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if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["a11a47b742f0e458d9510f2aa8a55170d0d3335c66ec64d851c77c0f51420d84"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer1) window._slicer_slicer1 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer1; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer1-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["40992178b9d2d41a7d1a477d98a0199d1d7b93ec44e5b41a27fd9bf294164cf8"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer2) window._slicer_slicer2 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer2; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["a61252172c75869ceea1743840abf064b855132ef4c14e6eb799f1469a383637"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer2) window._slicer_slicer2 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer2; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer2-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["7de3589c516874862a6861efcb57d36c327f5b0850c8b3c12b0960050dd83dec"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer3) window._slicer_slicer3 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer3; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["693aa95458e86c7ce8ec6145c8dfed9da1f46ebbd655a462b6e08e8121eb2d55"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer3) window._slicer_slicer3 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer3; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer3-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["768dc844c7c5399a567952800bcc1cd7cdfd588ac2d09fc8d97679740c5f9439"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer4) window._slicer_slicer4 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer4; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["9cb7d6cf4a2c728d8ee89be5f2fe861daade77da9e6dedbdafd07d9c091917c0"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer4) window._slicer_slicer4 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer4; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer4-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["dc16b1349f75a0c2740f93c8ad1ad947f2a1f80e7b329a47118315987ee51bb8"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer5) window._slicer_slicer5 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer5; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["faa62306b98f3ce4cf7ce574db47a66efd11e38dc1c98fafdf1d9a9d6652afeb"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer5) window._slicer_slicer5 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer5; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer5-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["19f2edf701f8491ff2dc5feb950e36b929bfe7b61986f90a10df0542fb51b4c4"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer6) window._slicer_slicer6 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer6; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f08409d656da94ba5d85185b81f78f10957b38eff5f375c28a578b38be26165e"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer6) window._slicer_slicer6 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer6; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer6-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f14be55984da1266fe5f898e53986abd85f025f85348fb5acb33d1d8b454a04b"] = function update_setpos_from_click(data, index, info) { if (data && data.points && data.points.length) { let point = data["points"][0]; let xyz = [point["x"], point["y"]]; let depth = info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2]; xyz.splice(2 - info.axis, 0, depth); return xyz; } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e4d1e647de5956da1ab7b3802a76f21aaf4ac93984e55465aad63ae7b52addae"] = function update_slider_value(positions, cur_index, info) { for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (!trigger.value) continue; let pos = trigger.value[2 - info.axis]; if (typeof pos !== 'number') continue; let index = Math.round((pos - info.offset[2]) / info.stepsize[2]); if (index == cur_index) continue; return Math.max(0, Math.min(info.size[2] - 1, index)); } return dash_clientside.no_update; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["a32e2596a7fa7301f6ff4c011e4d28409fa5630e50299d6a3cf278575b42c8e2"] = function update_rate_limiting_info(index, relayoutData, n_intervals) { if (!window._slicer_slicer7) window._slicer_slicer7 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer7; let now =; // Get whether the slider was moved, layout was changed, or timer ticked let slider_value_changed = false; let graph_layout_changed = false; let timer_ticked = false; for (let trigger of dash_clientside.callback_context.triggered) { if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('slider') >= 0) slider_value_changed = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('timer') >= 0) timer_ticked = true; if (trigger.prop_id.indexOf('graph') >= 0) { for (let key in relayoutData) { if (key.startsWith("xaxis.range") || key.startsWith("yaxis.range")) { graph_layout_changed = true; } } } } // Set timeout and whether to disable the timer let disable_timer = false; if (slider_value_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 200; } else if (graph_layout_changed) { private_state.timeout = now + 400; // need longer timeout for smooth scroll zoom } else if (!n_intervals) { private_state.timeout = now + 100; // initialize } else if (!private_state.timeout) { disable_timer = true; } return disable_timer; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["8a4b24b6271800153d3496e1b012557287b6d5aba4de636b3fc7fe6e5ce094e2"] = function update_state(n_intervals, index, info, figure) { if (!window._slicer_slicer7) window._slicer_slicer7 = {}; let private_state = window._slicer_slicer7; let now =; // Ready to apply and stop the timer, or return early? if (!(private_state.timeout && now >= private_state.timeout)) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Give the plot time to settle the initial axis ranges if (n_intervals < 5) { return dash_clientside.no_update; } // Disable the timer private_state.timeout = 0; // Calculate view range based on the volume let xrangeVol = [ info.offset[0] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0], info.offset[0] + (info.size[0] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[0] ]; let yrangeVol = [ info.offset[1] - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1], info.offset[1] + (info.size[1] - 0.5) * info.stepsize[1] ]; // Get view range from the figure. We make range[0] < range[1] let xrangeFig = figure.layout.xaxis.range let yrangeFig = figure.layout.yaxis.range; xrangeFig = [Math.min(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1]), Math.max(xrangeFig[0], xrangeFig[1])]; yrangeFig = [Math.min(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1]), Math.max(yrangeFig[0], yrangeFig[1])]; // Add offset to avoid the corner-indicators for THIS slicer to only be half-visible let plotSize = [400, 400]; // This estimate results in ok results let graphDiv = document.getElementById('slicer7-graph'); let plotDiv = graphDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-plotly-plot')[0]; if (plotDiv && plotDiv._fullLayout) plotSize = [plotDiv._fullLayout.width, plotDiv._fullLayout.height]; xrangeFig[0] += 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; xrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (xrangeFig[1] - xrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[0]; yrangeFig[0] += 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; yrangeFig[1] -= 2 * (yrangeFig[1] - yrangeFig[0]) / plotSize[1]; // Combine the ranges let xrange = [Math.max(xrangeVol[0], xrangeFig[0]), Math.min(xrangeVol[1], xrangeFig[1])]; let yrange = [Math.max(yrangeVol[0], yrangeFig[0]), Math.min(yrangeVol[1], yrangeFig[1])]; // Create new state let new_state = { index: index, index_changed: false, xrange: xrange, yrange: yrange, zpos: info.offset[2] + index * info.stepsize[2], axis: info.axis, color: info.color, }; if (index != private_state.last_index || info.infoid != private_state.infoid) { private_state.last_index = index; new_state.index_changed = true; } private_state.infoid = info.infoid; // infoid changes on hot reload return new_state; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["280a79c61b994d44eda071bb0fff25c8f8881932997e8e3389ea3b02d5f84369"] = function update_image_traces(index, server_data, overlays, thumbnails, info, current_traces) { // Prepare traces let slice_trace = { type: 'image', x0: info.offset[0], y0: info.offset[1], dx: info.stepsize[0], dy: info.stepsize[1], hovertemplate: '(%{x:.2f}, %{y:.2f})<extra></extra>' }; let overlay_trace = {...slice_trace}; overlay_trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; overlay_trace.source = overlays[index] || ''; overlay_trace.hovertemplate = ''; let new_traces = [slice_trace, overlay_trace]; // Use full data, or use thumbnails if (index == server_data.index) { slice_trace.source = server_data.slice; } else { slice_trace.source = thumbnails[index]; // Scale the image to take the exact same space as the full-res // version. Note that depending on how the low-res data is // created, the pixel centers may not be correctly aligned. slice_trace.dx *= info.size[0] / info.thumbnail_size[0]; slice_trace.dy *= info.size[1] / info.thumbnail_size[1]; slice_trace.x0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dx - 0.5 * info.stepsize[0]; slice_trace.y0 += 0.5 * slice_trace.dy - 0.5 * info.stepsize[1]; } // Has the image data even changed? if (!current_traces.length) { current_traces = [{source:''}, {source:''}]; } if (new_traces[0].source == current_traces[0].source && new_traces[1].source == current_traces[1].source) { new_traces = dash_clientside.no_update; } return new_traces; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e8d2161e56a5d0a34e8bc130bcdbf21a309e3418cb2b6025569415bc563e7c91"] = function update_indicator_traces(states, info, thisState) { let traces = []; for (let state of states) { if (!state) continue; let zpos = [state.zpos, state.zpos]; let trace = null; if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 0 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.xrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 2) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } else if (info.axis == 1 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.xrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 0) { trace = {x: state.yrange, y: zpos}; } else if (info.axis == 2 && state.axis == 1) { trace = {x: zpos, y: state.yrange}; } if (trace) { trace.line = {color: state.color, width: 1}; traces.push(trace); } } // Show our own color around the image, but only if there are other // slicers with the same scene id, on a different axis. We do some // math to make sure that these indicators are the same size (in // scene coordinates) for all slicers of the same data. if (thisState && info.color && traces.length) { let fraction = 0.1; let lengthx = info.size[0] * info.stepsize[0]; let lengthy = info.size[1] * info.stepsize[1]; let lengthz = info.size[2] * info.stepsize[2]; let dd = fraction * (lengthx + lengthy + lengthz) / 3; // average dd = Math.min(dd, 0.45 * Math.min(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)); // failsafe let x1 = thisState.xrange[0]; let x2 = thisState.xrange[0] + dd; let x3 = thisState.xrange[1] - dd; let x4 = thisState.xrange[1]; let y1 = thisState.yrange[0]; let y2 = thisState.yrange[0] + dd; let y3 = thisState.yrange[1] - dd; let y4 = thisState.yrange[1]; traces.push({ x: [x1, x1, x2, null, x3, x4, x4, null, x4, x4, x3, null, x2, x1, x1], y: [y2, y1, y1, null, y1, y1, y2, null, y3, y4, y4, null, y4, y4, y3], line: {color: info.color, width: 4} }); } // Post-process the traces we created above for (let trace of traces) { trace.type = 'scatter'; trace.mode = 'lines'; trace.hoverinfo = 'skip'; trace.showlegend = false; } if (thisState) { return traces; } else { return dash_clientside.no_update; } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["4f84255f8d1e848137904d58e835a8de8e5a9457ce7c3833e597b5b495f4f5d9"] = function update_figure(img_traces, indicator_traces, extra_traces, info, ori_figure) { // Collect traces let traces = []; for (let trace of img_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of extra_traces) { traces.push(trace); } for (let trace of indicator_traces) { if (trace.line.color) traces.push(trace); } // Update figure let figure = {...ori_figure}; = traces; return figure; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["fc976e3b81c06c46f9fa8c7e2f41f70fc8763587e0eea6fa6a9e06ac17931742"] = function(title, path, params, hash, refreshPage) { // trigger a pagemenu rerender and set the document title window.history.replaceState(null, null, path + params + hash); if (title) { document.title = title; } return ["", path, refreshPage]; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["737d4f9ccaa4fcfb4ff5f88585fe430b92cb9824fde4d834a87690af15d6478b"] = function(refreshPage) { if (refreshPage===true) { window.location.reload(); } return ""; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["d47d11591f64cc0536c7079a63dd9b2d097118ed962f5ad5a366ec5aaade92db"] = function(x) {return x}; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["d47d11591f64cc0536c7079a63dd9b2d097118ed962f5ad5a366ec5aaade92db"] = function(x) {return x}; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["d47d11591f64cc0536c7079a63dd9b2d097118ed962f5ad5a366ec5aaade92db"] = function(x) {return x}; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["3b87e7ea0a54697b84e2838b3ccf0a3ae2460cd236c5b482ca68d41bded2240b"] = function(data, scale) { return { 'data': data, 'layout': { 'yaxis': {'type': scale} } } } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["18eaf07bff6d0de1db46741289c67822cb8251e2eccffe8ed172f9848f28207c"] = async function(value) { const response = await fetch(value); const data = await response.json(); return data; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f4f0cd36bb54318092c4b9fa3b0fa966873777ffcf4c46e97ddf56c86e749487"] = function(figure, scale) { if(figure === undefined) { return {'data': [], 'layout': {}}; } const fig = Object.assign({}, figure, { 'layout': { ...figure.layout, 'yaxis': { ...figure.layout.yaxis, type: scale } } }); return fig; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["e835da3fb0bc7a5c356464405f9f057074f1d4a072fbfd679318a47da93f0e07"] = function show_tooltip(hoverData) { if(!hoverData) { return [false, dash_clientside.no_update]; } var pt = hoverData.points[0]; return [true, pt.bbox]; } ; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["a11bb1a3027f9d15be5fe4f809eb250e2b776197e4dfabdb041ee105f2889991"] = async function (changedCell, forceRefresh) { gridApi = await dash_ag_grid.getApiAsync('styling-cells-other-col') forceRefresh.length != 0 && gridApi.refreshCells({force: true, columns: ['employee']}) return window.dash_clientside.no_update }; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["269a07a9f13087f5de239cbdaf3c245f3df64ad35fb85aa9c84885a52b36042a"] = async (n) => { if (n) { const gridApi = await dash_ag_grid.getApiAsync("grid-flash-cells-custom") var rowCount = gridApi.getDisplayedRowCount(); // pick 20 cells at random to update for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var row = Math.floor(Math.random() * rowCount); var rowNode = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(row); var col = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'][i % 6]; rowNode.setDataValue(col, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); } } return dash_clientside.no_update }; })(); </script> <script> (function() { var clientside = window.dash_clientside = window.dash_clientside || {}; var ns = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] = clientside["_dashprivate_clientside_funcs"] || {}; ns["f463cc968fe9db83fba2bce301964b6aef7d938bdcf421887d4b9067a169fade"] = async (n) => { if (n) { const gridApi = await dash_ag_grid.getApiAsync("grid-flash-cells-custom") // pick row 4 and 5 var rowNode1 = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(4); var rowNode2 = gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(5); 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