Chinese telecom research institute CETC54 delivers UHF RFID chips in bulk
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It has been successfully applied in the signage system to provide security for personal information identification and related information storage.</p><p>The chip has a large number of original technological innovations in baseband, radio frequency, and memory. It has achieved greater improvements in sensitivity, reliability, and other indicators compared with similar products, according to CETC54.</p><p style="text-align: left;"><br/></p> </div> <div class="tags flex-row-feft"> <!-- —TAGGED: --> <a href="/search/IC%20%26%20Tech" target="_blank" >IC & Tech</a > <a href="/search/RFID" target="_blank" >RFID</a > <a href="/search/CETC" target="_blank" >CETC</a > </div> <div class="shareList flex-row-feft"> <img src="/images/08d82def397b937d6afb4a6f9b862a8b.png" alt="linkedin" onclick="shareLinkedin()" /> <img src="/images/a0ff8165efe409e3fc922478f96afd93.png" alt="twitter" onclick="shareTwitter()" /> <img src="/images/e1163fca54550c2bd2fe0ffffd4f4fb0.png" alt="facebook" onclick="shareFaceBook()" /> <img src="/images/450cf2d3105fdd1ce67d5c3090643f07.png" alt="line" onclick="shareLine()" /> <div class="toast">Copy succeeded</div> <img src="/images/94bcdf0c33fc092bf26cdc1b10d91ea5.png" alt="link" onclick="copyfun()" /> <textarea style="position: absolute; 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