W3C I18N Schema Development Techniques
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It is one of several <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques pages</a>.</p> <p>To see this page as a dynamically expanding list, click on 'Collapse all' below. This will help you get an overview and drill down quickly to what you need.</p> <p id="mainECButtons"><button onClick="collapseAll()">Collapse all</button> • <button onClick="document.location = 'developing-schemas';">Expand all</button></p> </section> </div> <div id="expandingContent"> <!-- ##################################################################### --> <!-- ##################################################################### --> <section id="sec_language"><h2 id="language">Language</h2> <div class="summary"> <h3>In this section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#natlang">Defining markup for labelling natural language </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="showhide"><a onclick="openAll('language', 'h3','');" href="#_">Open All</a> <a onclick="closeAll('language', 'h3','');" href="#_">Close All</a></div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_natlang"><h3 id="natlang">Defining markup for labelling natural language </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure the xml:lang attribute is defined for the root element of your document, and for any element where a change of language may occur. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> <li class="bp">If legacy markup exists, provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:langRule element to specify what attribute or element is used instead of xml:lang. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Allow xml:lang to take a null value to specify that the language is undetermined. <a href="/International/questions/qa-no-language#undetermined">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Use xml:lang to refer to the language of the content of an element, but define a new attribute when the language value is really an attribute of or metadata about some external content. <a href="/International/questions/qa-when-xmllang">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#language-information">Language Information</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Language Information" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.7).</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/questions/qa-when-xmllang">xml:lang in XML document schemas</a></p> <p class="desc">When should I use xml:lang and when should I define my own element or attribute for passing language values in an XML document schema (DTD)? (W3C article)</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/questions/qa-no-language">Tagging text with no language</a></p> <p class="desc">How do I use language markup in HTML or XML content when I don't know the language, or the content is non-linguistic? (W3C article)</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/i18n-html-tech-lang/#ri20050208.095812479">Mechanisms for declaring language in HTML</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C best practices document, Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML Content.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/REC-xml/#sec-lang-tag">Language Identification</a></p> <p class="desc">Description of the language identification mechanism in the XML 1.0 spec (section 2.12)</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#language">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> </section> <section id="sec_markup"><h2 id="markup">Markup & text </h2> <div class="summary"> <h3>In this section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#ruby">Defining markup for ruby text </a></li> <li><a href="#uniqueid">Defining markup for unique identifiers </a></li> <li><a href="#terms">Defining markup related to terminology </a></li> <li><a href="#terms">Defining markup related to terminology </a></li> <li><a href="#multilingual">Working with multilingual documents </a></li> <li><a href="#naming">Naming elements and attributes</a></li> <li><a href="#span">Defining a span-like element</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="showhide"><a onclick="openAll('markup', 'h3','');" href="#_">Open All</a> <a onclick="closeAll('markup', 'h3','');" href="#_">Close All</a></div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_ruby"><h3 id="ruby">Defining markup for ruby text </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure the its:ruby element and its children are defined for all elements where there is text content. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevRuby">more</a></li> <li class="bp">If legacy markup exists, provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:rubyRule element to associate your ruby markup with its equivalent in ITS. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevRuby">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#language-information">Ruby</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Ruby" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.6).</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#language-information">Ruby Annotation</a></p> <p class="desc">W3C Recommendation.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="">Implementing the Ruby Module</a></p> <p class="desc">Sample module implementations of the Ruby Annotation spec abstract definition in several schemas (W3C personal Note).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/questions/qa-ruby">Ruby</a></p> <p class="desc">A brief explanation of ruby (W3C article). </p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/articles/ruby/">Ruby Markup and Styling</a></p> <p class="desc">An overview of the Ruby Annotation and CSS3 Ruby specifications (W3C article). </p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_uniqueid"><h3 id="uniqueid">Defining markup for unique identifiers </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure that elements with translatable content can be associated with a unique identifier. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevUniqueID">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="">xml:id</a></p> <p class="desc">W3C Recommendation.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_terms"><h3 id="terms">Defining markup related to terminology </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Provide an ITS Rules document where you use its:termRule elements to indicate which elements are terms and information related to them (e.g. definitions). <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTerm">more</a></li> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, make sure the its:term and the its:termInfoRef attributes are defined for any element that is text content. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTermOver">more</a></li> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, consider defining the its:rules element in your schema, for example in a header if there is one, and the its:termRule element, which can be used to override terminology-related information globally. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTermOver">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="">Terminology</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Terminology" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.4).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="">Markup and Terminological Databases</a></p> <p class="desc">Several of the markup-related standards for terminology (Cover pages article).</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="">Saving Money Through Terminology Management</a></p> <p class="desc">LISA Globalization Insider article.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_multilingual"><h3 id="multilingual">Working with multilingual documents </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">For documents that need to go through some localization tasks, always store the localized version of the text in a separate document. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTerm">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_naming"><h3 id="naming">Naming elements and attributes</h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure the names of the elements and attributes of your schema reflect their functions, rather than one possible way of rendering their content. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevElemNames">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Wherever possible, avoid element names which do not follow a fixed naming scheme (for example, element names that serve also as identifiers). <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevElemNames">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/questions/qa-non-eng-tags">Non-English tags</a></p> <p class="desc">Can I write HTML and XML element and attribute tag names in languages and scripts other than English? (W3C article) </p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_span"><h3 id="span">Defining a span-like element</h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, make sure you define a span-like element in your schema that will allow authors to associate arbitrary content with properties such as directionality, language information, etc. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#language-information">Local Selection in an XML Document</a></p> <p class="desc">Description of its:span in the ITS Recommendation (section 5.2.2).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#markup">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> </section> <section id="sec_direction"><h2 id="direction">Text direction </h2> <div class="summary"> <h3>In this section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#directionmarkup">Defining markup to specify text direction</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="showhide"><a onclick="openAll('direction', 'h3','');" href="#_">Open All</a> <a onclick="closeAll('direction', 'h3','');" href="#_">Close All</a></div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_directionmarkup"><h3 id="directionmarkup">Defining markup to specify text direction</h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure the its:dir attribute is defined for the root element of your document, and for any element that has text content. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevDir">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:dirRule element to associate the different directionality indicators with their equivalents in ITS. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevDir">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#directionality">Directionality</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Directionality" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.7).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/International/articles/inline-bidi-markup/">What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup</a></p> <p class="desc">W3C article.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/i18n-html-tech-bidi/">Handling Right-to-left Scripts in XHTML and HTML Content</a></p> <p class="desc">W3C best practices document.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="">Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages</a></p> <p class="desc">Unicode Technical Report #20.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#direction">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> </section> <section id="sec_localization"><h2 id="localization">Supporting localization </h2> <div class="summary"> <h3>In this section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#translate">Defining which elements and attributes should be translated </a></li> <li><a href="#segmentation">Providing information related to text segmentation</a></li> <li><a href="#notes">Defining markup for notes to localizers </a></li> <li><a href="#documenting">Documenting internationalization and localization features of your schema </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="showhide"><a onclick="openAll('localization', 'h3','');" href="#_">Open All</a> <a onclick="closeAll('localization', 'h3','');" href="#_">Close All</a></div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_translate"><h3 id="translate">Defining which elements and attributes should be translated </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Make sure you store all text that will need to be translated as element content, not as attribute values. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevAttributes">more</a></li> <li class="bp">If legacy markup exists, provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:translateRule element to specify what attributes indicate that text is to be translated. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevAttributes">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Provide an ITS Rules document where you use its:translateRule elements to indicate which elements are not to be translated, and which attributes are to be translated. By default, it will be expected that elements are to be translated and attributes are not. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTrans">more</a></li> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, make sure the its:translate attribute is defined for the root element of your documents, and for any element that has text content. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTransOver">more</a></li> <li class="bp">Consider defining the its:rules element in your schema, for example in a header if there is one, and within that the its:translateRule element, so that content authors can globally change the default translate rules for specific elements and attributes. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTransOver">more</a></li> <li class="bp">If legacy markup exists, provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:translateRule element to associate this markup with the ITS Translate data category. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevTransOver">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#trans-datacat">Translate</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Translate" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.2).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="background">Background reading</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="">Attributes and translatable text</a></p> <p class="desc">In Requirements for Localizable DTD Design.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#elements-within-text">Elements Within Text</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Elements Within Text" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.8).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#localization">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_segmentation"><h3 id="segmentation">Providing information related to text segmentation</h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Provide an ITS Rules document where you use its:withinTextRule elements to indicate which elements should be treated as either part of their parents, or as a nested but independent run of text. By default, element boundaries are assumed to correspond to segmentation boundaries. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#elements-within-text">Elements Within Text</a></p> <p class="desc">The "Elements Within Text" data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.8).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#localization">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_notes"><h3 id="notes">Defining markup for notes to localizers </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, define the attributes its:locNote, its:locNoteType and its:locNoteRef in your schema. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> <li class="bp">For new or updated formats, consider defining the its:rules element in your schema, for example in a header, and within that the its:locNoteRule element and its related markup. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> <li class="bp">If legacy markup exists, provide an ITS Rules document where you use the its:locNoteRule element to associate your notes markup with its equivalent in ITS. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#locNote-datacat">Localization Note </a></p> <p class="desc">The "Localization Note " data category in the ITS Recommendation (section 6.3).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#localization">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> <div class="resource-box" id="sec_documenting"><h3 id="documenting">Documenting internationalization and localization features of your schema </h3> <div class="checklist"> <h5 class="best">Best practices checklist</h5><ul> <li class="bp">Document the internationalization and localization aspects of your schema by providing a set of relevant ITS rules in a single standalone ITS Rules document. <a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DevLang">more</a></li> </ul> </div> <div><h5 class="howto">How to's</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#DesignTime">When Designing an XML Application</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C document, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/its/#its-processing">Processing of ITS information</a></p> <p class="desc">In the ITS Recommendation (section 5).</p> </li> </ul></div> <div><h5 class="otherlinks">Other links</h5><ul><li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Generic">Generic techniques</a></p> <p class="desc">Guidance on applying ITS markup, in W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> <li> <p class="link"><a href="/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#Modularization">ITS Applied to Existing Formats</a></p> <p class="desc">In W3C WG Note, Best Practices for XML Internationalization.</p> </li> </ul></div> <div class="goto"><h5>Go to:</h5> <a href="#localization">top of this section</a> • <a href="#contentstart">top of this page</a> • <a href="/International/technique-index">techniques home page</a></div> </div> </section> <!-- ##################################################################### --> <!-- ##################################################################### --> </div> <footer id="thefooter"></footer><script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('thefooter').innerHTML = g.bottomOfPage</script> <script type="text/javascript"> completePage(); // check for parameters and take appropriate action parameters ='&'); parameters[0] = parameters[0].substring(1); for (var p=0;p<parameters.length;p++) { pairs = parameters[p].split('='); if (pairs[0] == 'collapse') { collapseAll(); } if (pairs[0] == 'open' && pairs[1] && document.getElementById(pairs[1])) { revealContent(document.getElementById(pairs[1])); } } </script> </body> </html>