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Where will your next adventure be?" /> <meta name="dcterms.created" content="2021-04-06" /> <meta name="" content="2021-12-14" /> <meta name="dcterms.publisher" content="Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate" /> <meta name="dcterms.creator" content="Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate" /> <meta name="dcterms.identifier" content="" /> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" /> <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> <style type="text/css" media="all"> .parks-header-container{ height: 400px; } .parks-hero-image-banner { height: 400px; } @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) { .parks-header-container{ height: 600px; } .parks-hero-image-banner { height: 600px; } } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-xVVam1KS4+Qt2OrFa+VdRUoXygyKIuNWUUUBZYv+n27STsJ7oDOHJgfF0bNKLMJF" crossorigin="anonymous"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <link 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field--label-hidden field__item">Poisons Hotline</div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p>For a poison emergency in Australia call</p> <h3><a href="tel:131126">13 11 26</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field__item col-md-4 col-lg-3 contact-group"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--emergency-service-information paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-title field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item">Drug and Alcohol Help Line</div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p>The Drug and Alcohol Help Line is available 24-hours, 7 days a week on</p> <h3><a href="tel:51249977">5124 9977</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field__item col-md-4 col-lg-3 contact-group"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--emergency-service-information paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-title field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item">Health Protection Service</div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>For after hours </span></span></span><span><span>urgent public health matters including environmental health, radiation safety, food poisoning <span>and communicable disease management phone:</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> <h3><a href="tel:(02) 62051700">(02) 6205 1700</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field__item col-md-4 col-lg-3 contact-group"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--emergency-service-information paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-title field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item">healthdirect</div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p>24 hour health advice </p> <h3><a href="tel:1800022222">1800 022 222</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field__item col-md-4 col-lg-3 contact-group"> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--emergency-service-information paragraph--view-mode--default"> <div class="field field--name-field-title field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item">ACT State Emergency Service</div> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-field-body field--type-text-long field--label-hidden field__item"> <p>Emergency help <br /> during flood or storms</p> <h2><a href="tel:132500">13 25 00</a></h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- // end emergency banner // --> <!--Forced h1 for home page--> <!--Hero image banner--> <div class="parks-hero-image-banner" style="background-image: url('')"> <div class="parks-hero-image-banner__content-container row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="parks-hero-image-banner__content"> <h1>Find a park</h1> <p>The 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/><label for="queries_activities_query_Boules">Boules</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[5]" value="Cafe" id="queries_activities_query_Cafe" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Cafe">Cafe</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[6]" value="Camping" id="queries_activities_query_Camping" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Camping">Camping</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[7]" value="Climbing and abseiling" id="queries_activities_query_Climbing_and_abseiling" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Climbing_and_abseiling">Climbing and abseiling</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[8]" value="Cricket" id="queries_activities_query_Cricket" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Cricket">Cricket</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" 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value="Skate boarding" id="queries_activities_query_Skate_boarding" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Skate_boarding">Skate boarding</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[23]" value="Soccer" id="queries_activities_query_Soccer" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Soccer">Soccer</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[24]" value="Sportsgrounds" id="queries_activities_query_Sportsgrounds" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Sportsgrounds">Sportsgrounds</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[25]" value="Stargazing" id="queries_activities_query_Stargazing" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Stargazing">Stargazing</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[26]" value="Swimming" id="queries_activities_query_Swimming" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Swimming">Swimming</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[27]" value="Table tennis" id="queries_activities_query_Table_tennis" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Table_tennis">Table tennis</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[28]" value="Tennis" id="queries_activities_query_Tennis" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Tennis">Tennis</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[29]" value="Tours" id="queries_activities_query_Tours" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Tours">Tours</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[30]" value="Trailbike riding" id="queries_activities_query_Trailbike_riding" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Trailbike_riding">Trailbike riding</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[31]" value="Volunteer environmental activities" id="queries_activities_query_Volunteer_environmental_activities" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Volunteer_environmental_activities">Volunteer environmental activities</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[32]" value="Volunteering" id="queries_activities_query_Volunteering" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Volunteering">Volunteering</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[33]" value="Walking and running" id="queries_activities_query_Walking_and_running" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Walking_and_running">Walking and running</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[34]" value="Watercraft" id="queries_activities_query_Watercraft" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Watercraft">Watercraft</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[35]" value="Waterskiing" id="queries_activities_query_Waterskiing" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Waterskiing">Waterskiing</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[36]" value="Windsurfing" id="queries_activities_query_Windsurfing" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Windsurfing">Windsurfing</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_activities_query[37]" value="Wood fires permitted" id="queries_activities_query_Wood_fires_permitted" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_activities_query_Wood_fires_permitted">Wood fires permitted</label></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="find-a-park-search__drop find-a-park-search__drop--r"> <button type="button" id="facilities-button" class="find-a-park-search__button find-a-park-search__button--drop">Features</button> <div class="find-a-park-search__drop-content"> <input type="hidden" 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for="queries_facilities_query_BBQs_-_gas">BBQs - gas</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[4]" value="Bird hide" id="queries_facilities_query_Bird_hide" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Bird_hide">Bird hide</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[5]" value="Boat ramp / launch" id="queries_facilities_query_Boat_ramp_/_launch" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Boat_ramp_/_launch">Boat ramp / launch</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[6]" value="Boule court & petanque pistes" id="queries_facilities_query_Boule_court_&_petanque_pistes" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Boule_court_&_petanque_pistes">Boule court & petanque pistes</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[7]" value="Café (food)" id="queries_facilities_query_Café_(food)" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Café_(food)">Café (food)</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[8]" value="Canoe / kayak entry point" id="queries_facilities_query_Canoe_/_kayak_entry_point" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Canoe_/_kayak_entry_point">Canoe / kayak entry point</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[9]" value="Disc golf course" id="queries_facilities_query_Disc_golf_course" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Disc_golf_course">Disc golf course</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[10]" value="Dogs on-leash" id="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_on-leash" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_on-leash">Dogs on-leash</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[11]" value="Dogs off-leash" id="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_off-leash" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_off-leash">Dogs off-leash</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[12]" value="Dogs - conditional" id="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_-_conditional" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Dogs_-_conditional">Dogs - conditional</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[13]" value="Dog exercise area" id="queries_facilities_query_Dog_exercise_area" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Dog_exercise_area">Dog exercise area</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[14]" value="Drinking water" id="queries_facilities_query_Drinking_water" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Drinking_water">Drinking water</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[15]" value="Enclosed dog park" id="queries_facilities_query_Enclosed_dog_park" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Enclosed_dog_park">Enclosed dog park</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[16]" value="Fireplace" id="queries_facilities_query_Fireplace" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Fireplace">Fireplace</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[17]" value="Fireplace (communal)" id="queries_facilities_query_Fireplace_(communal)" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Fireplace_(communal)">Fireplace (communal)</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[18]" value="Firewood available for purchase" id="queries_facilities_query_Firewood_available_for_purchase" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Firewood_available_for_purchase">Firewood available for purchase</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[19]" value="Fitness equipment" id="queries_facilities_query_Fitness_equipment" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Fitness_equipment">Fitness equipment</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[20]" value="Heritage sites" id="queries_facilities_query_Heritage_sites" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Heritage_sites">Heritage sites</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[21]" value="Kiosk (food)" id="queries_facilities_query_Kiosk_(food)" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Kiosk_(food)">Kiosk (food)</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[22]" value="Lookout" id="queries_facilities_query_Lookout" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Lookout">Lookout</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[23]" value="Miniature railway" id="queries_facilities_query_Miniature_railway" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Miniature_railway">Miniature railway</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[24]" value="NO BINS – take your rubbish with you" id="queries_facilities_query_NO_BINS_–_take_your_rubbish_with_you" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_NO_BINS_–_take_your_rubbish_with_you">NO BINS – take your rubbish with you</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[25]" value="Nudist area" id="queries_facilities_query_Nudist_area" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Nudist_area">Nudist area</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[26]" value="Picnic tables" id="queries_facilities_query_Picnic_tables" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Picnic_tables">Picnic tables</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[27]" value="Playground" id="queries_facilities_query_Playground" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Playground">Playground</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[28]" value="Rentals (e.g. mobility aids)" id="queries_facilities_query_Rentals_(e.g._mobility_aids)" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Rentals_(e.g._mobility_aids)">Rentals (e.g. mobility aids)</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[29]" value="Restaurant (food)" id="queries_facilities_query_Restaurant_(food)" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Restaurant_(food)">Restaurant (food)</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[30]" value="Shelter" id="queries_facilities_query_Shelter" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Shelter">Shelter</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[31]" value="Shelter - hut" id="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_hut" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_hut">Shelter - hut</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[32]" value="Shelter - picnic" id="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_picnic" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_picnic">Shelter - picnic</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[33]" value="Shelter - shade sails" id="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_shade_sails" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Shelter_-_shade_sails">Shelter - shade sails</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[34]" value="Showers" id="queries_facilities_query_Showers" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Showers">Showers</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[35]" value="Skate park" id="queries_facilities_query_Skate_park" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Skate_park">Skate 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value="Toilets" id="queries_facilities_query_Toilets" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Toilets">Toilets</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[41]" value="Toilets - pit" id="queries_facilities_query_Toilets_-_pit" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Toilets_-_pit">Toilets - pit</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[42]" value="Visitor centre" id="queries_facilities_query_Visitor_centre" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Visitor_centre">Visitor centre</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[43]" value="Walking track/s" id="queries_facilities_query_Walking_track/s" class="sq-form-field " /><label for="queries_facilities_query_Walking_track/s">Walking track/s</label></li><li><input type="checkbox" name="queries_facilities_query[44]" value="Wash up facilities" id="queries_facilities_query_Wash_up_facilities" 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document.getElementById("queries_search_query"); textInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "Park name: 'Acton District Park'"); const submitButton = document.getElementsByName("search_page_1738077_submit_button"); submitButton[0].value = 'Filter'; </script><!--A to Z filtering--> <script type="text/javascript"> az(); //Creates A-Z navigation component function az(){ const letters = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']; const azList = document.getElementById('find-a-park-search__az-list'); letters.forEach(function(letter){ const azListItem = document.createElement('li'); const azButton = document.createElement('button'); const azButtonText = document.createTextNode(letter); azButton.classList.add("az-button"); azButton.setAttribute("type", "button") azList.appendChild(azListItem); azListItem.appendChild(azButton); azButton.appendChild(azButtonText); }); } </script> <div class="row parks-band parks-band--white"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 no-padding"> <section class="parks-section parks-pr-16--dt"> <h2 class="parks-mt--6">Explore the map</h2> <div class="find-a-park__google-map" aria-hidden="true"> <!--Google map--> <div id="google-map-container"> <!--<div id="google-map-flags">--> <!-- <ul>--> <!-- <li>--> <!-- <input type="checkbox" id="toilet-flag" name="toilet-flag">--> <!-- <label for="toilet-flag">Public toilets</label>--> <!-- </li>--> <!-- <li>--> <!-- <input type="checkbox" id="bbq-flag" name="bbq-flag">--> <!-- <label for="bbq-flag">BBQs/Seating</label>--> <!-- </li>--> <!-- <li>--> <!-- <input type="checkbox" id="playground-flag" name="playground-flag">--> <!-- <label for="playground-flag">Playgrounds</label>--> <!-- </li>--> <!-- </ul>--> <!--</div>--> <div id="google-map--find-a-park" ></div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-6 no-padding"> <section class="parks-section parks-pl-16--dt"> <h2 class="parks-mt--6">Search results</h2> <!--Results--> <div class="find-a-park-search__results"> <ul><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Acton District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Acton District Park'; lat = -35.28680; lng = 149.12531; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819563; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1901746; blurb = 'A scenic urban park set on Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Angle Crossing</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Angle Crossing'; lat = -35.5836384; lng = 149.1090556; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801941; assetURL = ''; imgId = 2001803; blurb = 'A scenic riverside site within Gigerline Nature Reserve'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Aranda Bushland Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Aranda Bushland Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.26962763; lng = 149.0756114; zoom = 13; assetId = 1799898; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1905769; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and a sanctuary for rare woodland plants'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Black Mountain Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Black Mountain Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.27782257; lng = 149.09877; zoom = 13; assetId = 1799973; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1905919; blurb = 'Canberra city\'s most prominent natural feature and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Black Mountain Peninsula District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Black Mountain Peninsula District Park'; lat = -35.291873; lng = 149.101262; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819572; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892420; blurb = 'A large urban park on the water’s edge of Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Blue Range Recreation Area</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Blue Range Recreation Area'; lat = -35.289938; lng = 148.876021; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801946; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1912597; blurb = 'A heritage-listed site and camping location'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Bowen District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Bowen District Park'; lat = -35.30934; lng = 149.14087; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819584; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895461; blurb = 'A scenic urban park on Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Bruce Ridge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Bruce Ridge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.255022; lng = 149.110626; zoom = 13; assetId = 1799984; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906416; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and a popular mountain bike riding area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Budjan Galindji Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Budjan Galindji Grasslands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.2049064318734; lng = 149.145925863212; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800053; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906734; blurb = 'Protected grassland and woodland in Franklin and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Callum Brae Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Callum Brae Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.355879; lng = 149.1413062; zoom = 13; assetId = 1799995; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1914442; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park, featuring a large expanse of Yellow Box–Blakely\'s Red Gum Grassy Woodland'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Canberra Centenary Trail</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Canberra Centenary Trail'; lat = -35.305988086136466; lng = 149.12638083547037; zoom = 13; assetId = 1737289; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1896527; blurb = 'Walk or ride the trail to explore the ACT'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Casuarina Sands</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Casuarina Sands'; lat = -35.3203209; lng = 148.9555103; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801950; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1915240; blurb = 'A riverside beach within the Cotter Recreation Area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">City Hill</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'City Hill'; lat = -35.282186; lng = 149.128719; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819588; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895462; blurb = 'A significant urban park in the centre of Canberra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Cooleman Ridge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Cooleman Ridge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3650884; lng = 149.0367476; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800006; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906522; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and popular for horse riding'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Corin House</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Cotter Avenue</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Cotter Avenue'; lat = -35.323739; lng = 148.940953; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801954; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1912665; blurb = 'Family fun on the banks of the historic Cotter River in the Cotter Recreation Area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Cotter Bend</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Cotter Bend'; lat = -35.3265311; lng = 148.9402342; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801958; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1915245; blurb = 'A sandy beach within the Cotter Recreation Area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Cotter Campground</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Cotter Campground'; lat = -35.325537309791144; lng = 148.94811834277627; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801962; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1915248; blurb = 'A scenic, well-serviced campground within the Cotter Recreation Area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Crace Community Recreation Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Crace Community Recreation Park'; lat = -35.201381088248134; lng = 149.10299503070686; zoom = 15; assetId = 1770630; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895463; blurb = 'An urban park with sports facilities for the entire family'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Crace Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Dunlop Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Dunlop Grasslands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.18465; lng = 149.030897; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800027; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906647; blurb = 'Dominated by endangered native grasses and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Eddison District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Eddison District Park'; lat = -35.340098; lng = 149.091315; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819592; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895464; blurb = 'A recreational urban park in Woden'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Fadden Pines District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Fadden Pines District Park'; lat = -35.41045; lng = 149.11965; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819598; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895465; blurb = 'A green urban park offering plenty of space'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Farrer Ridge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Farrer Ridge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.387047; lng = 149.1056108; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800039; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906673; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and part of a large expanse of remnant woodland in southern Canberra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Forde Heritage Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Forde Heritage Park'; lat = -35.17243; lng = 149.14149; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819602; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1901682; blurb = 'A shady playground rich in 19th century history'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Franklin Community Recreation Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Franklin Community Recreation Park'; lat = -35.19772; lng = 149.14382; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819606; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895469; blurb = 'An urban park with everything from playgrounds to rock climbing'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Gibraltar Falls</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Gibraltar Falls'; lat = -35.4876226646991; lng = 148.934130477783; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819408; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892820; blurb = 'A 50-metre waterfall near Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Glebe Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Glebe Park'; lat = -35.282326; lng = 149.135883; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819610; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895471; blurb = 'A scenic urban park in Canberra’s city centre'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Googong Foreshores</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Googong Foreshores'; lat = -35.4167142499213; lng = 149.244201324103; zoom = 13; assetId = 1737293; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907177; blurb = 'An important wildlife refuge and water catchment, ensuring clean water for the ACT and Queanbeyan'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Googong Foreshores walking tracks</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.1865376868532; lng = 149.165503150688; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800059; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906735; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and protecting a significant area of box–gum woodland'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Gossan Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Gossan Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.242758; lng = 149.080089; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800065; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906740; blurb = 'A geological gem in Belconnen'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Grevillea District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Grevillea District Park'; lat = -35.301315; lng = 149.148311; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819614; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895472; blurb = 'A pleasant urban park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Gungaderra Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Haig District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Haig District Park'; lat = -35.270125; lng = 149.132932; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819618; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892406; blurb = 'A vibrant urban park on the edge of the city'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Henry Rolland Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Henry Rolland Park'; lat = -35.289844; lng = 149.126794; zoom = 13; assetId = 2609540; assetURL = ''; imgId = 2609555; blurb = 'A vibrant urban park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Honeysuckle Campground</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Honeysuckle Campground'; lat = -35.583027; lng = 148.975112; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819402; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892799; blurb = 'An historic campground within Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Isaacs Pines</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Isaacs Pines'; lat = -35.383843; lng = 149.119577; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819455; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892336; blurb = 'A pine plantation near Woden'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3675328; lng = 149.1178094; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800078; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906757; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park in the Woden Valley'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.20307; lng = 149.00218; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800083; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906768; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and a stronghold of the Golden Sun Moth and other grassland-dependent species'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Jerrabomberra West Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Jerrabomberra West Grasslands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3659411; lng = 149.1624388; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819390; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906774; blurb = 'Sweeping plains and threatened ecosystems, part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3173111; lng = 149.1584475; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800135; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906775; blurb = 'A valuable wetland habitat and the gateway to Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">John Knight Memorial Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'John Knight Memorial Park'; lat = -35.236075; lng = 149.075030; zoom = 13; assetId = 1902019; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895474; blurb = 'A recreational park on the foreshore of Lake Ginninderra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Justice Robert Hope Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Justice Robert Hope Park'; lat = -35.2363626; lng = 149.1635177; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800113; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906780; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park in north-eastern Canberra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Kambah District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Kambah District Park'; lat = -35.39194; lng = 149.06316; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819622; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895473; blurb = 'An urban park for the adventurous'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Kambah Pool</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Kambah Pool'; lat = -35.3953975; lng = 149.0102184; zoom = 11; assetId = 1801966; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A popular reserve on the Murrumbidgee River'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Kinlyside Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Kinlyside Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.16626; lng = 149.07062; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800117; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906791; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and currently closed to the public'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Kowen Escarpment Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Kowen Escarpment Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.290877; lng = 149.262418; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800571; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906796; blurb = 'A steep area of native forest near Queanbeyan and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Kowen Forest</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Kowen Forest'; lat = -35.319721; lng = 149.249735; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819469; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892085; blurb = 'Canberra\'s largest commercial pine plantation'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">La Trobe Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'La Trobe Park'; lat = -35.31801; lng = 149.11254; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819626; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895476; blurb = 'A small urban park in Deakin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Lake Ginninderra District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Lake Ginninderra District Park'; lat = -35.227358; lng = 149.063285; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819630; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895474; blurb = 'A recreational park on the foreshore of Lake Ginninderra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Lake Tuggeranong District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Lake Tuggeranong District Park'; lat = -35.41171; lng = 149.07202; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819634; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895475; blurb = 'A recreational park on the foreshore of Lake Tuggeranong'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Lennox Gardens District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Lennox Gardens District Park'; lat = -35.29818; lng = 149.12166; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819638; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895477; blurb = 'A formal urban park near Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Lower Cotter Catchment Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Lower Cotter Catchment Reserve'; lat = -35.298761; lng = 148.904310; zoom = 11; assetId = 2546686; assetURL = ''; imgId = 2610722; blurb = 'A drinking water catchment area under restoration, providing opportunities for low-impact recreation.'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Majura Pines</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Majura Pines'; lat = -35.24069; lng = 149.194955; zoom = 11; assetId = 1817695; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892398; blurb = 'A pine plantation popular for mountain bike riders'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Margaret Timpson Town Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Margaret Timpson Town Park'; lat = -35.23816; lng = 149.068126; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819642; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895478; blurb = 'A small urban park in Belconnen Town Centre'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">McQuoids Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'McQuoids Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3832375; lng = 149.0384632; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800594; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906799; blurb = 'A steep hill in south Canberra and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Melrose Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Melrose Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.43075519956869; lng = 149.13288818153455; zoom = 13; assetId = 1907966; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1914491; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park near the NSW border in Tuggeranong'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Miowera Forest</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Miowera Forest'; lat = -35.461732; lng = 149.024688; zoom = 11; assetId = 1817064; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A pine plantation located near Paddys River'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.329643; lng = 149.267879; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800611; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906801; blurb = 'A large reserve on the Molonglo River and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Molonglo Reach District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Molonglo Reach District Park'; lat = -35.3047412; lng = 149.1672077; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819646; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895479; blurb = 'A peaceful urban park on the edge of Molonglo River'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Molonglo River Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Find a park'; lat = -35.28786894; lng = 149.0325561; zoom = 15; assetId = 1819474; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1891067; blurb = 'Explore nature and experience sweeping views of the Molonglo River corridor'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Moncrieff Community Recreational Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Moncrieff Community Recreation Park'; lat = -35.155772; lng = 149.120887; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819651; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895480; blurb = 'A multi-purpose facility for the whole community'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.280442; lng = 149.152989; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819370; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906802; blurb = 'A centrepiece landmark in Walter Burley and Marion Mahoney Griffin\'s vision for the National Capital and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Clear Campground</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Clear Campground'; lat = -35.865229; lng = 149.010423; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819416; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892853; blurb = 'A remote campground within Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Majura Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Majura Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.2385588; lng = 149.1756379; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800633; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906843; blurb = 'Wonderful views from the highest northside hill and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3483328; lng = 149.1344444; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800644; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906844; blurb = 'A wooded ridgeline dividing the Woden and Jerrabomberra valleys and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Painter Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Painter Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.26276673; lng = 149.0566454; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800651; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906849; blurb = 'The southernmost point of the Ginninderra Creek catchment and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Pleasant Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Pleasant Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.291637; lng = 149.156655; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800656; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1909226; blurb = 'Expansive views, heritage sites and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mount Taylor Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mount Taylor Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.379009881331335; lng = 149.07651779566268; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800662; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906942; blurb = 'Part of Canberra Nature Park and a prominent landmark in southern Canberra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mulanggari Grasslands Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mulanggari Grasslands Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.187711; lng = 149.127868; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800668; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906943; blurb = 'A precious native grassland refuge for endangered plants and animals and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.16665859764263; lng = 149.15799380477736; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800674; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906945; blurb = 'Showcasing the grassy woodlands of the ACT and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Murrays Corner</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Murrays Corner'; lat = -35.363503; lng = 148.952771; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802097; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1915251; blurb = 'A scenic picnic area on a bend of Paddys River'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Nadjung Mada Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Nadjung Mada Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.2173; lng = 149.15241; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800685; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906946; blurb = 'Flat grassland and open woodland in Gungahlin and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Namadgi National Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Namadgi National Park'; lat = -35.53095579527933; lng = 149.06575151350532; zoom = 15; assetId = 1737281; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892778; blurb = 'Natural environments, remote wilderness and cultural heritage sites'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Namarag</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Namarag'; lat = -35.28786894; lng = 149.0325561; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819478; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1891017; blurb = 'Nature under restoration and a new recreation hub for the local community'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">National Arboretum Canberra</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'National Arboretum Canberra'; lat = -35.2869864; lng = 149.0680586; zoom = 14; assetId = 1737302; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1905601; blurb = 'A mosaic of living forests and gardens'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Northern Border Campground</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Northern Border Campground'; lat = -35.13706348754392; lng = 149.14691564991628; zoom = 13; assetId = 1905808; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1896527; blurb = 'An isolated campground on the Canberra Centenary Trail'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">O'Connor Ridge Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'O\'Connor Ridge Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.245138; lng = 149.117659; zoom = 13; assetId = 1800698; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906948; blurb = 'Regenerating woodland between Bruce and O\'Connor and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Oakey Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Oakey Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.340501; lng = 149.06903; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801533; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906947; blurb = 'A part of Canberra Nature Park in the Woden Valley'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Orroral Campground</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Orroral Campground'; lat = -35.662817; lng = 148.989049; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819421; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A bushland campground within Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Percival Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Percival Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.194107; lng = 149.097121; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801537; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906949; blurb = 'A wooded hill rising above Ginninderra Creek in Gungahlin and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Pierces Creek Forest</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Pierces Creek Forest'; lat = -35.345208; lng = 148.92932; zoom = 11; assetId = 1817047; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1905320; blurb = 'A pine plantation located near the Cotter precinct'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Pine Island</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Pine Island'; lat = -35.427516; lng = 149.063958; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802108; assetURL = ''; imgId = 2006833; blurb = 'A popular recreation area in the Pine Island-Tharwa Bridge Reserve'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Point Hut Crossing</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Point Hut Crossing'; lat = -35.452601; lng = 149.075279; zoom = 17; assetId = 1802113; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1912923; blurb = 'A picnic area in the Pine Island-Tharwa Bridge Reserve'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Point Hut Pond District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Point Hut Pond District Park'; lat = -35.456506; lng = 149.084065; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819655; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895481; blurb = 'A scenic park with views of the Brindabellas'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Ready-Cut Cottage</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Ready-Cut Cottage'; lat = -35.74354856; lng = 148.987813; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819412; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892847; blurb = 'An historic cottage within Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Red Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Red Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3329591; lng = 149.1131676; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801542; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906951; blurb = 'Panoramic views of the capital and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Rob Roy Range Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Rob Roy Range Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.4764678; lng = 149.1114278; zoom = 12; assetId = 1801550; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906952; blurb = 'A large reserve south of the capital and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Stromlo Pines</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Stromlo Pines'; lat = -35.32329; lng = 149.054133; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819444; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1891738; blurb = 'A pine plantation near Weston Creek'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Swamp Creek</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Swamp Creek'; lat = -35.243269; lng = 148.951027; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802124; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A scenic picnic area in the Uriarra Crossing Recreation Area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Telopea District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Telopea District Park'; lat = -35.313228; lng = 149.13803; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819659; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895482; blurb = 'An established urban park near Kingston'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Tharwa Bridge</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Tharwa Bridge'; lat = -35.508716; lng = 149.069959; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802128; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1913172; blurb = 'A riverside picnic area in the Pine Island-Tharwa Bridge Reserve'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Tharwa Sandwash</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Tharwa Sandwash'; lat = -35.529144; lng = 149.077109; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802139; assetURL = ''; imgId = 2007339; blurb = 'A scenic picnic area in Gigerline Nature Reserve'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">The Pinnacle Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'The Pinnacle Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.25678327; lng = 149.0461416; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801555; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906953; blurb = 'Protected woodland in Belconnen and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.44010623; lng = 148.9431686; zoom = 13; assetId = 1737297; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1891328; blurb = 'Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve - immerse yourself in the best nature has to offer'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Tuggeranong Hill Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Tuggeranong Hill Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.4528728; lng = 149.1070743; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801560; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906954; blurb = 'Wonderful views over the Tuggeranong Valley and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Tuggeranong Pines</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Tuggeranong Pines'; lat = -35.430957; lng = 149.132994; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819465; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A pine plantation in Canberra’s south'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Urambi Hills Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Urambi Hills Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.4038583; lng = 149.0553942; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801564; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906955; blurb = 'Regenerating grassy woodland in the Tuggeranong Valley'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Uriarra Crossing</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Uriarra Crossing'; lat = -35.243901; lng = 148.952351; zoom = 11; assetId = 1802144; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1913366; blurb = 'A reserve with wonderful picnic sites on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Uriarra Forest</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Uriarra Forest'; lat = -35.3003992; lng = 148.8978633; zoom = 11; assetId = 1817673; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1907964; blurb = 'A large pine plantation in the Uriarra area'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Wanniassa Hills Nature Reserve'; lat = -35.3918237; lng = 149.1276049; zoom = 13; assetId = 1801568; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1906956; blurb = 'Ridgelines with views of Woden and Tuggeranong and part of Canberra Nature Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Weston Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Weston Park'; lat = -35.292184; lng = 149.090033; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819663; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895483; blurb = 'A large recreational urban park in central Canberra'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Woden Town Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Woden Town Park'; lat = -35.344277; lng = 149.088481; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819667; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895484; blurb = 'An urban park in Woden adjacent to Arabanoo Park.'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Woods Reserve</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Woods Reserve'; lat = -35.480668; lng = 148.939444; zoom = 11; assetId = 1819425; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1892792; blurb = 'A popular camping spot near Namadgi National Park'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Yarralumla Bay District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Yarralumla Bay District Park'; lat = -35.29896; lng = 149.10528; zoom = 13; assetId = 1819687; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895485; blurb = 'A scenic park on the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script><li class="find-a-park-search__result-item"><a href="">Yerrabi District Park</a></li> <!--Google Maps - Return variables based on keywords that are required for creting markers etc. on the maps--> <script> parkName = null; lat = null; lng = null; zoom = 0; assetId = null; assetURL = null; imgId = null; blurb = null; // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields //Assign metadata fields to variables parkName = 'Yerrabi District Park'; lat = -35.179434401257005; lng = 149.13093056023928; zoom = 15; assetId = 1770700; assetURL = ''; imgId = 1895486; blurb = 'A scenic park on the foreshore of Yerrabi Pond'; //Add variable values to the array markerArrays.push([parkName, lat, lng, assetId, imgId, assetURL, blurb, zoom]); // For assets only using the 'Park details - Metadata schema'(1735941) and not the 'Park specific page template'(1736909) // Check the asset has the relevant metadata fields </script></ul> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article><script> //Global variables // console.log(markerArrays); let map; let parkMarkers = []; let parks = []; function initMap() { /*******************************************Initialisations*************************************************/ //Set page element vars const googleMap = document.getElementById('google-map--find-a-park'); // const toiletFlag = document.getElementById('toilet-flag'); // const bbqFlag = document.getElementById('bbq-flag'); // const playgroundFlag = document.getElementById('playground-flag'); //Set Geojson data file vars // const toiletsJSON = ""; // const bbqsJSON = ""; // const playgroundsJSON = ""; // New // const toiletsJSON = ""; // const bbqsJSON = ""; // const playgroundsJSON = ""; // //Set icon vars // const toiletIcon = {url: "",}; // const bbqIcon = {url: "",}; // const playgroundIcon = {url: "",}; const parkClusterIcons = ['1741842','1741843', '1741844', '1741845','1741846']; // const toiletClusterIcons = ['1758965','1892150', '1892157', '1892158','1892258']; // const bbqClusterIcons = ['1892262','1892263', '1892264', '1892265','1892266']; // const playgroundClusterIcons = ['1892271','1892272', '1892273', '1892274','1892275']; //Set function vars const getJSON = getJSONFunction; const createMarkers = createMarkersFunction; const clusterer = clustererFunction; //Initialise arrays that store markers, boundaries and clusters for toggling visibility on map // let toilets = []; // let bbqs = []; // let playgrounds = []; // Load map map = new google.maps.Map(googleMap, { zoom: 10, center: { lat: -35.476328, lng: 149.016022 } }); /********************************************Create markers, boundaries and clusters********************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************************/ // document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ //Create main markers for each park createParkMarkers(markerArrays); //Create info window for each park marker const infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ }); //Create parks clusters clusterer([parkMarkers, parkClusterIcons, 'Park markers']) .then(function (res) { parks = { markers: res[0], cluster: res[1], } }); //Create toilet markers and clusters // getJSON(toiletsJSON, toiletIcon, toiletClusterIcons, 'marker', 'Toilets') // .then(createMarkers) // .then(clusterer) // .then(function (res) { // toilets = { // markers: res[0], // cluster: res[1], // } // }); //Create bbq markers and clusters // getJSON(bbqsJSON, bbqIcon, bbqClusterIcons, 'marker', 'BBQs') // .then(createMarkers) // .then(clusterer) // .then(function (res) { // bbqs = { // markers: res[0], // cluster: res[1], // } // }); //Create playgound markers and clusters // getJSON(playgroundsJSON, playgroundIcon, playgroundClusterIcons, 'polygon', 'Playgrounds') // .then(createMarkers) // .then(clusterer) // .then(function (res) { // playgrounds = { // markers: res[0], // cluster: res[1], // } // }); // }); /***************************************************Functions************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************************************/ //Create main park markers function createParkMarkers(markerArrays){ // console.log("createParkMarkers running"); markerArrays.forEach(function(markerArray){ const parkMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: markerArray[1], lng: markerArray[2] }, map: map, title: markerArray[0], animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP }); //Add click event to marker that pops up info window parkMarker.addListener('click', function () {, parkMarker); infoWindow.setContent(setInfoWindowContent(markerArray)) }); //push the marker onto the markers array so it can be clustered parkMarkers.push(parkMarker); }) } //Set content for park marker info windows function setInfoWindowContent(markerArray) { const imgParams = 'src="./?a=' + markerArray[4] + '"'; let infoWindowContent = '<div class="parks-info-window">'; infoWindowContent += '<a href="' + markerArray[5] + '">' + '<h4>' + markerArray[0] + '</h4></a>'; if (markerArray[4]) { infoWindowContent += '<img ' + imgParams + ' alt="">'; } if (markerArray[6]) { infoWindowContent += '<p>' + markerArray[6]; } infoWindowContent += '<br><a class="parks-info-window__directions" href="' + markerArray[1] + ',' + markerArray[2] + '/@' + markerArray[1] + ',' + markerArray[2] + ',' + markerArray[7] + 'z" target="_blank">Get directions here</a>'; infoWindowContent += '</p>' infoWindowContent += '</div>'; return infoWindowContent; } //Get JSON files from external sources/URLs function getJSONFunction(url, iconURL, clusterIcons, type, name) { // console.log("getJSON running for " + name); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.onload = function () { var status = xhr.status; if (status === 200) { resolve([status, xhr.response, iconURL, clusterIcons, type, name]); //console.log(status, xhr.response); } else { reject([status, xhr.response]); } }; xhr.send(); }); } //Create markers from JSON files function createMarkersFunction(res) { // console.log("createMarkers running for " + res[5]); const err = res[0]; const data = res[1]; const iconURL = res[2]; const clusterIcons = res[3]; const type = res[4]; const markerArray = []; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (err !== 200) { alert('Something went wrong: ' + err); } else { for (let i = 0; i < data['features'].length; i++) { let lng; let lat; if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 1){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][1]; } else if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 2){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][1]; } else if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 3){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][1]; } else if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 4){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][1]; } else if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 5){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][0][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][0][1]; } else if(getArrayDepth(data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']) === 6){ lng = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][0][0][0]; lat = data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates'][0][0][0][0][0][1]; } const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng), icon: iconURL, //icon: image, map, visible: false, }); markerArray.push(marker); } } resolve([markerArray, clusterIcons, res[5]]); }); } //Create marker clusters function clustererFunction(res) { const markerArray = res[0]; const clusterIcons = res[1]; let textColour; if(res[2] === 'Park markers'){ textColour='black'; } else{ textColour='white'; } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var clusterStyle = [ { anchor:[0,0], anchorText: [20, 1], textColor: textColour, url: ',/?a=' + clusterIcons[0], height: 53, width: 52 }, { anchor:[0,0], anchorText: [22, 1], textColor: textColour, url: ',/?a=' + clusterIcons[1], height: 56, width: 55 }, { anchor:[0,0], anchorText: [28, 0], textColor: textColour, url: ',/?a=' + clusterIcons[2], height: 66, width: 65 }, { anchor:[0,0], anchorText: [40, 0], textColor: textColour, url: ',/?a=' + clusterIcons[3], height: 78, width: 77 }, { anchor:[0,0], anchorText: [49, 80], textColor: textColour, url: ',/?a=' + clusterIcons[4], height: 90, width: 89 } ]; const clusterOptions = { ignoreHidden: true, styles: clusterStyle, }; const cluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markerArray,clusterOptions); resolve([markerArray, cluster]); }); } function getArrayDepth(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? 1 + Math.max( : 0; } /******************************************************Map events*********************************************/ /*************************************************************************************************************/ //Info window close event 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elders, male and female, as well as Ngunnawal country itself. <br> They always keep the pathways of their ancestors alive. <br> They walk together as one. </strong> </p> <p> We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as Canberra’s first inhabitants and Traditional Custodians. We recognise the special relationship and connection that Ngunnawal people have with this Country. </p> <p> Prior to the displacement of Ngunnawal people from their land, they were a thriving people whose life and culture was connected unequivocally to this land in a way that only they understand and know and is core to their physical and spiritual being. The segregation of the Ngunnawal people from Culture and Country has had long-lasting, profound, and ongoing health and well-being effects on their life, cultural practices, families, and continuation of their law/lore. </p> <p> We acknowledge the historic interruption of the Ngunnawal people of Canberra and their surrounding regions. We recognise the significant contribution the Ngunnawal people have played in caring for Country. For time immemorial they have maintained a tangible and intangible cultural, social, environmental, spiritual, and economic connection to these lands and waters. </p> </section> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End left Nav --> <!--noindex--> <div class="parks-footer row"> <!-- Acknowledgement Footer --> <footer class="parks-section uikit-footer uikit-footer-acknowledgement"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="parks-footer-acknowledgement"> <z class="act act-indigenous act-3x"></z> <div class="parks-footer-acknowledgement__content"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank">Acknowledgement of Country</a></h2> <p>We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.</p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- End Acknowledgement Footer --> <!-- Social Footer --> <footer class=" uikit-footer uikit-footer--light"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="row"> <div class="parks-footer__global col-md-9 no-padding"> <ul class="uikit-link-list uikit-link-list--inline"> <!--<li class="">--> <!-- <a href="" title="Link to About Us" class="">About us</a>--> <!--</li>--> <li class=""> <a href="" title="Link to Feedback" class="">Feedback</a> </li> <!--<li class="">--> <!-- <a href="" title="Link to Contact Us" class="">Contact us</a>--> <!--</li>--> <li class=""> <a href="" title="Link to Jobs" class="">Jobs</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="" title="Link to Emergency Services" class="">Emergency Services</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Link to Accessibility" class="">Accessibility</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Link to Privacy" class="">Privacy</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Link to Disclaimer" class="">Disclaimer</a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Link to Copyright" class="">Copyright</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="parks-footer__social col-md-3 no-padding align-right"> <div class="spf-social-media-icon-bar"> <a href="" title="Link to Contact us page - Social media"> <img src="" alt="Social media icons - Facebook, Twitter, Instragram"> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- Global Footer --> <footer class="uikit-grid uikit-footer spf-footer-global"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 no-padding"></div> <div class="col-md-7 text-right uikit-footer-logo"> <ul class="uikit-link-list uikit-link-list--inline"> <li> <a href="" title="Canberra" class="uikit-footer__logo-image"> <img src="" alt="CBR logo" class="uikit-footer__logo-image" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Your Say" class="uikit-footer__logo-image"> <img src="" alt="Your Say logo" class="uikit-footer__logo-image" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="Access Canberra" class="uikit-footer__logo-image"> <img src="" alt="Access Canberra logo" class="uikit-footer__logo-image" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" title="ACT Government" class="uikit-footer__logo-image"> <img src="" alt="ACT Government logo" class="uikit-footer__logo-image" /> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- ************* --> </div> <!--endnoindex--> <script src="//"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')</script> <script src="//"></script> <script>window.jQuery.ui || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')</script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!--<script src=""></script>--> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!--global-equal-height-js--> <script src=""></script> <!--load vimeo API--> <script src=""></script> <!--global-vimeo-lightbox-js--> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'G-GB4R70KZ71', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { var filetypes = /\.(zip|exe|dmg|pdf|doc.*|xls.*|ppt.*|mp3|txt|rar|wma|mov|avi|wmv|flv|wav|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i; var baseHref = ''; if (jQuery('base').attr('href') != undefined) baseHref = jQuery('base').attr('href'); var hrefRedirect = ''; jQuery('body').on('click', 'a', function(event) { var el = jQuery(this); var track = true; var href = (typeof(el.attr('href')) != 'undefined' ) ? 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