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fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="210" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="215" cy="43" r="1"/> 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r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="220" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="220" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="225" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="230" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="235" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" 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fill="#4F6BED" cx="240" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="240" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="240" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="240" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="245" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="250" cy="3" r="1"/> 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r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="255" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="260" cy="78" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="3" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="8" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="13" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="18" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="23" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="28" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="33" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="38" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="43" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="48" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="53" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="58" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="63" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="68" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" cx="265" cy="73" r="1"/> <circle fill="#4F6BED" 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Here are a few featured Microsoft projects of note. </p> </div> <div class="tile-list" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="400"> <a class="tile" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener"> <div> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/projects/accessibility-insights.svg" alt="" /> <h3 class="h4 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-3">Accessibility Insights</h3> <p>Accessibility Insights is a suite of open source tools that help developers find and fix accessibility issues in Web, Windows and Android applications.</p> </div> </a> <a class="tile" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener"> <div> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/projects/openeducationanalytics.png" alt="" /> <h3 class="h4 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-3">Open Education Analytics (OEA)</h3> <p>Open Education Analytics collaborates with education systems across the world to develop modern data intelligence capabilities.</p> </div> </a> <a class="tile" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener"> <div> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/projects/terminal.svg" alt="" /> <h3 class="h4 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-3">Windows Terminal</h3> <p>The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="text-center mt-6 pb-6"> <a class="link-arrow text-brand" href="/projects">Explore Microsoft projects</a> </div> </div> <!-- <hr /> <div class="wrapper py-6 my-6"> <div class="py-6 my-6"> <div class="d-md-flex text-center"> <div class="col-12 col-md-4 pr-md-4" data-animate-in="fade" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/svgs/collaborate.svg" alt="" /> <h3 class="h3">Open</h3> <p> Working in the open is the secret sauce. Microsoft engineers work to adopt industry-standard technologies, work in the open, support a diversity of technologies and platforms, and contribute upstream as often as possible. </p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-4 px-md-3 mb-6 mb-md-0" data-animate-in="fade" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/svgs/innovate.svg" alt="" /> <h3 class="h3">Collaborative</h3> <p> With participation from around the world, new perspectives are discovered, passionate users are able to dig in, and a special connection exists between upstream projects, maintainers, and all open source projects. </p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-4 pl-md-4 mb-6 mb-md-0" data-animate-in="fade" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <img class="mb-4" src="/assets/images/svgs/build.svg" alt="" /> <h3 class="h3">Flexible</h3> <p> Open source makes amazing business sense: industry-standard open technologies are super flexible: easy to adopt, attract leading talent that's familiar, and provides an opportunity to rapidly innovate and deliver value tailored to specific needs, building on the work of others. </p> </div> </div> <div class="text-center mt-6" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <a class="link-arrow text-brand" href="/ecosystem"> The open source ecosystem we support </a> </div> </div> </div> --> <hr /> <div class="split-content text-white"> <!-- TEMP: overriding color for more contrast --> <div class="split-content__content split-content__content--left" style="background-color: #0070f2;"> <div data-animate-in="fade" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <h2 class="mb-4"> <span class="h5">Microsoft's communities</span> <span class="h2">Get involved</span> </h2> <p class="p-lg font-weight-400"> We are building value together and welcome everyone to participate. Together, in the open, it's an exciting time to use technology to build hacks, apps, and services. </p> <div class="mt-6"> <a class="link-arrow" href="/collaborate/#get-involved">Happening now</a><br /> <a class="link-arrow" href="/collaborate/#get-started">Find a "good first issue"</a><br /> <a class="link-arrow" href="/projects/">Featured projects</a> </div> </div> <img src="/assets/images/direction/stripes-corner.svg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="split-content__content split-content__content--right"> <div data-animate-in="fade" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <h2 class="mb-4"> <span class="h5">Learn from our enterprise-scale approach</span> <span class="h2">Our program &amp; tools</span> </h2> <p class="p-lg font-weight-400"> We have worked to develop a strong open source program over the past decade, making it easy for every team at Microsoft to choose to use, contribute to, and release open source software. </p> <p class="p-lg font-weight-400"> Many of our tools and approaches are available for you to learn from, too. </p> <div class="mt-6"> <a class="link-arrow" href="/program/">Our program</a><br /> <a class="link-arrow" href="/program/#program-tools">Our tools</a><br /> <a class="link-arrow" href="/ecosystem/">The ecosystem we support</a> </div> </div> <img src="/assets/images/direction/dots-corner.svg" alt="" /> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper pt-6 pb-6 mt-6 mb-6"> <div class="d-md-flex"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-5 mb-4 mb-md-0"> <h3 class="h5 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-2">Innovate faster and more securely with open source on Azure</h3> <p>Build on a highly secure cloud platform designed to protect your data and business assets, including proactive, comprehensive compliance coverage. Gain the flexibility to move your app anywhere. Operate seamlessly and elastically, on-premises, in hybrid or multicloud environments, or at the edge.</p> <div class="link-arrow-external mt-4"><a href="">Learn more about open source on Azure</a></div> </div> <!-- To restore this section, we would need code to connect to the post-cookie consent process. <div class="col-md-6 pl-md-4 pl-lg-6"> <div> <iframe loading="lazy" src="" allowfullscreen="" title="" tabindex="0" allow="autoplay" style="width: 100%;height:200px;position: relative;"></iframe> <div class="link-arrow-external mt-4"><a href="">Azure - The cloud powering the space race. Read the story</a>.</div> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper pt-6 pb-6 mt-6 mb-6" > <div class="text-center mb-6" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="400"> <h2 class="h3">Microsoft Open Source Updates</h2> </div> <div class="blog-list"> <a class="blog-preview" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <div> <h3 class="h5 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-2">Towards debuggability and secure deployments of eBPF programs on Windows</h3> <span class="blog-preview__meta mb-2"> <img alt="Photo or avatar image of Alan Jowett" style="border-radius: 50%; max-width: 32px;display:inline-block" src="/assets/images/posts/alanjowett.png" /> <div style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 6px"> Alan Jowett <br />Principal Software Engineer </div> </span> <!-- <p class="blog-preview__meta mb-2">October 25, 2022</p> --> <p>The eBPF for Windows runtime has introduced a new mode of operation, native code generation, which exists alongside the currently supported modes of operation for eBPF programs: JIT (just-in-time compilation) and an interpreter, with the administrator able to select the mode when a program is loaded.</p> </div> <div class="link-arrow-external mt-4">Read post</div> </a> <a class="blog-preview" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <div> <h3 class="h5 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-2">Making culture count for Open Source sustainability鈥擟elebrating FOSS Fund 25</h3> <span class="blog-preview__meta mb-2"> <img alt="Photo or avatar image of Emma Irwin" style="border-radius: 50%; max-width: 32px;display:inline-block" src="/assets/images/posts/emmairwin.jpg" /> <div style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 6px"> Emma Irwin <br />Principal TPM, OSPO </div> </span> <!-- <p class="blog-preview__meta mb-2">October 24, 2022</p> --> <p>Building a culture where every employee can visualize and embrace their responsibility to upstream projects is at the forefront of the Open Source Program鈥檚 Office (OSPO) work, which embodies the goals of Microsoft鈥檚 FOSS Fund.</p> </div> <div class="link-arrow-external mt-4">Read post</div> </a> <a class="blog-preview" href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener" data-animate-in="up" data-animate-in-delay="200"> <div> <h3 class="h5 text-brand font-weight-600 mb-2">Feathr feature store joins LF AI & Data Foundation</h3> <span class="blog-preview__meta mb-2"> <img alt="Photo or avatar image of Xiaoyong Zhu" style="border-radius: 50%; max-width: 32px;display:inline-block" src="/assets/images/posts/xiaoyongzhu.jpeg" /> <div style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 6px"> Xiaoyong Zhu <br />Principal Data Scientist, Azure Data </div> </span> <!-- <p class="blog-preview__meta mb-2">September 12, 2022</p> --> <p>Together with our colleagues at LinkedIn, we are happy to announce that Feathr feature store is joining the LF AI &amp; Data Foundation, an umbrella foundation of the Linux Foundation supporting open source innovation in artificial intelligence and data.</p> </div> <div class="link-arrow-external mt-4">Read post</div> </a> </div> <!-- <div class="text-center mt-6 pb-6"> <a class="link-arrow-external" href="">Microsoft's Open Source Blog</a> </div> --> </div> <div class="wrapper-full bg-brand-dark text-white"> <div class="wrapper py-6 my-6"> <h3 class="h3">Community Resources</h3> <div class="d-md-flex"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-5 mb-4 mb-md-0"> <p> We welcome you to our open communities. Please check out our Code of Conduct and one-time Contributor License Agreement to help us all participate with care. </p> </div> <div class="col-md-6 pl-md-4 pl-lg-6"> <div> <a class="link-arrow-external mb-2" href="/codeofconduct">Microsoft's Open Source Code of Conduct</a> </div> <div> <a class="link-arrow-external mb-2" href="">Microsoft Contributor License Agreement</a> </div> <div> <a class="link-arrow-external mb-2" href="">Third-Party Disclosures</a> </div> <div> <a class="link-arrow-external mb-2" href="/program/">Microsoft's Open Source Program</a> </div> <div> <a class="link-arrow-external mb-2" href="/azure-credits">Azure Credits</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <script> var $ = jQuery; var toggleAction = $('#toggle-graphics'); var toggleText = $('#toggle-text'); var toggleText2 = $('#toggle-text2'); var pauseIcon = $('#pause-icon'); var resumeIcon = $('#resume-icon'); var pageHeroAccessibilityControls = $('#hero-accessibility-controls'); var toggleLink = $('#toggle-graphics'); 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