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The rapidly expanding science of hemorheology concerns blood, its components and the blood vessels with which blood interacts. It includes perihemorheology, i.e., the rheology of fluid and structures in the perivascular and interstitial spaces as well as the lymphatic system. The clinical aspects include pathogenesis, symptomatology and diagnostic methods, and the fields of prophylaxis and therapy in all branches of medicine and surgery, pharmacology and drug research. <b><br /><br /></b> </div></div> <div id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation-below-fold" data-mercury="full" class="clearfix below-fold details toggle-section">The endeavour of the Editors-in-Chief and publishers of <i>Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</i> is to bring together contributions from those working in various fields related to blood flow all over the world. The editors of <i>Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</i> are from those countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and America where appreciable work in clinical hemorheology and microcirculation is being carried out. Each editor takes responsibility to decide on the acceptance of a manuscript. He is required to have the manuscript appraised by two referees and may be one of them himself. The executive editorial office, to which the manuscripts have been submitted, is responsible for rapid handling of the reviewing process. <br /> <br /> <i>Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</i> accepts original papers, brief communications, mini-reports and letters to the Editors-in-Chief. Review articles, providing general views and new insights into related subjects, are regularly invited by the Editors-in-Chief. Proceedings of international and national conferences on clinical hemorheology (in original form or as abstracts) complete the range of editorial features. <br /> <br />The following professionals and institutions will benefit most from subscribing to <i>Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</i>: medical practitioners in all fields including hematology, cardiology, geriatrics, angiology, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, otology, and neurology. Pharmacologists, clinical laboratories, blood transfusion centres, manufacturing firms producing diagnostic instruments, and the pharmaceutical industry will also benefit. <br /> <br />Important new topics will increasingly claim more pages of <i>Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</i>: the role of hemorheological and microcirculatory disturbances for epidemiology and prognosis, in particular regarding cardiovascular disorders, as well as its significance in the field of geriatrics. Authors and readers are invited to contact the editors for specific information or to make suggestions. <br /> <br /></div> <button class="btn btn-link js-toggle-handle"><span class="toggle-text-handle">Show more</span><span class="toggle-text-handle toggle-text-hide">Show less</span></button> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar col"> <div id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation-action-links" data-mercury="full" class="action-links"><a target="_blank" href=" Hemorheology and Microcirculation&amp;"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/fragr/images/J25_4629 IOS have moved ad for HW platform_268x268.jpg" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="volume-listing main col"> <div class="col-spacing"> <div class="search-content border shadow"> <div class="search-result-header clearfix"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="paginationQuantityTop"> <label class="label" for="search-qty"> Show: </label> <div class="select select-style-sleek page-qty-select-display"> <select id="search-qty" class="sub-tabs select-page-qty custom-select" name="quantity"> <option value=";rows=10" selected>10</option> <option value=";rows=50">50</option> </select> </div> <span>results per page</span> </div> </div> <div class="search-results-bulk-action bulk-action clearfix"> <button id="mark-toggle" class="btn-link mark-toggle"><i class="icon-check-empty" id="mark-all"></i><span> Mark all</span></button> <form class="add-to-cart-form add-marked-to-cart" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <button class="btn btn-link btn-cart add-multiple disabled" disabled>Add marked to cart</button> </form> <form class="add-marked get-citation" method="post"> <button class="btn btn-link cite-multiple disabled" disabled>Export marked citations</button> </form> </div> </div> <div id="article-list"> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch221550"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch221550" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch221550"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch221550" data-p13n-title=" Circ_HECW2 regulates ox-LDL-induced dysfunction of cardiovascular endothelial cells by miR-942-5p/TLR4 axis " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Circ_HECW2 regulates ox-LDL-induced dysfunction of cardiovascular endothelial cells by miR-942-5p/TLR4 axis </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Wei, Wenbo</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Tang, Min</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Qi</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Li, Xiaoming</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>BACKGROUND: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a common coronary artery disease. The functional mechanism of circular RNA (circRNA) HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 (circ_HECW2, hsa_circ_0057583) in ox-LDL-treated human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (hCMECs) is still unclear. METHODS: Expression levels of circ_HECW2, microRNA (miR)-942-5p, and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and western blot assays. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were analyzed by 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) assay, cell counting kit-8 (CCK8) assay, and flow cytometry, respectively. Tube formation assay was performed to analyze the angiogenesis of cells. Luciferase reporter and</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >RNA pull-down assays were performed to analyze the target relationship among circ_HECW2, miR-942-5p and TLR4. RESULTS: Circ_HECW2 and TLR4 expression levels were up-regulated and miR-942-5p expression was decreased in the serum of CAD patients and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)-induced hCMECs. Knockdown of circ_HECW2 enhanced cell proliferation and inhibited cell apoptosis in ox-LDL-treated hCMECs. MiR-942-5p was the target of circ_HECW2 and directly targeted TLR4. Moreover, the effect of circ_HECW2 knockdown could be weakened by anti-miR-942-5p, and TLR4 could restore the function of miR-942-5p on cell damage of ox-LDL-induced hCMECs. CONCLUSION: Circ_HECW2 could regulate ox-LDL-induced cardiovascular endothelial cell dysfunction through targeting miR-942-5p/TLR4 axis. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Circ_HECW2, miR-942-5p, TLR4, coronary artery disease </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-221550 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch221550" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch221550" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch231865"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch231865" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch231865"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch231865" data-p13n-title=" Dexmedetomidine-isoflurane versus fentanyl-isoflurane anesthesia for colorectal surgery: Effect on perianastomotic microperfusion and oxygenation in pigs " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Dexmedetomidine-isoflurane versus fentanyl-isoflurane anesthesia for colorectal surgery: Effect on perianastomotic microperfusion and oxygenation in pigs </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Mynar, Marian</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dusek, Tomas</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Subrt, Zdenek</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Turek, Zdenek</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>BACKGROUND: The effect of dexmedetomidine on regional splanchnic blood flow remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized, that there is no difference in regional rectal perianastomotic perfusion and oxygenation when using non-opioid dexmedetomidine-isoflurane anesthesia when compared to fentanyl-isoflurane anesthesia. METHODS: Ten female pigs were randomly divided into two groups (Dexmedetomidine, DEX, Fentanyl, FNT). Analgesia was provided by either dexmedetomidine (0.7–1.0 μg/kg/h) or fentanyl (6–10 μg/kg/h). The model of rectosigmoid resection in pigs was used. Two combined Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and oxymetry probes were fixed on the antimesenterial site of the rectosigmoid, one orally and the second distally</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >to resection zone. At the end of the experiment all animals were woken up and extubated. The healing of the anastomosis was controlled seven days after the operation. RESULTS: All experimental animals were hemodynamically stable throughout the experiment. No anastomotic leakage was detected. All animals survived until the seventh postoperative day. In the DEX group the median of the LDF signal on aboral site at the end of experiment was 35% (23–49%), in FNT group the median of the LDF signal was 19% (12–28%), which was statistically significantly lower (p  &lt; 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown some protective effects of dexmedetomidine–isoflurane based anesthesia on perianastomotic microcirculation when compared to fentanyl-isoflurane based anesthesia. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Dexmedetomidine, regional splanchnic perfusion, colorectal surgery, laser Doppler flowmetry </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-231865 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 15-25, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch231865" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch231865" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232080"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232080" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch232080"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232080" data-p13n-title=" Diagnostic efficacy of CEUS TI-RADS classification for benign and malignant thyroid nodules " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Diagnostic efficacy of CEUS TI-RADS classification for benign and malignant thyroid nodules </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Zhang, Guo-li</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Yang, Yu-ping</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhou, Hong-lian</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dai, Hai-xia</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Huang, Xing</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Liu, Li-juan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Jie-xin</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Li, Hua-juan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Liang, Xin</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Yuan, Qian</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zeng, Yan-hao</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Xu, Xiao-hong</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of a novel system called contrasted enhanced ultrasound thyroid imaging reporting and data system (CEUS TI-RADS) for benign and malignant thyroid nodules. We also seek to assess inter-observer agreement. METHODS: The study recruited 433 patients who underwent thyroid ultrasound (US) and CEUS between January 2019 and June 2023 at Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University. A retrospective analysis of 467 thyroid nodules confirmed by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and/or surgery was performed. Further, a CEUS TI-RADS classification was assigned to each thyroid nodule based on the CEUS TI-RADS scoring criteria</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >for US and CEUS features of the nodule. The nodules were grouped based on their sizes, i.e., size≤1 cm for Group A, 1 cm &lt; size≤4 cm for Group B, and size &gt; 4 cm for Group C. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze independent risk factors for malignant thyroid nodules. Pathological assessment was the reference standard for establishing sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), accuracy (ACC), positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of CEUS TI-RADS for diagnosing malignant thyroid nodules. Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis was performed to compare the diagnostic efficacy of the scoring system in predicting malignancy in three groups of nodules. The intragroup correlation coefficient (ICC) was adopted to assess the inter-observer agreement of the CEUS TI-RADS score. RESULTS: Out of the 467 thyroid nodules, 262 were malignant and 205 were benign. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the independent risk factors for malignant thyroid nodules included punctate echogenic foci (P  &lt; 0.001), taller than wide (P  = 0.015), extrathyroidal invasion (P  = 0.020), irregular margins/lobulated (P  = 0.036), hypoechoic (P  = 0.038) on US and hypo-enhancement (P  &lt; 0.001) on CEUS. The ROC for CEUS TI-RADS diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules was 0.898 (95% CI:0.867–0.924, P  &lt; 0.05) for all nodules, 0.795 (95% CI: 0.721–0.857, P  &lt; 0.05) for group A, 0.949 (95% CI: 0.916–0.971, P  &lt; 0.05) for group B, and 0.801 (95% CI: 0.644–0.910, P  &lt; 0.05) for group C with optimal cut-off values of CEUS TI-RADS 5 points (all nodules), CEUS TI-RADS 6 points (group A), CEUS TI-RADS 5 points (group B), CEUS TI- RADS 5 points (group C), respectively. Among these groups of nodules, group B had the highest ROC, with SEN, SPE, ACC, PPV, and NPV for diagnosing malignant nodules being 95.9%, 88.1%, 92.8%, 92.6%, and 93.2%, respectively. The ICC of the CEUS TI-RADS classification between highly senior and lowly senior physicians was 0.862 (P  &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSION: In summary, CEUS TI-RADS demonstrated significant efficacy in distinguishing thyroid nodules. Nonetheless, there were variations in its capacity to detect malignant nodules across diverse sizes, demonstrating optimal performance in 1 cm to 4 cm nodules and providing important insights for clinical diagnoses. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> CEUS TI-RADS, thyroid nodules, malignancy, ultrasound, CEUS </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-232080 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 27-41, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch232080" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch232080" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232093"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232093" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch232093"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch232093" data-p13n-title=" Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus propofol sedation on microcirculation and organ injuries in critically ill surgical patients: A randomized controlled pilot study " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus propofol sedation on microcirculation and organ injuries in critically ill surgical patients: A randomized controlled pilot study </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Po-Yu</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Huang, Hsing-Hao</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chan, Wing-Sum</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Liu, Chih-Min</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wu, Tsung-Ta</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Jyun-Han</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chao, Anne</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Tien, Yu-Wen</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chiu, Ching-Tang</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Yeh, Yu-Chang</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that dexmedetomidine may improve microcirculation and prevent organ failure. However, most evidence was obtained from experimental animals and patients receiving cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. This study aimed to investigate the effect of dexmedetomidine on microcirculation and organ injuries in critically ill general surgical patients. METHODS: In this prospective randomized trial, patients admitted to the surgical intensive care unit after general surgery were enrolled and randomly allocated to the dexmedetomidine or propofol groups. Patients received continuous dexmedetomidine or propofol infusions to meet their requirement of sedation according to their grouping. At each time</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >point, sublingual microcirculation images were obtained using the incident dark field video microscope. RESULTS: Overall, 60 patients finished the trial and were analyzed. Microcirculation parameters did not differ significantly between two groups. Heart rate at 4 h after ICU admission and mean arterial pressures at 12 h and 24 h after ICU admission were lower in the dexmedetomidine group than in the propofol group. At 24 h, serum aspartate aminotransferase (41 (25–118) vs 86 (34–129) U/L, p  = 0.035) and alanine aminotransferase (50 (26–160) vs 68 (35–172) U/L, p  = 0.019) levels were significantly lower in the dexmedetomidine group than in the propofol group. CONCLUSION: Microcirculation parameters did not differ significantly between the dexmedetomidine and propofol groups. At 24 h after ICU admission, serum liver enzyme levels were lower in patients receiving dexmedetomidine as compared to propofol. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Microcirculation, dexmedetomidine, propofol, surgery, critical care </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-232093 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 43-53, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch232093" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch232093" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242172"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242172" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242172"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242172" data-p13n-title=" PCSK9 induces endothelial cell autophagy by regulating the PI3K/ATK pathway in atherosclerotic coronary heart disease " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> PCSK9 induces endothelial cell autophagy by regulating the PI3K/ATK pathway in atherosclerotic coronary heart disease </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Li, Wei-Wei</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Guo, Ze-Ming</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Bing-Cai</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Liu, Qing-Quan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhao, Wen-An</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wei, Xiao-Lan</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arteries, and its pathogenesis is related to endothelial dysfunction. It has been found that the protein convertase subtilin/kexin9 type (PCSK9) plays an important role in AS, but its specific mechanism is still unclear. METHODS: In this study, we first cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with 50 or 100μg/ml oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) for 24 hours to establish a coronary atherosclerosis cell model. RESULTS: The results showed that ox-LDL induced HUVEC injury and autophagy and upregulated PCSK9 protein expression in HUVECs in a concentration-dependent</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >manner. Silencing PCSK9 expression with siRNA inhibited ox-LDL-induced HUVEC endothelial dysfunction, inhibited the release of inflammatory factors, promoted HUVEC proliferation and inhibited apoptosis. In addition, ox-LDL increased the expression of LC3B-I and LC3B-II and decreased the expression of p62. However, these processes are reversed by sh-PCSK9. In addition, sh-PCSK9 can inhibit PI3K, AKT and mTOR phosphorylation and promote autophagy. CONCLUSION: Taken together, our research shows that silencing PCSK9 inhibits the PI3K/ATK/mTOR pathway to activate ox-LDL-induced autophagy in vascular endothelial cells, alleviating endothelial cell injury and inflammation. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> PCSK9, atherosclerotic coronary, autophagy, endothelial cell, PI3K </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242172 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 55-67, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242172" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242172" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242209"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242209" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242209"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242209" data-p13n-title=" Association between reduced hemoglobin-to-red cell distribution width ratio and elevated cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes: Insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination&amp;hellip; " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Association between reduced hemoglobin-to-red cell distribution width ratio and elevated cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes: Insights from the National Health and Nutrition Examination&hellip; </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Deng, Jiayi</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wu, Weihao</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhang, Zimiao</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Ma, Xiaomei</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Congjie</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Huang, Yanhong</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lai, Yueyuan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Liling</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Longtian</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the hemoglobin-to-red blood cell distribution width ratio (HRR) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related mortality in people who have diabetes. METHODS: Data derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), between the years 1999 to 2018, were meticulously analyzed. Mortality data, encompassing events until December 31, 2019, were systematically collected. A comprehensive group comprising of 8,732 participants were subjected to scrutiny, and subsequently, classified into four distinct groups predicated upon quartiles of baseline HRR levels: Q1 (n  = 2,183), Q2 (n  = 2,181), Q3 (n  = 2,185), and Q4</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >(n  = 2,183). The correlation between HRR and CVD-related mortality was examined through the use of survival curves and Cox proportional hazard regression models, the latter incorporating weights as advised by NHANES. RESULTS: Among the 8,732 participants in the study cohort, CVD-related mortality was identified in 710 cases. The Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated a significant association, indicating that a decreased HRR was correlated with a reduction in survival in cases with CVD. Both univariate and multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression analyses consistently indicated that patients exhibiting a lower HRR exhibited a markedly elevated risk of CVD-related mortality in comparison to those with higher HRR. Notably, the correlation between HRR and decreasing CVD-related mortality was discerned to be non-linear. CONCLUSION: In patients with diabetes, a decreased HRR was associated with an increased risk of CVD-related mortality. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Cardiovascular disease-related mortality, diabetes mellitus, hemoglobin, NHANES, Red cell distribution width </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242209 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 69-81, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242209" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242209" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242217"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242217" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242217"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242217" data-p13n-title=" Conventional ultrasound combined with contrast-enhanced ultrasound predicts lateral lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Conventional ultrasound combined with contrast-enhanced ultrasound predicts lateral lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Lu, Jing</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wu, Xiaofeng</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Wei</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Zhiming</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Jin, Chenyang</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhao, Dan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhang, Kairen</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dong, Fenglin</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between conventional ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) features and lateral lymph node metastasis (LLNM) in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), establish a predictive model, and provide imaging evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: This study selected 428 patients with postoperative pathologically confirmed PTC, who had undergone cervical lymph node dissection, from September 2020 to August 2021 at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University. According to the postoperative pathological results, the patients were divided into those with LLNM (n  = 94) and those without LLNM (n  = 334). The clinical characteristics and</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >conventional ultrasound and CEUS characteristics of the two groups were retrospectively analyzed, and the differences between them were compared. Independent risk factors related to LLNM were screened, a prediction model was constructed, and its prediction efficiency and clinical practicality were evaluated. RESULTS: The independent risk factors for LLNM were nodules located in the upper thyroid (odds ratio [OR] = 2.640, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.488–4.682), maximum tumor diameter≥1.0 cm (OR = 2.027, 95% CI: 1.146–3.586), microcalcification (OR = 2.176, 95% CI: 1.153–4.106), central lymph node metastasis (OR = 3.091, 95% CI: 1.721–5.549), enhanced late hyperenhancement (OR = 2.440, 95% CI: 1.081–5.508), and membrane continuity interruption in early enhancement (OR = 3.988, 95% CI: 2.315–6.871) (P  &lt; 0.05 for all). The sensitivity and specificity of the combined index in predicting LLNM in PTC patients were 72.34% and 78.74%, respectively (best cut-off value: 0.511); the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.818 (95% CI: 0.778–0.853). Moreover, the AUC of the combined index in predicting LLNM in PTC patients was greater than that of conventional ultrasound alone. The calibration curve of the nomogram constructed based on the aforementioned six independent risk factors showed that the model could fit the actual probability of LLNM well with high calibration. Decision curve analysis revealed that the model has good clinical applicability. CONCLUSIONS: The nomogram model constructed by conventional ultrasound combined with CEUS can effectively predict lateral cervical lymph node metastasis, providing an intuitive guide tool diagnosis and treatment. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Papillary thyroid carcinoma, lateral lymph node metastasis, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, nomogram </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242217 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 83-94, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242217" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242217" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242357"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242357" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242357"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242357" data-p13n-title=" Carotid stents reduce longitudinal movements within the vascular wall " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Carotid stents reduce longitudinal movements within the vascular wall </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Carallo, Claudio</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Destito, Michela</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zaffino, Paolo</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Caglioti, Chiara</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Silipo, Vittorio</a> | <a class="badge" href="">De Masi, Paolo Maria</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Gnasso, Agostino</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Spadea, Maria Francesca</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>BACKGROUND: Longitudinal Displacement (LD) is the relative motion of the intima-media upon adventitia of the arterial wall during the cardiac cycle, probably linked to atherosclerosis. It has a direction, physiologically first backward in its main components with respect to the arterial flow. Here, LD was investigated in various disease and in presence of a unilateral carotid stent. METHODS: Carotid acquisitions were performed by ultrasound imaging on both body sides of 75 participants (150 Arteries). LD was measured in its percent quantity and direction. RESULTS: Obesity (p  = 0.001) and carotid plaques (p  = 0.01) were independently associated to</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >quantity decrease of LD in the whole population. In a subgroup analysis, it was respectively 143% in healthy (n  = 48 carotids), 129% (n  = 34) in presence of cardiovascular risk factors, 121% (n  = 20) in MACE patients, 119% (n  = 24) in the carotid contralateral to a stent, 110% (n  = 24) in carotids with stents. Regarding the direction of LD, in a subgroup analysis an inverted movement was identified in aged (p  = 0.001) and diseased (p  = 0.001) participants who also showed less quantity of LD (p  = 0.001), but independently with age only (p  = 0.002) in the whole population. CONCLUSIONS: This observational study suggests that LD within carotid wall layers is lower additively with ageing, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular diseases, and stent. Even if stent is surely beneficial, these data might shed some light on stent restenosis, emphasising the need for interventional studies. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Arterial displacement, longitudinal sliding, atherosclerosis, stent </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242357 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 95-109, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242357" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242357" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242405"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242405" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242405"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242405" data-p13n-title=" The value of ultrasound viscosity imaging in preoperative differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast lesions: Preliminary clinical applications " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> The value of ultrasound viscosity imaging in preoperative differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast lesions: Preliminary clinical applications </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Li, Wenying</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Jiang, Jun</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Cao, Jiaying</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wei, Li</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Cheng, Rui</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lu, Xiuyun</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dong, Yi</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>OBJECTIVE: To investigate the value of ultrasound viscosity imaging in preoperative differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast lesions. METHODS: This prospective study was approved by our institutional review board and informed consents were signed by all patients. Patients diagnosed with focal solid breast lesions who plan to undergo surgical or ultrasound guided core needle biopsy were included. A Mindray Resona R9 Elite diagnostic ultrasound system equipped with a linear array transducer (L15-3 MHz) was used. First BMUS was used to identify the lesions, afterwards, ultrasound viscosity imaging and shear wave elastography measurements were performed for each lesion. Viscosity</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >(Pa*s) coefficient and shear-wave speed (m/s) of each breast lesion were measured. Taking the final histopathological results as the gold standard, the optimal cut-off value of viscosity and elastography values in differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast lesions were evaluated. Diagnostic performance was assessed by using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). RESULTS: From July 2023 to March 2024, 159 consecutive patients with a total of 184 solid breast lesions were included. Among which 74 (40.2%) malignant lesions and 110 (59.8%) benign ones were diagnosed according to the final histopathological results. The mean maximal viscosity coefficient (7.56&plusmn;3.63 Pa*s) of malignant lesions was significantly higher than that of benign ones (4.52&plusmn;2.33 Pa*s), whereas the mean maximal SWE value (6.53&plusmn;1.87 m/s) of malignant lesions was also obviously higher than that of benign ones (4.80&plusmn;1.62 m/s) (P  &lt; 0.05). The cut-off value for diagnosis of malignant breast tumors was 5.39 Pa*s for viscosity, with 75.68% sensitivity, 68.18% specificity and 0.763 AUROC (P  &lt; 0.05). When combined viscosity with SWE values, the sensitivity and specificity was 75.68% and 75.45%, with an-area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) 0.787. CONCLUSIONS: The value of viscosity measurement may provide additional value for preoperative non-invasive differential diagnosis between malignant and benign breast lesions. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Ultrasound imaging, viscosity, shear wave elastography, breast tumors, differential diagnosis </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242405 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 111-122, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242405" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242405" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242407"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242407" data-itemid="ArticleId_ch242407"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="clinical-hemorheology-and-microcirculation/ch242407" data-p13n-title=" The value of clinical indicators combined with imaging tumor burden score in predicting microvascular invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> The value of clinical indicators combined with imaging tumor burden score in predicting microvascular invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Xu, Ya-Dan</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Fei-Hang</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Chen, Kai-Ling</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Tang, Yang</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Zhang, Qi</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Han, Hong</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dong, Yi</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Wang, Wen-Ping</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>OBJECTIVE: To explore the value of a new clinical prediction model combined serological indicators and tumor burden score (TBS) in predicting microvascular invasion (MVI) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. METHODS: This study retrospectively analyzed a total of 605 patients who underwent liver tumor resection at our hospital from January 2021 to December 2023. The required clinical data before surgery were collected from the electronic medical record system. All patients were randomly divided into a training group and a validation group according to the ratio of 7 : 3. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to identify factors associated with MVI.</span> <span class="fold-elip">&hellip;</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >Based on the combined factors, a nomogram for predicting MVI was constructed and its diagnostic performance was evaluated. RESULTS: There were 123 (20.3%) female patients and 482 (79.7%) male patients were enrolled, with an average age of 59 years. There were 182 (30.1%) patients with positive MVI and 423 (69.9%) patients with negative MVI. On multivariate logistic analysis, prealbumin (0.993 [0.986, 1.000]), AFP (0.993 [0.987, 1.000]), PIVKA-II (1.000 [1.000, 1.000]) were independently associated with MVI. The nomogram constructed based on the aforementioned variables and TBS exhibited area under the curve (AUC) of 0.804 and 0.742 in the training group and a validation group, respectively. The calibration curves in both training group and a validation group showed good fit, and the decision curve analysis revealed a net benefit across a wide range of threshold probabilities. CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed nomogram was an independent biomarker for predict MVI, which might take precision medicine one step further. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Hepatocellular carcinoma, microvascular invasion, tumor burden index </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/CH-242407 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation</a>, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 123-135, 2025 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_ch242407" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_ch242407" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> 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