Customer Case Studies | Elorus

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manage their finances, increase business efficiency, and boost profitability.</h2> <a class="btn btn-success btn-lg" href="#case-studies">VIEW STORIES</a> </div> </div> </div> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1440 80" style="display: block; margin-top: 3rem;" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="#fff" d="M685.6,38.8C418.7-11.1,170.2,9.9,0,30v96h1440V30C1252.7,52.2,1010,99.4,685.6,38.8z"/> </svg> </header> <section class="mt-5 mb-5" id="case-studies"> <div class="container pt-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="card"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="" class="d-block"> <img class="img-fluid" style="width: 100%" src="" title="How Koutalidis Law Firm Increased its Productivity and Income Using Elorus Time Tracking"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="font-compressed"><a href="">Koutalidis Law Firm</a></h2> <p> Utilizing the time tracking feature, the award-winning firm succeeded in boosting its productivity and enhancing its profits. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="card"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="" class="d-block"> <img class="img-fluid" style="width: 100%" src="" title="How Agile Actors automated the invoicing process leveraging the Elorus API"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="font-compressed"><a href="">Agile Actors</a></h2> <p> Through Elorus API, the IT consulting agency streamlined the process of issuing and sending invoices to its clients. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="card"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="" class="d-block"> <img class="img-fluid" style="width: 100%" src="" title="How Denovo Hellas Utilizes Elorus for Financial Management and Productivity Analysis"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="font-compressed"><a href="">Denovo Hellas</a></h2> <p> Via Elorus, the tailor-made software development agency can track work hours and effectively manage its finances. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="card"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="" class="d-block"> <img class="img-fluid" style="width: 100%" src="" title="How did the telecommunications company Novelcomm automate the billing process of its subscribers using Elorus"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="font-compressed"><a href="">Novelcomm</a></h2> <p> The telecommunications company optimized its internal operations and automated the billing process for its subscribers. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 mb-5"> <div class="card"> <div class="mb-3"> <a href="" class="d-block"> <img class="img-fluid" style="width: 100%" src="" title="How the production company CandyshopVFX effectively manages its finances through Elorus"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="font-compressed"><a href="">CandyshopVFX</a></h2> <p> Leveraging Elorus’s features, the post-production agency can accurately price its services and maintain full control over its finances. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div><section> <div class="container mb-5 pt-4"> <div class="text-center"> <h2>Featured by top review sites</h2> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center pb-3"> <div class="align-self-center pt-3 pb-3 ps-4 pe-4" style="min-width: 10rem;"> <img alt="Capterra Best Value for Billing &amp; Invoicing 2024" title="Best Value for Billing &amp; Invoicing" class="saas-badge" src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;max-width:10rem;max-height:10rem;"> </div> <div class="align-self-center pt-3 pb-3 ps-4 pe-4" style="min-width: 10rem;"> <img alt="Software Advice Most Recommended for Billing &amp; Invoicing 2024" title="Most Recommended Award" class="saas-badge" src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;max-width:10rem;max-height:10rem;"> </div> <div class="align-self-center pt-3 pb-3 ps-4 pe-4" style="min-width: 10rem;"> <img alt="Software Advice Customer Support for Billing &amp; Invoicing 2024" title="Best Customer Support Award" class="saas-badge" src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;max-width:10rem;max-height:10rem;"> </div> <div class="align-self-center pt-3 pb-3 ps-4 pe-4" style="min-width: 10rem;"> <img alt="GetApp Category Leaders for Billing &amp; Invoicing 2023" title="Category Leader for Billing &amp; Invoicing" class="saas-badge" src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;max-width:9rem;max-height:9rem;"> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> <div> <div class="testimonials"> <div class="image-slider image-slider-testimonials"> <ul class="slides" > <li class="slide testimonial"> <section class="single-testimonial-section gradient" style="background:none"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-lg-6 capterra" > <div> <svg xmlns="" width="500" height="360" viewBox="0 0 500 360"> <defs> <pattern id="e98b21eefa2e12118d77de457045aeaf-pattern" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 650 650"> <image width="650" height="650" href=""/> </pattern> </defs> <g transform="translate(-852.344,-2389.359)"> <g 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0 0 0 0.62,0.547 c 0.287,2.517 0.419,5.05 0.462,7.584 C 347.075,217.3 329.886,200.323 311.082,185.2 Z m 55.356,35.514 a 1.184,1.184 0 0 0 -1.037,0.727 c -18.872,-16.423 -36.868,-33.7 -55.209,-50.691 37.963,-12.459 75.149,-27.943 112.3,-42.6 a 1.211,1.211 0 0 0 0.773,-1.031 q 0.837,-0.238 1.653,-0.524 -16.178,24.114 -31.526,48.765 -7.569,12.184 -14.925,24.495 c -4.032,6.745 -8.791,13.604 -12.03,20.863 z m 31.127,-34.5 c -9.79,15.675 -20.482,31.107 -29.168,47.426 a 0.775,0.775 0 0 0 -0.092,0.31 1.189,1.189 0 0 0 -0.157,-0.179 c -0.182,-0.14 -0.358,-0.287 -0.54,-0.427 a 38.127,38.127 0 0 0 -0.113,-10.911 c 4.969,-6.6 8.721,-14.393 12.934,-21.431 q 7.369,-12.306 14.95,-24.48 14.681,-23.582 30.138,-46.665 a 74.376,74.376 0 0 0 1.538,9.143 q -14.746,23.61 -29.491,47.218 z" style="fill:#222221"/> <path d="m 405.5,134.778 a 0.868,0.868 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.1 c -13.493,6.648 -26.914,13.347 -40.745,19.281 q -11.09,4.758 -22.36,9.079 c -6.317,2.422 -13.652,4.064 -19.363,7.7 -0.191,0.122 -0.136,0.49 0.126,0.464 0.16,-0.016 0.321,-0.052 0.482,-0.071 a 0.864,0.864 0 0 0 0.075,1.074 c 10.142,12.3 23.03,23.557 35.086,33.965 a 1.21,1.21 0 0 0 1.836,-0.295 0.863,0.863 0 0 0 0.688,-0.388 c 15.717,-22.947 31.085,-46.134 46.548,-69.251 0.649,-0.968 -0.556,-1.867 -1.417,-1.458 z m -46.373,69.364 c -8.94,-8.548 -17.779,-17.614 -26.991,-26.02 a 0.563,0.563 0 0 0 0.224,-0.039 c 22.061,-8.95 44.424,-19.139 64.953,-31.376 -12.797,19.098 -25.613,38.188 -38.185,57.435 z m 40.983,-61.611 a 1.009,1.009 0 0 0 -0.189,0.065 c -21.9,13.077 -45.562,22.406 -68.065,34.294 a 0.609,0.609 0 0 0 -0.271,0.736 c -2.5,-2.274 -5.025,-4.507 -7.593,-6.654 -0.014,-0.012 -0.03,-0.014 -0.045,-0.026 6.506,-1.058 13.034,-4.288 19.107,-6.61 q 9.783,-3.74 19.429,-7.834 c 13.968,-5.911 27.888,-12.207 41.26,-19.392 q -1.814,2.71 -3.632,5.421 z" transform="translate(4.587,3.041)" style="fill:#222221"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6"> <div> <h2 class="mt-4 mb-3">Customer Stories</h2> <p><i>We&rsquo;re very pleased with the Elorus software. It&rsquo;s simple, easy to use, and can be customized to fit our business needs.</i></p> <p> <b>Ioannis Manousakis</b> <br> <span style="font-size: 1rem"> Managing Partner - ALG Manousakis Law Firm</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </li> <li class="slide testimonial"> <section class="single-testimonial-section gradient" style="background:none"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-lg-6 capterra" > <div> <svg xmlns="" width="500" height="360" viewBox="0 0 500 360"> <defs> <pattern id="e917d7a4ead81a8efe12f5e451072be2-pattern" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 650 650"> <image width="650" height="650" href=""/> </pattern> </defs> <g transform="translate(-852.344,-2389.359)"> <g transform="matrix(0.94198814,0.1156616,-0.1156616,0.94198814,1181.4953,2232.6411)"> <path d="m -171.884,-141.424 c 6.164,5.6 13.111,12.837 12.4,19.178 -0.711,6.341 -9.1,11.8 -16.529,13.033 -7.429,1.233 -13.866,-1.75 -22.281,-4.41 -8.415,-2.66 -18.781,-5 -20.3,-9.939 -1.519,-4.939 5.78,-12.473 12.218,-18.156 6.438,-5.683 12.026,-9.491 17.5,-9.393 5.474,0.098 10.842,4.073 16.992,9.687 z" transform="translate(-39.135,370.531)" style="fill:#b053af"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.78680831,-0.5307089,0.5307089,-0.78680831,1262.921,2787.9089)"> <path d="m 265.114,58.485 c 34.825,33.8 74.072,77.486 70.039,115.765 -4.111,38.278 -51.424,71.233 -93.385,78.669 -41.883,7.52 -78.338,-10.562 -125.883,-26.617 C 68.34,210.247 9.78,196.135 1.17,166.307 -7.517,136.563 33.824,91.017 70.2,56.71 106.655,22.488 138.145,-0.58 169.092,0.011 200.039,0.518 230.366,24.6 265.114,58.485 Z" transform="rotate(25,151.50239,54.184611)" style="fill:#aa3c64"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.38626836,-0.86744294,0.86744294,-0.38626836,1051.7992,2834.5388)" style="opacity:0.5"> <path d="m 129.09,-92.014 a 181.6,181.6 0 0 1 53,138.8 C 178.906,102.56 150.354,165.05 103.623,183.058 56.888,200.971 -8.021,174.4 -56.087,141.985 c -48.169,-32.413 -79.6,-70.667 -92.537,-115.442 -12.937,-44.775 -7.6,-96.169 20.952,-128.972 28.552,-32.803 80.212,-46.916 128.792,-44.677 48.58,2.336 94.08,21.219 127.97,55.092 z" transform="translate(200.398,201.824)" style="fill:#1e4682"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,881.05817,2351.8723)"> <path d="m -8202.148,392.472 c -50.031,-4.62 -99.844,-29.761 -122.153,-70.507 -22.309,-40.746 -17.061,-96.96 3.516,-143.817 20.674,-46.82 56.873,-84.208 103.813,-104.392 a 199.005,199.005 0 0 1 159.953,1.667 c 55.042,24.716 107.288,76.954 107.826,129.833 0.437,52.841 -50.837,106.32 -101.647,140.993 -45.142,30.87 -89.953,47 -134.447,47 q -8.441,-0.001 -16.861,-0.777 z" style="fill:url(#e917d7a4ead81a8efe12f5e451072be2-pattern)" transform="translate(8368.79,10.27)"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,565.6468,2522.5877)"> <path d="m 426.937,127.724 c 0.093,-0.138 0.183,-0.276 0.276,-0.414 a 1.074,1.074 0 0 0 -0.791,-1.663 0.822,0.822 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.867 22.907,22.907 0 0 0 -3.049,1.024 1.057,1.057 0 0 0 -0.554,0.067 c -37.525,14.823 -75.729,28.175 -112.977,43.658 -0.02,0.008 -0.03,0.024 -0.05,0.033 a 1.1,1.1 0 0 0 -1.362,1.7 c 0.165,0.172 0.334,0.338 0.5,0.509 a 27.152,27.152 0 0 0 1.117,12.362 0.67,0.67 0 0 0 -0.2,1.111 c 17.637,18.448 37.814,35.106 58.029,50.641 0.961,0.739 1.894,-0.355 1.708,-1.328 a 0.719,0.719 0 0 0 0.985,-0.2 c 10.857,-14.972 20.044,-31.349 29.843,-47.03 l 28.483,-45.576 a 1.185,1.185 0 0 0 1.68,-1.255 c -0.699,-4.181 -1.237,-8.75 -2.682,-12.772 z M 311.082,185.2 a 0.825,0.825 0 0 0 0.312,-0.816 c -0.432,-3.56 -1.033,-7 -1.384,-10.54 17.092,17.534 35.588,33.9 54.1,49.881 a 1.265,1.265 0 0 0 0.944,0.32 0.536,0.536 0 0 0 0.62,0.547 c 0.287,2.517 0.419,5.05 0.462,7.584 C 347.075,217.3 329.886,200.323 311.082,185.2 Z m 55.356,35.514 a 1.184,1.184 0 0 0 -1.037,0.727 c -18.872,-16.423 -36.868,-33.7 -55.209,-50.691 37.963,-12.459 75.149,-27.943 112.3,-42.6 a 1.211,1.211 0 0 0 0.773,-1.031 q 0.837,-0.238 1.653,-0.524 -16.178,24.114 -31.526,48.765 -7.569,12.184 -14.925,24.495 c -4.032,6.745 -8.791,13.604 -12.03,20.863 z m 31.127,-34.5 c -9.79,15.675 -20.482,31.107 -29.168,47.426 a 0.775,0.775 0 0 0 -0.092,0.31 1.189,1.189 0 0 0 -0.157,-0.179 c -0.182,-0.14 -0.358,-0.287 -0.54,-0.427 a 38.127,38.127 0 0 0 -0.113,-10.911 c 4.969,-6.6 8.721,-14.393 12.934,-21.431 q 7.369,-12.306 14.95,-24.48 14.681,-23.582 30.138,-46.665 a 74.376,74.376 0 0 0 1.538,9.143 q -14.746,23.61 -29.491,47.218 z" style="fill:#222221"/> <path d="m 405.5,134.778 a 0.868,0.868 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.1 c -13.493,6.648 -26.914,13.347 -40.745,19.281 q -11.09,4.758 -22.36,9.079 c -6.317,2.422 -13.652,4.064 -19.363,7.7 -0.191,0.122 -0.136,0.49 0.126,0.464 0.16,-0.016 0.321,-0.052 0.482,-0.071 a 0.864,0.864 0 0 0 0.075,1.074 c 10.142,12.3 23.03,23.557 35.086,33.965 a 1.21,1.21 0 0 0 1.836,-0.295 0.863,0.863 0 0 0 0.688,-0.388 c 15.717,-22.947 31.085,-46.134 46.548,-69.251 0.649,-0.968 -0.556,-1.867 -1.417,-1.458 z m -46.373,69.364 c -8.94,-8.548 -17.779,-17.614 -26.991,-26.02 a 0.563,0.563 0 0 0 0.224,-0.039 c 22.061,-8.95 44.424,-19.139 64.953,-31.376 -12.797,19.098 -25.613,38.188 -38.185,57.435 z m 40.983,-61.611 a 1.009,1.009 0 0 0 -0.189,0.065 c -21.9,13.077 -45.562,22.406 -68.065,34.294 a 0.609,0.609 0 0 0 -0.271,0.736 c -2.5,-2.274 -5.025,-4.507 -7.593,-6.654 -0.014,-0.012 -0.03,-0.014 -0.045,-0.026 6.506,-1.058 13.034,-4.288 19.107,-6.61 q 9.783,-3.74 19.429,-7.834 c 13.968,-5.911 27.888,-12.207 41.26,-19.392 q -1.814,2.71 -3.632,5.421 z" transform="translate(4.587,3.041)" style="fill:#222221"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6"> <div> <h2 class="mt-4 mb-3">Customer Stories</h2> <p><i>Elorus is an intuitive and fast online software essential for any modern law firm. It facilitates the quick and easy delivery of invoices to both the client and the relevant authorities.</i></p> <p> <b>Chryssiis Poulakou</b> <br> <span style="font-size: 1rem"> Founding Partner (Employment Lawyer) - Ad Hoc Legal</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </li> <li class="slide testimonial"> <section class="single-testimonial-section gradient" style="background:none"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-lg-6 capterra" > <div> <svg xmlns="" width="500" height="360" viewBox="0 0 500 360"> <defs> <pattern id="7bd1e871ef05ef1e2e1a98d22a4a4e57-pattern" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 650 650"> <image width="650" height="650" href=""/> </pattern> </defs> <g transform="translate(-852.344,-2389.359)"> <g transform="matrix(0.94198814,0.1156616,-0.1156616,0.94198814,1181.4953,2232.6411)"> <path d="m -171.884,-141.424 c 6.164,5.6 13.111,12.837 12.4,19.178 -0.711,6.341 -9.1,11.8 -16.529,13.033 -7.429,1.233 -13.866,-1.75 -22.281,-4.41 -8.415,-2.66 -18.781,-5 -20.3,-9.939 -1.519,-4.939 5.78,-12.473 12.218,-18.156 6.438,-5.683 12.026,-9.491 17.5,-9.393 5.474,0.098 10.842,4.073 16.992,9.687 z" transform="translate(-39.135,370.531)" style="fill:#b053af"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.78680831,-0.5307089,0.5307089,-0.78680831,1262.921,2787.9089)"> <path d="m 265.114,58.485 c 34.825,33.8 74.072,77.486 70.039,115.765 -4.111,38.278 -51.424,71.233 -93.385,78.669 -41.883,7.52 -78.338,-10.562 -125.883,-26.617 C 68.34,210.247 9.78,196.135 1.17,166.307 -7.517,136.563 33.824,91.017 70.2,56.71 106.655,22.488 138.145,-0.58 169.092,0.011 200.039,0.518 230.366,24.6 265.114,58.485 Z" transform="rotate(25,151.50239,54.184611)" style="fill:#aa3c64"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.38626836,-0.86744294,0.86744294,-0.38626836,1051.7992,2834.5388)" style="opacity:0.5"> <path d="m 129.09,-92.014 a 181.6,181.6 0 0 1 53,138.8 C 178.906,102.56 150.354,165.05 103.623,183.058 56.888,200.971 -8.021,174.4 -56.087,141.985 c -48.169,-32.413 -79.6,-70.667 -92.537,-115.442 -12.937,-44.775 -7.6,-96.169 20.952,-128.972 28.552,-32.803 80.212,-46.916 128.792,-44.677 48.58,2.336 94.08,21.219 127.97,55.092 z" transform="translate(200.398,201.824)" style="fill:#1e4682"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,881.05817,2351.8723)"> <path d="m -8202.148,392.472 c -50.031,-4.62 -99.844,-29.761 -122.153,-70.507 -22.309,-40.746 -17.061,-96.96 3.516,-143.817 20.674,-46.82 56.873,-84.208 103.813,-104.392 a 199.005,199.005 0 0 1 159.953,1.667 c 55.042,24.716 107.288,76.954 107.826,129.833 0.437,52.841 -50.837,106.32 -101.647,140.993 -45.142,30.87 -89.953,47 -134.447,47 q -8.441,-0.001 -16.861,-0.777 z" style="fill:url(#7bd1e871ef05ef1e2e1a98d22a4a4e57-pattern)" transform="translate(8368.79,10.27)"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,565.6468,2522.5877)"> <path d="m 426.937,127.724 c 0.093,-0.138 0.183,-0.276 0.276,-0.414 a 1.074,1.074 0 0 0 -0.791,-1.663 0.822,0.822 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.867 22.907,22.907 0 0 0 -3.049,1.024 1.057,1.057 0 0 0 -0.554,0.067 c -37.525,14.823 -75.729,28.175 -112.977,43.658 -0.02,0.008 -0.03,0.024 -0.05,0.033 a 1.1,1.1 0 0 0 -1.362,1.7 c 0.165,0.172 0.334,0.338 0.5,0.509 a 27.152,27.152 0 0 0 1.117,12.362 0.67,0.67 0 0 0 -0.2,1.111 c 17.637,18.448 37.814,35.106 58.029,50.641 0.961,0.739 1.894,-0.355 1.708,-1.328 a 0.719,0.719 0 0 0 0.985,-0.2 c 10.857,-14.972 20.044,-31.349 29.843,-47.03 l 28.483,-45.576 a 1.185,1.185 0 0 0 1.68,-1.255 c -0.699,-4.181 -1.237,-8.75 -2.682,-12.772 z M 311.082,185.2 a 0.825,0.825 0 0 0 0.312,-0.816 c -0.432,-3.56 -1.033,-7 -1.384,-10.54 17.092,17.534 35.588,33.9 54.1,49.881 a 1.265,1.265 0 0 0 0.944,0.32 0.536,0.536 0 0 0 0.62,0.547 c 0.287,2.517 0.419,5.05 0.462,7.584 C 347.075,217.3 329.886,200.323 311.082,185.2 Z m 55.356,35.514 a 1.184,1.184 0 0 0 -1.037,0.727 c -18.872,-16.423 -36.868,-33.7 -55.209,-50.691 37.963,-12.459 75.149,-27.943 112.3,-42.6 a 1.211,1.211 0 0 0 0.773,-1.031 q 0.837,-0.238 1.653,-0.524 -16.178,24.114 -31.526,48.765 -7.569,12.184 -14.925,24.495 c -4.032,6.745 -8.791,13.604 -12.03,20.863 z m 31.127,-34.5 c -9.79,15.675 -20.482,31.107 -29.168,47.426 a 0.775,0.775 0 0 0 -0.092,0.31 1.189,1.189 0 0 0 -0.157,-0.179 c -0.182,-0.14 -0.358,-0.287 -0.54,-0.427 a 38.127,38.127 0 0 0 -0.113,-10.911 c 4.969,-6.6 8.721,-14.393 12.934,-21.431 q 7.369,-12.306 14.95,-24.48 14.681,-23.582 30.138,-46.665 a 74.376,74.376 0 0 0 1.538,9.143 q -14.746,23.61 -29.491,47.218 z" style="fill:#222221"/> <path d="m 405.5,134.778 a 0.868,0.868 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.1 c -13.493,6.648 -26.914,13.347 -40.745,19.281 q -11.09,4.758 -22.36,9.079 c -6.317,2.422 -13.652,4.064 -19.363,7.7 -0.191,0.122 -0.136,0.49 0.126,0.464 0.16,-0.016 0.321,-0.052 0.482,-0.071 a 0.864,0.864 0 0 0 0.075,1.074 c 10.142,12.3 23.03,23.557 35.086,33.965 a 1.21,1.21 0 0 0 1.836,-0.295 0.863,0.863 0 0 0 0.688,-0.388 c 15.717,-22.947 31.085,-46.134 46.548,-69.251 0.649,-0.968 -0.556,-1.867 -1.417,-1.458 z m -46.373,69.364 c -8.94,-8.548 -17.779,-17.614 -26.991,-26.02 a 0.563,0.563 0 0 0 0.224,-0.039 c 22.061,-8.95 44.424,-19.139 64.953,-31.376 -12.797,19.098 -25.613,38.188 -38.185,57.435 z m 40.983,-61.611 a 1.009,1.009 0 0 0 -0.189,0.065 c -21.9,13.077 -45.562,22.406 -68.065,34.294 a 0.609,0.609 0 0 0 -0.271,0.736 c -2.5,-2.274 -5.025,-4.507 -7.593,-6.654 -0.014,-0.012 -0.03,-0.014 -0.045,-0.026 6.506,-1.058 13.034,-4.288 19.107,-6.61 q 9.783,-3.74 19.429,-7.834 c 13.968,-5.911 27.888,-12.207 41.26,-19.392 q -1.814,2.71 -3.632,5.421 z" transform="translate(4.587,3.041)" style="fill:#222221"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6"> <div> <h2 class="mt-4 mb-3">Customer Stories</h2> <p><i>The use of the API and the range of Elorus features has enabled us to fully automate the issuance of invoices to our customers as well as self-billing to our partners. This helps us to maintain high-quality service while simultaneously simplifying our processes!</i></p> <p> <b>Harry Georgiopoulos</b> <br> <span style="font-size: 1rem"> COO &amp; Co-Founder - ClicktoTherapy</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </li> <li class="slide testimonial"> <section class="single-testimonial-section gradient" style="background:none"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-lg-6 capterra" > <div> <svg xmlns="" width="500" height="360" viewBox="0 0 500 360"> <defs> <pattern id="742eefe1eee807af1a4bd82551a7d921-pattern" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 650 650"> <image width="650" height="650" href=""/> </pattern> </defs> <g transform="translate(-852.344,-2389.359)"> <g transform="matrix(0.94198814,0.1156616,-0.1156616,0.94198814,1181.4953,2232.6411)"> <path d="m -171.884,-141.424 c 6.164,5.6 13.111,12.837 12.4,19.178 -0.711,6.341 -9.1,11.8 -16.529,13.033 -7.429,1.233 -13.866,-1.75 -22.281,-4.41 -8.415,-2.66 -18.781,-5 -20.3,-9.939 -1.519,-4.939 5.78,-12.473 12.218,-18.156 6.438,-5.683 12.026,-9.491 17.5,-9.393 5.474,0.098 10.842,4.073 16.992,9.687 z" transform="translate(-39.135,370.531)" style="fill:#b053af"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.78680831,-0.5307089,0.5307089,-0.78680831,1262.921,2787.9089)"> <path d="m 265.114,58.485 c 34.825,33.8 74.072,77.486 70.039,115.765 -4.111,38.278 -51.424,71.233 -93.385,78.669 -41.883,7.52 -78.338,-10.562 -125.883,-26.617 C 68.34,210.247 9.78,196.135 1.17,166.307 -7.517,136.563 33.824,91.017 70.2,56.71 106.655,22.488 138.145,-0.58 169.092,0.011 200.039,0.518 230.366,24.6 265.114,58.485 Z" transform="rotate(25,151.50239,54.184611)" style="fill:#aa3c64"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(-0.38626836,-0.86744294,0.86744294,-0.38626836,1051.7992,2834.5388)" style="opacity:0.5"> <path d="m 129.09,-92.014 a 181.6,181.6 0 0 1 53,138.8 C 178.906,102.56 150.354,165.05 103.623,183.058 56.888,200.971 -8.021,174.4 -56.087,141.985 c -48.169,-32.413 -79.6,-70.667 -92.537,-115.442 -12.937,-44.775 -7.6,-96.169 20.952,-128.972 28.552,-32.803 80.212,-46.916 128.792,-44.677 48.58,2.336 94.08,21.219 127.97,55.092 z" transform="translate(200.398,201.824)" style="fill:#1e4682"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,881.05817,2351.8723)"> <path d="m -8202.148,392.472 c -50.031,-4.62 -99.844,-29.761 -122.153,-70.507 -22.309,-40.746 -17.061,-96.96 3.516,-143.817 20.674,-46.82 56.873,-84.208 103.813,-104.392 a 199.005,199.005 0 0 1 159.953,1.667 c 55.042,24.716 107.288,76.954 107.826,129.833 0.437,52.841 -50.837,106.32 -101.647,140.993 -45.142,30.87 -89.953,47 -134.447,47 q -8.441,-0.001 -16.861,-0.777 z" style="fill:url(#742eefe1eee807af1a4bd82551a7d921-pattern)" transform="translate(8368.79,10.27)"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(0.9490623,0,0,0.9490623,565.6468,2522.5877)"> <path d="m 426.937,127.724 c 0.093,-0.138 0.183,-0.276 0.276,-0.414 a 1.074,1.074 0 0 0 -0.791,-1.663 0.822,0.822 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.867 22.907,22.907 0 0 0 -3.049,1.024 1.057,1.057 0 0 0 -0.554,0.067 c -37.525,14.823 -75.729,28.175 -112.977,43.658 -0.02,0.008 -0.03,0.024 -0.05,0.033 a 1.1,1.1 0 0 0 -1.362,1.7 c 0.165,0.172 0.334,0.338 0.5,0.509 a 27.152,27.152 0 0 0 1.117,12.362 0.67,0.67 0 0 0 -0.2,1.111 c 17.637,18.448 37.814,35.106 58.029,50.641 0.961,0.739 1.894,-0.355 1.708,-1.328 a 0.719,0.719 0 0 0 0.985,-0.2 c 10.857,-14.972 20.044,-31.349 29.843,-47.03 l 28.483,-45.576 a 1.185,1.185 0 0 0 1.68,-1.255 c -0.699,-4.181 -1.237,-8.75 -2.682,-12.772 z M 311.082,185.2 a 0.825,0.825 0 0 0 0.312,-0.816 c -0.432,-3.56 -1.033,-7 -1.384,-10.54 17.092,17.534 35.588,33.9 54.1,49.881 a 1.265,1.265 0 0 0 0.944,0.32 0.536,0.536 0 0 0 0.62,0.547 c 0.287,2.517 0.419,5.05 0.462,7.584 C 347.075,217.3 329.886,200.323 311.082,185.2 Z m 55.356,35.514 a 1.184,1.184 0 0 0 -1.037,0.727 c -18.872,-16.423 -36.868,-33.7 -55.209,-50.691 37.963,-12.459 75.149,-27.943 112.3,-42.6 a 1.211,1.211 0 0 0 0.773,-1.031 q 0.837,-0.238 1.653,-0.524 -16.178,24.114 -31.526,48.765 -7.569,12.184 -14.925,24.495 c -4.032,6.745 -8.791,13.604 -12.03,20.863 z m 31.127,-34.5 c -9.79,15.675 -20.482,31.107 -29.168,47.426 a 0.775,0.775 0 0 0 -0.092,0.31 1.189,1.189 0 0 0 -0.157,-0.179 c -0.182,-0.14 -0.358,-0.287 -0.54,-0.427 a 38.127,38.127 0 0 0 -0.113,-10.911 c 4.969,-6.6 8.721,-14.393 12.934,-21.431 q 7.369,-12.306 14.95,-24.48 14.681,-23.582 30.138,-46.665 a 74.376,74.376 0 0 0 1.538,9.143 q -14.746,23.61 -29.491,47.218 z" style="fill:#222221"/> <path d="m 405.5,134.778 a 0.868,0.868 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.1 c -13.493,6.648 -26.914,13.347 -40.745,19.281 q -11.09,4.758 -22.36,9.079 c -6.317,2.422 -13.652,4.064 -19.363,7.7 -0.191,0.122 -0.136,0.49 0.126,0.464 0.16,-0.016 0.321,-0.052 0.482,-0.071 a 0.864,0.864 0 0 0 0.075,1.074 c 10.142,12.3 23.03,23.557 35.086,33.965 a 1.21,1.21 0 0 0 1.836,-0.295 0.863,0.863 0 0 0 0.688,-0.388 c 15.717,-22.947 31.085,-46.134 46.548,-69.251 0.649,-0.968 -0.556,-1.867 -1.417,-1.458 z m -46.373,69.364 c -8.94,-8.548 -17.779,-17.614 -26.991,-26.02 a 0.563,0.563 0 0 0 0.224,-0.039 c 22.061,-8.95 44.424,-19.139 64.953,-31.376 -12.797,19.098 -25.613,38.188 -38.185,57.435 z m 40.983,-61.611 a 1.009,1.009 0 0 0 -0.189,0.065 c -21.9,13.077 -45.562,22.406 -68.065,34.294 a 0.609,0.609 0 0 0 -0.271,0.736 c -2.5,-2.274 -5.025,-4.507 -7.593,-6.654 -0.014,-0.012 -0.03,-0.014 -0.045,-0.026 6.506,-1.058 13.034,-4.288 19.107,-6.61 q 9.783,-3.74 19.429,-7.834 c 13.968,-5.911 27.888,-12.207 41.26,-19.392 q -1.814,2.71 -3.632,5.421 z" transform="translate(4.587,3.041)" style="fill:#222221"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6"> <div> <h2 class="mt-4 mb-3">Customer Stories</h2> <p><i>By using Elorus, we have fully automated the issuance of sales invoices and their payment by our subscribers, saving valuable time and money.</i></p> <p> <b>Alexandros Dimitropoulos</b> <br> <span style="font-size: 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-75.729,28.175 -112.977,43.658 -0.02,0.008 -0.03,0.024 -0.05,0.033 a 1.1,1.1 0 0 0 -1.362,1.7 c 0.165,0.172 0.334,0.338 0.5,0.509 a 27.152,27.152 0 0 0 1.117,12.362 0.67,0.67 0 0 0 -0.2,1.111 c 17.637,18.448 37.814,35.106 58.029,50.641 0.961,0.739 1.894,-0.355 1.708,-1.328 a 0.719,0.719 0 0 0 0.985,-0.2 c 10.857,-14.972 20.044,-31.349 29.843,-47.03 l 28.483,-45.576 a 1.185,1.185 0 0 0 1.68,-1.255 c -0.699,-4.181 -1.237,-8.75 -2.682,-12.772 z M 311.082,185.2 a 0.825,0.825 0 0 0 0.312,-0.816 c -0.432,-3.56 -1.033,-7 -1.384,-10.54 17.092,17.534 35.588,33.9 54.1,49.881 a 1.265,1.265 0 0 0 0.944,0.32 0.536,0.536 0 0 0 0.62,0.547 c 0.287,2.517 0.419,5.05 0.462,7.584 C 347.075,217.3 329.886,200.323 311.082,185.2 Z m 55.356,35.514 a 1.184,1.184 0 0 0 -1.037,0.727 c -18.872,-16.423 -36.868,-33.7 -55.209,-50.691 37.963,-12.459 75.149,-27.943 112.3,-42.6 a 1.211,1.211 0 0 0 0.773,-1.031 q 0.837,-0.238 1.653,-0.524 -16.178,24.114 -31.526,48.765 -7.569,12.184 -14.925,24.495 c -4.032,6.745 -8.791,13.604 -12.03,20.863 z m 31.127,-34.5 c -9.79,15.675 -20.482,31.107 -29.168,47.426 a 0.775,0.775 0 0 0 -0.092,0.31 1.189,1.189 0 0 0 -0.157,-0.179 c -0.182,-0.14 -0.358,-0.287 -0.54,-0.427 a 38.127,38.127 0 0 0 -0.113,-10.911 c 4.969,-6.6 8.721,-14.393 12.934,-21.431 q 7.369,-12.306 14.95,-24.48 14.681,-23.582 30.138,-46.665 a 74.376,74.376 0 0 0 1.538,9.143 q -14.746,23.61 -29.491,47.218 z" style="fill:#222221"/> <path d="m 405.5,134.778 a 0.868,0.868 0 0 0 -0.956,-0.1 c -13.493,6.648 -26.914,13.347 -40.745,19.281 q -11.09,4.758 -22.36,9.079 c -6.317,2.422 -13.652,4.064 -19.363,7.7 -0.191,0.122 -0.136,0.49 0.126,0.464 0.16,-0.016 0.321,-0.052 0.482,-0.071 a 0.864,0.864 0 0 0 0.075,1.074 c 10.142,12.3 23.03,23.557 35.086,33.965 a 1.21,1.21 0 0 0 1.836,-0.295 0.863,0.863 0 0 0 0.688,-0.388 c 15.717,-22.947 31.085,-46.134 46.548,-69.251 0.649,-0.968 -0.556,-1.867 -1.417,-1.458 z m -46.373,69.364 c -8.94,-8.548 -17.779,-17.614 -26.991,-26.02 a 0.563,0.563 0 0 0 0.224,-0.039 c 22.061,-8.95 44.424,-19.139 64.953,-31.376 -12.797,19.098 -25.613,38.188 -38.185,57.435 z m 40.983,-61.611 a 1.009,1.009 0 0 0 -0.189,0.065 c -21.9,13.077 -45.562,22.406 -68.065,34.294 a 0.609,0.609 0 0 0 -0.271,0.736 c -2.5,-2.274 -5.025,-4.507 -7.593,-6.654 -0.014,-0.012 -0.03,-0.014 -0.045,-0.026 6.506,-1.058 13.034,-4.288 19.107,-6.61 q 9.783,-3.74 19.429,-7.834 c 13.968,-5.911 27.888,-12.207 41.26,-19.392 q -1.814,2.71 -3.632,5.421 z" transform="translate(4.587,3.041)" style="fill:#222221"/> </g> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-6"> <div> <h2 class="mt-4 mb-3">Customer Stories</h2> <p><i>The company&rsquo;s revenue increased when we started regularly tracking our work time using Elorus. 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