FusionDesign | Get Your 2024 Growth Hacks Here
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This is where growth hacking comes into play - a set of techniques designed to quickly grow and scale a business. It involves identifying creative, low-cost solutions to enhance your brand's visibility and outreach. From social media marketing to email campaigns, there are numerous growth hacks available that can help your brand stand out. According to recent statistics, businesses that utilise growth hacking techniques achieve acquisition three times faster.</p> <p><strong>Transforming your business with incremental improvements</strong></p> <p>Your business is a micro-economy, meaning that small and gradual adjustments can have a significant impact on its overall health and vitality. As we approach the new year, consider taking steps to reduce downtime and overtime by automating certain actions. These simple changes can lead to big improvements for your business.</p> <p>So, if you're ready to take your brand to the next level, continue reading for some of the most effective growth hacks in digital marketing today!</p> <p><img src="images/blog/GROWTH HACK 2.jpeg" alt="Image" class="img-responsive"></p> <p><strong>The "Hacks"</strong></p> <p>1. Use <strong>SEO</strong> to target your audience. SEO is a crucial component of digital marketing that can generate greater online visibility for your brand. Its primary objective is to optimise your content, be it a homepage, landing page, or blog, to enable existing and potential customers to locate it effortlessly. This strategy not only drives traffic but also enhances user experience and, ultimately, elevates your credibility and influence within your industry. <br><br> 2. Develop a strong <strong>call to action</strong>. Fact: 70% of brands do not have a strong call to action, which leads to loss of sales and failure. <br><br> 3. Give your brand a voice and showcase your products or services through <strong>video marketing</strong>. It’s accessible, shareable and has built-in value that can make a true impact on your audience. <br><br> 4. Use good quality and striking <strong>images</strong>. When it comes to taking the final steps before actually committing to making a purchase, visuals are crucial. <br><br> 5. Link <strong>knowledge</strong> to your brand. Make videos or write ‘tips and tricks’ on the best ways to enjoy your product. This type of content is always a great visual asset to have as it encourages people to share your product or business on social media with their friends. Other ways to link knowledge and expertise to your brand is through bloggers, content creators and social media influencers. <br><br> 6. Use Top trending digital marketing techniques like <strong>Email Marketing</strong> or <strong>Personalised Messaging</strong>. <br><br> Some interesting stats to consider: <ul><li>41.6% of all email opens occur on mobile, 40.6% on webmail and only 16% on desktop.</li> <li>Personalised subject lines can increase open rates by 50% compared to generic subject lines.</li> <li>Marketers who use personalisation in their subject lines see 29% more opens.</li> <li>89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead generation.</li> <li>Roughly 67% of people prefer HTML and image-based emails, but plain-text emails have proven to provide higher open and clickthrough rates. </li> <li>Adding video to an email can increase click-through rates by 200-300%. </li></ul> <br> 7. Deliver information fast: Use <strong>Infographics</strong>. The use of charts, maps, graphs and diagrams attracts and maintains attention to information more than words ever could. Why? They communicate important information faster and are visually appealing. </p> <p><img src="images/blog/GROWTH HACK 3.jpeg" alt="Image" class="img-responsive"></p> <p>Growth hacking is crucial for any brand looking to achieve rapid growth and success. With the right strategies and tactics, you can create a strong online presence, attract more customers, and build a loyal customer base. By utilising the growth hacks above, you can take your brand to the next level and achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible. So go ahead, experiment with different methods, and watch your brand thrive! Remember, with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible! </p> </div> <!-- <div class="fd-blog-author-block"> <div class="fditw"> <div class="fditi"> <img src="/images/team/1-Carmen-Lerm-FusionDesign-Agency-Cape-Town.png"> </div> <div class="fditt"> Written by Carmen Lerm </div> </div> <div class="fcabt"> <p><strong><i>Get started today!</i></strong></p> <p>CALL 0861 321 777 or EMAIL <a href=""></a></p> </div> </div> --> </div><!-- /.entry-content --> </div><!-- /.tr-post --> </div><!-- /.blog-content --> <!-- <div class="tr-comment"> <ul class="post-comment tr-list"> <li> <div class="commenter-avatar"> <a href="#"><img class="img-responsive img-circle" src="images/others/author1.png" alt="Image"></a> </div> <div class="comment-box media-body tr-bg-white tr-before"> <span class="title">Mark Grey</span> <span><a href="#">15 minutes ago</a></span> <p>The development of the mass spectrometer allowed the mass of atoms to be measured with increased accuracy. The device uses a magnet to bend the trajectory of a beam of ions, and the amount.</p> </div> <ul class="comment-meta list-inline pull-right"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i>Reply (1)</a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i>15</a></li> </ul> <ul class="children tr-list"> <li> <div class="commenter-avatar"> <a href="#"><img class="img-responsive img-circle" src="images/others/author3.png" alt="Image"></a> </div> <div class="comment-box media-body tr-bg-white tr-before"> <span class="title">Bredley one</span> <span><a href="#">10 minutes ago</a></span> <p>The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are attracted to each other by a different force, the nuclear force.</p> </div> <ul class="comment-meta list-inline pull-right"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i> Reply</a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-heart"></i> 46</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <form action="#" class="tr-form comment-form"> <div class="commenter-avatar"> <a 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