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This improves user experience and accessibility." }, "link_all_project_charts_by_tab_name": "Link all project charts by tab name", "link_charts_by_dataset_names": "Link charts by tab name", "link_charts_by_dataset_names_tooltip": "Link charts with the same tab names to switch between datasets with one click.", "none": "None", "other_options": "Other options", "rightto-left_text": "Right-to-left text", "setting_title": "Project settings", "share_button": "Share button", "share_button_text": "Share button text:", "share_parent_url": "Share parent URL", "share_tip": "When enabled, viewers will be able to share and embed your project", "theme": "Theme", "theme_logo": "Theme logo", "theme_preview": "Theme preview", "transparent_embed": "Transparent embed", "upload_custom": "Upload custom logo", "viewer_buttons": "Viewer buttons", "viewer_buttons_tooltip": "Choose the interactive buttons you'd like to add to your webview or embed. 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Open it on a computer to make edits.", "error_generating_message": "There was an error generating your infographic. Please try again.", "generate_content": "Generate content", "go_to_library": "Go to library", "infogram_ai": "Infogram AI", "open_in_editor": "Open in editor", "placeholder_suggestions1": "How to do a chocolate cake?", "placeholder_suggestions2": "The evolution of political polarization in the United States", "placeholder_suggestions3": "The role of bees in agriculture", "prompt_suggestions1": "The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte", "prompt_suggestions2": "Year USA China Japan%{content}Past GDP (billion)", "prompt_suggestions3": "Global renewable energy trends", "prompt_suggestions4": "The history of space exploration", "regenerate_content": "Regenerate content", "select": "Select", "share_project": "Share project", "we_will_generate_based_on_your_topic": "We’ll generate content for you based on your topic.", "whats_your_project_about": "What’s your project about?" }, "ai_text": { "error_generating_message": "There was an error generating your text. Please try again." }, "analytics": { "analytics": "Analytics", "export_csv": "Export as CSV" }, "animation_panel": { "end_when_from_top": "End when %{percent}% from top", "end_when_from_top_help": "The animation will start at a set amount of %{percent}% from the bottom of the screen.", "header": "Animation", "search": "Search animation", "start_when_from_bottom": "Start when %{percent}% from bottom", "start_when_from_bottom_help": "The animation will end at a set amount of %{percent}% from the top of the screen." }, "animations": { "attention_group": "Attention seekers", "bounce": "Bounce", "bounce_in": "Bounce In", "bounce_in_down": "Bounce In Down", "bounce_in_from_left": "Bounce In From Left", "bounce_in_from_right": "Bounce In From Right", "bounce_in_group": "Bouncing entrances", "bounce_in_up": "Bounce In Up", "bounce_out": "Bounce Out", "bounce_out_down": "Bounce Out Down", "bounce_out_group": "Bouncing exits", "bounce_out_left": "Bounce Out Left", "bounce_out_right": "Bounce Out 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Adjust the amount of tick marks you want to display here.", "x": "X-axis intervals", "y": "Y-axis intervals" }, "axis_tick_time_format": { "auto": "Auto", "x": "X-axis time format" }, "axis_ticks": { "both": "Show on x and y", "header": "Axis labels", "none": "Hide all", "x": "Show on x only", "y": "Show on y only" }, "axis_x": { "layout": "Tilt x-axis labels" }, "axis_y": { "decimal_places": "Fixed decimal places" }, "bar_color": "Bar color", "bar_width": "Bar width", "baseValue": "Base value", "baseValue_tooltip": "For displaying the sensitivity analysis. By comparing the relative importance of variables, you can assess the risk and make decisions. Only available if the mirrored axis toggle is turned off.", "basic": "Basic", "borderWidth": "Border width", "border_color": { "borderColor": "Border color", "calloutColor": "Callout color", "gaugeStrokeColor": "Gauge outline", "pointsOutline": "Points outline", "polygonStrokeColor": "Map outline color" }, "categories": { "aboveVisuals": "Move labels above bars", "axis": "Axis & grid", "chart_properties": "Chart properties", "colors": "Color", "fonts": "Fonts", "icons": "Icons", "legends": "Legend", "map_properties": "Map properties", "number_format": "Data format", "table_properties": "Table properties", "tooltips": "Tooltips", "values": "Value" }, "center": "Center", "centerRadiusPercent": "Center radius (%)", "centerText": "Center text", "change_chart": "Change chart", "change_icon": "Change icon", "change_image": "Change image", "chart_category_auto": "Automatic", "chart_category_bar_height": "Bar height", "chart_category_column_width": "Column width", "chart_category_fixed": "Fixed", "chart_category_height": "Chart category height (px)", "chart_category_padding": "Spacing between groups", "chart_color": "Chart color", "chart_color_inactive": "Missing area color", "chart_color_inactive_alpha": "Missing area transparency(%)", "chart_color_inactive_tooltip": "This color applies to areas that don’t exist in your spreadsheet", "chart_color_title": "Chart", "chart_color_trendline": "Trendline color", "chart_colors_icons": "Icons", "chart_colors_values": "Values", "chart_colors_values_line": "Values and line labels", "chart_controls_colors": "Controls", "chart_height": "Chart height (px)", "clear_all_data": "Clear all data", "colored": "Colored", "colors": { "contrast": { "dark": "Dark text", "light": "Light text", "title": "Automatic contrast", "tooltip": "Automatically switches the value text color for better visibility." }, "dataLabels": { "color": "Custom color", "columnHeader": "Column values", "lineHeader": "Line values", "outline": "Outline", "stroke": "Stroke" }, "individual_colors_message_2": "Data sets have different colors selected. To edit the colors of a data set, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">select it above</a>.", "manual": { "stroke": "Stroke", "text": "Text", "title": "Manual with strokes" }, "outlinePoints": "Outline points", "reset": "Reset", "single": "Use one color" }, "columns_menu": { "add_change_link": "Add/change link...", "clear_selection": "Clear selection", "copy": "Copy", "cut": "Cut", "delete_column": "Delete column", "delete_row": "Delete row", "insert_column_on_the_left": "Insert column on the left", "insert_column_on_the_right": "Insert column on the right", "insert_row_above": "Insert row above", "insert_row_below": "Insert row below", "merge_cells": "Merge cells", "paste": "Paste", "setDataType": "Set data type...", "unmerge_cells": "Unmerge cells", "url": { "add_option_object_tooltip": "You can create a link to another object in this project", "add_option_page_tooltip": "Add a link to another page of this project", "add_option_tab_tooltip": "You can create a link to trigger a tab in any of the charts or maps with multiple data sets on the same page", "add_url": "Apply", "enter_url": "Enter URL:", "page_n": "Page %{number}", "page_n_current_page": "Page %{number} (current page)", "select_chart_first": "Select an object first", "select_page_first": "Select a page first", "select_tab": "Select tab to open", "to_object": "To an object", "to_page": "To another page", "to_tab": "To switch chart/map tab", "to_url": "URL" } }, "connecting": "Connecting...", "connecting_text": "Connecting data. Please wait...", "connection_error": "Could not establish live data connection", "controls_colors": { "background": "Background", "text_and_icons": "Text and icons", "toggle": "Customize color" }, "dataPointSize": "Point size", "dataSet": { "limit": { "amount": "Data count per sheet", "label": "Limit data sets" }, "order": { "ascending": "Lowest", "ascendingLabel": "\"Lowest\" label", "descending": "Highest", "descendingLabel": "\"Highest\" label", "type": "Default sorting" }, "title_2": "Data set:" }, "data_animation": "Data animation", "data_point_radius": "Data point size (px)", "data_point_radius_tooltip": "Adjust the size of your data points for style and readability", "data_source_connected": "Connected", "date_input_format": "Date Input Format", "date_input_formats": { "auto": "Auto", "date": "Date", "date_format": "Date format", "number": "Number", "set_data_type": "Set data type", "text": "Text" }, "decimal_separator_both": "Auto", "decimal_separator_both_desc": "Use either . or , as decimal separator", "decimal_separator_comma": "Comma (,)", "decimal_separator_comma_desc": "Use , as decimal separator", "decimal_separator_heading_tip": "Changing this setting will apply to all future charts created in this account. You can change this for each chart separately.", "decimal_separator_point": "Period (.)", "decimal_separator_point_desc": "Use . as decimal separator", "default": "Default", "default_sheet_name": "Sheet %{count}", "delay_in_seconds": "Delay (sec)", "descending": "Descending", "diamond": "Diagonal", "directions": { "down": "Down", "up": "Up" }, "disconnect": "Disconnect", "distribution": "Distribution", "distributions": { "proportional": "Proportional", "radial": "Radial" }, "down": "Down", "download_chart": { "export_as": "Export as..." }, "duplicate": "Duplicate", "duration_in_seconds": "Duration (sec)", "element_text": "Element text", "endLabel": { "layout": { "inline": "Side by side", "stacked": "Stacked", "title": "Value and label alignment" }, "maxWidth": "Label width" }, "ending": "Minimum value", "enter_url_from_json_feed": "Enter JSON feed URL", "example_here": "example here", "file_too_large": "Looks like this file is too big. The maximum file size is %{size}MB.", "font_color": "Font color", "fonts": { "advanced": "Advanced settings", "align": { "center": "Align center", "left": "Align left", "right": "Align right" }, "alignVertical": { "bottom": "Align bottom", "middle": "Align middle", "outside": "Align outside", "top": "Align top" }, "axis_titles": "Axis titles", "center": "Center", "color": "Change font color", "date": "Date", "grid": "Axis labels", "item_labels": "Item labels", "item_values": "Values", "item_values_line": "Values and line labels", "legend": "Legend", "reset": "Reset", "tabs": "Tabs", "tooltip": "Tooltips", "volume": "Change font size" }, "gauge_area": "Gauge width", "gauge_areas": { "regular": "Regular", "wide": "Wide" }, "grant_access": "Grant access", "heatmap_entries": "Heatmap spectrum", "hide_floating_toolbar_tooltip": "Show or hide the contextual toolbar on all objects", "horizontal": "Horizontal", "icon": "Select icon", "icon_size": "Icon size", "icon_sizes": { "large": "Large", "medium": "Medium", "small": "Small" }, "imageStyle": { "barHeightPctInfo": "Percentage of bar height", "height": "Height", "offset": "Offset", "shape": "Shape", "title": "Image style", "width": "Width" }, "image_height": "Image height", "image_height_tooltip": "Open the data editor to add images or icons to individual cells", "initial": "Initial", "innerRadius": "Inner radius", "json_data_format": "Data should be in the proper JSON format with sheets as outer dimensions (similar to spreadsheets in Infogram), followed by rows and columns. See an <a href=\"%{json_data_link}\" target=\"_blank\">%{json_data_link_text}</a>.", "json_you_must": "JSON feed", "label_position": "Label position", "label_position_center": "Center", "label_position_east": "Center Right", "label_position_north": "Top Center", "label_position_north_east": "Top Right", "label_position_north_west": "Top Left", "label_position_south": "Bottom Center", "label_position_south_east": "Bottom Right", "label_position_south_west": "Bottom Left", "label_position_west": "Center Left", "last_update": "Last update:", "left": "Left", "legend": { "ascending": "A-Z", "auto": "Auto", "cold_label": "Low value label", "descending": "Z-A", "hot_label": "High value label", "label": "Title", "label_align": { "bottom": "Bottom", "center": "Center", "left": "Left", "middle": "Middle", "right": "Right", "title2": "Alignment", "top": "Top" }, "position": { "bottom": "Bottom", "left": "Left", "right": "Right", "title": "Position", "top": "Top" }, "sort": "Sort" }, "levelSpacing": "Spacing between levels (px)", "lineStyle": { "applyToAll": "Apply to all lines", "title": "Line weight & Style" }, "lineWidth": "Line width", "live_data_connection_error": "Failed to load connected data, try again or reconnect", "live_data_credentials_error": "Failed to load connected data, access denied, ", "live_data_filesize_error": "Failed to load connected data, file size exceeds 1 MB", "loading": "Loading...", "localisation": "Localisation", "map": { "osm": "OSM tile source" }, "map_properties": { "cluster_size": "Marker cluster size (px)", "cluster_size_tooltip": "Group map markers that are close one to another", "grouped_data": "Grouped", "heatmap": "Heatmap", "icon_opacity": "Icon opacity (%)", "individual": "Individual", "localisation_none": "None", "map_mode": "Style", "map_type": "Map type", "markers_map": "Icon map", "opacity": "Tile layer opacity (%)", "outline_opacity": "Map outline opacity (%)", "outline_width": "Outline width (px)", "region_opacity": "Map region opacity (%)", "shapes_map": "Area map", "timeline_date_format": "Timeline date format", "untitled": "Untitled" }, "missing_area_color": "Missing area color", "more_rows": "more rows", "move_left": "Move left", "move_right": "Move right", "number_format": { "affix": { "axis": "Apply prefix/suffix to axis", "labels": "Apply prefix/suffix to value labels", "tooltip": "Apply prefix/suffix to tooltips" }, "decimals_thousands": "Numeric format", "decimals_thousands2": "Numeric data format", "heading": "%{axis}-axis format & labeling", "si_prefixes": "Abbreviate thousand (K) and million (M)" }, "number_icons": "Number of icons", "number_input_format": "Input data decimal separator", "point_size": "Icon size", "reload_now": "Reload", "rename": "Rename", "reset_all_2": "Reset to Global", "reset_axis": "Reset", "right": "Right", "sankey": { "linkColor": { "fixedColor": "Fixed color", "label": "Link color", "linkOpacity": "Link opacity", "source": "Source", "source-target": "Source-target", "target": "Target" }, "nodePadding": "Spacing between entries (px)", "nodeWidth": "Entry width (px)" }, "series": { "axis": "Use axis", "column": "Column (%{axis})", "extended": { "column": "As column", "line": "As line", "y": "Y Axis", "y2": "Y2 Axis" }, "line": "Line (%{axis})", "type": "Show series:" }, "set_image_or_shape_ellipsis": "Set image or icon...", "shape": "Shape", "show_bar": "Show bar", "show_first": "Show first", "show_floating_toolbar": "Show floating toolbar", "show_items2": "Scroll-Activated Chart Animations", "show_patterns": "Show patterns", "show_patterns_tooltip": "Patterns improve chart accessibility by conveying information without relying solely on color.", "show_value": "Show value", "slopeAreaWidthPct": "Slope area width", "sort": "Sort", "sortTornado": { "firstColumn": "First column", "none": "None", "secondColumn": "Second column", "sortValues": "Sort values", "totalValue": "Total value" }, "startAngle": "Start angle", "stayLength": "Fixed timeline duration (seconds)", "table_elements": "Table elements", "text_direction": "Text direction", "timelineDuration": "Timeline duration (seconds)", "type": "Type", "up": "Up", "upload_file": "Upload file...", "value": "Value", "value_range": "Value range", "value_range_tooltip": "Assign the range of values you’d like to appear. This helps if you want to focus on a specific range in a wider dataset", "vertical": "Vertical", "view_experience": "View experience", "view_experience_description": "Set the default behavior for interactive elements and animations", "view_experience_show_on_load": "Show object animation at once", "view_experience_show_on_view": "Show one by one on screen", "view_settings": "View settings", "x_axis_data_format": "X-axis data format", "x_y": "Mixed" }, "chart_suggestions": { "add_your_data": "Add your data and we will help you choose the perfect chart to visualize it.", "analyzing": "Analyzing your image...", "beta": "Beta", "big_table_reason": "The uploaded data exceeds %{count} rows. A table chart is the best visualization for ensuring usability and clarity.", "change_chart": "Change", "chart_suggestions": "Chart suggestions", "clear": "Clear", "data_ai_disclaimer": "AI results may vary. Always double-check your data for accuracy.", "data_ai_tooltip2": "AI will cleanup your data (like IDs, indexes, sources, and non-relevant info), to optimize it for visualizations.", "data_to_chart": "Data to chart", "describe_your_data_better_suggestions": "Describe your data or the insights you need for better suggestions.", "enable_data_ai2": "Improve data quality", "file_drop_subtitle_with_limit": "You can drop a CSV or XLS format (max 2MB)", "file_drop_title": "Drop to upload file", "image_to_chart": "Image to chart", "insert_chart": "Insert", "no_data_found": "No data found", "no_data_found_description": "We couldn't detect any data in the image. Try a different one", "not_sure_which_to_choose": "Not sure which to choose?", "paste": "Paste", "paste_data": "Paste data", "pro_tip": "PRO TIP: Images with visible values work best", "recommended_best_fit": "We'll recommend the best fit.", "start_with_content": "Start with your content", "success": "Success", "suggest_charts": "Suggest charts", "suggest_other_charts": "Suggest other charts", "upload_a_file": "Upload a file", "upload_chart_image_text2": "Upload the image of a chart or table, we'll make it interactive.", "upload_image": "Upload image", "upload_your_data_recommended_best_fit": "Upload your data and we'll recommend the best fit.", "use_crtl_v_to_paste": "Use Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd+V (Mac) to paste", "whats_the_data_about": "What's the data about?", "your_data_will_appear_here": "Your data will appear here" }, "chart_titles": { "alluvial": "Alluvial diagram", "area-chart": "Area chart", "area-stacked": "Stacked area chart", "area-stacked-percent": "100% stacked area chart", "bar": "Bar chart", "bar-grouped": "Grouped bar chart", "bar-race": "Bar race chart", "bar-stacked": "Stacked bar chart", "bar-stacked-percent": "100% stacked bar chart", "bubble-chart": "Bubble chart", "bubble-plot": "Bubble plot", "candlestick": "Candlestick chart", "column": "Column chart", "column-grouped": "Grouped column chart", "column-line": "Column & line chart", "column-stacked": "Stacked column chart", "column-stacked-percent": "100% stacked column chart", "combo-grouped": "Grouped column & line chart", "combo-stacked": "Stacked column & line chart", "doughnut": "Doughnut chart", "funnel": "Funnel chart", "gantt": "Gantt chart", "gauge": "Gauge chart", "line": "Line chart", "line-error-margin": "Line error margin chart", "line-line": "Line & line chart", "pictorial": "Pictorial chart", "pictorial-bar": "Pictorial bar chart", "pie-chart": "Pie chart", "pie-irregular": "Irregular pie chart", "pie-semi-circle": "Semi circle chart", "population-pyramid": "Population pyramid chart", "progress-bar": "Progress bar", "progress-doughnut": "Progress doughnut", "progress-half-doughnut": "Progress half doughnut", "progress-pictorial": "Progress pictorial bar", "radar": "Radar / spider chart", "radial": "Radial bar chart", "sankey": "Sankey diagram", "scatter-chart": "Scatter chart", "scatter-grouped-chart": "Grouped scatter chart", "size-comparison": "Size comparison chart", "slope": "Slope", "stepped-area": "Stepped area chart", "stream-graph": "Stream area chart", "sunburst": "Sunburst chart", "tornado": "Tornado diagram", "tree-map": "Treemap chart", "waterfall": "Waterfall chart" }, "chart_type_description": { "alluvial": "To visualize any type of change in group composition between states or over time and include statistical information to reveal significant change.", "area-chart": "For showing change over time in composition of parts to a whole, or in cumulative volumes. Good for showing trends in data and the composite parts driving those trends.", "bar-chart": "For comparing multiple items that vary in one or a few categories. Grouping or stacking bars lets you compare information of sub-groups in the main category.", "bubble-chart": "Like scatter plots, bubble charts are good for showing trends, with the added dimension of the size of the point. Good for comparing trends between categories that also vary in another dimension.", "column-chart": "For comparing multiple items that vary in one or a few categories. Generally better for showing time-related data than bar charts. Grouping or stacking columns lets your you compare data in sub-groups that make up the total.", "facts-and-figures": "For showing a list of items with icons, numeric values, and explanatory text. Good for highlighting important facts or for creating a visually appealing list.", "financial": "Candlestick charts are traditionally used to show price movements between comparable periods of time, usually within and between trading days. Waterfall chart show how an initial value is added to and deducted from to arrive at a final value.", "gantt": "Commonly used for planning and scheduling projects. Each activity, task or event is displayed against time.", "gauge": "Good for showing progress towards a goal. Allows comparing multiple goals different levels of progress. Pay attention to the special data format in the editor when you use these charts.", "group-mix": "For comparing two distinct variables use a multiple axes chart.", "hierarchy": "For showing hierarchy, stages or progress from one step to the next. Can be symmetric or asymmetric based on the data. Good for visualizing clearly hierarchic concepts. Not recommended for showing data where the differences in values need to be clear.", "line-chart": "For displaying change over time in one or multiple categories, or for comparing the development time-based variables.", "pictorial": "For comparing number of units, size or progress as icons. Good when used to compare only a few categories with clear differences. Not suitable for complex data sets.", "pie-chart": "For displaying proportions and relations. Show the relation of a part to a whole, or a proportion of one variable in relation to others. Best used with less than seven variables.", "progress-chart": "Show how close a goal or project is to completion.", "radar": "For displaying multivariate data in the form of a two or more dimensional chart. Widely used to compare competitive analysis, consumer research, employee skill analysis, and matchmaking.", "sankey": "For emphasizing the major transfers or flows within a system. They help locate the most important contributions to a flow. They often show conserved quantities within defined system boundaries.", "scatter-chart": "For showing trends, patterns, correlations and groupings of data. Good for data sets that show a clear trend but may also contain multiple groups, outliers or deviations from the trend.", "table": "Good for showing multiple categories of textual, visual or numeric data for a limited number of items. Use to replace basic HTML tables with this more powerful version.", "timer": "Special chart for counting down or up to a certain time. Updates automatically.", "treemap": "For showing grouped terms or concepts and their relative size. Use colors to group terms together to represent a larger whole.", "wordcloud": "Good for showing the relative frequency or volume or words by using that word or sentence. Good for cases with only a few major terms. Not good for comparing values that are close." }, "check_connection": "Internet connection lost. Please reload the browser page to continue", "color_picker": { "add_brand_colors": "Add brand colors", "custom_colors": "Custom color", "delete_color": "Delete color", "edit_brand_colors": "Edit", "edit_brand_title": "Edit colors in brand kit editor", "gradient": "Gradient", "gradient_angle": "Gradient angle", "opacity": "Opacity", "section_brand": "Brand colors", "section_favorite": "Favorite colors", "section_theme": "Theme colors", "solid": "Solid", "transparent": "Transparent" }, "conversations": { "add_new_comment": "Add new comment", "cancel": "Cancel", "comment_button_tooltip": "Show all comments", "conversations_button_tooltip": "Show all conversations", "create_team_to_comment": "To use comments you need a team. Upgrade and create a team account now.", "cursor_tooltip": "Click to leave a comment", "delete": "Delete", "delete_confirmation": "Delete this entire conversation?", "delete_conversation": "Delete conversation", "delete_reply": "Delete reply", "edit_comment": "Edit comment", "edit_reply": "Edit reply", "editor_placeholder": { "with_mention": "Write a comment or @mention someone", "without_mention": "Write a comment" }, "filter_title": "Filter by:", "filters": { "all": "Show all", "mentions": "Mentions", "resolved": "Resolved", "unresolved": "Unresolved" }, "go_to_library": "Go to library", "move_to_team_library": "To add comments, please move or copy this project to your team library", "notification_settings": { "email_daily": "Daily", "email_instant": "Instant", "email_never": "Never", "for_all_team_conversations": "All team conversations", "for_involved": "Involved", "notify_me_by_email": "Notify me by email:", "notify_me_for": "Notify me for:" }, "open_and_reply": "Open & Reply", "points_checkbox": "Show comment markers in editor", "post": "Post", "previous_reply": "%{count} previous reply", "previous_reply_plural": "%{count} previous replies", "reply": "Reply", "resolve": "Resolve", "resolved_by": "Resolved by %{name} %{timeAgo}", "save": "Save", "see_all_comments": "See all comments", "sidebar_description": { "no_mentions": "You are not mentioned in comments.", "no_resolved": "There are no resolved comments.", "no_unresolved": "All comments are resolved.", "post_comment": "Post a comment to start a discussion.", "post_comment_and_mention": "Post a comment to start a discussion. @Mention someone to notify them." }, "team_conversations_title": "Conversations in Team", "team_filters": { "all": "Show all", "notifications": "Notifications" }, "team_sidebar_description": { "no_conversations": "There are no conversations in this team.", "no_notifications": "You do not have conversation notifications in this team." }, "title": "Conversations", "unresolve": "Unresolve", "upgrade": "Upgrade", "view_in_document": "View in document" }, "copy_paste_popup": { "close": "Close", "forCopy": "for copy", "forPaste": "for paste", "secondary": "These actions are unavailable via Edit menu, but you can still use:", "title": "Copy and Paste" }, "create_infographic": { "button_text": "Create", "private": "Private", "project_title": "Project title", "public": "Public on the web", "rename": "Rename", "rename_project": "Rename project", "title": "Create new", "untitled": "Untitled design", "untitled_project": "Untitled project" }, "custom_size_infographic": { "button_text": "Apply", "header": "Enter dimensions", "height": "height", "px": "px", "validation": { "maximal_height": "Height should not be larger than %{size}", "maximal_width": "Width should not be larger than %{size}", "minimal_height": "Height should not be less than %{size}", "minimal_width": "Width should not be less than %{size}", "wrong_value": "Whole number expected instead of '%{value}'" }, "width": "width" }, "custom_tooltip_settings": { "add_data": "Add data", "chart_tooltips": "Chart tooltips", "color_bubble": "Color bubble", "customize_content": "Customize content", "edit_tooltip_style": "Edit tooltip style", "groupLabel": "Category", "learn_about_syntax": "Learn about syntax", "reset": "Reset", "xLabel": "X-axis label", "yLabel": "Value" }, "date_time": { "direction": "Direction", "directions": { "as_is": "As is", "down": "Down", "up": "Up", "zero_": "Zero" } }, "delete_account": { "goto": "Go to Infogram", "message": "Your account and all your created content has been deleted.<br/>You will be redirected to Infogram in 10 seconds." }, "downgrade": { "benefits": { "business": { "item1": "All future projects will be %{tooltip}", "item1_tooltip_bubble": "Make sure you don't have any sensitive information in your future projects.", "item1_tooltip_hover": "visible to anyone on the web.", "item1_warning": "Your current projects will remain private but all future projects will be public only", "item2": "You will not be able to download your projects.", "item3": "You will no longer have access to analytics and live data.", "item4": "You will lose chart interactivity and the ability %{tooltip}", "item4_tooltip_bubble": "The Infogram watermark will appear on all template projects.", "item4_tooltip_hover": "to add your own logo." }, "pro": { "item1": "All future projects will be %{tooltip}", "item1_tooltip_bubble": "Make sure you don't have any sensitive information in your future projects.", "item1_tooltip_hover": "visible to anyone on the web.", "item1_warning": "Your current projects will remain private but all future projects will be public only", "item2": "You will not be able to download your projects.", "item3": "You will lose access to over 1 million images and icons, maps, and premium templates.", "item_4": "You will no longer have access to live data." }, "team": { "item1": "You will lose access to team functionality, %{tooltip} capabilities.", "item1_tooltip_bubble": "The Infogram watermark will appear on all template projects.", "item1_tooltip_hover": "premium templates, and personal branding", "item2": "All future projects will be %{tooltip}", "item2_tooltip_bubble": "Make sure you don't have any sensitive information in your future projects.", "item2_tooltip_hover": "visible to anyone on the web.", "item2_warning": "Your current projects will remain private but all future projects will be public only", "item3": "You will not be able to download your projects.", "item4": "You will no longer have access to analytics and live data." } }, "benefits_error": "Please aknowledge and check all features that will be lost", "benefits_title": "Before you decide, please consider the following:", "cancel_my_subscription": "Cancel my subscription", "cancel_subscription": "Cancel subscription", "changed_your_mind": "I’ve changed my mind.", "choice": { "bubble": "You still have %{days} to use Infogram until the next billing date. Let us know if we can help you.", "bubble_trial": "You have %{days} to enjoy your Infogram trial. Let us know if you need any help.", "cancel_my_subscription": "$t(app.downgrade.cancel_my_subscription)", "keep_subscription": "Keep my subscription", "title": "$t(app.downgrade.manage_my_subscription)", "upgrade_account": "Upgrade account", "upgrade_whitelabel": "Upgrade to Business" }, "close": "Close", "contact_us": "Contact us.", "content_subtitle": "Hi %{name}, we’re sorry to hear you might be leaving Infogram.", "content_title": "%{name}, is this goodbye?", "current_plan": "Your current plan:", "day": "%{count} day", "day_plural": "%{count} days", "expiration_date": "Expiration date: %{date}", "have_a_question": "Have a question?", "help": { "contact_us": "Contact us", "contact_us_message": "Send a message to our support team<br>and we’ll contact you in 24h.", "faq": "$t(navigation.faq)", "faq_message": "Check our knowledge library for tutorials and find answers to the most frequently asked questions.", "renew": "Renew account", "send": "Send a message", "subtitle": "Do you have a question?", "title": "How can we help you?", "visit_knowledge_base": "Knowledge library" }, "image_gallery_usage": "Image gallery usage: %{usage}", "imsure": "I’m sure I want to go.", "keep_my_subscription": "Keep my subscription", "manage_my_subscription": "Manage my subscription", "more_day": "%{count} more day", "more_day_plural": "%{count} more days", "project_usage": "Project usage: %{usage}", "questionnaire": { "content_title": "It’s tough to see you go.", "enter_feedback": "Enter feedback here", "questions": { "bugs": { "description": "Can you tell us what went wrong?", "title": "Technical issues" }, "competitor": { "description": "Can you tell us what your choice was and why?", "title": "Found a better solution" }, "features": { "description": "Can you tell us what you were trying to accomplish?", "title": "Didn’t fulfil my needs" }, "other": { "description": "Can you tell us the reason?", "title": "Other reason" }, "pricing": { "description": "Before you go, let us know what would be the right price for you.", "title": "Cost" }, "support": { "description": "Can you tell us what difficulties did you face?", "title": "Difficulties using Infogram" }, "templates": { "description": "What type of templates would you like to see?", "title": "Lack of templates" }, "temporary_use": { "description": "What type of functionality would make you use Infogram continuously?", "title": "Temporary need" }, "usage": { "description": "Can you tell us why you didn’t use Infogram as much as you thought you would?", "title": "Low usage" } }, "questions_title": "Could you please tell us why you’re leaving so we can work on getting you back someday?" }, "sent": { "response_message": "We'll respond to you in the next business day.<br>Meanwhile, discover plenty of great <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Infogram examples</a>.", "thanks_your_message_was_sent": "Thanks, your message was sent!" }, "subscription_details": "Subscription details", "success_subtitle": "You can still use Infogram %{plan} subscription until %{date} and will be able to access your Basic account afterwards.", "success_title": "All set. Your subscription is officially cancelled. ", "support": { "bubble": "Hi, I'm %{person} from the customer success team. How can I help you?", "no_message_provided": "No message provided", "title": "Talk to support" }, "team": { "admin_text": "Click the “Renew account” button to get your users back online or contact our sales team %{email}.", "header": "Your Infogram Team account is deactivated", "subtitle": "How to activate Team account?", "subtitle2": "What happens if I don’t purchase a Team subscription?", "text1": "With deactivated Infogram Team account, users can log in into account, but they:", "text2": "Can’t create new projects", "text3": "Can’t edit existing projects", "text4": "Can’t access analytics", "user_text": "Contact admin to renew your account: %{email}" } }, "download": { "default_page_duration": "Default page duration", "dimensions": "Download dimensions:", "download_gif": "Download (GIF)", "download_html": "Download (ZIP)", "download_print": "Download (PDF)", "download_quality": "Download (PNG)", "download_video": "Download (MP4)", "download_web": "Download (JPG)", "duration_in_seconds": "Duration (sec)", "enable_screen_readers_support": "Enable screen-readers support", "gif_framerate": "Frame rate (FPS):", "gif_length": "GIF length:", "gif_recommended_framerate": "%{framerate} (recommended)", "gif_size": { "half": "Half", "quarter": "Quarter", "up_to_600": "Original (up to 600px)", "up_to_800": "Original (up to 800px)" }, "gif_size_label": "GIF size:", "load_error": "Could not load project", "looped_playback": "Looped playback", "low_resolution": "This page contains low resolution images that may appear blurry when printed. Return to the editor to upload high-resolution image files.", "max_allowed_gif_length2": "Max GIF length is %{lengthInMinutes} minutes. Decrease duration or remove pages.", "max_allowed_video_length2": "Max video length is %{lengthInMinutes} minutes. Decrease duration or remove pages.", "media_type_image": "Image", "media_type_link": "Link", "media_type_slides": "Slides", "media_type_tweet": "Tweet", "media_type_unknown": "Media", "media_type_video": "Video", "outline_title": "Select objects to include", "page_list_title": "Select pages to include", "particle_type_separator": "Separator", "preview": "Preview", "printing_mode_as_is": "Actual project size", "reset_duration_to_defaults": "Reset video duration to defaults", "reset_gif_duration_to_defaults": "Reset GIF duration to defaults", "reset_size": "Reset size", "save_social": "Save for Facebook", "select_all": "Select all", "set_page_duration": "Set duration for all pages", "show_page_transition": "Show page transition", "size": "Output page image size (px)", "size_quality": "Quality/Size multiplier", "tabs": { "gif": { "subtitle": "GIF", "title": "Animated", "tooltip": "Download animated GIF for social media and video sharing sites." }, "html": { "subtitle": "ZIP", "title": "HTML/CSS", "tooltip": "Download fully interactive HTML files for self-hosting and archiving." }, "image_jpg": { "subtitle": "JPG", "title": "For web", "tooltip_2": "Download a light-weight JPG file, perfect for the web." }, "image_png": { "subtitle": "PNG", "title": "High quality", "tooltip_2": "Download a high-quality PNG file to control image quality and size." }, "print": { "subtitle": "PDF", "title": "Print/Vector", "tooltip_2": "The PDF file is ideal for print and vector graphics." }, "video": { "subtitle": "MP4", "title": "Video", "tooltip": "Download MP4 video for social media and video sharing sites." } }, "transparent_background": "Transparent background", "untitled_file_name": "Untitled", "upgrade": "Upgrade to download", "video_length": "Video length:", "video_length_pages": "Pages:", "video_length_transitions": "Transitions:", "video_size": "Video size:" }, "drag_and_drop": { "insert": "Insert" }, "edit": { "account_settings": "Account settings", "drag_here": "Drag object here", "object_deleted": "Object deleted", "product_updates": "Product updates", "synced": "All your changes are synced", "syncing": "Syncing your changes...", "text_element_initial_contents": "Type something", "undo": "undo" }, "editable_image": { "fit_width": "Fit width" }, "editor_context_menu": { "academic": "Academic", "addCallout": "Add callout", "addComment": "Add comment", "addLink2": "Add link...", "animatedGif": "Animated GIF", "askAI": "Ask AI", "bring_forward": "Bring forward", "bring_to_front": "Bring to front", "callout": "Turn into callout", "callout_text": "Callout text", "copy": "Copy", "copyAnimation": "Copy animation", "copyId": "Copy element ID", "copyStyle": "Copy style", "createBullets": "Turn into bullet points", "delete": "Delete", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "editData": "Edit data", "editLink": "Edit link", "empty_callout_warning": "Not enough content for a callout. It will be added as blank.", "exportAs2": "Export as", "flip": "Flip", "flipHorizontal": "Flip horizontal", "flipVertical": "Flip vertical", "friendly": "Friendly", "group": "Group", "jpgImage": "JPG image", "keyPoints": "Make key points bold", "lock": "Lock", "longer": "Make longer", "main_text": "Main text", "mp4Video": "MP4 video", "order": "Order", "paste": "Paste", "pasteAnimation": "Paste animation", "pasteStyle": "Paste style", "pdfVectorImage": "PDF vector image", "pngImage": "PNG image", "professional": "Professional", "redo": "Redo", "removeCallout": "Remove callout", "send_backward": "Send backward", "send_to_back": "Send to back", "shorter": "Make shorter", "spelling": "Proofread", "text_sound": "Make it sound more", "undo": "Undo", "ungroup": "Ungroup", "unlock": "Unlock", "zoomIn": "Zoom in", "zoomOut": "Zoom out" }, "element_menu": { "branding_images": { "no_images_description": "Images can be added in the \"Branding\" section", "no_images_title": "No images" }, "charts": { "help_choosing": "How to choose the right chart?", "purpose_comparison": "For comparison", "purpose_composition": "For composition", "purpose_distribution": "For distribution", "purpose_other": "Other charts", "purpose_relationship": "For relationship", "search": "Search by chart type", "sort_by": "Sort by: ", "sort_by_type": "Chart type", "sort_by_usecase": "Use case" }, "close": "Close", "elements": { "addElement": "Add element", "back": "Back", "categories": { "callouts": "Callouts", "diagrams": "Diagrams", "flowcharts": "Flowcharts", "galleries": "Galleries", "iconBlocks": "Icon blocks", "imageBlocks": "Image blocks", "lists": "Lists", "notes": "Notes", "plans": "Plans", "timelines": "Timelines" }, "element": "Element", "loadingFailed": "Failed to load elements", "search": "Search elements", "viewAll": "View all" }, "images": { "loading_error": "Could not load images" }, "insert": "Insert", "integrations": { "data": "Data", "data_description": "Connect with the apps and data sources you use every day", "description": "Connect to add videos, links, and presentations. ", "form": { "iframe": { "subheading": "IFrame can be used to insert a piece of content from another source into an Infogram project page." }, "json": { "heading": "Load JSON Feed" }, "sql": { "database_name": "Database Name", "database_password": "Password", "database_port": "Port", "database_username": "Username", "heading": "%{integrationTitle} Connector", "hostnameOrIp": "Hostname(URI) or IP", "sql_query": "SQL SELECT statement", "subheading": "Connect directly to your %{integrationTitle} database to start exploring your data.", "use_ssl": "Use SSL" }, "url": { "heading": "Add external URL" }, "youtube": { "enter_url_from_youtube_video": "Enter YouTube URL", "heading": "Add YouTube video" } }, "media": "Media", "search": "Search integration", "search_try_again": "Try again" }, "maps": { "all_maps": "All maps", "custom": "Custom", "maps": "Maps", "search": "Search maps" }, "media": { "author_by": "By:", "empty_results_prompt": "Try searching again using broader keywords", "empty_results_title": "No results found", "loading_error": "Cannot load results." }, "shapes": { "search": "Search by shape type" } }, "errors": { "adding_element": "Error adding element", "adding_video_cover": "An error occurred. <br> Add a different video cover.", "connectivity": "Problems with connectivity", "create_tag": "Error creating tag", "delete_image": "Error deleting image", "delete_tag": "Error deleting tag", "deleting_asset": "Error deleting asset", "deleting_comment": "Error deleting comment", "deleting_comment_reply": "Error deleting reply", "email_not_sent": "E-mail not sent!", "embed_could_not_parse": "Could not read provided embed code", "embed_https_allowed_only": "Only HTTPS sources are supported", "embed_multiple_frames_found": "Multiple sources detected", "embed_no_src_found_within": "No src attribute detected", "err_adding_element": "Error adding element", "err_fetching_file": "Error fetching file. Please try again.", "err_loading_infographic": "Error loading project. Please try again!", "err_save_shape_data": "Error saving shape data. Please try a different shape file.", "error": "Error", "file_type_not_supported": "Uploaded file type not supported", "gallery_limit_reached": "You've reached your gallery image library limit. Upgrade to get more space.", "gallery_limit_reached_title": "Image Library Limit Reached", "infographic_limit_reached": "No worries, you can increase the size of your library by upgrading your account.", "infographic_limit_reached_title": "Your project library has reached its limit.", "loading_assets": "Error loading assets", "loading_preview": "Error loading Preview", "loading_shapes": "Error loading shapes", "map_not_found": "Map not found", "missing_tag_name": "Missing tag title", "parse_file": "Could not parse file", "partner_team_settings": "To access settings for this team, please, contact", "project_belongs_to_another_team": "Project belongs to \"%{name}\" team. Please request access!", "redo_failed": "Cannot redo action", "rename": "Could not rename project", "renaming_asset": "Error renaming asset", "same_name_sheet": "A sheet with such name already exists. Please enter another name.", "saving_comment": "Error saving comment", "saving_comment_reply": "Error saving reply", "saving_element": "Error saving element", "sheet_name_blank": "Sheet name can't be empty.", "undo_failed": "Cannot undo action", "unknown_error": "Something has gone wrong.", "update_tag": "Error updating tag", "upgrade_link": "/app/#settings/plans", "upgrade_now": "Upgrade now", "uploading_image": "Error uploading image", "url_valid_allowed_only": "Please provide a valid URL" }, "file_upload": { "text_subtitle": "You can drop multiple JPGs, PNGs, GIFs", "text_title": "Drop to insert object" }, "freelayout_editor": { "delete_page_dialog_description": "All content on that page will be removed", "delete_page_dialog_title": "Delete Page %{page_number}?", "edit": "Edit", "entity_actions": { "align_bottom": "Align bottom", "align_center": "Align center", "align_left": "Align left", "align_middle": "Align middle", "align_right": "Align right", "align_top": "Align top", "all_tabs": "All tabs", "apply": "Apply", "auto_zoom_turned_off": "Auto-zoom has been turned off", "auto_zoom_will_be_off": "Auto-zoom will be turned off.", "bring_forward": "Bring forward", "bring_to_front": "Bring to front", "cancel": "Cancel", "default_zoom": "Set new default zoom?", "distribute": "Distribute", "distribute_horizontal": "Distribute horizontally", "distribute_vertical": "Distribute vertically", "position": "Position", "send_backward": "Send backward", "send_to_back": "Send to back" }, "entity_type_MAP": "Map", "error_could_not_load_module": "Error initializing the editor", "fit_to_screen": "Fit to screen", "full_screen": "Full screen", "grid": { "buttonTitle": "Grid", "buttonTooltip": "Grid", "popupTitle": "Guidelines & grid" }, "layerMap": { "buttonTitle": "Layers", "tooltip": "Access project layers" }, "layout": { "add": { "mobile": "Add mobile layout" }, "buttonTitle": "Layout", "buttonTooltip_1": "Turn on 'guides' and 'layout' to easily align objects.", "columnSlider2": "Number of columns", "description2": "Learn how to create responsive content for desktop and mobile <a href=\"%{descriptionLinkUrl}\" target=\"_blank\">%{descriptionLink}</a>", "descriptionLink2": "here", "overflow": { "info": "View all objects located outside of the canvas border.<br/><br/>Use keyboard shortcut “O” to toggle on and off.", "label": "Show overflow" }, "popupTitle3": "Layout settings", "shortcut": "%{shortcut} (switch layout)", "type": { "desktop": "Desktop", "grid": "Grid layout", "mobile": "Mobile" }, "typeStatus": { "desktop": "Editing desktop layout", "mobile": "Remove mobile layout" }, "whitespaceSlider2": "Spacing" }, "page_n_of_m": "Page %{current} of %{total}", "reset_zoom_double_click": "Double-click to reset zoom", "size_template": { "a4": "A4", "a4_landscape": "A4 landscape", "custom": "Custom", "dashboard_16_9": "Dashboard 16:9", "dashboard_4_3": "Dashboard 4:3", "email": "Email header", "facebook": "Facebook post", "infographic": "Infographic", "instagram": "Instagram post", "linkedin": "LinkedIn post", "pinterest": "Pinterest post", "twitter": "Twitter post", "us_letter": "US letter", "us_letter_landscape": "US letter landscape", "youtube": "YouTube thumbnail" }, "thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "zoom_in": "Zoom in", "zoom_out": "Zoom out" }, "icons": { "external_icons_not_available": "External icon library not available right now. Please try again later." }, "image_gallery": { "contextMenu": { "delete": "Delete", "download": "Download original", "downloadGeojson": "Download GeoJSON", "rename": "Rename", "renameImage": "Rename image", "renameMap": "Rename map" }, "filterEnabled": "Filter is on", "formats": { "all": "All formats", "gif": "GIF (animated) files", "jpg": "JPG files", "png": "PNG files", "svg": "SVG (vector) files" }, "graphics": { "add_graphics": "Add graphics", "delete": { "confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete %{filename}?", "description": "Projects that include the image will not be affected, but it will not be possible<br />to restore the image. <br /> Are you sure you want to delete the image from the library?" }, "filter_title": "Show:", "graphics": "Graphics", "menu_options": { "c_icons": "Custom icons", "flags": "Flags", "gifs": "GIF's", "icons": "Icons", "images": "Images", "stickers": "Stickers", "videoCovers": "Video covers" }, "powered_by": "Powered by:", "search_placeholder": "Search graphics", "tab1": "Graphics", "tab2": "My uploads", "tab_branding": "Branding", "view_all": "View All" }, "searchImagesByName": "Search images by name", "sort": { "heading": "Sort: ", "recentlyUploaded": "Recently uploaded", "recentlyUsed": "Recently used" }, "tooltips": { "viewAsGrid": "View images as grid", "viewAsList": "View images as list" }, "upload": { "failed": "Image upload has failed", "filesize_limit_exceeded": "Image too large. Image size must be less than %{clientMaxSize} MB.", "image_dimensions_missing": "Image dimensions are missing from the SVG file" }, "upload_tooltip": "Upload images, GIFs, and SVG files (%{clientMaxSize} MB max)", "usage": "Image library usage", "usage_full": "Image library is full" }, "import": { "dropbox": "Dropbox", "google_drive": "Google Drive spreadsheet", "json": "JSON feed", "mssql": "Microsoft SQL Server", "mysql": "MySQL", "oracle": "Oracle", "postgresql": "PostgreSQL", "redshift": "Amazon Redshift", "upload_file": "Upload a .xls, .xlsx, or .csv" }, "importProject": { "dragHeader": "Import file", "dropAreaButton": "Browse", "dropAreaHoverTitle": "Drag and drop your file here", "dropAreaNotSupported": "This file format is not supported", "dropAreaSubtitle": "Import a PDF, PPT, or DOC file (max 50Mb)", "dropAreaTitle": "Drag and drop your file here", "fileTooLargeError": "File too large: try to split it by pages", "importError": "There was an issue importing your file", "progress": "Importing…", "progressDescription": "This might take a few seconds", "subtitle": "Start your project by importing a supported file.", "title": "Import file" }, "infographic": { "add_elements": "Add elements", "copyright_notice": "Copyright notice", "double_click_to_add_title": "Double-click to add title", "dummy_body_text": "Double click to add text. The primary goal of data visualization is to communicate information clearly and efficiently.", "dummy_caption_text": "Double click to add a legend or brief explanation.", "dummy_quote_text": "Write an interesting quote", "dummy_subtitle_text": "Double click to add a subtitle.", "edit_footer": "Edit footer", "enter_quote_author": "Who's the author of the quote?", "made_with": "Made with", "upgrade_to_customize": "Upgrade to customize" }, "infographic_settings": { "footer_settings": "Footer", "global": "Global", "not_save": "Could not save settings", "tooltip_settings": "Tooltips", "viewer_experience": "Viewer experience" }, "integrations": { "addIntegration": "Add integration", "back": "Back", "integration": "Integration" }, "library": { "ai_banner": { "create": "Create with AI", "secondary": "Describe your project, and we'll turn it into a captivating visual – fast.", "title": "Unlock the power of AI" }, "all_projects": "All Projects", "avatar_created_by": "Created by: %{name}", "badge_sample": "Sample", "delete_dialog": { "delete_description": "The project will be removed from deleted items and<br>no longer accessible for recovery.", "delete_description_plural": "These projects will be removed from deleted items and<br>no longer accessible for recovery.", "delete_forever": "Delete forever", "delete_title": "Do you want to permanently delete this project?", "delete_title_plural": "Do you want to permanently delete %{count} projects?", "team_template": "Are you sure you want to delete this team template?", "trash_description": "This project will be moved to the trash folder.<br>You have 30 days to restore projects in the trash folder before they are deleted permanently.", "trash_description_plural": "The projects will be moved to the trash folder.<br>You have 30 days to restore projects in the trash folder before they are deleted permanently.", "trash_title": "Are you sure you want to delete this project?", "trash_title_plural": "Are you sure you want to delete %{count} projects?" }, "download_as": "Download as...", "download_settings": "Download options", "edit_action": "Edit", "empty_library_message": "Not sure where to start? <a href=\"%{link}\" target=\"_blank\">Watch this video tutorial</a> and get started with Infogram.", "empty_trash_message": "Go back to your library to view your projects.", "enter_template_name": "Enter template name", "filtering_on": "Filtering is on", "filters": { "button": "Filter", "bytype_3": "Show", "created_by_all": "Created by all", "created_by_me": "Created by me" }, "folder_delete_confirmation2": "Delete \"%{folderName}\"?", "folder_delete_error": "Could not delete folder", "folder_empty_title": "This folder is empty", "folder_save_error": "Could not save folder", "infographic_create_template_failed": "Failed to create template", "infographic_delete_failed": "Failed to delete project", "infographic_delete_failed_plural": "Failed to delete projects", "infographic_delete_template_failed": "Failed to delete project", "infographic_duplication_failed": "Failed to duplicate project", "infographic_load_templates_failed": "Failed to create template", "infographic_move_failed": "Project move failed", "infographic_move_failed_plural": "Failed to move projects", "infographic_open_share_dialog_failed": "Failed to fetch project's share settings", "infographic_restore_failed": "Project restore failed", "infographic_restore_failed_plural": "Projects restore failed", "infographic_restored": "Project restored successfully", "infographic_restored_plural": "%{count} projects restored successfully", "infographics_load_failed": "Could not load projects", "locked_prompt": "Please upgrade to unlock", "locked_title": "Over limit", "menu_copy_to": "Copy to", "menu_copy_to_ellipsis": "Copy to...", "menu_create_copy": "Create copy", "menu_create_duplicate": "Create duplicate", "menu_create_template": "Create a template", "menu_delete": "Delete", "menu_export": "Export to JSON", "menu_move_to": "Move to", "menu_remove_from_folder": "Remove from folder", "menu_rename": "Rename", "menu_view_on_web": "View on web", "move_to": "Move to", "move_to_folder_prompt": "Would you like to move or copy the project?", "move_to_folder_prompt_no": "Move", "move_to_folder_prompt_plural": "Would you like to move or copy the projects?", "move_to_folder_prompt_yes": "Copy", "move_to_folder_title": "Folder", "move_to_my_private_library": "My private library", "move_to_team": { "comments_will_be_deleted": "All existing project comments will be deleted after moving the project to your individual library" }, "move_to_team_prompt": "Would you like to move or copy the project?", "move_to_team_prompt_no": "Move", "move_to_team_prompt_plural": "Would you like to move or copy the projects?", "move_to_team_prompt_yes": "Copy", "move_to_team_title": "Team", "no_infographic_title": "Your library is empty", "no_infographic_title_filtered": "No results", "project_types": { "popular": "Popular project types" }, "restore": "Restore", "restore_action": "Restore", "search": { "no_results_message": "Please try different keywords.", "no_results_title": "No results found for \"%{term}\"", "placeholder": "Search by name or author", "placeholder_mine": "Search my projects" }, "select_all": "Select all", "shortcuts": { "blank": "Blank", "chart": "Chart or Graph", "charts": "Charts", "convert": "Convert PDF, PPT or DOC", "infogram_ai": "Create with AI", "infographic": "Infographic", "maps": "Maps", "responsive_all": "Responsive web and mobile layouts", "responsive_map": "Map", "team_templates": "Team Templates", "templates": "Templates" }, "sort_dropdown_title": "Sort by", "sorting": { "created_2": "Last edited", "modified_by_me_2": "Last edited by me", "subtitle_2": "Sort by", "title_asc_2": "Name A-Z", "title_desc_2": "Name Z-A" }, "status_hint": { "draft_2": "Draft", "private": "Privately Shared", "public": "Public" }, "status_overlay": { "draft": "Draft", "private": "Privately shared", "public": "Public" }, "tags": { "choose_color": "Choose label color:", "create_button": "Create a tag", "create_placeholder": "Tag name", "create_title": "Create tag", "edit_title": "Edit tag", "empty": "There are no tags created yet.", "save": "Save", "search": "Search tags" }, "team_templates": { "how_to_create": "How to create team templates", "templates_appear_here": "Your templates will appear here", "title": "Shared templates for the whole team", "upgrade_to_team": "Upgrade to Team" }, "template_chooser": { "template_load_failed": "Can’t load the template. Please, try another one", "template_preview": "%{templateName} $t(preview)", "titles": { "all_categories": "All categories", "business": "Business", "colors": { "all": "All color templates", "blue": "Blue templates", "dark": "Dark templates", "green": "Green templates", "light": "Light templates", "orange": "Orange templates", "purple": "Purple templates", "red": "Red templates", "yellow": "Yellow templates" }, "dashboards": "Dashboards", "education": "Education", "email_headers": "Email headers", "facebook_posts": "Facebook posts", "flex_chart": "Charts", "flex_map": "Maps", "general": "General", "infographics": "Infographics", "live_meetings": "Live meetings", "marketing": "Marketing", "name_tags": "Name tags", "posters": "Posters", "recently_used": "Recently used", "reports": "Reports", "resume": "Resume", "single_chart": "Single chart", "single_map": "Single map", "slides": "Slides", "social_media": { "instagram_posts": "Instagram posts", "title": "Social media posts" }, "standard": "Standard", "team_templates": "Team templates", "timeline": "Timeline", "videos": "Designs for Video", "virtual_backgrounds": "Virtual backgrounds", "youtube_thumbnails": "YouTube thumbnails" }, "upgrade_to_use": "Upgrade and use this template", "use_this_template": "Use this template", "use_with_ai": "Use with AI" }, "template_search": { "all": "All", "all_categories": "All categories", "other_category": "Other" }, "themes": { "start_with_blank": "Blank template" }, "trash_empty_title": "Your trash folder is empty", "trash_notification": "Projects are deleted automatically after 30 days", "trashed_date": "%{count} day left", "trashed_date_plural": "%{count} days left", "trashed_projects": "Trash", "view_mode_list_title": "View projects as list", "view_mode_thumbnails_title": "View projects as thumbnails" }, "mapImport": { "alreadyHaveAMap": "Already have a map?", "deletionDescription1": "Projects that include the map will not be affected, but it will not be possible to restore the map. Are you sure you want to delete the custom map from the library?", "group": "Group", "group_tooltip": "The option you choose here will be used to arrange the data entries into groups. After uploading the map, you'll be able to use the grouped style that will adjust the look of your map based on the option you've selected here.", "howTo": "Learn how to upload custom map files", "id": "ID", "id_tooltip": "The ID you select will be used to map your data. Switch between the options available in the dropdown to divide your map into individual or grouped areas.", "import": "Import", "label": "Label", "label_tooltip": "Labels are displayed in the tooltips that appear when hovering over the map. You can set a label to display the same information as the ID or pick another value and see how it looks by hovering your mouse over the map preview.", "none": "None", "previewHeadline": "Map preview", "procesing": "Processing map file and creating thumbnails", "sameAsId": "Same as ID", "title": "Switch between data fields to update the map preview", "unsupportedFile": "No accepted shapes found in the data file. Only polygons and multipolygons can be imported.", "upgradeToTeam": "Upgrade to Team", "upgradeToUseCustomMaps": "Upgrade to add your own JSON, GeoJSON, KML, or TopoJSON files", "uploadTooltip": "Upload GeoJSON, KML or TopoJSON files (10MB max)", "useCustomMap": "Use custom map" }, "messages": { "email_not_sent": "Could not send e-mail", "email_sent": "E-mail has been sent", "infographic_copied": "Project copied", "infographic_copied_plural": "%{count} projects copied", "infographic_moved": "Project moved", "infographic_moved_plural": "%{count} projects moved" }, "pay": { "automatically_renew": "Your subscription will automatically renew on a recurring basis.", "billing_info": "Billing", "by_upgrading_you_agree": "By upgrading you agree to Infogram’s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" title=\"pricing terms and conditions\">pricing terms and conditions</a>.", "continue_subscription": "Are you sure you wish to continue your subscription?", "credit_card": "Credit Card", "expires2": "Expires:", "generic_error_subtitle": "Please check your card details before retrying or contact your bank.", "generic_error_title": "Sorry, there was an error in processing your transaction.", "invalid_discount": "Invalid discount code", "invalid_vat_number": "Invalid VAT number", "security_code_info": "Security code is the 3 or 4-digit code on the back of your card, next to your account number.", "upgrade": "Upgrade" }, "prepublish": { "email_subject": "Add the email subject here", "enter_password": "Enter password here", "infographic_email_placeholder": "Optional message", "set_password": "Set password", "share": { "private": "Private", "public": "Public" }, "subject": "Subject", "title": "Title", "to": "To" }, "presenterNotes": { "pageTitle": "Page %{current} of %{total}", "placeholder": "Add your presenter notes here", "tooltip": "Presenter notes" }, "presenterView": { "backToEdit": "Back to editing", "buttonLabel": "Presenter view", "notesPlaceholder": "Click to add presenter notes", "resetTimer": "Reset" }, "prezi": { "update": "Update" }, "progress_dialog": { "download": { "error": "There was a problem downloading a file. Please try again", "label": "Please wait...", "title": "Preparing your file" }, "upload": { "error": "There was a problem uploading a file. Please try again", "label": "Uploading a file. Please wait...", "success": "Images successfully uploaded to Graphics", "title": "Uploading", "title2": "Uploading to Graphics" } }, "promotions": { "basic_plan": "You are now using Infogram Basic for free. Find more about <a href=\"%{url}\">plans and features here</a>", "business_plan": "You are now using Infogram Business. Find more about different <a href=\"%{url}\">plans and features here</a>", "pro_plan": "You are now using Infogram Pro. Find more about different <a href=\"%{url}\">plans and features here</a>", "team_plan": "You are now using Infogram for Team. Find more about different <a href=\"%{url}\">plans and features here</a>" }, "revisions": { "current_version": "Current version", "load_failed": "Failed to load revision history", "restore_version": "Restore this version", "version_history": "Version history", "version_history_label": "Version history:" }, "rich_text_editor": { "toolbar": { "add_link": "Add or modify link", "align_center": "Center text", "align_left": "Align text to the left", "align_right": "Align text to the right", "bold": "Make text bold", "choose_color": "Choose color", "insert_link_button_caption": "OK", "italic": "Make text italic", "link_address_placeholder": "Link address", "ordered_list": "Numbered list", "remove_formatting": "Remove formatting", "subscript": "Subscript", "superscript": "Superscript", "underline": "Underline text", "unordered_list": "Bulleted list" } }, "session_ended": { "button_text": "Continue", "continue_to_login": "Click Continue to be redirected to login page.", "logged_in_elsewhere": "Your account may be logged in on a different device.", "signed_out": "You have been signed out" }, "settings": { "api_credentials": { "allow_access": "Allow access to", "api_key_1": "API key:", "api_secret_1": "API secret:", "copy_token_description": "Copy your API token now. You will not be able to see it again.", "create_token": "Create new", "delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete your API token?", "documentation": "Documentation", "edit_button": "Edit", "edit_token": "Edit token", "error_deleting_token": "Error deleting API token. Please try again.", "error_loading_data": "Error loading data. Please try again.", "error_saving_token": "Error saving API token. Please try again.", "new_token": "New token", "no_tokens": "You haven't created any token yet", "reset2": "Reset credentials", "reset_confirm2": "Are you sure you want to reset your API credentials?", "reset_description": "You will have to update all the applications where current key is in use", "reset_error": "Could not reset credentials", "reset_yes": "Yes", "title": "API", "title_infogram_api": "Infogram API access tokens", "title_legacy_api": "Legacy API credentials", "token": "Token", "token_copied": "Token copied to clipboard", "token_copy": "Copy", "token_create": "Create", "token_created": "Token created", "token_name": "Token name", "token_update": "Update", "tokens_list_created": "Created", "tokens_list_name": "Name", "tokens_list_token_prefix": "Token prefix" }, "billing": { "cancel_subscription": "Manage subscription", "card_number": "Card number: ", "change_payment_details": "Change payment details", "continue_subscription": "Continue subscription", "description": "You can receive invoices to email once payment is received", "expiration_date": "Expiration date: ", "invoices": { "download": "Download", "empty": "There is no billing history for this account", "title2": "Invoices" }, "limits": { "gallery": "Image gallery usage:", "infographics": "Project usage:", "unlimited": "unlimited" }, "manually_upgraded": "Manually upgraded", "next_billing": "Next billing: ", "payment_method": "Payment method", "paypal": "PayPal: ", "plan_and_period": "Plan and period", "plan_expired_days_ago": "Expired %{count} days ago (%{date})", "plan_expires_in_days": "Expires in %{count} days (%{date})", "promo": { "title": "Upgrade Your Infogram Account" }, "resumable": "Your subscription will be canceled at the end of your current billing period", "resume_days_left": "%{count} day left", "resume_days_left_plural": "%{count} days left", "subscription_cancelled": "Subscription cancelled", "team_size": "Team Size: ", "title": "Billing", "trial_ends": "Trial end date: ", "upgrade_account": "Upgrade account" }, "embed_type": { "main_hint": "Define default embed type to be used when sharing projects.", "title": "Default embed type" }, "footer_settings": { "main_hint": "Save your overall project settings. This will be the default for all new charts and projects.", "title": "Default footer settings" }, "google_analytics_tracking": { "code_1_discontinued": "Google Analytics tracking code (discontinued from 1st July 2023):", "code_v4": "Google Analytics 4 tracking code:", "title": "Google Analytics", "title2": "Connect Google Analytics", "v4_hint": "Add your <a href='' target='_blank'>Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID</a> to analyze the performance of your charts and projects from the Google Analytics dashboard." }, "infographic": { "title": "Project Settings" }, "plans": { "title": "Plans" }, "profile": { "change_password": "Change password", "clear_image": "Clear image", "confirm_password_1": "Confirm with password:", "current_password_1": "Current password:", "delete_account_title2": "Delete your Infogram account and remove all data", "email_1": "Email:", "first_name": "Name:", "interfaceLanguage": "Interface language", "language": "Language: ", "language_profile_menu": "Language", "last_name": "Surname:", "password_1": "New password:", "profile_section": "Profile settings", "public_profile": { "hidden": "Hidden", "link": "Your profile is visible at: ", "public": "Public", "title2": "Public profile and library" }, "repeat_password_1": "Repeat password:", "save_language": "Save language", "save_settings": "Save settings", "send_invoice": { "checkbox": "Receive email invoices" }, "title2": "Account", "update_password": "Update password", "upload_image": "Upload image", "username_1": "Username:" }, "restricted_team_settings": "Team library project settings are available for team owners only", "title": "Account settings" }, "shape": "Shape", "share": { "add": "Add", "add_link_title": "Add a title for your link", "admin": "Admin", "amp": "AMP", "async": "Responsive (Async)", "async_description": "All page contents will be scaled and the page will adjust to its container. Best option for mobile usage. Choose this if you plan to have several separate Infogram embeds on one page for improved loading speed.", "back": "Back", "code_copied": "Code copied to clipboard", "copy_link": "Copy link", "create_link": "Create link", "create_new_link": "Create new link", "csp_all_domains": "Allow embedding on all domains", "csp_domains_matching": "Allow embedding only on domains matching", "csp_switcher": "Embed restrictions", "delete_link": "Delete link", "describe_project_online": "Describe your project to help people find it online", "description": "Description", "desktop": "Desktop", "email": "Email", "embed": "Embed", "embed_amp": "Use this code to easily embed your project on AMP pages", "embed_wordpress": "Use this code to easily embed your project on WordPress. Or, download the Infogram WordPress plugin", "enable_private_link": "Enable private link", "external_link": "External link", "fixed": "Fixed", "fixed_description": "The embed size will be fixed, taking the page width/height from your Infogram page settings.", "generate_with_ai": "Generate with AI", "go_to_library": "go to library", "invite": "Invite more people in team", "link": "Link:", "link_name": "Link name", "messages": { "access_granted": "%{name} has been granted %{role} rights.", "copy_link_success": "Link copied to your clipboard", "delete_link": "Link has been deleted", "link_renamed": "Link has been renamed" }, "mobile": "Mobile", "more_sharing_options": "More sharing options", "move_project_to_team": "To collaborate with other people %{href} and move or copy the project%{br}to any team account.", "open_analytics": "Open Analytics", "owner": "Owner", "page_transitions": "Page transitions", "permissions": { "can_edit": "Can edit", "can_view": "Can view", "editor": "editing", "viewer": "viewing" }, "placeholders": { "add_permission": "Add collaborator by name or email", "all_members_title": "Accessible to anyone on the \"%{name}\" team", "members": "%{count} members", "white_list_title": "Accessible only by select team members" }, "preview_as": "Preview as", "private_project": "This project is created in your private library", "private_subtitle": "Keep your project private and only viewable to you and those with a private link", "project_details": "Project details", "project_details_tooltip": "Filling out project details will improve your project's SEO", "project_draft_message_1": "Your project is currently private and invisible in your profile.", "project_draft_message_2": "Enable a private link to share it.", "public_subtitle": "Your project will have a publicly viewable URL that appears in search engines", "publish_and_share": "Publish & Share", "rename": "Rename", "require_password": "Require password to view project", "responsive": "Responsive", "responsive_description": "All page contents will be scaled and the page will adjust to its container. Best option for mobile usage.", "send_as_email": "Send as email", "share": "Share", "share_embed": "Share & Embed", "team_members": "Add team members", "tooltips": { "sharing": "Publish online or share via link", "tracking_links": "Measure how different audiences interact with your project" }, "tracking_links": "Tracking links", "type": "Type:", "unpublish": "Unpublish", "upgrade": { "description": "Create different links for different audiences and collect data on project views, interaction rate, location of your viewers, and more.", "more": "More about Analytics", "title": "Know your audience better" }, "view_experience": "View experience", "view_on_web": "View online", "wordpress": "WordPress" }, "sharing_settings": { "disable_tracking": "No tracking", "title": "Default sharing options", "tracking_description": "Disable Infogram or third-party analytics tracking capabilities for all projects (page views, clicks). This feature is only available for Enterprise users.", "tracking_options": "Tracking options", "transparent_embed": "Transparent embed" }, "side_menu": { "add_seats": "Add seats", "analytics": "Analytics", "bottom_link_title1": "Learn how to use Infogram", "bottom_link_title2": "Get inspiration from examples", "branding": "Branding", "create_a_team": "Create a team", "delete": "Delete", "library": "Library", "manage_teams": "Manage teams", "my_private_library": "My private library", "new_folder_name": "New folder", "rename": "Rename", "switch_library_to": "Switch library to:" }, "socket": { "offline": "You're offline. Trying to reconnect..." }, "status": { "month_novat": "/ month" }, "support": { "chat": { "button_text": "How can we help you?" } }, "switch_to_team_dialog": { "button_text": "Continue", "description": "You are now switched to the “%{team_name}” team to open this project.", "description_user": "You are now switched to the “%{user_name}” library to open this project.", "title": "The \"%{project_title}\" project belongs to the \"%{team_name}\" team", "title_user": "The \"%{project_title}\" project belongs to the \"%{user_name}\" user" }, "team_accounts": { "activity_log": "Activity Log", "add_members_to_team": "Add %{members} members to team", "add_user": "Add user", "added_new_user_to_team": "%{avatar}%{name} added a new user %{added_avatar}%{added_name} to team", "added_new_users_to_team": "%{avatar}%{name} added %{count} new users %{users} to team", "all": "All", "all_activity": "All activity", "all_projects": "All projects", "all_teams": "All teams", "back_to_teams": "Back to all teams", "brand_sets": "Brand kits", "branding_enter_name": "Enter brand kit name", "change_size": "Change team size", "change_user_role": "Change user role", "changed_user_role_to": "%{avatar}%{name} changed user %{changed_avatar}%{changed_name} role to %{role}", "choose_plan": "Choose a Plan", "choose_plan_intro": "Learn more about our Team and Enterprise plans <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/pricing\">here</a>", "create_a_team": "Create a team", "create_new_team": "Start a New Team", "create_team_dialog": { "call_to_action": "Create", "secondary": "To begin, upload a photo and enter a team name.", "team_name_input_footnote1": "This is usually the name of your company or department. You can change it later if needed.", "team_name_input_label": "Team name", "title2": "Let’s set up your team" }, "created": "Created", "created_a_project_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}created project%{project_title}", "created_a_team_activity": "%{avatar}%{name} created a team", "default_invite_message": "Let's collaborate! \n\nPlease join our team to start making data visualizations together.", "empty_slot": "Empty slot", "filter_by_project_activity": "Filter by project activity", "filter_by_team_activity": "Filter by team activity:", "filter_by_user": "Filter by user", "invite": "invite", "invite_people": "Invite people", "invite_resent": "Invite resent on %{date}", "invite_sent": "Invite sent on %{date}", "last_login": "Last login", "member_count": "%{count} member (%{remaining} remaining)", "member_count_plural": "%{count} members (%{remaining} remaining)", "members_1": "Team members", "my_projects_activity": "My projects activity", "never": "Never", "no_team_activity_desc": "Here you can view a full activity report across your organization or team", "no_team_activity_title": "No team activity in this period", "not_enought_free_seats": "(Not enough free seats)", "people": "People", "plan": "Plan", "project_create": "Create", "project_delete": "Delete", "project_deleted_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}deleted project%{project_title}", "project_edit": "Edit", "project_edited_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}edited project%{project_title}", "project_move": "Move", "project_moved_to_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}moved project to%{user_or_folder_name}", "project_moved_to_folder_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}moved project to folder%{user_or_folder_name}", "project_moved_to_team_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}moved project to team%{user_or_folder_name}", "project_moved_to_user_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}moved project to user%{user_or_folder_name}", "project_restore": "Restore", "project_restored_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}restored project%{project_title}", "project_status_change": "Status change", "project_status_changed_activity": "%{avatar}%{name}changed project%{project_title}status to%{status}", "published": "Published", "remove_members_from_team": "Remove %{members} members", "remove_user": "Remove user", "removed_user_from_team": "%{avatar}%{name} removed user %{removed_avatar}%{removed_name} from team", "role": "Role", "role_admin": "Administrator", "role_admin_info": "Can create, edit and publish projects. Has access to all administrative options (manage teams, billing, branding etc).", "role_assignment": "Role assignment", "role_editor": "Contributor", "role_editor_info": "Can create and edit projects but cannot publish them.", "role_publisher": "Publisher", "role_publisher_info": "Can create, edit and publish projects.", "role_registration_pending": "Registration pending", "role_viewer": "Viewer", "role_viewer_info": "Can view all the projects but only embed on a web page published projects.", "select_team": "Select team", "show_all_activity": "Show all activity", "show_older_activities": "Show older activities", "sort_activities_asc": "Date ascending", "sort_activities_desc": "Date descending", "sort_team_name_asc": "Ascending by team name", "sort_team_name_desc": "Descending by team name", "sort_username_asc": "Ascending by username", "sort_username_desc": "Descending by username", "status_to_private": "private", "status_to_public": "public", "sure_change_1": "Are you sure you want to assign the role of \"%{role}\" to user \"%{username}\"?", "team": "Teams", "team_id": "Team ID", "team_name": "Team name", "team_settings": "Team settings", "team_size": "Team size", "teams": "teams", "upload_image": "Upload image", "username": "Username" }, "team_invite_dialog": { "content": { "call_to_action_email": "Send invitation", "call_to_action_link": "Share invite link", "choose_user_type": "Choose user type:", "copy_link": "Copy link", "copy_link_success": "Link copied to your clipboard", "email_label": "Email (you can invite multiple users by entering multiple emails)", "email_sent": "Email sent", "link_expires_in": "This link will expire on: ", "link_label_1": "Copy and send this link to invite team members:", "message_label": "Send them a message (optional)", "of": "of", "seats_remaining": "seats remaining", "secondary_title": "It's time to add members to your team. This will make it easy to share and edit projects together.", "select_all": "Select all", "sending": "Sending...", "success_call_to_action": "View team dashboard", "success_title": "Team invitation sent.", "team_selection_label": "Choose the teams this member will access:", "title": "Invite a User", "via_email": "Invite via email", "via_link": "Invite via link" }, "members": "Members", "side_banner_content": { "engage_description": "Anyone can easily create a huge variety of interactive reports, maps, charts, infographics, and social media assets.", "engage_title1": "Turn raw numbers into engaging visual stories.", "footer1": "Did you know more than 10,000 teams trust Infogram? You’re in good company!", "productivity_description": "We know you're going to love it.", "productivity_title1": "Inspire your team to be more productive, collaborative, and connected.", "share_description": "Guarantee everyone has the right access at the right time.", "share_title1": "Enhance collaboration with shared folders and assigned team roles.", "title": "Infogram" } }, "text": { "bodytext": "Body text", "captiontext": "Caption text", "centeredfact": "Centered fact and figure", "figures": "Facts & Figures", "quote": "Quote", "separator": "Separator", "subtitle": "Subtitle", "table": "$t(app.add_chart.table)", "timer": "Timer", "title": "Title" }, "themes": { "change": "Change Theme", "custom_themes": "Custom Themes", "free_themes": "Free Themes", "pro_themes": "Pro Themes", "use_design": "Use" }, "timer": { "autoDateFormat": "Auto date format", "autoDateFormat_tooltip": "Turn off auto format to select the units you'd like to display", "colors": "Colors", "digits": "Digits", "directions": { "date": "Date", "down": "Count Down", "up": "Count Up" }, "doubleDigitDates": "Display leading zeros for dates", "reset_ig": "Reset to theme default", "text": "Text", "time_duration": "Time/Duration", "timer_name_2": "Timer name", "units": { "date": "Date", "days": "Days", "hours": "Hours", "minutes": "Minutes", "month": "Month", "months": "Months", "seconds": "Seconds", "year": "Year", "years": "Years" } }, "toolbar": { "analytics": "Analytics", "analytics_subtitle_2": "See how your projects perform and analyze your content’s engagement.", "branding": "Branding", "branding_subtitle": "Change your brand’s look and style", "edit_with_AI": "Edit with AI", "library": "All projects", "manage_team": "Manage team", "manage_teams": "Manage teams", "projects_subtitle": "1 project", "projects_subtitle_plural": "%{count} projects", "settings": "Account settings", "settings_subtitle": "Manage your subscription, edit profile and customize project settings.", "teams_subtitle": "View all the team members, user activity and manage permissions." }, "tooltip_project_options_settings": { "category_name": "Category name", "dark": "Dark", "light": "Light", "style": "Style", "text": "Text", "text_border": "Text border", "theme_default": "Theme default", "transparent": "Transparent" }, "try_commenting_dialog": { "button": "Got it", "info": "With the commenting tool, instantly add notes, questions, or suggestions to your collaborators. It’s a great way to add details or ask questions for clarification. Try it out now!", "subtitle": "Save your time and headaches deciding whether the design or copy is ready to go.", "title": "Add comments and give feedback instantly!" }, "upgrade": { "amount_charged_after_discount_expires": "The amount you will be charged when <strong>discount is expired</strong>:", "amount_charged_now2": "The amount you will be charged now", "for_free": "for free", "incl_vat": "incl. VAT", "member_count": "%{members} member", "member_count_plural": "%{members} members", "special_upgrade3": "To upgrade your account please contact", "the_amount_you_will_be_charged": "The amount you will be charged", "unlimited_time_for_free": "unlimited time for free!", "unlimited_time_with_discount": "unlimited time with discount!", "with_discount": "with discount", "with_discount_enabled": "with discount enabled", "you_can_use_infogram_pro_account": "You can use Infogram %{plan_title} account" }, "videoSettings": { "autoplay": "Autoplay video", "changeVideo": "Change video", "controls": "Show play and volume controls", "playback": { "label": "Playback", "loop": "Loop", "once": "Once" }, "searchVideos": "Search videos", "video": "Video" }, "warnings": { "expired_billing": "There has been a billing error. Please <a class=\"warning-link\" href=\"%{url}\">click here</a> to update payment information.", "terms": "We've introduced AI services as part of our solution. Review our updated <a class=\"warning-link\" href=\"%{url}\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of use</a>." }, "welcome": { "pricing": { "continue": "Continue", "start_with": "Start with %{plan}", "title": "Find the plan that’s right for you" }, "segmentation": { "business": "Business", "features": { "basic": "Basic features:", "business": "All in Pro, plus:", "enterprise": "All in Team, plus:", "pro": "All in Basic, plus:", "team": "All in Business, plus:" }, "government": "Government", "media": "Media", "non_profit": "Non-profit / NGO", "roles": { "consulting": "Consulting", "designer": "Designer", "executive": "Executive / Director", "hr": "HR / Learning", "it": "It / Engineering", "journalist": "Journalist / Editor", "marketing": "Marketing / PR", "operations": "Operations / Finance", "other": "Other", "pm": "Program / Project Manager", "researcher": "Researcher / Analyst", "sales": "Sales / Customer service", "student": "Student", "teacher": "Teacher / Professor", "writer": "Writer / Blogger" }, "school": "School / University", "self_employed": "Self employed", "step_of": "Step %{current} of %{last}", "subtitle": "Help us show you relevant content", "title": "What organization are you part of?", "title1": "Which of these best describes your role?", "view_all": "View all" }, "team_greeter": { "close": "Close", "dialog_text": "You will be able to see team projects, edit and publish them.", "dialog_text2": "Please click the button below to open team library.", "heading_dialog": "You are added to team \"%{team}\"", "heading_teams": "You are added to following teams:", "more": "More...", "see_my_team_list": "See my team list" }, "themes": { "title": "Free templates to get started" } }, "welcome_to_editor_dialog": { "button": "Got it", "dialog_info_flex": "If you want to create dynamic web content that adjusts based on viewing dimensions, <a href=\"%{link}\">choose a responsive project layout.</a>", "dialog_info_responsive": "If you want to create reports, slides, or multi-page projects that require advanced editing, <a href=\"%{link}\">choose a free layout project type.</a> ", "dialog_subtitle_flex": "This project type uses a flexible layout that allows for free placement of objects. This is ideal for creating reports, slides, or multi-page projects that require advanced editing.", "dialog_subtitle_responsive": "This project type uses a responsive content layout with fixed placement of objects. This is ideal for dynamic content embedded on the web that automatically adjusts based on viewing dimensions.", "dialog_title_flex": "You’re currently using a flexible project layout with free object placement", "dialog_title_responsive": "You’re currently using a responsive project layout with fixed object placement" } }, "apply": "Apply", "branding": { "allowFullscreen": "Allow fullscreen", "allowToDownload_2": "Allow downloads", "allowToShare_2": "Allow sharing", "applyBrandset": "Apply brand kit:", "applyBrandsetButtonTitle": "Apply", "applyBrandsetFailed": "Brand kit application failed", "assetCount": "Assets", "assignSelectedTeamsConfirmationButton": "Assign", "assignSelectedTeamsConfirmationDescription": "You are about to change brand kit for the teams you've selected. That means that all extra resources added to each team's brand kit will be removed. Do you want to continue?", "assignSelectedTeamsConfirmationTitle": "Change brand kit for selected teams?", "assignSingleTeamConfirmationButton": "Assign", "assignSingleTeamConfirmationDescription": "You are about to change brand kit for team %{teamName}. That means that all extra resources added to the current team's brand kit will be removed. Do you want to continue?", "assignSingleTeamConfirmationTitle": "Change brand kit for team %{teamName}?", "background": "Background", "brandEditButtonTitle": "Edit", "brandSetHeader": "Brand kit", "brandedTeamProfile": "Branded public profile", "brandsetAssignedNotice": "Brand kit assigned", "brandsetCreated": "New brand kit created", "brandsetCustomTitle": "Custom brand kit", "brandsetDropdownAllBrandsets": "All brand kits", "brandsetLoadError": "Cannot load brand kit", "brandsetMenuEntryDelete": "Delete", "brandsetMenuEntryDuplicate": "Duplicate", "brandsetMenuEntryEdit": "Edit", "brandsetMenuEntryResetAll": "Reset", "brandsetNotFound": "Brand kit has not been found", "brandsetResetNotice": "Brand kit has been reset", "brandsetSelectorNoBranding": "No brand kit", "cancelBrandsetAssignment": "Cancel", "change": "Change theme", "chooseBrandsetPrompt": "Choose...", "colorsLabel": "Colors", "customBrandset": "Custom brand kit", "dashboardLoadFailed": "Could not load branding dashboard. Please ensure you are an organization admin", "defaultTheme": "Default theme", "defaultThemeExplanation_2": "Selected theme can be applied to any templates team members use.", "deleteFontTitle": "Delete this font", "deletionPromptDelete": "Reset", "deletionPromptDescription": "Reset option removes all branding content from related teams. Keeping the assets leaves the content and turn brand kit to custom", "deletionPromptRetain": "Keep", "deletionPromptTitle": "Do you want to remove all assets in teams using this brand kit?", "domain": "Custom domain", "domainNameNotValid": "Chosen domain name is not valid", "editBrandsetButtonTitle": "Edit", "emptyBrandsetCannotCreate": "Only team admin can enable team brand", "emptyBrandsetCreateButton2": "Enable branding", "emptyBrandsetDescription": "Create consistent project design across all reports, dashboards, and marketing materials.", "emptyBrandsetFindOutMore": "Find out more about the branding functionality", "emptyBrandsetIndividualUser": "Please switch to a team to enable team brand", "emptyBrandsetPromptTitle": "Brand your projects", "fontDeleteFailed": "Could not delete font, please try again", "fontDeletionDialogDescription": "Existing projects using this font will not be affected, however after deletion the font will not be availabe in font selection", "fontDeletionDialogTitle": "Remove font from the brand kit?", "graphicsTitle": "Graphics library", "header": "Header", "imageDeleteFailed": "Could not delete image, please try again.", "imageDeletionDialogTitle": "Remove image from brand kit?", "logoLabel_2": "Logo", "logoTitle": "Images", "manageBrandsetsTitle": "Manage brand kits", "meta": "Footer background", "noBrandset": "No brand kit", "pageControlsBackground": "Background", "pageControlsLabel": "Page controls", "permissions": "Profile permissions", "removeColorTooltip": "Remove this color", "reservedSubdomain": "This is a reserved domain name and it can not be used for any brands.", "resetAssetsButton": "Reset assets", "resetBrandsetFailed": "Brand kit reset failed", "resetBrandsetForAllDelete": "Delete", "resetBrandsetForAllDescription": "Reset option removes all branding content from related teams. Keeping the assets leaves the content and turn brand kit to custom", "resetBrandsetForAllRetain": "Retain", "resetBrandsetForAllTitle": "Do you want to remove all assets in teams using this brand kit?", "resetBrandsetForTeam": "Reset brand kit", "resetBrandsetForTeamConfirmationButton": "Reset", "resetBrandsetForTeamConfirmationDescription": "This will erase any assets team %{teamName} has added upon their copy of this brand kit", "resetBrandsetForTeamConfirmationTitle": "Reset brand kit for team %{teamName}?", "resetCustomBrandsetFailed": "Cannot reset custom brand kit", "resetSelectedTeamsBrandsetButton": "Reset", "resetSelectedTeamsBrandsetDescription": "You are about to reset brand kit for the teams you have selected. That means that all extra resources added to each team's brand kit will be removed. Do you want to continue?", "resetSelectedTeamsBrandsetTitle": "Reset brand kits for selected teams?", "saveFailed": "Could not save brand kit", "saveFailedConnection": "Check your internet connection", "selectAllTeams": "Select all", "sortAscendingByBrandsetName": "Sort ascending by brand kit name", "sortAscendingByTeamName": "Sort ascending by team name", "sortDescendingByBrandsetName": "Sort descending by brand kit name", "sortDescendingByTeamName": "Sort descending by team name", "sortTooltip": "Sort by", "styleDescription": "Your brand colors and fonts will be accessible in all projects.", "styleTitle": "Brand style", "teamAssignmentFailed": "Could not assign brand to the team", "teamBrandsetResetFailed": "Could not reset teams brand kit", "teamHeader": "Team", "teamListEmptyDescription": "Please refine your search query or select another brand kit from the dropdown menu", "teamListEmptyTitle": "There are no teams to display", "teamProfileSettings": "Public profile settings", "teamsNotAvailableDescription": "Please create a team first", "teamsNotAvailableTitle": "Your organization has no teams", "teamsNotFoundTitle": "Nothing found for \"%{term}\"", "textAndIcons": "Text and icons", "upgradeForBrandingButton": "Upgrade to enable branding", "upgradeToEnterpriseButton": "Upgrade to enterprise", "upgradeToEnterpriseDescription": "Get full control over your public profile appearance, settings, and domain.", "upgradeToEnterpriseTitle": "Branding your public profile", "uploadFailed": "File upload failed", "uploadFontFailedDuplicate": "Such font has already been added", "uploadFontFailedNoMetadata": "Cannot use uploaded font because it has no family and/or subfamily name", "uploadFontWarning": "By uploading fonts, you confirm that you have the license to use and edit them, and that we have the right to store them.", "uploadFontsButtonTitle": "Upload fonts", "uploadedFontsTitle": "Fonts", "useDefaultThemeForAll": "Use default theme for all templates" }, "camera": { "allowButton": "Allow camera", "error": "We can’t use your camera.", "instructionButton": "I understand", "instructionSubtitle": "Please enable camera use in your browser settings.", "instructionTitle": "We can’t use your camera", "learnMore": "Learn more", "noCamera": "No camera selected", "settingsWarning": "Camera feed is only available inside the editor. It will not appear in shared links or embedded pages.", "shareWarning": "This project contains a camera feed, which is only available inside the editor. It will not appear in shared links or embedded pages.", "startCamera": "Start camera", "stopCamera": "Stop camera" }, "cancel": "Cancel", "cant_remove_admin": "Can't remove admin", "change": "Change", "close": "Close", "components": { "rte": { "add_brand_fonts_prompt": "Add brand fonts", "color": "Color", "color_picker_title": "Text color", "edit_brand_font": "Edit", "font_custom": "Custom", "font_family_label": "Font", "font_filter_placeholder": "Filter fonts", "font_group_branding": "Brand fonts", "font_group_other": "Other fonts", "font_group_theme": "Theme fonts", "font_multiple_fonts": "Multiple", "font_not_found": "No match", "font_size_label": "Font size", "header_title": "Text object", "letter_spacing_label": "Letter spacing", "line_height_label": "Line height", "link_add_title": "Add link", "list_type_label": "List type", "list_type_ordered": "Ordered", "list_type_unordered": "Unordered", "remove_link": "Remove link", "text_box_fill_label": "Text box", "text_transform": "Text transform", "text_transform_subscript": "Subscript", "text_transform_superscript": "Superscript", "vertical_align_bottom": "Bottom", "vertical_align_center": "Center", "vertical_align_label": "Vertical alignment", "vertical_align_top": "Top" } }, "confirm_password": "Confirm password", "copyright": { "privacy": "Privacy", "rights_reserved": "All rights reserved © %{currentYear} Infogram", "terms": "Terms", "trademark": "Infogram and are registered trademarks of Prezi, Inc." }, "country": "Country", "create_project": "Create a project", "date_range_picker": { "apply": "Apply", "cancel": "Cancel", "date_range": "Date range", "periods": { "custom": "Custom", "last30": "Last 30 days", "last60": "Last 60 days", "last7": "Last 7 days", "last90": "Last 90 days", "today": "Today", "yesterday": "Yesterday" } }, "delete": "Delete", "discard": "Discard", "dollar": "$", "download": "Download", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "edit_data": "Edit data", "edit_text": "Edit text", "errors": { "bad_request": "Bad request", "blocked_email": "This email address is blocked", "check_user_and_pass": "Please check your email and password", "email_taken": "This e-mail address can't be used", "incorrect_code": "The code is incorrect", "incorrect_email": "E-mail not correct", "incorrect_email_at": "Email address must contain only one @", "incorrect_email_length": "Email address exceeds maxiumum allowable length of 512", "insecure_password": "Insecure password", "internal_server_error": "Internal server error", "invalid_email": "Invalid email address", "missing_database_name": "Missing database name", "missing_email": "Missing email", "missing_first_name": "Missing first name", "missing_hostname_or_ip": "Missing hostname or IP", "missing_iframe_code": "Missing IFrame code", "missing_json_feed_url": "Missing JSON Feed URL", "missing_last_name": "Missing last name", "missing_name": "Missing name", "missing_password": "Missing password", "missing_port": "Missing port", "missing_sql_statement": "Missing SQL statement", "missing_url": "Missing URL", "missing_username": "Missing username", "password_matching": "Passwords not matching", "password_short": "Use at least 8 characters long password", "public_profile_saving_failed": "Public profile settings saving failed", "resetting_failed": "Resetting failed", "send_invoice_saving_failed": "Send invoice settings saving failed", "username_long": "Username too long", "username_short": "Username too short", "username_valid": "Username must be 3-15 latin lowercase characters, numbers or _" }, "frontpage": { "common_testimonials": { "author1": "Andreas Igler", "author10": "Hugo King", "author12": "Toby Austin", "author13": "Daniel Gniazdo", "author14": "Mike Simlett", "author15": "Andreas Oszkiel", "author17": "Stephen Spiewak", "author18": "James Sergent", "author19": "Tjaša Žakelj", "author2": "Wagner Faria de Oliveira", "author20": "Travis Bernard", "author4": "Martin Bryant", "author5": "Justin Miller", "author6": "Elizabeth Kahn", "author7": "Jeremy Corman", "author8": "Allan Nyhus", "author9": "Thomas Seymat", "cato_institute": { "clark_scott": { "name": "Clark B. Scott", "quote": "I’ve found Infogram to be an incredibly useful tool for communicating with executives – now, what just didn’t stand out using Excel spreadsheets and pivot tables jumps out. The benefits have far exceeded the cost! Additionally, we used to be working in disparate systems, with each digital pod creating content that only they could repurpose and use. With Infogram, anything someone creates and shares becomes available to the rest of the organization. That’s a benefit that will continue to build over time.", "role": "Chief of Staff" } }, "kris_carpenter": "Kris Carpenter", "kris_carpenter_role": "Director of Marketing", "little_elm": { "case_bain": { "name": "Casey Bain", "quote": "The range and flexibility of the Infogram product for the price point is just amazing! We use it for more than just data - it’s great for timelines, flow charts, and my favorite - real time countdowns on our website!", "role": "Website Manager & Graphic Designer" } }, "martin_currie": { "colin_tees": { "name": "Colin Tees", "quote": "Infogram charts gave a much stronger look to our site, because they move and you can roll over them. Like the maps; we find the interactivity really useful. It makes people get more involved with the story.", "role": "Senior Digital Marketing Manager" } }, "nrc-health": { "joel-steuben": { "name": "Joel Steuben", "quote": "All my presentations are now done using Infogram. Bye PPT! To have interactive data displayed within a slide is unique and powerful. Also, our partners really appreciate accessing the data through a live web link rather than have large files emailed back and forth with updates or new data.", "role": "Consumer Research Strategist" } }, "role1": "Director of IT & Operations", "role10": "Head of Social Media and Digital Experience", "role12": "Financial Planning & Analysis Manager", "role13": "Head of Content", "role14": "Senior Production Editor", "role15": "Operations Manager", "role17": "Digital Content Lead", "role18": "Graphics Editor", "role2": "Researcher", "role20": "Director of Audience Development", "role4": "Community Editor", "role5": "VP of Marketing", "role7": "Digital strategist", "role8": "CIO", "role9": "Journalist", "sothebys": { "peter_raven": { "name": "Peter Raven", "quote": "Infogram has opened up a whole new world of interactive graphics both to our audience and our reporters. The platform's power and ease-of-use means we can enhance our content through graphs", "role": "Data & Invention Manager" } }, "testimonial1": "With Infogram we turned our service reporting into the cutting-edge category and receive amazing feedback from the user community.", "testimonial10": "At GTB we pride ourselves on creating content which engages, so it’s critical we understand the impact of our work. With the simplicity of Infogram we can create reports with all the detail we need while being easy to read and quick to create.", "testimonial12": "Infogram is one of our most important reporting and analysis tools. We have used it for a range of stakeholders – including employees, senior management and the board of directors. It has valuable visualisation features that are unlike any other program I have come across, and turns spreadsheets of data into insight that anyone can understand. I would highly recommend that people try it out to see for themselves!", "testimonial13": "Just wanted to give a huge thanks for giving us average Joes the perfect tool to make data look great.", "testimonial14": "The industry we cover is built on data and charts, and Infogram has transformed the way we convey information to our subscribers. From simple charts to multi-page reports it’s fast, easy to use and has impact. It’s a great investment.", "testimonial15": "Our researchers are very data driven but also visual. With Infogram, for each finding and dataset, we were able to quickly test different visualizations and then choose the best option. We were able to quickly in a very agile manner develop the look and feel of our graphs.", "testimonial17": "Vivid Seats relies on Infogram to efficiently visualize data to tell impactful stories around the biggest events in live entertainment. It's helped our team to effectively craft new narratives around our data to tell the Vivid Seats story in new and compelling ways.", "testimonial18": "Infogram has helped our journalists of all skill levels quickly create graphics on deadline, allowing us to more easily share work among our network of dozens of papers.", "testimonial19": "Employment Service of Slovenia (ESS) uses Infogram with the aim to present relevant data on unemployment and employment trends to the general public and media. Infogram enables data visualisation, which has made our reports and websites more user friendly and attractive for readers. What we value most is the responsiveness of the support team which is highly committed to solve any potential user difficulties.", "testimonial2": "We wanted to create good content in a nice visual way, with a lot of design – but fast! We started using Infogram because of that.", "testimonial20": "I’m a data nerd, so I love tools that help readers better visualize information. We use a tool called Infogram at TechCrunch for data visualization. It’s super-easy to use, and you don’t have to be a data analyst or graphic designer to use it.", "testimonial3": "Infogram has taken our stats to the next level. It's great to be able to upload a spreadsheet and turn it into a beautiful interactive piece for our clients to enjoy.", "testimonial4": "When we need to explain data in a visually appealing way, Infogram lets us quickly create a custom branded report or infographic.", "testimonial5": "As a content marketing guy, I feel like I've died and gone to heaven after discovering Infogram. Best Data visualization platform I've tried!", "testimonial6": "Infogram is easy to use and students choose to do so. The finished product always looks neat and professional.", "testimonial7": "Infogram is so easy to use and the outcome is always beautiful.", "testimonial8": "With Infogram we have found a tool that makes it easy to communicate facts and numbers through infographics and charts. It has been a great return on investment.", "testimonial9": "Infogram is a great service to make impactful charts, maps and easily bring life to a story in a few clicks." }, "examples": { "contentField": { "charts": { "list_item_1": "Business reports and presentations", "list_item_2": "Blog posts", "list_item_3": "News articles", "list_item_4": "Social media content", "list_item_5": "Marketing and PR campaigns", "list_item_6": "Landing pages", "list_item_7": "eBooks", "list_item_8": "Presentations and slides", "paragraph_1": "A chart is a graphical representation of data that helps condense large amounts of information into an easy-to-understand format. Interactive charts are great for highlighting the most important points in your data. Using charts, the audience understands the main takeaway without getting confused by too many numbers and bits of information.", "paragraph_2": "Interactive charts are the opposite of boring and can be used to supplement different kinds of content, including:", "paragraph_3": "When you build an interactive chart to visualize your story or report, it keeps your audience engaged with your content for longer. Visuals make it easier to captivate your audience and explain complicated data in a simpler way.", "paragraph_4": "At Infogram, we've built an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone visualize their data and create various types of charts in minutes. Add interactive elements such as animations, gifs, interactive maps, and more.", "paragraph_5": "There are more than 15 chart types to choose from, including line charts, pictorial charts, treemaps, word clouds, and more. Pick the most suitable style for your data-driven story and create a captivating chart to wow your audience.", "paragraph_6": "We have a large database of 200 customizable chart templates to choose from. Or you can find a chart example created by other Infogram users to get inspired for your own dataviz.", "title_1": "Why create interactive charts", "title_2": "Create your best chart example with Infogram" }, "dashboards": { "list_item_1": "Track important business metrics", "list_item_2": "Report data to clients and stakeholders", "list_item_3": "Spot performance problems early on", "list_item_4": "Save time by having all the information in one place", "paragraph_1_1": "Dashboards are used for information management to provide an overview of a company's key performance indicators (KPIs). Dashboards organize, store, and display essential information from various data sources so that it's easier to identify trends, draw parallels, and see the big picture. Whether it’s your company, a specific department, or project – dashboards are the go-to tools for collecting data and making better business decisions.", "paragraph_2": "Why not just use several reports? When using dashboards, it's far easier to visualize and understand your data because you can use tables, charts, and maps to measure performance. And with Infogram's dashboard maker, you can create effective dashboards for your team or clients in minutes.", "paragraph_3": "There are many benefits to incorporating dashboards into the way you communicate important information. For example, you can:", "paragraph_4_1": "What's more – with mobile devices and tablets on the rise, you can quickly share your data dashboards to people and teams that matter for the specific project anytime, anywhere.", "paragraph_5": "With Infogram's easy-to-use dashboard maker, you can create powerful visualizations that make a positive impact on your business' success.", "paragraph_6": "Looking for inspiration? Get started by browsing our ready-made designer dashboard templates. Find your favorite dashboard sample, then add charts, tables, images, text, and other elements to your project. Or start from scratch with a blank template and let your imagination run wild.", "title_1": "Why use dashboards", "title_2": "Best dashboard examples" }, "email_headers": { "list_item_1": "Welcome emails", "list_item_2": "Product update emails", "list_item_3": "Promotional campaign emails", "list_item_4": "Blog content emails, newsletters", "list_item_5": "Seasonal campaign emails", "paragraph_1": "In the context of marketing, an email header (also called email header image or email banner) is the visual that is located at the top of your email. Email headers introduce you or your brand and business to the reader and set the tone for your message. Email headers also provide the context for the main body of the email. ", "paragraph_2": "Email headers are created for different types of newsletters and email campaigns, including: ", "paragraph_3": "Good email headers can help define your brand, and can make the reader fall in love with your brand, visit your website, purchase your products, and share their love with others. ", "paragraph_4": "Keep in mind that an email header should look simple and elegant – avoid clutter and crammed information. ", "paragraph_5": "To design your email header, start by logging in to Infogram. Choose the email header format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own image from scratch. Customize your email header post by adding your company's logo, images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your email header, add it to your email campaign, and press “send”. ", "paragraph_6": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create powerful email headers that stand out in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_7": "Browse email header examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox. ", "title_1": "Why you need email headers", "title_2": "How to create an email header", "title_3": "Best email header examples" }, "facebook_posts": { "paragraph_1": "A Facebook post is an informational or status update on the user's Facebook page or wall. Facebook posts can be entirely text — however, they're typically accompanied by an image, a video, or other media format. ", "paragraph_2": "The visuals of a Facebook post should be eye-catching to grab your audience's attention and help people process information via images much faster than plain text. ", "paragraph_3": "Facebook posts can be posted on a user's <b>personal Facebook page<b/> or <b>business<b/> or <b>brand page<b/>. In both cases, it is suggested to add visuals to your Facebook post, as posts with images get 2.3 times more engagement than Facebook posts without any images. Also, people are 65% more likely to remember information if it includes an image.", "paragraph_4": "Making your own visual content for Facebook posts can be easily done if you have the right tools. ", "paragraph_5": "Start by collecting information about what you want to post. Create a mood board with color palettes, content, and other visuals that can help shape your Facebook posts. ", "paragraph_6": "Then log in to Infogram. Choose the Facebook post format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own post from scratch. Customize your Facebook post by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your Facebook post and post it on your Facebook wall or your business page. ", "paragraph_7": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create eye-catching Facebook posts in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_8": "Browse Facebook post examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox. ", "title_1": "Why you need Facebook posts", "title_2": "How to create a Facebook post", "title_3": "Best Facebook post examples" }, "infographics": { "list_item_1": "Media and journalism", "list_item_2": "Marketing", "list_item_3": "Education", "list_item_4": "Government communication", "list_item_5": "Nonprofit", "list_item_6": "Team communication", "paragraph_1": "An infographic (or information graphic) is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge. This interactive data visualization format has become incredibly popular over the last decade and has increased data literacy in fields such as:", "paragraph_2": "The best infographics usually combine elements such as text, images, icons, charts, diagrams, and even videos and present the information quickly and clearly. Since this dataviz format is visually unique and creative, it often grabs (and keeps) the viewer's attention.", "paragraph_3": "They help you communicate your ideas in a concise, engaging, and visually compelling way. Even if the content you want to convey is data-rich, visualizing the story will make it more interactive and easier to educate and inform your audience.", "paragraph_4": "Infographics can make even the most complex ideas stand out. Simply put, they will turn a large amount of information into easily digestible pieces of information, providing a quick overview and raising awareness about the topic.", "paragraph_5": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create beautiful data visualizations in minutes. No design or coding skills are required.", "paragraph_6": "Content created by Infogram users has been viewed 1.5 billion times, so there's plenty of inspiration to choose from. Browse through our <a href=\"\">customer stories</a> to see what cool infographic ideas other Infogram users have come up with. Or if you want even more infographic inspiration, subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends right there in your inbox every week.", "title_1": "Why you need infographics", "title_2": "Best infographic examples" }, "instagram_posts": { "list_item_1": "Marketing", "list_item_2": "Retail", "list_item_3": "Education", "list_item_4": "Hospitality", "list_item_5": "Fashion", "list_item_6": "Real estate", "list_item_7": "Entertainment", "paragraph_1": "An Instagram post is a photo, graphic, GIF, or a video that an Instagram user shares on the social media platform. The visuals in your Instagram posts are usually accompanied by text or a caption, plus hashtags.", "paragraph_2": "Instagram posts can help you build better word of mouth for your personal brand or your business. This social media format is especially useful in industries such as:", "paragraph_3": "There are over 1 billion active monthly users on Instagram, which makes this social media platform a great channel for reaching a large audience and generating more sales (if you're growing a business). ", "paragraph_4": "If you or your business has an Instagram account, it's important to update it regularly with Instagram posts to boost your personal or brand presence. ", "paragraph_5": "Instagram is no place for stock photos – it's best to create personalized Instagram posts that reflect your personality, message, or the values of your business or organization. That way, you'll provide your audience with an engaging story and keep them coming back for more. ", "paragraph_6": "To get started, log in to Infogram. Choose the Instagram post format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own from scratch. Customize your Instagram post by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your Instagram post and share it on your Instagram account with your audience. ", "paragraph_7": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create stunning Instagram posts in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_8": "Browse Instagram post examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox.", "title_1": "Why you need Instagram posts", "title_2": "How to create an Instagram post", "title_3": "Best Instagram post examples" }, "linkedin_posts": { "list_item_1": "Infographics", "list_item_2": "Motivational images", "list_item_3": "Inspirational quotes from industry leaders", "list_item_4": "Images that promote company culture", "paragraph_1": "A LinkedIn post is an informative status update that can include content such as quotes, articles, job listings, videos, and photos. ", "paragraph_2": "Some of the formats that are especially popular on LinkedIn include:", "paragraph_3": "LinkedIn has become noticeably more visual in recent years with users posting photos, videos, infographics, presentations, and more every day. That's why it's important to share curated and visually appealing content on your LinkedIn profile to help your status update get noticed and become a thought leader in your field.", "paragraph_4": "It's easy to get the hang of creating your own LinkedIn posts, even if you don't have any designer experience.", "paragraph_5": "Start by logging in to Infogram. Choose the LinkedIn post format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own post from scratch. Customize your LinkedIn post by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your LinkedIn post and post it on your LinkedIn profile.", "paragraph_6": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create eye-catching LinkedIn posts in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_7": "Browse LinkedIn post examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox. ", "title_1": "Why you need LinkedIn posts", "title_2": "How to create a LinkedIn post", "title_3": "Best LinkedIn post examples" }, "pinterest_posts": { "list_item_1": "Food and drink", "list_item_2": "DIY and crafts", "list_item_3": "Home decor", "list_item_4": "Women's fashion", "list_item_5": "Quotes", "list_item_6": "Health and fitness", "list_item_7": "Humor", "list_item_8": "Travel", "paragraph_1": "A Pinterest post, or pin, is an inspirational piece of content or idea. Pinterest posts are usually images that can be saved on Pinterest boards and shared by other Pinterest users.", "paragraph_2": "Some of the most popular Pinterest post categories are:", "paragraph_3": "Pinterest is a great social media platform for business because you can showcase your brand, products, and services to an engaged, niche marketplace. It's also very easy to add links to your Pinterest posts and drive traffic directly to your webpage. As a result, Pinterest users can find out more about the pins that have caught their eye and potentially make a purchase. ", "paragraph_4": "Use high-quality photos or graphics for your pins. Make sure they are well-composed, properly showcase your product and service, and match your brand aesthetic.", "paragraph_5": "To design your Pinterest post, start by logging in to Infogram. Choose the Pinterest post format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own post from scratch. Customize your Pinterest post by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your Pinterest post and share it online.", "paragraph_6": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create stunning Pinterest posts in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_7": "Browse Pinterest post examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox. ", "title_1": "Why you need Pinterest posts", "title_2": "How to create a Pinterest post", "title_3": "Best Pinterest post examples" }, "posters": { "list_item_1": "Advertising", "list_item_10": "Research posters", "list_item_11": "Classroom posters", "list_item_12": "Propaganda posters", "list_item_13": "Campaign posters", "list_item_2": "Decoration", "list_item_3": "Education", "list_item_4": "Politics", "list_item_5": "Movie posters", "list_item_6": "Travel posters", "list_item_7": "Event posters", "list_item_8": "Concert posters", "list_item_9": "Motivational posters", "paragraph_1": "A poster is a means of visual communication and usually takes the form of a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that is attached to a wall or vertical surface. Posters are designed to communicate a message and are often used for:", "paragraph_2": "Posters usually include both text and graphic elements — however, some posters can be 100% visual or include only text. Some of the most popular types of posters include:", "paragraph_3": "The main benefit of posters is their instant visibility. Posters are an effective and affordable tool used to draw attention to important information and convey it in an eye-catching, creative way. \nFor businesses or brands, posters can help to polish your brand, boost brand visibility, and target the consumer audience.", "paragraph_4": "To get started, log in to Infogram. Choose the Poster format and pick one of our designer templates. Add images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your poster, print it, or share it with your audience online. \nWhen designing your poster, make sure your poster will be readable from a distance – don't make the text too small (and don’t write too much text). Use a big image to draw attention, but leave enough extra space to enhance the visual impact and make your poster more readable. \n", "paragraph_5": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create beautiful posters in minutes. No design or coding skills are required.\n\nBrowse stunning poster examples and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox.", "title_1": "Why you need posters", "title_2": "How to create a poster", "title_3": "Best poster examples" }, "reports": { "list_item_1": "Progress reports", "list_item_10": "Financial reports", "list_item_11": "HR reports", "list_item_2": "Demographic reports", "list_item_3": "Book reports", "list_item_4": "Progress reports", "list_item_5": "White papers", "list_item_6": "Workplace reports", "list_item_7": "Sales reports", "list_item_8": "Marketing reports", "list_item_9": "Year-in-review reports", "paragraph_1": "A report is a document that demonstrates and structures information in an organized way for a specific audience and with a purpose. Some examples include:", "paragraph_2": "Reports play an especially essential role in the field of business. They summarize important data and provide in-depth information about any topic so that companies can then make informed business decisions. Business-related reports include:", "paragraph_3": "Start by choosing a subject and collecting all the bits and pieces of information you can find about it. Analyze your data and draw conclusions.", "paragraph_4": "The next step will be to visualize your research. Start by <a href=\"\">logging in to Infogram</a>. Then, click on the report icon to start a new project. As the next step, you'll choose a report format that fits your needs. Don't worry, there are plenty of templates to choose from. Fill your project with images, text, charts, and other elements. Finish off by downloading your report, sharing it with the team, or publishing online.", "paragraph_5": "While students and educators might be searching for an easy-to-create research report format, businesses will be on the lookout for the best business report example. With Infogram, you can create stunning reports from scratch, no prior experience, programming, or design skills needed. Browse our report example section to see what other creators have been up to. Even if you want to create the most formal report example out there, our free report-maker tool will help you achieve the expected outcome.", "title_1": "How to write a report", "title_2": "The right report example for you" }, "slides": { "paragraph_1": "Slides are ways of communicating ideas and information to your audience. Depending on the subject, the best and most effective presentations will consist of 10 to 12 slides to get your idea across. In the case of more complex topics, you might need more slides to communicate your message.", "paragraph_2": "Start with an eye-catching presentation template with visually appealing slides examples to help you capture people's attention and engage them in your topic from the get-go - no matter how difficult the message.", "paragraph_3": "If you want your presentation to make sense to your audience, it needs to contain several important elements.", "paragraph_4": "First, you need to have good content. Collect all the information that's necessary to clarify the topic. Just don't go overboard with the amount of information - there's a limit to how much content the audience can absorb.", "paragraph_5": "This brings us to the second important aspect - the structure of your slides. Your presentation must be sequenced and paced. It should also have a logical beginning, middle, and end.", "paragraph_6": "Last, but not least - the packaging. Your presentation must be well prepared, and your slides should be organized. Remember to use high-quality graphics and a visual theme to keep a unified style.", "paragraph_7": "This is where Infogram steps in as the go-to tool for creating powerful slides. With our one-stop slides maker, you can easily build a powerful presentation while keeping it simple and accessible.", "paragraph_8": "Add infographics, pictures, text, and other elements. Customize your presentation to fit your tone of voice. To save time, reuse slides examples from presentations you've created previously. Browse our impressive portfolio of presentation slides examples for inspiration and start creating.", "title_1": "What makes good slides", "title_2": "Get started with Infogram" }, "social-media-graphics": { "paragraph_1": "Social media graphics are great for boosting brand awareness and affinity, as well as effectively connecting with your audience. Because here's the thing - text alone isn't attractive enough. Adding images to your social media posts, on the other hand, will improve your followers' experience, focus, and retention.", "paragraph_2": "Nowadays, social media feeds are oversaturated with poor-quality content, stories, product updates, and more. This makes it difficult for content creators to make their posts stand out. The one thing that you can do to win your audience over - use powerful visuals.", "paragraph_3_1": "Eye-catching social media graphics turn your posts from \"just okay\" to amazing pieces of content. The right visuals can trigger positive emotions, easily putting your content in front of fresh eyes and making a connection with new followers.", "paragraph_4": "Sometimes, there's just not enough content to fill your social media posting schedule. When you need something original to post, turn fun facts and statistics into social media graphics. Add them to your content calendar to connect with your audience and keep them engaged.", "paragraph_5": "Browse Infogram's social media graphics examples for the most impressive visuals. Create graphics for major social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more.", "paragraph_6": "To get started, log in to Infogram. Choose a project type and pick one of our designer templates. Next, add images, text, charts, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your image and share it on social media.", "title_1": "Why you need social media graphics", "title_2": "Stunning social media graphics with Infogram" }, "twitter_posts": { "list_item_1": "Humor", "list_item_2": "Food", "list_item_3": "Travel", "paragraph_1": "A Twitter post is a 280-character status update on Twitter, otherwise known as a \"tweet”. Tweets are often accompanied by articles, videos, GIFs, and images. Your tweet can be seen by anyone who has chosen to follow your Twitter profile. ", "paragraph_10": "Browse Twitter post examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox.", "paragraph_2": "Here are the most popular categories of images on Twitter:", "paragraph_3": "Quotes are also a popular format published on Twitter, so you can create image-based quotes incorporating your business logo for brand awareness. ", "paragraph_4": "Twitter can be a very helpful platform if you want to share your thoughts, opinions, and other valuable content in a concise form; grow a following; and attract customers for your business. ", "paragraph_5": "On Twitter, images perform much better than videos, getting 128% more retweets. ", "paragraph_6": "Humor is a big thing on Twitter as it helps to humanize business and enterprise accounts. After all, it's much easier to build affection towards a company when it actually feels human and relatable. ", "paragraph_7": "Come up with creative ways to infuse your business or personal brand with humor to maximize branding and design efforts. ", "paragraph_8": "As for the design part, start by logging in to Infogram. Choose the Twitter post format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own post from scratch. Customize your Twitter post by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your post and tweet it online.", "paragraph_9": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create eye-catching tweets in minutes. No design experience is required.", "title_1": "Why you need Twitter posts", "title_2": "How to create a Twitter post", "title_3": "Best Twitter post examples" }, "youtube_thumbnails": { "list_item_1": "Personal vlogs", "list_item_10": "Contrasting colors (for example, dark objects on bright backdrops)", "list_item_2": "Travel vlogs", "list_item_3": "How-to videos", "list_item_4": "DIY vlogs", "list_item_5": "Fitness and exercise videos", "list_item_6": "ASMR videos", "list_item_7": "Fashion haul videos", "list_item_8": "An expressive headshot", "list_item_9": "A header in big, bold letters", "paragraph_1": "A YouTube thumbnail is the cover of any video that is uploaded to YouTube ad lets viewers see a quick snapshot of your content while they're browsing YouTube. YouTube thumbnails are generated automatically or you can upload a custom YouTube thumbnail.", "paragraph_2": "A custom-made YouTube thumbnail can be used for any YouTube video category, for example:", "paragraph_3": "The thumbnails that are selected by YouTube automatically are not always the best, and may end up telling the viewer nothing of what the video is actually about.", "paragraph_4": "With the help of custom YouTube thumbnails, you can tell a much more intriguing story and persuade the viewer to click on your video. ", "paragraph_5": "Here are some key ingredients that will make your YouTube thumbnail really clickable:", "paragraph_6": "To design your custom YouTube thumbnail, start by logging in to Infogram. Choose the YouTube thumbnail format and browse our vast library of designer-made templates or create your own image from scratch. Customize your YouTube thumbnail by adding images, text, icons, and other elements in our easy-to-use editor. Finally, download your YouTube thumbnail and add it to your video as you upload it to YouTube. ", "paragraph_7": "At Infogram, we've created an easy-to-use tool that helps anyone create powerful email headers that stand out in minutes. No design experience is required.", "paragraph_8": "Browse our YouTube thumbnail examples on Infogram and subscribe to our newsletter for tips and trends delivered right to your inbox.", "title_1": "Why you need YouTube thumbnails", "title_2": "How to create a YouTube thumbnail", "title_3": "Best YouTube thumbnail examples" } }, "examples_menu": { "browse_charts": "Browse chart types", "browse_examples": "Browse examples" }, "start_your_first_project": "Start your first project" }, "existingAccount": { "differentLogin": "Log in with a different email", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?", "login": "Log in", "message": "An Infogram account with the email %{email} already exists. It seems you logged in with %{provider} before.", "messageInfogram": "An Infogram account with the email %{email} already exists. It seems you logged in with email and password before.", "rememberMe": "Remember me", "title": "Existing account" }, "forgot_page": { "email": "Email", "email_address": "Email address", "head_description": "Forgot password", "head_title": "Forgot password - Infogram", "request_link": "Request reset link", "return_to_login": "Return to log in", "your_password": "Forgot your password?" }, "forms": { "login": { "facebook": "Facebook", "google": "Google", "linkedin": "LinkedIn", "login_with2": "Log in with" }, "register": { "password_info_msg": "Enter a password between 8 and 32 characters long" }, "reset_password": { "head_description": "Reset user password", "head_keywords": "reset user password", "head_title": "Reset user password - Infogram", "must_be_the_same": "Passwords must be the same", "reset_your_password": "Reset your password", "update_password": "Update password" } }, "header": { "close_menu": "Close menu", "open_menu": "Open menu", "sign_up": "Sign up" }, "indexPage": { "ai_workflow": { "description_1": "Eliminate design stress – just enter your topic or data, and our AI will create stunning infographics in seconds.", "description_2": "Effortlessly transform your data into clear, professional charts or graphs with AI-driven design - no expertise needed.", "description_3": "Upload your data, and let AI instantly recommend the most effective chart type, saving you time and ensuring clarity in communication.", "subtitle_1": "AI Infographic Generation", "subtitle_2": "AI Charts & Graphs Generation", "subtitle_3": "AI Chart Recommendations", "title": "Elevate Your Workflow with AI" }, "data_possibilities": { "description_1": "Explore over 35 charts and 800+ map types with different styles.", "description_2": "Keep your visualizations fresh with auto-updating data for real-time insights.", "description_3": "Connect to a wide range of data sources like MySQL, and PostgreSQL, or easily upload your own files.", "subtitle_1": "Extensive Chart & Map Library", "subtitle_2": "Live Data Updates", "subtitle_3": "Import Your Data", "title": "Explore Endless Data Possibilities" }, "description2": "Infogram is an easy-to-use, AI-powered tool for creating stunning infographics, charts, dashboards, maps, and more. Effortlessly design and share interactive data visualizations across various platforms.", "header": { "description_1": "Charts, Maps, Infographics, Reports, and More. Share or Embed Anywhere.", "join": "Join Infogram now", "subtitle_1": "Trusted by 10M+ users worldwide", "title_1": "Create Interactive Data Visualizations with AI" }, "interactive": { "description_1": "Easily captivate your audience with stunning, interactive designs, from animated charts to engaging infographics. Bring your content to life in minutes with customizable tooltips, dynamic legends, and more.", "description_2": "Effortlessly share your interactive projects by embedding them on websites or exporting as MP4s, allowing viewers to engage directly with your projects for an immersive and dynamic experience.", "description_3": "Revitalize your existing projects by importing PDFs, PowerPoint, or Word files into Infogram. Easily edit, enhance, and add interactive elements to transform your content and take it to the next level.", "subtitle_1": "Create Engaging & Interactive Designs", "subtitle_2": "Share & Embed Interactively", "subtitle_3": "Revive Your Projects", "title": "Experience the Power of Interactivity" }, "pro_editing_features": { "description_1": "Access a diverse range of premium visual assets including photos, videos, stickers, GIFs, and more.", "description_2": "Effortlessly remove image backgrounds to focus on specific elements.", "description_3": "Resize project size and layout instantly with a single click.", "description_4": "Apply subtle effects for a seamless and professional appearance.", "description_5": "Easily select and match colors using the eye-drop color picker.", "description_6": "Apply gradient effects to text and project backgrounds.", "description_7": "Align objects on your canvas with a simple click.", "description_8": "Create unique visual compositions by overlaying patterns or shapes on images.", "description_9": "Enhance visuals with various filters and effects.", "next_button_label": "Next slide", "prev_button_label": "Previous slide", "slide_number": "Go to slide %{slide_number}", "subtitle_1": "Royalty-Free Library", "subtitle_2": "Image Background Remover", "subtitle_3": "Resize with One Click", "subtitle_4": "Zoom, Bounce, Flip, or Fade", "subtitle_5": "Color Picking and Image Tinting", "subtitle_6": "Color Gradients", "subtitle_7": "Content Auto-Aligning", "subtitle_8": "Image Masking", "subtitle_9": "Filters and Effects", "title": "Access Pro Editing Features" }, "teams": { "description_1": "Maintain brand consistency across all visuals. Create a centralized hub for your brand's logo, colors, and fonts. Easily apply your brand identity to every project.", "description_2": "Uncover insights into your visual content's performance. Track viewer behavior, demographics, and sharing activity. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your content strategy.", "description_3": "Work seamlessly with your team on projects. Collaborate in real time, share feedback, and manage project workflows efficiently. Unlock your team's full potential.", "subtitle_1": "Brand Kit", "subtitle_2": "Content Engagement Analytics", "subtitle_3": "Real-Time Collaboration and More", "title": "Made for Team Excellence" }, "title2": "Create Interactive Data Visualizations with AI | Infogram", "users": { "subtitle": "From global enterprises to students and individuals, millions rely on Infogram to transform data into compelling visuals.", "title": "Trusted by 10M+ Users Worldwide" } }, "integrations": { "data": "Data", "description": "Connect to the most popular media and data apps with Infogram integrations. An easy way to create powerful visualizations that engage, inspire, and convert.", "descriptions": { "drive": "Save time and import data from Google spreadsheets directly to Infogram editor to quickly create charts and reports.", "dropbox": "Save a few clicks and upload data files from Dropbox directly into the Infogram editor.", "excel": "No need to spend time manually adding data to your project. Just upload an Excel or CSV file into the editor to start creating beautiful charts and reports immediately.", "flickr": "Find and add inspiring images from Flickr to enhance your visualization. Infogram makes it easy to insert any image from Flickr directly into your project without a hiccup.", "giphy": "Spice up your project with moving GIF images. Just search our extensive library of animated GIFs and add them directly to your visualization.", "iframe": "Use IFrames to embed Google Maps, Typeform or your website to Infogram project.", "json": "Infogram makes it simple to import live data into your charts. Create charts that update live and embed them on the web.", "mssql": "Turn your data into actionable reports in minutes by importing your data directly from Microsoft SQL servers to your Infogram project.", "mysql": "Connect your data from the MySQL database to the Infogram editor and use it to create an Infogram project in a flash.", "oracle": "Connect with your Oracle database and import data directly into Infogram. Use that data to create engaging charts, reports, and infographics.", "postgres": "Process and import your data from the Postgre SQL database to your Infogram project. This allows you to create engaging charts, reports, and visualizations in minutes.", "redshift": "Import your data directly from Amazon Redshift to any Infogram project and seamlessly create powerful visual reports.", "slideshare": "Easily find and insert any SlideShare presentation directly into the Infogram editor. You can easily add your own slides or share content already hosted on SlideShare.", "url": "Add a hyperlink and description for any website right into your report, infographic, or presentation.", "vimeo": "Vimeo is full of engaging videos that can bring your project to life. You can insert a video into your project in just a few simple steps.", "youtube": "Increase your outreach and engagement with video content. Add Youtube videos to Infogram projects in a matter of seconds. Just use the Youtube search inside our editor and click “insert”." }, "hero_description": "Powerful integration tools that connect to your data and your audience", "hero_title": "Infogram Integrations", "learn_more": "Learn more", "media": "Media", "schedule_a_demo": "Schedule a demo", "text": "Connect Infogram with these popular apps to seamlessly create visual content that engages, inspires, and converts. No need to reinvent the wheel when creating visuals. Infogram allows you to integrate with powerful media apps such as Google Drive, Youtube, Vimeo, Giphy, and Iframe. You can also import your data with ease from Excel, Dropbox, Json, Google Analytics, and more.", "use_in_infogram": "Use in Infogram" }, "keystone": { "customers": { "description": "From startups to established enterprises, our platform has been embraced by a diverse range of businesses seeking to captivate audiences and simplify complex data. Here are just a few examples of the 30,000+ companies that use Infogram.", "title": "Empowering 30,000+ Companies Worldwide" }, "faq": { "subtitle": "Check our FAQs", "title": "Didn't find the answer?" }, "home": "Home", "menu": { "examples": "Examples", "faq": "FAQ", "overview": "Overview", "reviews": "Reviews", "tips": "Tips", "types": "Types", "why": "Why" } }, "loginPage": { "loginSS0": "Single Sign On" }, "login_page": { "different_login": "Log in with a different email", "email": "Email", "email_address": "Email address", "forgot_password": "Forgot password?", "head_description": "Log in into Infogram here. Make beautiful infographics, reports, maps and much more.", "head_keywords": "log in", "head_title": "Log in - Infogram", "login": "Log in", "password": "Password", "register_full": "Don't have an account? Register here.", "sso_login_failed": "Cannot log you in with your corporate email" }, "other_stories_block": { "heading": "Other success stories" }, "pricing": { "billed_monthly": "billed monthly", "billed_yearly": "billed yearly", "button_contact_us": "Contact us", "button_sign_up": "Sign up", "button_start_now": "Start now", "companies": { "subtitle": "From startups to established enterprises, our platform has been embraced by a diverse range of businesses seeking to captivate audiences and simplify complex data. Here are just a few examples of the 30,000+ companies that use Infogram.", "title": "Empowering 30,000+ Companies Worldwide" }, "compare_plans": "Compare all plans", "dollars_a_month": "$%{price}/mo", "faq": { "answer_1": "Absolutely! If you're on our Business, <a href=''>Team</a>, or Enterprise plan, you can remove Infogram's logo or replace it with your own. Check out our guide for step-by-step instructions.", "answer_10": "Sorry, we don't offer refunds as per our <a href=''>Terms of Service</a>.", "answer_2": "You can choose to pay monthly or annually for our plans.", "answer_3": "We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal. If you need invoicing terms for annual subscriptions, just send an email to <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'></a>.", "answer_4": "Sure! Businesses, organizations, and professionals need one of our paid plans (Pro, Business, <a href=''>Team</a>, or Enterprise). These plans come with extra perks like higher usage limits and advanced features. Our Basic plan is great for personal use like blogs and presentations.", "answer_5": "Absolutely! Just reach out to us, and we'll set you up with a special offer tailored to your needs.", "answer_6": "Yes, with our <a href=''>Team</a> and Enterprise plans, you can collaborate with multiple users. A Team account is tailored for one team with 3 to 10 users, while an Enterprise account is for one or multiple teams with 10 or more users. The pricing depends on the team size and it's more cost-effective than individual accounts. Just reach out to us, and we'll set you up with a special offer tailored to your needs.", "answer_7": "Don't worry, we'll let you know if you're getting close to the limit. You'll have the option to upgrade to a larger team size tier. Your projects will always stay accessible. You can do this by visiting <a href=''>the billing section</a> or contacting <a href='' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'></a>.", "answer_8": "We take your data seriously. Our system keeps everything secure, with a 99.8% uptime guarantee. If you want extra privacy, you can password-protect your projects or download them as PDFs or images (available for Pro, Business, <a href=''>Team</a>, or Enterprise plans).", "answer_9": "You can cancel anytime from your account settings. We recommend doing so 30 days before your next payment. You'll keep access to all the features until the end of your subscription period. Learn more <a href=''>here</a>.", "question_1": "Can I remove Infogram's logo and add my own?", "question_10": "Can I get a refund?", "question_2": "How long are the subscription periods?", "question_3": "What payment options do you accept?", "question_4": "Can I use Infogram for my business?", "question_5": "Do you offer special pricing for startups, nonprofits, or educational organizations?", "question_6": "Can I invite multiple users to my Infogram account? How much does it cost?", "question_7": "What happens if I exceed my team size limit?", "question_8": "How do you ensure data security and privacy?", "question_9": "What's your cancellation policy?", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions" }, "features": "Features", "head_description": "Use Infogram to tell visual stories with data. Start for free or sign up for a paid plan to take your content to the next level. Check out our pricing here.", "head_title": "Pricing - Infogram", "header": { "description_1": "From personal to enterprise, find your perfect Infogram plan.", "subtitle": "Trusted by 10M+ users worldwide", "title": "Find the Perfect Plan for You" }, "key_benefits": "Key benefits:", "need_help": { "cta_1": "Schedule a demo", "cta_2": "Talk to us", "description_1": "Explore our features tailored for businesses and larger teams with a personalized demo.", "description_2": "Not sure which plan suits you best? Let us help you find the perfect fit for your needs.", "subtitle_1": "Request a demo", "subtitle_2": "Talk to us", "title": "Need help?" }, "price_a_month": "/ mo", "special_offers": { "cta_1": "Get a quote", "cta_2": "Get a quote", "cta_3": "Get a quote", "description_1": "Access special pricing designed for educational institutions to boost your resources affordably.", "description_2": "Take advantage of discounted rates for nonprofits, stretching your budget and increasing impact.", "description_3": "Unlock exclusive pricing for startups, offering cost-effective solutions to fuel your growth.", "subtitle_1": "For Educational Organizations", "subtitle_2": "For Nonprofits", "subtitle_3": "For Startups", "title": "Special Offer" }, "table_no": "no", "table_toggle_description": "Show/hide description", "table_yes": "yes", "toggle_annually_with_discount": "Annually (save %{discount}%)", "toggle_monthly": "Monthly", "vat_info": "The price is VAT exclusive. VAT will be added based on the VAT rate applicable in the customer’s state or country, unless a valid VAT number is provided." }, "request_demo": "Request a demo", "signup": { "check_email": "Check your email", "code": "Code", "continue": "Continue", "did_not_get_code": "Didn't get the code? Check your spam or junk folder, or %{resend}.", "email": "Email", "email_address": "Email address", "enter_code": "Enter it below within 10 minutes to continue.", "first_name": "First name", "have_account": "Already have an account? Log in here.", "lets_get_started": "Let’s get started", "password": "Password", "password_explanation": "Enter a password between 8 and 32 characters long", "resend_it": "resend it", "resent_it_in": "resend it in %{number} seconds", "sign_up_with_work_email": "Sign up with work email", "terms_agreement": "By proceeding you agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a>", "verification_sent": "We've sent a code to %{email}." }, "success_stories": { "back_to_customer_stories_link": "Back to customer stories", "customer_reviews": "Customer Reviews", "customer_reviews_subtitle": "Here is what our customers have to say about us.", "faq": { "faq_answer_1": "Infogram empowers you to transform complex data into engaging visuals like infographics, charts, and reports. This allows you to: <ul><li><strong>Capture reader attention.</strong> Our interactive elements keep viewers interested, boosting engagement with your publications.</li><li><strong>Communicate data effectively.</strong> Infogram simplifies complex information, making it easily digestible for your audience.</li><li><strong>Drive deeper understanding.</strong> Interactive features allow viewers to explore data at their own pace, fostering a deeper understanding.</li></ul>", "faq_answer_2": "Interactive content is useful for several reasons: <ol><li><strong>Increased engagement.</strong> Interactive content is more engaging than traditional content because it allows users to participate actively and interact with the content. This can lead to higher levels of engagement, which can help to improve retention and increase the chances of users sharing the content with their friends and followers.</li><li><strong>Personalization.</strong> Interactive content can be personalized to the user's interests or needs, making it more relevant and useful.</li><li><strong>Brand awareness.</strong> Interactive content can help to increase brand awareness by providing a unique and memorable experience that users are likely to share with their friends and followers. This can help to increase your reach and build brand loyalty.</li><li><strong>Improved user experience.</strong> Interactive content can help to improve the user experience by providing a more enjoyable and informative experience that meets their needs and interests.</li></ol>", "faq_answer_3": "<ol><li>Open your library.</li><li>Choose a project you want to create (<a href=''>infographics</a>, <a href=''>reports</a>, <a href=''>slides</a> etc.).</li><li>Explore <a href=''>Infogram templates</a> or select a blank page to start from scratch.</li><li>After you have chosen your project type and template, you can start editing your project (you can add <a href=''>charts</a>, <a href=''>maps</a> and other graphic elements that better suit your project).</li><li>Complement your project with interactive features like tooltips, pop-ups, animations, and more. Provide additional information and add dynamic effects to encourage data exploration and engagement.</li></ol>", "faq_answer_4": "Infogram supports a wide variety of data formats, including spreadsheets, databases, and cloud storage services. For example, you can easily create visuals for: <ul><li>Surveys and polls</li><li>Financial reports</li><li>Sales insights</li><li>Website traffic data</li><li>Market research findings</li><li>HR metrics (e.g., employee turnover, satisfaction)</li><li>Geographic and demographic data</li><li>Student performance</li><li>Many more</li></ul>", "faq_answer_5": "Infogram offers a variety of tools and features to create visually appealing and interactive data visualizations: <ul><li><strong>Rich chart library.</strong> Choose from a wide range of chart types, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more, to best represent your data.</li><li><strong>Customizable design:</strong> Tailor the look and feel of your visualizations to match your brand and audience preferences. Adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to create a professional and polished presentation.</li><li><strong>Interactive elements:</strong> Add interactive features like tooltips, pop-ups, and filters to provide additional context and allow users to explore data on their own terms.</li><li><strong>Data storytelling:</strong> Combine data visualizations with text and images to create compelling narratives that engage your audience and drive understanding.</li></ul> With these and many other Infogram features, you can transform complex data into easy-to-understand and captivating visualizations that leave a lasting impression.", "faq_answer_6": "To measure the impact of your data visualizations, consider the following: <ul><li><strong>Engagement metrics.</strong> Track page views, time on page, shares, likes, and comments.</li><li><strong>Direct feedback.</strong> Use surveys, feedback forms, and social media comments to gather qualitative feedback on the clarity, effectiveness, and impact of your visualizations.</li><li><strong>Behavioral changes.</strong> Monitor website traffic, sales, and decision-making to assess whether your visualizations have influenced specific actions or behaviors.</li><li><strong>A/B testing.</strong> Experiment with different design elements, such as color schemes, chart types, and interactive features, to identify the most effective approach.</li><li><strong>Infogram analytics.</strong> Use Infogram's built-in analytics to gain deeper insights into the performance of your visualizations. Basic analytics (Business plan) offer a general overview of views, shares, and geographic reach, while advanced analytics (Team & Enterprise plan) allow you to delve deeper into user behavior, tracking interactions with specific elements and time spent on visualizations.</li></ul> By combining these methods, you can assess the effectiveness of your visualizations and make data-driven improvements.", "faq_answer_7": "Yes! Infogram features a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality. No coding knowledge is required. We also offer a library of pre-designed templates to get you started quickly. What’s more, Infogram offers AI-powered functionalities that make <a href=''>creating infographics</a> and <a href=''>selecting and generating charts</a> easier than ever before.", "faq_answer_8": "Infogram offers a free plan with limited features. We also have paid plans tailored to different needs and team sizes. You can explore and compare pricing options <a href=''>here</a>.", "question_1": "How can Infogram help me achieve results (increased engagement, improved data communication etc.)?", "question_2": "Why is interactive content useful in data visualizations?", "question_3": "How do you create interactive content in Infogram?", "question_4": "What kind of data can I visualize with Infogram?", "question_5": "How can Infogram help me present data in an engaging way?", "question_6": "How can I measure the impact of my data visualizations?", "question_7": "Is Infogram easy to use, even for those without design experience?", "question_8": "What are the pricing options for Infogram?" }, "headline_subtitle": "Curious to see the impact of Infogram? Explore our customer success stories and learn how effective data visualization can transform your business.", "headline_title": "Customer Stories", "load_more": "Load more", "meta_description": "Discover how businesses are using Infogram to achieve extraordinary results. Read our customer success stories.", "meta_title": "Customer Success Stories | Infogram", "page_title": "Home - Customers", "read_more": "Read more", "schedule_a_demo_cta": "Schedule a demo", "table_of_content": "Table of content", "top_stories_title": "Customers in Spotlight" }, "templates": { "different_keywords": "Please try different keywords", "filter_by_color": "By color", "get_started": "Get started here", "go_back": "Back to all templates", "input_search_here": "Search here", "intro": "Create and share infographics, reports, and maps with Infogram. Easily create interactive data visualizations with more than 200 customizable Infogram templates.", "meta": { "description": "Create and share infographics, reports, and maps with Infogram. Easily create interactive data visualizations with more than 200 customizable Infogram templates.", "title": "Infographics, reports, and maps with Infogram templates" }, "no_results": "No results found", "no_results_for_keyword": "No results found for '%{searchQuery}'", "other_templates": "Other Infographic templates", "preview": "Preview", "preview_meta_title": "Infogram Template - %{title}", "preview_title": "%{title} Template", "see_all_templates": "See all templates", "title": "Templates", "upgrade": "Upgrade", "use_template": "Use Template", "with_pro": "Use with Pro plan" } }, "get_started": "Get started", "infogram": "Infogram", "infogram_plural": "Infograms", "information_updated": "Information updated", "insert": "Insert", "inspector": { "accessibility": { "accessible_switch_label": "Visible to screen readers", "collapsible_header": "Accessibility", "description": "Description", "label": "Label", "read_children_label": "Read group content" }, "free": { "add_background_image": "Add background image", "add_page": "Add page", "adjust_and_filters": "Filter & adjust", "apply_mask": "Apply mask", "background_color": "Background color", "change_image": "Change image", "color_fill": "Fill", "color_overlay": "Color overlay", "entity": { "animation": { "add": "Add animation", "animation_overview": "Animation overview", "change": "Change", "delay": "Delay", "distance": "Distance", "duration_caption": "Duration", "no_animation_warning": "There are no animated objects in this page.", "on_click_disabled_title": "On-click animations disabled", "on_click_disabled_warning": "On-click animations are currently disabled. 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"text_color": "Text color" }, "group": "Group objects", "hide_page_controls": "Hide page controls", "hide_page_controls_tooltip": "If enabled, viewers will only be able to switch to different pages of your project if you have set up links to other pages on the 1st page.", "image_blur": "Image blur", "image_opacity": "Image opacity", "multiple": "Multiple objects", "object_is_locked": "Object is locked", "page": { "header_input": "Page Title" }, "page_background": "Page background", "page_m_of_n_settings": "Page %{current} of %{total} settings", "page_transitions": "Page transitions", "pages": "Pages", "project_background_1": "Background", "project_property_reset": "Reset to theme default", "project_size_1": "Size", "reset_to_default_1": "Reset to default", "reset_to_theme_default_1": "Reset to palette default", "select_image": "Select image", "settings": "Settings", "theme": "Theme", "transitions": { "autoplay_presentation": "Autoplay presentation", "cross-fade": "Crossfade", 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will be sent to it." }, "mobile_desktop_promo": "For more features, open Infogram on a computer.", "month": "month", "month_plural": "months", "narrow": "Narrow", "navigation": { "back_to_library": "Back to library", "faq": "FAQ", "logout": "Log out", "team_templates": "Team templates", "templates": "Templates" }, "new_badge": "New", "no": "no", "password": "Password", "payments": { "1_month_cycle": "1 month cycle", "1_year_cycle": "1 year cycle", "annually": "Annually", "are_company": "Need an invoice?", "benefits": { "custom_branding": "Custom branding", "custom_logo": "Custom logo upload", "downloadable_projects": "Downloadable projects", "engagement_analytics": "Engagement analytics", "export": "Self-hosting and project export", "library_storage": "Library storage for %{size} projects", "live_data": "Live data integrations", "multi_teams": "Multiple team capability", "premium_templates": "Premium templates", "presenter_notes": "Presenter notes", "privacy_control": "Privacy 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"have_discount_code": "Have a discount code?", "include_vat": "(incl. VAT %{vatAmount})", "infogram_business": "Infogram Business", "infogram_enterprise": "Infogram for Enterprise", "infogram_pro": "Infogram Pro", "infogram_teams": "Infogram for Teams", "lets_go": "Let's go", "login_paypal": "Login with PayPal", "manage_details": "Manage payment details", "monthly": "Monthly", "multi_year_link": "For multi-year deals and more savings, <a href='%{link}' target='_blank'>contact us</a>", "name_on_card": "Name on card:", "negative_prorate": "The amount that will be discounted from the next payment", "next_renewal": "Next renewal", "paypal_account": "Paypal account:", "per_month": "/mo", "per_period": "per %{period}", "per_user_per_month": "/user/mo", "plus_vat": "(+ VAT)", "processing": "Processing, please wait…", "purchase_as_a_business": "Purchase as a business", "save_money": "Save", "small_teams": "For teams", "start_with": "Start your %{title} plan and enjoy:", "success_upgraded": "Success. You are upgraded", "total": "total", "total_due_today": "Total due today", "trust": "Trusted by the world’s smartest companies", "upgrade_now": "Upgrade now", "vat": "VAT", "x_users": "%{number} users" }, "plans": { "all_plan_features_plus": "All %{plan} features, plus:", "annual_billing_enterprise_part1": "annual billing", "billed_annually": "billed annually", "billed_monthly": "billed monthly", "chat_now": "Chat now", "contact_sales_phone": "+1 650 729 1672", "contact_us": "Contact Us", "current_plan": "Current plan", "descriptions": { "business_1": "Everything in Pro, plus your brand kit (logo, palette, font, and images), a larger library, and unlimited pages per project.", "enterprise_1": "Unlock Infogram's full power for your business. Get custom designs, branded profile and subdomain, priority support, and tailored team training.", "free": "Get started for free to see how easy it is to design beautiful data visualizations with Infogram.", "pro": "For those who want to download, share privately, and access premium templates and images.", "team_1": "Everything in Business, plus team collaboration. Single team functionality starts with 3 users, including support and training." }, "features": { "advancedImageEditing": { "description": "Use our advanced editing tool to remove image background in your projects.", "table_description": "Tools for color picking, tinting, aligning, applying effects, and more.", "title": "Advanced image editing features", "tooltip": "Color picking, tinting, background removal, and more." }, "advancedTraining": { "description": "Customer Success Manager available for specialized training, consultations, Infogram updates, and charting best practices.", "title": "Advanced training & dedicated account manager" }, "aiChartSuggestions": { "description": "AI-powered suggestions for the most suitable chart types for your uploaded or pasted data.", "title": "AI chart suggestions" }, "aiCharts": { "description": "AI-generated charts and graphs from your data or topic.", "title": "AI charts & graphs maker" }, "aiInfographics": { "description": "AI-generated infographics based on your data or topic.", "title": "AI infographic maker" }, "analytics": { "advanced": "Advanced analytics", "advanced_tooltip": "Analyze performance and engagement of your content.", "basic": "Basic analytics", "basic_tooltip": "Track views and viewer location data.", "table_description": "Track and analyze content performance, viewer behavior, and sharing stats.", "title": "Content engagement analytics" }, "apiSupport": { "description": "Receive guidance and consultation for API implementation.", "title": "API support" }, "assets": { "description": "Access to a wide range of images, icons, and more.", "million": "1 million images and icons", "title": "Library assets" }, "basic_analytics": { "description": "Track project views and viewer locations.", "title": "Basic analytics" }, "brandingBusiness": { "description": "Upload your brand kit (logo, palette, font, and images) to build a consistent brand style.", "title": "Your brand logo, color palette, fonts, and image assets", "tooltip": "Centralize and apply your brand assets." }, "brandingEnterprise": { "description": "Apply custom looks for your public profile and add a subdomain to create a seamless and professional look for your brand.", "description2": "Personalize your view pages with custom designs and add a branded subdomain for a professional appearance.", "title": "Branded public profile and subdomain", "title2": "Branded view pages and subdomain" }, "brandingPro": { "description": "Set your favorite colors, fonts, and images to brand your projects.", "title": "Set your favorite colors, fonts, and images" }, "brandingTheme": { "description": "Get a personalized template with custom colors and fonts that align with your brand.", "title": "Custom branded theme" }, "brandkit": { "business": "Brand logo, color palette, fonts, and image assets", "description": "Centralize and apply your brand’s logo, colors, and fonts to all projects.", "enterprise2": "Brand logo, color palette, fonts, image assets, branded view pages, and subdomain", "pro": "Favorite colors, fonts, and images", "title": "Brand Kit" }, "callouts_and_page_linking": { "description": "Add callouts to shapes and images to show more information. Add links to charts, maps, text, and images to direct to another page.", "table_description": "Add callouts, custom links, and page links for enhanced interactivity.", "title": "Callouts, custom links and page linking", "tooltip": "Add interactive callouts, custom links, and page links." }, "charts": { "description": "Number and variety of chart types available.", "free": "35+ free chart types", "freeAndPremium": "35+ free and premium chart types", "title": "Chart types" }, "commenting": { "description": "Give feedback and discuss particular elements of your project with commenting tool.", "table_description": "Leave comments directly on projects for easy feedback and discussion.", "title": "Commenting", "tooltip": "Leave comments and directly notify teammates on projects." }, "customBranding": { "description": "Remove Infogram branding and replace it with your own.", "title": "Your own logo", "tooltip": "Remove or replace Infogram’s logo with your own." }, "customDesign": { "description1": "Receive a unique custom template with branded colors and fonts that match your style.", "title1": "Custom design implementation" }, "customDevelopment": { "description": "Our team can develop a custom solution to meet your unique needs (subject to negotiation, not part of basic enterprise plan).", "title": "Custom development" }, "customMaps": { "description": "Upload and use custom or local maps in your projects.", "title": "Custom and local map upload" }, "dataConnections": { "description": "Update data automatically using our Google Sheets and JSON data connectors.", "table_description": "Keep visualizations updated with auto-refreshing live data.", "title": "Data connections and live data", "tooltip": "Update visualizations with live data connections." }, "downloadHDImagesAndVideos": { "description": "Download your projects as JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, or MP4", "table_description": "Option to download high-definition images and videos.", "title": "Download HD images and videos", "tooltip": "Download images and videos in high definition." }, "engagement_analytics": { "description": "Basic analytics plus engagement tracking, share clicks, tooltip hovers, and clicks on tabs, legends, and objects.", "title": "Engagement analytics" }, "exportProject": { "description": "Export your projects as downloadable ZIP files containing HTML, CSS, and JS for offline use or archiving.", "title2": "Export interactive charts and maps for offline use.", "title3": "HTML export" }, "graphicsAmount": { "description": "Access more than 1 million high-quality stock photographs and icons or upload your own pictures (JPG, PNG, SVG or GIF).", "title": "1 million images and icons available", "tooltip": "Access over 1 million stock images and icons." }, "import": { "description": "Import data from Google Docs, MySQL, JSON, or other sources.", "title": "Data import" }, "importData": { "title": "Import data", "tooltip": "Upload data from spreadsheets or JSON feeds from various sources." }, "integrations_1": { "description": "$t(popup.upgrade_promo.integrations_text)", "table_description": "Connect to SQL databases and integrate with iframes for dynamic content.", "title": "SQL Connectors, Iframe integrations", "tooltip": "Connect to SQL databases and embed content with iframes." }, "interactiveChartTypes": { "title": "%{amount} interactive charts types", "tooltip": "Over %{amount} interactive chart types available." }, "manager": { "table_description": "A dedicated manager to assist with your account and project needs.", "title": "Dedicated account manager", "tooltip": "Receive assistance from a dedicated account manager." }, "mapTypes": { "description": "Access more than %{amount} country level maps with local regions and territories", "table_description": "Number and types of maps available for use.", "title": "%{amount} map types", "titleInTable": "Map types", "tooltip_advanced": "Choose from %{amount} map types.", "tooltip_basic": "Access %{amount} different map types." }, "maps": { "description": "Send us or upload yourself custom and local area maps to be used with Infogram in SHP, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, KML formats.", "title": "Custom & local maps" }, "multiTeam": { "description": "Includes your first 10 users. By sharing access to the team projects, you save everyone’s time.", "title": "Multiple team functionality starting with 10 users" }, "objectAnimations": { "table_description": "Animate objects, elements, and text with various options.", "title": "Object animations", "tooltip": "Add animations like zoom, fade, and bounce to objects." }, "pagesPerProject": { "description": "Maximum number of pages per project.", "table_description": "Maximum pages allowed per project.", "title": "Up to %{size} pages per project", "titleInTable": "Pages per project", "tooltip": "Maximum of %{amount} pages per project.", "tooltip_unlimited": "No limit on pages per project.", "unlimited": "Unlimited pages per project", "unlimitedShort": "Unlimited", "upTo": "Up to %{size}" }, "premiumTemplates": { "description": "Choose from over %{amount} premium designer templates.", "title": "%{amount} premium templates", "tooltip": "Over %{amount} premium templates available." }, "presenterNotes": { "description": "Control your presentation", "table_description": "Add notes for reference during presentations.", "title": "Presenter notes", "tooltip": "Include notes for presentation reference." }, "prioritySupport": { "description": "First priority support is available to users with an Enterprise Plan. Infogram experts respond to all requests quickly and work around the clock until the issue is resolved.", "table_description": "Access to top-tier support with faster response times.", "title": "First Priority support", "title2": "Priority support", "tooltip": "Access priority support with faster response times." }, "privacyControl": { "description": "Make your projects and profile private. Share information confidentially with private and password-protected projects.", "limit": "Limit visibility", "table_description": "Manage project visibility and restrict access as needed.", "title": "Privacy control", "tooltip": "Control who can view and access your projects.", "visible": "Visible for everyone" }, "projectCount": { "description": "Maximum number of projects you can have in your library.", "title": "Up to %{size} projects", "tooltip": "Create and store up to %{size} projects." }, "projectStorage": { "description": "Max number of projects you can create and store.", "title": "Projects / storage", "upTo": "Up to %{size}" }, "publish": { "publish": "Publish only", "publishAndDownload": "Publish and download", "table_description": "Available options to share and publish projects.", "title": "Publishing options" }, "publishContent": { "title": "Publish your content online", "tooltip": "Publish your content online." }, "realTime": { "description": "Collaborate in real-time with your team members around the globe with Infogram.", "table_description": "Collaborate, share feedback, and manage workflows with your team live.", "title": "Real-time collaboration", "tooltip": "Collaborate and manage projects in real time." }, "singleTeam": { "description": "Includes your first 3 users. Add additional team members for $19 month/user. Up to 10 users. By sharing access to the team projects, you save everyone’s time. Define different access levels and privacy controls.", "title": "Single team functionality starting with 3 users" }, "sla": { "description": "Service Level Agreement ensuring support and uptime commitments.", "title": "SLA" }, "sso": { "description": "Integrate Infogram with your Single Sign-On (SSO) Identity Provider to ensure secure access for your team.", "table_description": "Single Sign-On for streamlined and secure access.", "title": "SSO", "tooltip": "Single Sign-On for secure access." }, "teamTemplates": { "description": "Set and highlight perfected projects as templates, making it easy for your team to find and reuse.", "title": "Team templates" }, "teams": { "multiple": "Multiple", "multipleTeams": "Multiple teams", "multipleTeamsTooltip": "Create and manage multiple teams.", "oneTeam": "One team", "oneTeamTooltip": "Create and manage one team.", "table_description": "Number of teams you can create in your account.", "title": "Team" }, "templates": { "basic": "Basic templates", "description": "Types and quantity of templates available.", "premium": "100+ premium", "title": "Templates" }, "tracking_links": { "description": "Tracking links let you create multiple custom links, which you can send to a variety of people and access separate link analytics.", "table_description": "Monitor clicks and interactions on your project links.", "title": "Tracking links", "tooltip": "Monitor interactions and clicks on your links." }, "training": { "table_description": "Personalized training sessions to help you maximize tool usage.", "title2": "Personalized training", "tooltip": "Specialized training and consultations available." }, "uptime": { "description": "We have a team dedicated to monitoring and maintaing uptime.", "description2": "Guarantee of 99.9% service uptime.", "title": "99.9% uptime SLA" }, "users": { "manyUsers": "%{userCount} users", "max_users_description": "Max number of users allowed per account.", "more_users_description": "More than %{amount} users per account.", "oneUser": "One user", "title": "Users" }, "versionHistory": { "description": "Restore any edits made to a project for up to 30 days.", "table_description": "Track and revert to previous versions of your projects.", "title": "Version history", "tooltip": "View and revert to previous versions of projects." }, "webTracking": { "description": "Disable Infogram or third-party analytics tracking capabilities (page views, clicks).", "title": "Web tracking opt out" } }, "partners": { "and_more": "And more", "available_on_infogram_only": "* Available on only", "compare": "Compare all features", "contact_us": "Contact us", "current_plan": "Current plan", "custom_branding": "Custom branding, fonts and colors", "custom_fonts": "Custom fonts and colors", "enterprise_subtitle": "Unlock the full power of Infogram for your business", "enterprise_title": "Enterprise", "features": { "basic_features": { "charts_types": "50+ interactive chart types", "custom_design": "Custom design and team templates", "custom_maps": "Custom and local maps", "data_connections": "Data connections and live data", "image_editing": "Advanced image editing features", "images": "1 million images and icons available", "map_types": "550+ maps types", "pages": "Pages per project", "projects": "Number of projects", "templates": "100+ templates" }, "basics": "BASICS", "branding": "BRANDING", "branding_features": { "branded_profile": "Branded public profile and subdomain", "custom_fonts": "Custom fonts and colors", "remove_logo": "Remove Infogram logo" }, "collab_features": { "download": "Download HD images and videos", "export": "Export interactive charts and maps for offline use", "multiple_team": "Multiple team functionality", "real_time_collaboration": "Real-time collaboration", "version_history": "Version history" }, "collaboration": "COLLABORATION AND EXPORT", "support_features": { "SLA": "99.9% uptime SLA", "advanced_training": "Advanced training & dedicated account manager", "priority_support": "First Priority support", "privacy": "Privacy control", "sso": "SSO", "tracking": "Web tracking opt out" }, "support_privacy": "SUPPORT AND PRIVACY" }, "free_subtitle": "Design beautiful data visualizations using basic tools", "free_title": "Free", "get_started": "Get started", "loved_by_companies": "Loved by over 30,000+ companies like", "remove_infogram_logo": "Remove Infogram logo", "tooltips": { "SLA": "We have a team dedicated to monitoring and maintaing uptime.", "advanced_training": "Customer success managers are available for specialized training, consultations, Infogram updates, and charting best practices.", "branded_profile": "Apply custom looks for your public profile and add a subdomain to create a seamless and professional look for your brand.", "custom_design": "Get a unique custom designed template matched to your brand. Use team templates to mark your favorite projects, making them easy for your team to find and reuse.", "custom_fonts": "Upload your brand kit (logo, palette, font, and images) to build a consistent brand style.", "custom_maps": "Upload custom and local area maps to be used with Infogram in SHP, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, KML formats.", "data_connections": "Update data automatically using our Google Sheets and JSON data connectors.", "download": "Download your projects as JPG, PNG, PDF, GIF, or MP4", "export": "Export your projects as ZIP archives containing HTML/JS/CSS code for archival or offline use purposes.", "image_editing": "Use our advanced editing tool to remove image background in your projects.", "images": "Access over 1 million stock images and icons.", "multiple_team": "Includes your first 10 users. By sharing access to the team projects, you save everyone's time.", "priority_support": "Infogram experts are available 24/7 to help with support requests.", "privacy": "Make your projects and profile private. Share information confidentially with private and password-protected projects.", "real_time_collaboration": "Collaborate in real-time with your team members around the globe with Infogram.", "remove_logo": "Remove Infogram branding and replace it with your own.", "sso": "Integrate Infogram with your Single Sign-On (SSO) Identity Provider to ensure secure access for your team.", "templates": "Choose from over 100+ designer templates.", "tracking": "Disable Infogram or third-party analytics tracking capabilities (page views, clicks).", "version_history": "Restore any edits made to a project for up to 30 days." }, "unlimited": "Unlimited", "unlimited_pages_per_project": "Unlimited pages per project", "unlimited_projects": "Unlimited projects", "up_to_10_pages_per_project": "Up to 10 pages per project", "up_to_20_projects": "Up to 20 projects", "version_history": "Version history" }, "pricing": { "best_value": "Best value", "best_value_for_you": "Best value for you", "black_friday_deal": "Black Friday Sale", "cyber_week_deal": "Cyber Week Sale", "discount": "%{discount}% off", "early_black_friday_deal": "Early Black Friday", "free": "Free", "normally": "normally", "use_code_to_save": "Use code %{code} to save %{amount}" }, "save_annually": "Save 24%", "titles": { "business": "Business", "enterprise": "Enterprise", "free": "Basic", "pro": "Pro", "team": "Team" }, "unavailable": "Unavailable" }, "popup": { "confirm_action": "Are you sure?", "register_success_mobile": { "account_saved": "Your account is saved!", "close": "Close", "msg1": "Unfortunately, Infogram isn’t available for mobile. To continue, login on your computer.", "msg2": "We also emailed you a link, open it on your desktop to complete registration." }, "team": { "copy_all_my_infographics": "Copy my infographics to the team library", "team_name_1": "Team name (you can change this later):", "transfer_brandset": "Transfer my brand kit to the new team" }, "upgrade_promo": { "add_callouts_links": "Callouts, custom links and page linking.", "add_callouts_links_text": "Add callouts to shapes and images to show more information. Add links to charts, maps, text, and images to direct to another page.", "analytics": "Keep track with Google Analytics", "analytics_text": "Connect directly to Google Analytics to track the metrics that matter most.", "build_your_team": "Build your team", "built_for_teams": "Built for teams", "built_for_teams_text": "Collaborate with your team on data projects, all from the same library.", "business": { "addPresenterNotes": "Add presenter notes", "analytics": "Project performance analytics", "branding": "Custom branding", "callouts_and_page_linking": "Callouts, linked charts and page linking", "presenterNotes": "Presenter notes", "start_title": "Start with Business plan and enjoy:", "unlimited_pages": "Unlimited pages per project", "version_history": "Version history" }, "business_upsale": { "analytics": "Project performance analytics", "custom_branding": "Custom branding", "description": "Promote your business with custom branding and get valuable insights from our powerful analytics.", "pricing": "From $t(dollar)%{amount} per month", "start_title": "Start with Business plan and get access to:", "title": "Upgrade to a Business plan", "unlimited_pages": "Unlimited pages per project", "version_history": "Version history" }, "commenting": "Commenting", "commenting_text": "Save your time trying to decide whether the project is ready to go. With a commenting tool give feedback and discuss particular elements of your project.", "custome_branding": "Add your logo and custom ‘Share’ links", "custome_branding_text": "Our Business Plan lets you replace Infogram branding with your own. Customize the ‘Share’ button to direct viewers to key content.", "download": "Download and print", "download_text2": "Download your work as PNG, JPG, and PDF for printing – or MP4 and GIF for sharing online!", "enterprise": { "custom_templates": "Custom design and team templates", "export": "Self-hosting and project export", "multiple_team": "Multiple team functionality", "projects": "Create up to 10,000+ projects", "sso": "SSO", "start_title": "Start with Enterprise plan and enjoy:", "training": "Advanced training & priority support" }, "for_teams": "Built for teams", "for_teams_text": "Make charts, infographics and reports together. <br />Share a common library, work as a team, and collaborate with ease.", "for_teams_text_v2": "Make charts, infographics and reports together. %{br}Share a common library, work as a team, and collaborate with ease.", "gallery_size": "Upload more images", "gallery_size_text": "Upgrade now to add space in your gallery for more images and GIFs.", "general_upgrade": "Get the full power of Infogram", "general_upgrade_text": "You are using the free version. Find out more about our premium features.", "get_more_features": "Get more features", "global_settings": "Custom data settings", "global_settings_text": "Make sure your data is displayed correctly, anywhere on the globe.", "graphics": "1 million images, videos, and icons", "graphics_text": "Choose from over 1 million high-quality videos, photos, and icons, or upload your own!", "integrations": "Connections and integrations", "integrations_text": "Connect to add images, videos, links, apps and data sources you use every day", "learn_more_about_infogram": "Learn more about Infogram teams", "library_size": "Make room for more projects", "library_size_text": "Upgrade now to add space to your library for more projects.", "maps": "Beautiful detailed maps", "maps_text_v1": "Put your data on the globe, with over %{mapsTotalCount} maps to choose from.", "multiple_axis": "Show more data with multiple axes", "multiple_axis_text": "Compare two variables using a combined line and column chart on multiple axes.", "page_limits": "Create more with Infogram", "page_limits_text": "Upgrade to add more pages to your Infogram projects.", "premium_themes": "Premium templates", "premium_themes_text": "Choose from over 30+ ready-made themes and 40+ premium design templates.", "presenter_notes": "Add presenter notes", "presenter_notes_text": "Deliver an impressive presentation with maximum confidence by using presenter notes.", "private_sharing": "Keep your data private", "private_sharing_text": "Share on your terms with Infogram Pro. Assign passwords for added protection.", "pro": { "advanced_image_editing": "Use advanced image editing features (background remover, etc.)", "connections": "Data connections and live data", "download": "Download projects", "graphics": "1 million images, videos, and icons available", "privacy": "Privacy control", "start_title": "Start with Pro plan and enjoy:", "templates": "Get 100+ premium templates" }, "real_time": "Real-Time data", "real_time_text": "Connect to Google Sheets or a JSON feed for automatic data updates.", "remove_background": "Remove image background in one click", "remove_background_text": "Find out more about our premium features.", "revisions_text": "Infogram now tracks all changes made to your project.<br />Click to view the full project history.", "revisions_title": "Version History", "revisions_upgrade": "Upgrade to view version history", "team": { "analytics": "Engagement analytics", "real_time": "Real-time collaboration", "shared_library": "Shared library", "start_title": "Start with Team plan and enjoy:", "tracking_links": "Tracking links" }, "team_upsale": { "analytics": "Engagement analytics", "description": "Collaborate seamlessly across your team to create beautiful data visualizations and reports.", "pricing": "From $t(dollar)%{amount}/month for up to 3 users", "real_time": "Real-time collaboration", "shared_library": "Shared library", "start_title": "Start with Team plan and get access to:", "title": "Upgrade to a Team plan", "tracking_links": "Tracking links" }, "try_enterprise": "Try Enterprise", "try_teams": "Try Teams", "up_to_projects": "Create up to %{size} projects", "upgrade_now": "Upgrade now" } }, "prefix": "Prefix", "preview": "Preview", "remember_me": "Remember me", "remove": "Remove", "resend": "resend", "save": "Save", "search": "Search", "search_teams": "Search teams", "search_templates_by_keyword": "Search by keyword, category, color...", "send": "Send", "sign_up_with_facebook": "Sign up with Facebook", "sign_up_with_google": "Sign up with Google", "size_input": { "height": "Height (px)", "lock": "Maintain aspect ratio", "width": "Width (px)" }, "success": "Success", "suffix": "Suffix", "table": { "absolute_distribution": "Absolute distribution", "accumulateValues": "Accumulate values", "accumulateValues_tooltip": "Add each next value in the series to the preceeding value of the same series.", "actual": "Actual", "actual_tooltip": "Actual distribution shows values as they are, absolute distribution averages the data from all tabs so you can compare datasets and save space", "aggregateData": "Aggregate data", "aggregateData_explanations": { "category": "Category", "category_tooltip": "The entries in this column group values by category. Categories appear in the form of tabs in one-dimensional charts (e.g. columns and pie charts) or data points in two-dimensional charts (e.g. line charts).", "entry": "Name", "entry_tooltip": "Entries from the first column are not displayed on the chart. Use this information for reference.", "value": "Value", "value_tooltip": "The chart will display the sum of identical values entered in this column. E.g. if there are three 'apple' entries here, the chart will show that the value of 'apple' equals 3." }, "aggregateData_tooltip": "Use this option to group data by matching values. Entries with the same values will be aggregated and arranged by categories.", "alignments": "Alignments", "alluvial": { "areaColor": "Area color", "outlineColor": "Outline color" }, "alternate_cell_background": "Alternate cell background", "alternate_cell_text": "Alternate cell text", "auto_zoom": "Auto-zoom", "auto_zoom_tooltip": "Fit your map to your data", "borders": { "all": "All borders", "bottom": "Bottom border", "horizontal": "Horizontal borders", "inside": "Inside border", "left": "Left border", "no": "No border", "outside": "Outside border", "right": "Right border", "top": "Top border", "vertical": "Vertical borders" }, "cell_background": "Cell background", "cell_text": "Cell text", "color": "Color", "color_and_style": "Color & Style", "column_header": "Column header", "column_header_background": "Column header background", "column_header_text": "Column header text", "connector": "Connector", "copyStyle": "Copy style", "download_data": "Download data", "dynamic_width": "Dynamic column width", "dynamic_width_tooltip": "Dynamic columns automatically adjust to the width of numbers, text, and images in your cells", "enable_sorting": "Enable sorting", "facts_and_figures": { "add_more": "Add more", "color": "Color", "delete_tooltip": "Delete fact & figure", "fact": "Fact", "figure": "Figure", "icon": "Icon", "use_arrows_tooltip": "Click the up or down arrows to reposition facts in the proper order" }, "fixed_column_width": "Fixed column width", "fixed_grid": "Fixed grid in all sheets", "fixed_height": "Fixed height", "heatmap_color_cold": "Cold color (low value)", "heatmap_color_hot": "Hot color (high value)", "hide_blanks": "Hide missing areas", "hide_blanks_tooltip": "This removes areas that don’t exist in your spreadsheet", "high_low": "High-low only", "icons": "Icons instead of text", "lat_lon": "Flat latitude:longitude", "legend": "Legend", "legend_values": "Show values", "link_color": "Link color", "live_data": "Auto update", "maps": { "coordinates": "Coordinates", "endDate": "End date", "englishTitle": "English title", "group": "Group", "label": "Label", "startDate": "Start date", "text": "Text", "value": "Value" }, "mobileInteractivityHint": "Show mobile interactivity hint", "mobileInteractivityHint_tooltip": "Turn on to notify users on mobile devices about interactions with maps.", "osm": "Tile layer", "region_names": "Labels", "regular_edge": "Auto format", "regular_edge_tooltip": "Turn on auto format to ensure your smallest value will always be displayed ", "reverse_axis": "Flip chart", "row_header": "Row header", "row_header_background": "Row header background", "row_header_text": "Row header text", "sankey": { "description": "Description", "source": "Source", "target": "Target", "value": "Value" }, "shape_color": "Icon color", "show_a1": "Show first cell (A1)", "show_callouts": "Show callouts", "show_download": "Downloadable data", "show_download_tooltip": "Give people the option to download your data", "show_group_names": "Show group names", "show_points": "Show points", "show_search": "Search bar", "show_search_tooltip": "Add a search bar so viewers can jump to the data they want to see most", "show_values": "Show values", "show_values_outside": "Show values outside", "show_zoom_controls": "Zoom controls", "size": "Size", "smooth_curves": "Smooth curves", "stripe_table": "Stripe table", "text": "Show labels", "timeline": { "endTime": "End time", "startTime": "Start time" } }, "toggles": { "allowScrolling": "Allow scrolling", "animate": "Animate", "circularGrid": "Circular grid", "dataSet": { "label": "Show data label", "order": "Show Highest / Lowest control" }, "hideOverlapValues": "Hide overlapping values", "hide_after_fixed_time": "Hide after a fixed time", "hide_after_fixed_time_tooltip": "With this option enabled, the data points on the map will disappear after a fixed amount of time that you can set with the slider below.", "hide_tabs": "Hide tabs", "hide_tabs_tooltip": "Hide tab switcher for this chart. Useful for projects where charts are linked by tab names", "mirrored": "Mirrored X-axis", "mirrored_tooltip": "X-axis values will be centered at zero and have equal values on both sides.", "patterns": "Accessibility patterns", "patterns_tooltip": "Improve chart accessibility with patterns that don't rely on color", "round_values": "Round values", "showCenterText2": "Show center label", "showColumnValues": "Show column values", "showIcons": "Show icons", "showLineLabels": "Show line labels", "showLineValues": "Show line values", "showValueLabelOnEnd": "Show endpoint value", "showValueLabelOnEndTooltip": "Display the last value of the line while the chart animates.", "show_areas": "Show areas", "show_callouts_name": "Callout name", "show_callouts_percent": "Callout percentage", "show_lines": "Show lines", "show_sheet_player": "Animation play controls", "show_titles": "Show titles", "show_tooltip": "Show tooltip", "show_tooltip_percent": "Show percent", "switch_rows": "Switch rows with columns", "timeline": "Timeline", "timelineTooltip": "Display your map as a timeline. Use the Start date and End date columns of the map's datasheet to set the animation.", "trendline": "Trendline" }, "tooltips": { "download3": "Download your projects as PDF, PNG, GIF, MP4, and more", "redo": "Redo", "team": "Add Team members", "undo": "Undo", "view_fullscreen": "View in full screen" }, "update": "update", "upgrade": "Upgrade", "web": { "ai_banner": { "title": "New! Create interactive data visualizations with AI", "try_it": "Try it now" }, "download": "Download", "empty_library": "This account has no publicly available content", "infographics_count": "%{count} infographic", "infographics_count_plural": "%{count} infographics", "jpg_image": "JPG image", "password_prompt": { "heading": "The link is password protected", "subheading": "Enter the password below to view the project", "view": "View" }, "pdf_file": "PDF file", "png_image": "PNG image", "register": "Create your own", "register_mobile": "Create", "related_infographics": "Related infographics", "report": { "button": "Report", "confirm": { "text": "Thanks for contacting us. We'll get in touch with you shortly using the email address you provided." }, "details": { "checkbox_accurate": "This report is accurate", "checkbox_individual": "You are the individual whose privacy has been violated", "checkbox_purpose": "You agree to use this reporting tool for its intended purpose, and know that missusing it can lead to legal consequences as well as cancellation of your Infogram account.", "disclaimer": "Please note that copyright and trademark owners must make a report themselves.", "email_label": "Your email", "email_placeholder": "Email", "explanation_label": "Explain the abuse you would like to report in as much detail as possible", "explanation_placeholder": "Explanation...", "link_label": "Project link", "name_label": "Your name", "name_placeholder": "Name", "permision_label": "Please confirm:", "permission_note": "Please note that we will only remove the reported content if it violates our <a href=''>Terms of Use</a>.", "reason_label": "What's going on?", "required": "This field is required.", "send": "Send" }, "error": { "back_button": "Go back", "text": "Something went wrong and your message was not sent. Please try again." }, "reason": { "cancel": "Cancel", "copyright": "Copyright infringement", "disclaimer": "Content and users that have been flagged are monitored by Prezi staff to determine whether they violate our community guidelines. Accounts that violate our community guidelines are penalized, and serious or repeated violations can lead to account termination.", "inappropriate": "Inappropriate content such as violence or nudity", "next": "Next", "permission": "I appear in the presentation without permission", "spam": "Spam or misleading" }, "subtitle": "We take reports of inappropriate content seriously", "title": "Report Content" }, "skip_to_content": "Skip to content" }, "widen": "Widen", "year": "year", "year_plural": "years", "yes": "yes", "yes_continue": "Yes, continue" } }; </script> <script class="app-bundle" src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script class="app-bundle" src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </body> </html>

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