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This privacy policy discloses what information we gather, how we use it, and how you may update or change it. By submitting Personal Information to us through your registration or otherwise by using our Services, you agree that we may collect, store, use, and disclose such Personal Information as described in and in accordance with this privacy policy and as permitted or required by law. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.</p> <h3>About Us</h3> <p>Newsfile Corp. is a compliance solutions company offering press release distribution and regulatory filing services (the “Services”). Generally, we are the controller of any Personal Information that you provide to us. The Services enable the following:</p> <h4>For our Customers</h4> <ul> <li> To distribute press releases to databases and websites and Mailing Lists containing email addresses of Contacts who have provided consent to receive communications on behalf of the Customer; and</li> <li> To file documents with regulatory authorities on reporting systems, including but not limited to the SEC via EDGAR and to the CSA via SEDAR and SEDI. </li> </ul> <h4>For our Subscribers</h4> <ul> <li>To receive press releases for selected industries through email.</li> </ul> <h3>Key Terms</h3> <p>In this privacy policy, these terms have the following meanings:</p> <p>“<b>Compliance Management Portal</b>” is a secure area on our web site accessible to Customers with a valid username and password. The Compliance Management Portal allows Customers to submit Service requests, view account information, manage Mailing Lists, and view a list of historical service requests.</p> <p>“<b>Contact</b>” is a person a Customer may contact through our Services. In other words, a Contact is anyone on a Customer's Mailing List or about whom a Customer has given us information. For example, if you are a Customer, an email address on your Mailing List would be considered a Contact. </p> <p>“<b>Customer</b>” means any person or entity that is registered with us to use the Services.</p> <p>“<b>Mailing List</b>” is a list of Contacts a Customer may upload or manage on our platform and all associated information related to those Contacts (for example, email addresses). </p> <p>“<b>Personal Information</b>” means any information that identifies or can be used to identify a Subscriber, a Contact, Customer, Prospect, or a Visitor, directly or indirectly. Examples of Personal Information include, but are not limited to, first and last name and email address. </p> <p>“<b>Prospect</b>” means any person or entity that is not registered with us to use the Services, but has provided implied or express consent to receive marketing related information from us.</p> <p>“<b>Subscriber</b>” means any person or entity that has provided implied or express consent to receive news releases from us through email.</p> <p>“<b>Website(s)</b>” means any website(s) we own and operate (for example,,, and or any web pages, interactive features, applications, widgets, blogs, social networks, social network "tabs," or other online, mobile, or wireless offerings that post a link to this privacy policy.</p> <p>“<b>Visitor</b>” means any person who visits any of our Websites. </p> <p>“<b>you</b>” and “<b>your</b>” means, depending on the context, either a Customer, Subscriber, Prospect, Contact, or a Visitor. </p> <h3>Information Gathered by Newsfile Corp.</h3> <h4>Information You Provide to Us </h4> <p>We require registration for certain Services, such as the distribution of press releases, the filing of documents on the SEC EDGAR, SEDAR, and SEDI systems, and access to our software products. In order to provide our Services to you, we may ask you for contact information (such as name and email address), filing codes, financial information (account or credit card numbers), mailing address, phone number, title, company name, and/or demographic information (including zip/postal code). </p> <p>We may ask Subscribers for their name and email address, in order to deliver requested press releases. We may ask Visitors who submit inquiries through our Website for their name, email address, and phone number, in order in order adequately answer inquiries. We require Customers distributing press releases through our Services to provide a contact name, phone number, and/or email address for insertion in the bottom of your press release, and may ask Customers to provide names and email addresses for your Contacts, should you wish to use our Mailing List features.</p> <h4>Information We Collect Automatically </h4> <p>As with most Internet sites, our Website collects a variety of technical data, including your IP address (a unique number that identifies your access account on the Internet), domain, username (if you are logged into one of our software products) and Web browser information. We use this information to help diagnose problems with our service, to administer our Website, and in reporting capacities to companies with whom Newsfile Corp. works, including its clients, partners, etc. For example, your IP address may be used to help identify you and your account information and to gather demographic information, or to maintain an aggregated log of click activity on our Website. </p> <h5>Cookies </h5> <p>Our Website uses “cookies” to keep track of your accounts. We also use cookies to deliver content specific to you. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser that enables the sites or service providers systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. We use cookies to compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future. </p> <p>We do not record or store any information about your movements on the Internet outside of our Website. You can choose to decline our cookies (e.g., by setting your browser to reject cookies), but if you do, some parts of our Website may not operate properly. </p> <p>Our Website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits Website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand Website traffic and webpage usage. </p> <p>When a Contact interacts with an email sent through a Customer’s Mailing List, we may collect information about your device and interaction with an email. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect some of this information. </p> <h5>Transparent Images </h5> <p>We employ a software technology called transparent images, that helps us better manage content on our Website by informing us what content is effective. We use extremely small, transparent images with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies that are used to track the online movements of Web users. Transparent images are not tied to users' Personal Information. </p> <h3>Newsfile Corp.'s Use of Information </h3> <p>We may use the information you provide us: </p> <ol> <li>To process Service requests; </li> <li>To process inquiries submitted through our Websites; </li> <li>To invoice you for our products and Services;</li> <li> To send you information about our company or press releases for industries you have expressed interest in. You may however opt out of receiving such mailings (see the Customers and Prospects, Subscribers and Contact sections below); and </li> <li>To provide you with alerts regarding pertinent external developments. </li> </ol> <p>We may use demographic, usage and profile data collected at our Website in the course of reporting. Anonymous user data (such as IP addresses, and/or their IP-location information, if available) may be utilized within aggregate traffic reporting to third parties or clients submitting press releases to us. Additionally, certain information provided at user-registration (such as the name of a media outlet or user title) may be made available to clients within activity reports, although no Personal Information (such as names, phone numbers, or email addresses) will be reported. </p> <p>We do not use your Personal Information to make automated decisions. </p> <p>We are required to include a contact name and either a phone number or email address on a press release distributed by our Service. This is to provide readers a pathway for contacting the authoring entity for more information. Through providing the required contact information you are providing us with your consent to use the contact information in this manner. </p> <h4>Security </h4> <p>We have in place industry standard security measures to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information under our control, including through the use of physical, organizational, and technological measures and appropriate training of employees. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your Personal Information when you request service or access your Personal Information. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Website. It is possible that any information transmitted via the Internet may be intercepted by unknown third parties. We therefore encourage you to carefully ensure security through virus screening software, browser settings, the setting of passwords that are known only to you and are difficult to guess, and other security measures available to individuals and/or companies. Any transmission is at your own risk. </p> <p>Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password and/or user ID which enables you to access certain parts of our Website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password or user ID with anyone. </p> <h4>Sharing and Storage </h4> <p>We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personal Information collected through registering with Newsfile Corp. or from visiting our Website. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our Website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. </p> <ul> <li>We use third-party credit card processing company Elavon Inc. (“Elavon”) to charge users for services. Elavon only collects and stores the information necessary to process an individual credit card transaction. We do not store information related to credit cards, including credit card numbers and card verification values (CVVs). </li> <li>We use third-party email service Mandrill, powered by Mailchimp, to distribute certain email communications to our clients. Mailchimp’s Privacy Policy can be reviewed at </li> <li>We use third-party technology companies Cogeco Peer1 and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to host and serve web content. Their respective Privacy Policies can be reviewed at and </li> </ul> <p>Newsfile Corp. may also disclose your Personal Information, the contents of your communications and/or your contact and financial information if required to do so by law, with your consent or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary: </p> <ol> <li>To conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on Newsfile Corp.; </li> <li>To protect and defend the rights or property of Newsfile Corp. or others; or </li> <li>To assist, under exigent circumstances, in the investigation of securities law violations or other investigations. </li> </ol> <p>It is possible that as we continue to develop our business, Newsfile Corp. might be acquired. In such a transaction, your information may be transferred to the acquiring entity. </p> <p>We may store or process your Personal Information on servers in Canada and/or the United States. As a consequence, your Personal Information may be accessed by the courts, law enforcement and national security authorities of those jurisdictions in accordance with applicable laws. </p> <h3>Customers and Prospects </h3> <p>Newsfile Corp. abides by <a href="" target="_blank">Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL)</a> and therefore has a zero-tolerance spam policy. We only use email to share information about our services to Customers and Prospects who have provided their express or implied consent to receive such communications. Recipients can opt out of future communications simply by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in the email and defining their preference, or by responding to the email and requesting to opt-out. See our <a href="">anti-spam policy</a> for more information. </p> <h3>Visitors </h3> <p>Newsfile Corp. abides by <a href="" target="_blank">Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL)</a> and therefore has a zero-tolerance spam policy. We only use the contact information you provide as part of an inquiry to respond to you. </p> <h3>Subscribers </h3> <p>We provide Subscribers press releases for requested industries through email. Newsfile Corp. abides by <a href="" target="_blank">Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL)</a> and therefore has a zero-tolerance spam policy. We only use email to share information with those who have provided their express or implied consent to receive such communications. Subscribers can opt out of future communications simply by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in the email and defining their preference, or by responding to the email and requesting to opt-out. See our <a href="">anti-spam policy</a> for more information. </p> <h3>Contacts </h3> <p>A Customer may provide Personal Information about you to us through the Services. For example, when a Customer uploads their Mailing List they may provide us with certain contact information or other Personal Information about you such as your name and email address. Our Services are intended for use by our Customers. As a result, for much of the Personal Information we collect and process about Contacts through the Services, we act as a processor on behalf of our Customers. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of our Customers, which may differ from those set forth in this privacy policy. </p> <p>If you want to exercise any data protection rights that may be available to you under applicable law or have questions or concerns about how your Personal Information is handled by us as a processor on behalf of our individual Customers, you should contact the relevant Customer that is using our Services, and refer to their separate privacy policies. </p> <p>If you no longer want to be contacted by one of our Customers through our Services, please unsubscribe directly from that Customer’s newsletter or contact the Customer directly to update or delete your data. If you contact us directly, we may remove or update your information within a reasonable time and after providing notice to the Customer of your request. </p> <p>We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We may ask you to verify your identity in order to help us respond efficiently to your request. </p> <h3>Mailing Lists </h3> <p>A Mailing List can be created in a number of ways, including by importing Contacts through our Compliance Management Portal. Your Mailing Lists are stored on a secure server. We do not, under any circumstances, sell your Mailing Lists. If someone on your Mailing List complains or contacts us, we might then contact that person. You may export (download) your Mailing Lists from our Compliance Management Portal at any time. </p> <p>If we detect abusive or illegal behavior related to your Mailing List, we may share your Mailing List or portions of it with affected ISPs or anti-spam organizations to the extent permitted or required by applicable law. </p> <h3>Third-Party Websites </h3> <p>Our Websites and some of our Services contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Websites. </p> <p>Our Websites include social media features, such as the Facebook Like button, the QuoteMedia stock chart, and the Twitter tweet embed. These features may collect information about your IP address and which page you are visiting on our Website, and they may set a cookie to make sure the feature functions properly. From time to time we will participate in conversations on social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, where we have reason to believe individuals might be interested in our services because of their involvement in compliance, public relations, investor relations or related fields. Communications that are meant to be confidential in nature should be made through secure messaging options available within these third party websites/services. </p> <h3>International Users </h3> <p>If you are an international user, by registering with Newsfile Corp. or by using our Service, you agree that we may collect, use and transfer your information as described in this privacy policy. If you reside in jurisdictions that provide access rights under law, you may access your information or have it corrected or updated in accordance with applicable law by contacting us as described in the “Questions and Suggestions” section below.</p> <h3> Legal Basis for Processing Personal Information (EEA Persons Only) </h3> <p>If you are from the European Economic Area, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Information described above will depend on the Personal Information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. </p> <p>However, we will normally collect and use Personal Information from you where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data-protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. Typically, our legitimate interests include improving, maintaining, providing, and enhancing our technology, products, and services; ensuring the security of the Services and our Websites; and for our marketing activities. </p> <p>If you are a Customer, we may need the Personal Information to perform a contract with you. In some limited cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Information from you. </p> <p>Where required by law, we will collect Personal Information only where we have your consent to do so. </p> <p>If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Information, please contact us using the contact details provided in the "Questions and Suggestions" section below.</p> <h3> Verifying,Updating and Deleting Personal Information</h3> <p>Customers, Prospects, and Subscribers can update their account information and preferences by sending an email to Alternatively, Customers may view and update their account information through accessing the Compliance Management Portal available at </p> <h3>Retention of Data </h3> <p>We retain Personal Information where we have an ongoing legitimate business or legal need to do so. Our retention periods will vary depending on the type of data involved, but, generally, we'll refer to these criteria in order to determine retention period:</p> <ul> <li> Whether we have a legal or contractual need to retain the data.</li> <li>Whether the data is necessary to provide our Services. </li> <li>Whether our Customers would reasonably expect that we would retain the data until they remove it or until their accounts are closed or terminated. </li> </ul> <p>When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your Personal Information, we will either delete or anonymize it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your Personal Information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your Personal Information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible. </p> <h3>Your Consent and Changes</h3> <p> By using our services and/or Website, you consent to our privacy policy and our collection, use, and disclosure of your information in accordance with it. </p> <p>If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement on our Website and other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it; and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. </p> <p>If, however, we are going to use users' Personal Information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify users via e-mail. </p> <h3>Questions and Suggestions </h3> <p>If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of Newsfile Corp., or your dealings with this Website, you may <a href="contact.php">contact us</a>.</p> <p>Last updated May 29, 2018 </p> </main> </div> <!-- right sidebar --> <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-1"> <section class="r-sidebar"> <!-- sidebar content - basic --> <div class="box"> <h3>Trusted by Professionals<span class="dot">.</span></h3> <p>Thousands of clients comprised of: Stock Exchanges, Transfer Agents, Law Firms, IR Firms, Mutual Funds, Investment Managers, Public Companies, Private Companies and Insiders.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <h3>Real Service from Real People<span class="dot">.</span></h3> <p>Never miss another deadline—we have personal specialists directly accessible 24/7.</p> </div> <!-- sidebar content - basic --> <section class="box"> <h3>Questions about an upcoming or outstanding job request?</h3> <p>Have a question or looking to talk to someone about a job or service request? 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