{"title":"Analyzing and Formulation of Product Lead Time","authors":"B. Fahimnia, L.H.S. Luong, B. Motevallian, R. M. Marian, M. M. Esmaeil","volume":15,"journal":"International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering","pagesStart":325,"pagesEnd":330,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/8623","abstract":"Product Lead Time (PLT) is the period of time from\r\nreceiving a customer's order to delivering the final product. PLT is an\r\nindicator of the manufacturing controllability, efficiency and\r\nperformance. Due to the explosion in the rate of technological\r\ninnovations and the rapid changes in the nature of manufacturing\r\nprocesses, manufacturing firms can bring the new products to market\r\nquicker only if they can reduce their PLT and speed up the rate at\r\nwhich they can design, plan, control, and manufacture. Although\r\nthere is a substantial body of research on manufacturing relating to\r\ncost and quality issues, there is no much specific research conducted\r\nin relation to the formulation of PLT, despite its significance and\r\nimportance. This paper analyzes and formulates PLT which can be\r\nused as a guideline for achieving the shorter PLT. Further more this\r\npaper identifies the causes of delay and factors that contributes to the\r\nincreased product lead-time.","references":"[1] B. Fahimnia, R. Marian, B. Motevallian, M. Mohammad Esmaeil, & K.\r\nAbhary, \"A heuristic method to optimize manufacturing lead time\", to be\r\npublished in the 17th International DAAAM Symposium, Austria, Vienna,\r\n2006.\r\n[2] B. Motevallian, \"Reducing product lead-time in manufacturing\", a\r\nmaster of engineering thesis, School of Advanced Manufacturing &\r\nMechanical Engineering, University of South Australia, Australia, pp.1-\r\n140, 1997.\r\n[3] C. Charny, \"Time to Market\", Society of Manufacturing Engineers,\r\nUSA, 1997.\r\n[4] M. Groover, \"Automation, Production & Computer Integrated\r\nmanufacturing\", Prentice-Hall, USA, 1987.\r\n[5] T. A. Salomone, \"What Every Engineer Should Know About Concurrent\r\nEngineering\", Marcel Dekker Inc., USA, 1995.\r\n[6] W. Smith \"Time out\", John Wiley & Sons Inc., USA, 1998.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 15, 2008"}