Become a Friend of the SEP and Access PDFs (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

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By paying modest, annual membership dues to join the <em>Society</em>, members will receive the following benefits: (a) download access to high quality PDF (Portable Document Format, a.k.a. Acrobat) versions of SEP entries and (b) quarterly email notifications (if you &lsquo;opt-in&rsquo;) that inform you when PDFs you've downloaded have been updated in the most recent quarterly SEP Archive.</p> <blockquote> <a href="" target="other"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><strong>Go to the <em>Friends of the SEP Society</em> Home Page</strong></span></a> <br /> The home page for the Society is located at <a href="" target="other"></a>. </blockquote> <h2>Sample PDFs</h2> <blockquote> <table> <tr> <th>Paper Size: US Letter<br/>(8&frac12; &times; 11 in)</th> <th>&nbsp;</th> <th>Paper Size: A4<br/>(210 &times; 297 mm)</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><a href="" target="other"><img style="border:1px solid black;" src="turing-machine-sample-scaled.png" alt="sample entry in US Letter format" /></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><a href="" target="other"><img style="border:1px solid black;" src="turing-machine-sample_a4-scaled.png" width="319" alt="sample entry in A4 format" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="other"><b>Sample PDF<br/>Entry on Turing Machines</b></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="other"><b>Sample PDF<br/>Entry on Turing Machines</b></a></td> </tr> </table> </blockquote> <p> We also release our PDFs in <strong>single-column half-sheets</strong> (5&frac12; &times; 8&frac12; in)&mdash;see the <strong><a href="" target="other">Sample PDF</a></strong>. You might find this format especially useful for mobile devices.</p> <h2>Membership Levels</h2> <p>You can <a href="" target="other"><b>join the Friends of the SEP Society</b></a>, using our secure online payment system, at one of the following levels: </p> <ul> <li><b>Associate Member</b>: Associate members may download any of the PDF versions in the PDF Library but are limited to downloading a maximum of 5 different entries per day.</li> <li><b>Student Member</b>: Student members have the same privileges as Associate Members, but annual membership dues are priced lower.</li> <li><b>Professional Member</b>: Professional members may download any of the PDF versions in the PDF Library, with <em>no</em> daily limits on the number of different entries that can be downloaded each day. </li> </ul> <p>For pricing information, see the section on Membership Levels at the page <a href="" target="other"><b>About the Society</b></a>. </p> </div> <!-- End content --><!--DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE AND BELOW--> <div id="footer" class="scroll-block"> <div id="footer-menu"> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-book"></i> Browse</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../contents.html">Table of Contents</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../new.html">What's New</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="">Random Entry</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../published.html">Chronological</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../archives/">Archives</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> About</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../info.html">Editorial Information</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../about.html">About the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../board.html">Editorial Board</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../cite.html">How to Cite the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../special-characters.html">Special Characters</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../tools/">Advanced Tools</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../accessibility.html">Accessibility</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../contact.html">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="menu-block"> <h4><i class="icon-leaf"></i> Support SEP</h4> <ul role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../support/">Support the SEP</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../support/friends.html">PDFs for SEP Friends</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../support/donate.html">Make a Donation</a></li> <li role="menuitem"><a href="../support/sepia.html">SEPIA for Libraries</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End footer menu --> <div id="mirrors"> <div id="mirror-info"> <h4><i class="icon-globe"></i> Mirror Sites</h4> <p>View this site from another server:</p> </div> <div class="btn-group open"> <a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href=""> <span class="flag flag-usa"></span> USA (Main Site) <span class="caret"></span> <span class="mirror-source">Philosophy, Stanford University</span> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="../mirrors.html">Info about mirror sites</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End mirrors --> <div id="site-credits"> <p>The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is <a href="../info.html#c">copyright &copy; 2025</a> by <a href="">The Metaphysics Research Lab</a>, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University</p> <p>Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054</p> </div> <!-- End site credits --> </div> <!-- End footer --> </div> <!-- End container --> <!-- NOTE: Script required for drop-down button to work (mirrors). --> <script> $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown(); </script> </body> </html>

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