Custom Actions for AI Metahuman Avatars | Learn Configuring Animation Blueprint

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} </style></div><div class="post-header"><div class="container w-container"><div class="featured-post-details post-page"><h1 class="heading">Custom Actions for AI Metahuman Avatars in Unreal Engine</h1><div class="hr-line"></div><div class="w-layout-hflex flex-block w-clearfix"><div class="author-div post-page"><a href="#" class="author w-inline-block"><img alt="" src="" class="image-17"/></a><div class="div-block-17"><div class="text-block-4">By </div><div>Convai Team</div></div></div><div class="space-between"></div><div class="publish-date"><div class="text-block-6">August 20, 2024</div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="background-image:url(&quot;;)" class="featued-image-image"></div><div class="post-body"><div class="post-container w-container"><div class="post-container1"><div class="text-block1 w-richtext"><h1>Introduction</h1><p>In today&#x27;s rapidly evolving virtual application development landscape, the integration of <a href="">AI characters</a>, or <a href="">Metahumans</a>, into virtual worlds is becoming increasingly common. Developers are not just looking to add static, non-interactive avatars but are keen to make these characters more dynamic and interactive. One of the most compelling ways to achieve this is by adding custom animations to AI Metahumans in Unreal Engine.</p><p>Watch this in-depth step-by-step guide in action on our youtube tutorial</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" title="Add Custom Animations to your AI Metahuman | Convai Unreal Engine Tutorial"></iframe></div></figure><p>In this blog post, we will explore how to add custom actions to Metahuman avatars using Unreal Engine, specifically focusing on Convai-powered AI characters (<a href="">Download the Convai SDK for Unreal Engine</a>). This guide is designed to help game developers, game designers, and virtual world builders enhance their projects by integrating custom animations and making their AI Metahumans more lifelike and engaging. To learn more about adding AI to your Metahuman avatars, read our in depth <a href="">blog</a> or watch our tutorial on integrating <a href="">Metahuman avatars with Convai in Unreal Engine</a>.</p><p>‍</p><h1>Why Custom Animations Matter for AI Metahumans</h1><p>Custom animations are critical in creating a more immersive and realistic experience for players. When AI Metahumans perform unique actions—whether it&#x27;s a simple dance move or complex scene interaction—they become more than just background characters. They add a layer of depth and realism that can significantly enhance the user experience.</p><p>‍</p><h2>Use Cases for Custom Actions:</h2><ul role="list"><li><strong>Enhanced Player Interaction</strong>: AI Metahumans that respond to player actions with specific animations can make gameplay more engaging.</li><li><strong>Storytelling: </strong>Custom animations allow for more expressive storytelling, where AI characters can physically react to events in the game world.</li><li><strong>Cinematic Scenes:</strong> Adding custom animations can help in creating cinematic sequences that are crucial for narrative-driven games.</li><li><strong>NPC Behavior:</strong> By customizing the behavior of AI NPCs (Non-Player Characters), developers can create more complex and intelligent interactions within the game environment.</li></ul><p>Now without any further ado, let&#x27;s look at some of the key steps into setting up custom actions for your AI metahumans!</p><p>‍</p><h1>Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Custom Animations to AI Metahumans</h1><h2>1. Setting Up Your Metahuman Avatar</h2><figure style="max-width:1080pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>To begin with, ensure you have your Metahuman avatar ready in <a href="">Unreal Engine</a>. Convai makes this process straightforward by providing seamless integration between the AI characters you craft and the Metahumans in Unreal Engine. Read our <a href="">Unreal Engine documentation</a> page to learn more.</p><h2>2. Downloading an Animation</h2><figure style="max-width:1080pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>For this tutorial, we will use a <a href=";keyword=shuffle&amp;asset=shuffle-chaseturnr-f">dance animation</a>. Animations can be sourced from various platforms, like <a href="">Reallusion</a> or the <a href="">Unreal Marketplace</a>. After downloading, import the animation into your Unreal Engine project.</p><h2>3. Creating an Animation Montage</h2><figure style="max-width:1080pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>An Animation Montage allows you to control how your Metahuman transitions in and out of the animation. Here&#x27;s how to set it up:</p><ul role="list"><li>Right-click on the downloaded animation and select &quot;Create Animation Montage.&quot;</li><li>Navigate to the asset details and modify the blend-in and blend-out times. This controls the smoothness of the transition in and out of the animation.</li></ul><h2>4. Integrating the Animation with the Character Blueprint</h2><p>The next step is to integrate this animation into your Metahuman&#x27;s character blueprint:</p><ul role="list"><li>Open the character blueprint and drag out executable actions.</li><li>Type in &quot;Play Montage&quot; and connect it to your skeletal mesh component.</li><li>Select the dance animation you want to play.</li></ul><h2>5. Testing the Animation</h2><p>Once everything is set up, hit play in Unreal Engine to test the animation. Your Metahuman should now perform the dance move seamlessly. We have set up everything for our test project in the <a href="">Zen Garden Sample Scene</a> provided by Unreal Engine.</p><h2>6. Integrating the Animation with Convai</h2><figure style="max-width:1080pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><ul role="list"><li>Convai’s Action System allows you to trigger these custom animations in response to various in-game events or commands:</li><li>Go to Edit &gt; Project Settings in Unreal Engine, scroll down to Convai, and enable the Action System.</li><li>Select your character, go to the details panel, and add a new action under the Actions section. For instance, name it &quot;Dance.&quot;</li><li>Now, whenever you call this action within the blueprint, your Metahuman will perform the dance animation.</li></ul><h2>7. Customizing the Animation Blueprint</h2><figure style="max-width:1080pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>Beyond just adding animations, Convai allows you to customize the animation blueprint to add more nuanced behaviors:</p><ul role="list"><li>Modify the Animation Blueprint to include conditional checks or blend animations based on specific triggers.</li><li>This is particularly useful for complex AI behaviors, such as interacting with other characters or objects within the scene.</li></ul><h3>Importance of Configuring the Animation Blueprint</h3><p>The Animation Blueprint is a powerful tool within Unreal Engine that allows developers to dictate how and when animations play. Proper configuration of the Animation Blueprint is crucial for achieving smooth and realistic animations. It allows developers to:</p><ul role="list"><li>Control Animation Transitions: Ensure that animations blend seamlessly from one action to another.</li><li>Implement Complex Behaviors: Combine multiple animations and use conditional logic to create complex AI behaviors.</li><li>Optimize Performance: Properly configured Animation Blueprints can help in optimizing game performance by reducing unnecessary animation calls.</li></ul><p>‍</p><h1>Tips for Success</h1><ul role="list"><li><strong>Test Animations in Different Scenarios:</strong> Make sure to test your animations in various game scenarios to ensure they behave as expected.</li><li><strong>Optimize Asset Sizes:</strong> Large animation files can slow down your game. Optimize your assets for better performance.</li><li><strong>Use Root Motion When Necessary:</strong> For certain actions like jumping or dancing, root motion can provide more accurate movement by moving the entire character based on the animation data.</li></ul><p>‍</p><h1>Conclusion</h1><p>Adding custom animations to AI Metahumans in Unreal Engine is a game-changer for developers looking to create more interactive and engaging virtual worlds. By following this tutorial, you can enhance the realism and depth of your AI characters, making them more than just background NPCs but integral parts of your game&#x27;s narrative and player experience.</p><p>Custom actions not only improve gameplay but also contribute to the overall aesthetic and functional quality of your game. Whether you&#x27;re a seasoned developer or just starting out, the ability to add and customize animations in Unreal Engine is an invaluable skill that will set your projects apart.</p><p>For more detailed tutorials and support, check out our <a href="">YouTube Channel</a>. Also, reach out to us at for any questions or concerns. Also, join our amazing developer community on <a href="">Discord</a> to learn more about integrating AI characters into different types of projects.</p></div><div class="video-2 w-dyn-bind-empty w-video w-embed"></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image2 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="rich-text-block2 w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image3 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="rich-text-block3 w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="div-block-27"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="284" alt="" class="image4 w-dyn-bind-empty"/></div><div class="rich-text-4 w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image5 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="rich-text-block-5 w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-6 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="rich-text-block6 w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-7 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="conclusion w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div id="w-node-_2a3fae0a-171c-313c-4a59-c25206ce3618-0487ce17" class="w-layout-layout wf-layout-layout"><div id="w-node-_2a3fae0a-171c-313c-4a59-c25206ce3619-0487ce17" class="w-layout-cell"></div><div id="w-node-_2a3fae0a-171c-313c-4a59-c25206ce361a-0487ce17" class="w-layout-cell"><a href="" class="c-button w-button">Build a Character for Free</a></div><div id="w-node-c6bfd143-c815-1881-56a2-77a6ceaadca6-0487ce17" class="w-layout-cell"><a href="" class="c-button w-button">Ask a Question</a></div><div id="w-node-ea858fcd-6142-ec13-066d-37637a6854de-0487ce17" class="w-layout-cell"></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="c-footer"><div class="c-custom-code w-embed"><style> .c-footer_form-wrapper::before { content: ''; position: absolute; inset: 0; background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(25, 189, 85, 0) 0%, rgba(25, 189, 85, 0.37) 206.53%, #19BD55 496.43%);; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.645, .045, .355, 1); } @media screen and (max-width: 991px) { .c-footer_form-wrapper::before { height: 48px; } } .c-footer_form-wrapper:has(:focus)::before { opacity: 1; } input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill:active { -webkit-text-fill-color: white !important; -webkit-background-clip: text; } </style></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-8"/><div class="c-footer-wrapper"><div class="c-container"><div class="c-footer_form-block w-form"><form id="email-form" name="email-form" data-name="Email Form" method="get" class="c-footer_form" data-wf-page-id="659c2b6c4883f18a0487ce17" data-wf-element-id="5c3d93f3-e017-32f8-d833-5bdfa4c29965"><div class="c-footer_form-label"><label for="email" class="c-title-7">Subscribe to our newsletter:</label></div><div class="c-footer_form-wrapper"><input class="c-footer_form-field w-input" maxlength="256" name="email" data-name="Email" placeholder="enter your email here" type="email" id="footer-email" required=""/><input type="submit" data-wait="..." class="c-footer_form-submit w-button" value="Send Email"/></div></form><div class="success-message w-form-done"><div>Thank you! 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