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href="#icon-search-24" /></svg><!--F/--></button></div><input type=hidden name=origin value=2></div><div class=sr-line><div class=expressive-line><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div></div></form><div aria-live=polite role=dialog class=sr-popup-ada></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class=expr-line-header><div class=expressive-line><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></div></div></div><div id="T2_article" class=page-grid-container><div class="all_content page-grid redTheme"><header class="T2_header"><div class=readTime>10 min article</div><h1 class=article_title>User Agreement</h1></header><div id=catalogue class=catalogue><div class=catalogue_wrap><div class=catalogue_title>On this page</div><ul><li><a href="#section1">1. Introduction</a></li><li><a href="#section2">2. About eBay</a></li><li><a href="#section3">3. Using eBay</a></li><li><a href="#section4">4. Abusing eBay</a></li><li><a href="#section5">5. Illegal Content</a></li><li><a href="#section6">6. Appeals about Illegal Content</a></li><li><a href="#section7">7. Fees</a></li><li><a href="#section8">8. Listing Conditions</a></li><li><a href="#section9">9. Purchase Conditions</a></li><li><a href="#section10">10. International buying, selling and translation</a></li><li><a href="#section11">11. Content</a></li><li><a href="#section12">12. Data protection and Privacy</a></li><li><a href="#section13">13. Restricting Funds</a></li><li><a href="#section14">14. Additional Terms</a></li><li><a href="#section15">15. Managed Payments</a></li><li><a href="#section16">16. Liability</a></li><li><a href="#section17">17. Compensation</a></li><li><a href="#section18">18. Legal Disputes</a></li><li><a href="#section19">19. General</a></li></ul></div></div><div class=article_body><div class=article_sum><p class="policy-highlight-warning"><a id="top" name="top"></a>This User Agreement is effective upon acceptance for those users who accept it through registration of an eBay account, and from 17 March 2025 for existing users. The <a href="#Previous User Agreement">previous amendment to this User Agreement</a> was effective for all users on 4 February 2025.</p> </div><div class=article_main_container><div itemscope itemtype=><div itemprop=articleBody><div class=article_main><h2 id="section1">1. Introduction</h2> <p><strong>This User Agreement, the eBay <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>, the <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/mobile-devices-terms?id=4633">Mobile Device Terms</a> and all policies posted on our sites set out the terms on which eBay offers you access to and use of our sites, services, applications and tools (collectively &#39;Services&#39;). You can find an overview of our policies <a href="/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205">here</a>. All policies and the Mobile Device Terms are incorporated into this User Agreement. You agree to comply with all of the above when accessing or using our Services. For information regarding the processing of personal data, please see our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>.</strong></p> <ul> <li>If you reside in the United Kingdom, you are entering into a contract with eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom, VAT number GB 365 6085 76.</li> <li>If you reside outside the UK but within the European Union, you are entering into a contract with eBay GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany, VAT number DE 200081785.</li> <li>If you reside within the United States, you are entering into a contract with eBay Inc, 2025 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA, 95125, USA.</li> <li>If you reside in Canada, you are entering into a contract with eBay Canada Limited, 240 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor Suite 02-100, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1V6, Canada.</li> <li>If you reside in India, you are entering into a contract with eBay Singapore Services Pte Ltd, 1 Raffles Quay, #18-00, Singapore 048583.</li> <li>If you reside elsewhere, you are entering into a contract with eBay Marketplaces GmbH, Helvetiastra&szlig;e 15-17, 3005 Bern, Switzerland.</li> </ul> <h2 id="section2">2. About eBay</h2> <p>eBay is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy just about anything in a variety of pricing formats and locations.</p> <p>eBay is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. The contract for the sale is directly between buyer and seller. eBay is not a party to the transaction and is not a traditional auctioneer. Unless through limited programmes such as eBay Authenticity Guarantee, eBay does not have possession of anything listed or sold through eBay.</p> <p>While we may provide pricing, postage, listing and other guidance in our Services, such guidance is solely informational and you may decide to follow it or not. Except for certain checks, including those designed to verify that listings do not include illegal content (as described in the <a href="#section5">Illegal content</a> section), eBay does not review users&#39; listings or content. While we may help facilitate the resolution of disputes through various programmes, eBay has no control over, and, unless expressly provided, does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of, items advertised; the truth or accuracy of users&#39; content, listings or Feedback; the ability of sellers to sell items; the ability of buyers to pay for items; or that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item.</p> <h2 id="section3">3. Using eBay</h2> <p>In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not:</p> <ul> <li>post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;</li> <li>breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems or policies;</li> <li>upload illegal content or use the service in the facilitation or commission of a criminal offence;</li> <li>sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties;</li> <li>use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example if you are under 18), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions;</li> <li>fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example, where the seller has materially changed the item&#39;s description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller (see our <a href="/help/policies/payment-policies/unpaid-item-policy?id=4271">Unpaid item policy</a>);</li> <li>fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example the buyer fails to comply with the terms posted in your listing, or you cannot contact the buyer;</li> <li>manipulate the price of any item and/or interfere with any other user&#39;s listings;</li> <li>fail to comply with laws and applicable guidance on sale pricing and promotion of items, and/or fail to comply with the <a href="" target="_blank">Pricing Tool Terms<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> where applicable;</li> <li>post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, libellous or illegal content;</li> <li>take any action that may undermine the Feedback or ratings systems (please see our <a href="/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208">Feedback policies</a>);</li> <li>transfer your eBay account (including Feedback) and username to another party without our consent;</li> <li>share your log in credentials with any third parties. If you require that authorised third parties (employees, agents, etc.) have access to your account we offer <a href="/help/account/multiuser-account-access/multiuser-account-access?id=5197">Multi-user account access</a> for that purpose;</li> <li>distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;</li> <li>use the contact information of other users for any purpose other than in relation to a specific eBay transaction on the eBay site (which includes using this information to send marketing materials directly to eBay users unless the user has given explicit consent to receiving these materials);</li> <li>distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm eBay, or the interests or property of eBay users;</li> <li>use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of eBay;</li> <li>bypass our robot exclusion headers, interfere with the working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;</li> <li>export or re-export any eBay application or tools except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;</li> <li>infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, moral, database or other intellectual property rights (collectively, &quot;Intellectual Property Rights&quot;) that belong to or are licensed to eBay. Some, but not all, actions that may be infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to eBay or someone else;</li> <li>infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belong to you;</li> <li>commercialise any eBay application or any information or software associated with such application except with the prior express permission of eBay;</li> <li>harvest or otherwise collect or use information about users, such as email addresses, without their consent; or</li> <li>circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.</li> </ul> <p>If you are registering with eBay as a business entity or on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you have the authority to legally bind that entity. If you are trading as a business on eBay, you must comply with all applicable laws relating to online trading for the site you are selling on (please see <a href="#section8">Listing Conditions</a> for more information on the legal requirements for selling in the UK).</p> <p>You agree that we will commence supplying our Services to you as soon as you accept this User Agreement. You can cancel this User Agreement under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. Business users can cancel this User Agreement by visiting this <a href="/help/account/changing-account-settings/closing-account?id=4199">help page</a>. We may recoup the cost of any Services provided up to the point of cancellation.</p> <p>If (1) we believe you are violating the policy on <a href="/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272">Offering&nbsp;to buy or sell outside of eBay</a>, you may be subject to a range of actions, including limits on your buying and selling privileges, restrictions on listings and account features, suspension of your account, application of fees for the introduction of seller to buyer, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement; and (2) you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for the buyer&#39;s contact information in the context of buying or selling outside of eBay, you will be liable for all final value fees in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not sell.</p> <p>We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services.</p> <p>Additionally, we reserve the right to vary or terminate all or part of our Services and/or not provide all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason and/or period of time, at our discretion.</p> <h2 id="section4">4. Abusing eBay</h2> <p>Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, restrict or prohibit access to, and your activities on, our Services, cancel bids, remove or demote or otherwise restrict the visibility of listings, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with the account, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and legal steps to keep you from using our Services if:</p> <ul> <li>we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us, our users, suppliers or other third parties;</li> <li>we think that such restrictions will improve the security of the eBay community or reduce our or another eBay user&#39;s exposure to financial liabilities;</li> <li>we think that you are infringing the rights of third parties;</li> <li>we think that you are acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of this User Agreement or our policies or abuse our employees or users;</li> <li>despite our reasonable endeavours, we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us</li> <li>you circumvent, or seek to circumvent, any fees that may be payable when using <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>;</li> <li>you fail to make, or it is evident that you are unable to make, full payment of any fees due for our Services by your payment due date; or</li> <li>we think that this is necessary in order to protect other users from illegal content being posted or listed on the eBay site.</li> </ul> <p>We may offer a process allowing users to report claimed violations for us to consider and handle through one or more of these options, all in our sole discretion.</p> <p>When a buyer or seller issue arises we may consider the user&#39;s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement, and to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.</p> <h2 id="section5">5. Illegal Content</h2> <p>Our algorithms (including AI) evaluate key words, images and other criteria during the listing creation process to identify items that are illegal, non-compliant and/or fail to comply with the <a href="/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207">Prohibited and restricted items policy</a>. These algorithms will either flag listings for review by eBay investigators or in some cases automatically block them from being published. We also conduct manual and AI sweeps on existing content.</p> <p>If content is determined to be illegal, non-compliant or otherwise to violate eBay policy, it is blocked or removed and the user is notified with an explanation as to why. eBay has also developed robust measures to help stop bad actors and deter repeat policy violations, with penalties up to, and including, permanent suspension.</p> <p>We implement these safeguards in a way which we consider to be proportionate to the risk that listings might pose to other users of the Services &ndash; for instance, by undertaking more regular sweeps for certain categories of listing.</p> <p>Our safeguards are also designed to minimise the length of time for which illegal content is present on the eBay site. This includes terrorism content, child sexual exploitation and abuse content and other illegal content.</p> <p>We will swiftly take down content where we are alerted to or become aware of the presence of any content on the eBay site which we believe to be in breach of our policies (including illegal content prohibited by our policies). Content may be taken down automatically if our algorithm flags the content as being illegal; where content is flagged for review by an eBay investigator we will prioritise review of content that is likely to be of most harm to users.</p> <p>You can report content on the eBay site which you consider to be illegal using the <a href="/help/account/regulatory/reporting-content-ebay?id=5412#section1">Report content</a> functionality.</p> <p>Registered authorities can report non-compliant listings via our Regulatory Portal. Law enforcement authorities can request eBay customer data via our Law Enforcement eRequest System. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <h2 id="section6">6. Appeals about Illegal Content</h2> <p>If eBay takes one of the measures referred to in the <a href="#section5">Illegal Content</a> section, the affected users can clarify the facts and circumstances underlying such a measure electronically by filing an appeal (free of charge) with eBay. Please note that you can make one appeal per content type. You can also request clarification through this appeals process if you have reported content that you consider to be illegal, but eBay has rejected this report.</p> <p>You can lodge an appeal for a period of six months starting with the date on which eBay took the measure or informed you that your report has been rejected.</p> <p>eBay will handle these appeals in a timely, non-discriminatory, diligent and objective manner. eBay will reverse the contested decision or measure, as far as this is technically possible and reasonable, without undue delay if we conclude that the appeal is justified.</p> <h2 id="section7">7. Fees</h2> <p>Private seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/fees-private-sellers?id=4364">Fees for private sellers page</a> and business seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/shop-selling-fees?id=4122">Fees for business sellers page</a>. The fees we charge for selling vehicles are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127">Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors page</a>. Fees for using the site and purchasing items including Buyer Protection, where applicable, are listed on our <a href="/help/buying/paying-items/buyer-protection-fee?id=5594">eBay Buyer Protection</a> page. We may change our fees, or introduce new fees from time to time by posting the changes on the eBay site or via the <a href=";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages" target="_blank">Messages section of My eBay<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> 15 days in advance or, in the case of fees payable by buyers, without any advance notice. You may close your account without penalty within 30 days of such notice being given.</p> <p>You are liable for any applicable fees arising out of all sales made using some or all eBay Services, even if sales terms are finalised or payment is made outside of eBay. In addition, if you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for a buyer&#39;s contact information, you may be liable to pay a final value fee in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not actually sell. In some cases, where buyers receive supplemental Services for items in certain categories, for example authentication, we may also charge those buyers for such supplemental Services.</p> <p>You are required to have a valid payment method on file when selling on eBay.</p> <p>If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect fees owed by charging other payment methods on file and retaining collection agencies or legal counsel.</p> <p>You authorise eBay to automatically charge your chosen payment method in accordance with this User Agreement and the applicable billing agreement(s) you agree to when setting up or changing your payment method, for future charges and fees incurred in relation to the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, amounts owed for eBay fees, eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursements and postage labels. eBay will notify you of these charges. If payments or amounts owed to eBay cannot be completed through the payment method on file for any reason, you are still required to pay eBay for all unpaid amounts and eBay reserves the right to seek reimbursement through other means plus any additional costs incurred by eBay in seeking reimbursement. You can change your payment method in My eBay at any time.</p> <p>Seller fees don&#39;t purchase exclusive rights to item exposure on eBay whether on a web page, mobile app, or otherwise. We may display third-party advertisements (including links and references thereto), eBay advertisements (such as for eBay programmes), or other content in any part of our Services, at our sole discretion.</p> <h2 id="section8">8. Listing Conditions</h2> <p>When listing an item, you agree to comply with the <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/listing-policies?id=4213">rules for listing</a>, and <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/selling-practices-policy?id=4346">Selling practices policy</a>, and that:</p> <ul> <li>you are responsible for the accuracy, content and legality of the item listed including listing content created using tools offered by eBay or third parties such as translation, image editing, and generative artificial intelligence tools, and agree to list in accordance with the <a href="/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207">Prohibited and restricted items policy</a> and all other relevant policies;</li> <li>your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for up to 24 hours. eBay does not guarantee exact listing durations;</li> <li>when you create fixed-price listings, these will renew automatically once per calendar month and based on the listing terms at the time, until the quantities sell out or until you cancel the listing. The exact day of the month that the renewal takes place depends on the initial listing start date;</li> <li>unless otherwise specified by law, you are responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to the tax amount itself, as well as any penalties, fines, charges, or late payment interest) related to your sales on the eBay site, where applicable, and you agree to use the Services in accordance with the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/tax-policy?id=4348">Tax policy</a>. To the extent possible under English law, you shall pay to us as a debt on demand all costs incurred by us, including but not limited to tax, penalties and interest, levied by any competent tax authority due to your failure to provide a valid VAT registration number and/or your failure to pay any such taxes, penalties or interest;</li> <li>content that violates any of eBay&#39;s policies may be modified, obfuscated or deleted at eBay&#39;s discretion;</li> <li>in accordance with the <a href="/help/selling/listings/creating-managing-listings/listing-item-product-details-catalogue?id=4653">listing with the eBay catalogue policy</a>, we may revise product data associated with listings to supplement, remove, or correct information;</li> <li>eBay, at its sole discretion, may add content to listings, for example, a video to advertise eBay programmes and/or Services;</li> <li>we strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to: <ul style="list-style-type:circle;"> <li>buyers&#39; location, search query, browsing site and history;</li> <li>item&#39;s location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;</li> <li>seller&#39;s history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, eBay policy compliance, Feedback, and defect rate; and</li> <li>number of listings matching the buyer&#39;s query</li> </ul> </li> <li>to drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer;</li> <li>some advanced listing upgrades may only be visible on certain eBay Services;</li> <li>listing upgrades may be paid-for benefits that can affect the appearance or placement of listings in the search and browse results, for example <a href="/help/selling/listings/listing-tips/promoted-listings?id=4164">Promoted Listings</a>;</li> <li>eBay&#39;s <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/duplicate-listings-policy?id=4255">Duplicate listings policy</a> may also affect whether your listing appears in search results;</li> <li>meta-tags and URL links that are included in a listing will be removed or altered so as to not affect third-party search engine results;</li> <li>we may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings. Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and current listings; results will vary for individual listings. To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your listings to other sellers;</li> <li>eBay advertises the Services and provides other eBay companies and third parties with access to your listings and content for this purpose. This includes, for example, the display of listings and content of users on price comparison sites or third-party advertising placements;</li> <li>artificial intelligence-based tools may be used by eBay or offered to you to use; the availability and accuracy of these tools and content are not guaranteed;</li> <li>eBay may make additional services available to buyers such as warranty extensions and other insurance or assembly and installation services. You are permitted to offer your own additional services (such as guarantees or assembly and installation services) if you do so in accordance with this User Agreement and applicable laws. You are responsible for determining whether your additional services are compatible with any comparable additional services offered by eBay or by any eBay partners.</li> </ul> <h2 id="section9">9. Purchase Conditions</h2> <p>When buying an item, you agree to comply with the <a href="/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/rules-policies-buyers?id=4206">rules for buyers</a> and that:</p> <ul> <li>you are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy;</li> <li>unless otherwise expressly stated by eBay on the site, you enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item, or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted);</li> <li>for motor vehicles and real estate (property) listed in the Classified Ad format, a bid or offer is not binding, but expresses a buyer&#39;s serious interest in the item;</li> <li>if you purchase an item on an eBay site other than you are subject to the User Agreement of that other eBay site solely with respect to that particular purchase. Similarly, if you purchase an item on, you are subject to this User Agreement, even if your account was created, or is registered on, a different eBay site.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Buyer requested cancellations</strong></p> <p>Buyers can request to cancel an order on eBay within the timeframe mentioned in our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298">Order cancellation policy</a> and the seller will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. If the seller declines the cancellation request, or already posted the order, buyers will need to wait until they receive the item and then decide if they want to start a return. Sellers can also cancel orders in certain circumstances up to 30 days after the sale.</p> <p><strong>Buyer requested returns</strong></p> <p>Buyers can submit a <a href="/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041">return request</a> for items purchased on eBay. For returns that are eligible for <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, please see the policy for details. If the return is not covered by <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, buyers can still request the return and the seller has the right to accept or decline the request in accordance with their return policy as stated in the original listing.</p> <p>If you, as a buyer, return your item using a return postage label purchased on eBay and are obligated to pay for the return postage costs, we may deduct the costs of the return postage label from the amount refunded to you.</p> <h2 id="section10">10. International buying, selling and translation</h2> <p>Many of our Services are accessible internationally. We may offer certain programmes, tools, and site experiences of particular interest to international sellers and buyers, such as estimated local currency conversion and international shipping calculation tools. Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items.</p> <p>Your items may be listed on one or more of eBay&#39;s international sites in addition to You may stop your listings from appearing on international sites by excluding international postage locations from your listings. By selecting international postage you authorise eBay, in its discretion, to display your listings on eBay sites other than the original listing site but acknowledge that your listings may not appear on some or all of these sites.</p> <p>When you sell your items internationally or purchase an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies of that other eBay site with respect to that particular purchase, as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>.</p> <p>For sellers, you agree that we may display your listing for sale on an eBay site other than the site where you listed your item for sale, based on your shipping settings. You may adjust these settings as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>. If you list your items with an international shipping option, the appearance of your listings on sites other than the listing site is not guaranteed. If you sell an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies, including any buyer protection programmes, of that other eBay site with respect to that particular sale, as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>.</p> <p>You authorise us to use automated tools to translate your eBay content and member to member communications, in whole or in part, into local languages where such translation solutions are available. We may provide you with tools which will enable you to translate content at your request. The accuracy or availability of any translation is not guaranteed.</p> <h2 id="section11">11. Content</h2> <p>When providing us with content (including causing content to be posted using our Services), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual (or for the duration of any copyright or other rights in such content), irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to use the content (including, without limitation, creating and using derivative works). We may in particular use your content, including any photographs you upload, for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes (i) offering it to other sellers to use in their listings, and (ii) displaying it to other eBay users as part of the browsing experience on eBay. We will also be allowed to keep a copy of any content (including photographs) you upload in our product catalogue for subsequent use for these purposes. You authorise us to exercise any and all copyright, trademark, publicity, database or other intellectual property rights you have in or to the content in any media known now or developed in the future for these purposes. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights in the content and promise not to assert such rights or any other intellectual property rights you have in the content against us, our sublicensees or our assignees.</p> <p>We may offer catalogue and/or product data (including images, descriptions and specifications) that are provided by third parties (including eBay users). You may use that content solely in your eBay listings during the time your listings are on eBay&#39;s sites. That permission is subject to modification or revocation at any time at eBay&#39;s sole discretion.</p> <p>We try to offer reliable data, but cannot promise that the content provided through the Services will always be available, accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree that eBay is not responsible for examining or warranting the listings or content provided by third parties through the Services for accuracy, and that you will not hold or attempt to hold us or our product data providers liable for inaccuracies. If you choose to use catalogue content and/or product data in connection with your listings, you agree to ensure that the content directly associated with your listings is and remains accurate, and that you continue to fully comply with this User Agreement and all eBay policies. The catalogue and product data include copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, proprietary or identification markings in the catalogue or product data or create any derivative works based on that data (other than by including the data in your listings).</p> <p>The name &quot;eBay&quot; and other eBay marks, logos, designs and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of eBay in the UK and other countries. They may not be used unless expressly authorised by eBay in writing.</p> <h2 id="section12">12. Data protection and Privacy</h2> <ul> <li>You and eBay shall process personal data received under and/or in connection with this User Agreement each as a separate and independent controller. In no event will eBay and you process personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement as joint controllers or in a controller-to-processor relationship. As such separate and independent controllers, you shall be individually and separately responsible for complying with the obligations that apply to you as a controller under applicable data protection laws.</li> <li>You shall comply with your obligations under applicable data protection laws (including but not limited to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation &quot;GDPR&quot;) as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and as subsequently amended) and supplementing local data protection laws. This includes, but is not limited to, the obligation to provide appropriate safeguards for the transfer of personal data to a third country or an international organisation.</li> <li>You shall process personal data received from eBay exclusively for the purpose(s) you received the personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement. You shall erase the personal data received under this User Agreement immediately after the respective purpose(s) has/have been fulfilled. Any further processing of the personal data is not permitted except when legally required (e.g. if a retention obligation applies).</li> <li>Failure to abide by the aforementioned obligations may result in disciplinary action up to and including account suspension.</li> <li>As part of the Services, eBay has access to various information about users, including personal data. This includes information that users submit to eBay as part of the Services (such as contact information or item descriptions) as well as information that is generated by the provision and processing of the Services (such as ratings, sales analysis or communication).</li> <li>Via My eBay and, upon request, via <a href="/help/selling/selling-tools/selling-tools-overview?id=4073">selling tools</a>, you receive information which is necessary for the processing of transactions (in particular, the contact information of the other user involved in a transaction) as well as aggregated information on the performance and analysis of your listings, which are partly related to the data of other users of the Services (such as number of impressions of a listing, conversion rate or return rate).</li> <li>eBay only shares information about users with third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the Services or if eBay is legally or contractually entitled to do so.</li> <li>Upon expiry of this User Agreement, we will delete the information you provided, or which was generated through your use of the Services from your eBay account. Regardless, we maintain this information after the expiry of the User Agreement if we are legally obliged or have a legitimate interest to do so. We will generally maintain aggregated data generated using the Services (e.g. statistics about sales in a category) upon expiry of the User Agreement.</li> <li>For information regarding the processing of personal data by eBay, including sharing such data with third parties and your rights as a data subject, please see our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>.</li> </ul> <h2 id="section13">13. Restricting Funds</h2> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> stipulate that the responsible eBay payment entity may temporarily place a hold on your funds in certain cases upon our notification. When, under what conditions and for how long such a hold can be placed is determined by the regulations on holds in the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <h2 id="section14">14. Additional Terms</h2> <h3><a id="Returns" name="Returns"></a>Terms of Returns for the Seller</h3> <p>Sellers can create rules to automate returns and refunds under certain circumstances. Also eBay may set a default rule that automates the return process for some or all listings where returns are accepted. Sellers may remove or customise their returns preferences in their account settings within My eBay. Where returns have been set to automatically accept requests, an eBay-generated return postage label will be provided to your buyer. You agree to comply with our <a href="/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/managing-returns-refunds?id=4079">returns policies</a>.</p> <p>If the buyer returns an item because it does not match the listing description, sellers will be responsible for return postage costs.</p> <p>You authorise eBay to include return postage charges and auto-refunds on your seller invoice, which may be charged to your automatic payment method on file, when:</p> <ul> <li>an eBay-generated return postage label is used, and the seller is responsible for its cost;</li> <li>returns and refunds have been automated; and/or</li> <li>you fail to send your buyer a return postage label and instead an eBay-generated label is used.</li> </ul> <p>See our <a href="/help/selling/getting-paid/canceling-transaction?id=4136">cancelling a transaction policy</a> for details on cancellations.</p> <h3><a id="eBay" name="eBay"></a>eBay Money Back Guarantee</h3> <p>Most eBay sales go smoothly, but if there&#39;s a problem with a purchase, the eBay Money Back Guarantee helps buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. The <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy</a> is part of this User Agreement and is incorporated by reference. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any case.</p> <p>Under the <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, if a seller chooses or is required to reimburse the buyer or eBay because a case is resolved in the buyer&#39;s favour, we may request the eBay entity which processed the payment to reimburse the buyer on your behalf pursuant to the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. In the event that the funds held on the seller&#39;s behalf are insufficient for refunding the buyer based on a successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claim, the seller is obliged to reimburse us for the amounts owed to the buyer. The sellers authorise us to recoup these amounts from the seller on our behalf in accordance with eBay&#39;s policies and procedures (including any amounts resulting from international transactions as stipulated in the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy).</p> <p>Where the seller is found at fault, we will notify the seller and charge the reimbursement amount to the seller&#39;s chosen payment method, or invoice the seller for the reimbursement amount.</p> <p>Sellers must have a payment method on file with eBay. Sellers may change this payment method by <a href="#contactWay">contacting eBay</a>. For this purpose, you, in the capacity of a seller authorise and instruct us to:</p> <ul> <li>collect or reverse variable amounts from your account to carry out a buyer reimbursement;</li> <li>charge the payment method you select to recover the amount we pay to the buyer (in cases where we refund the buyer directly); and</li> <li>place the reimbursement amount on the seller invoice, including but not limited to the cost of return postage labels.</li> </ul> <p>You acknowledge and agree that your authorisations above will be made on a recurring basis and on various dates as required by us to implement the terms of the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. For future claims, where we resolve a dispute in the buyer&#39;s favour, we will notify the seller and continue to charge the seller&#39;s preferred payment method. If sellers do not provide eBay with a valid reimbursement method, we may collect the outstanding sums using other collection mechanisms, including retaining collection agencies. We may suspend the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy without notice if we suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of the policy.</p> <h3><a id="Correcting" name="Correcting"></a>Correcting mistakes in payments to buyers and sellers</h3> <p>We reserve the right to fix any processing errors we discover. We will correct any processing errors by debiting or crediting the payment method used for the eBay Money Back Guarantee refund or reimbursement.</p> <h3><a id="Global" name="Global"></a>Global Shipping Programme</h3> <p>One of the ways that we may make listings available to international buyers on and on our international sites is through the Global Shipping Programme. For items that are located in the UK and that are purchased from you by an international buyer in a country eligible for the Global Shipping Programme, you will post the item to a shipping centre located in the UK. A third-party global technology and shipping provider will oversee the processing, customs clearance and international postage of the item to your buyer. For items that are purchased by international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme, buyers will pre-pay any applicable postage and import charges during checkout and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the shipping centre to delivery.</p> <p>We may choose to make your listings available to international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme unless you opt out of the programme at either an account, country or listing level.</p> <p>By not opting out of the programme, you will also be acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the <a href="" target="_blank">Global Shipping Programme Seller Terms and Conditions<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and that they will apply to you as a seller and to all of your eligible new and existing listings. These terms include, among other important provisions:</p> <ul> <li>a third-party agreement for the parcel processing, customs clearance (for non-EU shipments), and international postage and tracking services, including your consent to the disclosure of certain personal information to third parties in connection with those services;</li> <li>an authorisation for third parties to act in your place to facilitate the export clearance of items that you sell through the Global Shipping Programme outside the EU;</li> <li>an acknowledgment that you agree and are responsible for ensuring that your listings and items are compliant with applicable overseas laws and regulations;</li> <li>a description of the items that are ineligible for the programme and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may be sold through the programme;</li> <li>a list of countries that are eligible for the programme; and</li> <li>policies governing the handling of lost, damaged and undeliverable items (including their possible disposal), returns, and the resolution of eBay Money Back Guarantee claims for items that you sell through the programme.</li> </ul> <h3><a id="Delivery" name="Delivery"></a>Simple Delivery</h3> <p>We may add certain delivery options to your listings in order to help improve both seller and buyer experience for selecting a delivery label. For listings that are eligible, you may see a simplified listing flow where you are not required to select a delivery option. In such instances, your buyer may be able to choose whether to have a standard or express delivery service or whether to collect in store and will pay the delivery costs to the delivery service provider on your behalf. Once your item has sold and the buyer has paid, a delivery label will be provided to you.</p> <p>By using the label provided to you or not opting out, you and your buyer agree that you purchase the label from the delivery service provider, and you agree that no further delivery costs are owed to you by your buyer. Any delivery costs you owe to the delivery service provider to send your item are paid by the buyer to the delivery service provider on your behalf. For this purpose, any applicable delivery costs are not credited to your account but deducted from the buyer&#39;s order total and directly transferred to the delivery service provider. You also acknowledge and agree that should the buyer request a return, you may be responsible for refunding the buyer any outbound delivery costs (including for express delivery) for the label provided to you, and that the outbound delivery costs will be deducted from your account to execute the refund.</p> <p>In the event that you declare the size and weight of your item at listing, you will be responsible for ensuring you declare this correctly. Should we find that you have under declared the size or weight of your item and additional delivery costs are due to the delivery service provider, the additional delivery costs will be deducted from your account.</p> <p>See <a href="" target="_blank">Simple Delivery<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> for more details.</p> <h3>Click &amp; Collect</h3> <p>For items that are eligible, we may choose to make eBay Click &amp; Collect available as a delivery option on your listings on unless you opt out at either an account or listing level.</p> <p>By not opting out, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms and conditions for Click &amp; Collect<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and that these terms will apply to the relevant listings. Those terms include, among other important provisions:</p> <ul> <li>a description of the items that are ineligible and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may qualify for eBay Click &amp; Collect as a delivery option; and</li> <li>consequences of an item being undeliverable or unidentifiable, including an authorisation from you to dispose of, sell or donate the item to charity.</li> </ul> <h3>Recommendations</h3> <p>eBay may offer personalised recommendations to you to provide a relevant and engaging experience, helping you sell or buy items of interest to you. These recommendations may consider data related to your eBay activity, the item, and seasonality, among other factors.</p> <h2 id="section15">15. Managed Payments</h2> <p>eBay manages payments on the eBay Services on behalf of sellers (such management described as &quot;managed payments&quot; or similar) through designated eBay entities (each, a &quot;payments entity&quot;). The use of managed payments is a prerequisite for using the Services as a seller, where managed payments is available.</p> <p>The complete terms governing sellers&#39; use of managed payments are available in the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, incorporated herein. You agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> to the extent applicable to you.</p> <p>The contract for sale underlying the purchase of goods is directly concluded between seller and the buyer in the same manner as for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments.</p> <p>If you are a buyer completing a purchase from a seller that is using managed payments:</p> <ul> <li>You may pay for such items using those payment methods that eBay makes available. The payments entity will receive payments from you based on your selected payment method, collect the transaction amounts on behalf of the seller and manage settlement to the seller. You agree and understand that payments received by the applicable payments entity from you satisfy your obligations to pay sellers in the amount of payments received.</li> <li>In certain instances, your transaction may be declined, frozen, or held for any reason including for suspected fraud, AML compliance, compliance with economic or trade sanctions, in connection with eBay&#39;s internal risk controls or due to potential violations of any policy of eBay or the payments entity, or a policy of one of the payments entity&#39;s third-party payments services providers.</li> <li>eBay, the payments entity or its affiliates may save payment information, such as credit card or debit card numbers, and card expiration dates, entered by you on eBay Services when you make a purchase, redeem a coupon, or make any other transaction on eBay Services where card information is entered. Such stored payment information may be used as your default payment method for future transactions on eBay Services. At any time, you can update your card information or enter new card information, at which point the new card information shall be stored as your default payment method. You may make changes to your default payment method through the Personal Information section under the Account tab in My eBay. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of information we have on file, and you consent to eBay updating such stored information from time to time based on information provided by you, your bank or other payments services providers. You will only provide information about payment methods that you are authorised to use.</li> <li>You may seek <a href="#Returns">returns or cancellations</a> on eBay Services, or file <a href="#eBay">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a> claims on eBay Services, in the same manner as you do for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments. The payments entity refunds amounts paid for successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claims and returned or cancelled transactions in cases where the original payment was managed by the payments entity. Refund timing may vary in accordance with the rules of third parties, such as credit and debit card networks.</li> <li>You agree to comply with, and not cause a third party to violate, all applicable laws, regulations, rules and terms and conditions in connection with the use of managed payments. You understand that some third parties, such as credit and debit card issuers, credit and debit card networks and payments services providers, may have their own terms and conditions for the payment or settlement methods you choose to use in connection with managed payments transactions. Failure to abide by third-party terms and conditions may result in fees assessed to you (for example, currency conversion fees from your credit card issuer if the transaction currency is different from your credit card currency) or other actions taken by such third parties, and you agree that the payments entity has no control over, or responsibility or liability for, such fees or actions.</li> </ul> <h2 id="section16">16. Liability</h2> <p>We try to keep eBay and its Services safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our Services. Bid update and other notification functionality in eBay&#39;s Services may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond eBay&#39;s control.</p> <p>We (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents and employees) shall not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any business losses, such as loss of data, profits, revenue, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation or business interruption or for any losses which are not reasonably foreseeable by us arising, directly or indirectly from:</p> <ul> <li>your use of or your inability to use our Services;</li> <li>pricing, postage or other guidance provided by eBay;</li> <li>delays or disruptions in our Services;</li> <li>viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing, or linking to, our Services;</li> <li>glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;</li> <li>damage to your hardware device from the use of any eBay Service;</li> <li>the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;</li> <li>a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the <a href="#section4">Abusing eBay</a> section;</li> <li>the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the <a href="#section8">Listing conditions</a> section; or</li> <li>your need to modify practices, content, or behaviour or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.</li> </ul> <p>Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. This is especially so if you are a consumer.</p> <p>You accept sole responsibility for the legality of your actions under laws applying to you and the legality of any items you list on any of our sites.</p> <p>Although we use techniques that aim to verify the accuracy and truth of the information provided by our users, user verification on the internet is difficult. eBay cannot and does not confirm, and is not responsible for ensuring, the accuracy or truthfulness of users&#39; purported identities or the validity of the information which they provide to us or post on our sites.</p> <p>Regardless of the previous paragraphs, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of (a) any amounts due under the eBay Money Back Guarantee up to the price the item sold for on eBay and its original postage costs, (b) the amount of fees in dispute not to exceed the total fees which you paid to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to the liability, or (c) &pound;100.</p> <p>Nothing in this User Agreement shall limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our agents or employees, or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.</p> <h2 id="section17">17. Compensation</h2> <p>You will compensate us in full (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) for any losses or costs, including reasonable legal fees, we incur arising out of any breach by you of this User Agreement, your improper use of eBay&#39;s Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.</p> <h2 id="section18">18. Legal Disputes</h2> <p>If a dispute arises between you and eBay, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by <a href="/help/account/default/contacting-ebay-customer-service?id=4379">contacting Customer Service</a>. eBay Customer Service is available for every user to submit complaints and other inquiries including in relation to illegal content. We will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as <a href="/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/legal-notices?id=4714">mediation</a> or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation.</p> <p>If we take down or restrict access to any content you generate, upload or share on the eBay site, or suspend or ban you from accessing or using our Services, in a way that breaches this User Agreement, you have a right to bring a claim against eBay for breach of contract. This right is subject to the limitation on our liability set out in the Liability section as well as the other terms set out in this User Agreement.</p> <p>Any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with this User Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales. You and eBay both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.</p> <p>In simple terms, &quot;non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts&quot; means that if you were able to bring a claim arising from or in connection with this User Agreement against us in court, an acceptable court would be a court located in England, but you may also elect to bring a claim in the court of another country instead. English law will apply in all cases.</p> <h2 id="section19">19. General</h2> <p>If any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.</p> <p>You agree that we may at any time and without notice set-off any of the amounts held in eBay user accounts held or controlled by you with any fees, charges or other amounts you owe us and (unless prevented by insolvency law) any such amounts you owe other members of the eBay group (including, without limitation, in respect of any services provided by any member of the eBay group). Our right to set-off means that we may deduct such fees, charges or other amounts mentioned in this paragraph from an eBay credit balance held or controlled by you.</p> <p>We may assign our rights and obligations under this User Agreement in accordance with the below (but without your prior express consent), provided that we assign the User Agreement on the same terms or terms that are no less advantageous to you.</p> <p>Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will take action against all breaches of this User Agreement.</p> <p>If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.</p> <p>We may amend this User Agreement at any time by email, or via the <a href=";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages" target="_blank">Messages section of My eBay<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> or by posting the amended terms on <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 15 days after they are initially posted. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of these amended terms constitutes your acceptance of them.</p> <p>This User Agreement may not be otherwise amended except through mutual agreement by you and an eBay representative authorised to do so.</p> <p>The policies posted on our sites may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the eBay site.</p> <p>No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this User Agreement. A person who is not a party to this User Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this User Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party specified in this User Agreement or which exists or is available apart from that Act.</p> <p>eBay&#39;s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) programme works to ensure that listed items do not infringe upon the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify our VeRO team through our&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Programme<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and we will investigate.</p> <p>The User Agreement and all policies posted on our site are the entire agreement between you and eBay and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.</p> <p>The following Sections survive any termination of this User Agreement: <a href="#section7">Fees</a> (with respect to fees owed for our Services), <a href="#section11">Content</a>, <a href="#section15">Managed Payments</a>, <a href="#section16">Liability</a>, <a href="#section17">Compensation</a>, <a href="#section18">Legal Disputes</a> and the release contained in this General section. Legal notices shall be served by registered mail to eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom. We shall send notices to you by email to the email address you provide to eBay during the registration process. Notice to you shall be deemed given 24 hours after the email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, we may give you legal notice by registered mail to the address provided during the registration process. Notices sent to either party by registered mail shall be deemed to have been received by that party three days after the date of mailing.</p> <p><strong>Important:</strong> The <a href="#Previous User Agreement">previous amendment to this User Agreement</a> was effective from 4 February 2025.</p> <div class="expand_collapse_list"> <h2 class="title"><a id="Previous User Agreement" name="Previous User Agreement"></a>Previous User Agreement</h2> <div class="hide"> <p class="tip"><strong>The User Agreement on this page was effective from 4 February 2025 to 16 March 2025 (for existing users). <a href="#top">Read the current User Agreement</a>.</strong></p> <div class="line"></div> <h2 id="1">1. Introduction</h2> <p><strong>This User Agreement, the eBay <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>, the <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/mobile-devices-terms?id=4633">Mobile Device Terms</a> and all policies posted on our sites set out the terms on which eBay offers you access to and use of our sites, services, applications and tools (collectively &#39;Services&#39;). You can find an overview of our policies <a href="/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205">here</a>. All policies and the Mobile Device Terms are incorporated into this User Agreement. You agree to comply with all of the above when accessing or using our Services. For information regarding the processing of personal data, please see our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>.</strong></p> <ul> <li>If you reside in the United Kingdom, you are entering into a contract with eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom, VAT number GB 365 6085 76.</li> <li>If you reside outside the UK but within the European Union, you are entering into a contract with eBay GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany, VAT number DE 200081785.</li> <li>If you reside within the United States, you are entering into a contract with eBay Inc, 2025 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA, 95125, USA.</li> <li>If you reside in Canada, you are entering into a contract with eBay Canada Limited, 240 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor Suite 02-100, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1V6, Canada.</li> <li>If you reside in India, you are entering into a contract with eBay Singapore Services Pte Ltd, 1 Raffles Quay, #18-00, Singapore 048583.</li> <li>If you reside elsewhere, you are entering into a contract with eBay Marketplaces GmbH, Helvetiastra&szlig;e 15-17, 3005 Bern, Switzerland.</li> </ul> <h2 id="2">2. About eBay</h2> <p>eBay is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy just about anything in a variety of pricing formats and locations.</p> <p>eBay is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. The contract for the sale is directly between buyer and seller. eBay is not a party to the transaction and is not a traditional auctioneer. Unless through limited programmes such as eBay Authenticity Guarantee, eBay does not have possession of anything listed or sold through eBay.</p> <p>While we may provide pricing, postage, listing and other guidance in our Services, such guidance is solely informational and you may decide to follow it or not. eBay does not review users&#39; listings or content. While we may help facilitate the resolution of disputes through various programmes, eBay has no control over, and, unless expressly provided, does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of, items advertised; the truth or accuracy of users&#39; content, listings or Feedback; the ability of sellers to sell items; the ability of buyers to pay for items; or that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item.</p> <h2 id="3">3. Using eBay</h2> <p>In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not:</p> <ul> <li>post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;</li> <li>breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems or policies;</li> <li>sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties;</li> <li>use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example if you are under 18), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions;</li> <li>fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example, where the seller has materially changed the item&#39;s description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller (see our <a href="/help/policies/payment-policies/unpaid-item-policy?id=4271">Unpaid item policy</a>);</li> <li>fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example the buyer fails to comply with the terms posted in your listing, or you cannot contact the buyer;</li> <li>manipulate the price of any item and/or interfere with any other user&#39;s listings;</li> <li>fail to comply with laws and applicable guidance on sale pricing and promotion of items, and/or fail to comply with the <a href="" target="_blank">Pricing Tool Terms<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> where applicable;</li> <li>post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, libellous or illegal content;</li> <li>take any action that may undermine the Feedback or ratings systems (please see our <a href="/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208">Feedback policies</a>);</li> <li>transfer your eBay account (including Feedback) and username to another party without our consent;</li> <li>share your log in credentials with any third parties. If you require that authorised third parties (employees, agents, etc.) have access to your account we offer <a href="/help/account/multiuser-account-access/multiuser-account-access?id=5197">Multi-user account access</a> for that purpose;</li> <li>distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;</li> <li>use the contact information of other users for any purpose other than in relation to a specific eBay transaction on the eBay site (which includes using this information to send marketing materials directly to eBay users unless the user has given explicit consent to receiving these materials);</li> <li>distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm eBay, or the interests or property of eBay users;</li> <li>use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of eBay;</li> <li>bypass our robot exclusion headers, interfere with the working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;</li> <li>export or re-export any eBay application or tools except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;</li> <li>infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, moral, database or other intellectual property rights (collectively, &quot;Intellectual Property Rights&quot;) that belong to or are licensed to eBay. Some, but not all, actions that may be infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to eBay or someone else;</li> <li>infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belong to you;</li> <li>commercialise any eBay application or any information or software associated with such application except with the prior express permission of eBay;</li> <li>harvest or otherwise collect or use information about users, such as email addresses, without their consent; or</li> <li>circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.</li> </ul> <p>If you are registering with eBay as a business entity or on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you have the authority to legally bind that entity. If you are trading as a business on eBay, you must comply with all applicable laws relating to online trading for the site you are selling on (please see <a href="#6">Listing Conditions</a> for more information on the legal requirements for selling in the UK).</p> <p>You agree that we will commence supplying our Services to you as soon as you accept this User Agreement. You can cancel this User Agreement under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. Business users can cancel this User Agreement by visiting this <a href="/help/account/changing-account-settings/closing-account?id=4199">help page</a>. We may recoup the cost of any Services provided up to the point of cancellation.</p> <p>If (1) we believe you are violating the policy on <a href="/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272">Offering&nbsp;to buy or sell outside of eBay</a>, you may be subject to a range of actions, including limits on your buying and selling privileges, restrictions on listings and account features, suspension of your account, application of fees for the introduction of seller to buyer, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement; and (2) you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for the buyer&#39;s contact information in the context of buying or selling outside of eBay, you will be liable for all final value fees in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not sell.</p> <p>We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services.</p> <p>Additionally, we reserve the right to vary or terminate all or part of our Services and/or not provide all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason and/or period of time, at our discretion.</p> <h2 id="4">4. Abusing eBay</h2> <p>Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, restrict or prohibit access to, and your activities on, our Services, cancel bids, remove or demote or otherwise restrict the visibility of listings, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with the account, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and legal steps to keep you from using our Services if:</p> <ul> <li>we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us, our users, suppliers or other third parties;</li> <li>we think that such restrictions will improve the security of the eBay community or reduce our or another eBay user&#39;s exposure to financial liabilities;</li> <li>we think that you are infringing the rights of third parties;</li> <li>we think that you are acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of this User Agreement or our policies or abuse our employees or users;</li> <li>despite our reasonable endeavours, we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us; or</li> <li>you fail to make, or it is evident that you are unable to make, full payment of any fees due for our Services by your payment due date.</li> </ul> <p>We may offer a process allowing users to report claimed violations for us to consider and handle through one or more of these options, all in our sole discretion.</p> <p>When a buyer or seller issue arises we may consider the user&#39;s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement, and to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.</p> <h2 id="5">5. Fees</h2> <p>Private seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/fees-private-sellers?id=4364">Fees for private sellers page</a> and business seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/shop-selling-fees?id=4122">Fees for business sellers page</a>. The fees we charge for selling vehicles are listed on our <a href="/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127">Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors page</a>. Fees for using the site and purchasing items including Buyer Protection, where applicable, are listed on our <a href="/help/buying/paying-items/buyer-protection-fee?id=5594">eBay Buyer Protection</a> page. We may change our fees, or introduce new fees from time to time by posting the changes on the eBay site or via the <a href=";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages" target="_blank">Messages section of My eBay<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> 30 days in advance or, in the case of fees payable by buyers, without any advance notice. You may close your account without penalty within 30 days of such notice being given.</p> <p>You are liable for any applicable fees arising out of all sales made using some or all eBay Services, even if sales terms are finalised or payment is made outside of eBay. In addition, if you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for a buyer&#39;s contact information, you may be liable to pay a final value fee in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not actually sell. In some cases, where buyers receive supplemental Services for items in certain categories, for example authentication, we may also charge those buyers for such supplemental Services.</p> <p>You are required to have a valid payment method on file when selling on eBay.</p> <p>If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect fees owed by charging other payment methods on file and retaining collection agencies or legal counsel.</p> <p>You authorise eBay to automatically charge your chosen payment method in accordance with this User Agreement and the applicable billing agreement(s) you agree to when setting up or changing your payment method, for future charges and fees incurred in relation to the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, amounts owed for eBay fees, eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursements and postage labels. eBay will notify you of these charges. If payments or amounts owed to eBay cannot be completed through the payment method on file for any reason, you are still required to pay eBay for all unpaid amounts and eBay reserves the right to seek reimbursement through other means plus any additional costs incurred by eBay in seeking reimbursement. You can change your payment method in My eBay at any time.</p> <p>Seller fees don&#39;t purchase exclusive rights to item exposure on eBay whether on a web page, mobile app, or otherwise. We may display third-party advertisements (including links and references thereto), eBay advertisements (such as for eBay programmes), or other content in any part of our Services, at our sole discretion.</p> <h2 id="6">6. Listing Conditions</h2> <p>When listing an item, you agree to comply with the <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/listing-policies?id=4213">rules for listing</a>, and <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/selling-practices-policy?id=4346">Selling practices policy</a>, and that:</p> <ul> <li>you are responsible for the accuracy, content and legality of the item listed including listing content created using tools offered by eBay or third parties such as translation, image editing, and generative artificial intelligence tools, and agree to list in accordance with the <a href="/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207">Prohibited and restricted items policy</a> and all other relevant policies;</li> <li>your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for up to 24 hours. eBay does not guarantee exact listing durations;</li> <li>when you create fixed-price listings, these will renew automatically once per calendar month and based on the listing terms at the time, until the quantities sell out or until you cancel the listing. The exact day of the month that the renewal takes place depends on the initial listing start date;</li> <li>unless otherwise specified by law, you are responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to the tax amount itself, as well as any penalties, fines, charges, or late payment interest) related to your sales on the eBay site, where applicable, and you agree to use the Services in accordance with the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/tax-policy?id=4348">Tax policy</a>. To the extent possible under English law, you shall pay to us as a debt on demand all costs incurred by us, including but not limited to tax, penalties and interest, levied by any competent tax authority due to your failure to provide a valid VAT registration number and/or your failure to pay any such taxes, penalties or interest;</li> <li>content that violates any of eBay&#39;s policies may be modified, obfuscated or deleted at eBay&#39;s discretion;</li> <li>in accordance with the <a href="/help/selling/listings/creating-managing-listings/listing-item-product-details-catalogue?id=4653">listing with the eBay catalogue policy</a>, we may revise product data associated with listings to supplement, remove, or correct information;</li> <li>eBay, at its sole discretion, may add content to listings, for example, a video to advertise eBay programmes and/or Services;</li> <li>we strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to: <ul style="list-style-type:circle;"> <li>buyers&#39; location, search query, browsing site and history;</li> <li>item&#39;s location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;</li> <li>seller&#39;s history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, eBay policy compliance, Feedback, and defect rate; and</li> <li>number of listings matching the buyer&#39;s query</li> </ul> </li> <li>to drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer;</li> <li>some advanced listing upgrades may only be visible on certain eBay Services;</li> <li>listing upgrades may be paid-for benefits that can affect the appearance or placement of listings in the search and browse results, for example <a href="/help/selling/listings/listing-tips/promoted-listings?id=4164">Promoted Listings</a>;</li> <li>eBay&#39;s <a href="/help/policies/listing-policies/duplicate-listings-policy?id=4255">Duplicate listings policy</a> may also affect whether your listing appears in search results;</li> <li>meta-tags and URL links that are included in a listing will be removed or altered so as to not affect third-party search engine results;</li> <li>we may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings. Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and current listings; results will vary for individual listings. To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your listings to other sellers;</li> <li>eBay advertises the Services and provides other eBay companies and third parties with access to your listings and content for this purpose. This includes, for example, the display of listings and content of users on price comparison sites or third-party advertising placements;</li> <li>artificial intelligence-based tools may be used by eBay or offered to you to use; the availability and accuracy of these tools and content are not guaranteed;</li> <li>eBay may make additional services available to buyers such as warranty extensions and other insurance or assembly and installation services. You are permitted to offer your own additional services (such as guarantees or assembly and installation services) if you do so in accordance with this User Agreement and applicable laws. You are responsible for determining whether your additional services are compatible with any comparable additional services offered by eBay or by any eBay partners.</li> </ul> <h2 id="7">7. Purchase Conditions</h2> <p>When buying an item, you agree to comply with the <a href="/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/rules-policies-buyers?id=4206">rules for buyers</a> and that:</p> <ul> <li>you are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy;</li> <li>unless otherwise expressly stated by eBay on the site, you enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item, or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted);</li> <li>for motor vehicles and real estate (property) listed in the Classified Ad format, a bid or offer is not binding, but expresses a buyer&#39;s serious interest in the item;</li> <li>if you purchase an item on an eBay site other than you are subject to the User Agreement of that other eBay site solely with respect to that particular purchase. Similarly, if you purchase an item on, you are subject to this User Agreement, even if your account was created, or is registered on, a different eBay site.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Buyer requested cancellations</strong></p> <p>Buyers can request to cancel an order on eBay within the timeframe mentioned in our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298">Order cancellation policy</a> and the seller will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. If the seller declines the cancellation request, or already posted the order, buyers will need to wait until they receive the item and then decide if they want to start a return. Sellers can also cancel orders in certain circumstances up to 30 days after the sale.</p> <p><strong>Buyer requested returns</strong></p> <p>Buyers can submit a <a href="/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041">return request</a> for items purchased on eBay. For returns that are eligible for <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, please see the policy for details. If the return is not covered by <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, buyers can still request the return and the seller has the right to accept or decline the request in accordance with their return policy as stated in the original listing.</p> <p>If you, as a buyer, return your item using a return postage label purchased on eBay and are obligated to pay for the return postage costs, we may deduct the costs of the return postage label from the amount refunded to you.</p> <h2 id="8">8. International buying, selling and translation</h2> <p>Many of our Services are accessible internationally. We may offer certain programmes, tools, and site experiences of particular interest to international sellers and buyers, such as estimated local currency conversion and international shipping calculation tools. Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items.</p> <p>Your items may be listed on one or more of eBay&#39;s international sites in addition to You may stop your listings from appearing on international sites by excluding international postage locations from your listings. By selecting international postage you authorise eBay, in its discretion, to display your listings on eBay sites other than the original listing site but acknowledge that your listings may not appear on some or all of these sites.</p> <p>When you sell your items internationally or purchase an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies of that other eBay site with respect to that particular purchase, as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>.</p> <p>For sellers, you agree that we may display your listing for sale on an eBay site other than the site where you listed your item for sale, based on your shipping settings. You may adjust these settings as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>. If you list your items with an international shipping option, the appearance of your listings on sites other than the listing site is not guaranteed. If you sell an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies, including any buyer protection programmes, of that other eBay site with respect to that particular sale, as detailed in the <a href="/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689">International selling policy</a>.</p> <p>You authorise us to use automated tools to translate your eBay content and member to member communications, in whole or in part, into local languages where such translation solutions are available. We may provide you with tools which will enable you to translate content at your request. The accuracy or availability of any translation is not guaranteed.</p> <h2 id="9">9. Content</h2> <p>When providing us with content (including causing content to be posted using our Services), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual (or for the duration of any copyright or other rights in such content), irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to use the content (including, without limitation, creating and using derivative works). We may in particular use your content, including any photographs you upload, for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes (i) offering it to other sellers to use in their listings, and (ii) displaying it to other eBay users as part of the browsing experience on eBay. We will also be allowed to keep a copy of any content (including photographs) you upload in our product catalogue for subsequent use for these purposes. You authorise us to exercise any and all copyright, trademark, publicity, database or other intellectual property rights you have in or to the content in any media known now or developed in the future for these purposes. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights in the content and promise not to assert such rights or any other intellectual property rights you have in the content against us, our sublicensees or our assignees.</p> <p>We may offer catalogue and/or product data (including images, descriptions and specifications) that are provided by third parties (including eBay users). You may use that content solely in your eBay listings during the time your listings are on eBay&#39;s sites. That permission is subject to modification or revocation at any time at eBay&#39;s sole discretion.</p> <p>We try to offer reliable data, but cannot promise that the content provided through the Services will always be available, accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree that eBay is not responsible for examining or warranting the listings or content provided by third parties through the Services, and that you will not hold or attempt to hold us or our product data providers liable for inaccuracies. If you choose to use catalogue content and/or product data in connection with your listings, you agree to ensure that the content directly associated with your listings is and remains accurate, and that you continue to fully comply with this User Agreement and all eBay policies. The catalogue and product data include copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, proprietary or identification markings in the catalogue or product data or create any derivative works based on that data (other than by including the data in your listings).</p> <p>The name &quot;eBay&quot; and other eBay marks, logos, designs and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of eBay in the UK and other countries. They may not be used unless expressly authorised by eBay in writing.</p> <h2 id="10">10. Data protection and Privacy</h2> <ul> <li>You and eBay shall process personal data received under and/or in connection with this User Agreement each as a separate and independent controller. In no event will eBay and you process personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement as joint controllers or in a controller-to-processor relationship. As such separate and independent controllers, you shall be individually and separately responsible for complying with the obligations that apply to you as a controller under applicable data protection laws.</li> <li>You shall comply with your obligations under applicable data protection laws (including but not limited to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation &quot;GDPR&quot;) as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and as subsequently amended) and supplementing local data protection laws. This includes, but is not limited to, the obligation to provide appropriate safeguards for the transfer of personal data to a third country or an international organisation.</li> <li>You shall process personal data received from eBay exclusively for the purpose(s) you received the personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement. You shall erase the personal data received under this User Agreement immediately after the respective purpose(s) has/have been fulfilled. Any further processing of the personal data is not permitted except when legally required (e.g. if a retention obligation applies).</li> <li>Failure to abide by the aforementioned obligations may result in disciplinary action up to and including account suspension.</li> <li>As part of the Services, eBay has access to various information about users, including personal data. This includes information that users submit to eBay as part of the Services (such as contact information or item descriptions) as well as information that is generated by the provision and processing of the Services (such as ratings, sales analysis or communication).</li> <li>Via My eBay and, upon request, via <a href="/help/selling/selling-tools/selling-tools-overview?id=4073">selling tools</a>, you receive information which is necessary for the processing of transactions (in particular, the contact information of the other user involved in a transaction) as well as aggregated information on the performance and analysis of your listings, which are partly related to the data of other users of the Services (such as number of impressions of a listing, conversion rate or return rate).</li> <li>eBay only shares information about users with third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the Services or if eBay is legally or contractually entitled to do so.</li> <li>Upon expiry of this User Agreement, we will delete the information you provided, or which was generated through your use of the Services from your eBay account. Regardless, we maintain this information after the expiry of the User Agreement if we are legally obliged or have a legitimate interest to do so. We will generally maintain aggregated data generated using the Services (e.g. statistics about sales in a category) upon expiry of the User Agreement.</li> <li>For information regarding the processing of personal data by eBay, including sharing such data with third parties and your rights as a data subject, please see our <a href="/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260">User Privacy Notice</a>.</li> </ul> <h2 id="11">11. Restricting Funds</h2> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> stipulate that the responsible eBay payment entity may temporarily place a hold on your funds in certain cases upon our notification. When, under what conditions and for how long such a hold can be placed is determined by the regulations on holds in the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>.</p> <h2 id="12">12. Additional Terms</h2> <h3><a id="Returns." name="Returns."></a>Terms of Returns for the Seller</h3> <p>Sellers can create rules to automate returns and refunds under certain circumstances. Also eBay may set a default rule that automates the return process for some or all listings where returns are accepted. Sellers may remove or customise their returns preferences in their account settings within My eBay. Where returns have been set to automatically accept requests, an eBay-generated return postage label will be provided to your buyer. You agree to comply with our <a href="/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/managing-returns-refunds?id=4079">returns policies</a>.</p> <p>If the buyer returns an item because it does not match the listing description, sellers will be responsible for return postage costs.</p> <p>You authorise eBay to include return postage charges and auto-refunds on your seller invoice, which may be charged to your automatic payment method on file, when:</p> <ul> <li>an eBay-generated return postage label is used, and the seller is responsible for its cost;</li> <li>returns and refunds have been automated; and/or</li> <li>you fail to send your buyer a return postage label and instead an eBay-generated label is used.</li> </ul> <p>See our <a href="/help/selling/getting-paid/canceling-transaction?id=4136">cancelling a transaction policy</a> for details on cancellations.</p> <h3><a id="eBay." name="eBay."></a>eBay Money Back Guarantee</h3> <p>Most eBay sales go smoothly, but if there&#39;s a problem with a purchase, the eBay Money Back Guarantee helps buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. The <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy</a> is part of this User Agreement and is incorporated by reference. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any case.</p> <p>Under the <a href="/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a>, if a seller chooses or is required to reimburse the buyer or eBay because a case is resolved in the buyer&#39;s favour, we may request the eBay entity which processed the payment to reimburse the buyer on your behalf pursuant to the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. In the event that the funds held on the seller&#39;s behalf are insufficient for refunding the buyer based on a successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claim, the seller is obliged to reimburse us for the amounts owed to the buyer. The sellers authorise us to recoup these amounts from the seller on our behalf in accordance with eBay&#39;s policies and procedures (including any amounts resulting from international transactions as stipulated in the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy).</p> <p>Where the seller is found at fault, we will notify the seller and charge the reimbursement amount to the seller&#39;s chosen payment method, or invoice the seller for the reimbursement amount.</p> <p>Sellers must have a payment method on file with eBay. Sellers may change this payment method by <a href="#contactWay">contacting eBay</a>. For this purpose, you, in the capacity of a seller authorise and instruct us to:</p> <ul> <li>collect or reverse variable amounts from your account to carry out a buyer reimbursement;</li> <li>charge the payment method you select to recover the amount we pay to the buyer (in cases where we refund the buyer directly); and</li> <li>place the reimbursement amount on the seller invoice, including but not limited to the cost of return postage labels.</li> </ul> <p>You acknowledge and agree that your authorisations above will be made on a recurring basis and on various dates as required by us to implement the terms of the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. For future claims, where we resolve a dispute in the buyer&#39;s favour, we will notify the seller and continue to charge the seller&#39;s preferred payment method. If sellers do not provide eBay with a valid reimbursement method, we may collect the outstanding sums using other collection mechanisms, including retaining collection agencies. We may suspend the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy without notice if we suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of the policy.</p> <h3><a id="Correcting." name="Correcting."></a>Correcting mistakes in payments to buyers and sellers</h3> <p>We reserve the right to fix any processing errors we discover. We will correct any processing errors by debiting or crediting the payment method used for the eBay Money Back Guarantee refund or reimbursement.</p> <h3><a id="Global." name="Global."></a>Global Shipping Programme</h3> <p>One of the ways that we may make listings available to international buyers on and on our international sites is through the Global Shipping Programme. For items that are located in the UK and that are purchased from you by an international buyer in a country eligible for the Global Shipping Programme, you will post the item to a shipping centre located in the UK. A third-party global technology and shipping provider will oversee the processing, customs clearance and international postage of the item to your buyer. For items that are purchased by international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme, buyers will pre-pay any applicable postage and import charges during checkout and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the shipping centre to delivery.</p> <p>We may choose to make your listings available to international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme unless you opt out of the programme at either an account, country or listing level.</p> <p>By not opting out of the programme, you will also be acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the <a href="" target="_blank">Global Shipping Programme Seller Terms and Conditions<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and that they will apply to you as a seller and to all of your eligible new and existing listings. These terms include, among other important provisions:</p> <ul> <li>a third-party agreement for the parcel processing, customs clearance (for non-EU shipments), and international postage and tracking services, including your consent to the disclosure of certain personal information to third parties in connection with those services;</li> <li>an authorisation for third parties to act in your place to facilitate the export clearance of items that you sell through the Global Shipping Programme outside the EU;</li> <li>an acknowledgment that you agree and are responsible for ensuring that your listings and items are compliant with applicable overseas laws and regulations;</li> <li>a description of the items that are ineligible for the programme and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may be sold through the programme;</li> <li>a list of countries that are eligible for the programme; and</li> <li>policies governing the handling of lost, damaged and undeliverable items (including their possible disposal), returns, and the resolution of eBay Money Back Guarantee claims for items that you sell through the programme.</li> </ul> <h3><a id="Delivery." name="Delivery."></a>Simple Delivery</h3> <p>We may add certain delivery options to your listings in order to help improve both seller and buyer experience for selecting a delivery label. For listings that are eligible, you may see a simplified listing flow where you are not required to select a delivery option. In such instances, your buyer may be able to choose whether to have a standard or express delivery service or whether to collect in store and will pay the delivery costs to the delivery service provider on your behalf. Once your item has sold and the buyer has paid, a delivery label will be provided to you.</p> <p>By using the label provided to you or not opting out, you and your buyer agree that you purchase the label from the delivery service provider, and you agree that no further delivery costs are owed to you by your buyer. Any delivery costs you owe to the delivery service provider to send your item are paid by the buyer to the delivery service provider on your behalf. For this purpose, any applicable delivery costs are not credited to your account but deducted from the buyer&#39;s order total and directly transferred to the delivery service provider. You also acknowledge and agree that should the buyer request a return, you may be responsible for refunding the buyer any outbound delivery costs (including for express delivery) for the label provided to you, and that the outbound delivery costs will be deducted from your account to execute the refund.</p> <p>In the event that you declare the size and weight of your item at listing, you will be responsible for ensuring you declare this correctly. Should we find that you have under declared the size or weight of your item and additional delivery costs are due to the delivery service provider, the additional delivery costs will be deducted from your account.</p> <p>See <a href="" target="_blank">Simple Delivery<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> for more details.</p> <h3>Click &amp; Collect</h3> <p>For items that are eligible, we may choose to make eBay Click &amp; Collect available as a delivery option on your listings on unless you opt out at either an account or listing level.</p> <p>By not opting out, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms and conditions for Click &amp; Collect<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and that these terms will apply to the relevant listings. Those terms include, among other important provisions:</p> <ul> <li>a description of the items that are ineligible and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may qualify for eBay Click &amp; Collect as a delivery option; and</li> <li>consequences of an item being undeliverable or unidentifiable, including an authorisation from you to dispose of, sell or donate the item to charity.</li> </ul> <h3>Recommendations</h3> <p>eBay may offer personalised recommendations to you to provide a relevant and engaging experience, helping you sell or buy items of interest to you. These recommendations may consider data related to your eBay activity, the item, and seasonality, among other factors.</p> <h2 id="13">13. Managed Payments</h2> <p>eBay manages payments on the eBay Services on behalf of sellers (such management described as &quot;managed payments&quot; or similar) through designated eBay entities (each, a &quot;payments entity&quot;). The use of managed payments is a prerequisite for using the Services as a seller, where managed payments is available.</p> <p>The complete terms governing sellers&#39; use of managed payments are available in the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>, incorporated herein. You agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Payments Terms of Use<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> to the extent applicable to you.</p> <p>The contract for sale underlying the purchase of goods is directly concluded between seller and the buyer in the same manner as for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments.</p> <p>If you are a buyer completing a purchase from a seller that is using managed payments:</p> <ul> <li>You may pay for such items using those payment methods that eBay makes available. The payments entity will receive payments from you based on your selected payment method, collect the transaction amounts on behalf of the seller and manage settlement to the seller. You agree and understand that payments received by the applicable payments entity from you satisfy your obligations to pay sellers in the amount of payments received.</li> <li>In certain instances, your transaction may be declined, frozen, or held for any reason including for suspected fraud, AML compliance, compliance with economic or trade sanctions, in connection with eBay&#39;s internal risk controls or due to potential violations of any policy of eBay or the payments entity, or a policy of one of the payments entity&#39;s third-party payments services providers.</li> <li>eBay, the payments entity or its affiliates may save payment information, such as credit card or debit card numbers, and card expiration dates, entered by you on eBay Services when you make a purchase, redeem a coupon, or make any other transaction on eBay Services where card information is entered. Such stored payment information may be used as your default payment method for future transactions on eBay Services. At any time, you can update your card information or enter new card information, at which point the new card information shall be stored as your default payment method. You may make changes to your default payment method through the Personal Information section under the Account tab in My eBay. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of information we have on file, and you consent to eBay updating such stored information from time to time based on information provided by you, your bank or other payments services providers. You will only provide information about payment methods that you are authorised to use.</li> <li>You may seek <a href="#Returns.">returns or cancellations</a> on eBay Services, or file <a href="#eBay.">eBay Money Back Guarantee</a> claims on eBay Services, in the same manner as you do for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments. The payments entity refunds amounts paid for successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claims and returned or cancelled transactions in cases where the original payment was managed by the payments entity. Refund timing may vary in accordance with the rules of third parties, such as credit and debit card networks.</li> <li>You agree to comply with, and not cause a third party to violate, all applicable laws, regulations, rules and terms and conditions in connection with the use of managed payments. You understand that some third parties, such as credit and debit card issuers, credit and debit card networks and payments services providers, may have their own terms and conditions for the payment or settlement methods you choose to use in connection with managed payments transactions. Failure to abide by third-party terms and conditions may result in fees assessed to you (for example, currency conversion fees from your credit card issuer if the transaction currency is different from your credit card currency) or other actions taken by such third parties, and you agree that the payments entity has no control over, or responsibility or liability for, such fees or actions.</li> </ul> <h2 id="14">14. Liability</h2> <p>We try to keep eBay and its Services safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our Services. Bid update and other notification functionality in eBay&#39;s Services may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond eBay&#39;s control.</p> <p>We (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents and employees) shall not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any business losses, such as loss of data, profits, revenue, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation or business interruption or for any losses which are not reasonably foreseeable by us arising, directly or indirectly from:</p> <ul> <li>your use of or your inability to use our Services;</li> <li>pricing, postage or other guidance provided by eBay;</li> <li>delays or disruptions in our Services;</li> <li>viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing, or linking to, our Services;</li> <li>glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;</li> <li>damage to your hardware device from the use of any eBay Service;</li> <li>the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;</li> <li>a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the <a href="#4">Abusing eBay</a> section;</li> <li>the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the <a href="#6">Listing conditions</a> section; or</li> <li>your need to modify practices, content, or behaviour or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.</li> </ul> <p>Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. This is especially so if you are a consumer.</p> <p>You accept sole responsibility for the legality of your actions under laws applying to you and the legality of any items you list on any of our sites.</p> <p>Although we use techniques that aim to verify the accuracy and truth of the information provided by our users, user verification on the internet is difficult. eBay cannot and does not confirm, and is not responsible for ensuring, the accuracy or truthfulness of users&#39; purported identities or the validity of the information which they provide to us or post on our sites.</p> <p>Regardless of the previous paragraphs, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of (a) any amounts due under the eBay Money Back Guarantee up to the price the item sold for on eBay and its original postage costs, (b) the amount of fees in dispute not to exceed the total fees which you paid to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to the liability, or (c) &pound;100.</p> <p>Nothing in this User Agreement shall limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our agents or employees, or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.</p> <h2 id="15">15. Compensation</h2> <p>You will compensate us in full (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) for any losses or costs, including reasonable legal fees, we incur arising out of any breach by you of this User Agreement, your improper use of eBay&#39;s Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.</p> <h2 id="16">16. Legal Disputes</h2> <p>If a dispute arises between you and eBay, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by <a href="/help/account/default/contacting-ebay-customer-service?id=4379">contacting Customer Support</a>. eBay Customer Service is available for every user to submit complaints and other inquiries. We will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as <a href="/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/legal-notices?id=4714">mediation</a> or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation. Any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with this User Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales. You and eBay both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.</p> <p>In simple terms, &quot;non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts&quot; means that if you were able to bring a claim arising from or in connection with this User Agreement against us in court, an acceptable court would be a court located in England, but you may also elect to bring a claim in the court of another country instead. English law will apply in all cases.</p> <h2 id="17">17. General</h2> <p>If any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.</p> <p>You agree that we may at any time and without notice set-off any of the amounts held in eBay user accounts held or controlled by you with any fees, charges or other amounts you owe us and (unless prevented by insolvency law) any such amounts you owe other members of the eBay group (including, without limitation, in respect of any services provided by any member of the eBay group). Our right to set-off means that we may deduct such fees, charges or other amounts mentioned in this paragraph from an eBay credit balance held or controlled by you.</p> <p>We may assign our rights and obligations under this User Agreement in accordance with the below (but without your prior express consent), provided that we assign the User Agreement on the same terms or terms that are no less advantageous to you.</p> <p>Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will take action against all breaches of this User Agreement.</p> <p>If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.</p> <p>We may amend this User Agreement at any time by email, or via the <a href=";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages" target="_blank">Messages section of My eBay<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> or by posting the amended terms on <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a>. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially posted. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of these amended terms constitutes your acceptance of them.</p> <p>This User Agreement may not be otherwise amended except through mutual agreement by you and an eBay representative authorised to do so.</p> <p>The policies posted on our sites may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the eBay site.</p> <p>No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this User Agreement. A person who is not a party to this User Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this User Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party specified in this User Agreement or which exists or is available apart from that Act.</p> <p>eBay&#39;s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) programme works to ensure that listed items do not infringe upon the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify our VeRO team through our&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Programme<span class="g-hdn"> - opens in new window or tab</span></a> and we will investigate.</p> <p>The User Agreement and all policies posted on our site are the entire agreement between you and eBay and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.</p> <p>The following Sections survive any termination of this User Agreement: <a href="#5">Fees</a> (with respect to fees owed for our Services), <a href="#9">Content</a>, <a href="#13">Managed Payments</a>, <a href="#14">Liability</a>, <a href="#15">Compensation</a>, <a href="#16">Legal Disputes</a> and the release contained in this General section. Legal notices shall be served by registered mail to eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom. We shall send notices to you by email to the email address you provide to eBay during the registration process. Notice to you shall be deemed given 24 hours after the email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, we may give you legal notice by registered mail to the address provided during the registration process. 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Introduction\u003C/h2>\n\n<p><strong>This User Agreement, the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>, the <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/mobile-devices-terms?id=4633\">Mobile Device Terms\u003C/a> and all policies posted on our sites set out the terms on which eBay offers you access to and use of our sites, services, applications and tools (collectively &#39;Services&#39;). You can find an overview of our policies <a href=\"/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205\">here\u003C/a>. All policies and the Mobile Device Terms are incorporated into this User Agreement. You agree to comply with all of the above when accessing or using our Services. For information regarding the processing of personal data, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>.\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If you reside in the United Kingdom, you are entering into a contract with eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom, VAT number GB 365 6085 76.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside outside the UK but within the European Union, you are entering into a contract with eBay GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany, VAT number DE 200081785.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside within the United States, you are entering into a contract with eBay Inc, 2025 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA, 95125, USA.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside in Canada, you are entering into a contract with eBay Canada Limited, 240 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor Suite 02-100, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1V6, Canada.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside in India, you are entering into a contract with eBay Singapore Services Pte Ltd, 1 Raffles Quay, #18-00, Singapore 048583.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside elsewhere, you are entering into a contract with eBay Marketplaces GmbH, Helvetiastra&szlig;e 15-17, 3005 Bern, Switzerland.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section2\">2. About eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>eBay is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy just about anything in a variety of pricing formats and locations.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. The contract for the sale is directly between buyer and seller. eBay is not a party to the transaction and is not a traditional auctioneer. Unless through limited programmes such as eBay Authenticity Guarantee, eBay does not have possession of anything listed or sold through eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>While we may provide pricing, postage, listing and other guidance in our Services, such guidance is solely informational and you may decide to follow it or not. Except for certain checks, including those designed to verify that listings do not include illegal content (as described in the <a href=\"#section5\">Illegal content\u003C/a> section), eBay does not review users&#39; listings or content. While we may help facilitate the resolution of disputes through various programmes, eBay has no control over, and, unless expressly provided, does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of, items advertised; the truth or accuracy of users&#39; content, listings or Feedback; the ability of sellers to sell items; the ability of buyers to pay for items; or that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section3\">3. Using eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems or policies;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>upload illegal content or use the service in the facilitation or commission of a criminal offence;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example if you are under 18), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example, where the seller has materially changed the item&#39;s description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller (see our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/unpaid-item-policy?id=4271\">Unpaid item policy\u003C/a>);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example the buyer fails to comply with the terms posted in your listing, or you cannot contact the buyer;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>manipulate the price of any item and/or interfere with any other user&#39;s listings;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to comply with laws and applicable guidance on sale pricing and promotion of items, and/or fail to comply with the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pricing Tool Terms<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> where applicable;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, libellous or illegal content;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>take any action that may undermine the Feedback or ratings systems (please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208\">Feedback policies\u003C/a>);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>transfer your eBay account (including Feedback) and username to another party without our consent;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>share your log in credentials with any third parties. If you require that authorised third parties (employees, agents, etc.) have access to your account we offer <a href=\"/help/account/multiuser-account-access/multiuser-account-access?id=5197\">Multi-user account access\u003C/a> for that purpose;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use the contact information of other users for any purpose other than in relation to a specific eBay transaction on the eBay site (which includes using this information to send marketing materials directly to eBay users unless the user has given explicit consent to receiving these materials);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm eBay, or the interests or property of eBay users;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>bypass our robot exclusion headers, interfere with the working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>export or re-export any eBay application or tools except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, moral, database or other intellectual property rights (collectively, &quot;Intellectual Property Rights&quot;) that belong to or are licensed to eBay. Some, but not all, actions that may be infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to eBay or someone else;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belong to you;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>commercialise any eBay application or any information or software associated with such application except with the prior express permission of eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>harvest or otherwise collect or use information about users, such as email addresses, without their consent; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you are registering with eBay as a business entity or on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you have the authority to legally bind that entity. If you are trading as a business on eBay, you must comply with all applicable laws relating to online trading for the site you are selling on (please see <a href=\"#section8\">Listing Conditions\u003C/a> for more information on the legal requirements for selling in the UK).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You agree that we will commence supplying our Services to you as soon as you accept this User Agreement. You can cancel this User Agreement under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. Business users can cancel this User Agreement by visiting this <a href=\"/help/account/changing-account-settings/closing-account?id=4199\">help page\u003C/a>. We may recoup the cost of any Services provided up to the point of cancellation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If (1) we believe you are violating the policy on <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272\">Offering&nbsp;to buy or sell outside of eBay\u003C/a>, you may be subject to a range of actions, including limits on your buying and selling privileges, restrictions on listings and account features, suspension of your account, application of fees for the introduction of seller to buyer, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement; and (2) you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for the buyer&#39;s contact information in the context of buying or selling outside of eBay, you will be liable for all final value fees in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not sell.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Additionally, we reserve the right to vary or terminate all or part of our Services and/or not provide all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason and/or period of time, at our discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section4\">4. Abusing eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, restrict or prohibit access to, and your activities on, our Services, cancel bids, remove or demote or otherwise restrict the visibility of listings, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with the account, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and legal steps to keep you from using our Services if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us, our users, suppliers or other third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that such restrictions will improve the security of the eBay community or reduce our or another eBay user&#39;s exposure to financial liabilities;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that you are infringing the rights of third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that you are acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of this User Agreement or our policies or abuse our employees or users;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>despite our reasonable endeavours, we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us\u003C/li>\n\t<li>you circumvent, or seek to circumvent, any fees that may be payable when using <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>you fail to make, or it is evident that you are unable to make, full payment of any fees due for our Services by your payment due date; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that this is necessary in order to protect other users from illegal content being posted or listed on the eBay site.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>We may offer a process allowing users to report claimed violations for us to consider and handle through one or more of these options, all in our sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When a buyer or seller issue arises we may consider the user&#39;s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement, and to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section5\">5. Illegal Content\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Our algorithms (including AI) evaluate key words, images and other criteria during the listing creation process to identify items that are illegal, non-compliant and/or fail to comply with the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207\">Prohibited and restricted items policy\u003C/a>. These algorithms will either flag listings for review by eBay investigators or in some cases automatically block them from being published. We also conduct manual and AI sweeps on existing content.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If content is determined to be illegal, non-compliant or otherwise to violate eBay policy, it is blocked or removed and the user is notified with an explanation as to why. eBay has also developed robust measures to help stop bad actors and deter repeat policy violations, with penalties up to, and including, permanent suspension.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We implement these safeguards in a way which we consider to be proportionate to the risk that listings might pose to other users of the Services &ndash; for instance, by undertaking more regular sweeps for certain categories of listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Our safeguards are also designed to minimise the length of time for which illegal content is present on the eBay site. This includes terrorism content, child sexual exploitation and abuse content and other illegal content.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We will swiftly take down content where we are alerted to or become aware of the presence of any content on the eBay site which we believe to be in breach of our policies (including illegal content prohibited by our policies). Content may be taken down automatically if our algorithm flags the content as being illegal; where content is flagged for review by an eBay investigator we will prioritise review of content that is likely to be of most harm to users.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can report content on the eBay site which you consider to be illegal using the <a href=\"/help/account/regulatory/reporting-content-ebay?id=5412#section1\">Report content\u003C/a> functionality.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Registered authorities can report non-compliant listings via our Regulatory Portal. Law enforcement authorities can request eBay customer data via our Law Enforcement eRequest System. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section6\">6. Appeals about Illegal Content\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If eBay takes one of the measures referred to in the <a href=\"#section5\">Illegal Content\u003C/a> section, the affected users can clarify the facts and circumstances underlying such a measure electronically by filing an appeal (free of charge) with eBay. Please note that you can make one appeal per content type. You can also request clarification through this appeals process if you have reported content that you consider to be illegal, but eBay has rejected this report.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You can lodge an appeal for a period of six months starting with the date on which eBay took the measure or informed you that your report has been rejected.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay will handle these appeals in a timely, non-discriminatory, diligent and objective manner. eBay will reverse the contested decision or measure, as far as this is technically possible and reasonable, without undue delay if we conclude that the appeal is justified.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section7\">7. Fees\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Private seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/fees-private-sellers?id=4364\">Fees for private sellers page\u003C/a> and business seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/shop-selling-fees?id=4122\">Fees for business sellers page\u003C/a>. The fees we charge for selling vehicles are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127\">Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors page\u003C/a>. Fees for using the site and purchasing items including Buyer Protection, where applicable, are listed on our <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/buyer-protection-fee?id=5594\">eBay Buyer Protection\u003C/a> page. We may change our fees, or introduce new fees from time to time by posting the changes on the eBay site or via the <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages\" target=\"_blank\">Messages section of My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> 15 days in advance or, in the case of fees payable by buyers, without any advance notice. You may close your account without penalty within 30 days of such notice being given.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You are liable for any applicable fees arising out of all sales made using some or all eBay Services, even if sales terms are finalised or payment is made outside of eBay. In addition, if you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for a buyer&#39;s contact information, you may be liable to pay a final value fee in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not actually sell. In some cases, where buyers receive supplemental Services for items in certain categories, for example authentication, we may also charge those buyers for such supplemental Services.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You are required to have a valid payment method on file when selling on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect fees owed by charging other payment methods on file and retaining collection agencies or legal counsel.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise eBay to automatically charge your chosen payment method in accordance with this User Agreement and the applicable billing agreement(s) you agree to when setting up or changing your payment method, for future charges and fees incurred in relation to the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, amounts owed for eBay fees, eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursements and postage labels. eBay will notify you of these charges. If payments or amounts owed to eBay cannot be completed through the payment method on file for any reason, you are still required to pay eBay for all unpaid amounts and eBay reserves the right to seek reimbursement through other means plus any additional costs incurred by eBay in seeking reimbursement. You can change your payment method in My eBay at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Seller fees don&#39;t purchase exclusive rights to item exposure on eBay whether on a web page, mobile app, or otherwise. We may display third-party advertisements (including links and references thereto), eBay advertisements (such as for eBay programmes), or other content in any part of our Services, at our sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section8\">8. Listing Conditions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When listing an item, you agree to comply with the <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/listing-policies?id=4213\">rules for listing\u003C/a>, and <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/selling-practices-policy?id=4346\">Selling practices policy\u003C/a>, and that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>you are responsible for the accuracy, content and legality of the item listed including listing content created using tools offered by eBay or third parties such as translation, image editing, and generative artificial intelligence tools, and agree to list in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207\">Prohibited and restricted items policy\u003C/a> and all other relevant policies;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for up to 24 hours. eBay does not guarantee exact listing durations;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>when you create fixed-price listings, these will renew automatically once per calendar month and based on the listing terms at the time, until the quantities sell out or until you cancel the listing. The exact day of the month that the renewal takes place depends on the initial listing start date;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>unless otherwise specified by law, you are responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to the tax amount itself, as well as any penalties, fines, charges, or late payment interest) related to your sales on the eBay site, where applicable, and you agree to use the Services in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/tax-policy?id=4348\">Tax policy\u003C/a>. To the extent possible under English law, you shall pay to us as a debt on demand all costs incurred by us, including but not limited to tax, penalties and interest, levied by any competent tax authority due to your failure to provide a valid VAT registration number and/or your failure to pay any such taxes, penalties or interest;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>content that violates any of eBay&#39;s policies may be modified, obfuscated or deleted at eBay&#39;s discretion;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/creating-managing-listings/listing-item-product-details-catalogue?id=4653\">listing with the eBay catalogue policy\u003C/a>, we may revise product data associated with listings to supplement, remove, or correct information;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay, at its sole discretion, may add content to listings, for example, a video to advertise eBay programmes and/or Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:\n\t<ul style=\"list-style-type:circle;\">\n\t\t<li>buyers&#39; location, search query, browsing site and history;\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>item&#39;s location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>seller&#39;s history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, eBay policy compliance, Feedback, and defect rate; and\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>number of listings matching the buyer&#39;s query\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\t<li>to drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>some advanced listing upgrades may only be visible on certain eBay Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>listing upgrades may be paid-for benefits that can affect the appearance or placement of listings in the search and browse results, for example <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/listing-tips/promoted-listings?id=4164\">Promoted Listings\u003C/a>;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay&#39;s <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/duplicate-listings-policy?id=4255\">Duplicate listings policy\u003C/a> may also affect whether your listing appears in search results;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>meta-tags and URL links that are included in a listing will be removed or altered so as to not affect third-party search engine results;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings. Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and current listings; results will vary for individual listings. To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your listings to other sellers;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay advertises the Services and provides other eBay companies and third parties with access to your listings and content for this purpose. This includes, for example, the display of listings and content of users on price comparison sites or third-party advertising placements;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>artificial intelligence-based tools may be used by eBay or offered to you to use; the availability and accuracy of these tools and content are not guaranteed;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay may make additional services available to buyers such as warranty extensions and other insurance or assembly and installation services. You are permitted to offer your own additional services (such as guarantees or assembly and installation services) if you do so in accordance with this User Agreement and applicable laws. You are responsible for determining whether your additional services are compatible with any comparable additional services offered by eBay or by any eBay partners.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section9\">9. Purchase Conditions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When buying an item, you agree to comply with the <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/rules-policies-buyers?id=4206\">rules for buyers\u003C/a> and that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>you are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>unless otherwise expressly stated by eBay on the site, you enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item, or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>for motor vehicles and real estate (property) listed in the Classified Ad format, a bid or offer is not binding, but expresses a buyer&#39;s serious interest in the item;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>if you purchase an item on an eBay site other than you are subject to the User Agreement of that other eBay site solely with respect to that particular purchase. Similarly, if you purchase an item on, you are subject to this User Agreement, even if your account was created, or is registered on, a different eBay site.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>Buyer requested cancellations\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Buyers can request to cancel an order on eBay within the timeframe mentioned in our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298\">Order cancellation policy\u003C/a> and the seller will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. If the seller declines the cancellation request, or already posted the order, buyers will need to wait until they receive the item and then decide if they want to start a return. Sellers can also cancel orders in certain circumstances up to 30 days after the sale.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Buyer requested returns\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Buyers can submit a <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">return request\u003C/a> for items purchased on eBay. For returns that are eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, please see the policy for details. If the return is not covered by <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, buyers can still request the return and the seller has the right to accept or decline the request in accordance with their return policy as stated in the original listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you, as a buyer, return your item using a return postage label purchased on eBay and are obligated to pay for the return postage costs, we may deduct the costs of the return postage label from the amount refunded to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section10\">10. International buying, selling and translation\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many of our Services are accessible internationally. We may offer certain programmes, tools, and site experiences of particular interest to international sellers and buyers, such as estimated local currency conversion and international shipping calculation tools. Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Your items may be listed on one or more of eBay&#39;s international sites in addition to You may stop your listings from appearing on international sites by excluding international postage locations from your listings. By selecting international postage you authorise eBay, in its discretion, to display your listings on eBay sites other than the original listing site but acknowledge that your listings may not appear on some or all of these sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When you sell your items internationally or purchase an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies of that other eBay site with respect to that particular purchase, as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For sellers, you agree that we may display your listing for sale on an eBay site other than the site where you listed your item for sale, based on your shipping settings. You may adjust these settings as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>. If you list your items with an international shipping option, the appearance of your listings on sites other than the listing site is not guaranteed. If you sell an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies, including any buyer protection programmes, of that other eBay site with respect to that particular sale, as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise us to use automated tools to translate your eBay content and member to member communications, in whole or in part, into local languages where such translation solutions are available. We may provide you with tools which will enable you to translate content at your request. The accuracy or availability of any translation is not guaranteed.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section11\">11. Content\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When providing us with content (including causing content to be posted using our Services), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual (or for the duration of any copyright or other rights in such content), irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to use the content (including, without limitation, creating and using derivative works). We may in particular use your content, including any photographs you upload, for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes (i) offering it to other sellers to use in their listings, and (ii) displaying it to other eBay users as part of the browsing experience on eBay. We will also be allowed to keep a copy of any content (including photographs) you upload in our product catalogue for subsequent use for these purposes. You authorise us to exercise any and all copyright, trademark, publicity, database or other intellectual property rights you have in or to the content in any media known now or developed in the future for these purposes. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights in the content and promise not to assert such rights or any other intellectual property rights you have in the content against us, our sublicensees or our assignees.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may offer catalogue and/or product data (including images, descriptions and specifications) that are provided by third parties (including eBay users). You may use that content solely in your eBay listings during the time your listings are on eBay&#39;s sites. That permission is subject to modification or revocation at any time at eBay&#39;s sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We try to offer reliable data, but cannot promise that the content provided through the Services will always be available, accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree that eBay is not responsible for examining or warranting the listings or content provided by third parties through the Services for accuracy, and that you will not hold or attempt to hold us or our product data providers liable for inaccuracies. If you choose to use catalogue content and/or product data in connection with your listings, you agree to ensure that the content directly associated with your listings is and remains accurate, and that you continue to fully comply with this User Agreement and all eBay policies. The catalogue and product data include copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, proprietary or identification markings in the catalogue or product data or create any derivative works based on that data (other than by including the data in your listings).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The name &quot;eBay&quot; and other eBay marks, logos, designs and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of eBay in the UK and other countries. They may not be used unless expressly authorised by eBay in writing.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section12\">12. Data protection and Privacy\u003C/h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You and eBay shall process personal data received under and/or in connection with this User Agreement each as a separate and independent controller. In no event will eBay and you process personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement as joint controllers or in a controller-to-processor relationship. As such separate and independent controllers, you shall be individually and separately responsible for complying with the obligations that apply to you as a controller under applicable data protection laws.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You shall comply with your obligations under applicable data protection laws (including but not limited to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation &quot;GDPR&quot;) as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and as subsequently amended) and supplementing local data protection laws. This includes, but is not limited to, the obligation to provide appropriate safeguards for the transfer of personal data to a third country or an international organisation.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You shall process personal data received from eBay exclusively for the purpose(s) you received the personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement. You shall erase the personal data received under this User Agreement immediately after the respective purpose(s) has/have been fulfilled. Any further processing of the personal data is not permitted except when legally required (e.g. if a retention obligation applies).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Failure to abide by the aforementioned obligations may result in disciplinary action up to and including account suspension.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>As part of the Services, eBay has access to various information about users, including personal data. This includes information that users submit to eBay as part of the Services (such as contact information or item descriptions) as well as information that is generated by the provision and processing of the Services (such as ratings, sales analysis or communication).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Via My eBay and, upon request, via <a href=\"/help/selling/selling-tools/selling-tools-overview?id=4073\">selling tools\u003C/a>, you receive information which is necessary for the processing of transactions (in particular, the contact information of the other user involved in a transaction) as well as aggregated information on the performance and analysis of your listings, which are partly related to the data of other users of the Services (such as number of impressions of a listing, conversion rate or return rate).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay only shares information about users with third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the Services or if eBay is legally or contractually entitled to do so.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Upon expiry of this User Agreement, we will delete the information you provided, or which was generated through your use of the Services from your eBay account. Regardless, we maintain this information after the expiry of the User Agreement if we are legally obliged or have a legitimate interest to do so. We will generally maintain aggregated data generated using the Services (e.g. statistics about sales in a category) upon expiry of the User Agreement.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>For information regarding the processing of personal data by eBay, including sharing such data with third parties and your rights as a data subject, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section13\">13. Restricting Funds\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> stipulate that the responsible eBay payment entity may temporarily place a hold on your funds in certain cases upon our notification. When, under what conditions and for how long such a hold can be placed is determined by the regulations on holds in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section14\">14. Additional Terms\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Returns\" name=\"Returns\">\u003C/a>Terms of Returns for the Seller\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Sellers can create rules to automate returns and refunds under certain circumstances. Also eBay may set a default rule that automates the return process for some or all listings where returns are accepted. Sellers may remove or customise their returns preferences in their account settings within My eBay. Where returns have been set to automatically accept requests, an eBay-generated return postage label will be provided to your buyer. You agree to comply with our <a href=\"/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/managing-returns-refunds?id=4079\">returns policies\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the buyer returns an item because it does not match the listing description, sellers will be responsible for return postage costs.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise eBay to include return postage charges and auto-refunds on your seller invoice, which may be charged to your automatic payment method on file, when:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>an eBay-generated return postage label is used, and the seller is responsible for its cost;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>returns and refunds have been automated; and/or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>you fail to send your buyer a return postage label and instead an eBay-generated label is used.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>See our <a href=\"/help/selling/getting-paid/canceling-transaction?id=4136\">cancelling a transaction policy\u003C/a> for details on cancellations.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"eBay\" name=\"eBay\">\u003C/a>eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Most eBay sales go smoothly, but if there&#39;s a problem with a purchase, the eBay Money Back Guarantee helps buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. The <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy\u003C/a> is part of this User Agreement and is incorporated by reference. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any case.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Under the <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, if a seller chooses or is required to reimburse the buyer or eBay because a case is resolved in the buyer&#39;s favour, we may request the eBay entity which processed the payment to reimburse the buyer on your behalf pursuant to the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. In the event that the funds held on the seller&#39;s behalf are insufficient for refunding the buyer based on a successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claim, the seller is obliged to reimburse us for the amounts owed to the buyer. The sellers authorise us to recoup these amounts from the seller on our behalf in accordance with eBay&#39;s policies and procedures (including any amounts resulting from international transactions as stipulated in the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Where the seller is found at fault, we will notify the seller and charge the reimbursement amount to the seller&#39;s chosen payment method, or invoice the seller for the reimbursement amount.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Sellers must have a payment method on file with eBay. Sellers may change this payment method by <a href=\"#contactWay\">contacting eBay\u003C/a>. For this purpose, you, in the capacity of a seller authorise and instruct us to:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>collect or reverse variable amounts from your account to carry out a buyer reimbursement;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>charge the payment method you select to recover the amount we pay to the buyer (in cases where we refund the buyer directly); and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>place the reimbursement amount on the seller invoice, including but not limited to the cost of return postage labels.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You acknowledge and agree that your authorisations above will be made on a recurring basis and on various dates as required by us to implement the terms of the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. For future claims, where we resolve a dispute in the buyer&#39;s favour, we will notify the seller and continue to charge the seller&#39;s preferred payment method. If sellers do not provide eBay with a valid reimbursement method, we may collect the outstanding sums using other collection mechanisms, including retaining collection agencies. We may suspend the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy without notice if we suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of the policy.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Correcting\" name=\"Correcting\">\u003C/a>Correcting mistakes in payments to buyers and sellers\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We reserve the right to fix any processing errors we discover. We will correct any processing errors by debiting or crediting the payment method used for the eBay Money Back Guarantee refund or reimbursement.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Global\" name=\"Global\">\u003C/a>Global Shipping Programme\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>One of the ways that we may make listings available to international buyers on and on our international sites is through the Global Shipping Programme. For items that are located in the UK and that are purchased from you by an international buyer in a country eligible for the Global Shipping Programme, you will post the item to a shipping centre located in the UK. A third-party global technology and shipping provider will oversee the processing, customs clearance and international postage of the item to your buyer. For items that are purchased by international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme, buyers will pre-pay any applicable postage and import charges during checkout and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the shipping centre to delivery.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may choose to make your listings available to international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme unless you opt out of the programme at either an account, country or listing level.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By not opting out of the programme, you will also be acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Global Shipping Programme Seller Terms and Conditions<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and that they will apply to you as a seller and to all of your eligible new and existing listings. These terms include, among other important provisions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>a third-party agreement for the parcel processing, customs clearance (for non-EU shipments), and international postage and tracking services, including your consent to the disclosure of certain personal information to third parties in connection with those services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>an authorisation for third parties to act in your place to facilitate the export clearance of items that you sell through the Global Shipping Programme outside the EU;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>an acknowledgment that you agree and are responsible for ensuring that your listings and items are compliant with applicable overseas laws and regulations;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a description of the items that are ineligible for the programme and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may be sold through the programme;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a list of countries that are eligible for the programme; and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>policies governing the handling of lost, damaged and undeliverable items (including their possible disposal), returns, and the resolution of eBay Money Back Guarantee claims for items that you sell through the programme.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Delivery\" name=\"Delivery\">\u003C/a>Simple Delivery\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We may add certain delivery options to your listings in order to help improve both seller and buyer experience for selecting a delivery label. For listings that are eligible, you may see a simplified listing flow where you are not required to select a delivery option. In such instances, your buyer may be able to choose whether to have a standard or express delivery service or whether to collect in store and will pay the delivery costs to the delivery service provider on your behalf. Once your item has sold and the buyer has paid, a delivery label will be provided to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By using the label provided to you or not opting out, you and your buyer agree that you purchase the label from the delivery service provider, and you agree that no further delivery costs are owed to you by your buyer. Any delivery costs you owe to the delivery service provider to send your item are paid by the buyer to the delivery service provider on your behalf. For this purpose, any applicable delivery costs are not credited to your account but deducted from the buyer&#39;s order total and directly transferred to the delivery service provider. You also acknowledge and agree that should the buyer request a return, you may be responsible for refunding the buyer any outbound delivery costs (including for express delivery) for the label provided to you, and that the outbound delivery costs will be deducted from your account to execute the refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In the event that you declare the size and weight of your item at listing, you will be responsible for ensuring you declare this correctly. Should we find that you have under declared the size or weight of your item and additional delivery costs are due to the delivery service provider, the additional delivery costs will be deducted from your account.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Simple Delivery<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for more details.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Click &amp; Collect\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>For items that are eligible, we may choose to make eBay Click &amp; Collect available as a delivery option on your listings on unless you opt out at either an account or listing level.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By not opting out, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and conditions for Click &amp; Collect<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and that these terms will apply to the relevant listings. Those terms include, among other important provisions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>a description of the items that are ineligible and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may qualify for eBay Click &amp; Collect as a delivery option; and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>consequences of an item being undeliverable or unidentifiable, including an authorisation from you to dispose of, sell or donate the item to charity.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>Recommendations\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay may offer personalised recommendations to you to provide a relevant and engaging experience, helping you sell or buy items of interest to you. These recommendations may consider data related to your eBay activity, the item, and seasonality, among other factors.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section15\">15. Managed Payments\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>eBay manages payments on the eBay Services on behalf of sellers (such management described as &quot;managed payments&quot; or similar) through designated eBay entities (each, a &quot;payments entity&quot;). The use of managed payments is a prerequisite for using the Services as a seller, where managed payments is available.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The complete terms governing sellers&#39; use of managed payments are available in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, incorporated herein. You agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to the extent applicable to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The contract for sale underlying the purchase of goods is directly concluded between seller and the buyer in the same manner as for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you are a buyer completing a purchase from a seller that is using managed payments:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You may pay for such items using those payment methods that eBay makes available. The payments entity will receive payments from you based on your selected payment method, collect the transaction amounts on behalf of the seller and manage settlement to the seller. You agree and understand that payments received by the applicable payments entity from you satisfy your obligations to pay sellers in the amount of payments received.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>In certain instances, your transaction may be declined, frozen, or held for any reason including for suspected fraud, AML compliance, compliance with economic or trade sanctions, in connection with eBay&#39;s internal risk controls or due to potential violations of any policy of eBay or the payments entity, or a policy of one of the payments entity&#39;s third-party payments services providers.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay, the payments entity or its affiliates may save payment information, such as credit card or debit card numbers, and card expiration dates, entered by you on eBay Services when you make a purchase, redeem a coupon, or make any other transaction on eBay Services where card information is entered. Such stored payment information may be used as your default payment method for future transactions on eBay Services. At any time, you can update your card information or enter new card information, at which point the new card information shall be stored as your default payment method. You may make changes to your default payment method through the Personal Information section under the Account tab in My eBay. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of information we have on file, and you consent to eBay updating such stored information from time to time based on information provided by you, your bank or other payments services providers. You will only provide information about payment methods that you are authorised to use.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You may seek <a href=\"#Returns\">returns or cancellations\u003C/a> on eBay Services, or file <a href=\"#eBay\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a> claims on eBay Services, in the same manner as you do for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments. The payments entity refunds amounts paid for successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claims and returned or cancelled transactions in cases where the original payment was managed by the payments entity. Refund timing may vary in accordance with the rules of third parties, such as credit and debit card networks.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You agree to comply with, and not cause a third party to violate, all applicable laws, regulations, rules and terms and conditions in connection with the use of managed payments. You understand that some third parties, such as credit and debit card issuers, credit and debit card networks and payments services providers, may have their own terms and conditions for the payment or settlement methods you choose to use in connection with managed payments transactions. Failure to abide by third-party terms and conditions may result in fees assessed to you (for example, currency conversion fees from your credit card issuer if the transaction currency is different from your credit card currency) or other actions taken by such third parties, and you agree that the payments entity has no control over, or responsibility or liability for, such fees or actions.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"section16\">16. Liability\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We try to keep eBay and its Services safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our Services. Bid update and other notification functionality in eBay&#39;s Services may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond eBay&#39;s control.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents and employees) shall not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any business losses, such as loss of data, profits, revenue, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation or business interruption or for any losses which are not reasonably foreseeable by us arising, directly or indirectly from:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>your use of or your inability to use our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>pricing, postage or other guidance provided by eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>delays or disruptions in our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing, or linking to, our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>damage to your hardware device from the use of any eBay Service;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the <a href=\"#section4\">Abusing eBay\u003C/a> section;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the <a href=\"#section8\">Listing conditions\u003C/a> section; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>your need to modify practices, content, or behaviour or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. This is especially so if you are a consumer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You accept sole responsibility for the legality of your actions under laws applying to you and the legality of any items you list on any of our sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Although we use techniques that aim to verify the accuracy and truth of the information provided by our users, user verification on the internet is difficult. eBay cannot and does not confirm, and is not responsible for ensuring, the accuracy or truthfulness of users&#39; purported identities or the validity of the information which they provide to us or post on our sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Regardless of the previous paragraphs, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of (a) any amounts due under the eBay Money Back Guarantee up to the price the item sold for on eBay and its original postage costs, (b) the amount of fees in dispute not to exceed the total fees which you paid to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to the liability, or (c) &pound;100.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Nothing in this User Agreement shall limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our agents or employees, or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section17\">17. Compensation\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You will compensate us in full (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) for any losses or costs, including reasonable legal fees, we incur arising out of any breach by you of this User Agreement, your improper use of eBay&#39;s Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section18\">18. Legal Disputes\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If a dispute arises between you and eBay, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by <a href=\"/help/account/default/contacting-ebay-customer-service?id=4379\">contacting Customer Service\u003C/a>. eBay Customer Service is available for every user to submit complaints and other inquiries including in relation to illegal content. We will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/legal-notices?id=4714\">mediation\u003C/a> or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If we take down or restrict access to any content you generate, upload or share on the eBay site, or suspend or ban you from accessing or using our Services, in a way that breaches this User Agreement, you have a right to bring a claim against eBay for breach of contract. This right is subject to the limitation on our liability set out in the Liability section as well as the other terms set out in this User Agreement.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with this User Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales. You and eBay both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In simple terms, &quot;non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts&quot; means that if you were able to bring a claim arising from or in connection with this User Agreement against us in court, an acceptable court would be a court located in England, but you may also elect to bring a claim in the court of another country instead. English law will apply in all cases.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"section19\">19. General\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You agree that we may at any time and without notice set-off any of the amounts held in eBay user accounts held or controlled by you with any fees, charges or other amounts you owe us and (unless prevented by insolvency law) any such amounts you owe other members of the eBay group (including, without limitation, in respect of any services provided by any member of the eBay group). Our right to set-off means that we may deduct such fees, charges or other amounts mentioned in this paragraph from an eBay credit balance held or controlled by you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may assign our rights and obligations under this User Agreement in accordance with the below (but without your prior express consent), provided that we assign the User Agreement on the same terms or terms that are no less advantageous to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will take action against all breaches of this User Agreement.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may amend this User Agreement at any time by email, or via the <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages\" target=\"_blank\">Messages section of My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> or by posting the amended terms on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 15 days after they are initially posted. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of these amended terms constitutes your acceptance of them.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>This User Agreement may not be otherwise amended except through mutual agreement by you and an eBay representative authorised to do so.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The policies posted on our sites may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the eBay site.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this User Agreement. A person who is not a party to this User Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this User Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party specified in this User Agreement or which exists or is available apart from that Act.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay&#39;s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) programme works to ensure that listed items do not infringe upon the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify our VeRO team through our&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Programme<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and we will investigate.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The User Agreement and all policies posted on our site are the entire agreement between you and eBay and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The following Sections survive any termination of this User Agreement: <a href=\"#section7\">Fees\u003C/a> (with respect to fees owed for our Services), <a href=\"#section11\">Content\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#section15\">Managed Payments\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#section16\">Liability\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#section17\">Compensation\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#section18\">Legal Disputes\u003C/a> and the release contained in this General section. Legal notices shall be served by registered mail to eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom. We shall send notices to you by email to the email address you provide to eBay during the registration process. Notice to you shall be deemed given 24 hours after the email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, we may give you legal notice by registered mail to the address provided during the registration process. Notices sent to either party by registered mail shall be deemed to have been received by that party three days after the date of mailing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Important:\u003C/strong> The <a href=\"#Previous User Agreement\">previous amendment to this User Agreement\u003C/a> was effective from 4 February 2025.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"expand_collapse_list\">\n<h2 class=\"title\"><a id=\"Previous User Agreement\" name=\"Previous User Agreement\">\u003C/a>Previous User Agreement\u003C/h2>\n\n<div class=\"hide\">\n<p class=\"tip\"><strong>The User Agreement on this page was effective from 4 February 2025 to 16 March 2025 (for existing users). <a href=\"#top\">Read the current User Agreement\u003C/a>.\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">\u003C/div>\n\n<h2 id=\"1\">1. Introduction\u003C/h2>\n\n<p><strong>This User Agreement, the eBay <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>, the <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/mobile-devices-terms?id=4633\">Mobile Device Terms\u003C/a> and all policies posted on our sites set out the terms on which eBay offers you access to and use of our sites, services, applications and tools (collectively &#39;Services&#39;). You can find an overview of our policies <a href=\"/help/policies/default/ebays-rules-policies?id=4205\">here\u003C/a>. All policies and the Mobile Device Terms are incorporated into this User Agreement. You agree to comply with all of the above when accessing or using our Services. For information regarding the processing of personal data, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>.\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>If you reside in the United Kingdom, you are entering into a contract with eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom, VAT number GB 365 6085 76.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside outside the UK but within the European Union, you are entering into a contract with eBay GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany, VAT number DE 200081785.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside within the United States, you are entering into a contract with eBay Inc, 2025 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA, 95125, USA.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside in Canada, you are entering into a contract with eBay Canada Limited, 240 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor Suite 02-100, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1V6, Canada.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside in India, you are entering into a contract with eBay Singapore Services Pte Ltd, 1 Raffles Quay, #18-00, Singapore 048583.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>If you reside elsewhere, you are entering into a contract with eBay Marketplaces GmbH, Helvetiastra&szlig;e 15-17, 3005 Bern, Switzerland.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"2\">2. About eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>eBay is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy just about anything in a variety of pricing formats and locations.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. The contract for the sale is directly between buyer and seller. eBay is not a party to the transaction and is not a traditional auctioneer. Unless through limited programmes such as eBay Authenticity Guarantee, eBay does not have possession of anything listed or sold through eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>While we may provide pricing, postage, listing and other guidance in our Services, such guidance is solely informational and you may decide to follow it or not. eBay does not review users&#39; listings or content. While we may help facilitate the resolution of disputes through various programmes, eBay has no control over, and, unless expressly provided, does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of, items advertised; the truth or accuracy of users&#39; content, listings or Feedback; the ability of sellers to sell items; the ability of buyers to pay for items; or that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"3\">3. Using eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>In connection with using or accessing the Services you will not:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our sites;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems or policies;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example if you are under 18), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our Services or are a person with whom transactions are prohibited under economic or trade sanctions;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example, where the seller has materially changed the item&#39;s description after you bid, a clear typographical error is made, or you cannot contact the seller (see our <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/unpaid-item-policy?id=4271\">Unpaid item policy\u003C/a>);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an eBay policy, for example the buyer fails to comply with the terms posted in your listing, or you cannot contact the buyer;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>manipulate the price of any item and/or interfere with any other user&#39;s listings;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>fail to comply with laws and applicable guidance on sale pricing and promotion of items, and/or fail to comply with the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pricing Tool Terms<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> where applicable;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, libellous or illegal content;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>take any action that may undermine the Feedback or ratings systems (please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-policies?id=4208\">Feedback policies\u003C/a>);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>transfer your eBay account (including Feedback) and username to another party without our consent;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>share your log in credentials with any third parties. If you require that authorised third parties (employees, agents, etc.) have access to your account we offer <a href=\"/help/account/multiuser-account-access/multiuser-account-access?id=5197\">Multi-user account access\u003C/a> for that purpose;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use the contact information of other users for any purpose other than in relation to a specific eBay transaction on the eBay site (which includes using this information to send marketing materials directly to eBay users unless the user has given explicit consent to receiving these materials);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm eBay, or the interests or property of eBay users;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our Services for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>bypass our robot exclusion headers, interfere with the working of our Services, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>export or re-export any eBay application or tools except in compliance with the export control laws of any relevant jurisdictions and in accordance with posted rules and restrictions;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, moral, database or other intellectual property rights (collectively, &quot;Intellectual Property Rights&quot;) that belong to or are licensed to eBay. Some, but not all, actions that may be infringement are reproducing, performing, displaying, distributing, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or preparing derivative works from content that belongs to eBay or someone else;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belong to you;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>commercialise any eBay application or any information or software associated with such application except with the prior express permission of eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>harvest or otherwise collect or use information about users, such as email addresses, without their consent; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>circumvent any technical measures we use to provide the Services.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>If you are registering with eBay as a business entity or on behalf of a business entity, you represent that you have the authority to legally bind that entity. If you are trading as a business on eBay, you must comply with all applicable laws relating to online trading for the site you are selling on (please see <a href=\"#6\">Listing Conditions\u003C/a> for more information on the legal requirements for selling in the UK).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You agree that we will commence supplying our Services to you as soon as you accept this User Agreement. You can cancel this User Agreement under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. Business users can cancel this User Agreement by visiting this <a href=\"/help/account/changing-account-settings/closing-account?id=4199\">help page\u003C/a>. We may recoup the cost of any Services provided up to the point of cancellation.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If (1) we believe you are violating the policy on <a href=\"/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272\">Offering&nbsp;to buy or sell outside of eBay\u003C/a>, you may be subject to a range of actions, including limits on your buying and selling privileges, restrictions on listings and account features, suspension of your account, application of fees for the introduction of seller to buyer, and recovery of expenses for policy monitoring and enforcement; and (2) you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for the buyer&#39;s contact information in the context of buying or selling outside of eBay, you will be liable for all final value fees in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not sell.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time or modify or discontinue our Services.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Additionally, we reserve the right to vary or terminate all or part of our Services and/or not provide all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason and/or period of time, at our discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"4\">4. Abusing eBay\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Without limiting other remedies, we may limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s) and access to our Services, restrict or prohibit access to, and your activities on, our Services, cancel bids, remove or demote or otherwise restrict the visibility of listings, delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with the account, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and legal steps to keep you from using our Services if:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>we think that you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities for us, our users, suppliers or other third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that such restrictions will improve the security of the eBay community or reduce our or another eBay user&#39;s exposure to financial liabilities;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that you are infringing the rights of third parties;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we think that you are acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of this User Agreement or our policies or abuse our employees or users;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>despite our reasonable endeavours, we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>you fail to make, or it is evident that you are unable to make, full payment of any fees due for our Services by your payment due date.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>We may offer a process allowing users to report claimed violations for us to consider and handle through one or more of these options, all in our sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When a buyer or seller issue arises we may consider the user&#39;s performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement, and to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"5\">5. Fees\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Private seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/fees-private-sellers?id=4364\">Fees for private sellers page\u003C/a> and business seller fees for using our Services are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/shop-selling-fees?id=4122\">Fees for business sellers page\u003C/a>. The fees we charge for selling vehicles are listed on our <a href=\"/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127\">Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors page\u003C/a>. Fees for using the site and purchasing items including Buyer Protection, where applicable, are listed on our <a href=\"/help/buying/paying-items/buyer-protection-fee?id=5594\">eBay Buyer Protection\u003C/a> page. We may change our fees, or introduce new fees from time to time by posting the changes on the eBay site or via the <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages\" target=\"_blank\">Messages section of My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> 30 days in advance or, in the case of fees payable by buyers, without any advance notice. You may close your account without penalty within 30 days of such notice being given.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You are liable for any applicable fees arising out of all sales made using some or all eBay Services, even if sales terms are finalised or payment is made outside of eBay. In addition, if you are a seller and you offer or reference your contact information or ask for a buyer&#39;s contact information, you may be liable to pay a final value fee in consideration for the introduction to a buyer for that item on the eBay site, even if the item does not actually sell. In some cases, where buyers receive supplemental Services for items in certain categories, for example authentication, we may also charge those buyers for such supplemental Services.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You are required to have a valid payment method on file when selling on eBay.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If your payment method fails or your account is overdue, we may collect fees owed by charging other payment methods on file and retaining collection agencies or legal counsel.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise eBay to automatically charge your chosen payment method in accordance with this User Agreement and the applicable billing agreement(s) you agree to when setting up or changing your payment method, for future charges and fees incurred in relation to the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, amounts owed for eBay fees, eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursements and postage labels. eBay will notify you of these charges. If payments or amounts owed to eBay cannot be completed through the payment method on file for any reason, you are still required to pay eBay for all unpaid amounts and eBay reserves the right to seek reimbursement through other means plus any additional costs incurred by eBay in seeking reimbursement. You can change your payment method in My eBay at any time.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Seller fees don&#39;t purchase exclusive rights to item exposure on eBay whether on a web page, mobile app, or otherwise. We may display third-party advertisements (including links and references thereto), eBay advertisements (such as for eBay programmes), or other content in any part of our Services, at our sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"6\">6. Listing Conditions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When listing an item, you agree to comply with the <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/listing-policies?id=4213\">rules for listing\u003C/a>, and <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/selling-practices-policy?id=4346\">Selling practices policy\u003C/a>, and that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>you are responsible for the accuracy, content and legality of the item listed including listing content created using tools offered by eBay or third parties such as translation, image editing, and generative artificial intelligence tools, and agree to list in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/prohibited-restricted-items?id=4207\">Prohibited and restricted items policy\u003C/a> and all other relevant policies;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for up to 24 hours. eBay does not guarantee exact listing durations;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>when you create fixed-price listings, these will renew automatically once per calendar month and based on the listing terms at the time, until the quantities sell out or until you cancel the listing. The exact day of the month that the renewal takes place depends on the initial listing start date;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>unless otherwise specified by law, you are responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to the tax amount itself, as well as any penalties, fines, charges, or late payment interest) related to your sales on the eBay site, where applicable, and you agree to use the Services in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/tax-policy?id=4348\">Tax policy\u003C/a>. To the extent possible under English law, you shall pay to us as a debt on demand all costs incurred by us, including but not limited to tax, penalties and interest, levied by any competent tax authority due to your failure to provide a valid VAT registration number and/or your failure to pay any such taxes, penalties or interest;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>content that violates any of eBay&#39;s policies may be modified, obfuscated or deleted at eBay&#39;s discretion;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>in accordance with the <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/creating-managing-listings/listing-item-product-details-catalogue?id=4653\">listing with the eBay catalogue policy\u003C/a>, we may revise product data associated with listings to supplement, remove, or correct information;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay, at its sole discretion, may add content to listings, for example, a video to advertise eBay programmes and/or Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:\n\t<ul style=\"list-style-type:circle;\">\n\t\t<li>buyers&#39; location, search query, browsing site and history;\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>item&#39;s location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>seller&#39;s history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, eBay policy compliance, Feedback, and defect rate; and\u003C/li>\n\t\t<li>number of listings matching the buyer&#39;s query\u003C/li>\n\t\u003C/ul>\n\t\u003C/li>\n\t<li>to drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>some advanced listing upgrades may only be visible on certain eBay Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>listing upgrades may be paid-for benefits that can affect the appearance or placement of listings in the search and browse results, for example <a href=\"/help/selling/listings/listing-tips/promoted-listings?id=4164\">Promoted Listings\u003C/a>;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay&#39;s <a href=\"/help/policies/listing-policies/duplicate-listings-policy?id=4255\">Duplicate listings policy\u003C/a> may also affect whether your listing appears in search results;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>meta-tags and URL links that are included in a listing will be removed or altered so as to not affect third-party search engine results;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>we may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings. Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and current listings; results will vary for individual listings. To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your listings to other sellers;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay advertises the Services and provides other eBay companies and third parties with access to your listings and content for this purpose. This includes, for example, the display of listings and content of users on price comparison sites or third-party advertising placements;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>artificial intelligence-based tools may be used by eBay or offered to you to use; the availability and accuracy of these tools and content are not guaranteed;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay may make additional services available to buyers such as warranty extensions and other insurance or assembly and installation services. You are permitted to offer your own additional services (such as guarantees or assembly and installation services) if you do so in accordance with this User Agreement and applicable laws. You are responsible for determining whether your additional services are compatible with any comparable additional services offered by eBay or by any eBay partners.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"7\">7. Purchase Conditions\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When buying an item, you agree to comply with the <a href=\"/help/policies/rules-policies-buyers/rules-policies-buyers?id=4206\">rules for buyers\u003C/a> and that:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>you are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>unless otherwise expressly stated by eBay on the site, you enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item, or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted);\u003C/li>\n\t<li>for motor vehicles and real estate (property) listed in the Classified Ad format, a bid or offer is not binding, but expresses a buyer&#39;s serious interest in the item;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>if you purchase an item on an eBay site other than you are subject to the User Agreement of that other eBay site solely with respect to that particular purchase. Similarly, if you purchase an item on, you are subject to this User Agreement, even if your account was created, or is registered on, a different eBay site.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p><strong>Buyer requested cancellations\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Buyers can request to cancel an order on eBay within the timeframe mentioned in our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/order-cancellation-policy?id=5298\">Order cancellation policy\u003C/a> and the seller will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. If the seller declines the cancellation request, or already posted the order, buyers will need to wait until they receive the item and then decide if they want to start a return. Sellers can also cancel orders in certain circumstances up to 30 days after the sale.\u003C/p>\n\n<p><strong>Buyer requested returns\u003C/strong>\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Buyers can submit a <a href=\"/help/buying/returns-refunds/returning-item?id=4041\">return request\u003C/a> for items purchased on eBay. For returns that are eligible for <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, please see the policy for details. If the return is not covered by <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, buyers can still request the return and the seller has the right to accept or decline the request in accordance with their return policy as stated in the original listing.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you, as a buyer, return your item using a return postage label purchased on eBay and are obligated to pay for the return postage costs, we may deduct the costs of the return postage label from the amount refunded to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"8\">8. International buying, selling and translation\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>Many of our Services are accessible internationally. We may offer certain programmes, tools, and site experiences of particular interest to international sellers and buyers, such as estimated local currency conversion and international shipping calculation tools. Sellers and buyers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations applicable to the international sale, purchase, and shipment of items.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Your items may be listed on one or more of eBay&#39;s international sites in addition to You may stop your listings from appearing on international sites by excluding international postage locations from your listings. By selecting international postage you authorise eBay, in its discretion, to display your listings on eBay sites other than the original listing site but acknowledge that your listings may not appear on some or all of these sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>When you sell your items internationally or purchase an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies of that other eBay site with respect to that particular purchase, as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>For sellers, you agree that we may display your listing for sale on an eBay site other than the site where you listed your item for sale, based on your shipping settings. You may adjust these settings as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>. If you list your items with an international shipping option, the appearance of your listings on sites other than the listing site is not guaranteed. If you sell an item on an eBay site that is different from your registration site, you are subject to the User Agreement and applicable policies, including any buyer protection programmes, of that other eBay site with respect to that particular sale, as detailed in the <a href=\"/help/policies/selling-policies/international-selling-policy?id=4689\">International selling policy\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise us to use automated tools to translate your eBay content and member to member communications, in whole or in part, into local languages where such translation solutions are available. We may provide you with tools which will enable you to translate content at your request. The accuracy or availability of any translation is not guaranteed.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"9\">9. Content\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>When providing us with content (including causing content to be posted using our Services), you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual (or for the duration of any copyright or other rights in such content), irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to use the content (including, without limitation, creating and using derivative works). We may in particular use your content, including any photographs you upload, for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes (i) offering it to other sellers to use in their listings, and (ii) displaying it to other eBay users as part of the browsing experience on eBay. We will also be allowed to keep a copy of any content (including photographs) you upload in our product catalogue for subsequent use for these purposes. You authorise us to exercise any and all copyright, trademark, publicity, database or other intellectual property rights you have in or to the content in any media known now or developed in the future for these purposes. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights in the content and promise not to assert such rights or any other intellectual property rights you have in the content against us, our sublicensees or our assignees.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may offer catalogue and/or product data (including images, descriptions and specifications) that are provided by third parties (including eBay users). You may use that content solely in your eBay listings during the time your listings are on eBay&#39;s sites. That permission is subject to modification or revocation at any time at eBay&#39;s sole discretion.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We try to offer reliable data, but cannot promise that the content provided through the Services will always be available, accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree that eBay is not responsible for examining or warranting the listings or content provided by third parties through the Services, and that you will not hold or attempt to hold us or our product data providers liable for inaccuracies. If you choose to use catalogue content and/or product data in connection with your listings, you agree to ensure that the content directly associated with your listings is and remains accurate, and that you continue to fully comply with this User Agreement and all eBay policies. The catalogue and product data include copyrighted, trademarked and other proprietary materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, proprietary or identification markings in the catalogue or product data or create any derivative works based on that data (other than by including the data in your listings).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The name &quot;eBay&quot; and other eBay marks, logos, designs and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of eBay in the UK and other countries. They may not be used unless expressly authorised by eBay in writing.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"10\">10. Data protection and Privacy\u003C/h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You and eBay shall process personal data received under and/or in connection with this User Agreement each as a separate and independent controller. In no event will eBay and you process personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement as joint controllers or in a controller-to-processor relationship. As such separate and independent controllers, you shall be individually and separately responsible for complying with the obligations that apply to you as a controller under applicable data protection laws.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You shall comply with your obligations under applicable data protection laws (including but not limited to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation &quot;GDPR&quot;) as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and as subsequently amended) and supplementing local data protection laws. This includes, but is not limited to, the obligation to provide appropriate safeguards for the transfer of personal data to a third country or an international organisation.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You shall process personal data received from eBay exclusively for the purpose(s) you received the personal data under and/or in connection with this User Agreement. You shall erase the personal data received under this User Agreement immediately after the respective purpose(s) has/have been fulfilled. Any further processing of the personal data is not permitted except when legally required (e.g. if a retention obligation applies).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Failure to abide by the aforementioned obligations may result in disciplinary action up to and including account suspension.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>As part of the Services, eBay has access to various information about users, including personal data. This includes information that users submit to eBay as part of the Services (such as contact information or item descriptions) as well as information that is generated by the provision and processing of the Services (such as ratings, sales analysis or communication).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Via My eBay and, upon request, via <a href=\"/help/selling/selling-tools/selling-tools-overview?id=4073\">selling tools\u003C/a>, you receive information which is necessary for the processing of transactions (in particular, the contact information of the other user involved in a transaction) as well as aggregated information on the performance and analysis of your listings, which are partly related to the data of other users of the Services (such as number of impressions of a listing, conversion rate or return rate).\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay only shares information about users with third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the Services or if eBay is legally or contractually entitled to do so.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>Upon expiry of this User Agreement, we will delete the information you provided, or which was generated through your use of the Services from your eBay account. Regardless, we maintain this information after the expiry of the User Agreement if we are legally obliged or have a legitimate interest to do so. We will generally maintain aggregated data generated using the Services (e.g. statistics about sales in a category) upon expiry of the User Agreement.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>For information regarding the processing of personal data by eBay, including sharing such data with third parties and your rights as a data subject, please see our <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-privacy-notice-privacy-policy?id=4260\">User Privacy Notice\u003C/a>.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"11\">11. Restricting Funds\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>The <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> stipulate that the responsible eBay payment entity may temporarily place a hold on your funds in certain cases upon our notification. When, under what conditions and for how long such a hold can be placed is determined by the regulations on holds in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"12\">12. Additional Terms\u003C/h2>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Returns.\" name=\"Returns.\">\u003C/a>Terms of Returns for the Seller\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Sellers can create rules to automate returns and refunds under certain circumstances. Also eBay may set a default rule that automates the return process for some or all listings where returns are accepted. Sellers may remove or customise their returns preferences in their account settings within My eBay. Where returns have been set to automatically accept requests, an eBay-generated return postage label will be provided to your buyer. You agree to comply with our <a href=\"/help/selling/managing-returns-refunds/managing-returns-refunds?id=4079\">returns policies\u003C/a>.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If the buyer returns an item because it does not match the listing description, sellers will be responsible for return postage costs.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You authorise eBay to include return postage charges and auto-refunds on your seller invoice, which may be charged to your automatic payment method on file, when:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>an eBay-generated return postage label is used, and the seller is responsible for its cost;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>returns and refunds have been automated; and/or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>you fail to send your buyer a return postage label and instead an eBay-generated label is used.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>See our <a href=\"/help/selling/getting-paid/canceling-transaction?id=4136\">cancelling a transaction policy\u003C/a> for details on cancellations.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"eBay.\" name=\"eBay.\">\u003C/a>eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>Most eBay sales go smoothly, but if there&#39;s a problem with a purchase, the eBay Money Back Guarantee helps buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. The <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee policy\u003C/a> is part of this User Agreement and is incorporated by reference. You agree to comply with the policy and permit us to make a final decision on any case.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Under the <a href=\"/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy?id=4210\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a>, if a seller chooses or is required to reimburse the buyer or eBay because a case is resolved in the buyer&#39;s favour, we may request the eBay entity which processed the payment to reimburse the buyer on your behalf pursuant to the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. In the event that the funds held on the seller&#39;s behalf are insufficient for refunding the buyer based on a successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claim, the seller is obliged to reimburse us for the amounts owed to the buyer. The sellers authorise us to recoup these amounts from the seller on our behalf in accordance with eBay&#39;s policies and procedures (including any amounts resulting from international transactions as stipulated in the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy).\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Where the seller is found at fault, we will notify the seller and charge the reimbursement amount to the seller&#39;s chosen payment method, or invoice the seller for the reimbursement amount.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Sellers must have a payment method on file with eBay. Sellers may change this payment method by <a href=\"#contactWay\">contacting eBay\u003C/a>. For this purpose, you, in the capacity of a seller authorise and instruct us to:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>collect or reverse variable amounts from your account to carry out a buyer reimbursement;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>charge the payment method you select to recover the amount we pay to the buyer (in cases where we refund the buyer directly); and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>place the reimbursement amount on the seller invoice, including but not limited to the cost of return postage labels.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>You acknowledge and agree that your authorisations above will be made on a recurring basis and on various dates as required by us to implement the terms of the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy. For future claims, where we resolve a dispute in the buyer&#39;s favour, we will notify the seller and continue to charge the seller&#39;s preferred payment method. If sellers do not provide eBay with a valid reimbursement method, we may collect the outstanding sums using other collection mechanisms, including retaining collection agencies. We may suspend the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy without notice if we suspect abuse or interference with the proper working of the policy.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Correcting.\" name=\"Correcting.\">\u003C/a>Correcting mistakes in payments to buyers and sellers\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We reserve the right to fix any processing errors we discover. We will correct any processing errors by debiting or crediting the payment method used for the eBay Money Back Guarantee refund or reimbursement.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Global.\" name=\"Global.\">\u003C/a>Global Shipping Programme\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>One of the ways that we may make listings available to international buyers on and on our international sites is through the Global Shipping Programme. For items that are located in the UK and that are purchased from you by an international buyer in a country eligible for the Global Shipping Programme, you will post the item to a shipping centre located in the UK. A third-party global technology and shipping provider will oversee the processing, customs clearance and international postage of the item to your buyer. For items that are purchased by international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme, buyers will pre-pay any applicable postage and import charges during checkout and will benefit from international tracking of the item from the shipping centre to delivery.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may choose to make your listings available to international buyers through the Global Shipping Programme unless you opt out of the programme at either an account, country or listing level.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By not opting out of the programme, you will also be acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Global Shipping Programme Seller Terms and Conditions<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and that they will apply to you as a seller and to all of your eligible new and existing listings. These terms include, among other important provisions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>a third-party agreement for the parcel processing, customs clearance (for non-EU shipments), and international postage and tracking services, including your consent to the disclosure of certain personal information to third parties in connection with those services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>an authorisation for third parties to act in your place to facilitate the export clearance of items that you sell through the Global Shipping Programme outside the EU;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>an acknowledgment that you agree and are responsible for ensuring that your listings and items are compliant with applicable overseas laws and regulations;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a description of the items that are ineligible for the programme and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may be sold through the programme;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a list of countries that are eligible for the programme; and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>policies governing the handling of lost, damaged and undeliverable items (including their possible disposal), returns, and the resolution of eBay Money Back Guarantee claims for items that you sell through the programme.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3><a id=\"Delivery.\" name=\"Delivery.\">\u003C/a>Simple Delivery\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>We may add certain delivery options to your listings in order to help improve both seller and buyer experience for selecting a delivery label. For listings that are eligible, you may see a simplified listing flow where you are not required to select a delivery option. In such instances, your buyer may be able to choose whether to have a standard or express delivery service or whether to collect in store and will pay the delivery costs to the delivery service provider on your behalf. Once your item has sold and the buyer has paid, a delivery label will be provided to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By using the label provided to you or not opting out, you and your buyer agree that you purchase the label from the delivery service provider, and you agree that no further delivery costs are owed to you by your buyer. Any delivery costs you owe to the delivery service provider to send your item are paid by the buyer to the delivery service provider on your behalf. For this purpose, any applicable delivery costs are not credited to your account but deducted from the buyer&#39;s order total and directly transferred to the delivery service provider. You also acknowledge and agree that should the buyer request a return, you may be responsible for refunding the buyer any outbound delivery costs (including for express delivery) for the label provided to you, and that the outbound delivery costs will be deducted from your account to execute the refund.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In the event that you declare the size and weight of your item at listing, you will be responsible for ensuring you declare this correctly. Should we find that you have under declared the size or weight of your item and additional delivery costs are due to the delivery service provider, the additional delivery costs will be deducted from your account.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Simple Delivery<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> for more details.\u003C/p>\n\n<h3>Click &amp; Collect\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>For items that are eligible, we may choose to make eBay Click &amp; Collect available as a delivery option on your listings on unless you opt out at either an account or listing level.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>By not opting out, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and conditions for Click &amp; Collect<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and that these terms will apply to the relevant listings. Those terms include, among other important provisions:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>a description of the items that are ineligible and restrictions on the value, weights and dimensions of items that may qualify for eBay Click &amp; Collect as a delivery option; and\u003C/li>\n\t<li>consequences of an item being undeliverable or unidentifiable, including an authorisation from you to dispose of, sell or donate the item to charity.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h3>Recommendations\u003C/h3>\n\n<p>eBay may offer personalised recommendations to you to provide a relevant and engaging experience, helping you sell or buy items of interest to you. These recommendations may consider data related to your eBay activity, the item, and seasonality, among other factors.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"13\">13. Managed Payments\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>eBay manages payments on the eBay Services on behalf of sellers (such management described as &quot;managed payments&quot; or similar) through designated eBay entities (each, a &quot;payments entity&quot;). The use of managed payments is a prerequisite for using the Services as a seller, where managed payments is available.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The complete terms governing sellers&#39; use of managed payments are available in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>, incorporated herein. You agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Payments Terms of Use<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> to the extent applicable to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The contract for sale underlying the purchase of goods is directly concluded between seller and the buyer in the same manner as for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you are a buyer completing a purchase from a seller that is using managed payments:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>You may pay for such items using those payment methods that eBay makes available. The payments entity will receive payments from you based on your selected payment method, collect the transaction amounts on behalf of the seller and manage settlement to the seller. You agree and understand that payments received by the applicable payments entity from you satisfy your obligations to pay sellers in the amount of payments received.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>In certain instances, your transaction may be declined, frozen, or held for any reason including for suspected fraud, AML compliance, compliance with economic or trade sanctions, in connection with eBay&#39;s internal risk controls or due to potential violations of any policy of eBay or the payments entity, or a policy of one of the payments entity&#39;s third-party payments services providers.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>eBay, the payments entity or its affiliates may save payment information, such as credit card or debit card numbers, and card expiration dates, entered by you on eBay Services when you make a purchase, redeem a coupon, or make any other transaction on eBay Services where card information is entered. Such stored payment information may be used as your default payment method for future transactions on eBay Services. At any time, you can update your card information or enter new card information, at which point the new card information shall be stored as your default payment method. You may make changes to your default payment method through the Personal Information section under the Account tab in My eBay. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of information we have on file, and you consent to eBay updating such stored information from time to time based on information provided by you, your bank or other payments services providers. You will only provide information about payment methods that you are authorised to use.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You may seek <a href=\"#Returns.\">returns or cancellations\u003C/a> on eBay Services, or file <a href=\"#eBay.\">eBay Money Back Guarantee\u003C/a> claims on eBay Services, in the same manner as you do for transactions for which the payments entity does not manage payments. The payments entity refunds amounts paid for successful eBay Money Back Guarantee claims and returned or cancelled transactions in cases where the original payment was managed by the payments entity. Refund timing may vary in accordance with the rules of third parties, such as credit and debit card networks.\u003C/li>\n\t<li>You agree to comply with, and not cause a third party to violate, all applicable laws, regulations, rules and terms and conditions in connection with the use of managed payments. You understand that some third parties, such as credit and debit card issuers, credit and debit card networks and payments services providers, may have their own terms and conditions for the payment or settlement methods you choose to use in connection with managed payments transactions. Failure to abide by third-party terms and conditions may result in fees assessed to you (for example, currency conversion fees from your credit card issuer if the transaction currency is different from your credit card currency) or other actions taken by such third parties, and you agree that the payments entity has no control over, or responsibility or liability for, such fees or actions.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<h2 id=\"14\">14. Liability\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>We try to keep eBay and its Services safe, secure, and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our Services. Bid update and other notification functionality in eBay&#39;s Services may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond eBay&#39;s control.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents and employees) shall not be liable to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any business losses, such as loss of data, profits, revenue, business, opportunity, goodwill, reputation or business interruption or for any losses which are not reasonably foreseeable by us arising, directly or indirectly from:\u003C/p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>your use of or your inability to use our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>pricing, postage or other guidance provided by eBay;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>delays or disruptions in our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing, or linking to, our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>damage to your hardware device from the use of any eBay Service;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the <a href=\"#4\">Abusing eBay\u003C/a> section;\u003C/li>\n\t<li>the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the <a href=\"#6\">Listing conditions\u003C/a> section; or\u003C/li>\n\t<li>your need to modify practices, content, or behaviour or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.\u003C/li>\n\u003C/ul>\n\n<p>Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. This is especially so if you are a consumer.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You accept sole responsibility for the legality of your actions under laws applying to you and the legality of any items you list on any of our sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Although we use techniques that aim to verify the accuracy and truth of the information provided by our users, user verification on the internet is difficult. eBay cannot and does not confirm, and is not responsible for ensuring, the accuracy or truthfulness of users&#39; purported identities or the validity of the information which they provide to us or post on our sites.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Regardless of the previous paragraphs, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of (a) any amounts due under the eBay Money Back Guarantee up to the price the item sold for on eBay and its original postage costs, (b) the amount of fees in dispute not to exceed the total fees which you paid to us in the 12 months prior to the action giving rise to the liability, or (c) &pound;100.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Nothing in this User Agreement shall limit or exclude our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our agents or employees, or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"15\">15. Compensation\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>You will compensate us in full (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) for any losses or costs, including reasonable legal fees, we incur arising out of any breach by you of this User Agreement, your improper use of eBay&#39;s Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"16\">16. Legal Disputes\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If a dispute arises between you and eBay, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by <a href=\"/help/account/default/contacting-ebay-customer-service?id=4379\">contacting Customer Support\u003C/a>. eBay Customer Service is available for every user to submit complaints and other inquiries. We will consider reasonable requests to resolve the dispute through alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as <a href=\"/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/legal-notices?id=4714\">mediation\u003C/a> or arbitration, as alternatives to litigation. Any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with this User Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales. You and eBay both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>In simple terms, &quot;non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts&quot; means that if you were able to bring a claim arising from or in connection with this User Agreement against us in court, an acceptable court would be a court located in England, but you may also elect to bring a claim in the court of another country instead. English law will apply in all cases.\u003C/p>\n\n<h2 id=\"17\">17. General\u003C/h2>\n\n<p>If any provision of this User Agreement is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>You agree that we may at any time and without notice set-off any of the amounts held in eBay user accounts held or controlled by you with any fees, charges or other amounts you owe us and (unless prevented by insolvency law) any such amounts you owe other members of the eBay group (including, without limitation, in respect of any services provided by any member of the eBay group). Our right to set-off means that we may deduct such fees, charges or other amounts mentioned in this paragraph from an eBay credit balance held or controlled by you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may assign our rights and obligations under this User Agreement in accordance with the below (but without your prior express consent), provided that we assign the User Agreement on the same terms or terms that are no less advantageous to you.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. We do not guarantee we will take action against all breaches of this User Agreement.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>We may amend this User Agreement at any time by email, or via the <a href=\";gbh=1&amp;ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK&amp;CurrentPage=MyeBayMyMessages\" target=\"_blank\">Messages section of My eBay<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> or by posting the amended terms on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a>. All amended terms shall automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially posted. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of these amended terms constitutes your acceptance of them.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>This User Agreement may not be otherwise amended except through mutual agreement by you and an eBay representative authorised to do so.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The policies posted on our sites may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the eBay site.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this User Agreement. A person who is not a party to this User Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this User Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party specified in this User Agreement or which exists or is available apart from that Act.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>eBay&#39;s Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) programme works to ensure that listed items do not infringe upon the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please notify our VeRO team through our&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Programme<span class=\"g-hdn\"> - opens in new window or tab\u003C/span>\u003C/a> and we will investigate.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The User Agreement and all policies posted on our site are the entire agreement between you and eBay and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties.\u003C/p>\n\n<p>The following Sections survive any termination of this User Agreement: <a href=\"#5\">Fees\u003C/a> (with respect to fees owed for our Services), <a href=\"#9\">Content\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#13\">Managed Payments\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#14\">Liability\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#15\">Compensation\u003C/a>, <a href=\"#16\">Legal Disputes\u003C/a> and the release contained in this General section. Legal notices shall be served by registered mail to eBay (UK) Limited, 1 More London Place, London, SE1 2AF, United Kingdom. We shall send notices to you by email to the email address you provide to eBay during the registration process. Notice to you shall be deemed given 24 hours after the email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, we may give you legal notice by registered mail to the address provided during the registration process. Notices sent to either party by registered mail shall be deemed to have been received by that party three days after the date of mailing.\u003C/p>\n\n<div class=\"line\">\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n\u003C/div>\n","id":"HELP1313","articleDescription":"<p class=\"policy-highlight-warning\"><a id=\"top\" name=\"top\">\u003C/a>This User Agreement is effective upon acceptance for those users who accept it through registration of an eBay account, and from 17 March 2025 for existing users. The <a href=\"#Previous User Agreement\">previous amendment to this User Agreement\u003C/a> was effective for all users on 4 February 2025.\u003C/p>\n","metaTitle":"User Agreement | eBay","metaDescription":"<p>By using eBay, you agree to the terms set out in our User Agreement.\u003C/p>\n","intentDescription":"User Agreement","estimatedReadingTime":"10 min","relatedLinks":[{"topicId":"4260","title":"User Privacy Notice","description":"<p>In our User Privacy Notice we have compiled all essential information about our handling of your personal data and your corresponding rights.<br />\n&nbsp;\u003C/p>\n\n<p class=\"policy-highlight-warning\">This User Privacy Notice is effective from <strong>21 April 2025\u003C/strong>. View the previous User Privacy Notice.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"15 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behaviour policies","User privacy notice (privacy policy)"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behaviour-policies/user-privacy-notice?id=4260"},{"topicId":"4267","title":"Cookies, web beacons and similar technology ('Cookie Notice')","description":"<p>Our Cookie Notice details all relevant information regarding the use of cookies, web beacons and similar technologies in connection to eBay&#39;s websites, applications, services, products and tools (collectively &quot;Services&quot;) and your choices in this regard.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"13 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behaviour policies","Cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behaviour-policies/cookies-web-beacons-similar-technology-cookie-notice?id=4267"},{"topicId":"4265","title":"Community content policy","description":"<p>Sharing content with other eBay members - either via discussion boards, product reviews, collections or groups - is a great way to help build the eBay community, and is something we encourage all our users to do.\u003C/p>\n","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"4 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behaviour policies","Community content policy"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behaviour-policies/community-content-policy?id=4265"},{"topicId":"4263","title":"eBay employee trading and community content policy","description":"If you&#39;re an eBay employee buying and selling on eBay, you have to follow the same rules as all other eBay members.","tier":"T2","estimatedReadingTime":"3 min","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behaviour policies","eBay employee trading and community content policy"],"fullPath":"/policies/member-behaviour-policies/ebay-employee-trading-community-content-policy?id=4263"}],"pageUrl":"/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/user-agreement?id=4259","tier":"T2","context":"BUYER,SELLER","taxonomies":["Policies","Member behaviour policies","User agreement"],"anchors":[{"id":"section1","desc":"1. 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