BBC SPORT | Northern Ireland | Gaelic Games | Bradley belief
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vspace="0" hspace="0"><br /> </div> <!-- E IBYL --> <!-- S IIMA --> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="right" width="226" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <div> <img src="" width="226" height="170" alt="Paddy Bradley" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"> <div class="cap">Paddy Bradley at the Ulster launch of this year's National Football League</div> </div> </td></tr> </table> <!-- E IIMA --> <!-- S SF --><p class="first"><b>Paddy Bradley may be only 27 but he feels that his intercounty clock is starting to tick a little faster.</b><p>"Time really is running out for myself and Sean Marty (Lockhart) and Fergal Doherty," says the Glenullin man at the Ulster launch of the Allianz National Football League. </p><p>Seated alongside Bradley at the top table is the gaunt-looking Brian Dooher, who has five Ulster medals and three All-Ireland gongs. </p><!-- E SF --><p>The 33-year-old Tyrone captain is soldiering on for another year even though he won't be playing for at least another two months following his groin surgery before Christmas. </p><p>Judging by Bradley's words, he doesn't expect to still playing intercounty football by the time he reaches his 34th year. </p><p>"I'm in my 10th or 11th season now. I've been playing since I was 17 or 18. It's hard to believe. It's been so long but we still haven't won an Ulster title." </p><p>Bradley says he "feeling refreshed" after returning within the last 10 days from a 15-week break in Australia. </p><p>It was a trip of lifetime for the 2007 All Star as he travelled throughout Down Under with his Derry and Glenullin team-mate Gerard O'Kane and a couple of other lads from his club. </p><p>"After the International Rules tour, I stayed with Tadgh Kennelly for a couple of weeks in Sydney and then the four boys from the club came out and met me. </p><p>"We were in Sydney, Melbourne...travelled all around. We saw lots of different sights and it was a great holiday." </p><p></p> <!-- S IBOX --> <table cellspacing="0" align="right" width="231" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="5"><img src="" width="5" height="1" alt="" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"></td> <td class="sibtbgq"> <div> <div class="mva"> <img src="" width="24" height="13" alt="" border="0"> <b>We really enjoyed ourselves in Australia. It was good to get the head showered </b> <img src="" align="right" width="23" height="13" alt="" border="0" vspace="0"><br clear="all"/> </div> </div> <div class="mva"> <div class="mva">Paddy Bradley</div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- E IBOX --> <p>Christmas dinner was fish and chips at Bondi Beach although Paddy's mum rustled up a turkey and ham for his first Sunday back home last weekend. </p><p>But while the craic was good, Paddy was careful not to let himself go completely and leave himself with major weight to shed upon his return. </p><p>"We ran on the beach a few mornings and we signed up to a gym and went there a few mornings. We didn't do anything too strenuous but kept things ticking over. </p><p>"We really enjoyed ourselves too. It was good to get the head showered. </p><p>"I'd never really had a long trip and I'd always intended to travel. </p><p>"Doing it in the off-season leaves you refreshed and recharges the batteries but I'm keen to get back into the swing of things and really looking forward to the year ahead." </p><p>So much so that Paddy and O'Kane opted to cut short their trip by a couple of weeks in order to rejoin Damien Cassidy's squad. </p><p>Bradley arrived back home last Wednesday and by the following evening, he was shaking off any effects of jetlag to train with the Derry squad. </p><p>The Glenullin man appears enthused by Cassidy's presence at the helm this year and the duo were in regular contact during the forward's Antipodean adventure. </p><p>"I know Damien well. He was a selector under Eamon (Coleman) in 2000 and 2001. </p><p></p> <!-- S IIMA --> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" align="right" width="226" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <div> <img src="" width="226" height="170" alt="Bradley (centre) with Armagh's Charlie Vernon and Tyrone skipper Brian Dooher" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"> <div class="cap">Bradley (centre) with Brian Dooher and Charlie Vernon at the league launch</div> </div> </td></tr> </table> <!-- E IIMA --> <p>"He's very meticulous and knows what he's about - as has been shown in club football over the last couple of years when he won championships with Bellaghy and Clonoe. It's definitely a very good appointment." </p><p>Bradley is unlikely to be involved in Derry's NFL opener against Mayo in Ballina on Sunday and it could be March before Derry's top forward is back in action. </p><p>"In all fairness, I'm not up to speed yet. I've had a 14, 15-week holiday and it's to be expected that it's going to take me a few weeks to get into it. </p><p>"Not even in terms of fitness but in terms of ball-handling and ball-skills. </p><p>"Damien has made it quite clear that the emphasis this year is championship not the league. </p><p>"He wants to give me the month of February to get myself in tip-top shape. </p><p>"I'll play a few training games and a few club games and at the start of March, when we have the four games in a row, I should be back to full fitness." </p><p>At this stage of his career, another league medal is not going to float Bradley's boat. </p><p>"We've been very disappointed with our performances in the Ulster Championship, after different years when we've beaten the likes of Tyrone and Armagh. </p><p>"Damien is his own man. He's going to bring in fresh ideas. </p><p></p> <!-- S IBOX --> <table cellspacing="0" align="right" width="231" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="5"><img src="" width="5" height="1" alt="" border="0" vspace="0" hspace="0"></td> <td class="sibtbgq"> <div> <div class="mva"> <img src="" width="24" height="13" alt="" border="0"> <b>Eoin's in very good nick at the minute </b> <img src="" align="right" width="23" height="13" alt="" border="0" vspace="0"><br clear="all"/> </div> </div> <div class="mva"> <div class="mva">Paddy Bradley</div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- E IBOX --> <p>"I have played under Damien before and know what he's about. </p><p>"Having seen his training over the past few days, he very sure of what he wants to do. </p><p>"He's very sure that he wants to win an Ulster title and push on further. I'm really expecting big things this year." </p><p>Bradley also believes that Cassidy is just the man to get the best out of the mercurial talents of the Glenullin sharpshooter's brother Eoin. </p><p>The younger Bradley didn't always see eye-to-eye with previous boss Paddy Crozier but Paddy believes things will be different under Cassidy. </p><p>"Eoin's in very good nick at the minute. He's flying. </p><p>"Himself and Damien really get on well together and Damien has high hopes for Eoin this year. </p><p>"He's put in a big effort to date and he'll probably be lining out at full-forward this weekend." </p><p>But expect the other Bradley boy to be filling a full-forward slot come early March. </p><!-- E BO --> <br /><br clear="all" /> <div id="socialBookMarks" class="sharesb"> <h3>Bookmark with:</h3> <ul> <li class="delicious"> <a id="delicious" title="Post this story to Delicious" href=" belief">Delicious</a> </li> <li class="digg"> <a id="digg" title="Post this story to Digg" href=" belief">Digg</a> </li> <li class="reddit"> <a id="reddit" title="Post this story to reddit" href=" belief">reddit</a> </li> <li class="facebook"> <a id="facebook" title="Post this story to Facebook" href="">Facebook</a> </li> <li class="stumbleupon"> <a id="stumbleupon" title="Post this story to StumbleUpon" href=" belief">StumbleUpon</a> </li> </ul> <p class="what"><a href="">What are these?</a></p> </div> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var bm = new BookMark({site:'Sport',storyid:7858865,sectionid:51545,url:'/sport2/hi/northern_ireland/gaelic_games/7858865.stm',edition:'International'}); 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