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NVIDIA Developer Forums </a> </header> <div id="main-outlet" class="wrap" role="main"> <h1> <a itemprop="item" href="/c/gaming-and-visualization-technologies/visualization/170"> <span itemprop='name'>Visualization</span> </a> <a itemprop="item" href="/c/gaming-and-visualization-technologies/visualization/optix/167"> <span itemprop='name'>OptiX</span> </a> </h1> <br/> <div class="topic-list-container" itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='itemListOrder' content=''> <table class='topic-list'> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic</th> <th></th> <th class="replies">Replies</th> <th class="views">Views</th> <th>Activity</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='1'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Optimizing SBT usage</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> <p class='excerpt'> OptiX 8.1 added a function called optixGetGASPointerFromHandle() that can be used to help index per-instance data, rather than making per-instance SBT entries. Since this removes an entire dimension of complexity with SB… </p> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest single"> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster' aria-label='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>1</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>37</span> </td> <td> February 6, 2025 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='2'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>OptiX 9.0 Release</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> <p class='excerpt'> We are very excited to announce the OptiX 9.0 Release! Highlights from OptiX 9.0 include: Support for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 series (Blackwell GPUs) New API for building clusters (aka RTX MegaGeometry) - dramatically s… </p> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest single"> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster' aria-label='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>2</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>321</span> </td> <td> February 6, 2025 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='3'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Solving Self-Intersection Artifacts in OptiX</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> <p class='excerpt'> Recently one of our team members published a solution and code examples for how to avoid self-intersection artifacts in OptiX as well as DirectX and Vulkan. Despite having “DirectX” in the title, this works just as well … </p> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest single"> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster' aria-label='dhart - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>1</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>1303</span> </td> <td> September 27, 2023 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='4'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>OptiX advanced samples on github</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class=""> <img width="25" height="25" src="" class="avatar" title='dlacewell - Original Poster' aria-label='dlacewell - Original Poster'> </a> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest"> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='droettger - Most Recent Poster' aria-label='droettger - Most Recent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>19</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>20877</span> </td> <td> August 2, 2024 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='5'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>How CUDA works within Optix</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>cuda</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest"> <img width="25" height="25" src="" class="avatar" title='Logic6023 - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster' aria-label='Logic6023 - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster'> </a> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class=""> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='Keith_Morley - Frequent Poster' aria-label='Keith_Morley - Frequent Poster'> </a> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class=""> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='dhart - Frequent Poster' aria-label='dhart - Frequent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>5</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>65</span> </td> <td> February 26, 2025 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='6'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>I would like to ask a question, my project is based on optix6+vs2015+cuda8, running on windows. But now if you want to port the project to Linux, you</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>cuda</a> , <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>ubuntu</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest"> <img width="25" height="25" src="" class="avatar" title='Logic6023 - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster' aria-label='Logic6023 - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster'> </a> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class=""> <img width="25" height="25" src="/user_avatar/" class="avatar" title='dhart - Frequent Poster' aria-label='dhart - Frequent Poster'> </a> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>2</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>38</span> </td> <td> February 25, 2025 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='7'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Nvidia Optix 8.0.0 Ray Trace GL-interop Exception</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> </td> <td class='posters'> <a rel='nofollow' href="" class="latest"> <img width="25" height="25" src="" class="avatar" title='ehteshamimaad - 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