Genesis 45 ISV
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Leave me!” As a result, none of his staff<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:1 Lit. result, no man">a</a></span> was anywhere near<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:1 Lit. was standing nearby">b</a></span> him when he revealed himself to his brothers. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>2</b></a></span>He cried so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, including Pharaoh’s household.</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>3</b></a></span>Joseph blurted out, “I’m Joseph! Is my father really alive?” But his brothers could not answer him, because they had become terrified<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:3 Or dismayed">c</a></span> to be in his presence.</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>4</b></a></span>Joseph implored his brothers, “Please come close to me.” So they did.</p> <p class="reg">“I’m your brother Joseph, whom you sold into slavery in<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:4 The Heb. lacks slavery in">d</a></span> Egypt!” he told them. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>5</b></a></span>“But<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:5 Or So">e</a></span> don’t be distressed or angry at yourselves because you sold me here, because God sent me ahead of you all in order to deliver us.<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:5 The Heb. lacks us">f</a></span> <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>6</b></a></span>That’s because this famine has been going on for two years now in this region, and there are still five years left, during which there won’t be any plowing or harvesting. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>7</b></a></span>God sent me ahead of you to keep you alive on the earth, and to save you all in a magnificent way. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>8</b></a></span>As a result, it wasn’t you who sent me here, but God himself! He established me as a father-figure to Pharaoh himself! I’m in charge of his entire palace and ruler over the entire land of Egypt. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>9</b></a></span>So hurry up, go back to my father, and tell him that his son Joseph tells him, ‘God has made me master of all of Egypt. Hurry up! Come live with me!’ <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>10</b></a></span>You are to live in the land of Goshen, near where I am—you, your children, your grandchildren, your flocks, your herds, and everything that you own. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>11</b></a></span>I’ll provide for you there, since there are still five years of famine left to go, and you, your households, and everything you own would have otherwise become impoverished.</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>12</b></a></span>“Look, now! All of you can see me! And my own brother Benjamin can tell that it’s really me<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:12 Lit. it’s my mouth">g</a></span> speaking to you! <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>13</b></a></span>So go tell my father about all of my splendor in Egypt. Tell him about everything that you’ve seen. Be quick about it, and bring my father down here!”</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>14</b></a></span>Then he threw his arms around Benjamin<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:14 Lit. he collapsed on Benjamin’s neck">h</a></span> and wept as they embraced.<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:14 Lit. as Benjamin wept on his neck">i</a></span> <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>15</b></a></span>He kissed all of his brothers and wept with them, too, and then his brothers were able to talk with him.</p> <p class="heading">Pharaoh is Pleased</p><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>16</b></a></span>As soon as the news reached Pharaoh’s palace that Joseph’s brothers had arrived, Pharaoh and his servants were ecstatic. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>17</b></a></span>Pharaoh told Joseph, “Be sure to tell your brothers, ‘Do this: load up your livestock, go back to the land of Canaan, <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>18</b></a></span>get your father and your households, and come back to me. I’ll give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can live off the abundance of the land.’ <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>19</b></a></span>In addition,” Pharaoh ordered, “Do this: take some transport wagons from the land of Egypt for your little ones to ride in, along with your wives, and bring your father and come! <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>20</b></a></span>Don’t worry about your household goods, because the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.”</p> <p class="heading">Joseph’s Brothers Go Back Home</p><p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>21</b></a></span>So Israel’s sons did what they were asked to do, and Joseph provided wagons for them, as Pharaoh had commanded. He also gave them provisions for the journey. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>22</b></a></span>He gave each of them some changes of clothes, but he also gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver and five changes of clothes. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>23</b></a></span>He sent his father ten male donkeys loaded with the best of Egyptian goods and ten female donkeys loaded with grain, bread, and provisions for his father during the journey. <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>24</b></a></span>Then Joseph<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:24 Lit. he">j</a></span> sent his brothers away, and they left for home.<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:24 The Heb. lacks for home">k</a></span> As they were leaving, Joseph admonished them, “Don’t quarrel on the way back!”</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>25</b></a></span>So Joseph’s brothers<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:25 Lit. So they">l</a></span> left Egypt and returned to the land of Canaan and to their father Jacob, <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>26</b></a></span>where they informed their father, “Joseph is still alive! As a matter of fact, he’s ruling the entire land of Egypt.” But Jacob didn’t believe them, because he had become cynical.<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:26 Lit. because his heart had become numb">m</a></span> <span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>27</b></a></span>However, as soon as his sons<span class="fn"><a href="#ftn" title="45:27 Lit. as they">n</a></span> had told him everything Joseph had said, and after he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent along to carry him, their father Jacob’s spirit was encouraged.</p> <p class="reg"><span class="reftext"><a href=""><b>28</b></a></span>“It’s enough,” Israel replied. “My son Joseph is still alive. I’m going to go see him before I die!”</p><hr size="1" color="DDEEFF"><span class="mainfootnotes"><A name="ftn"></a><span class="mainfootnoteshdg">Footnotes:</span><br><span class="fn1"><span class="fnb">a</span> 45:1 Lit. <i>result, no man</i><br /><span class="fnb">b</span> 45:1 Lit. <i>was standing nearby</i><br /><span class="fnb">c</span> 45:3 Or <i>dismayed</i><br /><span class="fnb">d</span> 45:4 The Heb. lacks <i>slavery in</i><br /><span class="fnb">e</span> 45:5 Or <i>So</i><br /><span class="fnb">f</span> 45:5 The Heb. lacks <i>us</i><br /><span class="fnb">g</span> 45:12 Lit. <i>it’s my mouth</i><br /><span class="fnb">h</span> 45:14 Lit. <i>he collapsed on Benjamin’s neck</i><br /><span class="fnb">i</span> 45:14 Lit. <i>as Benjamin wept on his neck</i><br /><span class="fnb">j</span> 45:24 Lit. <i>he</i><br /><span class="fnb">k</span> 45:24 The Heb. lacks <i>for home</i><br /><span class="fnb">l</span> 45:25 Lit. <i>So they</i><br /><span class="fnb">m</span> 45:26 Lit. <i>because his heart had become numb</i><br /><span class="fnb">n</span> 45:27 Lit. <i>as they</i><br /></span><br><br><hr size="1" color="DDEEFF"><div align="center"><div id="botbox"><div class="padbot"><div align="center">The Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.1<br />Copyright © 1996-2012 The ISV Foundation<br />ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY.<span class="p"><br /><br /></span><a href="/">Bible Hub</a></div></div></div></div></td></tr></table></div><div id="left"><a href="../genesis/44.htm" onmouseover='lft.src="/leftgif.png"' onmouseout='lft.src="/left.png"' title="Genesis 44"><img src="/left.png" name="lft" border="0" alt="Genesis 44" /></a></div><div id="right"><a href="../genesis/46.htm" onmouseover='rght.src="/rightgif.png"' onmouseout='rght.src="/right.png"' title="Genesis 46"><img src="/right.png" name="rght" border="0" alt="Genesis 46" /></a></div><div id="botleft"><a href="#" onmouseover='botleft.src="/botleftgif.png"' onmouseout='botleft.src="/botleft.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botleft.png" name="botleft" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div><div id="botright"><a href="#" onmouseover='botright.src="/botrightgif.png"' onmouseout='botright.src="/botright.png"' title="Top of Page"><img src="/botright.png" name="botright" border="0" alt="Top of Page" /></a></div></td></tr></table></div><div id="rightbox"><div class="padright"><div id="pic"><iframe width="100%" height="860" scrolling="no" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></div></div><div id="rightbox4"><div class="padright2"><div id="spons1"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="sp1"><iframe width="122" height="860" scrolling="no" src="../sidemenu.htm" frameborder="0"></iframe></td></tr></table></div></div></div><div id="bot"><div align="center" style="background-color:#F2FAFF"><br /><br /><div class="bot2"><table align="center" width="100%"><tr><td><script async src="//"></script> <!-- Bible Hub Responsive 2 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3753401421161123" data-ad-slot="6710025936" data-ad-format="auto"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script></td></tr></table><br /><br /><table align="center" width="100%"><tr><td><script async src="//"></script> <!-- Bible Hub Responsive 2 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3753401421161123" data-ad-slot="6710025936" data-ad-format="auto"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script></td></tr></table></div><br /><br /> </div><iframe width="100%" height="1500" scrolling="no" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe><div align="center"><span class="p"><br /><br /><br /></span></div></div></td></tr></table></div></body></html>