Aroma IPTV : 亘孬 賲噩丕賳賶

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Please try a different browser.'); } // Mark the active channel if (activeChannel) { activeChannel.classList.remove('active'); } listItem.classList.add('active'); activeChannel = listItem; }; // Load M3U file fetch('list.m3u') .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { const lines = data.split('\n'); let currentLogo = ''; let currentName = ''; let currentCategory = ''; const channels = []; lines.forEach(line => { line = line.trim(); if (line.startsWith('#EXTINF')) { const logoMatch = line.match(/tvg-logo="(.*?)"/); const nameMatch = line.match(/,(.*)$/); const categoryMatch = line.match(/group-title="(.*?)"/); if (logoMatch) { currentLogo = logoMatch[1]; } if (nameMatch) { currentName = nameMatch[1]; } if (categoryMatch) { currentCategory = categoryMatch[1]; } } else if (line && !line.startsWith('#')) { channels.push({ name: currentName, logo: currentLogo, url: line, category: currentCategory }); } }); const displayChannels = (filter = '') => { categoriesContainer.innerHTML = ''; const categories = {}; channels.filter(channel => => { if (!categories[channel.category]) { categories[channel.category] = []; } categories[channel.category].push(channel); }); Object.keys(categories).forEach(categoryName => { const categoryDiv = document.createElement('div'); categoryDiv.classList.add('category'); const categoryTitle = document.createElement('h3'); categoryTitle.textContent = categoryName; categoryDiv.appendChild(categoryTitle); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); categories[categoryName].forEach(channel => { const listItem = document.createElement('li'); const img = document.createElement('img'); const nameSpan = document.createElement('span'); img.src = channel.logo; img.alt = "Channel Logo"; nameSpan.textContent =; listItem.addEventListener('click', () => { playChannel(channel.url, listItem); }); listItem.appendChild(img); listItem.appendChild(nameSpan); ul.appendChild(listItem); // Automatically load "Rotana Cinema KSA" on page load if ( === "Rotana Cinema KSA (1080p)") { playChannel(channel.url, listItem); } }); categoryDiv.appendChild(ul); categoriesContainer.appendChild(categoryDiv); }); }; searchInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => { displayChannels(; }); displayChannels(); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error loading M3U file:', error)); // Add error handling for the video player videoPlayer.addEventListener('error', (e) => { console.error('Error playing the video:', e); alert('An error occurred while trying to play the stream. Please try another channel.'); }); </script> </body> </html>