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align="left" valign="top"> <div style="height:100%" class="pageContent"> <span id="ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_Content_PrivacyPolicyContentHtml"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="docTable"> <tr> <td class="docTitle"> <a name="top"></a> <span class="docTitleText">Privacy Policy </span> <span class="docLastUpdatedDate">Updated: March 2014</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docTermStatement" style="font-weight: normal;">, Inc. provides various features tools that allow users to access obituaries, express condolences and share remembrances of friends and loved ones., Inc. offers these features and tools at and other websites and applications (“App”) powered by (collectively, the “Services”). Please read the following privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") carefully before using the Services. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docTOC"> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#1" class="docTOCLink">1. WHAT THIS PRIVACY POLICY COVERS</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#2" class="docTOCLink">2. GENERAL</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#3" class="docTOCLink">3. INFORMATION WE COLLECT</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#4" class="docTOCLink">4. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#5" class="docTOCLink">5. PRIVACY ALERT: YOUR POSTINGS GENERALLY ARE ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#6" class="docTOCLink">6. CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#7" class="docTOCLink">7. OWNERSHIP</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#8" class="docTOCLink">8. SECURITY MEASURES</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#9" class="docTOCLink">9. CORRECTING OR UPDATING INFORMATION</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#10" class="docTOCLink">10. OPT-OUT PROCEDURES</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#11" class="docTOCLink">11. ADVERTISING AND LINKS</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#12" class="docTOCLink">12. CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#13" class="docTOCLink">13. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</a> </div> <div class="docTOCLinkDiv"> <a href="#14" class="docTOCLink">YOUR CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS</a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="1"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">1. WHAT THIS PRIVACY POLICY COVERS</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>This Privacy Policy covers how, Inc. (collectively, "", "we", "us", or "our") treats user or personally identifiable information that the Services collect and receive. If, however, you are accessing this Privacy Policy from a website operated in conjunction with one of our affiliates ("Affiliates"), the privacy policy of the Affiliate will govern unless such policy states otherwise.</li> <li>Subject to the above, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that, Inc. does not own, operate or control, or to people that it does not employ or manage.</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="2"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">2. GENERAL</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>In general, you can browse the Services without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself to us., Inc. does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals, except when specifically and knowingly provided by such individuals on interactive areas of the Services. "Personally Identifiable Information" is information that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person, such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, and credit card number, among other information, and that is not otherwise publicly available. Any posting made while using the Services, and any other information that can be viewed by the public and therefore is not considered "personal information" or "Personally Identifiable Information", and is not the type of information covered by this Privacy Policy.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="3"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">3. INFORMATION WE COLLECT</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>Personally Identifiable Information. <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>Examples of Personally Identifiable Information we may collect include name, postal address, email address, credit card number and related information, and phone number. We may also collect your date of birth, geo-location, social networking profile picture and the date of birth and date of death for the deceased person in connection with certain features of the Services. We also maintain a record of all information that you submit to us, including email and other correspondence. We may collect Personally Identifiable Information when you register to receive alerts or offerings, sponsor, access or submit information in connection with certain Services, post other content through the Services, purchase products or other services, opt-in to receive special offers and discounts from us and our selected partners or participate in other activities offered or administered by</li> <li>We may also collect Personally Identifiable Information about your transactions with us and with some of our business partners. This information might include information necessary to process payments due to us from you, such as your credit card number.</li> <li> allows certain social media platforms to host plug-ins or widgets on the Sites which may collect certain information about those users who choose to use those plug-ins or widgets.</li> <li>We do not intentionally collect Personally Identifiable Information about children under the age of 13. Please see the section on "Children’s Privacy" below.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Other Anonymous Information. <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>Like most websites, also receives and records information on our server logs from your browser automatically and through the use of electronic tools such as cookies, web beacons and locally shared objects (LSOs). Our server logs automatically receive and record information from your browser (including, for example, your IP address, and the page(s) you visit). The information gathered through these methods is not "personally identifiable;" i.e., it cannot be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person. Some browsers allow you to indicate that you would not like your online activities tracked, using “Do Not Track” indicators (“DNT Indicators”), however we are not obligated to respond to these indicators. Presently we are not set up to respond to DNT Indicators. This means that we may use latent information about your online activities to improve your use of our Services, but such usage is consistent with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="4"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">4. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>We will use your information only as permitted by law, and subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy;</li> <li>Use of Personally Identifiable Information: <ul class="docSectionL2"> <li>We do not sell or share your Personally Identifiable Information with unrelated third parties for their direct marketing purposes.</li> <li>Personally Identifiable Information and other personal information you specifically provide may be used: <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>to provide the Services we offer, to process transactions and billing, for identification and authentication purposes, to communicate with you concerning transactions, security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of the Services, to improve Services, to do something you have asked us to do, or to tell you of Services that we think may be of interest to you.</li> <li>to communicate with you regarding the Services.</li> <li>for the administration of and troubleshooting regarding the Services. Certain third parties who provide technical support for the operation of the Services (our web hosting service, for example), may need to access such information from time to time, but are not permitted to disclose such information to others.</li> </ul> </li> <li>We may disclose Personally Identifiable Information about you under the following circumstances: <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>In the course of operating our business, it may be necessary or appropriate for us to provide access to your Personally Identifiable Information to others such as our service providers, contractors, select vendors and Affiliates so that we can operate the Services and our business. Where practical, we will seek to obtain confidentiality agreements consistent with this Privacy Policy and that limit others’ use or disclosure of the information you have shared.</li> <li>We may share your Personally Identifiable Information if we are required to do so by law or we in good faith believe that such action is necessary to: (1) comply with the law or with legal process (such as pursuant to court order, subpoena, or a request by law enforcement officials); (2) protect, enforce, and defend our Terms of Use, rights and property; (3) protect against misuse or unauthorized use of this the Services; or (4) protect the personal safety or property of our users or the public (among other things, this means that if you provide false information or attempt to pose as someone else, information about you may be disclosed as part of any investigation into your actions.)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Use of Anonymous Information: <ul class="docSectionL2"> <li>Certain information that we collect automatically or with electronic tools or tags (such as cookies) is used to anonymously track and measure user traffic for the Services and to enhance your experience with the Services and our business partners. For example: <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>IP Addresses/Session Information. We occasionally may obtain IP addresses from users depending upon how you access the Services. IP addresses, browser, and session information may be used for various purposes, including to help administer the Services and diagnose and prevent service or other technology problems related to the Services. This information also may be used to estimate the total number of users downloading any App and browsing other Services from specific geographical areas, to help determine which users have access privileges to certain content or services that we offer, and to monitor and prevent fraud and abuse. IP addresses are not linked to Personally Identifiable Information</li> <li>Cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data that often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website’s computers and stored on your computer’s hard drive or comparable storage media on your mobile device. You can configure your browser to accept cookies, reject them, or notify you when a cookie is set. If you reject cookies, you may not be able to use the Services that require you to sign in, or to take full advantage of all our offerings. Cookies may involve the transmission of information either directly to us or to another party we authorize to collect information on our behalf. We use our own cookies to transmit information for a number of purposes, including to: <ul class="docSectionL4"> <li>require you to re-enter your password after a certain period of time has elapsed to protect you against others accessing your account contents;</li> <li>keep track of preferences you specify while you are using the Services;</li> <li>estimate and report our total audience size and traffic;</li> <li>conduct research to improve the content and Services.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>We let other entities that show advertisements on some of our web pages or assist us with conducting research to improve the content and Services set and access their cookies on your computer or mobile device. Other entities’ use of their cookies is subject to their own privacy policies and not this Privacy Policy. Advertisers or other entities do not have access to our cookies. <ul style="list-style: none; padding-top:15px;"> <li> <ul class="docSectionL4"> <li>Page Visit Data. We may record information about certain pages that you visit on our site (e.g. specific obituaries) in order to recall that data when you visit one of our partners’ sites. For example, we may record the name and address of the funeral home associated with an obituary to facilitate a flower order.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>We may share anonymous information aggregated to measure the number of App downloads, number of visits, average time spent on the Services websites, pages viewed, etc. with our partners, advertisers and others.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="5"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">5. PRIVACY ALERT: YOUR POSTINGS GENERALLY ARE ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>Your own use of the Services may disclose personal information or Personally Identifiable Information to the public. For example: <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>Submissions and other postings to our Services are available for viewing by all our visitors unless the sponsor or host of a Service selects a privacy setting that restricts public access. Please remember that any information disclosed on a non-restricted Service becomes public information and may be collected and used by others without our knowledge. You therefore should exercise caution when disclosing any personal information or Personally Identifiable Information in these forums.</li> <li>When you post a message to the Services via message board, blog, or other public forum available through the Services, your user ID or alias that you are posting under may be visible to other users, and you have the ability to post a message that may include personal information.</li> </ul> </li> <li>If you post Personally Identifiable Information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. Such activities are beyond the control of, Inc. and the coverage of this Privacy Policy. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. In addition, although we employ technology and software designed to minimize spam sent to users and unsolicited, automatic posts to message boards, blogs, or other public forums available through the Services (like the CAPTCHA word verification you see on email and registration forms), we cannot ensure such measures to be 100% reliable or satisfactory.</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="6"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">6. CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>, Inc. does not intentionally collect from or maintain Personally Identifiable Information of children under the age of 13, nor do we offer any content targeted to such children.</li> <li>In the event that, Inc. becomes aware that a user of the Services is under the age of 13, the following additional privacy terms and notices apply: <ul class="docSectionL3"> <li>Prior to collecting any Personally Identifiable Information about a child that, Inc. has become aware is under the age of 13,, Inc. will make reasonable efforts to contact the child’s parent, to inform the parent about the types of information, Inc. will collect, how it will be used, and under what circumstances it will be disclosed, and to obtain consent from the child’s parent to collection and use of such information.</li> <li>Although, Inc. will apply these children’s privacy terms whenever it becomes aware that a user who submits Personally Identifiable Information is less than 13 years old, no method is foolproof., Inc. strongly encourages parents and guardians to supervise their children’s online activities and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools also can prevent children from disclosing online their name, address, and other personal information without parental permission.</li> <li>Personally Identifiable Information collected from children may include any of the information defined above as Personally Identifiable Information with respect to general users of the Services and may be used by, Inc. for the same purposes. Except as necessary to process a child’s requests or orders placed with advertisers or merchants featured through the Services,, Inc. does not rent, sell, barter or give away any lists containing a child’s Personally Identifiable Information for use by any outside company.</li> <li>A child’s parent or legal guardian may request, Inc. to provide a description of the Personally Identifiable Information that, Inc. has collected from the child, as well as instruct, Inc. to cease further use, maintenance and collection of Personally Identifiable Information from the child. </li> <li>If a child voluntarily discloses his or her name, email address or other personally-identifying information on chat areas, bulletin boards or other forums or public posting areas, such disclosures may result in unsolicited messages from other parties.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="7"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">7. OWNERSHIP</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>, Inc. and/or the Affiliate Newspaper(s) are the sole owner(s) of all non-personally identifiable information they collect through the Services. This paragraph shall not apply to Material subject to the license granted by users to, Inc. pursuant to Section 3 of the Terms of Use governing the Services.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="8"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">8. SECURITY MEASURES</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>The security and confidentiality of your Personally Identifiable Information is extremely important to us. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures to protect guest information from unauthorized access and improper use. From time to time, we review our security procedures in order to consider appropriate new technology and methods. Please be aware though that, despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and no data transmissions over the web can be guaranteed 100% secure. Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="9"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">9. CORRECTING OR UPDATING INFORMATION</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>You may modify and correct Personally Identifiable Information provided directly to, Inc. in connection with the Services, if necessary., Inc. offers users the following options for updating information: <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>Send an email to us at <a href=" Policy">Contact Us</a>; or</li> <li>Send a letter to us via postal mail to the following address: <div class="addressInfo">, Inc., 820 Davis Street Suite 210, Evanston, IL 60201 Attention: Operations </div> </li> </ul> </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="10"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">10. OPT-OUT PROCEDURES</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>You may opt out of receiving future mailings or other information from, Inc. If the mailing does not have an email cancellation form, send an email to <a href=" Policy">Contact Us</a> detailing the type of information that you no longer wish to receive.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="11"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">11. THIRD PARTY ADVERTISING AND AD DELIVERY</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <ul class="docSectionL1"> <li>This Service contains links to other sites that may be of interest to our visitors. This Privacy Policy applies only to and not to other companies’ or organizations’ Web sites to which we link. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.</li> <li> works with third parties, including, but not limited to Adtech US, Inc. and Turn Inc. (collectively, the "Ad Delivery Parties:"), for the purpose of advertisement delivery on the Services including online behavioral advertising (“OBA”) and multi-site advertising. Information collected about a consumer’s visits to the Services, including, but not limited to, certain information from your Web browser, your IP address and your email, may be used by third parties, including the Ad Delivery Parties, in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. These Ad Delivery Parties retain data collected and used for these activities only as long as necessary to fulfill a legitimate business need, or as required by law. </li> <ul class="docSectionL2"> <li>The Ad Delivery Parties may also set cookies to assist with advertisement delivery services. For more information about Adtech US, Inc. cookies, please visit </li><li>If you would like to obtain more information about the practices of some of these Ad Delivery Parties, or if you would like to make choices about their use of your information, please click here: </li><li>The Ad Delivery Parties adhere to the Network Advertising Initiative’s Self-Regulatory Code of conduct. For more information please visit</li> </ul> <li> shall obtain your prior express consent (opt-in) before using any of your “sensitive consumer information” as that term is defined in the NAI Principles.</li> <li> may also share your social media identification and account information with the corresponding social media service to allow the service to provide you with advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.</li> <li>Please keep in mind that if you click on an advertisement on the Services and link to a third party’s website, then’s Privacy Policy will not apply to any Personally Identifiable Information collected on that third party’s website and you must read the privacy policy posted on that site to see how your Personally Identifiable Information will be handled.</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="12"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">12. CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>We may periodically edit or update this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy whenever you provide information on this Web site. Your use of the Services after changes of the terms of the Privacy Policy have been posted will mean that you accept the changes.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="13"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle">13. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>Questions regarding the Privacy Policy should be directed to <a href=" Policy">Contact Us</a> or <div class="addressInfo">, Inc., 820 Davis Street Suite 210, Evanston, IL 60201 Attention: Operations </div> </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="docSection"> <a name="14"></a> <div class="docSectionTitle"> <div class="docSectionTitle2">Your California Privacy Rights </div> <span> (As provided by California Civil Code Section 1798.83) </span> </div> <div class="docTopLinkDiv"> <a href="#top" class="docTopLink">Top</a> </div> <div class="docSectionText"> <p>A California resident who has provided personal information to a business with whom he/she has established a business relationship for personal, family, or household purposes ("California customer") is entitled to request information about whether the business has disclosed personal information to any third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.</p> <p>, Inc. does not share information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. If, however, you are accessing this Privacy Policy from one of our Affiliate sites, the privacy policy of our Affiliate will apply to the collection of your information unless the Affiliate’s privacy policy specifically states otherwise. You should review the privacy policy of the Affiliate to understand what information may be collected from you and how it may be used.</p> <p>California customers may request further information about our compliance with this law by emailing <a href=" Policy">Contact Us</a>.</p> </div> </td> </tr> </table></span> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <div id="GlobalFooterWidget"> <div class="GlobalFooter"> <div class="GlobalFooter_JSMediaQueryHook"></div> <div class="footerPointHolder"><img src="" width="81px" height="10px"></div> <div class="GlobalFooter_Main"> <div class="GlobalFooter_Main_Content"> <div class="GlobalFooter_Main_Column"> <div class="GlobalFooter_SubColumn"> <div class="GlobalFooter_Section"> <div class="GlobalFooter_Section_Title">Navigation</div> <div class="GlobalFooter_Section_Links"> <a href=""> Obituaries</a> <a href=""> Funeral Home Directory</a> <a href=""> Photos & Memorials</a> <a href="" target="_blank"> Flowers</a> <a 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