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Become a proud supporter of the FSFE and <a href="/donate/donate.html>">join us in defending software freedom from monopoly control!</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="notifications"> <div class="alert warning yellow"> <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#" aria-hidden="true"> × </a><p> This page has not been translated yet. <a href="/contribute/translators/">Please help us to translate</a> this and other pages on, so people can read our message in their native language. </p> </div> <div id="infobox"></div> </div> <main><div id="content" lang="en"> <p id="category"><a href="/contribute/">Contribute</a></p> <h1 id="id-translations">Translations</h1> <p id="introduction" class="p-summary"> Free Software Foundation Europe is an international organisation. Our goal is to <strong>reach as many people as possible</strong> and include them in our activities to promote, help and support the Free Software movement. To achieve this, we want to make our published texts and website available in several languages. </p> <p> A major part of the translation effort applies to the web pages, especially the frequently updated pages like the <a href="/">front page</a>, the <a href="/news/">news page</a> and the <a href="/events/">events page</a>. But not only web pages have to be translated: <a href="/press/">Press releases</a>, <a href="/news/">newsletters</a>, <a href="/contribute/">brochures and leaflets</a> and other texts also become more wide-spread with every additional language they are available in. </p> <p> This page gives you a rough overview of our translation processes. More detailed information how to contribute translations can be found on our <a href="">translators' wiki pages</a>. </p> <h2 id="id-priorities">Priorities</h2> <p> As FSFE is active in many different countries, texts are also often written in different languages. However, we generally use English as a starting point for sharing these texts with other parts of the organisation and for further translations. Therefore, we especially need help to </p> <ul> <li>translate from other languages <em>to</em> English,</li> <li>proofreading English texts written by non-native English speakers, and</li> <li>translating from English to other languages.</li> </ul> <p> Experience shows that the best translation results are achieved when people translate from a foreign language to their mother tongue. Having a good idea about <a href="/about/">what the FSFE is</a> and about <a href="/about/">our concepts and values</a> is a good idea before starting translating. To help you out with difficult words and phrases, we maintain a <a href="/contribute/translators/">wordlist in over 15 languages</a> that you can rely on when facing technical terminology or just standard ways of expressing oneself when speaking on behalf of FSFE. </p> <h2 id="id-coordination">Coordination</h2> <p> Translations are generally coordinated on the <a href="">translators mailing list</a>, and everyone wanting to contribute to translations efforts can subscribe to this list. It is also a place to seek help when in doubt or cooperating with other translators on larger projects. As we have material available in over 30 languages already, the chance is that you will always find somebody in the organization willing to help you. </p> <p> Texts to be translated or proofread are sent to this list along with a reference to the desired languages. Whoever starts with a translation sends an answer to the list to avoid duplicate work. Finished translations are also sent to the list to allow others to proofread the translation and propose possible improvements. Both original texts and translations are usually sent around as plain text file attachments to minimize copy and paste efforts. </p> <p> Ideally, the translation team for a specific language has several members that relieve and support each other, so translations to a language would not depend on a single person. </p> <p> Recently we have adopted the use of weblate for some of our activities. You can find the FSFE project <a href="/translators/weblate">here</a> and we are grateful for your help with translating via weblate. </p> <h2 id="id-your-contribution-makes-a-difference">Your contribution makes a difference!</h2> <p> Many of our translators are already active in other Free Software projects in addition to FSFE. Helping with translation efforts in the FSFE strengthens the Free Software community at large and gives people, no matter the language or nationality, a chance of learning more about Free Software. </p> <p> Translating and proofreading texts is a precious contribution to the work of the FSFE and an excellent chance to spontaneously take part in the activities of the FSFE without long-term obligations. </p> <h2 id="subpages">Navigation</h2> <ul> <li> <h3 id="id-translating-for-web"><a href="">Translating for web</a></h3> <p> How to translate <em></em>, <em></em>, <em></em>, and <em></em>. </p> </li> <li> <h3 id="id-wordlist"><a href="/contribute/translators/">Wordlist</a></h3> <p> Words and expressions commonly used in the FSFE. </p> </li> <li> <h3 id="id-mailing-list"><a href="">Mailing list</a></h3> <p> Coordination and help on translation efforts. </p> </li> </ul> <h2 id="id-translation-teams">Translation Teams</h2> <p> If you require more information regarding our translation activities and do not feel confident in public, you are welcome to contact the translation coordinators. Information about the various language-specific teams can be found on the <a href="">translators' wiki pages</a>. </p> <div id="team" class="section grid-100"> <div class="row people"> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="bonissi" teams="core, translation-coordinators"><p><img alt="Luca Bonissi" src="/about/people/avatars/default.png"><span class="name">Luca Bonissi</span><span class="email"></span>Deputy Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="cryptie" teams="fr, translation-coordinators"><p><img alt="Amandine “Cryptie” Jambert" src="/about/people/avatars/cryptie.jpg"><span class="name">Amandine “Cryptie” Jambert</span><span class="email"></span>Deputy Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a> (French)</p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="diz" teams="translation-coordinators"><p><img alt="Andrés Diz" src="/about/people/avatars/default.png"><span class="name">Andrés Diz</span><span class="email"></span>Deputy Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a> (Spanish)</p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="mehring" teams="core, care, translation-coordinators, employee"><p><img alt="Bonnie Mehring" src="/about/people/avatars/mehring.jpg"><span class="name">Bonnie Mehring</span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:88A975E887CDD2BF863810490D10346737F041D9"> 🐾 </a><a href="/about/people/mehring/mehring-public.asc"> 🔑 </a></span>Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a><span class="employee part">Part-time employee</span></p></div> <div class="person col-xs-12 col-sm-6" id="ockers" teams="ga, core, translation-coordinators"><p><img alt="André Ockers" src="/about/people/avatars/ockers.jpg"><span class="name">André Ockers</span><span class="email"><a href="openpgp4fpr:8CE4441EAFEB8D9CD3A5826FE5A985A4D29A2E80"> 🐾 </a><a href="/about/people/ockers/ockers-public.asc"> 🔑 </a></span>Coordinator <a href="/contribute/translators/">Translations</a> (Dutch), Deputy Coordinator Netherlands</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <aside id="sidebar"> <div id="related-content"> <h3 id="id-quick-links">Quick Links:</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">How to translate</a>,,, and </li> <li> <a href="">Outdated translations</a> and other useful information for all languages. </li> <li> <a href="/contribute/translators/">Wordlists and expressions</a> commonly used in the FSFE. </li> <li> <a href="">Mailing list</a> for coordination and help </li> <li> <a href="">The translation teams</a> in our wiki </li> <li> <a href="/contribute/web/">Information on webmastering</a> for translators who want to have a better understanding of our website system </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="promo">About the FSFE</h3> <p> Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. </p> <p> Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. It is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, study, share, and improve software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press, and privacy. </p> <a href="/about/" class="learn-more">Learn more</a></aside></main><aside id="followup" class="subscribe-nl"><h2>Subscribe to our email updates</h2> <p>Our experts inform you about current news, events, activities, and how you can contribute.<span style="font-size:0.8em"> (<a href="/about/legal/"><span style="color:white; text-decoration: underline;">Privacy Policy</span></a>) </span></p> <form class="form-inline" id="formnl" name="formnl" method="POST" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="en"><input type="input" style="display: none !important" name="password" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off"><input id="yourname" name="name" type="text" required="required" placeholder="Your Name"><input id="email" name="email1" type="email" required="required" placeholder="Email Address"><fsfe-cd-referrer-input></fsfe-cd-referrer-input><input type="hidden" name="wants_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="wants_newsletter_info" value="yes"><input type="hidden" name="category" value="i"><input id="submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe"> </form></aside><nav id="direct-to-top"><a href="#top">Go to the top</a></nav><footer><div id="page-info"> <div> <p class="share-buttons footer"><a href=""><img src="/graphics/services/mastodon.png" alt="Mastodon" title="Mastodon"></a><a href=""><img src="/graphics/services/peertube.png" alt="Peertube" title="Peertube"></a></p> <p>Copyright © 2001-2024 <a href="/">Free Software Foundation Europe</a>.</p> <p> Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. </p> </div> <div> <p><a href="/about/">Contact us</a></p> <p><a href="/about/jobs/">Jobs</a></p> <p><a href="/about/legal/">Imprint</a> / <a href="/about/legal/">Privacy Policy</a> / <a href="/about/">Transparency Commitment</a></p> <p> FSFE has <a href="/about/">sister organisations</a> in <a href="//">North America</a>, <a href="">India</a> and <a href="">Latin America</a>. </p> </div> <div> <p><a rel="nofollow" href="">Source code</a></p> <p><a href="/contribute/web/">Contribute to the Web team</a></p> <p><a href="/contribute/translators/">Translate this page?</a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="/about/" data-jslicense="1">JavaScript Licences</a></p> </div> </div></footer><script src="/scripts/bootstrap-3.0.3.custom.js"></script> </body> </html>