Find an Online Service : State of Oregon

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Payment by credit/debit card", "url":"" }, { "name":"Online Judicial Records Search", "description":"Free online access to limited case information in the circuit courts and Tax Court of this state", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Drivers and Transportation", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-car", "items":[ { "name":"Licenses and ID cards", "description":"Get, renew, or replace a driver license or ID card, motorcycle permit, or instruction permit", "url":"" }, { "name":"DMV Appointments, Forms, and Services", "description":"ODOT has DMV offices all across the state and well as many online services", "url":"" }, { "name":"Newcomers Guide", "description":"Moving to Oregon? Learn how to get a driver license, register your vehicle, apply for permits, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Drivers Manuals", "description":"Official information you need to know to drive in Oregon, and to pass a driving test", "url":"" }, { "name":"Practice Driver Test", "description":"Prepare for your drivers exam by taking a practice test full of common questions and scenarios", "url":"" }, { "name":"Buying and Selling Vehicles", "description":"Register, renew, or transfer titles/plates, sell your vehicle, and renew online", "url":"" }, { "name":"Traffic and Travel Conditions (Tripcheck)", "description":"Roadside camera images, road traffic congestion, incidents, weather conditions, services, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Emissions and VIN Inspections", "description":"Information on vehicle inspection, testing preparation, and reporting smoking vehicles", "url":"" }, { "name":"Trip Permits", "description":"Apply for a permit to temporarily use vehicle differently than the current registration allows", "url":"" }, { "name":"Road Vehicle Registration and Renewal", "description":"Calculate your vehicle title and registration fees, renew your vehicle registration, or replace your plates", "url":"" }, { "name":"Boat Registration and Renewal", "description":"If it's got a motor, it needs to be titled and registered. Store, resources, floating property info, and forms", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Taxes", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-calculator-alt", "items":[ { "name":"Tax Forms", "description":"Search and download current forms and publications. Locate forms and publications for prior years", "url":"" }, { "name":"Tax Payments", "description":"Pay taxes electronically using Revenue Online directly from your bank account or by credit card", "url":"" }, { "name":"Tax Rate Calculator", "description":"Calculate your estimated tax rate by entering your taxable income from form OR-40", "url":"" }, { "name":"Surplus Tax Credit (Kicker)", "description":"Credit you may receive if actual state revenues exceed the forecast by 2% or more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Tax Refund Status", "description":"The Where's My Refund? tool gives taxpayers access to their tax return and refund status anytime", "url":"" }, { "name":"Business Taxes", "description":"Reporting requirements, resources, program information, and e-filing", "url":"" }, { "name":"iWire (W-2 and 1090 Filing)", "description":"Electronic W-2 and 1099 filing system for state of Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Revenue Online", "description":"Revenue Online is a secure online portal that provides access to your tax account at any time", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Department of Revenue", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Health and Family", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-house", "items":[ { "name":"Birth Certificates and Vital Records", "description":"Certified copies of vital records required to get benefits, licenses, passports, and other legal documents", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Health Plan (OHP)", "description":"Health care coverage for Oregonians, including working families, children, pregnant women, singles, and seniors", "url":"" }, { "name":"Housing Assistance", "description":"Housing assistance programs designed for lower income Oregonians", "url":"" }, { "name":"Food Assistance", "description":"SNAP (food stamps) and other food programs", "url":"" }, { "name":"Child Care Assistance", "description":"Subsidy program to help eligible families pay for child care", "url":"" }, { "name":"Apply for Medical, Food, Cash or Child Care Benefits", "description":"Apply online, by phone or in person with one application", "url":"" }, { "name":"Children, Youth and Families", "description":"Resources to keep families safe and healthy", "url":"" }, { "name":"Aging and Disability Services", "description":"Services for older adults and people with disabilities", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Oregon Department of Human Services", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Veterans", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-medal", "items":[ { "name":"Veteran Benefits and Programs", "description":"State/federal benefits and programs available to Oregon veterans", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Resources", "description":"Resources are available to Oregon veterans, family members, and caregivers", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Services Locator", "description":"See veteran services available in each county or listed by category", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Job Seekers", "description":"As a veteran, you may qualify for Priority of Service in employment and training services", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Home Loans", "description":"Exclusive benefits available to Oregon veterans to lock in a great mortgage rates", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Education Opportunities", "description":"Many veterans turn to higher education to further their skills and training after serving their country", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Department of Veterans' Affairs", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Environment", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-globe-americas", "items":[ { "name":"Air Quality", "description":"Daily index of air quality that reports how clean the air is and provides information on potential health risks", "url":"" }, { "name":"Wildfire Response, Recovery and Updates", "description":"Recent updates/news/reports, helpful resources, and volunteer opportunities", "url":"" }, { "name":"Fire Prevention, Stats, Closures, and Resources", "description":"Statistics on wildfires that occur in Oregon Department of Forestry's jurisdiction (e.g. private/public forestland)", "url":"" }, { "name":"Water Resources and Rights", "description":"Water resource information, planning, water projects, and funding", "url":"" }, { "name":"Drought Conditions", "description":"Current drought conditions and outlook, assistance programs, prevention, water supply, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Recycling, Compost, and Consumption", "description":"Environmental impact information and actions that can be taken to reduce those impacts", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Lands", "description":"780,000 acres of state-owned land, primarily in southeastern Oregon, open for recreational use", "url":"" }, { "name":"Waterways and Wetlands", "description":"1.4 million acres of wetlands, over 100,000 miles of rivers and streams, 1,400 named lakes, 360 miles of coastline, and an additional 3,800 ponds and reservoirs", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Department of Environmental Quality", "url":"" } ] } ] }, { "name":"Jobs and Business", "description":"", "items":[ { "name":"Jobs and Unemployment", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-building", "items":[ { "name":"Find a Job", "description":"Job openings throughout Oregon, find apprenticeships, public sector opportunities, job fairs, and hiring events", "url":"" }, { "name":"Job Fairs and Events", "description":"Job fairs and events listings across the state by location and Job Type/ID", "url":"" }, { "name":"Unemployment Assistance", "description":"Answers to unemployment questions, claim submission, programs and training assistance, appeals, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Government Employment", "description":"Opportunities to put your unique skills, talent and training to work for the benefit of Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Minimum Wage Information", "description":"Minimum wage rates, download or request minimum wage posters, request guidance, or file a complaint", "url":"" }, { "name":"Vocational Rehabilitation", "description":"Assistance for those with disabilities to get and keep a job that matches their skills, interests, and abilities", "url":"" }, { "name":"Veteran Employment Services", "description":"Connecting veterans with representatives who are passionate about helping veterans find jobs", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Employment Department", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Employers and Employees", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-car-building", "items":[ { "name":"Family Leave (OFLA)", "description":"Both state and federal law require certain employers to provide family leave to their employees", "url":"" }, { "name":"Background Checks", "description":"State law provides specific public access to criminal history record information through various programs", "url":"" }, { "name":"Criminal History and Lawful Hiring", "description":"Ensuring lawful interviews and hiring practices by preventing unlawful inquiries", "url":"" }, { "name":"Paid Leave Oregon", "description":"Allows workers to take paid time off for some of life鈥檚 most important moments that impact our families, health and safety", "url":"" }, { "name":"Labor Laws and Technical Assistance", "description":"Employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and access to housing and public accommodations", "url":"" }, { "name":"Workers' Compensation", "description":"Workers rights, claims, managed care organizations, benefits for time off work, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Workplace Safety (OSHA)", "description":"Workplace safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, complaint inspections, and training", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Bureau of Labor and Industry", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Professional Development", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-hands-helping", "items":[ { "name":"Career and Technical Education", "description":"Provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed", "url":"" }, { "name":"Apprenticeship Opportunities", "description":"Apprenticeship programs give workers high-quality on-the-job training and classroom instruction", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Educator Resources", "description":"Professional development opportunities for Oregon educators", "url":"" }, { "name":"WorkSource Oregon", "description":"Network of public and private partners who work together to effectively respond to workforce challenges", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Workforce Talent Development Board", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Business Resources", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-cabinet-filing", "items":[ { "name":"Business Xpress", "description":"Oregon's official business portal to learn to plan, start, manage, grow, or change/close a business", "url":"" }, { "name":"Business Startup Toolkit", "description":"Concise guide on the six steps most owners would need to follow to start a new business in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Small Business Help / Advocacy", "description":"Trouble navigating rules and regulations governing small business in Oregon? Let us know", "url":"" }, { "name":"Register a Business", "description":"Requirements, reinstatement, and additional resources about business registration", "url":"" }, { "name":"Business Taxes", "description":"Reporting, tax credits and abatements, payment, and changes in law", "url":"" }, { "name":"Business Corporations Guidance", "description":"Forms and guidance related to domestic business corporations", "url":"" }, { "name":"Limited Liability Companies (LLC) Guidance", "description":"Guidance and forms related to domestic limited liability companies", "url":"" }, { "name":"Professional Licenses and Permit Directory", "description":"Apply for / renew your license or connect with state agencies, cities, or counties", "url":"" }, { "name":"Business Registry Database", "description":"Search for a business by all or part of a business name", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Business Registry", "description":"Log in or create a new account to register, renew, reinstate, and receive email notices for a business", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Tax Payment System", "description":"Electronically make a tax payment, cancel a tax payment, or view tax payment history.", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Business Xpress", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Licenses and Permits", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-file-certificate", "items":[ { "name":"Food Handlers Certification", "description":"Food service workers are required to get a food handler card within 30 days of beginning work", "url":"" }, { "name":"Alcohol Service Worker Permit", "description":"All alcohol service permit applications will be submitted through the OLCC online portal", "url":"" }, { "name":"Marijuana Worker Permit", "description":"Persons employed in the OLCC-licensed recreational marijuana industry must have a valid permit", "url":"" }, { "name":"Construction Building Codes", "description":"There are 11 specialty codes that make up the Oregon State Building Code", "url":"" }, { "name":"Notaries and Notary License", "description":"Train, and apply to be a notary, update a commission record, and download the notary toolkit", "url":"" }, { "name":"Nursing License", "description":"Oregon requires a license to practice nursing as soon as you begin orientation to a nursing position", "url":"" }, { "name":"Massage Therapy License", "description":"Complete an online registration request to apply for an Oregon Massage Therapist License", "url":"" }, { "name":"Alcohol Service Permit and Education", "description":"Permits are required for any person who sells, serves, or mixes alcoholic beverages OR supervises those who do", "url":"" }, { "name":"Recreational Marijuana Business Licensing", "description":"Register for an account to apply for your OLCC Marijuana Worker Permit", "url":"" }, { "name":"Search all Licenses", "description":"Information about applying and renewing your license or connecting with state agencies, cities, or counties", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Professional License Directory", "url":"" } ] } ] }, { "name":"Government", "description":"", "items":[ { "name":"Voting and Elections", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-person-booth", "items":[ { "name":"Voting in Oregon", "description":"Learn the basics about registration, voting, political parties, registration drives, and answers to common questions", "url":"" }, { "name":"Current Elections", "description":"Dates and specifics about current or upcoming elections at the state and local government levels", "url":"" }, { "name":"Register to Vote", "description":"Qualifications, registration requirements, deadlines, and ways to check your voter registration details and status", "url":"" }, { "name":"Election Security", "description":"Preventative and detection measures, inspections, and other processes in place to protect our election system", "url":"" }, { "name":"Track your Ballot", "description":"Check the status of your ballot, find a ballot drop site, elected official contact information, and more", "url":"" }, { "name":"Election Results and Statistical Data", "description":"Election history and results, data/statistics, and requests for voter lists for current and past elections", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Secretary of State", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Elected Officials", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-podium", "items":[ { "name":"Governor", "description":"Learn more about Governor Tina Kotek鈥檚 initiatives for the state", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Legislature", "description":"State senators and representatives, sessions, districts and assignments", "url":"" }, { "name":"Secretary of State", "description":"Learn more about Oregon鈥檚 Secretary of State鈥檚 initiatives", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Treasurer", "description":"Learn more about Oregon鈥檚 State Treasurer鈥檚 initiatives", "url":"" }, { "name":"Attorney General", "description":"Learn more about Oregon鈥檚 Attorney General鈥檚 initiatives", "url":"" }, { "name":"Labor and Industries Commissioner", "description":"Learn more about Oregon鈥檚 Commissioner鈥檚 initiatives", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon U.S. Senators", "description":"Find your district鈥檚 Senator(s) and committee assignments", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon U.S. Representatives", "description":"Find your district鈥檚 Representative(s) and committee assignments", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More about Elected Officials", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Courts and Cases", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-gavel", "items":[ { "name":"Cases and Court Records", "description":"Find a case by record search, Judicial Case Information Network, or visiting a local court", "url":"" }, { "name":"Juror Information", "description":"Confirm or defer jury service, determine if you need to report for jury duty, and learn what to expect", "url":"" }, { "name":"County (Circuit) Courts", "description":"Find your local court's location, rules, schedule, payments, programs/services, and contact information", "url":"" }, { "name":"Supreme Court (Appellate)", "description":"The highest court in the Oregon judicial branch, consisting of seven elected justices", "url":"" }, { "name":"Tax Court", "description":"Statewide court with exclusive jurisdiction to hear tax appeals under state laws", "url":"" }, { "name":"Complex Litigation Court", "description":"Part of an ongoing initiative to promote efficiency and statewide sharing of judicial resources", "url":"" }, { "name":"Court of Appeals", "description":"First level of appeal that hears all civil and criminal appeals from circuit courts, except death penalty cases", "url":"" }, { "name":"Other Courts", "description":"Find county, justice, municipal, federal, and tribal courts, municipal and justice court registries", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Judicial Department", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Bills and Laws", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-books", "items":[ { "name":"Oregon's Laws", "description":"Oregon laws are the bills passed by the House and Senate each legislative session", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon's Revised Statutes", "description":"Oregon Revised Statutes are the codified laws of the State of Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon's Bills", "description":"A bill, the most common type of measure, is a proposal for a Law", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Legislator Lookup", "description":"Use an interactive map to locate who represents you in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"State of Oregon Law Library", "description":"Legal resources used to serve the public effectively and to afford all Oregonians access to legal information", "url":"" }, { "name":"Family Law", "description":"Family law services and resources (e.g. divorce, protective orders) including forms for law proceedings", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit State Legislature", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"State Employees", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-users", "items":[ { "name":"State Job Openings", "description":"Explore current job listings for an opportunity to put your unique skills, talents, and training to work for the benefit of the state", "url":"" }, { "name":"Classifications and Compensation", "description":"Job classifications and compensation plan for approximately 40,000 employees in classified, unclassified, and management service positions", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Holidays", "description":"View a list of days when Oregon state government will be closed, in the Holiday Closures section", "url":"" }, { "name":"Building Closures", "description":"Oregon state government works to ensure it stays open to conduct the public's business. Occasionally, it's forced to close state offices", "url":"" }, { "name":"Payroll Services", "description":"Payroll system, forms, and support for DAS and client agencies", "url":"" }, { "name":"Benefits and Rights", "description":"Oregon state government offers its employees a range of benefits and rights", "url":"" }, { "name":"Retirement", "description":"Oregon public employees retirement system information and services", "url":"" }, { "name":"Workday Oregon", "description":"Provides agencies a centralized tool to offer, manage, and track employee and public partners' skill-based learning", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit State Human Resources", "url":"" } ] } ] }, { "name":"Public Safety", "description":"", "items":[ { "name":"Alerts and Emergency", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-siren-on", "items":[ { "name":"Wildfire Recovery and Response", "description":"Current conditions and how to learn how to stay safe and find aid as we recover from wildfires", "url":"" }, { "name":"AMBER Alerts", "description":"Critical missing child response tool that notifies the public of serious child abduction case bulletins", "url":"" }, { "name":"Earthquake Detection and Alerts", "description":"ShakeAlert in Oregon detects significant earthquakes and sends real time alerts via mobile devices ", "url":"" }, { "name":"Hazards and Preparedness", "description":"Make disaster preparedness a high priority. Be aware Oregon's hazards and take actions to protect yourself", "url":"" }, { "name":"OR-Alert (Oregon Alerts)", "description":"Statewide alerts posted by Oregon Office Emergency Management and State Interoperability Executive Council", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Oregon Emergency Management", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Law Enforcement", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-shield-alt", "items":[ { "name":"Oregon State Police", "description":"Multi-disciplined organization charged with protecting the people, wildlife, and natural resources in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Fish and Wildlife Division (State Police)", "description":"Ensuring compliance with the laws/regulations that protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife resources and habitats", "url":"" }, { "name":"State Fire Marshal (State Police)", "description":"Ensuring compliance with laws/regulations regarding fire codes, hazardous materials, fire prevention, emergency response, and more", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Oregon State Police", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Laws and Orders", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-books", "items":[ { "name":"Oregon's Laws", "description":"Oregon laws are the bills passed by the House and Senate each legislative session", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon's Revised Statutes", "description":"Oregon Revised Statutes are the codified laws of the State of Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon's Legislative Bills", "description":"A bill, the most common type of legislative measure, is a proposal for a law", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Legislator Lookup", "description":"Use an interactive map to locate who represent you in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"State of Oregon Law Library", "description":"Legal resources used to serve the public effectively and to afford all Oregonians access to legal information", "url":"" }, { "name":"Family Law", "description":"Family law services and resources (e.g. divorce, protective orders) including forms for law proceedings", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More from Oregon Legislature", "url":"" } ] } ] }, { "name":"Education", "description":"", "items":[ { "name":"Schools and Students", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-bus-school", "items":[ { "name":"Schools and districts", "description":"There are more than 1,200 public K-12 schools organized into 197 school districts in the State of Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Higher education in Oregon", "description":"Find information on public engagement, learner opportunities, resources for campuses, and statewide coordination efforts", "url":"" }, { "name":"Career and technical education", "description":"Provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed", "url":"" }, { "name":"Students and family", "description":"Students and their families are the reason for everything we do at the Oregon Department of Education", "url":"" }, { "name":"Learning options", "description":"The Oregon Department of Education oversees a number of learning options", "url":"" }, { "name":"GED and high school equivalency", "description":"HECC partners to provide GED test preparation and testing to Oregonians across the state", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Department of Education", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Teacher Resources", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-chalkboard-teacher", "items":[ { "name":"Teacher Licensure", "description":"Every Student Succeeds Act requires teachers be properly licensed/endorsed for each course they teach", "url":"" }, { "name":"Teacher License Search", "description":"Search for a Public Educator with an Active and Valid license by Account Number, First Name, or Last Name", "url":"" }, { "name":"Teacher Recognition", "description":"The Oregon Department of Education is proud to recognize and celebrate excellence in teaching", "url":"" }, { "name":"Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensure", "description":"Instructors must have a CTE license and/or endorsement specific to the program career area", "url":"" }, { "name":"Academic Content Standards", "description":"Oregon State Standards define what students should know and be able to do within a content area at specific stages in their education", "url":"" }, { "name":"Educator Resources", "description":"Supporting Oregon's teachers, administrators and staff", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More from Department of Education", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Professional Development", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-hands-helping", "items":[ { "name":"Career and Technical Education", "description":"Provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed", "url":"" }, { "name":"Apprenticeship Opportunities", "description":"Apprenticeship programs give workers high-quality on-the-job training and classroom instruction", "url":"" }, { "name":"Educator Resources", "description":"Professional development opportunities for Oregon educators", "url":"" }, { "name":"WorkSource Oregon", "description":"Network of public and private partners who work together to effectively respond to workforce challenges", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Workforce Talent Development Board", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Public Universities", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-university", "items":[ { "name":"Eastern Oregon University (EOU)", "description":"Located in La Grande, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)", "description":"Located in Klamath Falls, Oregon and Wilsonville, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon State University (OSU)", "description":"Located in Corvallis, Oregon and Bend, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Portland State University (PSU)", "description":"Located in Portland, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Southern Oregon University (SOU)", "description":"Located in Ashland, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"University of Oregon (UO)", "description":"Located in Eugene, Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Western Oregon University (WOU)", "description":"Located in Monmouth, Oregon", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More about Public Universities", "url":"" } ] } ] }, { "name":"Recreation", "description":"", "items":[ { "name":"State Parks", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-trees", "items":[ { "name":"State Park Finder", "description":"Search and filter to find a perfect destination from nearly 200 state parks", "url":"" }, { "name":"Reservations", "description":"Whether you call or book online, you may make reservations 1 day to 6 months in advance", "url":"" }, { "name":"Get involved / Volunteer", "description":"Become a park host, partner with Oregon State Parks, or apply to be a volunteer", "url":"" }, { "name":"Brochures and Maps", "description":"Download maps, brochures, and tide tables for individual parks", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Oregon State Parks", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Plan a Visit", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-route", "items":[ { "name":"Plan your Trip", "description":"Oregon has hot high desert country to the east, balmy coast to the west, and mountains, rivers and forests in between", "url":"" }, { "name":"Travel Alerts (all types)", "description":"Is it safe for visitors to travel to Oregon? Find out with up-to-date travel alerts", "url":"" }, { "name":"Places to Stay", "description":"Now that you have planned the perfect trip, let us help you find the perfect pillow. And maybe a spectacular view too", "url":"" }, { "name":"Guides and Tours", "description":"Oregon guides and tour companies know the state inside and out", "url":"" }, { "name":"Famous Movie and TV Locations", "description":"400+ feature films and television shows have utilized Oregon as their production backdrop", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon State Capitol", "description":"Famous for the deep history, flowering cherry trees, and incredible rotunda, come visit the Oregon State Capitol in Salem", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"Visit Travel Oregon", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Outdoor Recreation", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-hiking", "items":[ { "name":"Bicycling", "description":"Wind through forests on world-class single-track mountain bike trails, or hit the gravel or the beach", "url":"" }, { "name":"Birding", "description":"Home to more than 500 species, you don't have to be an avian expert to appreciate birding in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Boating and Jet Boating", "description":"Go with whatever floats your boat, especially if it involves Oregon's scenic waterways", "url":"" }, { "name":"Camping", "description":"From roomy group sites to rustic backcountry spots, you'll find your place under the stars", "url":"" }, { "name":"Climbing", "description":"Climbers come from all over the world to Oregon. If you are looking to reach new heights, look no further", "url":"" }, { "name":"Fishing", "description":"You'll be hooked on all the fishing opportunities in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Golfing", "description":"Picking your tee time is easy. Choosing one of Oregon's award-winning courses is the real challenge", "url":"" }, { "name":"Hiking and Backpacking", "description":"We have mountain ranges, national forests, rocky coasts, crashing waterfalls and high desert", "url":"" }, { "name":"Hunting", "description":"With more than 34 million acres of public land, for many hunters, Oregon is at the top of their list", "url":"" }, { "name":"Paddle Sports", "description":"Oregon is home to alpine ponds perfect for gentle canoe paddles and rapids for whitewater kayaking and rafting", "url":"" }, { "name":"Snow Sports", "description":"You might wish Oregon winters were year-round, and you're not alone", "url":"" }, { "name":"Sports", "description":"Whether you're an expert athlete or an expert spectator, get in on the action in Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Wildlife Viewing", "description":"What animals might you see while traveling around Oregon?", "url":"" }, { "name":"Windsurfing and Kiteboarding", "description":"Catch some air above the water in the Columbia Gorge--the 'windsurfing capital of the world'", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More on Outdoor Recreation", "url":"" } ] }, { "name":"Oregon's 7 Regions", "description":"", "icon":"far fa-map-marked-alt", "items":[ { "name":"Travel Oregon", "description":"From Mt Hood to the Oregon Coast, explore Oregon with the official tourism site for Oregon", "url":"" }, { "name":"Central Oregon", "description":"A high-desert playground for everything under the sun: skiing, hiking, climbing, cycling, fishing, rafting, golf, etc", "url":"" }, { "name":"Eastern Oregon", "description":"Vast landscapes where history and adventure collide along canyons, rivers, alpine wilderness and ghost towns", "url":"" }, { "name":"Mt. Hood and Columbia River Gorge", "description":"An outdoor wonderland home to a tremendous river gorge, scenic vistas, waterfalls and the state's highest peak", "url":"" }, { "name":"Oregon Coast", "description":"363 miles of stunning public coastline dotted with lighthouses, fishing villages and dramatic scenery", "url":"" }, { "name":"Portland Region", "description":"Bustling urban core famous for its maker culture, ringed by forests and farms, rivers and rolling hills", "url":"" }, { "name":"Southern Oregon", "description":"An ethos of arts and culture thriving in a land known for its wild rivers, deep caves and the awe-inspiring Crater Lake", "url":"" }, { "name":"Willamette Valley", "description":"Woodsy cityscapes cradled by vineyards, forests and farms, crafters, adventurers and everyone in between", "url":"" } ], "viewMoreLinks":[ { "label":"More on Oregon's 7 Regions", "url":"" } ] } ] } ] } </script> <!-- Polyfills --> <script src="" integrity="sha512-il4gs09hawMRQdgVPe9NUODC2gBmQ3lX15lMK1y/WWAkfRRd94yET47NgghJZBSJcPW6ZrqyIziQIT6dI7I3KA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script> if (!("customElements" in window)) { document.write('<script src=""><\/script>'); } </script> <script> if (!("fetch" in window)) { document.write('<script src="/Style Library/JS/fetch-polyfill.js"><\/script>'); } </script> <script src="/Style%20Library/JS/main.js"></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script async src=""></script> <!-- <script async src=",js.cookie,helpful-page-poll_an_bs"></script> --> </body> </html>

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