CySWater 2016 - Welcome
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As a result, ICT in general, and CPS in particular have been blended with the water infrastructure, towards an emerging engineering field, coined as Smart Water Networks.<strong></strong></p> <p>Driven by the engineering and research challenges, the objective of CySWater 2016 is to bring together researchers and engineers from the fields of Communications/Networking, Learning/Processing, and Control and practitioners from the Water Industry to both share their experiences, as well as formulate novel CPS paradigms for fulfilling the vision of Smart Water Networks. Emphasis will be given to both theoretical modelling, as well as modern exemplars that respond to different aspects of the water life-cycle.</p> <hr size="1"> <h2>Important dates:</h2> <ul> <li>Paper Submission: <span class="style13"><strong><s>28</s></strong><s><sup>th</sup><strong>聽January 2016</strong></s> <strong>7</strong><sup>th</sup><strong>聽February 2016</strong> (<strong>Firm deadline. No further extensions will be given.</strong>)</span></li> <li>Acceptance Notification: <span class="style13"><strong><s>20</s></strong><s><sup>th</sup><strong>聽February 2016</strong></s> <strong>29</strong><sup>th</sup><strong> February 2016</strong></span></li> <li>Camera-ready Versions: <span class="style13"><strong><s>1</s></strong><s><sup>st</sup><strong>聽March 2016</strong></s> <strong>11</strong><sup>th</sup><strong>聽March 2016</strong></span></li> <li>Workshop Date: <span class="style13"><strong>11</strong><sup>th</sup><strong> April 2016</strong></span></li> </ul> <hr size="1"> <h2><strong>Previous Versions of CySWater:</strong></h2> <blockquote> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CySWater 2015</strong></a></p> </blockquote> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <div class="footer"> <p><strong>漏</strong> 2015 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas</p> </div> </div> <!--<div class="bottomLinks"> <a href="../index.html" title="Go Home"><img src="../_images/home.gif" alt="Go Home" width="15" height="13" border="0"></a> | <a href=""><img src="../_images/contact.gif" alt="Contact e-mail" width="15" height="13" border="0"></a></div> --> </div> </div> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>