AAA International Relations

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Additional resources can also be found by following this link: <a class="aaa-link" href="aaamembers.html" target="new">Benefits for AAA Members Traveling Overseas</a>. </p> <h3>Emergency Roadside Assistance</h3> <p>If visiting for 90 days or less, you are entitled to BASIC Emergency Roadside Assistance. <a class="aaa-link" href="internationalaffiliates.html" target="new">Follow this link</a> for more details on BASIC Emergency Roadside Assistance. With AAA, the membership cardholder is covered for emergency road service, not the car. Recreation vehicles (RVs) and motorcycles are not covered by these BASIC road services.</p> <p><img width="100%" src="images/home-assets/TowTruck.jpg"></p> <h3>Contact Information</h3> <p><span class="regularText">The phone number for AAA's Emergency Road Service is 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357) within the U.S. or Canada only. Your service call will be routed to the appropriate territory based on where you are located. You will be required to show your current home club membership card in order to obtain services from AAA. <br> <br>To locate a nearby AAA office, please use your mobile phone or other device to search for the AAA office closest to your location.</span></p> <h3>Publications</h3> <p>AAA paper maps, AAA TourBooks, and AAA Travel products, services and accessories are available for purchase in AAA Club offices for FIA or GMA member clubs.</p> <h3>Travel Information &amp; Services</h3> <p>Contact your home club to inquire about access to AAA online travel tools, including TripTik® Travel Planner which includes digital maps, personalized itineraries and all the content of AAA’s TourBooks®, as well as car and hotel reservations. <!-- or <a class="aaa-link" href="//" target="new"><span style="color:#3349FF">CLICK HERE</span></a>. --></p> <p><img style="max-width:100%" src="images/home-assets/iStock-1299198919-Beach.jpg"></p> <h3>Global Discounts Program</h3> <p>Savings are also extended to members of all international SYC&amp;S® and SYC!® clubs. <a class="aaa-link" href="offers.pdf" title="AAA National Discounts" target="new">Follow this link</a> to access a list of AAA national partners offering savings in the United States. <a class="aaa-link" href="discountcard.pdf" title="International Discount Card" target="new">Download </a>and print a temporary AAA International Member Discount Card that is valid only when presented with an original and current membership card from an international club showing the AAA Discounts &amp; Rewards®, Show Your Card &amp; Save® or Show Your Card!® logo.</p> <p><strong>In order to receive AAA discounts, international club members must also present a valid home club membership card.</strong></p> <h3>Travel Information and Travel Documents</h3> <p>Visit any of the following links to request information and/or application forms for:</p> <ul class="mds-ul"> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="" target="new">Carnet de Passages en Douane</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="disabledparkingpermit.html" target="new">Disabled Permit</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="exportvehicle.html" target="new">Purchasing a Vehicle to Export</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="" target="new">Camping Cards International</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="//" target="new">Passport information and guidelines</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="internationalaffiliates.html" target="new">Benefits for International Automobile Club Members Traveling to the United States</a></li> <li><a class="aaa-link" href="aaamembers.html" target="new">Benefits for AAA Members Traveling Overseas</a></li> </ul> <p class="mds-textS">If you need additional information, please contact <a href="" target="_blank" class="aaa-link">AAA International Relations</a><br><br>AAA (the American Automobile Association, Inc.) is a federation of affiliated automobile clubs. Each AAA club is an independent, not-for-profit organization, chartered and incorporated in its own state and controlled by its own Board of Directors. In order to be affiliated with AAA, each club agrees to provide certain standard services to its own members, as well as members of other AAA clubs. The individual club owns the territory in which it resides, and membership is based on residence. Exact dues and services will vary slightly between clubs.</p> </div> </div> </main> <!--Footer--> <footer id="footer" class="mds-content mds-paddingXL mds-text--center" role="contentinfo" aria-label="Footer"> <p>&copy; <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script> AAA Travel</p> </footer> </div> <!-- end --> <script src="" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src=""></script> <script async="async" src="js/jquery-listnav.js"></script> <script async="async" src="js/main.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $('#countriesListFilter').listnav({ includeNums: false }); }); </script> <!-- Start of LiveChat ( code --> <script> window.__lc = window.__lc || {}; window.__lc.license = 8582726; ;(function(n,t,c){function i(n){return e._h?e._h.apply(null,n):e._q.push(n)}var e={_q:[],_h:null,_v:"2.0",on:function(){i(["on",])},once:function(){i(["once",])},off:function(){i(["off",])},get:function(){if(!e._h)throw new Error("[LiveChatWidget] You can't use getters before load.");return i(["get",])},call:function(){i(["call",])},init:function(){var n=t.createElement("script");n.async=!0,n.type="text/javascript",n.src="",t.head.appendChild(n)}};!n.__lc.asyncInit&&e.init(),n.LiveChatWidget=n.LiveChatWidget||e}(window,document,[].slice)) </script> <noscript><a href="" rel="nofollow">Chat with us</a>, powered by <a href="" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">LiveChat</a></noscript> <!-- End of LiveChat code --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3&ns=4&cb=1594536597" async></script></body> </html>

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