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A Solution Based on Distributed Databases and P2P Networks<br/><em>Marcelo Zambrano, Francisco Pérez, Manuel Esteve and Carlos Palau</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr620-1702">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=620-1702">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Zambrano, M., Pérez, F., Esteve, M., Palau, C.: Interoperability in Emergency Management. A Solution Based on Distributed Databases and P2P Networks. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr629-1705">Solving the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem with a Parallel Discrete Firefly Algorithm implemented on GPU<br/><em>Pablo Javier Vidal and Ana Carolina Olivera</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr629-1705">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=629-1705">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Vidal, P. J., Olivera, A. C.: Solving the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem with a Parallel Discrete Firefly Algorithm implemented on GPU. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr633-1705">Exploring Instances for Matching Heterogeneous Database Schemas Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression<br/><em>Osama A. Mehdi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Lilly Suriani Affendey, Eric Pardede and Jinli Cao</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr633-1705">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=633-1705">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Mehdi, O. A., Ibrahim, H., Affendey, L. S., Pardede, E., Cao, J.: Exploring Instances for Matching Heterogeneous Database Schemas Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr612-1611">Managing Software Requirements Changes through Change Specification and Classification<br/><em>Shalinka Jayatilleke, Richard Lai and Karl Reed</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr612-1611">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=612-1611">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Jayatilleke, S., Lai, R., Reed, K.: Managing Software Requirements Changes through Change Specification and Classification. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr642-1708">Data Imputation Using a Trust Network for Recommendation via Matrix Factorization<br/><em>Won-Seok Hwang, Shaoyu Li, Sang-Wook Kim and Kichun Lee</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr642-1708">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=642-1708">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Hwang, W., Li, S., Kim, S., Lee, K.: Data Imputation Using a Trust Network for Recommendation via Matrix Factorization. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr637-1707">Use of linguistic forms mining in the link analysis of legal documents<br/><em>Đorđe Petrović and Milena Stanković</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr637-1707">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=637-1707">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Petrović, Đ., Stanković, M.: Use of linguistic forms mining in the link analysis of legal documents. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr660-1803">OLAPS: Online Load-Balancing in Range-Partitioned Main Memory Database with Approximate Partition Statistics<br/><em>Djahida Belayadi, Khaled-Walid Hidouci and Ladjel Bellatreche</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr660-1803">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=660-1803">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Belayadi, D., Hidouci, K., Bellatreche, L.: OLAPS: Online Load-Balancing in Range-Partitioned Main Memory Database with Approximate Partition Statistics. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr661-1803">Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of a Teaching Approach Using Barker or Bachman Notation for Conceptual Database Design<br/><em>Aida Kamišalić, Marjan Heričko, Tatjana Welzer and Muhamed Turkanović</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr661-1803">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=661-1803">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Kamišalić, A., Heričko, M., Welzer, T., Turkanović, M.: Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of a Teaching Approach Using Barker or Bachman Notation for Conceptual Database Design. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr638-1707">Conceptual Approach for Reuse of Test Automation Artifacts on Various Architectural Levels<br/><em>Dani Almog, Hadas Schwartz Chassidim, Yaron Tsubery, Miroslav Bures and Shlomo Mark</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr638-1707">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=638-1707">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Almog, D., Chassidim, H. S., Tsubery, Y., Bures, M., Mark, S.: Conceptual Approach for Reuse of Test Automation Artifacts on Various Architectural Levels. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p><p><a class="hidden" href="/archive.php?show=ppr632-1705">CpG islands’ clustering uncovers early development genes in the human genome<br/><em>Vladimir N. Babenko, Anton G. Bogomolov, Roman O. Babenko, Elvira R. Galieva and Yuriy L. Orlov</em></a><br/>[ <a href="/archive.php?show=ppr632-1705">view</a> | <a href="pdf.php?id=632-1705">download</a> | <a class="cite">cite</a> ]<br/><span class="citation"><span>Babenko, V. N., Bogomolov, A. G., Babenko, R. O., Galieva, E. R., Orlov, Y. L.: CpG islands’ clustering uncovers early development genes in the human genome. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 2. (2018),</span></span></p> <!-- END --> </div> <!-- content --> </div> <!-- main --> <div id="footer_top"> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="left">Faculty of Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovi&#263;a 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, <a href=""></a></div> <div class="left">Published by ComSIS Consortium under<br/><a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License<br><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src=""/></a></div> <div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div> </div> <!-- footer --> </div> <!-- all --> </body> </html>

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