Using our toll roads | Transurban Group

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class="content-banner__content-wrapper"> <div class="content-banner__title"> <h1>Using our toll roads</h1> </div> <div class="content-banner__subtitle"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--padded-bottom-s " style="background-color:#f3f3f3; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#01" role="button" class="feature-tile-anchor fn_feature-tile__image"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/community-grants.svg" alt="money and hand" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#0E893C;"> </div> <div> <p><p style="text-align: center; margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: -10px;"><a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#01">Toll payments</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#02" role="button" class="feature-tile-anchor fn_feature-tile__image"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/smartphone-icon.svg" alt="smartphone icon" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#0E893C;"> </div> <div> <p><p style="text-align: center; margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: -10px;"><a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#02">Apps and trip tools</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#03" role="button" class="feature-tile-anchor fn_feature-tile__image"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/piggy-bank-icon.svg" alt="piggy bank icon" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#0E893C;"> </div> <div> <p><p style="text-align: center; margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: -10px;"><a href="/customers/using-our-toll-roads.html#03">Payment difficulties</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <p data-emptytext="Rich Content Container" class="cq-placeholder"></p> <div class="module module--flat-top module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row 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aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--flat-top module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--align-center"> <h2 style=" text-align: center; "><a name="01" id="01"></a>Paying a toll?</h2> <p style=" text-align: center; ">You can pay tolls online, using an app and over the phone.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--padded-bottom-s " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module 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<div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <a href="" role="button" class="feature-tile-anchor fn_feature-tile__image" target="_blank"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/logos/logo-expresslanes.png" alt="Express Lanes" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#;"> </div> <div> <p><p>United States</p> </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div 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aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="content-banner content-banner--dark content-banner--h-align-right "> <div class="content-banner__wrapper"> <div class="content-banner__image-container " style="background-image: url('/content/dam/linkt/brisbane/banner/gen_banner005_1920x180.png')"></div> <div class="content-banner__content-container fn_content-banner"> <div class="content-banner__content-wrapper"> <div class="content-banner__title"> <h2>Apps, trip tools and more</h2> </div> <div class="content-banner__subtitle"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--padded-bottom-s " style="background-color:#313e48; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text "> <div class="text-large" style=" text-align: left; color: rgb(255,255,255); ">Whether you&#39;re a long-time customer or about to use our roads for the first time, our apps offer more than you&#39;ve probably realised. Depending where you are in the world, you can use our apps to receive discount fuel offers; be notified when there&#39;s an incident on your planned route; top-up your account with a couple of clicks; and lots more.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--padded-bottom-s " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--full-width"> <p style=" text-align: left; "><img src="/content/dam/transurban/logos/logo-linkt.png" width="70"/><br /> </p> <p>Take care of your tolls on the go with our easy-to-use <b>Linkt app</b>. In the app, you can view your trip history and costs, compare your monthly spend and top up your account quickly and easily. Plus, you can make the most of Linkt Customer Rewards with savings on fuel, car washes and more.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Download Linkt</a> for iPhone or Android.</p> <p> </p> <p style=" text-align: left; "><img src="/content/dam/transurban/logos/logo-expresslanes.png" width="180" style=""/><br /> </p> <p>Make on-the-go payments, plan your trip and learn how the Express Lanes and E-ZPasses work via the <b>Express Lanes app</b>.</p> <p>Download the Express Lanes mobile app for <a href=";1&amp;mt&#61;">iPhone</a> or <a href=";com.expresslanesapp&amp;hl&#61;en">Android</a>.</p> <p> </p> <h3 style=" color: rgb(0,157,78); ">Linkt toll calculators and trip compare</h3> <p class="text-large">Want to know what your trip will cost before you travel? Like to be sure you&#39;re getting value for money? Our Linkt trip compare tool helps you find the quickest or most affordable route – via both toll and untolled roads. And our Linkt toll calculator lets you map your route and see the cost of your trip ahead of time.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--flat-top module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#f3f3f3; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container fn_feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/RP_Mel-21.png" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#;"> Melbourne </div> <div> <p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Trip compare</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Toll calculator</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container fn_feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/RP_Syd-22.png" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#;"> Sydney </div> <div> <p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Trip compare</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Toll calculator</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="featuredImageCTA section"> <div class="module module--feature-tile"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="feature-tile fn_feature-tile feature-tile--with-image feature-tile--image-featured feature-tile--auto-height"> <div class="feature-tile__image-container fn_feature-tile__image-container"> <img src="/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/icons/RP_Bri-23.png" class="feature-tile__image"/> </div> <div class="feature-tile__content feature-tile__image-content feature-tile__content_equalise" style="background-color:#; text-align:center;"> <div></div> <div class="helper-text-large-bold feature-tile__title_image" style="color:#;"> Brisbane </div> <div> <p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Toll calculator</a></p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--flat-top module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#f3f3f3; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text "> <a name="03" id="03"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="banner aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="content-banner content-banner--dark content-banner--h-align-right "> <div class="content-banner__wrapper"> <div class="content-banner__image-container " style="background-image: url('/content/dam/transurban/on-page-asssets/Benefits-MaleBookcase-1920x240.jpg')"></div> <div class="content-banner__content-container fn_content-banner"> <div class="content-banner__content-wrapper"> <div class="content-banner__title"> <h2>Payment difficulties</h2> </div> <div class="content-banner__subtitle"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#fff; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-4-4"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--full-width"> <p>Sometimes life doesn’t go to plan. If you want to pay your tolls but can’t manage your payments right now, the Linkt Assist team can help.</p> <p>We recognise that many factors can contribute to financial or social challenges, and these may include:</p> <ul><li><p>Unemployment or loss of income</p> </li><li><p>Family breakdown</p> </li><li><p>Illness or death in the family</p> </li><li><p>Carer responsibilities </p> </li><li><p>Family violence <a href="">(Download PDF, 395 KB)</a></p> </li><li><p>Natural disasters (such as floods, bushfires)</p> </li><li><p>Physical or mental health conditions</p> </li><li><p>Disability </p> </li><li><p>Homelessness</p> </li><li><p>Addiction</p> </li><li><p>Cultural or language barriers.</p> </li></ul> <p>If any of these – or any other reason – applies to your situation, please contact us. </p> <h3>Get help sooner</h3> <p>The sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can help you sort your problem out. When we know there’s a problem we can work with you to fix it – before your outstanding tolls or toll account become a bigger problem. So do please contact us as soon as you’re aware of the problem.</p> <h3>Community service clients</h3> <p>If you’re already working with a financial counsellor, community welfare agency or a community or legal aid lawyer, you can also ask them to contact us on your behalf. You’re very welcome to do this. And it means we can work with the information you’ve already provided ­­– you won’t have to explain it all again.</p> <h3>What happens when you contact us</h3> <p>If you’re going through a tough time, when you call us we’ll refer you to our dedicated Linkt Assist team. These trained specialists will work with you to understand the challenges you’re facing and to help with solutions designed for your specific circumstances. </p> <h3>You can also contact Linkt Assist directly – all contact numbers are listed below</h3> <p>You may need to complete an Assistance Request form or answer some questions before we can resolve your issue. But don’t let this put you off – your Linkt Assist adviser can guide you through what’s needed. You can also fill the form in online; there’s a link to the form below.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--padded-bottom-m " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--align-center"> <table style=" border-style: none; "><tbody style=" border-color: rgb(0,157,78); background-color: rgb(0,157,78); color: rgb(255,255,255); "><tr style=" border-style: none; background-color: rgb(238,245,242); "><td style=" border-style: none; background-color: rgb(0,157,78); "><p style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); "><b>Linkt Assist</b><br /> Financial hardship support<br /> <a style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); text-decoration: underline; " href="tel:1300767865">1300 767 865</a><br /> <a style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); text-decoration: underline; " href="">Linkt Assist online</a><br /> Linkt Assist Financial hardship <a style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); " href="">registration form</a></p> </td><td style=" border-style: none; background-color: rgb(0,157,78); "><p style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); "><b>Linkt</b><br /> Customer support<br /> 7am–7pm, seven days a week<br /> <a style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); text-decoration: underline; " href="tel:133331">13 33 31 </a><br /> <a style=" color: rgb(255,255,255); text-decoration: underline; " href=""></a></p> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--flat-top module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-1-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text "> <a name="04" id="04"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--padded-top-s module--flat-bottom " style="background-color:#f3f3f3; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="richtext section"><div class="module module--rich-text "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--full-width"> <h3>Tolls, fees and fines — your questions answered</h3> <p>Here’s some questions we’ve been asked in the past. You might find the information you’re looking for here. If not, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">visit Linkt</a> for more details, and information on how to get in touch with us.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> <div class="richContentContainer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="module module--flat-top module--padded-bottom-s " style="background-color:#f3f3f3; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;); background-repeat: repeat-x; "> <div class="module__content l-padding"> <!-- START grid module content --> <!-- START grid container --> <div class="grid fn_grid"> <!-- grid__column--width-M-N determines column width, where--> <!-- N: width units of the row --> <!-- M: width units of the column --> <div class="grid__row fn_grid-row fn_equalHeights" data-heights-type="grid"> <div class="gridItem section"> <div class="grid__column fn_grid-column grid__column--width-3-3"> <!-- start: column content--> <div class="contentaccordion section"> <!-- START ec-calendar module wrapper --> <div class="module module--ec-calendar"> <div class="module__content "> <!-- START ec-calendar module content --> <!--START ec calendar--> <!--this component is used for the investor calendar and road closures module--> <!-- .ec-calendar--investor for investor calendar--> <!-- .ec-calendar--content for content accordion --> <!-- .ec-calendar--text-width to limit width to text max--> <div class="ec-calendar fn_ec-calendar ec-calendar--content "> <!-- component title --> <!-- don't render if not specified --> <div class="ec-calendar__title"> <h3></h3> </div> <ul class="ec-calendar__list"> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-84d96d13-9ac5-46d7-bb0e-6b3601b8aafd" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">Why do we have toll roads?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-84d96d13-9ac5-46d7-bb0e-6b3601b8aafd" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>Electronic toll roads help you get where you need to go, more quickly and safely.</p> <p>Our cities are growing fast and smart technology means traffic can more freely flow, without the need to stop at toll booths and barriers.</p> <p>When State Governments invest in toll roads, they are looking for partners who share their commitment to providing safer, smarter and more sustainable ways to travel, while better connecting communities and ensuring they can thrive into the future. That’s what we do. From designing, building and upgrading the roads, to continually researching the latest new vehicle and safety technology to ensure you get the best experience.</p> <p>Toll roads also allow governments to invest in other vital areas of community need such as health and education, with those who benefit most directly by using toll roads paying for each trip.   </p> <p>All toll roads however operate under Concession Deeds issued by governments, designed to ensure the needs of the community are are continually met.  Ongoing operations are closely regulated and scrutinised, and toll prices are set and approved by government.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-4c7e9892-e046-44d5-a983-a5215e099021" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">Why are fines issued for unpaid toll road travel?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-4c7e9892-e046-44d5-a983-a5215e099021" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>We would prefer it if you never got a fine, and anyone struggling to pay for their tolls reached out for help before problems got this far. You can <a href="/contact-us.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">contact Linkt Assist</a> if you are ever going through a difficult time and it is placing pressure on your finances.</p> <p>Fines are issued by State authorities only if all our efforts to contact you regarding your outstanding tolls have been unsuccessful, and we remain unaware of your situation.</p> <p>Transurban does not issue the fines. We do not profit from this process, and rarely recover our costs once a matter has been referred to infringement.</p> <p>As access to toll roads can’t be restricted like it can for other user pays services such as electricity and gas, an effective enforcement system is important to maintain the ongoing viability of toll roads, however the infringement system is our last and least preferred option.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-1ea1f4bb-cc76-4ef1-9689-ccbe9476d409" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">What help is available for customers experiencing payment difficulties?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-1ea1f4bb-cc76-4ef1-9689-ccbe9476d409" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>Life doesn’t always go as planned – including your finances. If you&#39;re going through a tough time and are struggling to pay for your toll-road travel, we may be able to help.</p> <p>Please get in touch as soon as possible – today is better than tomorrow. The sooner we know about your situation, the sooner we can work together on finding a solution.</p> <p>For further information on how we can help, refer to our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Linkt Assist</a> information hub.</p> <h4>Community service clients</h4> <p>If you’re already working with a financial counsellor, community welfare agency, or a community or legal aid lawyer, you may prefer to ask them to contact us on your behalf. We can work with the information you have already provided them.</p> <h4>When to seek help</h4> <p>The sooner you get in touch, the better. When we know there’s a problem we can work with you to fix it – before your outstanding tolls or toll account becomes a bigger problem. So please contact us as soon as you’re aware of the problem.</p> <h4>What will happen when you contact us</h4> <p>If you’re going through a tough time, when you contact us, we’ll refer you to our dedicated Linkt Assist team. These trained specialists will do their best to understand the challenges you’re facing and to help with tailored solutions. You can also contact Linkt Assist directly – all contact numbers are listed below.</p> <p>You might need to complete an Assistance Request form or answer some questions before we can resolve your issue. If you need help with this, your Linkt Assist adviser can get you started.</p> <h4>How to get help</h4> <p><b>Linkt Assist</b></p> <p>Your financial difficulty specialists.</p> <p><a href="tel:1300767865">1300 767 865</a></p> <p>If you would prefer to apply for help online, you can also complete our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">financial hardship registration form</a>.</p> <p><b>Linkt customer service</b></p> <p>Your general enquiry or account management line.</p> <p><a href="tel:133331">13 33 31</a></p> <p>7am–7pm, seven days a week</p> <p>Outside Australia? Dial &#43;61 3 8656 8288.</p> <p><b>Interpreter service</b></p> <p><a href="tel:131450">13 14 50</a></p> <p><b>TTY service</b></p> <p>If you&#39;re deaf or you have a hearing or speech impediment, please use the <b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">National Relay Service</a></b>.<br />  </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-9bed6f8f-d1a6-4e3b-af9a-66ef1d4e20de" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">Why do you charge administration fees?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-9bed6f8f-d1a6-4e3b-af9a-66ef1d4e20de" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>We would rather no administration fees were charged and we’d love to help you avoid them, by ensuring you are always equipped with the best account, pass or payment arrangement, that enables you to get where you need to go, and you can comfortably pay for on time.</p> <p>If that doesn’t happen, after three days of using our roads, we start trying to contact you.</p> <p>Administration fees reflect the significant costs associated with collecting unpaid tolls, including specialist roadside equipment and technology, as well as the numerous systems, processes and back office functions involved.</p> <p>We are continually investing in products and services to make it easier to pay tolls and to help customers avoid administration fees.</p> <p>If you are unsure of which account, pass or payment arrangement is right for you, please call <a href="tel:133331">13 33 31</a> or visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-7ef1e7fb-81f2-4716-a32f-64916b5a9252" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">What if I’m not happy with a decision?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-7ef1e7fb-81f2-4716-a32f-64916b5a9252" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>We will make every effort to resolve your issue to your satisfaction. Our Customer Resolution and Linkt Assist teams are here for you and, for particularly complex cases, we may even seek the advice of our internal Customer and Communities Advocate.</p> <p>However, if you are not happy with a decision, you can always take it to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tolling Customer Ombudsman (TCO)</a>.<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="ec-calendar__list__item section"> <!--This href must match the id on the following div--> <!--note ids must be unique, so if multiple featured calendar components are on the page, each item needs a unique ID--> <!--Commented the below section as part of 6.3 upgrade --> <a href="#ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-a053980b-a4f3-4373-972d-ba0655c96d32" class="js-ec-link expandcollapse"> <!-- do not render this if no title--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__title">How do I contact the Tolling Customer Ombudsman?</div> <!-- do not render this if no subtitle--> </a> <!-- note value of data-ec-group attribute must be the same within ONLY a single accordion component --> <!-- Add the class is-expanded to have the item be expanded initially. Make sure data-ec-group is set on each of the divs and they have the same unique value --> <div id="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-a053980b-a4f3-4373-972d-ba0655c96d32" class="js-ec expandcollapse-content" data-ec-group="ec-calendar-item-ec-groupset-contentaccordion"> <!-- content--> <div class="ec-calendar__list__item__content"> <div class="module module--rich-text module--flat-top module--flat-bottom"> <div class="module__content l-full-width"> <div class="rich-text "><p>If you are not happy with a decision you can take it to the Tolling Customer Ombudsman (TCO).</p> <p>The Ombudsman will:</p> <ul style=" list-style-position: inside; "><li>work with both you and Linkt to investigate your complaint</li><li>propose a solution</li></ul> <p>Please note, the Ombudsman can’t manage complaints that:</p> <ul style=" list-style-position: inside; "><li>have not been first raised with our Customer Care Group and Customer Resolutions teams</li><li>relate to infringement notices issued by the Authorities</li><li>arose before 1 August, 2006.</li></ul> <p>The authorised TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman can be contacted at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!--END ec calendar--> <!-- END ec-calendar module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END ec-calendar module wrapper --></div> <!-- end: column content--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END grid container --> <!-- END grid module content --> </div> </div> <!-- END grid module wrapper --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="newpar new section"> </div> <div class="par iparys_inherited"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="react-components-root"></div> <div> <div class="xfpage page basicpage"> <div class="xf-content-height"> <div class="root responsivegrid"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="globalfooter aem-GridColumn 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