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var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var require_dataloader = __commonJS({ "../clickncode/node_modules/.pnpm/dataloader@2.2.2/node_modules/dataloader/index.js"(exports, module) { "use strict"; var DataLoader2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function DataLoader3(batchLoadFn, options) { if (typeof batchLoadFn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts " + ("Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but got: " + batchLoadFn + ".")); } this._batchLoadFn = batchLoadFn; this._maxBatchSize = getValidMaxBatchSize(options); this._batchScheduleFn = getValidBatchScheduleFn(options); this._cacheKeyFn = getValidCacheKeyFn(options); this._cacheMap = getValidCacheMap(options); this._batch = null; = getValidName(options); } var _proto = DataLoader3.prototype; _proto.load = function load(key) { if (key === null || key === void 0) { throw new TypeError("The loader.load() function must be called with a value, " + ("but got: " + String(key) + ".")); } var batch = getCurrentBatch(this); var cacheMap = this._cacheMap; var cacheKey = this._cacheKeyFn(key); if (cacheMap) { var cachedPromise = cacheMap.get(cacheKey); if (cachedPromise) { var cacheHits = batch.cacheHits || (batch.cacheHits = []); return new Promise(function(resolve) { cacheHits.push(function() { resolve(cachedPromise); }); }); } } batch.keys.push(key); var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject2) { batch.callbacks.push({ resolve, reject: reject2 }); }); if (cacheMap) { cacheMap.set(cacheKey, promise); } return promise; }; _proto.loadMany = function loadMany(keys) { if (!isArrayLike(keys)) { throw new TypeError("The loader.loadMany() function must be called with Array<key> " + ("but got: " + keys + ".")); } var loadPromises = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { loadPromises.push(this.load(keys[i])["catch"](function(error) { return error; })); } return Promise.all(loadPromises); }; _proto.clear = function clear(key) { var cacheMap = this._cacheMap; if (cacheMap) { var cacheKey = this._cacheKeyFn(key); cacheMap["delete"](cacheKey); } return this; }; _proto.clearAll = function clearAll() { var cacheMap = this._cacheMap; if (cacheMap) { cacheMap.clear(); } return this; }; = function prime(key, value) { var cacheMap = this._cacheMap; if (cacheMap) { var cacheKey = this._cacheKeyFn(key); if (cacheMap.get(cacheKey) === void 0) { var promise; if (value instanceof Error) { promise = Promise.reject(value); promise["catch"](function() { }); } else { promise = Promise.resolve(value); } cacheMap.set(cacheKey, promise); } } return this; }; return DataLoader3; }(); var enqueuePostPromiseJob = typeof process === "object" && typeof process.nextTick === "function" ? function(fn) { if (!resolvedPromise) { resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve(); } resolvedPromise.then(function() { process.nextTick(fn); }); } : typeof setImmediate === "function" ? function(fn) { setImmediate(fn); } : function(fn) { setTimeout(fn); }; var resolvedPromise; function getCurrentBatch(loader) { var existingBatch = loader._batch; if (existingBatch !== null && !existingBatch.hasDispatched && existingBatch.keys.length < loader._maxBatchSize) { return existingBatch; } var newBatch = { hasDispatched: false, keys: [], callbacks: [] }; loader._batch = newBatch; loader._batchScheduleFn(function() { dispatchBatch(loader, newBatch); }); return newBatch; } function dispatchBatch(loader, batch) { batch.hasDispatched = true; if (batch.keys.length === 0) { resolveCacheHits(batch); return; } var batchPromise; try { batchPromise = loader._batchLoadFn(batch.keys); } catch (e) { return failedDispatch(loader, batch, new TypeError("DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but the function " + ("errored synchronously: " + String(e) + "."))); } if (!batchPromise || typeof batchPromise.then !== "function") { return failedDispatch(loader, batch, new TypeError("DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but the function did " + ("not return a Promise: " + String(batchPromise) + "."))); } batchPromise.then(function(values) { if (!isArrayLike(values)) { throw new TypeError("DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but the function did " + ("not return a Promise of an Array: " + String(values) + ".")); } if (values.length !== batch.keys.length) { throw new TypeError("DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but the function did not return a Promise of an Array of the same length as the Array of keys." + ("\n\nKeys:\n" + String(batch.keys)) + ("\n\nValues:\n" + String(values))); } resolveCacheHits(batch); for (var i = 0; i < batch.callbacks.length; i++) { var value = values[i]; if (value instanceof Error) { batch.callbacks[i].reject(value); } else { batch.callbacks[i].resolve(value); } } })["catch"](function(error) { failedDispatch(loader, batch, error); }); } function failedDispatch(loader, batch, error) { resolveCacheHits(batch); for (var i = 0; i < batch.keys.length; i++) { loader.clear(batch.keys[i]); batch.callbacks[i].reject(error); } } function resolveCacheHits(batch) { if (batch.cacheHits) { for (var i = 0; i < batch.cacheHits.length; i++) { batch.cacheHits[i](); } } } function getValidMaxBatchSize(options) { var shouldBatch = !options || options.batch !== false; if (!shouldBatch) { return 1; } var maxBatchSize = options && options.maxBatchSize; if (maxBatchSize === void 0) { return Infinity; } if (typeof maxBatchSize !== "number" || maxBatchSize < 1) { throw new TypeError("maxBatchSize must be a positive number: " + maxBatchSize); } return maxBatchSize; } function getValidBatchScheduleFn(options) { var batchScheduleFn = options && options.batchScheduleFn; if (batchScheduleFn === void 0) { return enqueuePostPromiseJob; } if (typeof batchScheduleFn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("batchScheduleFn must be a function: " + batchScheduleFn); } return batchScheduleFn; } function getValidCacheKeyFn(options) { var cacheKeyFn = options && options.cacheKeyFn; if (cacheKeyFn === void 0) { return function(key) { return key; }; } if (typeof cacheKeyFn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("cacheKeyFn must be a function: " + cacheKeyFn); } return cacheKeyFn; } function getValidCacheMap(options) { var shouldCache = !options || options.cache !== false; if (!shouldCache) { return null; } var cacheMap = options && options.cacheMap; if (cacheMap === void 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } if (cacheMap !== null) { var cacheFunctions = ["get", "set", "delete", "clear"]; var missingFunctions = cacheFunctions.filter(function(fnName) { return cacheMap && typeof cacheMap[fnName] !== "function"; }); if (missingFunctions.length !== 0) { throw new TypeError("Custom cacheMap missing methods: " + missingFunctions.join(", ")); } } return cacheMap; } function getValidName(options) { if (options && { return; } return null; } function isArrayLike(x) { return typeof x === "object" && x !== null && typeof x.length === "number" && (x.length === 0 || x.length > 0 &&, x.length - 1)); } module.exports = DataLoader2; } }); var import_dataloader = __toESM(require_dataloader(), 1); var iconCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var MISSING = '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-alert-circle animate-pulse"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle><line x1="12" y1="8" x2="12" y2="12"></line><line x1="12" y1="16" x2="12.01" y2="16"></line></svg>'; var defaultLibraries = { default: "{icon}.svg", b: "{icon}.svg", e: "{icon}.svg", f: "{icon}.svg", fa: "{icon}.svg", h: "{icon}.svg", z: "{icon}.svg" }; var iconLoader = new import_dataloader.default( async (iconNames) => { const results = await fetch("/_uplandjs/icons/batch", { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(iconNames) }).then((res) => res.json()); const resultMap = new Map( => [, r.svg])); return => resultMap.get(iconName) ?? MISSING); }, { batch: true, cache: true } ); function loadIcon(iconName) { try { const expires = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(`icon-${iconName}-expires`) ?? "0"); if (expires > { const localIcon = localStorage.getItem(`icon-${iconName}`) ?? null; const divEl = document.createElement("div"); divEl.innerHTML = localIcon; return Promise.resolve(divEl.firstElementChild); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } let promisedIcon; if (iconName.match(/^[^:]+:[^:]+$/)) { const parts = iconName.split(":", 2); const libName = parts.length === 1 ? "default" : parts[0]; const name = parts.length === 1 ? parts[0] : parts[1]; const libMap = new Map(Object.entries(defaultLibraries)); const urlTemplate = libMap.get(libName); if (!urlTemplate) return reject(new Error("invalid icon lib: " + libName)); iconUrl = urlTemplate.replace("{icon}", name); promisedIcon = fetch(iconUrl).then((res) => res.status >= 400 ? MISSING : res.text()); } else if (iconName.match(/^[^/]+\/[^/]+$/)) { promisedIcon = iconLoader.load(iconName); } else if (iconName.match(/^[a-z]+$/)) { promisedIcon = fetch(`${iconName}.svg`).then( (res) => res.status >= 400 ? MISSING : res.text() ); } else { promisedIcon = Promise.resolve(MISSING); } return promisedIcon.then( (svg) => svg.replace('width="1em"', "").replace('height="1em"', "").replace("<svg ", '<svg width="100%" height="100%" ') ).then((svg) => { try { localStorage.setItem(`icon-${iconName}`, svg); localStorage.setItem(`icon-${iconName}-expires`, + 36e5 * 12); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } const divEl = document.createElement("div"); divEl.innerHTML = svg; return divEl.firstElementChild; }); } var cnc_icon_default = { name: "", label: "", size: "md", _svg: "", load(name) { const $img = this.$el.querySelector('[x-ref="img"]'); if (!$img) return; const svgChild = $img.firstElementChild; if (svgChild?.dataset.iconName === name) return; if (!name) { $img.innerHTML = ""; return; } let loadSvg; if (iconCache.has(name)) { loadSvg = iconCache.get(name); } else { loadSvg = loadIcon(name); iconCache.set(name, loadSvg); } loadSvg.then((svgEl) => { $img.innerHTML = ""; $img.append(svgEl.cloneNode(true)); $img.firstElementChild.setAttribute("data-icon-name", name); }); }, init() { if (!this.load) { return; } this.load(; this.$watch("name", (name) => this.load(name)); } }; function parseUrl(url) { const targets = []; let filter = ""; const [rootPath, targetPaths] = url.split("?"); if (targetPaths) { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(`?${targetPaths}`); for (const [key, value] of searchParams.entries()) { if (key.startsWith("__")) { targets.push({ name: key.slice(2), href: value }); } else if (key === "filter") { filter = value; } } } return { rootPath, targets, filter }; } var cnc_block_default = { name: "", href: "", autosize: false, // used in $call to target server controller _callBaseHref: "", _blockWidth: 400, _blockHeight: 300, _oldOffsetWidth: 0, _initialHref: "", init() { this._initialHref = this.href; ??= "b" + Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (urlParams.has(`__${}`)) { this.href = urlParams.get(`__${}`); this.$el.setAttribute("href", this.href); } else { const navigationId = urlParams.get(`__nav`); if (navigationId && this.navigationMenu?.children?.length) { const matchedNavigationMenu = findNode(this.navigationMenu, (node) => { if ( === navigationId) return node; }); if (matchedNavigationMenu?.href) { const { targets } = parseUrl(matchedNavigationMenu.href); const currentTarget = targets.find((t) => ===; currentTarget?.href && this.$el.setAttribute("href", currentTarget.href); } } } this.$watch("href", (...args) => { console.log("href changed", args); this.loadContent(...args); }); if (this.href) this.loadContent(this.href); }, async loadContent(href) { document.body.classList.add("!cursor-progress"); this._callBaseHref = href; const propBindings = [...this.$el.parentElement.attributes].filter((a) =>"x-prop:")); let language = "en"; if (this.$session?.language) { language = this.$session?.language; const daysToExpire = 365; let expiryDate = new Date(); expiryDate.setTime(expiryDate.getTime() + daysToExpire * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); const expires = "expires=" + expiryDate.toUTCString(); document.cookie = "x-language=" + language + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } const html = await fetch(href, { headers: { "cnc-block-id":, "x-widgets": Array.from(WidgetElement.widgets)?.join(",") ?? "", "x-language": language } }).then((res) => res.text()).then((html2) => html2.replace(/(\s+)@click=/g, "$1x-on:click=")); const divEl = document.createElement("div"); divEl.innerHTML = html; for (const scriptEl of divEl.querySelectorAll("script")) { await Upland.runScript(scriptEl); } for (const styleEl of divEl.querySelectorAll("style")) { document.body.append(styleEl); } await until(() => this.$refs.content && this.$refs.content.getAttribute("name") ===, 5e3); if (!this.$refs.content) { return; } let newPage = document.createElement("div"); for (let child of [...divEl.childNodes]) { newPage.appendChild(child); } newPage.classList.add("blockcontent"); this.$refs.content.textContent = ""; this.$refs.content.appendChild(newPage); const firstElChild = this.$refs.content.firstElementChild; for (const attr of propBindings) { firstElChild.setAttribute(, attr.value); } document.body.classList.remove("!cursor-progress"); }, // setContainerWidth() { // let blockWidth // if (this.autosize) { // blockWidth = this.$refs.content.offsetWidth || 50 // } else { // blockWidth = this.$refs.content.parentElement.offsetWidth // } // //console.log('---- blockWidth', blockWidth, this.href) // if (this._oldOffsetWidth === blockWidth && blockWidth !== 0) return // this._blockWidth = blockWidth // this.$'--block-width', this._blockWidth + 'px') // this._oldOffsetWidth = this.autosize // ? this.$refs.content.offsetWidth || 50 // : this.$refs.content.parentElement.offsetWidth // }, // _handleResize() { // this.setContainerWidth() // }, _handleUrlChange() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const urlParamId = `__${}`; let newHref; if (urlParams.has(urlParamId)) { newHref = urlParams.get(urlParamId); } else if (this._initialHref) { newHref = this._initialHref; } if (newHref !== this.href) { this.href = newHref; this.$el.setAttribute("href", this.href); } } }; function until(predicate, timeout) { let untilId; return new Promise((resolve, reject2) => { if (predicate()) return resolve(); untilId = setInterval(() => predicate() && resolve(), 1); setTimeout(() => reject2(new Error("timeout")), timeout); }).finally(() => { if (untilId) clearInterval(untilId); }); } function findNode(node, predicate) { function _findNode(node2, parent) { let result = null; if (predicate(node2, parent)) return predicate(node2, parent); if (Array.isArray(node2.children) && node2.children.length > 0) { node2.children.some((child) => { result = _findNode(child, node2); return result; }); } return result; } return _findNode(node, null); } var cnc_modal_default = { open: true, label: "", autoClose: "", _autoClose: true, init() { this._autoClose = this.autoClose === "off" ? false : true; } }; var cnc_alert_default = { kind: "primary", title: "", icon: "", accented: false, content: "", closable: false, _closed: false, get _iconName() { switch (this.kind) { case "info": return "fa:info-circle-solid"; case "primary": return "b:person-fill"; case "warning": return "e:warning"; case "danger": return "z:close-solid"; case "success": return "f:check-circle"; default: return "h:information-circle-solid"; } }, close() { this._closed = true; this.$dispatch("closed", {}); } }; var scriptImports = globalThis.scriptImports || (globalThis.scriptImports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); function validate(event) { if (! return; if (!this.$data.errors) return; delete this.$data.errors[]; for (const validation of this.validations) { if (event && validation.on !== event) continue; if (!validation.validate(this.value)) { this.$data.errors[] = `validation.${}`; break; } } } var spec = { plain: false, accept: "*", autocapitalize: "", autocomplete: "", autocorrect: "", autofocus: false, clearable: false, disabled: false, inputmode: "", get error() { return this.errors?.[]; }, get hasError() { return this.errors && this.errors[]; }, get _outerPrefix() { return this.$parent?.$slots.outerPrefix; }, get _outerSuffix() { return this.$parent?.$slots.outerSuffix; }, validations: [], invalid: false, isPasswordVisible: false, mask: null, stripMask: "", max: void 0, maxlength: void 0, min: void 0, minlength: 0, name: "", pattern: void 0, pill: false, placeholder: "", prefixIcon: "", suffixIcon: "", readonly: false, spellcheck: false, required: false, skipRequiredValidation: false, step: void 0, type: "text", //'email','number','password','search','tel','text','url' value: "", live: true, options: [], _maskFilled: "", _maskUnfilled: "", _maskedValue: "", _maskedValueHtml: "", _trimmedValue: "", _error: "", // TODO: this should not be handled this way should be in errors from scope _openOptions: false, async init() { if (this.type === "color") { this.type = "text"; } if (this.options.length === 1 && !this.options[0].value) { this.options = []; } if (this.options.length && this.options.every((o) => typeof o === "string" || typeof o === "number")) { this.options = => ({ text: o, value: o })); } const inbuiltValidations = []; if (this.required && !this.skipRequiredValidation) { inbuiltValidations.push({ name: "required", on: "blur", validate(value) { return Boolean(value) && value !== ""; } }); } if (!this.$el.closest("cnc-drop") && !this.$el.closest("cnc-signature") && !this.$el.closest("cnc-input-rating") && !this.$el.closest("cnc-select")) { this.plain = !!this.$el.closest("cnc-field") || this.plain; } if (typeof this.mask === "string") { const mask = this.mask; this.mask = buildMask(this.mask); } if (this.mask) { const { mask } = this.mask; if (mask) { inbuiltValidations.push({ name: "invalidmask", on: "blur", validate(value) { const result = mask(value); return Boolean(result) && !result?.unfilled?.includes("_"); } }); } } if (inbuiltValidations.length) { this.validations = [...inbuiltValidations, ...this.validations]; } if (typeof this.value === "undefined") { this.value = ""; } if (this.multiple && this.type === "file") { if (!Array.isArray(this.value)) { this.value = [this.value].filter(Boolean); } } if (this.value) { this._changed(this.value, this.$refs.input); } this.$watch("value", (newValue) => { if (typeof newValue === "undefined") return; this._changed(this.value ?? "", this.$refs.input); }); this.$watch("mask", () => { this._changed(this.value ?? "", this.$refs.input); }); }, validate, handleBlur() { if (typeof this.value === "string") { this.value.trim(); this.validate("blur"); this.$el.parentElement.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("blur", { bubbles: true })); } else if (this.value === null) { this.validate("blur"); this.$el.parentElement.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("blur", { bubbles: true })); } }, _clear($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); if (this.type == "number") { this.value = 0; } else if (this.type == "date") { this.value = null; } else { this.value = ""; this._changed(this.value, this.$refs.input); } this.$refs.input.focus(); this.$dispatch("cleared", {}); }, async _changed(newValue, el) { if (this.mask) { newValue = newValue.toString(); const unmasked =, newValue); this.value = unmasked; const beforeCursor = newValue.substring(0, el.selectionStart); const unmaskedBefore =, beforeCursor); const masking =, unmasked); this._maskFilled = masking.filled; this._maskUnfilled = masking.unfilled; if (el.selectionStart !== newValue.length) { const filled = masking.filled; let pos = 0; const beforeLetters = unmaskedBefore.split("").filter((x) => x); for (const letter of beforeLetters) { while (filled[pos] && filled[pos] !== letter) { pos++; } if (filled[pos]) { pos++; } } this.$nextTick(() => { el.selectionStart = pos; el.selectionEnd = pos; }); } el.value = masking.filled; return; } if (this.type === "number") newValue = parseFloat(newValue); if (this.type === "uuid") { const uuidRegex = "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"; if (!newValue.match(uuidRegex) && newValue.length) { this._error = "This is not a valid UUID"; } else { this._error = ""; } } if (this.type === "file") { const fileObj = []; for (const file of el.files) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", file); try { const result = await fetch("/_uplandjs/uploads", { method: "post", body: formData, headers: { "x-bucket-path": window.location.pathname } }).then((res) => res.json()); fileObj.push(result); } catch (err) { console.debug(err); } } this.value = fileObj; } else if (this.multiple && this.type === "file") { this.value = newValue; } else { this.value = newValue; } }, keyDown(event) { if (!this.mask || !this.value) return; if (event.key === "Backspace") { const { selectionStart } = this.$refs.input; if (selectionStart === 0) return; const startValue =; const beforeCursor = startValue.substring(0, selectionStart); const unmaskedEverything =, startValue); const unmaskedBefore =, beforeCursor); const unmaskedAfter = unmaskedEverything.substring(unmaskedBefore.length); const newBefore = unmaskedBefore.substring(0, unmaskedBefore.length - 1); const newValue = newBefore + unmaskedAfter; const masked =, newValue); this._maskFilled = masked.filled; this._maskUnfilled = masked.unfilled; this.value =, newValue); const filled = masked.filled; let pos = 0; const beforeLetters = newBefore.split("").filter((x) => x); for (const letter of beforeLetters) { while (filled[pos] && filled[pos] !== letter) { pos++; } if (filled[pos]) { pos++; } } this.$nextTick(() => { = pos; = pos; }); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, showOptions() { this.$ = this.$el.clientwidth + "px"; this.$ = this.$el.clientheight + "px"; }, hideOptions() { if (this.$refs.inputoptions) { this.$ = ""; } }, toggleOptions(event) { event?.stopPropagation(); if (this.disabled) return; this._openOptions = !this._openOptions; if (this._openOptions) { this.showOptions(); } else { this.hideOptions(); } }, selectValue(value) { this.$cncInput.value = value; this.$dispatch("optionselected", { value }); this.toggleOptions(); } }; function buildMask(mask) { return { mask(value) { const masked = applyMask(value, mask); const firstUnfilled = masked.indexOf("_"); const filled = firstUnfilled === -1 ? masked : masked.substring(0, firstUnfilled); const unfilled = firstUnfilled === -1 ? "" : masked.substring(firstUnfilled); return { filled, unfilled }; }, unmask(masked) { return mask.split("").map((c, index) => masked[index] !== c ? masked[index] : null).filter((x) => x).join(""); } }; } function applyMask(rawInput, rawFormat) { let format = rawFormat; if (typeof rawFormat === "function") { const result = rawFormat(rawInput); format = result.format; rawInput = result.value ?? rawInput; } if (!format) return rawInput; const inputChars = rawInput.split(""); const masked = format.split("").map((c) => { switch (c) { case "#": return popDigit() || "_"; case "A": return popLetter() || "_"; case "H": return popHexaDecimal() || "_"; case "*": return inputChars.shift() || "_"; default: return c; } }).join(""); return masked; function popDigit() { const digit = inputChars.shift(); return digit && digit.match(/\d/) ? digit : null; } function popLetter() { const letter = inputChars.shift(); return letter && letter.match(/[a-z]/i) ? letter : null; } function popHexaDecimal() { const letter = inputChars.shift(); return letter && letter.match(/[\da-f]/i) ? letter : null; } } var fields = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(spec).filter(([name, val]) => { return !name.startsWith("_") && typeof val !== "function"; }) ); var cnc_field_default = { ...fields, label: "", labelPosition: "top", // supports: top, floating, left value: "", type: "string", as: "", helpText: "", noIcon: false, swatches: [], colorWheel: null, //Type boolean // As checkbox checked: false, indeterminate: false, kind: "default", // "default" | "primary" | "danger" | "info" | "success" | "warning" // As toggle enabled: false, //Type string options: [], // As dropdown limit: 0, multiple: false, searchable: false, icon: "", hint: "", create: null, initialText: "", // As radios horizontal: false, // As Checkboxes and radios text: "", // Type longtext resize: "vertical", //('vertical', 'auto', 'none') rows: 4, // Type map pins: [], circles: [], polygons: [], // Type phone defaultPrefix: "1", defaultCountry: null, // Type qr dotColor: "#000", image: "", dotType: "rounded", backgroundColor: "#f8fafc", cornerSquareColor: "#000", cornerSquareType: "square", cornerDotColor: "#000", cornerDotType: "square", imageMargin: 5, //Type range min: 0, max: 10, step: 1, tick: false, noLegend: false, //Type number as rating precision: 1, color: "yellow", // Type upload meta: {}, holidays: [], maxSize: 0, autoUpload: false, removeUpload: false, draggable: false, togglable: true, capture: "", sizes: [100, 200, 300, 400], errors: {}, className: "", _error: "", // TODO: handle this in errors from scope _values: [], _texts: [], _focused: false, get _labelFloatTop() { if (this.labelPosition !== "floating") return false; let empty = !this.value || this._values.length === 0; if (this._values.length === 1) { empty = this._values[0] == ""; } let floatingTop = !empty || this._focused || _allwaysFullTypes.includes(this.type); if (!floatingTop && this.type === "string" && // ['dropdown', 'radio', 'checkbox'].includes( ["radio", "checkbox"].includes( { floatingTop = true; } return floatingTop; }, get _needsFloatingSpace() { return this.labelPosition === "floating" && !["dropdown", "radio", "checkbox"].includes(; }, outerPrefix: false, outerSuffix: false, async init() { await Upland.installWidget("cnc-input-" + this.type); if (this._needsFloatingSpace) this.placeholder = ""; if (!this.$slots.default) { const widgetBuilder = `cncInput${this.type.split("-").map((s) => s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)).join("")}`; let innerHTML = ""; switch (this.type) { case "string": { if (this._showAdd) { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="_values[index]" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } else { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="value" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } } break; case "boolean": { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop:text="_texts[index]" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="_values[index]" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } break; case "date": case "file": case "image": { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="value" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } break; case "credit-card-number": { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="_values[index]" class="w-full" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } break; default: { innerHTML = `<cnc-input-${this.type} x-data:widget="${widgetBuilder}($el)" x-prop="$widget" x-prop:value="_values[index]" x-slotted="[]"></cnc-input-${this.type}>`; } } this.$refs.innerInputs?.content.querySelector(".--cnc-field_inputs").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", innerHTML); this.$el.querySelectorAll(".--cnc-field_inputs").forEach((el) => { el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", innerHTML); }); } if (typeof this.value === "undefined") { this.value = ""; } if (this.className) { const classes = Array.isArray(this.className) ? this.className.join(",") : this.className; this.$el.classList.add(classes); } if (this.type === "boolean" && this.multiple) { console.warn("Boolean does not support multiple"); } if (this.$slots.outerPrefix) this.outerPrefix = true; if (this.$slots.outerSuffix) this.outerSuffix = true; this._updateValues(); this._updateTexts(); this.$watch("value", () => { this._updateValues(); this._updateTexts(); }); this.$watch("_values", () => { if (this._values.filter((v) => v || v === false || v === 0 || v === "").length) { if (this.multiple) { if (this._showAdd) { this.value = this._values; } } else { this.value = this._values[0]; } } }); this.$watch("_texts", () => { if (this._texts.filter((v) => v || v === false || v === 0 || v === "").length) { if (this.multiple) { if (this._showAdd) { this.text = this._texts; } } else { this.text = this._texts[0]; } } }); if ( === "dropdown" && !this.suffixIcon) { this.suffixIcon = "h:chevron-down"; } }, get _showAdd() { if (!this.multiple) return false; switch (this.type) { case "string": { if (["checkboxes", "dropdown"].includes( { return false; } return true; } case "date": case "file": case "image": case "timezone": return false; default: return true; } }, get _showBorder() { if (this.type === "number" && === "number") return true; if (_borderlessTypes.includes(this.type)) return false; switch (this.type) { case "string": { if ( === "string" || === "textbox") { return true; } if ( { return false; } return true; } default: return true; } }, _getValues() { switch (this.type) { case "date": case "file": case "image": case "timezone": return [1]; case "string": if ( === "dropdown") return [1]; default: return this._values; } }, _updateValues() { this._values = Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value.length ? this.value : [null] : [this.value]; }, _updateTexts() { this._texts = Array.isArray(this.text) ? this.text.length ? this.text : [null] : [this.text]; }, _add(event, fromKeypress = false) { if (this._values.every((v) => v)) { this._values.push(null); this._texts.push(null); this.$nextTick(() => { setTimeout(() => { let lastInputEl; if (fromKeypress) { lastInputEl = this.$el.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("div.relative:last-of-type"); } else { lastInputEl = this.$el.parentElement.querySelector("div.relative:last-of-type"); } if (lastInputEl) lastInputEl.querySelector("input").focus(); }, 100); }); } }, _remove(index) { this._values.splice(index, 1); this._texts.splice(index, 1); }, get error() { return this.errors?.[]; }, get hasError() { return this.errors && this.errors[]; }, _keypress(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13 && this._showAdd) { console.log("_keypress"); this._add(event, true); } } }; var _borderlessTypes = [ "range", "toggle", "boolean", "radio", "upload", "signature", "code", "file", "image", "date", "avatar" ]; var _allwaysFullTypes = ["byte", "credit-card-number", "file", "image", "signature", "avatar"]; window.process = { env: "dev" }; var triggerEvents = { // focus: 'blur', click: "click.outside", mouseenter: "mouseleave" }; var cnc_tooltip_default = { content: "", placement: "top", _placement: "", // actual placement after floating ui has a go at placing things arrow: true, offset: 6, trigger: "mouseenter", theme: "", interactive: false, showToolTip: false, async init() { if (this.content || this.$slots.content) { const parentEL = this.$refs.reference.parentElement.parentElement; const parentZindex = window.getComputedStyle(parentEL).zIndex; this._update(); this.$watch("showToolTip", (newVal) => { this._update(); if (newVal) { = 999; } else { setTimeout(() => { = parentZindex || 0; }, 250); } }); if (this.theme == "") { this._updateMode(); this.$watch("$session.mode", () => { console.log(this.$session.mode); this._updateMode(); }); } } }, _updateMode() { if (this.$session.mode === "dark") { this.theme = "light"; } else { this.theme = "dark"; } }, toggle($event, value) { if (this.content || this.$slots.content) { const triggers = this.trigger.split(" ") || []; const eventNames = []; for (const trigger of triggers) { eventNames.push(trigger); eventNames.push(triggerEvents[trigger]); } if (!eventNames.includes($event.type)) return; this.showToolTip = value; } }, async _update() { const referenceEl = this.$refs.reference; const floatingEl = this.$refs.tooltip; const arrowElement = this.$refs.arrow; const { offset, flip, shift, arrow, computePosition } = await this.$bundle("floating-ui.mjs"); const middleware = [offset(this.offset), flip(), shift()]; if (arrowElement) { middleware.push(arrow({ element: arrowElement })); } this.$nextTick(() => { computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl, { placement: this.placement, middleware }).then(({ x, y, placement, middlewareData }) => { Object.assign(, { left: `${x}px`, top: `${y}px` }); if (arrowElement) { const { x: arrowX, y: arrowY } = middlewareData.arrow; const staticSide = { top: "bottom", right: "left", bottom: "top", left: "right" }[placement.split("-")[0]]; this._placement = placement.split("-")[0]; 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