About Omniglot
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You can use it to learn about <a href="writing/languages.htm">languages</a>, to learn <a href="writing/index.htm">alphabets and other writing systems</a>, and to learn <a href="language/phrases/index.htm">phrases</a>, <a href="language/numbers/index.htm">numbers</a> and other things in many languages. There is also <a href="language/index.htm">advice on how to learn languages</a>. </p> <h3>Contents</h3> <ul> <li>Details of 359 <a href="writing/index.htm">writing systems</a>, including <a href="writing/alphabetic.htm" title="Writing systems with symbols for consonants with limited/optional vowel indication">Abjads</a>, <a href="writing/alphabets.htm" title="Writing systems with symbols for consonants and vowels, a.k.a. Phonemic alphabets">Alphabets</a>, <a href="writing/syllabic.htm" title="Writing systems with consonants with an inherent vowel that is changed with diacritics">Abugidas</a>, <a href="writing/syllabaries.htm" title="Writing systems with symbols that represent syllables">Syllabaries</a> and <a href="writing/semanto-phonetic.php" title="Semanto-phonetic writing systems such as Chinese and Egyptian Hieroglyphs">Semanto-phonetic scripts</a> </li> <li>Information about 2,155 <a href="writing/languages.htm">languages</a></li> <li>Details of 1,039 <a href="conscripts/index.htm">constructed, adapted and fictional scripts and some constructed languages.</a></li> <li><a href="language/index.htm">Tips on learning languages</a></li> <li><a href="language/articles/index.htm">Language-related articles</a></li> <li><a href="language/phrases/index.htm">Useful foreign phrases</a> in 408 languages, with many audio recordings</li> <li><a href="language/phrases/phrasefinder.php">Phrase finder</a> - see phrases in any combination of two languages</li> <li><a href="language/phrases/useful.htm">'Useful' (silly) phrases</a> - interesting and unusual phrases</li> <li><a href="language/ml.htm">Multilingual texts</a>, <a href="language/names.htm">language names</a>, <a href="countries/index.htm">country names</a>, <a href="language/colours/index.php">colours</a>, <a href="language/numbers/index.htm">numbers</a>, <a href="language/time/index.htm">telling the time</a>, <a href="language/weather/index.htm">weather words</a>, <a href="language/kinship/index.htm">family words</a>, <a href="language/endearment/index.htm">terms of endearment</a>, <a href="language/idioms/index.php">idioms</a>, <a href="language/tonguetwisters/index.htm">tongue twisters</a>, <a href="language/proverbs/index.htm">proverbs and sayings</a>, <a href="language/signs/index.htm">signs</a> and <a href="songs/index.php">songs</a> in many languages </li> <li><a href="books/index.htm">Book store</a> with language learning materials, books about language and linguistics, and related topics</li> <li><a href="links/index.htm">Links to online language-related resources</a></li> <li><a href="sitemap.htm">Sitemap</a></li> </ul> <p>Offshoots of Omniglot include: </p> <ul> <li><a href=""><strong>Omniglot blog</strong></a> - adventures in the world of words and language </li> <li><a href=""><strong>Radio Omniglot</strong></a>, which features <a href="">Adventures in Etymology</a>, which explores the origins of words, <a href="">Celtic Pathways</a>, in which I find connections between Celtic and other languages, and <a href="">Omniglot News</a>, which summaries the latest developments on Omniglot each Sunday.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Celtiadur</strong></a> - exploring connections between Celtic languages.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Facebook</strong></a> - a place to find out about the latest developments on Omniglot.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Omniglot Facebook fan club</strong></a> - a Facebook group where you can talk about language-related topics, and a good place to post translation requests.</li> <li><a rel="me" href=""><strong>Mastodon - Polyglot City</strong></a> (Omniglot) - language-related posts</li> <li><a href="">Bluesky</a> ( - latest news from Omniglot</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong> (@ieithgi)</a>, photos and videos, including some language-related ones.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Youtube </strong></a> - videos about words, languages, music, etc.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>TikTok</strong> (@omniglot)</a> - language-related videos</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Tiktok</strong> (@ieithgi)</a> - videos featuring my tunes and songs</li> <li><a href=""><strong>SoundCloud</strong></a> - my tunes and songs, and Radio Omniglot podcasts</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a> - support Omniglot, and find news, clues to the weekly language quiz, and occasional behind the scenes posts.<a href="">Duolingo</a>.</li> <li><a href=""><strong>Quora</strong></a> - I sometimes answer language-related questions on Quora.</li> <li><a href="">My profile on ResearchGate</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="testimonials.htm">What people are saying about Omniglot</a> </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="meaning"></a> <h2>Where does the name "Omniglot" come from?</h2> <p>I coined the term in 1998 intending to use it as the name of a website design and translation agency I was planning to establish. The agency never really took off and I decided to use the name for this website instead. I wasn't the first person to think up this word, but I think my work contriubted significantly to it's use, which increased dramatically after I started my site. See the <a href="">Google Ngram Viewer</a>. </p> <h3>Definition</h3> <p><strong>Omniglot</strong> ('ɒmnɪˌglɒt) <em>noun</em><br /> 1. having a command of all languages<br /> 2. written in, composed of, or containing all languages<br /> 3. a person with a command of all languages<br /> 4. a book containing several versions of the same text written in all languages<br /> 5. a mixture or confusion of languages<br /> [from Latin <em>omnis</em> (all) + Greek <em>γλωσσα</em> (glossa) - tongue/language]<br /> <em>Adapted from the definition of polyglot in Collins English Dictionary</em> </p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="who"></a> <h2>Who is behind Omniglot?</h2> <p><img src="/images/photos/sager26012023.jpg" width="199" height="250" style="float:right; margin: 0 0 0 10px;" alt="A photo of Simon Ager, author of Omniglot, taken on 26th January 2023" /> </p><p>Omniglot was set up in 1998 by <a href="aboutme.htm">Simon Ager</a> (that's me in the photo), and I have been maintaining and developing the site since then. Many other people have made <a href="contributors.htm">contributions</a> of new material, corrections and suggestions, for which I'm profoundly grateful. </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="langs"></a> <h2>Have you studied all the alphabets and languages on Omniglot?</h2> <p>No. I studied French and German in secondary school, have a BA in Chinese and Japanese, and have an MA in Linguistics. I have also done short courses in Welsh and Irish, and in traditional Irish and Scottish Gaelic songs, and have taught myself quite a few other languages. So I know quite a lot about some languages, and a little about many others, but would not call myself an expert on any of them. I rely on books, websites and you, my wonderful visitors, for information and corrections. If you spot any mistakes or errors, or can provide new information, please <a href="contact.htm">contact me</a>. </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="cost"></a> <h2>How much does it cost?</h2> <p>All information and advice I provide on Omniglot and via email is <strong>free of charge</strong>. Omniglot generates income via advertising and affiliate programs and has been my main source of income since 2008. The income from the site covers running costs of the site and of its creator/curator. Details of <a href="advertising.htm">advertising opportunites</a>. </p> <p>If you like the site and would like to help to support it, donations are always welcome: </p> <form action="" method="post" target="_top"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="7ZJDTZECMH3SJ" /> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" title="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" alt="Donate with PayPal button" /> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" /> </form> <p> </p><p>Or you can <a href="donations.htm">contribute to the site in other ways</a>. </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="stats"></a> <h2>How many visitors does Omniglot get?</h2> <p><ul> <li>Average monthly visitors numbers: 600,00 visits, 1. million page views</li> <li>Top ten countries: USA, India, UK, Philppines, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Nepal and Pakistan</li> <li>Top ten languages of visitors: English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese and Swedish</li> </ul></p> <p><a href="faqs.htm">More Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</a> </p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="468" height="60" alt="Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo"/></a> </p><hr /> <p><a href=""><img src="" width="162" height="62" class="rightfloat" alt="Green Web Hosting - Kualo"/></a> </p> <a id="environmental"></a> <h2>Environmental</h2> <p>This site is hosted by <a href="">Kualo</a> on servers based in the UK which run on electricity from renewable sources. My home, where I work, is powered by the solar panels on the roof, and from other renewable sources via <a href="">Ecotricty</a>. </p> <p>Almost all my work is done online and few things need to be printed, so my home office is more or less paperless. Generally I aim to use resources in the most efficent ways I can. I don't have a car and can walk everywhere I need to go in Bangor, and cycle, get lifts, or travel by train, bus, boat or occasionaly plane when I venture further afield. </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <a id="corporate"></a> <h2>Corporate</h2> <p><a href=""><img src="images/logos/logo_fsb.gif" width="75" height="93" class="rightfloat" style="margin:0 0 10px 10px;" alt="FSB member" /></a> Omniglot was incorporated as a limited company in 2008. This sounds quite grand, but it is in fact a one-man operation. I am also a member of the <a href="">Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)</a>. </p> <p>Omniglot Limited is registered in England & Wales<br /> Registration number: 6624958<br /> Registered office: 11 William Street, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 1BG </p> <p><a href="/about.htm">About this site</a> | <a href="/about2.htm">Omniglot - a potted history</a> | <a href="/aboutme.htm">About me</a> | <a href="/language/learning/index.htm">My language learning adventures</a> | <a href="/music/muscialadventures.htm">My musical adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/index.htm">My singing adventures</a> | <a href="/songs/sager/mysongs.htm">Song writing</a> | <a href="/music/tunesmithing.htm">Tunesmithing</a> | <a href="/juggling/index.htm">My juggling adventures</a></p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p><hr /> <p class="info">See this page in: <br /> <a href="welsh/about.htm" title="Welsh">Cymraeg</a> | <a href="czech/about.htm" title="Czech">čeština</a> | <a href="french/about.htm" title="French">français</a> | <a href="hungarian/about.htm" title="Hungarian">magyar</a> </p> <p class="right"><script type="text/javascript" src="" data-name="bmc-button" data-slug="omniglot" data-color="#FFDD00" data-emoji="" data-font="Cookie" data-text="Buy me a coffee" data-outline-color="#000000" data-font-color="#000000" data-coffee-color="#ffffff"></script> </p> <p class="right">[<a href="#top">top</a>] </p> <hr /> <div id="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-171"></div> <script> ezstandalone.cmd.push(function() { ezstandalone.showAds(171); }); </script> <p><a href=""><img src="" width="162" height="62" class="rightfloat" alt="Green Web Hosting - Kualo"/></a> </p> <p>You can support this site by <a href="">Buying Me A Coffee</a>, and if you like what you see on this page, you can use the buttons below to share it with people you know. </p> <!-- AddToAny BEGIN --> <div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_default_style"> <a class="a2a_dd" href=""></a> <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a> <a class="a2a_button_bluesky"></a> <a class="a2a_button_threads"></a> <a class="a2a_button_mastodon"></a> <a class="a2a_button_copy_link"></a> </div> <script defer src=""></script> <!-- AddToAny END --> <p> </p> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/banners/banner_gymglish.jpg" width="630" height="90" alt="Learn a Language with gymglish" /></a><p>If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via <a href="">PayPal</a> or <a href="">Patreon</a>, or by <a href="/donations.htm">contributing in other ways</a>. 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