Chemical Society Reviews journal

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The guide will also help if for any reason you have difficulty accessing the content you want.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <h2>What would you like to know about this journal?</h2> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #004976; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;"><strong><em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;is a Transformative Journal, and Plan S compliant</strong></p> <div class="rsc-ui"> <div class="row edge2edge-lg"> <div class="column two padh-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Impact factor: 40.4*</p> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Time to first decision (all decisions): 11.0 days**</p> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Time to first decision (peer reviewed only): 24.0 days***</p> </div> </div> <div class="column two padh-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Chair: Jennifer Love</p> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Indexed in MEDLINE and Science Citation Index</p> <p style="font-size: 20px; border-left-style: solid; border-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-width: 8px; padding: 10px;">Open access publishing options available</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row edge2edge-lg"> <div class="column two padh-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="!recentarticles&amp;adv">Read this journal</a></p> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="">Submit an article</a></p> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sign up for regular email alerts</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="column two padh-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/metrics/">View all journal metrics</a></p> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/#open-access">Publish open access</a></p> <p><a class="bg-dk-blue pad-xsm block" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/#team">Meet the team</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <p><em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;(<em>Chemical Society Reviews</em>) is the Royal Society of Chemistry's leading reviews journal. We publish high-impact, authoritative and reader-friendly review articles covering important topics at the forefront of the chemical sciences.</p> <p>We welcome and encourage proposals for reviews from members of the research community:</p> <ul> <li><a class="btn bg-dk-blue" href="/globalassets/05-journals-books-databases/our-journals/chemical-society-reviews/review-proposal-form2.docx">To write a review, please download a proposal form</a></li> <li><a class="btn bg-dk-blue" href="/globalassets/05-journals-books-databases/our-journals/chemical-society-reviews/tutorial-review-proposal-form.docx">To propose a tutorial, please download a tutorial proposal form</a></li> <li>If you are interested in submitting a Viewpoint, please <a href="">contact us</a> and we will provide further guidance.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="text-image-block hashtaglink"> <div class="text-image-block__bd"> <h2>Journal scope</h2> <p><em>Chem Soc Rev</em> publishes review articles covering important topics at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Reviews should be of the very highest quality and international impact. We particularly encourage international and multidisciplinary collaborations among our authors.</p> <p>Our scope covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including interdisciplinary topics where the article has a basis in chemistry. Topics include:</p> <div class="rsc-ui"> <div class="row edge2edge-lg"> <div class="column two pad-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <ul> <li>Analytical chemistry</li> <li>Biomaterials chemistry</li> <li>Bioorganic/medicinal chemistry</li> <li>Catalysis</li> <li>Chemical Biology</li> <li>Coordination Chemistry</li> <li>Crystal Engineering</li> <li>Energy</li> <li>Sustainable chemistry</li> <li>Green chemistry</li> <li>Inorganic chemistry</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="column two pad-sm"> <div class="pad-sm"> <ul> <li>Inorganic materials</li> <li>Main group chemistry</li> <li>Nanoscience</li> <li>Organic chemistry</li> <li>Organic materials</li> <li>Organometallics</li> <li>Physical chemistry</li> <li>Supramolecular chemistry</li> <li>Synthetic methodology</li> <li>Theoretical and computational chemistry</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-image-block__img"> <noscript data-slimmage="true" data-img-class="slimmage hashtaglink" data-img-src=";width=800&amp;format=jpg&amp;quality=80" data-img-alt="image block"><img class="slimmage hashtaglink" src=";width=800&amp;format=jpg&amp;quality=80" alt="image block"></noscript> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="Lectureship_CS"> <h2>ChemSocRev Pioneering Investigator Lectureship</h2> <p>This award&nbsp;recognises mid-career scientists who have firmly established themselves in their independent careers and continuously publish innovative and pioneering work.</p> <p>Nominations are now closed. We expect to open nominations for the 2024 lectureship in the Autumn</p> <p><a href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/investigator-lectureship-award/">Read about eligibility, how to nominate, and see all award winners</a></p> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="team"> <h2>Meet the team</h2> <p>Find out who is on the editorial and advisory boards for the <em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;journal.</p> </div> </div><div class="block tabsblock "><div class="tabs hashtaglink" id="boards-staff"> <div><div class="block tabsinnerblock "><div class="tabs__content hashtaglink" id="EB"> <span class="tab__heading" style="display: none;">Editorial board</span> <div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <h4>Chair</h4> <p><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_love"><strong>Jennifer Love</strong></a>, University of Calgary, Canada</p> <h4>Associate editors</h4> <p><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_berben"><strong>Louise Berben</strong></a>, University of California Davis, USA</p> <p><a href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_dong"><strong>Vy Dong</strong></a>, University of California, Irvine</p> <p><strong><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_goss" target="_top" rel="noopener">Rebecca Goss</a>, </strong>University of St Andrews, UK</p> <p><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_tian"><strong>Zhong-Qun Tian</strong></a>, Xiamen University, China</p> <p><a href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_bu"><strong>Xian-He Bu</strong></a>, Nankai University, China</p> <h4>Editorial board members</h4> <p><strong><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_grancini">Giulia Grancini,</a></strong> University of Pavia, Italy</p> <p><strong><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_ishitani">Osamu Ishitani</a>,</strong> Hiroshima University, Japan</p> <p><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_vogt"><strong>Tatjana Parac-Vogt</strong></a>, KU Leuven, Belgium</p> <p><a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/about-journals/chem-soc-rev/editorial-board-members/#cs_sunoj"><strong>Raghavan B. Sunoj</strong></a>, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div><div class="block tabsinnerblock "><div class="tabs__content hashtaglink" id="AB"> <span class="tab__heading" style="display: none;">Advisory board</span> <div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <p><strong>Ryu Abe,</strong> Kyoto University</p> <p><strong>Dave Adams, </strong>University of Glasgow</p> <p><strong>David Amabilino,</strong> Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona</p> <p><strong>Ruchi Anand, </strong>IIT Bombay</p> <p><strong>Ivan Aprahamian, </strong>Dartmouth College</p> <p><strong>Parisa A. Ariya,</strong> McGill University</p> <p><strong>Robert Baker,</strong> Trinity College Dublin</p> <p><strong>Tom Baker, </strong>University of Ottawa</p> <p><strong>Rahul Banerjee, </strong>Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, India</p> <p><strong>Thomas Bennett, </strong>University of Cambridge</p> <p><strong>Gon&ccedil;alo Bernardes, </strong>University of Cambridge</p> <p><strong>Barry Blight,&nbsp;</strong>University of New Brunswick</p> <p><strong>Anne-Marie Caminade, </strong>University of Toulouse</p> <p><strong>Araceli Campa&ntilde;a, </strong>University of Granada</p> <p><strong>Rui Cao, </strong>Shaanxi Normal University</p> <p><strong>Hong Chen, </strong>Soochow University</p> <p><strong>Yong Cui, </strong>Shanghai Jiao Tong University</p> <p><strong>Abhishek Dey, </strong>IACS</p> <p><strong>Huw Davies,</strong> Emory University</p> <p><strong>Wim Dehaen,</strong> Catholic University of Leuven</p> <p><strong>William Dichtel,</strong> Northwestern University</p> <p><strong>Yves Dufr&ecirc;ne,</strong> Universit&eacute; catholique de Louvain</p> <p><strong>Antonio Echavarren,</strong> Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia</p> <p><strong>Elena Fern&aacute;ndez,</strong> Universitat Rovira i Virgili</p> <p><strong>Miriam Freedman,</strong> Pennsylvania State University, USA</p> <p><strong>Philip A Gale,</strong> The University of Sydney, Australia</p> <p><strong>Debashree Ghosh, </strong>IACS</p> <p><strong>Duncan Graham, </strong>University of Strathclyde</p> <p><strong>Stefan Grimme, </strong>Universit&auml;t Bonn</p> <p><strong>Frances Houle,&nbsp;</strong>Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory</p> <p><strong>Ashlee Howarth, </strong>Concordia University</p> <p><strong>Feihe Huang, </strong>Zhejiang University</p> <p><strong>Masako Kato, </strong>Kwansei Gakuin University</p> <p><strong>Jong Seung Kim, </strong>Korea University</p> <p><strong>Rafal Klajn,&nbsp;</strong>Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Austria</p> <p><strong>Chung-Wei Kung, </strong>National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan</p> <p><strong>Daniele Leonori, </strong>RWTH Aachen University</p> <p><strong>Chao-Jun Li, </strong>McGill University</p> <p><strong>Jinghong Li, </strong>Tsinghua University</p> <p><strong>Yan Li, </strong>Peking University, China</p> <p><strong>Yunling Liu,</strong>Jilin University, China</p> <p><strong>Zhuang Liu,&nbsp;</strong>Soochow University</p> <p><strong>Norberto Peporine Lopes, </strong>CEMMO</p> <p><strong>Bettina Lotsch, </strong>Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research</p> <p><strong>Connie Lu, </strong>University of Minnesota</p> <p><strong>Cara Lubner, </strong>NREL</p> <p><strong>Rafael Luque,&nbsp;</strong>King Saud University</p> <p><strong>Uday Maitra, </strong>Indian Institute of Science</p> <p><strong>Nazario Mart&iacute;n, </strong>Complutense University of Madrid</p> <p><strong>Feliu Maseras, </strong>Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia</p> <p><strong>Fiona Meldrum, </strong>University of Leeds</p> <p><strong>Gugu Mhlongo, </strong>CSIR</p> <p><strong>Amanda Morris,</strong> Virginia Tech</p> <p><strong>Simona Mura, </strong>Institut Galien Paris-Saclay</p> <p><strong>Brenno Neto,&nbsp;</strong>University of Brasilia</p> <p><strong>Tebello Nyokong, </strong>Rhodes University</p> <p><strong>Martin Oestreich, </strong>Technische Universit&auml;t Berlin</p> <p><strong>Elisa Orth, </strong>Federal University of Paran&aacute;</p> <p><strong>Mario Pagliaro, </strong>National Research Council (NRC)</p> <p><strong>Atul Parikh, </strong>University of California Davis</p> <p><strong>Kanyi Pu, </strong>Nanyang Technological University</p> <p><strong>Eric Rivard, </strong>University of Alberta</p> <p><strong>Gregory Robinson, </strong>University of Georgia</p> <p><strong>Peter Roesky, </strong>Karlsruhe Institute of Technology</p> <p><strong>Ashley Ross, </strong>University of Cincinnati</p> <p><strong>Vincent Rotello, </strong>University of Massachusetts</p> <p><strong>Joanna Sadler,</strong> University of Edinburgh</p> <p><strong>Paolo Samori, </strong>University of Strasbourg</p> <p><strong>D.D. Sarma,&nbsp;</strong>Indian Institute of Science</p> <p><strong>Cl&eacute;ment Sanchez, </strong>Pierre and Marie Curie University</p> <p><strong>H&eacute;lder A. Santos, </strong>University of Helsinki</p> <p><strong>Jennifer Schaefer, </strong>Notre Dame</p> <p><strong>Wendy Shaw, </strong>PNNL</p> <p><strong>Injae Shin, </strong>Yonsei University</p> <p><strong>David Spring, </strong>University of Cambridge</p> <p><strong>Andrew Steckl, </strong>University of Cincinnati</p> <p><strong>Samuel Stupp, </strong>Northwestern University</p> <p><strong>Jin Suntivich,&nbsp;</strong>Cornell University</p> <p><strong>Kana Sureshan,</strong> IISER Thiruvananthapuram</p> <p><strong>Qunwei Tang, </strong>Shandong University of Science and Technology</p> <p><strong>Micheal Tam, </strong>University of Waterloo</p> <p><strong>Andrea Trabocchi, </strong>University of Florence</p> <p><strong>James Tucker, </strong>University of Birmingham</p> <p><strong>Leyong Wang, </strong>Nanjing University</p> <p><strong>Peng Wang, </strong>Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry</p> <p><strong>Bert Weckhuysen, </strong>Utrecht University</p> <p><strong>Helma Wennemers, </strong>ETH Zurich</p> <p><strong>Stephen Withers, </strong>University of British Columbia</p> <p><strong>Frank W&uuml;rthner, </strong>Universit&auml;t W&uuml;rzburg&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Yujie Xiong, </strong>University of Science and Technology of China</p> <p><strong>Makoto Yamashita, </strong>Nagoya University&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Juyoung Yoon, </strong>Ewha Womans University</p> <p><strong>Shuli You, </strong>Shanghai Institute of&nbsp;Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences</p> <p><strong>Guihua Yu, </strong>University of Texas at Austin</p> <p><strong>Claudio Zannoni, </strong>University of Bologna</p> <p><strong>Haoli Zhang, </strong>Lanzhou University</p> <p><strong>Qiang Zhang, </strong>Tsinghua University</p> <p><strong>Yong Zhang, </strong>City&nbsp;University of Hong Kong</p> <p><strong>Yiping Zhao, </strong>University of Georgia</p> <p><strong>Jiang Zhou, </strong>Central South University</p> <p><strong>Hongli Zhu, </strong>Northeastern University</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div><div class="block tabsinnerblock "><div class="tabs__content hashtaglink" id="EO"> <span class="tab__heading" style="display: none;">Editorial office</span> <div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <p><strong>Richard Kelly</strong>, Executive Editor,&nbsp;<a href="">ORCID 0000-0003-2380-9315</a></p> <p><strong>Danny Andrews</strong>, Development Editor</p> <p><strong>Ershad Abubacker</strong>, Development Editor</p> <p><strong>Jade Holliday</strong>, Editorial Assistant</p> <p><strong>Helen Saxton</strong>, Editorial Manager, <a href="">ORCID&nbsp;0000-0002-1560-7396</a></p> <p><strong>Jason Woolford</strong>, Associate Editorial Manager, <a href="">ORCID 0000-0002-7768-4645</a></p> <p><strong>Kirstine Anderson</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Matthew Bown</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Laura Cooper</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Hannah Fielding</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Claire Harding</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Alan Holder</strong>, Publishing Editor,&nbsp;<a href="">ORCID&nbsp;0000-0001-5228-877X</a></p> <p><strong>Sarah McKnight</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Charlie Palmer</strong>, Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Rosie Rothwell</strong>,&nbsp;Publishing Editor</p> <p><strong>Donna Smith</strong>, Publishing Editor,&nbsp;<a href="">ORCID 0000-0002-1337-2327</a></p> <p><strong>Laura Smith</strong>, Publishing Editor,&nbsp;<a href="">ORCID 0000-0002-2976-8529</a>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Natalie Ford</strong>, Publishing Assistant</p> <p><strong>Sam Keltie</strong>, Publisher&nbsp;</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div><div class="block expandablecontentblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <h2>Article types</h2> <p><p><em>Chem Soc Rev&nbsp;</em>publishes:</p> <ul> <li>Tutorial reviews</li> <li>Reviews</li> <li>Viewpoints</li> </ul> <p>All articles should consist of original text and interpretation. If other authors&rsquo; material is used - either text or graphics - permission must be sought by the author from the publisher of the original source and must be made clear in the manuscript.&nbsp;</p> <p>Reviews and Tutorial Reviews should focus on key developments in a field, with the author providing their own analysis and insight throughout on developments, trends and future directions. Articles which simply summarise research in the topic with minimal or no analysis or insight from the author are not suitable for publication in <em>Chem Soc Rev</em>. To achieve this goal we respectfully ask authors of Reviews and Tutorial Reviews to use new graphics where possible (by redrawing schemes for example) and to aim for no more than 20% of graphics in their article to be reused from previously published work. We understand that in some cases it is necessary to include more previously published graphics (for example, where graphs or microscope images are shown). In these cases we ask authors to provide a very brief justification on submission.</p> <p>Authors may supply videos, PowerPoint slides, soundbites, pictures and other additional material as electronic supplementary information (ESI) to complement and enhance their articles. Please contact the editorial office for more details.</p> <p>Guidance on specific article types is below.</p> <a class="btn--expandable" data-expandable="" aria-controls="5722adb4-44f9-4f47-94c1-7556e5f1d7be" href="javascript:;">See more information about these article types<b class="add-icon-after-plus"></b></a> <div class="content-block__expandable inactive" id="5722adb4-44f9-4f47-94c1-7556e5f1d7be" data-status="is-expanded" aria-expanded="true"> <div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <h3>Tutorial Reviews</h3> <p>Tutorial Reviews are concise, accessible and authoritative overviews of important contemporary topics in the chemical sciences. They should appeal to advanced undergraduates, the general research chemist who is new to the field, as well as the expert. They provide a solid introduction to the development of a subject, the latest breakthrough results and their implications for the wider scientific community.&nbsp;Tutorial Reviews should not contain unpublished research.</p> <p>Tutorial reviews must fulfil the following criteria.</p> <h4>Accessible</h4> <p>Appeal to advanced undergraduate students and beyond. Tutorial reviews are often used in advanced undergraduate and Master&rsquo;s studies.</p> <h4>Authoritative</h4> <p>Provide an essential introduction to the field which will lay the foundation of knowledge in the area, followed by the most important recent advances. Authors should include throughout the article their own insights into the development of the field and its future potential.</p> <h4>Exciting</h4> <p>In particular highlight areas where there has been a significant recent advance.</p> <h4>Concise</h4> <p>There is no strict reference limit; however please include only the most important historical and recent research, referencing the major contributions (with the &ldquo;and references cited therein&rdquo; addition where appropriate). Tutorial Reviews are typically up to 15 journal pages in length.</p> <h4>Jargon-free</h4> <p>Specialist terms and symbols should be defined and fundamental ideas simply explained. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Tutorial reviews should include a 'key learning points' box, containing up to five key learning points that a reader should expect to gain from reading the review. These should be provided on submission, either at the beginning of the review or as a separate document.</p> <h3>Reviews</h3> <p>Reviews provide an authoritative and in-depth understanding of important topics in the chemical sciences. They give a very high-quality state-of-the-art account of the subject matter and a balanced assessment of the current primary literature. The implications of recent developments for the wider scientific community are emphasised and authors should aim to stimulate progress in the field.&nbsp;<em>Chem Soc Rev&nbsp;</em>Reviews should not contain original, unpublished research.</p> <p>Reviews must fulfil the following criteria.</p> <h4>Accessible</h4> <p>Of general interest and enticing to the journal&rsquo;s wide, community-spanning readership.</p> <h4>Appealing</h4> <p>A timely account is needed which genuinely adds to the existing literature.</p> <h4>Carefully referenced</h4> <p>References should be selected to give a balanced view of the field.</p> <h4>Jargon-free</h4> <p>Specialist terms and symbols should be defined and fundamental ideas simply explained.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h3>Viewpoints</h3> <p>Viewpoints are short, opinion-based articles where the author gives their view on a challenge, issue or key development in an important area of chemistry research.</p> <p>A Viewpoint is not intended to be a mini-review. The focus should be on the opinion of the author; however, the article should be scholarly and the arguments made should be supported by appropriate references.</p> <p>A typical Viewpoint:</p> <ul> <li>is up to four journal pages in length</li> <li>contains up to three display item</li> </ul> <p>If you are interested in submitting a Viewpoint, please contact and we will be able to provide further guidance.</p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="journal-specific-guidelines"> <h2>Journal guidelines</h2> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <div style="color: #2c4d67; background-color: #f9f8f8; width: 100%; border-style: solid; border-color: #2c4d67; padding: 10px; border-width: 2px 2px 2px 8px;">The following guidelines are journal specific. For general guidance on preparing an article please visit our <a href="/journals-books-databases/author-and-reviewer-hub/authors-information/prepare-and-format/">Prepare your article</a> and <a href="/journals-books-databases/author-and-reviewer-hub/authors-information/">Resources for authors</a> pages, the content of which is relevant to all of our journals.</div> </div> <p>For accepted proposals or invited submissions, authors are encouraged to submit their full manuscript on the Royal Society of Chemistry article template, which is available to download <a title="" href="/journals-books-databases/author-and-reviewer-hub/authors-information/prepare-and-format/#article-templates" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="open-access"> <h2>Open access publishing options</h2> <p><em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;is a hybrid (transformative) journal and gives authors the choice of publishing their research either via the traditional subscription-based model or instead by choosing our gold open access option.&nbsp;<a href="/journals-books-databases/open-access-publishing/how-to-publish-open-access/#more-options">Find out more about our Transformative Journals.</a> which are <a href="/policy-evidence-campaigns/open-access-and-plan-s/">Plan S compliant</a>.</p> <h3>Gold open access</h3> <p>For authors who want to publish their article <a href="/journals-books-databases/open-access-publishing/how-to-publish-open-access/#gold-oa">gold open access</a>, <em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;charges an article processing charge (APC) of &pound;2,750 (+ any applicable tax). Our APC is all-inclusive and makes your article freely available online immediately, permanently, and includes your choice of <a href="/journals-books-databases/open-access-publishing/how-to-publish-open-access/#licences">Creative Commons licence</a> (CC BY or CC BY-NC) at no extra cost. It is not a submission charge, so you only pay if your article is accepted for publication.</p> <p><a href="/journals-books-databases/open-access-publishing/">Learn more about publishing open access</a>.</p> <h3>Read &amp; Publish</h3> <p>If your institution has a Read &amp; Publish agreement in place with the Royal Society of Chemistry, APCs for gold open access publishing in <em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;may already be covered.</p> <p>Use our <a title="" href="">journal finder</a> to check if your institution has an open access agreement with us.</p> <p>Please use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript and check you are assigned as the corresponding author; this helps us to identify if you are eligible for Read &amp; Publish or other APC discounts.</p> <h3>Traditional subscription model</h3> <p>Authors can also publish in <em>Chem Soc Rev </em>via the traditional subscription model without needing to pay an APC. Articles published via this route are available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to the journal. Our standard licence allows you to make the accepted manuscript of your article freely available after a 12-month embargo period. This is known as the green route to open access.</p> <p><a href="/journals-books-databases/open-access-publishing/how-to-publish-open-access/#more-options">Learn more about green open access</a>.</p> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <h2>Readership information</h2> <p><em>Chem Soc Rev</em>&nbsp;has a truly international readership, from emerging investigators to eminent scientists working in across all areas of the chemical sciences.</p> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="subscription-information"> <h2>Subscription information</h2> <p><em>Chemical Society Reviews</em> is part of collections <a href="/journals-books-databases/librarians-information/products-prices/rsc-gold/">RSC Gold</a> and General Chemistry.</p> <p><strong>Online only 2025</strong>: ISSN 1460-4744, &pound;1,379 / $2,189</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="footnote1"> <div style="color: #737373; font-family: museo_slab500; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20pt; width: 100%;"> <p>*2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="footnote2"> <div style="color: #737373; font-family: museo_slab500; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20pt; width: 100%;"> <p>**The median time from submission to first decision including manuscripts rejected without peer review from the previous calendar year</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink" id="footnote2"> <div style="color: #737373; font-family: museo_slab500; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20pt; width: 100%;"> <p>***The median time from submission to first decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts from the previous calendar year</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="block a2maintextblock "> <div class="content-block hashtaglink"> <hr> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class="layout-a2__col-b"> <div class="sub-menu sub-menu--global"> <div class="sub-menu__header"> <h3><a href="/journals-books-databases/" title="Journals, books &amp; 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