size="2"><b><I>Sutherland, William "Cougar"</i></b></font></td> </tr></TBODY></table> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=2> <TR align=center> <TH>Email</TH><TH>Callsign</TH><TH>Occupation</TH><TH>Experience</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD><A></A></TD> <TD>Cougar</TD><TD>Student - MAE major</TD> <TD ROWSPAN=3>WC3,<BR> WC4,<BR> WCP,<BR> P2</TD> </TR> <TR align=center> <TH>DoB</TH><TH>Gender</TH> <TH>Location</TH> </TR> <TR align=center> <TD>December 4, 1978</TD><TD>Male</TD> <TD>Princeton, NJ, USA</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=4> I am a junior at Princeton University, and in times of need I look to the WC Universe for relaxation. Have designed many new WC ships and scenarios. Am patiently awaiting the release of WC6 and P3.. can't wait to get my hands on 'em! :) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P>Return to <A HREF=index.shtml>Fan Directory</A>. <BR> <BR> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <TD WIDTH="140" VALIGN="TOP" HEIGHT="100%" BACKGROUND="//"> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BACKGROUND="//"> <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="RIGHT"> <BR> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/news/search"> <IMG SRC="//" ALT="News" WIDTH="140" HEIGHT="26"><BR> <A HREF="/">Current News</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF=" WC News">Report News</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="">Twitter Feed</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <a href="">Facebook Page</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="/contact.shtml">FAQ/Contact Us</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="/news/">News Archive</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="/news/onthisday.php">On This Day</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="/news/wcnews.xml">RSS</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <A HREF="/news/search">Search</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="dosearch"> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="body" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="30">&nbsp;&nbsp; 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