Advice & Support from YouTube Shorts Community - YouTube Creators
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Billions create, edit, watch and share short videos with YouTube Shorts. Whether you鈥檙e sharing your voice with the masses or just making funny videos for your friends, all you need is your phone and an idea, and you鈥檙e in the mix! Plus, Creators uploading both Shorts and longer videos are seeing better overall watch time and subscription growth. \n\n[UPLOAD A SHORT]({target=_blank}{.lb-button}{.lb-button--filled}", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2021-08-27T20:35:43Z", "duration": "PT42S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Earn with YouTube Shorts", "description": "Current YouTube Partner Program Creators who make Shorts will be eligible for revenue sharing on ads that are viewed between videos in the Shorts Feed.", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2022-09-20T17:35:39Z", "duration": "PT4M52S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" } ] </script> </head> <body> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript ><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display: none; visibility: hidden" ></iframe ></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0" class="lb-hide" > <defs> <path d="M15.71 15.03L4.69 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class="ytc-main ytc-main--shorts"> <section class="ytc-hero ytc-module ytc-module--x-small"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-hero__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x' }" src="" alt="YouTube Shorts" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-hero__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x' }" src="" alt="YouTube Shorts" /> <h1 class="lb-font-display-2 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-hero__heading" > Create鈥揳nd earn鈥搘ith short form video on YouTube </h1> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-m ytc-font-body ytc-hero__desc"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Creativity isn鈥檛 bound to one type of video鈥揳nd with Shorts, now neither are you. Billions create, edit, watch and share short videos with YouTube Shorts. Whether you鈥檙e sharing your voice with the masses or just making funny videos for your friends, all you need is your phone and an idea, and you鈥檙e in the mix! Plus, Creators uploading both Shorts and longer videos are seeing better overall watch time and subscription growth. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="lb-button lb-button--filled" rel="noopener noreferrer" >UPLOAD A SHORT</a > </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-video-card ytc-video-card--shorts" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard" > <div class="lb-player lb-player--shorts" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="J38Yq85ZoyY" lb-options="{ 'uid': 'J38Yq85ZoyY' }" ></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video" > <img class="ytc-video-card__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Create short form video with YouTube Shorts" /> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon" > <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> Create short form video with YouTube Shorts </div> </div> </button> </div> </section> <section id="what-is-shorts" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--img t-p-lockup-5465002854842368" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > So, what is YouTube Shorts? </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Shorts is the spot to shoot, share, and binge short videos (think 60 seconds or less) on YouTube. It鈥檚 where you can go to start trends, try out a dance challenge, bring your hilarious ideas to life, and more. </p> <p> So join in the fun and connect with fans and friends who will love what you鈥檙e putting out there. No fancy equipment needed, and no limit on what you can create. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link sm-only" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get started with YouTube Shorts</a > </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="So, what is YouTube Shorts?" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="So, what is YouTube Shorts?" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> <figcaption class="lb-margin-top-xs ytc-font-body ytc-content-image__caption" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> "I love Shorts! The tools are really easy to use and help me connect with more people. It's fun, quick, and easy!" </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener" >Goddess Earth Healing</a > </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'So%2C%20what%20is%20YouTube%20Shorts%3F', 'tabName': 'Make%20it%20with%20mobile' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-0" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Make it with mobile </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> YouTube Shorts lets you shoot and share vertical videos from the camera you carry everywhere: your phone. </p> <p> Just shoot a video on your phone and tweak the settings until it鈥檚 just right--you can speed up or slow down your recording speed, add filters, string videos together, add captions, and more. </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Try Shorts now</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link md-lg-only" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get started with YouTube Shorts</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for why you should create Shorts</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for filming on mobile</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'So%2C%20what%20is%20YouTube%20Shorts%3F', 'tabName': 'YouTube%20is%20your%20Shorts%20soundtrack' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-1" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> YouTube is your Shorts soundtrack </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Music and audio bring YouTube Shorts to life. You can sample songs or audio clips from any eligible video from the YouTube library, add it to your Shorts, and make video magic happen. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Learn more about sampling audio</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'So%2C%20what%20is%20YouTube%20Shorts%3F', 'tabName': 'Where%20your%20Shorts%20show%20up' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-2" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-5465002854842368', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Where your Shorts show up </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-5465002854842368-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Connect with the millions of YouTube viewers that are watching Shorts every day. </p> <p> People can find and watch Shorts on YouTube homepage, in the Shorts Tab on the YouTube app, and on your channel homepage. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >How people find your Shorts</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for using the content tab</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips about search & discovery</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="monetize-youtube-shorts" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module" > <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--reverse ytc-topic-lockup--video t-p-lockup-6721891513139200" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > Earn with YouTube Shorts </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Current YouTube Partner Program Creators who make Shorts will be eligible for revenue sharing on ads that are viewed between videos in the Shorts Feed. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="ENv6DaJPQv0" lb-options="{ 'uid': 'ENv6DaJPQv0' }" ></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video" > <img class="ytc-video-card__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Earn with YouTube Shorts" /> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon" > <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> Earning money with Shorts </div> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Earn%20with%20YouTube%20Shorts', 'tabName': 'Who%20is%20eligible%3F' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-0" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Who is eligible? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> If you鈥檙e already in the YouTube Partner Program, good news, you鈥檙e already eligible to turn on Shorts monetization. If you鈥檙e still on your way, we鈥檝e unlocked a new path to partnership for Shorts Creators for Creators with 1,000 subscribers and 10M eligible Shorts views over the past 90 days. Once thresholds are met, you can apply to the YouTube Partner Program. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Check if you鈥檝e crossed the threshold</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Earn%20with%20YouTube%20Shorts', 'tabName': 'How%20do%20I%20apply%3F' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-1" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How do I apply? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> If you've passed <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >the thresholds</a > explore the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >application requirements</a > and apply for the YouTube Partner Program. Once approved as a partner, you鈥檒l need to review and accept the relevant agreement in order to share ads revenue on Shorts. Revenue sharing will apply specifically to content viewed via the Shorts player and within the Shorts Feed. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Earn%20with%20YouTube%20Shorts', 'tabName': 'How%20does%20it%20work%3F' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-2" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6721891513139200', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How does it work? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6721891513139200-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> New and existing creators in the YouTube Partner Program will become eligible for revenue sharing on ads that are viewed between Shorts in the Shorts Feed. Each month, revenue from these ads will be added together and used to reward Shorts creators and help cover costs of music licensing. From the overall amount allocated to creators, they will keep 45% of the revenue, no matter if they use music in their Shorts. This revenue will be distributed to creators based on the number of views their Shorts get in each country. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Learn about the benefits of the YouTube Partner Program</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for how ads work on Shorts</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cpm" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--reverse ytc-topic-lockup--img t-p-lockup-6591090970984448" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > Join our invite-only Shorts Creator Community. </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Eligible Shorts creators can receive exclusive support, advice, and perks from our Community Partner Managers (CPMs) to help you grow your channel and really thrive. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Apply now</a > </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Join our invite-only Shorts Creator Community." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Join our invite-only Shorts Creator Community." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> <figcaption class="lb-margin-top-xs ytc-font-body ytc-content-image__caption" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p class="ytc-centered-type"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="lb-button lb-button--filled" rel="noopener" >Apply Now</a > </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Join%20our%20invite-only%20Shorts%20Creator%20Community.', 'tabName': 'Receive%20exclusive%20invitations' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-0" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Receive exclusive invitations </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Our selected Shorts creators will be invited to special events, opportunities, and workshops. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Join%20our%20invite-only%20Shorts%20Creator%20Community.', 'tabName': 'Collaborate%20with%20rising%20and%20established%20stars' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-1" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Collaborate with rising and established stars </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Expand your network and build new connections in the Shorts creator community and beyond. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Join%20our%20invite-only%20Shorts%20Creator%20Community.', 'tabName': 'Get%20insider%20insights' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-2" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Get insider insights </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Our Community Partner Managers will keep you informed on the latest Shorts trends, updates and tricks, and what they mean for your content. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Join%20our%20invite-only%20Shorts%20Creator%20Community.', 'tabName': 'Get%20Shorts%20strategy%20expertise' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-3" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-3" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6591090970984448', 'index': 3}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Get Shorts strategy expertise </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-content-3" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6591090970984448-header-3" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Learn more about Shorts best practices and tips for success directly from our experts. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="how-to-create-a-short" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-tabular-lockup ytc-module t-lockup-4701602281422848" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs ytc-panel-lockup__heading" > 5 Steps to create a YouTube Short </h2> <section lb-auto-init="YTCTabularSwitcher"> <div class="lbd-tablist__section lbd-js-section ytc-tabular-lockup__tab-section" > <div class="lbd-tablist__section-inner lbd-js-section-inner"> <div class="lb-tablist" lb-auto-init="LBTablist" lb-options="{'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'enableBroadcast': 'true'}" > <ul class="lb-tablist__tabs-wrapper lb-js-tablist-wrapper" role="tablist" aria-owns="t-lockup-4701602281422848-0 t-lockup-4701602281422848-1 t-lockup-4701602281422848-2 t-lockup-4701602281422848-3 t-lockup-4701602281422848-4" > <li class="lb-tablist__tab-container" role="presentation" lb-auto-init="YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'name': 'tablist', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Get%20set%20up' }" > <button class="lb-tablist__tab lb-js-tablist-tab" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-0" value="0" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true" role="tab" > <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead lb-font--no-crop" >01</span > <span class="ytc-list-title">Get set up</span> </button> </li> <li class="lb-tablist__tab-container" role="presentation" lb-auto-init="YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'name': 'tablist', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Choose%20your%20music' }" > <button class="lb-tablist__tab lb-js-tablist-tab" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-1" value="1" tabindex="-1" aria-selected="false" role="tab" > <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead lb-font--no-crop" >02</span > <span class="ytc-list-title">Choose your music</span> </button> </li> <li class="lb-tablist__tab-container" role="presentation" lb-auto-init="YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'name': 'tablist', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Record%20your%20video' }" > <button class="lb-tablist__tab lb-js-tablist-tab" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-2" value="2" tabindex="-1" aria-selected="false" role="tab" > <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead lb-font--no-crop" >03</span > <span class="ytc-list-title">Record your video</span> </button> </li> <li class="lb-tablist__tab-container" role="presentation" lb-auto-init="YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'name': 'tablist', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Time%20to%20edit' }" > <button class="lb-tablist__tab lb-js-tablist-tab" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-3" value="3" tabindex="-1" aria-selected="false" role="tab" > <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead lb-font--no-crop" >04</span > <span class="ytc-list-title">Time to edit</span> </button> </li> <li class="lb-tablist__tab-container" role="presentation" lb-auto-init="YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'name': 'tablist', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Upload%20and%20share' }" > <button class="lb-tablist__tab lb-js-tablist-tab" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-4" value="4" tabindex="-1" aria-selected="false" role="tab" > <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead lb-font--no-crop" >05</span > <span class="ytc-list-title">Upload and share</span> </button> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="lb-tabpanel-group lbd-js-tabpanel-group"> <div id="get-set-up" class="lb-tabpanel lb-tabpanel--open" lb-auto-init="LBTabpanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'panelIndex': '0', 'name': 'tabpanel', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Get%20set%20up' }" > <div class="lb-tabpanel__inner"> <div class="ytc-tabular-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Getting started is easy. Log in to your YouTube account (or create a new one) and tap the Create button in the YouTube app. Then tap "Create a Short". </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get started</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to get set up" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to get set up" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="choose-your-music" class="lb-tabpanel" lb-auto-init="LBTabpanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'panelIndex': '1', 'name': 'tabpanel', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Choose%20your%20music' }" > <div class="lb-tabpanel__inner"> <div class="ytc-tabular-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Use YouTube videos as your Shorts soundtrack. Here's how: once you've found a song or audio you're inspired by, tap the music icon, then tap "Use This Sound". </p> <p> Pro tip: you can also tap "Create" under the video's watch page player as a shortcut. </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to choose your music." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to choose your music." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="record-your-video" class="lb-tabpanel" lb-auto-init="LBTabpanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'panelIndex': '2', 'name': 'tabpanel', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Record%20your%20video' }" > <div class="lb-tabpanel__inner"> <div class="ytc-tabular-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> To record a clip, press and hold the capture button or tap it once to start and again to stop. You can change your recording speed, set a timer, and string clips together with just a few taps. </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to record your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to record your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="time-to-edit" class="lb-tabpanel" lb-auto-init="LBTabpanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'panelIndex': '3', 'name': 'tabpanel', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Time%20to%20edit' }" > <div class="lb-tabpanel__inner"> <div class="ytc-tabular-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Once you've recorded your Short, you can add filters and captions. You can add multiple caption snippets with Timeline and control when the text appears and disappears. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for editing Shorts</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to edit your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to edit your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="upload-and-share" class="lb-tabpanel" lb-auto-init="LBTabpanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'uid': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'panelIndex': '4', 'name': 'tabpanel', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Upload%20and%20share' }" > <div class="lb-tabpanel__inner"> <div class="ytc-tabular-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> You've filmed, you've filtered, now it's time to share your Short with the world. Once you're happy, tap "Next" to add a title. Then, just tap "Upload" to finish! </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for your upload schedule</a > </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Try Shorts now</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to upload your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to upload your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="get-set-up" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': true, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Get%20set%20up' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-0" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead" > 01 </span> Get set up </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Getting started is easy. Log in to your YouTube account (or create a new one) and tap the Create button in the YouTube app. Then tap "Create a Short". </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get started</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to get set up" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to get set up" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="choose-your-music" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Choose%20your%20music' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-1" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead" > 02 </span> Choose your music </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Use YouTube videos as your Shorts soundtrack. Here's how: once you've found a song or audio you're inspired by, tap the music icon, then tap "Use This Sound". </p> <p> Pro tip: you can also tap "Create" under the video's watch page player as a shortcut. </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to choose your music." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to choose your music." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="record-your-video" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Record%20your%20video' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-2" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead" > 03 </span> Record your video </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> To record a clip, press and hold the capture button or tap it once to start and again to stop. You can change your recording speed, set a timer, and string clips together with just a few taps. </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to record your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to record your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="time-to-edit" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Time%20to%20edit' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-3" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-3" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'index': 3}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead" > 04 </span> Time to edit </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-3" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-3" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Once you've recorded your Short, you can add filters and captions. You can add multiple caption snippets with Timeline and control when the text appears and disappears. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for editing Shorts</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to edit your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to edit your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="upload-and-share" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': '5%20Steps%20to%20create%20a%20YouTube%20Short', 'tabName': 'Upload%20and%20share' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-4" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-4" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-lockup-4701602281422848', 'index': 4}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> <span class="lb-font-subhead ytc-list-number ytc-font-subhead" > 05 </span> Upload and share </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-lockup-4701602281422848-content-4" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-lockup-4701602281422848-header-4" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> You've filmed, you've filtered, now it's time to share your Short with the world. Once you're happy, tap "Next" to add a title. Then, just tap "Upload" to finish! </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get Creator Tips for your upload schedule</a > </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Try Shorts now</a > </p> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to upload your video." /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Mobile phone screen showing how to upload your video." /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="inspo" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--img t-p-lockup-6627025718345728" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > Keep the inspo going </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Get ideas, tips, and more from the folks who know Shorts best, including your fellow Creators and members of the YouTube team. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Keep the inspo going" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Keep the inspo going" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> <figcaption class="lb-margin-top-xs ytc-font-body ytc-content-image__caption" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> "Shorts has boosted my content and let me reach more people. Making short videos is a fun new way to express myself!" </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener" >Lizzy Capri</a > </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Keep%20the%20inspo%20going', 'tabName': 'Visit%20the%20Shorts%20tab' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-0" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Visit the Shorts tab </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> What's more inspiring than your fellow Creators? Check out the Shorts tab on the YouTube app to browse what other Creators are doing, watch what's trending, or just to get the creative juices flowing. </p> <p class="sm-only"> <a href="" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Visit the Shorts tab</a > </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link md-lg-only" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get the app</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Keep%20the%20inspo%20going', 'tabName': 'Get%20tips%20on%20Shorts' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-1" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Get tips on Shorts </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Explore the tried-and-true ways to make your Shorts great by watching videos on everything from smoothing out your transitions to creating catchy intros. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Check out our Shorts channel playlist</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'Keep%20the%20inspo%20going', 'tabName': 'Sign%20up%20for%20The%20Shorts%20Report' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-2" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6627025718345728', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Sign up for The Shorts Report </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6627025718345728-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> The Shorts Report is a twice monthly report that shares Shorts best practices to help you create, no matter where you're starting from. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Get the Shorts Report</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="lb-footer" role="contentinfo" lb-auto-init="LBCustomFooter" lb-options="{ 'bareUrl': '/creators/shorts/', 'locales': 'ja_ALL,es_us,en_au,en_ca,en_hk,en_in,en_ke,en_ng,en_us,en_uk,en_tw,en_za,ko_ALL,hi_ALL,zh-TW_hk,zh-TW_ALL,id_ALL,vi_ALL,th_ALL,pt-BR_ALL,es_ALL,fr_ca,fr_ALL,de_ALL,ru_ALL,ar_ALL,cs_ALL,nl_ALL,hu_ALL,it_ALL,pl_ALL,pt-PT_ALL,ro_ALL,es_es,sv_ALL,tr_ALL,uk_ALL,en_vn,en_th,en_id,en_ph,en_br' }" ></footer> <!-- HATS survey --> <script src="" nonce="-kA1C03UplKATZQPbVRWMg"></script> <script src="/creators/static/compiled/index.min.js" nonce="-kA1C03UplKATZQPbVRWMg"></script> </body> </html>