Data file protection - KONE Singapore
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KONE’s new high-rise solutions will help smartly augment the built environment and future-proof your buildings. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-132866-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">High-Rise solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Office Flow</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Office Flow is a modular, connected solution that adapts with the needs of your building and its users, providing smooth people flow with touch-free access and personalized user experiences that make office environments more attractive and efficient. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-132867-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">High-Rise solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Digital Experience Elevators</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Digital Experience elevators </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-132868-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">High-Rise solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE High-Rise MiniSpace™ DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Unleash new possibilities with energy savings and lower carbon emissions across the lifecycle. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/high-rise-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-10929-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> High-Rise solutions</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="0" href="/high-rise-solutions/office-flow.aspx" data-info="tcm:95-132866-64"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> KONE Office Flow</span> </span> <span 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</li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/new-buildings/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:95-899-4"><span class="text">New buildings</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-899-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/new-buildings/"> New buildings </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover how KONE provides world-class services and innovative solutions for new buildings – all you need for smooth people flow </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-904-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevators | Lifts</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover the new KONE DX Smart Elevator for passenger lifts, with built-in connectivity to future-proof your building and deliver a redefined user experience. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6239-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators | Lifts > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE MonoSpace® DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover the machine room-less KONE MonoSpace® DX passenger elevator for low and mid-rise residential and commercial buildings. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6240-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators | Lifts > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE MiniSpace™ DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Explore KONE MiniSpace™ DX for your home lift in Singapore, featuring a compact machine room and digital connectivity for mid and high-rise buildings. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6241-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators | Lifts > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TranSys™ DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover the machine room-less KONE TranSys™ DX goods and passenger elevator for demanding people flow environments like public transport, retail, and medical facilities. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6242-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators | Lifts > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator connectivity</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover how KONE’s smart elevator solutions with built-in connectivity add value and make your building a more attractive prospect for tenants and visitors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6244-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Elevators | Lifts > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator interior design</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover how KONE DX Class elevators help you bring your design vision to life and create an elevator experience that helps your building connect with people and make a lasting impression. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-906-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Escalators</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE is a leading escalator & moving walkway manufacturer providing ideal solution for moving people horizontally in shopping mall or airport. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-17516-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TravelMaster 110</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about the highly eco-efficient KONE TravelMaster 110 escalator – optimized for retail environments to ensure a pleasant shopping experience. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-17549-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TransitMaster 120</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about the highly durable and eco-efficient KONE TransitMaster 120 escalator – optimized for transit centers to ensure a pleasant passenger experience, even under the most demanding traffic conditions. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-17561-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Escalators > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TransitMaster 140</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> The KONE TransitMaster™ 140 is a highly durable escalator designed for the most demanding public transportation environments, such as metro stations and airports. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-3439-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Autowalks</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE is a leading autowalk & moving walkway manufacturer providing ideal solution for moving people horizontally in shopping mall or airport. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-53595-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TravelMaster 115</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> An inclined autowalk designed to provide easy and safe access throughout your building, even when passengers are moving with a heavy cart or pushing a baby stroller. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-53593-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE TransitMaster 165/185</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> The KONE TransitMaster™ 165/185 is a heavy-duty autowalk primarily targeted towards the infrastructure segment with demanding traffic conditions, such as airports, railways as well as stadiums and other transit centers. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-53594-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Autowalks > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE InnoTrack</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our revolutionary autowalk solution that requires no pit and offers unparalleled flexibility. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-927-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Advanced People Flow Solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Advanced People Flow Solutions integrate equipment and devices into one holistic smart building solution. The result is a seamless user experience from front door to final destination—a new way to make everyday life easier. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-53601-64"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE turnstiles</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn more about KONE turnstiles – stylish and durable access control solutions for managing people flow in your building. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6246-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Access solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn how KONE’s integrated access control helps tenants travel smoothly and safely from the building entrance to their home floor. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6247-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Destination solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn how KONE destination solutions reduce waiting and travel times by taking into account the number of passengers and their destination floors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6245-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Infotainment solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover KONE information solutions – a convenient way to share content as well as building and safety information in elevator cars and other building areas. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6248-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Monitoring solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about KONE monitoring solutions, which enable real-time inspection of elevator and escalator operation across multiple locations via a single interface. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-7108-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">New buildings > Advanced People Flow Solutions > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Health and well-being solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Handrail Sanitizer uses ultraviolet light to gradually disinfect escalator and autowalk handrails. The process is chemical free and safe. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/new-buildings/" data-info="tcm:95-899-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> New buildings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="1" href="/new-buildings/elevators-lifts/" data-info="tcm:95-904-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-elevator"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Elevators | Lifts</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="1"> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/elevators-lifts/kone-monospace-dx/" data-info="tcm:95-6239-4"><span>KONE MonoSpace® DX</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" 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TravelMaster 115</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/autowalks/transitmaster-165-185.aspx" data-info="tcm:95-53593-64"><span>KONE TransitMaster 165/185</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/autowalks/innotrack.aspx" data-info="tcm:95-53594-64"><span>KONE InnoTrack</span></a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="children" data-children="4" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-927-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-people-flow"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Advanced People Flow Solutions</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> <ul class="level-2" data-child="4"> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/turnstiles.aspx" data-info="tcm:95-53601-64"><span>KONE turnstiles</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/access-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-6246-4"><span>Access solutions</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/destination-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-6247-4"><span>Destination solutions</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/infotainment-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-6245-4"><span>Infotainment solutions</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/monitoring-solutions/" data-info="tcm:95-6248-4"><span>Monitoring solutions</span></a></li> <li><a role="button" href="/new-buildings/advanced-people-flow-solutions/health-and-wellbeing/" data-info="tcm:95-7108-4"><span>Health and well-being solutions</span></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-close"><button class="icon-scroll_up" aria-label="Close submenu"></button></div> </div> </li> <li class="navigation-list-item"> <a role="button" href="/existing-buildings/" class="main-menu-item hasChildren" target="_self" data-info="tcm:95-900-4"><span class="text">Existing buildings</span><span class="arrow"></span></a> <div class="sub-menu"> <div class="submenu container"> <!-- link information--> <div class="link-info"> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-900-4"> <p class="link-info-block__title"> <a href="/existing-buildings/"> Existing buildings </a> </p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our high-quality solutions for the maintenance and modernization of elevators, escalators, and automatic doors – all from one trusted supplier </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-7510-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator connectivity</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> A connected elevator puts you and your users in control, with the possibility to add smart, value-adding services that optimize people flow, make everyday life easier for users, and ensure your building is geared up for the future. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-7514-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator user experience</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Enhance the user experience with real-time information on-the-go, an exciting, multisensory ride-experience and other smart building applications, it makes everyday convenient by improving accessibility and availability. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-933-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Maintenance</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We provide lift maintenance & lift servicing services from service technicians, tailored maintenance plan to quality maintenance equipment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6935-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Your maintenance journey</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about your maintenance journey with KONE and our intelligent maintenance services and contract options for elevators, escalators, and automatic building doors. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6939-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Care – preventive maintenance</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover how KONE’s flexible, tailored preventive maintenance services in Singapore keep your elevators, escalators and automatic building doors safe. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-8983-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE Care DX</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Boost user experience, maximize uptime and prolong your elevator’s life with a sustainable maintenance service for KONE DX Class elevators. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6952-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">KONE 24/7 Connected Services</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE predictive maintenance solution in Singapore uses remote monitoring and diagnostics to predict, maintain and take action before elevator breakage. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-7198-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Health and well-being solutions</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE Handrail Sanitizer uses ultraviolet light to gradually disinfect escalator and autowalk handrails. The process is chemical free and safe. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-6948-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Maintenance > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Customer communications channels</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Stay up to date with equipment status and maintenance work progress around the clock. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-934-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Elevator modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Find a trusted partner who offers simple and innovative elevator modernization solutions that can improve the safety, appearance and functionality of your elevator equipment. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-947-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Full elevator replacement</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We provide fast & reliable elevator services for passenger and service lifts, ranging from elevator repair to full elevator replacement service. Contact us now. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-951-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Modular modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> With modular modernization you can upgrade entire systems and significantly improve the performance of your elevator. Read more! </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-9473-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">MonoSpace Upgrade</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Learn about the solutions to upgrade your KONE MonoSpace® elevator. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-952-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Elevator modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Component upgrades</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our wide range of elevator upgrades covering things like the elevator door operator, signalization, and lighting system. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-936-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Escalator & Autowalk modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover our range of escalator modernization solutions that will increase the lifespan of your escalators, giving you the flexibility of replacing the entire installation or just individual components. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-953-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Escalator & Autowalk modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Full escalator replacement</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> We provide fast & reliable escalator services ranging from escalator repair to full escalator replacement services. Contact us now </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-954-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > Escalator & Autowalk modernization > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Modular modernization</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> With our escalator upgrade and modular modernization solutions you can renew individual components or complete systems. Visit us! </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-7103-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">Existing buildings > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">People Flow Planning and Consulting</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Discover how KONE People Flow Planning & Consulting services can help you create a smart building with seamless people flow through expert analysis, elevator data, and world-class tools. </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="submenu-block"> <ul class="level-1"> <li> <a role="button" href="/existing-buildings/" data-info="tcm:95-900-4"> <span class="link-content"> <span> <svg> <use xlink:href="/fonts/Kone-icons-sprite.svg#i-arrow-right-button"></use> </svg> </span> <span> Existing buildings</span> </span> <span class="link-expand-collapse-arrow"></span> </a> </li> <!-- subemnu links --> <li> <a role="button" class="" data-children="4" href="/existing-buildings/connectivity/" data-info="tcm:95-7510-4"> <span class="link-content"> 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Follow these guidelines for a safe ride! </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-977-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Innovations</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Kone is a proven technology leader and holds more than 3,000 patents across their businesses. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-8310-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Culture</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> KONE's company culture consists of three core principles and four company values. </span> </p> </div> <div class="link-info-block" data-info="tcm:95-8218-4"> <p class="link-info-block__path">About us > KONE as a company > </p> <p class="link-info-block__title">Diversity, equity and inclusion</p> <p class="link-info-block__text"> <span> Diversity makes us unique, inclusion makes us powerful. 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<section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>1. File Controller</h3><div class="rtf"><p>KONE Corporation <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Postal Address: <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> P.O.Box 7 <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> FIN-02151 Espoo, FINLAND</p><p>Telephone: <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> +358 204 751</p><p>Street Address: <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> KONE Building <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Keilasatama 3 <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> FIN-02150 Espoo, FINLAND</p></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>2. Person Responsible for File Matters or Contact Person</h3><div class="rtf"><p>KONE Corporate Communications <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> KONE Building <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Keilasatama 3 <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> FIN-02150 Espoo <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Finland</p><p>Tel. +358 204 751 <br style="box-sizing: border-box;" /> Fax +358 204 75 4515</p><p>Do you have have questions related to the information we have stored about you. Please contact us via the <a target="_blank" href="">contact form on our corporate website</a> (category "customer data related questions"). Your question will then be forwarded to the relevant country and person.</p></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>3. Name of the Data File</h3><div class="rtf"><p>Customer data register related to the services.</p></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>4. Purpose of the Processing of Data</h3><div class="rtf"><p>The purpose is to process customer data for the:</p><p>i) provision of the services and thereto related products to the customer;</p><p>ii) development and management of the customer relationship;</p><p>iii) development and management of the services and thereto related products;</p><p>iv) provision of the value added services related to the services and thereto related products;</p><p>v) management of internal and external duties within KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors to the extent related to the services and thereto related products; and</p><p>vi) direct marketing and data mining and thereto related actions such as profiling of customer data for the above purposes of KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors.</p></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>5. Information Contained in the Data File</h3><div class="rtf"><ul><li>demographic customer data such as name, contact information, general description of the customer’s business (e.g. architect, building owner, maintenance customer)</li><li>client requests</li><li>order information and other data related to the service and thereto related products</li><li>cookie data related to the use of the customer of the service,</li><li>log data related to the use of the service establishing the actions of the customer on the web site, such as, location, time, and user preferences</li><li>combinations of the above data in the form of customer profiles</li><li>financial customer data related to the purchases of the services and thereto related products</li></ul></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>6. Regular Sources of Data</h3><div class="rtf"><ul><li>information provided by the customer: e.g., demographic customer data, and order information</li><li>cookie information obtained from the clients’ hard drive obtained by KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors</li><li>log data obtained by KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors by monitoring the use of the information system related to the service</li><li>entities within KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors providing services, products and value added services related to the service</li><li>entities within KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors providing logistic services such as billing, shipping, maintenance etc.</li></ul></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>7. Regular Transfers of Data or Transfers of Data Outsidethe EU or EEA</h3><div class="rtf"><p>Data will be transferred to entities within KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors some of which are located outside the EU and the EEA for the purposes defined above. Also some of the servers used for the provision of the service may be located outside the EU or the EEA.</p></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="content-block-container"> <section class="content-block-item"> <div> <h3>8. Principles for the Protection of the Data File</h3><div class="rtf"><p>The data file is protected with passwords and the general principles of data protection related to the information systems of KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors such as firewalls. Only pre-designated employees of KONE Corporation, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors have access to the personal data contained in the data file.</p></div> </div> </section> </div> </section> <h2 style="display:none">Data file protection</h2> </main> <input type="hidden" id="cookiepopupversion" name="cookiepopupversion" value="v1" /> <section class="cookie-law hide bg-sand" data-host="" data-cookie-url="/api/cookie" data-cookie-value-url="/api/cookievalue" id="item-8936" data-swiftype-index="false"> <header> </header> <div> <section> <div> <div><p>This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best user experience. You consent to the use of cookies by continuing the use of the site without changing your browser settings. You can change your browser settings and preferences at any time. 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