Hyperconnected Business and IoT : Fujitsu Global

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Please turn it on to view this content.</noscript> <div id="container"> <main id="main"> <div class="main-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-a lf-or-yl"> <div class="lf-hero-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-contents-inner"> <!-Subtext (optional)-> <h1 class="lf-hero-hdg">IOT</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lf-hero-visual"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/iot-banner-800x450_tcm100-6610175_tcm100-6286607-32.jpg" alt=""></div> </div> <div class="nav-structure-a js-toggle"> <button class="menu-btn toggle-hook" type="button" data-open-text="Open" data-close-text="Close">Sub Navigation</button> <ul class="toggle-content"> <li><a href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/index.html">Hyperconnected Business and IoT </a></li> <li><a href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/digital-solutions/index.html">Digital Business Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/global/services/infrastructure/network/managed-network/index.html">Fujitsu Managed Networks Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/industry-solutions/index.html">Industry Solutions</a></li> <li><a href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/white-paper/index.html">IoT White Paper</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="section" id="para1"><div class="section-inner"><h1>Digital solutions for a hyperconnected business</h1><div class="col_70"><p>Today, we live in a hyperconnected world where IoT connects people, information, and things in a way that’s fundamentally changing both business and society. The internet of things has become a disruptive force across all industry sectors and is a key driver of digital transformation and a core enabler for the hyperconnected business.</p><p>At Fujitsu, we’re at the forefront of hyperconnected business transformation. We work in partnership with our customers to co-create digital solutions that enable them to become hyperconnected. Combining the power of IoT with digital technologies, AI, and network solutions, we are able to deliver a clear 360-degree view of how your business is running and performing at all times.</p><p>By connecting objects across your entire enterprise, we enable you to collect powerful real-time data, reduce risk, automate operations, improve safety, anticipate service issues, build better products, pre-empt customer needs, and transform the user experience.</p><p>Read our Fujitsu research paper - <a title="IoT White Paper" href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/white-paper/index.html">Things Are Moving Fast: The State of IoT Today</a>, to find out more about the benefits of becoming a hyperconnected business.</p></div><div class="col_30" style="text-align: center;"><a title="IoT White Paper" href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/white-paper/index.html"><img alt="Read our Fujitsu research paper - Things Are Moving Fast: The State of IoT Today, to find out more about the benefits of becoming a hyperconnected business" class="pdf-download" src="/global/imagesgig5/download-pdf_tcm100-4104262_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a></div></div></div> <div class="section" id="video-custom" style="background: #a70125 url(/global/imagesgig5/video-bg_tcm100-4104294_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg) no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;"> <div class="section-inner"> <div class="col_50"> <h2>Become a hyperconnected business</h2> <p>Hyperconnectivity is enabling people, information and things to come together in unique ways that are fundamentally changing business and society. Transforming to a hyperconnected business will allow you to see more, predict rather than react, act fast, unlock new ways to create value, and optimise everything. With our proven consultative approach, embrace the IoT, AI, network and digital technology solutions to drive small targeted initiatives or full scale digital transformation.</p> </div> <div class="col_50" style="color: #fff;"> <div class="video-container"> <iframe width="475" height="250" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"><div class="section-inner"><h2>Become a hyperconnected business with Fujitsu</h2><p>As a hyperconnected business, you can gain a significant competitive advantage. Using information from a wide range of sources, including; people, sensors, assets, and equipment you can gain a unique perspective on your organization.</p><p><strong>There are a number of key enablers that underpin all hyperconnected businesses:</strong></p><ul class="list-a"><li><strong>Networks</strong> – The provision of great connectivity using the latest technology and the ability too rapidly execute change to keep pace with changing business demands. Advanced network analytics to provide a real-time view of your network performance.</li><li><strong>Intelligent communications</strong> – Engage internally within your organisation and externally with your customers over multiple channels using Voice, Video, IM, and with sharing data from any device. The ability to support API integration to key business systems.</li><li><strong>IoT</strong> – The ability to co-create innovative solutions that can leverage the benefits of the IT/OT integration and a network that is fit for IoT services.</li><li><strong>Analytics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence</strong> – The ability to understand the value of data and how to use that data to gain insight and improve decision making.</li><li><strong>Process Automation</strong> – The ability to automate processes and facilitate system integration via APIs.</li><li><strong>Multi-Cloud</strong> – The ability to blend traditional IT with new IT and deploy Multi-cloud, Cloud Native, and Edge Computing based solutions to meet specific business needs.</li><li><strong>Transparency</strong> – The ability to understand every aspect of how a business is running and performing.</li></ul><div class="row hexicons" style="padding-bottom: 60px;"><div class="col_5"><img alt="SEE MORE" src="/global/imagesgig5/infographic-1_tcm100-4104283_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></div><div class="col_5"><img alt="PREDICT DON’T REACT" src="/global/imagesgig5/infographic-2_tcm100-4104278_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></div><div class="col_5"><img alt="POWER INNOVATION" src="/global/imagesgig5/infographic-3_tcm100-4104282_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></div><div class="col_5"><img alt="ACT FAST" src="/global/imagesgig5/infographic-4_tcm100-4104285_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></div><div class="col_5"><img alt="OPTIMIZE EVERYTHING" src="/global/imagesgig5/infographic-5_tcm100-4104286_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></div></div><p>While there are many benefits to becoming a hyperconnected business, such as leveraging data and analytics to anticipate and predict problems, spot new opportunities, improve decision making, optimize processes and unlock value for your customers - there are challenges to overcome too. The first being network connectivity.</p><p><a title="IoT White Paper" href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/white-paper/index.html">Read our whitepaper</a> to learn more about the obstacles that you may face on the road to becoming a hyperconnected business.</p></div></div> <div class="section" id="solution-links" style="background: #f1f1ef;"><div class="section-inner"><h2 style="text-align: center;margin-bottom: 40px;">Latest Thinking</h2><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="No longer a child" src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-1_tcm100-4104287_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a href="">No longer a child</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Mark Whalley, Fujitsu’s Head of Hyperconnnected Solutions, discusses the latest Fujitsu research paper - Things Are Moving Fast: The State of IoT Today.</p></div></div><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Coming into vision - what happens when IoT gets real?" src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-2_tcm100-4104288_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a href="">Coming into vision - what happens when IoT gets real?</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Simon Rees discusses why managed services and security underpin IoT in a hyperconnected world.</p></div></div><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Intelligent Communications – Transforming your Enterprise. " src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-3_tcm100-4104289_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a title="Unified Communications" href="/global/services/infrastructure/network/unified-communication/index.html">Intelligent Communications – Transforming your Enterprise.</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Discover how Fujitsu can empower you to change how your employees work and communicate.</p></div></div><div class="row"><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Fujitsu announces the successful completion of its ‘Digital Owl’ project trial. " src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-4_tcm100-4104290_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a href="//">Fujitsu announces the successful completion of its ‘Digital Owl’ project trial.</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Using advanced Fujitsu video analytics, high performance computing and drone technology has helped identifying threatened plant species in New South Wales. <a href=";">Watch video</a></p></div></div><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="The robots are coming – 2018 AI predictions" src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-5_tcm100-4104291_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a href="">The robots are coming – 2018 AI predictions</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Find out why 2018 will be the year that artificial intelligence becomes indistinguishable from the real thing.</p></div></div><div class="col_3"><div class="service-img"><img alt="The ongoing march of the Internet of Things in 2018" src="/global/imagesgig5/latest-thinking-img-6_tcm100-4104292_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a href="">The ongoing march of the Internet of Things in 2018</a></h3><div class="service-txt"><p>Dr Joseph Reger, Fujitsu Fellow and CTO in EMEIA describes what we can expect of IoT in 2018, and why we’re going to have to address some emerging challenges.</p></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="section" id="section-links"><div class="section-inner"><h2>Why partner with Fujitsu?</h2><p>At Fujitsu, we work in partnership with you to co-create a solution to achieve your specific business objectives.</p><ul class="list-a"><li>Ours is a proven consultative approach to hyperconnected business transformation that embraces the latest digital technology, IoT, AI, and network solutions to drive small targeted initiatives or full-scale digital transformation.</li><li>We have experience working with customers from across all sectors co-creating solutions that empower them to act fast, unlock new ways to create value, and optimize everything.</li></ul><p>Our portfolio of digital solutions for hyperconnected business connect your people, information, and things to fundamentally change how your business operates.</p><div class="row"><div class="col_4 txtcenter"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Digital Business Solutions" src="/global/imagesgig5/img-Digital-Business-Solutions_tcm100-4104280_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a title="Digital Solution" href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/digital-solutions/index.html">Digital Business Solutions</a></h3></div><div class="col_4 txtcenter"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Managed Network Services" src="/global/imagesgig5/img-Managed-Network-Services_tcm100-4104284_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a title="Managed Networks" href="/global/services/infrastructure/network/managed-network/index.html">Managed Network Services</a></h3></div><div class="col_4 txtcenter"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Intelligent Communications" src="/global/imagesgig5/img-Intelligent-Communications_tcm100-4104281_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a title="Unified Communications" href="/global/services/infrastructure/network/unified-communication/index.html">Intelligent Communications</a></h3></div><div class="col_4 txtcenter"><div class="service-img"><img alt="Hyperconnected Business Solutions" src="/global/imagesgig5/img-Business-Solutions_tcm100-4104279_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><h3><a title="Hyperconnected Business" href="/global/themes/internet-of-things/industry-solutions/index.html">Hyperconnected Industry solutions</a></h3></div></div></div></div> <div class="section tile-plain-1 section-promotion-outside"> <div class="section-inside"> <h2>How have our digital solutions for the hyperconnected business helped our customers to overcome their challenges?</h2> <a href="//" > <div class="section-promotion"> <div class="section-promotion-image"> <p> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-BUWOG_tcm100-4104258_tcm100-2750222-32.jpg" alt="" width="496" height="310"> </p> </div> <div class="section-promotion-content"> <h3 class="section-promotion-headline">BUWOG Group, Germany &amp; Austria</h3> <p>For the BUWOG Group, we implemented a managed service solution that has enabled the company to outsource all of its IT operations. Our solution, delivered from a central location, was implemented at speed to ensure 700 employees working across two countries could continue to work without interruption. Services can now be scaled up or down on demand on a monthly basis.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Read More</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="section tile-plain-1"> <div class="section-inside"> <div class="carousel-box"> <p class="nev-prev-btn"><button><img src=/common/img/arrow_left.gif alt="back" width="32" height="64"></button></p> <div class="carousel-box-inside"> <ul> <li> <a href="//" > <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-Airbus_tcm100-4104319_tcm100-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">For Airbus, we deployed a RFID solution across its entire operation to enable a wide range of information - from maintenance history and part numbers to be electronically and digitally attached to individual aircraft components. Our solution has improved the efficiency of on-site work, provided real-time automated visibility, and increased the time an aircraft can spend in the air.</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="//" > <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-Beam-Suntory_tcm100-4104257_tcm100-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">For Beam Suntory, the world’s third largest premium spirits company, we implemented a solution using our GlobeRanger iMotion IoT Edgeware Platform to track production of thousands of barrels of Bourbon. Beam Suntory now has complete visibility of their entire production process reducing potential errors and wastage.</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="//" > <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-NIPPO_tcm100-4104259_tcm100-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">For NIPPO Corporation, Japan’s largest road construction company, we implemented an IoT solution to increase safety standards and prevent emergencies. With our Ubiquitousware solutions we have introduced Beacon and GPS technology to monitor worker safety indoors and outdoors.</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="//" > <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-Slingeland_tcm100-4104321_tcm100-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">For Slingeland Hospital, we implemented a Smart Sensing solution to monitor patients’ vital signs 24/7. Our solution supports medical staff with real-time data as to a patient’s status to enable more informed medical decisions and a higher quality of care. Nurses can now remotely monitor a patient’s condition cutting down bedside visits and allowing treatment to be tailored to a patient’s needs.</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="//" > <img src="/global/imagesgig5/customer-Akademiska_tcm100-4104320_tcm100-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">For Akademiska Hus, one of Sweden’s largest property companies, we built and deployed a plug-and-play PRIMEFLEX for VMware Cloud Foundation solution to digitalize and transform their IT estate. Our solution, which supports 450 users in 16 locations, has doubled efficiency and performance while reducing energy consumption.</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="nev-next-btn"><button><img src=/common/img/arrow_right.gif alt="next" width="32" height="64"></button></p> </div> <div class="moreinfo textcenter"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="cta-contact"><div class="section-inner"><div class="icon"><a href="//"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-contact_tcm100-3867968_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></div><h2>Don't be left behind - contact Fujitsu to find out how to become a hyperconnected business fit for the 21st century.</h2></div></div> <div class="section" style="display:none;"><p><img src="/global/imagesgig5/video-bg_tcm100-4104294_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/bg-img-Digital-Business-Solutions_tcm100-4104370_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/bg-img-Hyperconnected-Business_tcm100-4104371_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/bg-img-Intelligent-Communications_tcm100-4104372_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/bg-img-Managed-Network-Services_tcm100-4104373_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/video-bg_tcm100-4104399_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/video-bg_tcm100-4286181_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /><img src="/global/imagesgig5/video-bg_tcm100-4104294_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></p><p><a href="/global/imagesgig5/hcb-custom-v1_tcm100-7023180_tcm100-2750236-32.css">hcb-custom-v1</a></p></div> </div> </main> <div class="page-top"> <a href="#top"><img src="//" alt="Top of Page" width="56" height="56"></a> </div> </div> <footer> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer-group-nav"> <div id="footer-group-nav-inner"> <div id="footer-nav-b"> <ul class="utility"> <li><a href="/global/about/resources/terms/">Terms of use</a></li> <li><a href="/global/about/resources/privacy/">Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="//">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="/global/htmlsitemap.html">Sitemap</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-group-utility"> <dl class="social-content"> <dt>Official Social Media Accounts</dt> <dd> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-facebook-32_tcm100-3002773_tcm100-3526238-32.png" alt="Facebook"> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon_Instagram_tcm100-3738066_tcm100-3526238-32.png" alt="Instagram"> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/x-wt_tcm100-3002785_tcm100-3526238-32.png" alt="X"> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-youtube_tcm100-3002822_tcm100-3526238-32.png" alt="YouTube"> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-linkedin_tcm100-3002784_tcm100-3526238-32.png" alt="LinkedIn"> </a> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="footer-group-bylaw"> <ul class="legal-info"> </ul> <p class="copyright"><small><a href="/global/about/resources/terms/">Copyright 1995 - 2025 Fujitsu</a></small></p> </div> </div> </footer> <script src=/incv5/lib/jquery.js type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=/incv5/gig5-common.js type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

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