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Ju lutemi përdorni emrin më të përshtatshëm kur vendosni këtë shabllon në një faqe. {{collapse top |title= Lista e stampave}} {{refbegin|colwidth=20em}} * {{Tld|Infobox AM}} * {{Tld|Infobox Canadian MP}} * {{Tld|Infobox Canadian senator}} * {{Tld|Infobox candidate}} * {{Tld|Infobox civil servant}} * {{Tld|Infobox chancellor}} * {{Tld|Infobox congressional candidate}} * {{Tld|Infobox congressman}} * {{Tld|Infobox defense minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox deputy first minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox deputy prime minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox doge}} * {{Tld|Infobox Eritrea cabinet official}} * {{Tld|Infobox first lady}} * {{Tld|Infobox first minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox governor}} * {{Tld|Infobox governor-elect}} * {{Tld|Infobox governor general}} * {{Tld|Infobox governor-general}} * {{Tld|Infobox Indian politician}} * {{Tld|Infobox judge}} * {{Tld|Infobox lt governor}} * {{Tld|Infobox mayor}} * {{Tld|Infobox MEP}} * {{Tld|Infobox minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox MLA}} * {{Tld|Infobox MP}} * {{Tld|Infobox MSP}} * {{Tld|Infobox PM}} * {{Tld|Infobox politician}} * {{Tld|Infobox politician (general)}} * {{Tld|Infobox premier}} * {{Tld|Infobox president}} * {{Tld|Infobox president-elect}} * {{Tld|Infobox prime minister}} * {{Tld|Infobox prime minister-elect}} * {{Tld|Infobox representative-elect}} * {{Tld|Infobox SCC chief justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox SCC puisne justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox secretary-general}} * {{Tld|Infobox senator}} * {{Tld|Infobox senator-elect}} * {{Tld|Infobox speaker}} * {{Tld|Infobox state representative}} * {{Tld|Infobox state SC associate justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox state SC justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox state senator}} * {{Tld|Infobox US ambassador}} * {{Tld|Infobox US associate justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox US cabinet official}} * {{Tld|Infobox US chief justice}} * {{Tld|Infobox US territorial governor}} * {{Tld|Infobox vice president}} {{refend}} {{collapse bottom}} {{Lua|Module:Infobox|Module:InfoboxImage|Module:Check for unknown parameters}} == Përdorimi == {{hatnote|Shënim: Kjo stampë është për përdorim në artikujt rreth '''njerëzve individualë'''.}} Ngjisni kodin për zyrën përkatëse dhe më pas shtoni të dhënat vetjake deri në fund. Nuk ka fusha të nevojshme dhe disa fusha nuk do të shfaqen kur të tjerat janë në përdorim. Parametri {{para|order}} përdoret në lidhje me {{para|office}} për të deklaruar se mbajtësi i zyrës është mbajtësi i ''n''-të i zyrës, për shembull "Presidenti i 42-të i Shteteve të Bashkuara". Kjo duhet të përdoret vetëm kur ka një përdorim të mirëfilltë të një numërimi të tillë në burime të besueshme. Mos shtoni numra thjesht duke u bazuar në një listë Wikipedia të mbajtësve të zyrës, sepse (1) lista mund të mos jetë e saktë dhe (2) edhe me një listë të caktuar, mund të aplikohen sisteme të ndryshme numërimi (përsa i përket kategorive të ndryshme të " zyrtarët e parregullt" duhet të numërohen dhe përsa i përket numërimit të atyre që shërbejnë për periudha të shumta jo të njëpasnjëshme) duke i bërë numrat arbitrar; dhe edhe aty ku çështje të tilla nuk janë ende të pranishme, ato me siguri do të jenë në të ardhmen, duke e bërë këtë të paqëndrueshme. 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Kur jepet një term fillestar dhe një term i fundit, në vend të kësaj mund të specifikoni termin e plotë duke përdorur parametrat {{para|term}}, {{para|term2}}, etj. Kjo mund të jetë e dobishme për termat e ndërlikuar që nuk mund të jepen si data të thjeshta fillimi ose mbarimi, ose nëse preferoni diçka tjetër nga ndarja e termave të paracaktuar (një vizë en, me hapësira rreth tij nëse fillimi ose mbarimi nuk është një datë e thjeshtë me numër të plotë). Kur një politikan është rindarë në një distrikt të ri, ju mund të përdorni {{para|termi_paraprak}} për të treguar se në cilin rreth(a) ka qenë më parë. Kjo kursen hapësirë në kutinë e informacionit duke mos gjeneruar një zyrë krejtësisht të re sa herë që ndodh rindarja. Nëse e bëni këtë, rekomandohet që të listoni personin që i parapriu subjektit kur subjekti mori detyrën për herë të parë dhe personin që pasoi subjektin kur subjekti la detyrën për herë të fundit. Kur përdorimi i "të njëjtit numër qarku" përdoret për përcaktimin e "paraardhësit" dhe "pasardhësit" në çdo zyrë, por ku zona është ndryshuar aq shumë sa të bëhet një "paraardhës" ose "pasardhës" me pak ose aspak vlerë biografike, Fjala "i ridistrikt" duhet të përdoret në vend të përdorimit të emrave të zyrtarëve, lidhja e të cilëve është aksidentale për shkak të numrit të distriktit, por që nuk ka lidhje me ndonjë garë zgjedhore midis zyrtarëve. ===Zyra e Përgjithshme=== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | native_name | native_name_lang | honorific_suffix | image | image_size | image_upright | image name | image_name_alt | smallimage | smallimage_alt | alt | caption | order | office | status&lt;!--If this is specified, overrides Incumbent.--> | term_start | term_end&lt;!-- Add data only when the actual term has ended, not for terms which will end in the future. (Per usage guideline.) --> | subterm | suboffice | alongside | monarch | president | governor_general | primeminister | chancellor | taoiseach | governor | co-leader | vicepresident | viceprimeminister | deputy | lieutenant | parliamentarygroup | constituency | majority | predecessor | successor | prior_term | order2 | office2 | term_start2 | term_end2 | subterm2 | suboffice2 | alongside2 | monarch2 | president2 | governor_general2 | primeminister2 | chancellor2 | taoiseach2 | governor2 | co-leader2 | vicepresident2 | viceprimeminister2 | deputy2 | parliamentarygroup2 | constituency2 | predecessor2 | successor2 | majority2 | prior_term2 }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox officeholder | honorific_prefix = | name = | native_name = &lt;!--The person's name in their own language, if different.--> | native_name_lang = &lt;!--ISO 639-1 code, e.g., "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} in |native_name= instead.--> | honorific_suffix = | image = | image_size = | image_upright = | smallimage = &lt;!--If this is specified, "image" should not be.--> | smallimage_alt = | alt = | caption = | order = | office = | status = &lt;!--If this is specified, overrides Incumbent.--> | term_start = | term_end = &lt;!-- Add data only when the actual term has ended, not for terms which will end in the future. (Per usage guideline.) --> | subterm = | suboffice = | alongside = &lt;!--For two or more people serving in the same position from the same district. (e.g. United States senators.)--> | monarch = | president = | governor_general = | primeminister = | taoiseach = | chancellor = | governor = | co-leader = | vicepresident = | viceprimeminister = | deputy = | lieutenant = | succeeding = &lt;!--For President-elect or equivalent--> | parliamentarygroup = | constituency = | majority = | predecessor = | successor = | prior_term = | order2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | office2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | term_start2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | term_end2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | subterm2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | suboffice2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | alongside2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | monarch2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | president2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | governor_general2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | primeminister2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | chancellor2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | taoiseach2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | governor2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | co-leader2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | vicepresident2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | viceprimeminister2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | deputy2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | lieutenant2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | succeeding2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | predecessor2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | successor2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | parliamentarygroup2= &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | constituency2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | majority2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | prior_term2 = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ===Ambasador=== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | order | ambassador_from | country | term_start | term_end | predecessor | successor | president }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox ambassador | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | order = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | ambassador_from = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | country = &lt;!--Can be 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repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | prior_term = &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ===Guvernator=== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | order | office | term_start | term_end | lieutenant | predecessor | successor }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox governor | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | order = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | office = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | lieutenant = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> Nëse Guvernatori është emëruar nga një President, shtoni: {{Generic template demo | president }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> | president = &lt;!--name of president--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> Nëse Guvernatori emërohet nga një tjetër, shtoni: {{Generic template demo | appointed }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> | appointed = &lt;!--name of appointer--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ===Gjyqtar=== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | caption | office | term_start | term_end | nominator | appointer | predecessor | successor }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox judge | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | caption = | office = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | nominator = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | appointer = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by changing the number--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ===Anëtar i Kuvendit=== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | caption | constituency_MP | parliament | majority | term_start | term_end | predecessor | successor | prior_term }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox MP | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | caption = | constituency_MP = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to eight times by adding a number--> | parliament = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | majority = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number--> | prior_term = &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ===Përfaqësuesit e SHBA=== ====Kongresmeni amerikan==== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | state | district | term_start | term_end | predecessor | successor | prior_term }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox Congressman | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | state = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | district = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | prior_term = &lt;/syntaxhighlight> Nëse Kongresmeni shërbeu si Kryetar i Dhomës, shtoni: {{Generic template demo | speaker | term_start2 | term_end2 | predecessor2 | successor2 }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> | speaker = &lt;!--number of office holder--> | term_start2 = | term_end2 = | predecessor2 = | successor2 = &lt;/syntaxhighlight> Nëse kongresmeni është zgjedhur, por nuk është betuar: {{Generic template demo | succeeding }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> | succeeding = &lt;!--the name of the incumbent congressman--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ====Përfaqësuesi i Shtetit==== {{Generic template demo | honorific_prefix | name | honorific_suffix | image | alt | state_house | district | term_start | term_end | predecessor | successor | prior_term }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> {{Infobox state representative | honorific_prefix = | name = | honorific_suffix = | image = | alt = | state_house = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | district = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | term_start = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | term_end = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | predecessor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | successor = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | prior_term = &lt;/syntaxhighlight> Për Përfaqësuesit nga shtetet që kanë një Asamble, në vend të state_house përdorni: {{Generic template demo | state_assembly | district }} &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="html" style="overflow:auto;"> | state_assembly = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> | district = &lt;!--Can be repeated up to 16 times by adding a number, start at 3--> &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ==Të dhënat vetjake== Vendoseni këtë poshtë stampës {{Generic template demo | pronunciation | birth_name | birth_date | birth_place | death_date | death_place | death_cause &lt;!-- should only be included when the cause of death has significance for the subject's notability --> | resting_place | resting_place_coordinates | citizenship | nationality &lt;!-- use only when necessary per [[WP:INFONAT]] --> | party | otherparty | height | spouse &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | partner &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | relations &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | children &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | parents &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | mother &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | father &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | relatives &lt;!--Fill only if notable (reference required) or there is a WP article on this person--> | residence | education | alma_mater | occupation | profession | salary | known_for | cabinet | committees | portfolio | awards | blank1 | data1 | blank2 | data2 | blank3 | data3 | blank4 | data4 | blank5 | data5 | signature | signature_alt | website | nickname | allegiance | branch | serviceyears | rank | unit | commands | battles | mawards | military_blank1 | military_data1 | military_blank2 | military_data2 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mother and father parameters --> | mother = &lt;!-- may be used (optionally with father parameter) in place of parents parameter (displays "Parent(s)" as label) --> | father = &lt;!-- may be used (optionally with mother parameter) in place of parents parameter (displays "Parent(s)" as label) --> | relatives = | residence = | education = | alma_mater = | occupation = | profession = | known_for = | salary = | cabinet = | committees = | portfolio = | awards = &lt;!-- For civilian awards - appears as "Awards" if |mawards= is not set --> | blank1 = | data1 = | blank2 = | data2 = | blank3 = | data3 = | blank4 = | data4 = | blank5 = | data5 = | signature = | signature_alt = | signature_size = | website = | nickname = &lt;!--Military service--> | allegiance = | branch = | serviceyears = | rank = | unit = | commands = | battles = | mawards = &lt;!-- for military awards - appears as "Awards" if |awards= is not set --> | military_blank1 = | military_data1 = | military_blank2 = | military_data2 = 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Duke shtuar {{para|embed|yes}} në rreshtin e parë të kodit të kutisë së informacionit, mund ta futni këtë kuti informacioni në një tjetër, duke krijuar iluzionin e një kutie informacioni të vazhdueshme. Megjithëse procesi është pak i komplikuar, është e mundur të futni këtë kuti informacioni në shumicën, nëse jo në të gjitha kutitë e tjera të informacionit. Për {{tl|Infobox person}}, kjo kuti informacioni kalohet si "modul" duke përdorur sintaksën {{para|module}}. &lt;syntaxhighlight lang="handlebars" style="overflow: auto"> {{Infobox person | name = John Infobox | image = Example.jpg | caption = John Infobox in 2005 | birth_name = John Officeholder Person Infobox | birth_date = {{Birth date|1950|5|25}} | birth_place = Template City | death_date = {{Death date and age|2010|10|22|1950|5|25}} | occupation = Actor | years_active = 1970–1990 | module = {{Infobox officeholder | embed = yes | office = Mayor of Wikipedia | term_start = 1994 | term_end = 1998 }} | website = {{URL|}} }} &lt;/syntaxhighlight> ==Të dhënat e stampës== {{Collapse top|title=[[Wikipedia:TemplateData|TemplateData]] për këtë stampë të përdorur nga [[mw:Extension:TemplateWizard|TemplateWizard]], [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] dhe mjete të tjera}} {{TemplateData header|noheader=1}} &lt;templatedata> { "description": "An infobox for office holders", "format": "{{_\n| ___________________ = _\n}}\n", "params": { "name": { "label": "Name", "description": "Commonly-known name of person (defaults to article name, without disambiguation)", "type": "line", "default": "PAGENAME" }, "office": { "label": "office", "description": "Office held", "type": "string" }, "order": { "label": "order", "description": "Used in conjunction with 'office' to state that the officeholder is the nth holder of the office", "type": "string" }, "bodyclass": { "label": "bodyclass", "type": "string" }, "mainwidth": { "label": "mainwidth", "default": "22em", "type": "string" }, "native_name": { "label": "Native name", "type": "string", "description": "Name in the person's native language", "example": "Melquíades Rafael Martínez Ruiz" }, "native_name_lang": { "label": "Native name language", "type": "string", "description": "Language in which the person's native name is", "example": "ca" }, "image": { "label": "Image", "description": "Filename for the image (e.g. 'Example.jpg').", "type": "wiki-page-name", "required": false }, "width": { "label": "width", "type": "string", "aliases": [ "imagesize", " image_size" ] }, "alt": { "label": "Alternative text", "description": "Alternative text for the image.", "type": "line" }, "image name": { "label": "image name", "type": "string" }, "smallimage": { "label": "smallimage", "type": "string" }, "caption": { "label": "Image caption", "description": "Caption for the image.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "alongside": { "label": "alongside", "description": "For two or more people serving in the same position from the same district. 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"state_assembly1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_delegate1": { "label": "state_delegate1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_house1": { "label": "state_house1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_legislature1": { "label": "state_legislature1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_senate1": { "label": "state_senate1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state1": { "label": "state1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "succeeded1": { "label": "succeeded1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "succeeding1": { "label": "succeeding1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "successor1": { "label": "successor1", "description": "Additional fields numbered up 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"successor 2", "type": "string" }, "taoiseach2": { "label": "taoiseach 2", "type": "string" }, "state_assembly2": { "label": "state assembly2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_delegate2": { "label": "state delegate2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_house2": { "label": "state house 2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_legislature2": { "label": "state legislature 2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state_senate2": { "label": "state senate2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "state 2": { "label": "state 2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string", "example": "[[Georgia (U.S. State)|Georgia]]" }, "prior_term2": { "label": "prior term 2", "description": "Additional fields numbered up to 14", "type": "string" }, "birth_name": { "label": "Birth name", "description": "Name at birth, if different from 'name'.", "type": "string", "required": false, "aliases": [ "birthname" ] }, "birth_date": { "label": "Birth date", "description": "Date of birth. Use {{birth date and age}} (for living people) or {{birth date}} for the deceased.", "type": "line", "required": false }, "birth_place": { "label": "Birth place", "description": "Place of birth.", "type": "line" }, "death_date": { "label": "Death date", "description": "Date of death. Use {{death date and age}}. Use {{death date}} if birth date unknown or incomplete.", "type": "content" }, "death_place": { "label": "Death place", "description": "The person's place of death, if deceased", "type": "line", "required": false, "example": "[[Crown Heights]]" }, "resting_place": { "label": "Resting place", "description": "Person's grave, etc.", "type": "line", "required": false }, "resting_place_coordinates": { "label": "Resting place", "description": "Coordinates of grave, etc. Use {{Coord|LAT|LONG|type:landmark|display=inline}}", "type": "line" }, "citizenship": { "label": "citizenship", "type": "string", "description": "The person's country of citizenship", "example": "[[Germany]]" }, "nationality": { "label": "Nationality", "description": "The person's nationality, use only when necessary per [[WP:INFONAT]]", "type": "line", "example": "[[Canadian]]" }, "otherparty": { "label": "other political party", "type": "string" }, "spouse": { "label": "Spouse(s)", "description": "Spouse(s), if notable", "type": "line", "required": false }, "partner": { "label": "Partner(s)", "description": "Domestic partner(s), if notable", "type": "line" }, "relations": { "label": "relations", "type": "string" }, "children": { "label": "children", "type": "string" }, "parents": { "label": "parents", "type": "string" }, "residence": { "label": "Residence", "description": "Where this person lives", "type": "line" }, "alma_mater": { "label": "Alma mater", "description": "The linked name of attended higher education institution(s).", "type": "line" }, "occupation": { "label": "occupation", "description": " Please observe sentence case and capitalise only the first letter of the first item: (i.e. Politician, entrepreneur, businessman)", "type": "string" }, "profession": { "label": "profession", "description": " Please observe sentence case and capitalise only the first letter of the first item: (i.e. Attorney, accountant)", "type": "string" }, "cabinet": { "label": "cabinet", "type": "string" }, "committees": { "label": "committees", "type": "string" }, "portfolio": { "label": "portfolio", "type": "string" }, "blank1": { "label": "blank1", "description": "Also blank2 ... blank5", "type": "string" }, "data1": { "label": "data1", "description": "Also data2 ... data5", "type": "string" }, "website": { "label": "Official website", "description": "Office holder's official website, using {{URL}}.", "type": "line" }, "nickname": { "label": "nickname", "type": "string" }, "allegiance": { "label": "allegiance", "type": "string" }, "branch": { "label": "branch", "type": "string" }, "serviceyears": { "label": "serviceyears", "type": "string" }, "rank": { "label": "rank", "type": "string" }, "unit": { "label": "unit", "type": "string" }, "commands": { "label": "commands", "type": "string" }, "battles": { "label": "battles fought", "type": "string" }, "military_blank1": { "label": "military blank 1", "description": "Also military_blank2 ... military_blank5", "type": "string" }, "military_data1": { "label": "military data 1", "description": "Also military_data2 ... military_data5", "type": "string" }, "1blankname2": { "label": "1blankname2", "type": "string" }, "1namedata2": { "label": "1namedata2", "type": "string" }, "2blankname2": { "label": "2blankname2", "type": "string" }, "2namedata2": { "label": "2namedata2", "type": "string" }, "3blankname2": { "label": "3blankname2", "type": "string" }, "3namedata2": { "label": "3namedata2", "type": "string" }, "4blankname2": { "label": "4blankname2", "type": "string" }, "4namedata2": { "label": "4namedata2", "type": "string" }, "5blankname2": { "label": "5blankname2", "type": "string" }, "5namedata2": { "label": "5namedata2", "type": "string" }, "pronunciation": { "label": "Name pronunciation", "type": "string" }, "honorific_prefix": { "label": "Honorific prefix", "description": "Title such as 'Sir', 'Lord'", "type": "wiki-page-name", "required": false, "aliases": [ "honorific prefix" ] }, "honorific_suffix": { "label": "Honorific suffix", "description": "Initials such as 'OBE', 'FRSA'", "type": "wiki-page-name", "required": false, "aliases": [ "honorific suffix" ] }, "image_size": { "label": "Image size", "description": "Size of the image (e.g. '220px').", "type": "line", "default": "varies", "required": false, "aliases": [ "imagesize" ] }, "education": { "label": "Education", "description": "Where or with whom the officeholder trained.", "type": "line", "required": false }, "awards": { "label": "Awards", "description": "Awards won by the officeholder. Consider using {{awd}}.", "type": "line", "required": false }, "image_name_alt": {}, "smallname_alt": {}, "net_worth": { "label": "DEPRECATED: Net worth", "description": "Current estimated net worth, if relevant. Please be sure to support with a citation from a reliable source, in the article body.", "deprecated": "DEPRECATED: Use of this parameter is discouraged. Delete it when encountered." } } } &lt;/templatedata> {{Collapse bottom}} &lt;includeonly>{{sandbox other|| &lt;!-- Categories below this line; interwikis at Wikidata --> }}&lt;/includeonly> </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Stampa të përdorura në këtë faqe: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Both" title="Stampa:Both">Stampa:Both</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Both&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Both">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Br_separated_entries" title="Stampa:Br separated entries">Stampa:Br separated entries</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Br_separated_entries&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Br separated entries">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Collapse_bottom" title="Stampa:Collapse bottom">Stampa:Collapse bottom</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Collapse_bottom&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Collapse bottom">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Collapse_top" title="Stampa:Collapse top">Stampa:Collapse top</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Collapse_top&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Collapse top">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Constlk&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Stampa:Constlk (nuk është shkruar akoma)">Stampa:Constlk</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Constlk&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Stampa:Constlk (nuk është shkruar akoma)">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:CountryPrefixThe&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Stampa:CountryPrefixThe (nuk është shkruar akoma)">Stampa:CountryPrefixThe</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:CountryPrefixThe&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Stampa:CountryPrefixThe (nuk është shkruar akoma)">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:DPP" title="Stampa:DPP">Stampa:DPP</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:DPP&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:DPP">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:DPP/logo" title="Stampa:DPP/logo">Stampa:DPP/logo</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:DPP/logo&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:DPP/logo">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Documentation_subpage" title="Stampa:Documentation subpage">Stampa:Documentation subpage</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Documentation_subpage&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Documentation subpage">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:En_dash_range" title="Stampa:En dash range">Stampa:En dash range</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:En_dash_range&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:En dash range">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Generic_template_demo" class="mw-redirect" title="Stampa:Generic template demo">Stampa:Generic template demo</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Generic_template_demo&amp;action=edit" class="mw-redirect" title="Stampa:Generic template demo">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Hatnote" title="Stampa:Hatnote">Stampa:Hatnote</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Hatnote&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Hatnote">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Infobox_officeholder" title="Stampa:Infobox officeholder">Stampa:Infobox officeholder</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Infobox_officeholder&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Infobox officeholder">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Infobox_officeholder/office" title="Stampa:Infobox officeholder/office">Stampa:Infobox officeholder/office</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Infobox_officeholder/office&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Infobox officeholder/office">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Infobox_person/height" title="Stampa:Infobox person/height">Stampa:Infobox person/height</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Infobox_person/height&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Infobox person/height">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:IsValidPageName" title="Stampa:IsValidPageName">Stampa:IsValidPageName</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:IsValidPageName&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:IsValidPageName">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:KMT" title="Stampa:KMT">Stampa:KMT</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:KMT&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:KMT">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:KMT/logo" title="Stampa:KMT/logo">Stampa:KMT/logo</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:KMT/logo&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:KMT/logo">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Linkless_exists&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Stampa:Linkless exists (nuk është shkruar akoma)">Stampa:Linkless exists</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Linkless_exists&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Stampa:Linkless exists (nuk është shkruar akoma)">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Lua" title="Stampa:Lua">Stampa:Lua</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Lua&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Lua">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Main_other" title="Stampa:Main other">Stampa:Main other</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Main_other&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Main other">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Mbox" title="Stampa:Mbox">Stampa:Mbox</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Mbox&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Mbox">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Nobold" title="Stampa:Nobold">Stampa:Nobold</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Nobold&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Nobold">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Nobold/styles.css" title="Stampa:Nobold/styles.css">Stampa:Nobold/styles.css</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Nobold/styles.css&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Nobold/styles.css">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Nowrap" title="Stampa:Nowrap">Stampa:Nowrap</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Nowrap&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Nowrap">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:PAGENAMEBASE" title="Stampa:PAGENAMEBASE">Stampa:PAGENAMEBASE</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:PAGENAMEBASE&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:PAGENAMEBASE">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Para" title="Stampa:Para">Stampa:Para</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Para&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Para">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Parameter_names_example" title="Stampa:Parameter names example">Stampa:Parameter names example</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Parameter_names_example&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Parameter names example">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Refbegin" title="Stampa:Refbegin">Stampa:Refbegin</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Refbegin&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Refbegin">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Refbegin/styles.css" title="Stampa:Refbegin/styles.css">Stampa:Refbegin/styles.css</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Stampa:Refbegin/styles.css&amp;action=edit" title="Stampa:Refbegin/styles.css">redakto</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Stampa:Refend" 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