UK Conformity Assessed - Control Union United Kingdom
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overlay-underlined color-light mt-30 mt-md-60 mb-20 mb-md-40"> Our global activities </h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="no-list global_activities"> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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0 0 0 0-3.57"/><path d="m47.5 27.5a5 5 0 1 1 5.05-5.05 5.06 5.06 0 0 1 -5.05 5.05m0-15.05a10 10 0 1 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10-10"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Inspections" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Inspections </span> </a> </li> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-1" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 56.18" xmlns=""><path d="m11.7 0a11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.7 11.43 10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.75 7.27l7.46 9.4c1.37 1.74 1.6 1.92 3 0l7.46-9.39a10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.76-7.28 11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.73-11.43zm0 19.5a8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.3 8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.3 8.07z"/><path d="m73.39 1.76a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.6 21.11c0 5.58 1.71 9.18 5.08 13.42l13.78 17.36c2.53 3.21 3 3.55 5.5 0l13.76-17.34c3.37-4.25 5.09-7.84 5.09-13.44a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.61-21.11zm0 36a15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26-14.89 15.26 15.26 0 0 1 30.52 0 15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26 14.91z"/><path d="m29.6 27.23 14.25 28.93h25.54l-8.23-10.41h-12.75l-14.26-26.11h-11.29l-6.07 7.59z"/><path d="m10.7 11.91h2.67a32 32 0 0 0 -1.32-4.25 31 31 0 0 0 -1.36 4.25m-3.16 3.73a53.57 53.57 0 0 1 3.16-9.58h2.83a54.64 54.64 0 0 1 3.18 9.58v.1h-2.4l-.49-2.08h-3.56l-.49 2.08h-2.23z"/><path d="m73.63 29.25c1.72 0 2.62-.55 2.62-2.27s-1-2.2-2.7-2.2h-2.8v4.48zm-.08-7.6a2.17 2.17 0 0 0 2.33-2.3c0-1.48-.88-2.05-2.33-2.05h-2.8v4.35zm-7.2-7.75h8.23c3.65 0 5.68 1.58 5.68 4.93a4.41 4.41 0 0 1 -2.4 4.05 4.16 4.16 0 0 1 2.78 4.18c0 3.85-2.2 5.6-6.05 5.6h-8.24z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Logistics" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Logistics </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="no-list global_activities"> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-2" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 74.59" xmlns=""><path 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14.69v5l-.34-.33c-.22.24-.44.45-.66.66a8 8 0 0 1 -5 2.35h-.15a8 8 0 0 1 -5-2.33c-.23-.21-.45-.44-.68-.68-.33.33-.66.63-1 .91v-5.58zm-11.77-33.89h-4l2-2.73zm-3.75-8.34h3.45l-1.7 2.38zm4.95 10.26-3.19 3-3.19-3zm1.26 9.87h-8.9l4.45-4.22zm.13 1.92-4.52 4.28-4.52-4.28zm-4.52 6.91 5 4.74h-10zm5.74 2.8-4.35-4.13 4.35-4.12zm-.23-13.2-4.18-3.93 3.06-2.9zm-1.81-11.05-2.58-3.52 1.64-2.23zm-5.56-14h3.78v3.89h-3.78zm-.87 8.47 1.48 2-2.33 3.18zm-1.64 9.87 2.91 2.78-4 3.77zm-1.33 11.72 4.33 4.06-4.33 4.1zm4.83 18.66v6.71a6.6 6.6 0 0 1 -3.15.95c-1.92 0-3.85-1.07-5.77-3-.23.25-.46.47-.69.69a10.12 10.12 0 0 1 -2.8 1.82v-7.17zm-13.42-16.89h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.93 0h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.92 2.2v-2.2h2.77v2.2z"/><path d="m64.77 3h-1.34c-2.06 0-4.64 2.74-6.23 4.89-1.26 1.7-1.54 1.93-1.5 3.21s1.12 2.4 3.54 2.4h2.35l-.23.44-.2.38-.8 1.43-.13.24h-.5a18.92 18.92 0 0 1 -2-.32l-.93-.19-.08.37-. 19.71 0 0 0 2.06.33 20 20 0 0 0 2.08.1h5.29a20 20 0 0 0 2.08-.1 19.72 19.72 0 0 0 2.06-.33l.86-.21v-.37l-.08-.37-.93.19a18.9 18.9 0 0 1 -1.99.35h-.46l-.13-.35-.51-1.25a7 7 0 0 0 -.41-.92c2-.15 3.13-.65 3.79-1.33 1.37-1.4 3.08-1.81 5-2.12l5.14-.83c2.16-.17 3.4-5.45 2.83-5.48-.09 0-1.39-.15-1.53.07-.8 1.29-.73 2.71-3.16 2.63l-3.85-.13h-.13c-4.14-.14-3.05.13-4-1.65-.85-1.64-3.79-1.64-4.58-1.64h-1.49v-1.62l15.13-.63v-.75l-4.64.19-10.49.44v-.26h-.75v.26l-7.41-.31-7.68-.32v.75l15.12.63zm-5.09 6.45c-2.31 0 1-4.39 3.42-4.86a1.71 1.71 0 0 1 .32 0h1.09a.22.22 0 0 1 .21.21v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-4.78zm5.92-4.65a.26.26 0 0 1 .26-.26h2.46a.26.26 0 0 1 .26.26v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-2.47a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26-.26zm.5 8.73h.52a4.68 4.68 0 0 1 .58 1.14l.39 1 .14.38h-6.68l.16-.3.59-1.06.21-.4a6.47 6.47 0 0 1 .46-.78z"/><path d="m74.33 55.65 5.92 12.2a1.11 1.11 0 0 0 1.49-1.05 1.71 1.71 0 1 1 3.41 0 1.12 1.12 0 0 0 1.54 1l5.91-12.18-8.3-5.08v4.7a.84.84 0 1 1 -1.68 0v-4.7z"/><path d="m81.79 42.2v4.1h-1.68v2.61h-3.92v2.97l7.28-4.48 7.26 4.47v-2.96h-3.91v-2.61h-1.67v-4.1z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" 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Assessed </span> </h1> </div> <div class="page_content pt-20 pt-sm-40 pl-md-20 mb-xs-20 mb-60"> <div class="page_intro mb-20 mb-sm-40 t-bold"> Companies wishing to place construction goods on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), and Northern Ireland, are required to comply with a British standard after 30th June 2025. Control Union (UK) provides UK Conformity Assessment (UKCA) Marking, currently for timber products. </div> <div class="mb-20 mb-sm-40 item_content"> <p>UKCA Marking became part of UK law on 31st January 2021, with the coming into force of The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. UKCA Marking is mandatory after 30th June 2025 and until then, the European Conformity (CE) Mark is accepted as a valid alternative.</p> <p>Different rules apply for placing goods on the market in Northern Ireland.</p> <p>The scope and procedures of the UKCA scheme will initially follow those for <a href="">CE Marking</a>.</p> <p>Before a product can be certified, an auditor from Control Union (UK) will assess whether the product meets the required standard. During the initial assessment, the compliance of the product and its manufacturing process are checked. Initial testing of the product might be required as well before a product certificate is issued. After the initial assessment, conformance of the product and its manufacturing process will continue with internal and external quality assurance.<br /><br />Full information on the UKCA Mark can be found <a href="">here</a>.<br /><br />A list of the companies certified by Control Union (UK) under UKCA can be found <a href="/ukca-certified-companies">here</a>.<br /><br /></p> <aside class="widget-unordered-list background-grey p-default"> <h3 class="mt-0 mb-30">How you benefit</h3> <ul> <li>UKCA certification ensures that products are safe for the user reducing damage and number of liability claims.</li> <li>CE marked products no longer need to be adapted to specific national requirements of each EEA member state.</li> <li>Control Union has a global network of offices. This allows us to make our work more efficient and cost effective for our customers, whilst upholding the same stringent professional auditing and certification procedures.</li> </ul> </aside> <p><br /><br /></p> </div> </div> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-6 clearfix" id="grid-certificationscontrolleratindex-content" data-blocks="6"> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-pull-8 sidebar pull-up fill-left"> <div class="side-navigation"> <div class="widget widget-navigation side-navigation"> <div class="navigation_title hidden-xs"></div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-stack grid-stack-1 clearfix" id="grid-certificationscontrolleratindex-sidebar" data-blocks="1"> <div class="grid-stack-item" id="widget-1" data-gs-x="0" data-gs-y="0" data-gs-width="1" data-gs-height="1"> <div class="widget widget-contact widget-primary p-small clearfix"> <h4 class="title-underlined t-uc mb-30 mt-0">Can we help you?</h4> <div class="clearfix"> <img 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