eDesign Interactive | Agata Photography

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<div class="section-wrap"> <div class="section-offset"> <div class="content-offset"> <div class="casestudies-box"> <div class="casestudies-grid cf flex"> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- if it's two cols with text add class "text-col" --> <div class="casestudies-grid-project cf flex text-col anim-fade-box"> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <h3 class="title b w100 c_b anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">About the </span><strong><span class="splitByLinesChars"> Client</span></strong> </h3> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> Agata Szymanowicz is a family photographer based in London with a vibrant personality, fun stories, and a moving portfolio of work that got us excited from day one. Her lighthearted, bubbly nature inspired us to design the most beautiful photography website in all of England. </p> </div> <br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <h3 class="title b w100 c_b anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">Our </span><strong><span class="splitByLinesChars"> Role</span></strong> </h3> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> Brand Identity, Logo Design, Graphic Design, Animation, Script Writing, Camera Operator, Video Editing, Project Management, Front and Back-end Development, User Interface Design. </p> <div class="btn-box prel z-i-2 anim-txt op_0"> <a href="/services" target="_blank" class="btn red"><span>Explore services</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************************************ --> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-grid--> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-box --> </div> </div> <!-- /.section-offset --> </div> <!-- /.section-wrap --> </section> <!-- /.casestudies --> <section class="casestudies prel change-color dark white-bckg casestudy-inner-page casestudy-inner-page casestudy-inner-page-abs-right-img"> <div class="section-wrap"> <div class="section-offset"> <div class="content-offset"> <div class="casestudies-box"> <div class="casestudies-grid cf flex"> <!-- ======== PROJECT ======= --> <div class="casestudies-grid-project cf flex anim-fade-box"> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <h3 class="title l anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">Behind the Scenes </span> </h3> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> We built the website as a journey—taking viewers into Agata’s studio for a behind-the-scenes photography session. We visit a client’s home and see Agata interact with the family while capturing beautiful moments. </p> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> Every page is crafted to tell a story or evoke a call to action. Viewers can connect with Agata, experience her art, and follow her on a typical day of her work. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <!-- if it's img, add class '.img' --> <div class="plr tplr cf h100 img"> <div class="pull"> <div class="casestudy-box rellax" data-rellax-speed="2" data-rellax-percentage="0.5"> <img class="b-lazy" src="/images/casestudies/agata/agata-img-1-min.jpg" data-src="/images/casestudies/agata/agata-img-1.jpg" alt="Agata image"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-grid--> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-box --> </div> </div> <!-- /.section-offset --> </div> <!-- /.section-wrap --> </section> <!-- /.casestudies --> <section class="section-framed-text change-color dark"> <div class="section-framed-outer-box"> <div class="section-framed-inner-box"> <div class="section-framed-img" style="background-image:url(/images/casestudies/agata/agata-frame-img.jpg)"></div> <div class="section-framed-text"> <div class="section-framed-text-outer"> <div class="section-framed-text-inner title_pb0 title_pb0 mobile-offset"> <h4 class="section-framed-title op_0 anim_title"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">The Emotional Connection</span> </h4> <p class="text m section-framed-txt op_0 anim_txt"> Our team is big on the power of emotions. Over 50% of an experience is based on feelings, and most purchasing decisions are shaped by emotional connections. Making Agata’s personality the driving force behind her brand was the best way to create this emotional connection and capture the hearts and minds of the audience. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section-case-study-full-img-slider change-color light" style="background-color:#272727;"> <div class="section-case-study-full-img-slider-outer"> <div class="section-case-study-full-img-slider-inner"> <div class="swiper-container case-study-full-img-slider-container"> <div class="swiper-wrapper case-study-full-img-slider-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide case-study-full-img-slide"> <div class="case-study-full-img-slider-img swiper-lazy" data-background="/images/casestudies/agata/agata-photography-img.jpg"></div> <div class="case-study-full-img-slider-text"> <h3 class="title b case-study-full-img-slider-title"> <span class="splitByLinesChars m">Photographing </span><strong><span class="splitByLinesChars m"> Love</span></strong> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide case-study-full-img-slide"> <div class="case-study-full-img-slider-img swiper-lazy" data-background="/images/casestudies/agata/agata-hero-image.jpg"></div> <div class="case-study-full-img-slider-text"> <h3 class="title b case-study-full-img-slider-title"> <span class="splitByLinesChars m">sums up the essence of Agata’s work</span></strong> </h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-button-next swiper-button-white"></div> <div class="swiper-button-prev swiper-button-white"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="casestudies prel change-color dark white-bckg casestudy-inner-page"> <div class="section-wrap"> <div class="section-offset"> <div class="content-offset"> <div class="casestudies-box"> <div class="casestudies-grid cf flex"> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- if it's two cols with text add class "text-col" --> <div class="casestudies-grid-project cf flex text-col anim-fade-box"> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> The tagline “photographing love” was born during our video shoot. Those two words sum up so well the essence of Agata’s business. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> The logo was adapted with Agata’s handwriting in mind, and the site’s red line detail mirrors the shutter speed ring of an old-school camera lens. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- if it's two cols with text add class "text-col" --> <div class="casestudies-grid-project cf flex text-col anim-fade-box"> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g title_pb0"> <h3 class="title b anim-title op_0"> <strong><span class="splitByLinesChars">Video</span></strong> <span class="splitByLinesChars"> Production: <br /> We’re Off to London! </span> </h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> Our team quickly decided that the best way to introduce Agata to her audience is to let the artist speak for herself. eDesign’s video crew gathered their gear, booked a flight and headed up to London to spend a lovely weekend with our star. Agata was everything we expected and more! Her enthusiasm and passion are so contagious; it made the video sessions a pure pleasure. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-grid--> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-box --> </div> </div> <!-- /.section-offset --> </div> <!-- /.section-wrap --> </section> <!-- /.casestudies --> <section class="case-study-slider-section"> <div class="case-study-slider-box pt0"> <div class="case-study-slider swiper-container mobile-offset" id="caseStudySlider"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="case-study-slider-img-box-outer"> <div class="case-study-slider-img-box mobile-offset"> <img src="/images/casestudies/agata/agata-pictures.png" class="swiper-lazy" alt=""> <!-- <video class="b-lazy" playsinline="" autoplay="" muted="" loop="" data-src="/images/casestudies/popweaver/planet.mp4"> </video> --> <div class="case-study-slider-desc-box"> <div class="case-study-slider-desc-icon"><img src="/images/icons/down-angle-arrow-black.png" alt="Agata image"></div> <div class="case-study-slider-desc-text">The secret room hides away classy images capturing real woman beauty. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-lazy-preloader"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="casestudies prel change-color dark white-bckg casestudy-inner-page"> <div class="section-wrap"> <div class="section-offset"> <div class="content-offset"> <div class="casestudies-box"> <div class="casestudies-grid cf flex"> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- if it's two cols with text add class "text-col" --> <div class="casestudies-grid-project cf flex text-col anim-fade-box mt0"> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <h3 class="title b w100 c_b anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">Technology</span> </h3> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> Agata's website is not only beautifully designed, but it also displays the most advanced Internet technologies. The site has been optimized for speed and performance with Scalable and Modular CSS3 Architecture, Hardware-Accelerated JS/CSS Animations for Chrome, Safari, Edge, and E10+—making it a real developer’s jewel. We've spent over 150 hours perfecting the user experience and cross-browser testing. We SEO-optimized the site to perfection and coded the back-end as the ultimate marketing machine, making it easy for Agata to share content and grow her visibility. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="casestudies-col col col-d-50 col-t-50"> <div class="plr cf h100"> <div class="pull mobile-offset"> <div class="casestudy-box"> <h3 class="title b w100 c_b anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">What Else?</span> </h3> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> In addition to building Agata’s website, we designed her entire corporate identity. When done in-house by the same agency, this is a fantastic way to save money and boost your image to new heights. </p> <p class="text m anim-txt op_0"> We brought Agata’s branding to life in every newsletter template, box design, letterhead, gift voucher, information leaflet, business card and more. When you offer a luxury service, elegance needs to follow all the way! </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> <div class="plr casestudies-huge-title-box anim-fade-box mobile-offset"> <h2 class="casestudies-huge-title title en anim-title op_0"> <span class="splitByLinesChars">The Secret Room </span> </h2> <div class="c_b col col-d-50 col-t-50 col-m-100"> <div class="casestudy-box-text c_g"> <div class="text m anim-txt op_0"> There’s a section of the website locked away for private use. It requires a password and opens up to a very different experience. What is hidden behind the door? We’ll give away a little part of the secret: beautiful boudoir photography stories. To learn more, ask Agata for the key and take a tour into the sexy room. Hidden away are classy images that are soft, romantic and capture the real beauty of a woman. A great confidence booster for all of Agata’s ladies! </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ************************************ --> <!-- ************************************ --> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-grid--> </div> <!-- /.casestudies-box --> </div> </div> <!-- /.section-offset --> </div> <!-- /.section-wrap --> </section> <!-- /.casestudies --> <section class="prel change-color dark casestudy-inner-page fast-facts-section"> <div class="section-wrap"> <div class="section-offset"> <div class="content-offset "> <div class="casestudies-box"> <div class="casestudies-grid cf"> <div class="facts-slider-box anim-fast-facts"> <div class="facts-slider-title anim-title op_0 splitByLinesChars mobile-offset">Fast Facts</div> <div class="facts-slider-outer-box mobile-offset"> <div class="facts-slider swiper-container" id="factsSlider"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="3">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">flights to London</div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="340">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">hours of front-end programming</div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="25">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">brainstorming sessions </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="2">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">cats live in Agata’s photo studio </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="1">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">intuitive back-end administration </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide anim-stager"> <div class="facts-slider-slide-box"> <div class="facts-slider-num"> <span class="awards-c" data-start="0" data-end="1">0</span> </div> <div class="facts-slider-text">little girl named Maya</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /.casestudies-grid--> </div><!-- /.casestudies-box --> </div> </div><!-- /.section-offset --> </div><!-- /.section-wrap --> </section><!-- /.casestudies --> <div class="content-grid cf"> <div class="text-col p0 c_b"> <div id="social-feed-slider" class="drag-nav"> <div class="social-feed-slider-conatiner swiper-container op_0 drag-section"> <div class="social-feed-slider-wrapper swiper-wrapper"> <div class="col col-d-20 social-feed-slide swiper-slide"> <div class="social-feed-slide-box plr bx"> <a class="social-feed-slide-inner-box prel" 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