Edward Tabash | Pacific Palisades, CA
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After a lifetime of spiritual search, I have concluded that the best evidence, to date, makes it much more likely than not that there are no supernatural beings involved in our universe and no God or gods.<br><br>I am a moderate liberal. I am more liberal than conservative, but also, never hesitate to take on the left when I believe that leftist policies would jeopardize the freedoms I hold dear.<br><br>I believe that prostitution among consenting adults should be decriminalized.<br><br>I also firmly support a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion and support the full provision of family planning and contraceptive services. I maintain that, in the interests of fundamental justice, persons who romantically love others of the same gender should not suffer any less legal rights than those of us who are heterosexual.</p></div> </div></div></div> <!-- end of article_2 new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_article_2 --> <!-- article_2 new RENDER --> <div id='section_3' class='list_block type_article a2 column_amt_4 no_sizing small xsmall not_well tsidesign_content'> <div class='item_1 the_list_item center not_hero no_image no_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'></div> </div></div> <div class='item_2 the_list_item center not_hero yes_image no_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_image'><a href='/files/2020/03/click-to-leave-review-small.png' rel='lightbox' data-lightbox='lightbox-0s-2b' data-title=""><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt="" data-src='' data-lazy-load-img-src='/files/2020/03/click-to-leave-review-small.png?&a=t' border='0' class='item_image beacon-lazy-load' src=''></a></a></div> <div class='the_list_item_heads'></div> </div></div> <div class='item_3 the_list_item center not_hero yes_image no_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_image'><a href='/files/2020/04/facebook_review_button_2019_(1).png' rel='lightbox' data-lightbox='lightbox-0s-2b' data-title=""><a href='*F' target='_blank'><img alt="" data-src='' data-lazy-load-img-src='/files/2020/04/facebook_review_button_2019_(1).png?&a=t' border='0' class='item_image beacon-lazy-load' src=''></a></a></div> <div class='the_list_item_heads'></div> </div></div> <div class='item_4 the_list_item center not_hero no_image no_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'></div> </div></div></div> <!-- end of article_2 new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_sec_start_b --> <!-- sec_start new RENDER --> <div id='sec_4' class='type_section dBkg yPara'><div class='tsXa' style='opacity:0.4; background-image:url("/files/2020/08/bigstock-Old-Glory-28147_1.jpg");' data-jarallax data-speed='0.2' data-img-size='cover' data-img-position='50% 50%'></div><div class='tsXb' style='background-color: rgb(27,27,27);'></div> <!-- end of sec_start new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_article_2 --> <!-- article_2 new RENDER --> <div id='section_5' class='list_block type_article a2 column_amt_3 square_1_1 small not_well tsidesign_textfeature6 tsD_flex'> <div class='item_1 the_list_item center not_hero no_image yes_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='/about-edward/' target='_self'>About Edward</a></h3></div> </div></div> <div class='item_2 the_list_item center not_hero no_image yes_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='/articles/' target='_self'>Articles</a></h3></div> </div></div> <div class='item_3 the_list_item center not_hero no_image yes_heads no_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='/contact/' target='_self'>Contact</a></h3></div> </div></div></div> <!-- end of article_2 new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_sec_end --> <!-- sec_end new RENDER --> </div> <!-- end of sec_end new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_article --> <!-- article new RENDER --> <div id='section_6' class='list_block type_article a1 column_amt_2 square_1_1 medium not_well tsidesign_split2'> <div class='item_1 the_list_item center not_hero no_image yes_heads yes_desc' lang='en'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_subheadline hds_color'>I am hoping that people from all over the political spectrum and from many diverse points of view will be able to come together and agree on the naturalistic reality that prevails in our world.</h3></div> <div class='the_list_item_desc txt_color'><p>However, my primary purpose in establishing this website is to promote the arguments for Atheism/Secular Humanism and to champion the Separation of Church and State. I will also defend free speech and free expression, generally, whenever these liberties are in jeopardy. <br><br>It is not my purpose to restrict the legal freedoms of believers. I only want to secure a society in which believers and non believers are equal before the law. On the question of church/state separation, <br><br>One does not have to be an Atheist in order to work with me on this issue. Everyone, regardless of individual viewpoint on how the universe is put together, will benefit if government stays out of the God business and if individuals are left free to make their own decisions and lifestyle choices in these delicate matters of conscience.</p></div> </div></div> <div class='item_2 the_list_item center not_hero no_image no_heads no_desc' lang='en'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'></div> </div></div> </div> <!-- end of article new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_article_2 --> <!-- article_2 new RENDER --> <div id='section_7' class='list_block type_article a2 column_amt_1 square_1_1 large not_well tsidesign_content'> <div class='item_1 the_list_item center not_hero no_image yes_heads yes_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'>I only want to secure a society in which believers and non believers are equal before the law.</h3></div> <div class='the_list_item_desc txt_color'><p>The arguments against the existence of a God are the most under heard point of view in America, today. An overwhelming number of people consider it self evident that a person cannot be moral without believing in a supernatural being, even though there is a dearth of actual evidence supporting the claim that such a being really exists.<br><br>The arguments against the supernatural are powerful both from a philosophical and scientific standpoint. These arguments must be put before the public so that everyone will have access to the compelling reasons for coming to an Atheistic worldview, before deciding whether to believe or not believe.<br><br>Rejecting belief in God and in the supernatural, generally, does not necessarily entail any political point of view, beyond those issues touching upon religion and church/state separation. A person can be very right wing on economic and other issues and still be a nonbeliever. My ultimate goal is to help Atheism become so widespread and universal that when people state that they do not believe in God, we will not be able to tell, from that statement alone, what a person's position may be on a wide array of political issues. I am hoping that people from all over the political spectrum and from many diverse points of view will be able to come together and agree on the naturalistic reality that prevails in our world.<br><br>It is long overdue for Atheistic arguments to be given a seat at the table of the marketplace of ideas in today's world. I have established this website in the hope of providing a platform for the dissemination of these arguments.</p></div> </div></div></div> <!-- end of article_2 new RENDER --><!-- End block --><!-- Start block beacon_article_2 --> <!-- article_2 new RENDER --> <div id='section_8' class='list_block type_article a2 column_amt_3 square_1_1 small not_well tsidesign_iconfeature5 tsD_flex'> <div class='item_1 the_list_item center not_hero yes_image yes_heads yes_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_image'><a data-title="Bookings"><a href='/contact/' target='_self'><img alt="Bookings" data-src='' data-lazy-load-img-src='/files/2020/08/telephone_(10).png?w=316&h=316&a=t' border='0' class='item_image beacon-lazy-load' src=''></a></a></div> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='/contact/' target='_self'>Bookings</a></h3></div> <div class='the_list_item_desc txt_color'><p>Eddie is available to speak and debate. <br><br>Contact us today to make arrangements!</p></div> <div class='the_list_item_action'><a href='/contact/' target='_self' class='accent_color_bg accent_txt_color'>Contact Us</a></div> </div></div> <div class='item_2 the_list_item center not_hero yes_image yes_heads yes_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_image'><a data-title="Featured Article"><a href='/articles/' target='_self'><img alt="Featured Article" data-src='' data-lazy-load-img-src='/files/2020/08/magazine.png?w=316&h=316&a=t' border='0' class='item_image beacon-lazy-load' src=''></a></a></div> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='/articles/' target='_self'>Featured Article</a></h3></div> <div class='the_list_item_desc txt_color'><p>Does The Claim of Jesus' Resurrection Prevail Under the Federal Rules of Evidence? The claim that Jesus was supernaturally resurrected after he died, as described in the Gospels, would prevail.</p></div> <div class='the_list_item_action'><a href='/articles/' target='_self' class='accent_color_bg accent_txt_color'>Learn More</a></div> </div></div> <div class='item_3 the_list_item center not_hero yes_image yes_heads yes_desc'> <div class='the_list_wrap'> <div class='the_list_item_image'><a data-title="Featured Link"><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt="Featured Link" data-src='' data-lazy-load-img-src='/files/2020/08/chain.png?w=316&h=316&a=t' border='0' class='item_image beacon-lazy-load' src=''></a></a></div> <div class='the_list_item_heads'> <h3 class='the_list_item_headline hds_color'><a href='' target='_blank'>Featured Link</a></h3></div> <div class='the_list_item_desc txt_color'><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Council for Secular Humanism</p></div> <div class='the_list_item_action'><a href='' target='_blank' class='accent_color_bg accent_txt_color'>Learn More</a></div> </div></div></div> <!-- end of article_2 new RENDER --><!-- End block --></div></div></div> <!-- closed div id="container" --> <div id="the_footer"> <div class="footer"> <div class="section w988"> <div class="list_block type_article column_amt_4 small"> <!-- Start of composite --><div rel="1" class="widget the_list_item ftr_txt_color tsI_footer_tmpl_cls"><div class="menu-footer-menu-container"> <ul id="menu-primary-menu" rel="dennis" class="menu"><li class=" menu-item menu-item-387465 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type- current-menu-item current_page_item page_item page-item-367396" id="menu-item-387465"><a href="">Home</a></li><li class=" menu-item menu-item-387473 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type-post_type " id="menu-item-387473"><a href="">About Edward</a></li><li class=" menu-item menu-item-387474 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type-post_type " id="menu-item-387474"><a href="">Articles</a></li><li class=" menu-item menu-item-418428 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type-post_type " id="menu-item-418428"><a href="">Legal Briefs</a></li><li class=" menu-item menu-item-430442 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type-post_type " id="menu-item-430442"><a href="">LINKS TO ONLINE SPEECHES AND DEBATES</a></li><li class=" menu-item menu-item-387475 menu-item-object-page menu-item-type-post_type " id="menu-item-387475"><a href="">Contact</a></li></ul> </div></div> <!-- End of composite --> </div> </div> </div><!-- closed class="footer" --> <div class="footer_brand"> <div id='_the_logo' class='_is_plugin footer-logo' slug='_the_logo' data-extra-args='{"section":"footer"}'> <h2 class='logo logo-v2'> <div data-numslots="1" class="logo-variation logo-variation-footer"><div class="logo-slot pct100 slot_0 slot-type-image align-center"><a class="ve_no_url" href="" title="Edward Tabash" rel="home"><img src="/files/2020/08/logo.png" /></a></div></div> </h2></div> </div><!-- closed class="footer_brand" --> <div class="footer"> <div id="_the_copyright"> <div class="copy"> <ul rel="1"> <li>Copyright © 2025 Edward Tabash, all rights reserved.</li> <li><span class='footer-city-state-zip-address footer-address'><span>Los Angeles</span>, <span>CA</span> </span> <span class='footer-phone-address footer-address'> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div><!-- closed class="footer" with copyright--> </div> <!-- closed class="the_footer" --> </div><!-- closed class="mobile-wrapper" --> </div><!-- closed class="beacon_wrapper" --> <div id="_the_embeded_below_mods" slug=""> <div id="_the_embeded_below_mods_wrapper"></div> <div id="_the_embeded_below_mods_btn" class="_is_embeded"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </body></html>