Pricing Transparency | About Us | UCSF Health
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This commitment includes providing information and resources, such as financial assistance and counselors, related to the potential cost of treatment at all our facilities, including our UCSF Medical Centers at Parnassus Heights, Mission Bay and Mount Zion, and Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics.\nIn addition, federal law* requires medical centers to publish online a list of standard charges for hospital items and services, and update it at least once a year. You can click below to view our current lists in JSON format. This list was updated July 2024 to reflect changes made to standard charges.","articleSection":"Article"} </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the new CMS regulation, and what does it require?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>In November 2019, CMS published a requirement that hospitals post a machine readable file containing gross charges, discounted cash prices, payer-specific negotiated charges, and de-identified minimum and maximum negotiated charges. This requirement went into effect on January 1, 2021.</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Has UCSF Health complied with the regulations?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Yes, we have complied with this new regulation by posting a machine readable file above. </p>\n<p>In addition to the steps CMS has required us to take, we are committed to helping patients and their families make informed decisions about every aspect of their care, including the out-of-pocket costs of their care. We have a team of financial advisors available to help you with this. To speak with an advisor about a personalized out-of-pocket financial responsibility estimate specific to your visit and care, call the Patient Estimate Program toll-free at (844) 678-6831 or visit our <a href=\"~/link.aspx?_id=DDBFD25E734942AEAD03D7B30C8DF309&_z=z\">Billing & Insurance</a> page for more information.</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Haven't you been transparent about pricing in the past?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Yes, and actually, UCSF Health has been posting these prices online with the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for more than a decade, in accordance with the State of California Payers Bill of Rights of 2003. The site updates pricing information each June for all hospitals in California. In addition, price information is readily available at our facilities.</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is this what I will actually be charged if I come to UCSF Health?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>The prices that hospitals are required to publish may not reflect the price you will pay. As an individual patient, your responsibility would depend on your insurance plan, coverage, deductibles, co-insurance and other factor. </p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why do different hospitals charge different prices for the care they provide?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>There are no specific requirements or consistent guidelines for how hospitals determine their charges. As a result, one hospital might combine the charges of some line items, while another may spell out each charge individually. Neither approach is right or wrong, and both comply with the federal rule; they are simply different ways of representing the charge for a therapy or procedure. In addition, some hospitals, including UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, serve as tertiary and quaternary referral hospitals, so other hospitals send patients who require more specialized care to these hospitals. As a result, the total charges for our patients normally include more extensive care, meaning potentially more line items and higher average charges.</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"These lists are extremely confusing. How do we make sense of them?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Yes, this is extremely confusing. At UCSF Health, we have a team of financial assistance and counselors to help current and prospective patients understand their potential out-of-pocket costs. Our team makes every attempt to personalize these quotes to enable patients to make informed decisions and understand their potential financial liability, both before and after their care. We also offer financial assistance and discounts for patients who have no insurance or, for patients who qualify, help them enroll in available and appropriate Medicare and Medi-Cal programs. To speak with a staff member about a personalized out-of-pocket estimate specific to your visit and care, call the Patient Estimate Program toll-free at (844) 678-6831 or visit our <a href=\"~/link.aspx?_id=DDBFD25E734942AEAD03D7B30C8DF309&_z=z\">Billing & Insurance</a> page for more information.</p>\n<p>For questions about our standard charges posted above, please email us at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>"}}]} </script> </head> <body class="default-device bodyclass"> <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content">Skip to Main Content</a> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- #header --> <header> <div id="header" class="container-fluid"> <div class="component rich-text paragraph1 ie-warning-banner"> <div class="component-content"> <p> Looks like you’re visiting UCSF Health on Internet Explorer. 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class="font-larger article-text rich-text"> <p>At UCSF Health, we're committed to helping patients and their families make informed decisions about every aspect of their care. This commitment includes providing information and resources, such as financial assistance and counselors, related to the potential cost of treatment at all our facilities, including our UCSF Medical Centers at Parnassus Heights, Mission Bay and Mount Zion, and Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics.</p> <p>In addition, federal law* requires medical centers to publish online a list of standard charges for hospital items and services, and update it at least once a year. You can click below to view our current lists in JSON format. This list was updated July 2024 to reflect changes made to standard charges.</p> </div> </div> <div class="article-info right-col"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component content container"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="component column-layout col-2-66-33 col-xs-12 col-2-80-20"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="left-col"> <div class="component rich-text paragraph1 col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <h2>UCSF Medical Center Standard Charges</h2> <p>This document lists the gross charge for all services and items that would potentially be provided to UCSF Medical Center patients, insurers and guarantors. This list represents line-item charges for many different elements of the care we provide, such as the surgery itself, as well as hospital rooms and special facilities (e.g., operating rooms), supplies, devices, procedures, tests and medications.</p> <p>We have also provided our self-pay pricing along with any fixed payer-specific negotiated charges. Please note that UCSF provides many complex services, which are reimbursed at a variable rate. This means that the reimbursement is dependent on many factors: the length of stay, medications and supplies provided with the service, and other variable factors.</p> <p>The charges hospitals are required to post on this list may not reflect what you will actually pay. Your doctor and care team will determine what services and treatments are necessary. Your individual out-of-pocket costs will be impacted by insurance plan coverage, co-pays and deductibles, if any, as well as by the wide range of services provided and other variables that affect costs – so our list should not be used to estimate the actual final cost you will incur.</p> <p>We want you to understand your potential out-of-pocket costs before your visit, and we have a team of financial advisors available to help you with this. To speak with an advisor about a personalized out-of-pocket financial responsibility estimate specific to your visit and care, call the Patient Estimate Program toll-free at (844) 678-6831 or visit our <a href="/billing-and-insurance">Billing & Insurance</a> page for more information. </p> <p>For questions about our price list, email us at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e8b89a818b81868fbc9a89869b98899a8d868b91a89d8b9b8ec68d8c9d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f181839892989f968583909f82819083949f9288b184928297df949584">[email protected]</span></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-col"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component link-list meta-links col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <div> <h2 class="heading1 title-anchor">Price list file</h2> <p class="font-larger">If you have difficulty accessing the file, try a different browser.</p> </div> <ul class="use-download-icon "> <li class="item0 odd first last "> <p class="font-smaller"> <a href="" target=>UCSF Medical Center Standard Charges</a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="component link-list meta-links col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <div> <h2 class="heading1 title-anchor">Download our charge description master (CDM)</h2> <p class="font-larger">The hospital charges on our CDM are listed by item and subject to change.<br/></p> </div> <ul class="use-download-icon "> <li class="item0 odd first "> <p class="font-smaller"> <a href="/-/media/project/ucsf/ucsf-health/content/pricing-transparency/ucsf-cdm_all-06-2024.xlsx?rev=bbf1a1090ce74ba9b2fa054f4eec4e21" target=>UCSF charge description master</a> </p> </li> <li class="item1 even last "> <p class="font-smaller"> <a href="/-/media/project/ucsf/ucsf-health/content/pricing-transparency/lpph-cdm_all-6-2024.xlsx?rev=efc24b422b5c4c608c585e903ad187ff" target=>Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics charge description masters</a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="component column-layout col-2-66-33 col-xs-12 col-2-80-20"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="left-col"> <div class="component faq-module col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <h2 class="heading2 title-anchor field-title">Frequently Asked Questions</h2><ul class="paragraph1"><li><a class="question" href="#">What is the new CMS regulation, and what does it require?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>In November 2019, CMS published a requirement that hospitals post a machine readable file containing gross charges, discounted cash prices, payer-specific negotiated charges, and de-identified minimum and maximum negotiated charges. This requirement went into effect on January 1, 2021.</p></p></div></li><li><a class="question" href="#">Has UCSF Health complied with the regulations?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>Yes, we have complied with this new regulation by posting a machine readable file above. </p> <p>In addition to the steps CMS has required us to take, we are committed to helping patients and their families make informed decisions about every aspect of their care, including the out-of-pocket costs of their care. We have a team of financial advisors available to help you with this. To speak with an advisor about a personalized out-of-pocket financial responsibility estimate specific to your visit and care, call the Patient Estimate Program toll-free at (844) 678-6831 or visit our <a href="/billing-and-insurance">Billing & Insurance</a> page for more information.</p></p></div></li><li><a class="question" href="#">Haven't you been transparent about pricing in the past?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>Yes, and actually, UCSF Health has been posting these prices online with the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for more than a decade, in accordance with the State of California Payers Bill of Rights of 2003. The site updates pricing information each June for all hospitals in California. In addition, price information is readily available at our facilities.</p></p></div></li><li><a class="question" href="#">Is this what I will actually be charged if I come to UCSF Health?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>The prices that hospitals are required to publish may not reflect the price you will pay. As an individual patient, your responsibility would depend on your insurance plan, coverage, deductibles, co-insurance and other factor. </p></p></div></li><li><a class="question" href="#">Why do different hospitals charge different prices for the care they provide?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>There are no specific requirements or consistent guidelines for how hospitals determine their charges. As a result, one hospital might combine the charges of some line items, while another may spell out each charge individually. Neither approach is right or wrong, and both comply with the federal rule; they are simply different ways of representing the charge for a therapy or procedure. In addition, some hospitals, including UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, serve as tertiary and quaternary referral hospitals, so other hospitals send patients who require more specialized care to these hospitals. As a result, the total charges for our patients normally include more extensive care, meaning potentially more line items and higher average charges.</p></p></div></li><li><a class="question" href="#">These lists are extremely confusing. How do we make sense of them?</a><div><p class="field-answer"><p>Yes, this is extremely confusing. At UCSF Health, we have a team of financial assistance and counselors to help current and prospective patients understand their potential out-of-pocket costs. Our team makes every attempt to personalize these quotes to enable patients to make informed decisions and understand their potential financial liability, both before and after their care. We also offer financial assistance and discounts for patients who have no insurance or, for patients who qualify, help them enroll in available and appropriate Medicare and Medi-Cal programs. To speak with a staff member about a personalized out-of-pocket estimate specific to your visit and care, call the Patient Estimate Program toll-free at (844) 678-6831 or visit our <a href="/billing-and-insurance">Billing & Insurance</a> page for more information.</p> <p>For questions about our standard charges posted above, please email us at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#39694b505a50575e6d4b58574a49584b5c575a40794c5a4a5f175c5d4c"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2f5f5d464c4641485b5d4e415c5f4e5d4a414c566f5a4c5c49014a4b5a">[email protected]</span></a>.</p></p></div></li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="component rich-text paragraph1 col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <h2>Charges at Other Facilities</h2> <p>To see charges at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, visit our <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Pricing Transparency</a> page.</p> <p>* This information is made available for inspection in compliance with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rule CMS-1694-F and CMS-1717-P.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-col"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component twoup-promo col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="component twoup-promo-contact col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <h2 class="heading1 field-headline">Financial Counseling</h2><p class="font-larger field-promo-text"><p>M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.</p></p><div class="field-phone"><span class='icon-ui-phone'></span> (415) 353-1966</div> </div> </div> <div class="component twoup-promo-contact col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <h2 class="heading1 field-headline">Patient Estimate Program </h2><p class="font-larger field-promo-text"><p><a rel="noopener noreferrer" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Get a price estimate online</button></a></p></p><div class="field-phone"><span class='icon-ui-phone'></span> Toll-free: (844) 678-6831</div> <div class="field-email"> <span class='icon-ui-mail'></span><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#6010011409050e14051314090d01140520150313064e050415"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="ec9c8d9885898298899f9885818d9889ac998f9f8ac2898899">[email protected]</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="component article-cards cards-component col-xs-12"> <div class="component-content"> <div> <h2 class="heading1 title-anchor"> Recommended reading </h2> <div class="view-all"> </div> </div> <div class="cards"> <div class="card"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="card-content"> <a href="/billing-and-insurance" class="phantom-link" title="Billing and Insurance"></a> <img loading="lazy" src="/-/media/project/ucsf/ucsf-health/article/hero/billing-and-records-2x.jpg?h=376&w=974&rev=69209857c25641ad8d3f511ecd8ff407&hash=51C56BEF50CCA38605B84D95221A12DF" alt="" width="2880" height="1112" /> <p class="font-larger"> Billing and Insurance </p> <p> If you’re a patient at UCSF Health, we will submit a claim to your health insurance. 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