Avibase - The World Bird Database

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padding: 4px !important;">MyAvibase allows you to create and manage your own lifelists, and produce useful reports to help you plan your next birding excursion.</div> <a class="dropdown-item" href="myavibase.jsp">myAvibase Home</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="myavb_lists.jsp">Manage lifelists</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="myavb_observ.jsp">Manage observations</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="myavb_reports.jsp">myAvibase reports</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-no-show" href="" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Checklists </a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown" style="border-top:3px solid #2F8894;"> <div class="small" style="color: #fff; padding: 4px !important;">There are more than 20,000 regional checklists in Avibase, offered in 9 different taxonomies, including synonyms more than 175 languages. Each checklist can be viewed with photos shared by the birding community, and also printed as PDF checklists for field use.</div> <a class="dropdown-item" href="checklist.jsp?lang=EN">Avibase checklists</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="compare_regions.jsp?lang=EN">Compare Regions</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-no-show" href="" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Search </a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown" style="border-top:3px solid #2F8894;"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="search.jsp?lang=EN&isadv=yes">Avibase search</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="search.jsp?lang=EN&pg=families">Browse by families</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="authors.jsp?lang=EN">Browse by authors </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="publications.jsp?lang=EN">Browse by publications </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="familytree.jsp?lang=EN">Avibase Taxonomic Concepts</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-no-show" href="" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> Contribute </a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown" style="border-top:3px solid #2F8894;"> <div class="small" style="color: #fff; padding: 4px !important;">There are a few ways by which you can help the development of this page, such as joining the Flickr group for photos or providing translations of the site in addition languages.</div> <a class="dropdown-item" href="contrib.jsp?lang=EN">Contribute to Avibase</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="contrib.jsp?lang=EN">Acknowledgements</a> <a class="dropdown-item" target="_blank" href="">Flickr group</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="flickr_stats.jsp?lang=EN">Media stats</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="flickr_stats.jsp?action=flickr&lang=EN">Flickr group members</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="flickr_stats.jsp?action=missing&lang=EN">Media wanted</a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="translate.jsp?lang=EN">Contribute a better translation</a> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-no-show" href="" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> English </a> <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown" style="border-top:3px solid #2F8894;"> <a class="dropdown-item" href="languages.jsp">Change language</a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <ul class="navbar-nav float-right"> <li class="nav-item active" id="signup"> <a class="nav-link" href="myavb_signup.jsp" id="signuplnk">Sign Up</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="navbar-nav float-right"> <li class="nav-item active" id="credlogout"> <a class="nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" id="logoutlnk">Logout</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="navbar-nav float-right"> <li class="nav-item active" id="credlogin"> <a class="nav-link" href="javascript:void(0)" id="modalLogin2">Sign In</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="navbar-nav float-right"> <li class="nav-item active d-none d-xl-block"> <form action="search.jsp" name='avbsmall'> <input id="searchboxsm" placeholder="search avibase" name="qstr" type="text" style="width: 150px;" class="form-control"> </form> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="loginbox" title="Login to myAvibase" style="display: none;"> <span id="loginmsg" style="color: #939300; font-weight: bold;"></span> <p>Your login:<br> <input type="text" class="form-control" size="40" id="loginname" name="loginname" value=""/> <br /> Password:<br> <input type="password" class="form-control" size="40" id="password" name="password" value=""/> </p> <input type="checkbox" id="remember" checked> Stay signed in </div> <div id="reminderbox" title="Request a reminder" style="display: none;"> <span id="remindermsg" style="color: #939300; font-weight: bold;"></span> <p>Enter your login name or your email address and click on Send reminder to receive a reminder by email.</p> <input type="text" size="50" id="loginreminder" name="loginreminder" value=""/> <br /> </div> <div id="credentials" class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-right"> Welcome <span id="fullname">Guest</span> </div> </div> <div class="row main-body"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/myavb_observ.css"> <script src="scripts/myavb_observ_script.jsp"></script> <div class="col-lg-12"> <H3 class="text-center">Manage your observations</H3> <style> .highlight1 {background-color: #FFFFB9;} .highlight2 {background-color: #FFFFFF;} .highlight3 {background-color: #FFEFB9;} .highlight4 {background-color: #F6F6F6;} </style> <div class="text-center" style="color: red"> You are currently logged in a <b>guest user</b>. You can modify the demo checklist to test the functionality of this site, but be aware that the demo checklist will be reset and that any data entered under the guest account will be lost. The demo checklist is also shared with all guest users and can be modified and viewed by anyone publicly. </div> <form id="myavbform" action="myavb_observ.jsp" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="formtype" value="observations"> <div> <div id="outerbox" style="border: #D0D0D0 1px solid; padding: 15px; text-align: left;"> <p><b>What would you like to do:</b> <blockquote> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="1" > <b>Add or modify observations</b> in a lifelist</label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="2" > <b>Show differences</b> between 2 taxonomies</label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="3" > Looks for possible <b>splits or errors</b></label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="4" > Import checklist data from a <b>file on your computer</b></label><br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="5" > Import checklist data from your <b>eBird account</b></label><br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="6" > <b>Export checklist data</b> to a file</label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="7" > <b>Recover your checklist data</b> from the nightly backup or create a new backup</label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="8" > <b>Manage the records that failed to import</b> from a file or from eBird</label> <br> <label><input type="radio" name="what" value="9" > <b>Look for inconsistencies</b> between linked checklists</label> <br> </blockquote> <div id="instr1" class="instructions"> <b>Add or modify observations in a lifelist </b>: shows the list of species within a geographic region, along with associated dates and observation details from your lifelist. You can use this tool to edit individual species observations. If no region is selected, all observations from the lifelist are displayed. You can also ask to display all observations from your lifelist, or only those found in a region, as well as pick a host of different display options.</div> <div id="instr2" class="instructions"> <b>Show differences between 2 taxonomies</b>: shows the differences in concepts between 2 taxonomic authorities. This allows you for instance to quickly update your list to correct for differences in treatment between 2 authorities, or following the publication of an updated taxonomy (e.g. going from version 2.12 to 3.02 of the IOC checklist. It is important to understand that your lifelist observations are linked to taxonomic concepts that uniquely describe biological populations. Different authorities often share the same concepts (although they may use different names to describe them). Likewise, different authorities may use the same name to describe 2 different population concepts. In the resulting table, look at the "authority" column to find taxa that are only recognized by one of the 2 authorities. Taxon concepts may be in appearance the same (same scientific and common name), but those that differ will to different populations that only partly overlap. For a complete list of concepts, select the <b>Avibase taxonomic concepts</b> checklist as one of the authorities.</div> <div id="instr3" class="instructions"> <b>Looks for possible splits or errors</b>: shows the species found within an area that you do not have within your lifelist, but for which you only have reported another related species concepts that includes it. For instance, you may have entered the Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes <i>sensu lato</i>) in your lifelist, but have not yet entered the Pacific, Winter, or Eurasian Wrens. This tool also shows you species where there may a problem with the observation date: cases where a form that is split has an <b>earlier date</b> than the form where it is included. With the same example, if the observation date for Pacific Wren pre-dates the observation date for the Winter Wren <i>sensu lato</i>.</div> <div id="instr4" class="instructions"> <b>Import checklist data from a file on your computer</b>: allows you to import your lifelist from another program (such as eBird). <b>You must select a lifelist where your observations will be added, and indicate which taxonomic authority used to describe your species names.</b>. Observations will also automatically be added or updated for linked parent species concepts and linked checklists. For instance, if you import an observation of Baltimore Oriole in your Manitoba lifelist, the observation date can also be compared to your Canadian and your global lifelists and the earliest date will be preserved. Finally, the parent species concept Northern Oriole (which includes Bullock's and Baltimore Orioles) will also be updated if needed. Note that some species concepts only partly overlap between taxonomies (e.g. when only some of the subspecies are reassigned to a new species), and you may need to use the taxonomic tools on this page to manually resolve these observations. Records that have failed to make it into Avibase from earlier imports can also be managed <a href="myavb_import_failed.jsp">using this page</a>.</div> <div id="instr5" class="instructions"> <b>Import checklist data from your eBird account</b>: allows you to import your lifelists from <a target="_blank" href="">eBird</a>. <b>You must select a lifelist where your observations will be added. Only lifelists that are associated with a region that is compatible with eBird regions are available for import.</b> Observations that are tranfered from eBird will also automatically be added or updated for linked parent species concepts and linked checklists. For instance, if you import an observation of Baltimore Oriole in your Manitoba lifelist, the observation date can also be compared to your Canadian and your global lifelists and the earliest date will be preserved. Finally, the species concept Northern Oriole (now split into Bullock's and Baltimore Orioles) will also be updated as needed. Note that some species concepts only partly overlap between taxonomies (e.g. when only some of the subspecies are reassigned to a new species), and you may need to use the taxonomic tools on this page to manually resolve these observations. Records that have failed to make it into Avibase from earlier imports can also be managed <a href="myavb_import_failed.jsp">using this page</a>.</div> <div id="instr6" class="instructions"> <p><b>Export checklist data to a file</b>: allows you to export your lifelists in Comma-delimited text files (CSV format), included in single ZIP archive. You can select the taxonomy of your choice, but only the <b>Avibase Taxonomic Concepts</b> authority will ensure that all the taxonomic concepts are included. The Avibase Taxonomic Concept authority includes all concepts from all authorities available in Avibase, including species, subspecies, forms, etc. </p> <p><b>Select the lifelists that you would like to export</b> and click Continue. Hold the CTRL or Command key to select multiple lifelists or <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="$('#lifelist option').prop('selected', 'selected')">click here</a> to select all lifelists.</p></div> <div id="instr7" class="instructions"> <p><b>Recover your lifelists from the last nightly backup</b>: allows you to recover a copy of your lifelist data from the previous day. You can use this option in case of severe problems affecting your checklists. For instance, if you imported data in the wrong lifelist and accidentally overwrote data, or accidentally deleted or cleared a checklist. Copies of the lifelists are made every night just after midnight (Eastern Time, Canada). You can also manually request a backup of your data, but note that only the most recent backup is available for restoring with this method. If you would like to keep more backup copies, you can also export your lifelists to CSV files that you can save on your own computer, <b>something I strongly encourage you to do periodically</b> regardless as a safety against unexpected problems. To recover all lifelists, including those that you may have deleted entirely, you can use the <b>Recover all</b> button. In all cases, new checklists that have been created since the last backup will be preserved after the restore.</p> <p><b>Select the lifelists that you would like to recover from the most recent backup</b> and click Continue. Hold the CTRL or Command key to select multiple lifelists or <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="$('#lifelist option').prop('selected', 'selected')">click here</a> to select all lifelists.</p></div> <div id="instr8" class="instructions"> <p><b>Manage the records that failed to import from a file or from eBird</b>: allows you to fix records that have failed to make it into Avibase during an earlier import attempt (from a file or from eBird) and attempt to import them again. The default import process requires that you identify what taxonomy you use, but this tool allows you to look for all possible synonyms of scientific and common names available in Avibase (nearly 700,000 names in 225 languages). Only records that have failed to import because they could not be matched to a taxonomy are available. Records that have been successfully imported are not saved.</p> <p style="color: red">You must be logged in to view your failed imports</p> </div> <div id="instr9" class="instructions"><b>Look for inconsistencies between linked checklists</b>. This tool returns observations that are not consistent with other checklists that are linked to it. These problems may happen if you for example delete an observation from a country checklist, but forget to also make the change in continental checklist to which it is linked. The report returns all records from linked checklists for which there is no records in source checklists, or for which the observation date is earlier than any of the source checklists. Note that in many cases, these observations may be valid if you do not keep complete records of your observations.</div> <div id="s_lifelist" style="display: none;"> <p><span id="s_lifelist_title">Select a <b>lifelist</b>:</span> <select id="lifelist" name="lifelist" data-lifelist=""> <option value="10001" selected>Demo checklist [World]</option> </select></p> </div> <div id="s_showallobs" style="padding-left: 15px; display: none;"> <label><input type="radio" name="showallobs" value="0" > only show species from lifelist when they occur in region</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="showallobs" value="1" checked> always show species from lifelist</label> </div> <div id="s_region" style="display: none;"> <p>Select a <b>geographic area</b>: <select id="continent" name="continent"> <option id="nogeo" style="display: none" value="" selected> None (your observations) </option> <option value="NAM" > North America </option> <option value="CAM" > Central America </option> <option value="CAR" > Caribbean </option> <option value="SAM" > South America </option> <option value="EUR" > Europe </option> <option value="MID" > Middle East </option> <option value="AFR" > Africa </option> <option value="ASI" > Asia </option> <option value="OCE" > Oceania </option> <option value="ANT" > Antarctica </option> </select> <span id="s_region2">, then select a <b>region</b>: <select id="region" name="region" style="max-width: 250px;"> </select><br> <span style="padding-left: 15px;">Show: <label><input type="radio" name="reg_type" value="3" checked> countries only</label> <label><input type="radio" name="reg_type" value="6" > include provinces/states</label> <label><input type="radio" name="reg_type" value="9" > all checklists</label></span> </span> </div> <div id="s_taxonomy1" style="display: none;"> <p>Select a <b>taxonomy</b>: <select id="authority1" name="authority1"> </select> <br><span style="padding-left: 15px;"><input type="checkbox" name="authority_cur" id="authority_cur" > Show all versions of taxonomic authorities</span> </div> <div id="s_taxonomy2" style="display: none"> <p>Compare with <b>another taxonomy</b>: <select id="authority2" name="authority2"> </select></p> </div> <div id="s_options" style="display: none;"> <p><b>Additional options:</b></p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <p><b>Show species</b>: <br><label><input type="radio" name="raresp" value="0" checked> show only regular species</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="raresp" value="1" > include rare species</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="raresp" value="3" > include exotics and extinct species</label> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <p><b>Highlight</b>: <br><label><input type="radio" name="highlight" value="0" checked> species seen</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="highlight" value="1" > species not seen</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="highlight" value="2" > neither</label> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <p><b>Sort order</b>: <br><label><input type="radio" name="sortby" value="0" checked> taxonomic only</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="sortby" value="2" > date seen then taxonomic</label> </div> </div> </div> <div id="s_options2" style="display: none"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <p><b>Date format</b>: <br><label><input type="radio" name="datefmt" value="dmy" checked> dd/mm/yyyy</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="datefmt" value="mdy" checked> mm/dd/yyyy</label> <br><label><input type="radio" name="datefmt" value="ymd" checked> yyyy/mm/dd</label> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <div id="s_upload" style="display: none"> <p><b>Option 1.</b> Paste below your lifelist to import in comma-delimited format. Your first row must contain one or more of the following field names (comma-delimated list). Check the field names to automatically insert a row in the text box below. At least one of the first 3 fields is required.</p> Any observations without a date will be added using today's date. <ul> <li> Any observations without a date will be added using today's date.</li> <li> ScientificName (must match the authority you selected above).</li> <li> CommonName (must match the authority you selected above).</li> <li> AvibaseID (8 or 16 characters) </li> <li> ObsDt (you <i>must</i> follow the date format selected above). Today's date will be used if this field is not provided.</li> <li> Details (e.g. location name). This field cannot include double-quote characters (&quot;).</li> </ul> <input type="hidden" id="hascsvfile" name="hascsvfile" value=""> <p><textarea id="csvlist" name="csvlist" cols=80 rows=8></textarea> <br><b>Option 2.</b> Select a comma-delimited file <input type="file" id="csvfile" name="csvfile" size=20> <input id="upload_btn" type="button" value="Upload now"></p> </div> <div id="s_ebird" style="display: none"> <p>Select a <b>lifelist</b>: <select id="lifelist2" name="lifelist2"> <option value="10001" selected>Demo checklist [World]</option> </select><br>Note: only eBird compatible checklists are shown.</p> <p>Select a <b>time period</b>: <select id="ebirdyear"><option value="life" selected> lifetime </option> <option value="2024"> 2024 </option> <option value="2023"> 2023 </option> <option value="2022"> 2022 </option> <option value="2021"> 2021 </option> <option value="2020"> 2020 </option> <option value="2019"> 2019 </option> <option value="2018"> 2018 </option> <option value="2017"> 2017 </option> <option value="2016"> 2016 </option> <option value="2015"> 2015 </option> <option value="2014"> 2014 </option> <option value="2013"> 2013 </option> <option value="2012"> 2012 </option> <option value="2011"> 2011 </option> <option value="2010"> 2010 </option> <option value="2009"> 2009 </option> <option value="2008"> 2008 </option> <option value="2007"> 2007 </option> <option value="2006"> 2006 </option> <option value="2005"> 2005 </option> <option value="2004"> 2004 </option> <option value="2003"> 2003 </option> <option value="2002"> 2002 </option> <option value="2001"> 2001 </option> <option value="2000"> 2000 </option> <option value="1999"> 1999 </option> <option value="1998"> 1998 </option> <option value="1997"> 1997 </option> <option value="1996"> 1996 </option> <option value="1995"> 1995 </option> <option value="1994"> 1994 </option> <option value="1993"> 1993 </option> <option value="1992"> 1992 </option> <option value="1991"> 1991 </option> <option value="1990"> 1990 </option> <option value="1989"> 1989 </option> <option value="1988"> 1988 </option> <option value="1987"> 1987 </option> <option value="1986"> 1986 </option> <option value="1985"> 1985 </option> <option value="1984"> 1984 </option> <option value="1983"> 1983 </option> <option value="1982"> 1982 </option> <option value="1981"> 1981 </option> <option value="1980"> 1980 </option> <option value="1979"> 1979 </option> <option value="1978"> 1978 </option> <option value="1977"> 1977 </option> <option value="1976"> 1976 </option> <option value="1975"> 1975 </option> <option value="1974"> 1974 </option> <option value="1973"> 1973 </option> <option value="1972"> 1972 </option> <option value="1971"> 1971 </option> <option value="1970"> 1970 </option> <option value="1969"> 1969 </option> <option value="1968"> 1968 </option> <option value="1967"> 1967 </option> <option value="1966"> 1966 </option> <option value="1965"> 1965 </option> <option value="1964"> 1964 </option> <option value="1963"> 1963 </option> <option value="1962"> 1962 </option> <option value="1961"> 1961 </option> <option value="1960"> 1960 </option> <option value="1959"> 1959 </option> <option value="1958"> 1958 </option> <option value="1957"> 1957 </option> <option value="1956"> 1956 </option> <option value="1955"> 1955 </option> <option value="1954"> 1954 </option> <option value="1953"> 1953 </option> <option value="1952"> 1952 </option> <option value="1951"> 1951 </option> <option value="1950"> 1950 </option> <option value="1949"> 1949 </option> <option value="1948"> 1948 </option> <option value="1947"> 1947 </option> <option value="1946"> 1946 </option> <option value="1945"> 1945 </option> <option value="1944"> 1944 </option> <option value="1943"> 1943 </option> <option value="1942"> 1942 </option> <option value="1941"> 1941 </option> <option value="1940"> 1940 </option> <option value="1939"> 1939 </option> <option value="1938"> 1938 </option> <option value="1937"> 1937 </option> <option value="1936"> 1936 </option> <option value="1935"> 1935 </option> <option value="1934"> 1934 </option> <option value="1933"> 1933 </option> <option value="1932"> 1932 </option> <option value="1931"> 1931 </option> <option value="1930"> 1930 </option> <option value="1929"> 1929 </option> <option value="1928"> 1928 </option> <option value="1927"> 1927 </option> <option value="1926"> 1926 </option> <option value="1925"> 1925 </option> <option value="1924"> 1924 </option> <option value="1923"> 1923 </option> <option value="1922"> 1922 </option> <option value="1921"> 1921 </option> <option value="1920"> 1920 </option> <option value="1919"> 1919 </option> <option value="1918"> 1918 </option> <option value="1917"> 1917 </option> <option value="1916"> 1916 </option> <option value="1915"> 1915 </option> <option value="1914"> 1914 </option> <option value="1913"> 1913 </option> <option value="1912"> 1912 </option> <option value="1911"> 1911 </option> <option value="1910"> 1910 </option> <option value="1909"> 1909 </option> <option value="1908"> 1908 </option> <option value="1907"> 1907 </option> <option value="1906"> 1906 </option> <option value="1905"> 1905 </option> <option value="1904"> 1904 </option> <option value="1903"> 1903 </option> <option value="1902"> 1902 </option> <option value="1901"> 1901 </option> </select> <p><b>eBird login</b>: <input type="text" id="ebirdlogin" size=20 value=""> <b>eBird password</b>: <input type="text" id="ebirdmask" size=20 value=""> <input type="hidden" id="ebirdpword" size=20 value=""></p> <p align="center"><input type="button" id="ebird_btn" value="eBird Import" ></p> </div> <div id="ebirdwait" style=""> <H4>Please wait. Importing your eBird observations into myAvibase.</H4> <div id="ebirdprocessing" style="clear: both;"><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-4x"></i></div> <div id="ebirdwaitclose" style="display: none; margin-top: 15px;"> <div id="ebirdwaitmsg" style="color: blue; margin-top: 10px;"><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-4x"></i></div> <div id="ebirderr" style="color: red; margin-top: 10px; display: none;"></div> </div> </div> <div id="s_recover" style="display: none; width: 650px; margin-top: 12px;"> <p><div style="float: left; padding: 10px;"><input type="button" id="recover_all_btn" value="Recover all"></div> Click this button to recover all your lifelists, including those that you may have deleted since the last backup. </p> <p><div style="float: left; padding: 10px;"><input type="button" id="backup_btn" value="New backup"></div> Click this button to generate a new backup with the current lifelist data. Note that only the most recent backup can be used to recover data, so this action will erase the previous nightly backup.</p> <p><b>Your most recent backup was made on:</b> <span id="backup_dt" style="font-style: italic">Fri Dec 13 00:20:09 EST 2024 </span></p> </div> </div> <div id="s_continue" style="display: none" class="text-center"> <input type="button" class="btn btn-primary p-3 m-3" id="continue_btn" value="Display checklist"> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div id="s_results" style="display: none;"> </div> </div> <form target="_blank" id="csvform" name="csvform" action="/MyAvbZipCsv/" method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="csvlifelists" name="lifelists" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="csvdatefmt" name="datefmt" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="csvauthority" name="authority1" value=""> </form> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="text-center" style="padding: 20px;"> <P>Avibase has been visited <b>406,385,557</b> times since 24 June 2003. &copy; Denis Lepage | <a href="privacy.jsp">Privacy policy</a> <!-- Translation of this page in English provided by --></P> <center><a target="_blank" href=""><img id="birdingtop500" src="images/birdingtop500blank.png" border=0></a></center> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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