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class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2025/01/26/shanghai-celebrates-lunar-new-year-with-a-dogs-dinner.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Shanghai celebrates Lunar New Year with a dogs&#039; dinner </h2> </a> <p>In China, where people are choosing to adopt pets rather than have children, restaurants or online stores have started to offer dinner events and meal sets for cats and dogs, with at least one held a few days early on Saturday. </p> <span class="date mt-20"> 3 weeks ago </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-right col-xs-12"> <div class="newsletterBoxSide"> <div class="subscribe"> <label>Get the latest news in your inbox</label> <form action="//;id=6ec72be612" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate> <input class="input-subscribe" type="email" name="email" n="" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="Enter your email here" required> <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"> <input type="text" name="b_bd0561e599b4e9f9a65093ef9_76380d5d42" tabindex="-1" value=""> </div> <input class="button-subscribe" type="submit" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" value="Subscribe to our Newsletter"> </form> </div> </div> <div class="smallHeadline channel"> <div class="listNews"> <div class="descNews"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/11/30/global-wine-output-to-hit-lowest-level-since-1961.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Global wine output to hit lowest level since 1961 </h2> </a> <p>&quot;Climatic challenges across both hemispheres are once again major contributors to the reduced global production volume.&quot; </p> <span class="date">2 months ago</span> </div> </div> <div class="listNews"> <div class="descNews"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/11/07/food-companies-sell-products-that-are-less-healthy-in-poorer-countries-says-report.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Food companies sell products that are less healthy in poorer countries, says report </h2> </a> <p>Products sold by companies including Nestle, Pepsico and Unilever were assessed as part of a global index published by the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI), its first since 2021.&nbsp; </p> <span class="date">3 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END HEADLINE --> <!-- CONTAINER TWO SIDE --> <div class="jpRow mainNews lineSection channelTwoSided subCanal"> <div class="containerLeft col-xs-12"> <div class="rowAll"> <div class="theLatest mb-20"> <div class="headerTitle columns mb-20"> <div class="bordered columns"> <h3 class="titleMain">The Latest</h3> </div> </div> <div class="columns tjp-newsListing"> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/09/19/japans-sake-breweries-enter-digital-era-with-production-aid.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Staff member Miwa Goto (right) shows a spreadsheet of data input into the digital tool to Mizutani Shuzo President Masao Mizutani at the brewery in Aisai, Aichi prefecture, Japan."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/09/19/japans-sake-breweries-enter-digital-era-with-production-aid.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Japan&rsquo;s sake breweries enter digital era with production aid </h2> </a> <p>Mizutani Shuzo is among the growing number of sake breweries using a digital tool developed by the Nagoya Regional Taxation Bureau to automatically calculate the degree of fermentation of sake and present the data in graph form. </p> <span class="date">4 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/09/15/hearts-tails-and-blubber-at-japan-fin-whale-tasting.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Various cuts of fin whale meat are displayed at the exhibition and business meeting of domestically produced fin whales hosted by Japan&#039;s whaling company Kyodo Senpaku at Tokyo&#039;s Toyosu market on Sept. 13, 2024. Bite-size bits of fin whale were available to sniff and taste on Sept. 13 as Japan&#039;s whaling industry seeks to rekindle appetite for a protein source that has largely fallen out of favor."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/09/15/hearts-tails-and-blubber-at-japan-fin-whale-tasting.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Hearts, tails and blubber at Japan fin whale tasting </h2> </a> <p>Since 2019, Japan has caught whales in its own waters after abandoning under international pressure hunting for &quot;scientific purposes&quot; in the Antarctic Ocean and the North Pacific, with the&nbsp;catch list was limited to sei, minke, and Bryde&#39;s whales. But this year, fin whales, the planet&#39;s second-largest animal, were added and on Aug. 1 the first killed. </p> <span class="date">5 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/09/03/taste-of-australia-2024-grilling-steaks-and-fostering-friendship.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Australian chef Brent Draper (right) prepares for a steak cooking demonstration on June 22, 2024, during an event held by the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. Draper won MasterChef Australia season 15 in 2023."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/09/03/taste-of-australia-2024-grilling-steaks-and-fostering-friendship.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> &lsquo;Taste of Australia 2024&rsquo;: Grilling steaks and fostering friendship </h2> </a> <p>Food brings people together, something that is especially true for people from Australia and Indonesia. Such closeness may come in a surprising dish. </p> <span class="date">5 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/07/31/australia-launches-landmark-peanut-allergy-treatment-for-babies.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Commercial baby foods often contain too much sugar and display confusing ingredient lists, according to a UN report that proposed new guidelines to improve infant diets."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/07/31/australia-launches-landmark-peanut-allergy-treatment-for-babies.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Australia launches landmark peanut allergy treatment for babies </h2> </a> <p>Eligible babies will receive daily doses of peanut powder for two years to build up their tolerance, said officials announcing the initiative on Wednesday. </p> <span class="date">6 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/03/26/dharma-boutique-roastery-a-coffee-commitment-that-survives-the-test-of-time.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Glass jars containing various kinds of coffee beans are lined up in the display room of Dharma Boutique Roastery in Semarang, Central Java, on November 28, 2023."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/03/26/dharma-boutique-roastery-a-coffee-commitment-that-survives-the-test-of-time.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Dharma Boutique Roastery: A coffee commitment that survives the test of time </h2> </a> <p>Third-wave coffee, which has revolutionized the nation&#39;s palate of its joe, has given another lease of life to a family roasting business in Semarang, Central Java.&nbsp; </p> <span class="date">10 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/02/27/indian-state-to-inspect-outlets-of-fast-food-chains-after-mcdonalds-cheese-crackdown.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="McDonald&#039;s&nbsp;biggest India franchisee, Westlife Foodworld,&nbsp;has been defending its use of &quot;real cheese&quot; after media reported that state authorities last year found some products made use of so-called cheese analogues of vegetable oil, rather than real cheese."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/02/27/indian-state-to-inspect-outlets-of-fast-food-chains-after-mcdonalds-cheese-crackdown.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Indian state to inspect outlets of fast-food chains after McDonald&#039;s cheese crackdown </h2> </a> <p>The checks threaten to cause a headache for global brands after recent inflationary pressure hit consumption of burgers and pizzas that are pricey for many Indian consumers. </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2024/02/19/luxury-tequila-mexican-culture-and-sophistication-beyond-shots.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Elixir pouring: A sommelier and a waiter pour a Clase Azul Tequila Plata for the guests at Suma Jakarta in Jakarta on Jan. 23, 2024. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2024/02/19/luxury-tequila-mexican-culture-and-sophistication-beyond-shots.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Luxury tequila: Mexican culture and sophistication beyond shots </h2> </a> <p>Savoring the flavor of tequila requires you to sip the spirit instead of taking it in a single shot. There is a wide variety of flavors and colors, as well as quality, of this alcoholic beverage made of one specific type of plant. </p> <span class="date">11 months ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/09/22/in-war-scarred-iraqi-city-food-business-gives-women-independence.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Abir Jassem prepares food inside the kitchen of the women-run catering service &ldquo;Taste of Mosul&ldquo;, in Iraq&#039;s northern city of Mosul, on September 13, 2023."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/09/22/in-war-scarred-iraqi-city-food-business-gives-women-independence.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> In war-scarred Iraqi city, food business gives women independence </h2> </a> <p>&quot;Taste of Mosul&quot; celebrates local delicacies and was founded in 2017 after the northern Iraqi metropolis was liberated from IS jihadists. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/09/12/what-is-blue-tea-and-why-should-you-start-drinking-it.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="A cup of blue floral tea from the Clitoria ternatea plant is pictured in this illustrative photo. The plant is an endemic species of Ternate Island, North Maluku. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/09/12/what-is-blue-tea-and-why-should-you-start-drinking-it.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> What is blue tea and why should you start drinking it? </h2> </a> <p>Blue tea, made from the petals or whole flowers of the Clitoria ternatea plant, is caffeine-free and packed with antioxidants. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/08/25/more-than-just-satay-indonesian-food-and-its-common-misconceptions.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Toba Restaurant interior."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/08/25/more-than-just-satay-indonesian-food-and-its-common-misconceptions.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> More than just satay: Indonesian food and its common misconceptions </h2> </a> <p>Walking through the many boroughs of London, there are lively Asian diaspora communities that have cemented their place in the city as a home away from home. From the floating red lanterns strewn across Chinatown near Leicester Square to the Asian food halls, it isn&rsquo;t difficult to adapt to life in the big city.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/18/sweets-and-everything-nice-ten-of-jakartas-best-patisseries.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Many bakeries and dessert shops in Jakarta offer a unique twist to classic desserts."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/18/sweets-and-everything-nice-ten-of-jakartas-best-patisseries.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Sweets and everything nice: Ten of Jakarta&#039;s best patisseries </h2> </a> <p>Jakarta caters to every sweet tooth, even those averse to gluten or animal products. However, when it comes to special occasions, these 10 patisseries stand out as the go-to places to order the most mouth-watering cakes for your loved ones. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/12/sri-lankan-baker-cried-when-he-won-best-baguette-in-paris.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="A photograph taken on May 10, 2023 shows baguettes in front of members of the jury during the annual &ldquo;Grand prix de la baguette de tradition fran&ccedil;aise de la Ville de Paris, aka the best baguette in Paris competition, in Paris."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/12/sri-lankan-baker-cried-when-he-won-best-baguette-in-paris.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Sri Lankan baker &#039;cried&#039; when he won best baguette in Paris </h2> </a> <p>A Paris baker of Sri Lankan origin said he &quot;cried&quot; when he heard he had won best baguette in the French capital this week. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/09/food-from-the-heart-a-hidden-afghan-restaurant-in-yogyakarta.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Home-cooked: The Tannoor&#039;s baynjan borani, pan-fried eggplant with tomato gravy sauce and onion topped with yoghurt and mint, is served with zeera rice and Afghani naan. (Courtesy of The Tannoor)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/09/food-from-the-heart-a-hidden-afghan-restaurant-in-yogyakarta.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Food from the heart: A hidden Afghan restaurant in Yogyakarta </h2> </a> <p>This is the story of an out-of-job travel agent and an Afghan refugee who started a private dining restaurant, The Tannoor, in Yogyakarta </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/03/foreign-chefs-conquer-paris-with-childhood-flavours-for-french-cuisine-.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Lebanese Michelin-Starred chef Alan Geaam prepares a dish in his restaurant &#039;Alan Geaam&#039;, in Paris on December 22, 2022. My mum doesn&#039;t agree with what I&#039;m doing here: back home, we don&#039;t eat like this,&ldquo; laughs Alan Geaam, the first and only starred Lebanese chef in his gastronomic restaurant in Paris."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/03/foreign-chefs-conquer-paris-with-childhood-flavours-for-french-cuisine-.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Foreign chefs conquer Paris with childhood flavours for French cuisine </h2> </a> <p>The self-taught chef, who fled his country&#39;s civil war in 1999, nonetheless believes that promoting Lebanon&#39;s culinary riches means combining them with some of &quot;the elegance and refinement&quot; of French cuisine.&nbsp; </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/03/sweet-tooth-four-of-jakartas-cutest-concept-cafes.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Fuzzy wuzzy: Bearology Caf&eacute; is recommended to diners looking for teddy bear cuddliness. (Courtesy of Bearology Cafe)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/03/sweet-tooth-four-of-jakartas-cutest-concept-cafes.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Sweet tooth: Four of Jakarta&#039;s cutest concept cafes </h2> </a> <p>Under-the-radar hangout spots upon which to feast your belly and tired eyes. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/05/01/bebop-indonesias-first-japanese-jazz-bar.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="All that jazz: BEBOP makes available an extensive music library that is predominantly jazz music. (JP/Felix Martua)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/05/01/bebop-indonesias-first-japanese-jazz-bar.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> BEBOP: Indonesia&#039;s first Japanese jazz bar </h2> </a> <p>The latest bar in the buzzing Senopati neighborhood puts the jives and the spirits on center stage, providing quality entertainment and late-night invigoration. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/04/13/karaage-kings-judges-hunt-for-japans-best-fried-chicken.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="This picture taken on March 14, 2023 shows Takehiro Matsumoto posing with a plate of cooked karaage at an izakaya bar in the Kamata district of Tokyo."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/04/13/karaage-kings-judges-hunt-for-japans-best-fried-chicken.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Karaage kings: judges hunt for Japan&#039;s best fried chicken </h2> </a> <p>A team of judges has searched relentlessly to find the ultimate &quot;karaage&quot; -- the fried chicken known as &quot;Japan&#39;s comfort food&quot;. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/04/13/maya-at-sailendra-charms-with-eye-opening-northern-indian-feasts.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Authentic dining: MAYA at Sailendra rustles up an authentic Northern Indian menu with a touch of contemporary style.(JP/Felix Martua)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/04/13/maya-at-sailendra-charms-with-eye-opening-northern-indian-feasts.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> MAYA at Sailendra charms with eye-opening Northern Indian feasts </h2> </a> <p>Located within the compound of JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, the restaurant commits to serving up mouthwatering dishes that may also teach a thing or two about the oft-misunderstood cuisine. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/04/04/tannat-uruguays-unlikely-wine-hit-.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Workers carrie grapes during harvest at Bouza winery in Melilla, Uruguay on March 13, 2023. More than 10,000 km from its origins in France, a red grape with a reputation for harshness produced an &ldquo;unlikely&ldquo; hit that thrust Uruguay onto the global wine map. In a land of gauchos and open flame grilling, the varietal found the perfect host in the mild, humid climate of South America&#039;s Atlantic coast and its carniverous inhabitants. With more seeds than other grapes, dark red Tannat is high in astringent tannins -- a dominant characteristic that gave it its name and was long considered undesirable. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/04/04/tannat-uruguays-unlikely-wine-hit-.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Tannat: Uruguay&#039;s &#039;unlikely&#039; wine hit </h2> </a> <p>With more seeds than other grapes, blue-black Tannat is high in astringent tannins -- a dominant characteristic that gave it its name and was long considered undesirable. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/31/the-macallan-scotch-whisky-introduces-coffee-inspired-harmony-collection.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Get a taste: The second edition of The Macallan Harmony Collection&#039;s tasting event featured whisky expert Kabir Suharan (left) and coffee expert Andrew Tandra. (Courtesy of Victor Davis)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/31/the-macallan-scotch-whisky-introduces-coffee-inspired-harmony-collection.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> The Macallan scotch whisky introduces coffee-inspired Harmony Collection </h2> </a> <p>Launched in Jakarta on March 9, the Scotland-based whisky distillery aims to allure the city&#39;s connoisseurs and coffeeholics. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/29/introducing-vietnam-to-indonesians-via-saigon-street-foods.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="The name &#039;Saigon&rsquo; was chosen because that is where Hien comes from. (JP/Aloysius Efraim )"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/29/introducing-vietnam-to-indonesians-via-saigon-street-foods.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Introducing Vietnam to Indonesians via Saigon street foods </h2> </a> <p>Chau Thi Phuong Thao, also known as Hien, brought the taste of her hometown to the streets of Jakarta. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/20/city-of-skewers-the-best-satay-in-bandung.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="No fuss: Rumah Makan HM Kamil&#039;s juicy lamb satay (JP/Anindito Ariwandono)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/20/city-of-skewers-the-best-satay-in-bandung.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> City of skewers: The best satay in Bandung </h2> </a> <p>A diverse list of recommended places in Bandung to get your fix of satay </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/17/ramadan-culinary-tips-with-cooking-expert-sisca-soewitomo.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Sisca Soewitomo shares her love for cooking during the interview. (JP/Sylviana Hamdani)"> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/17/ramadan-culinary-tips-with-cooking-expert-sisca-soewitomo.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Ramadan culinary tips with cooking expert Sisca Soewitomo </h2> </a> <p>Television culinary personality&nbsp;Sisca Soewitomo recounts her long, illustrative culinary journey and shares some of her cooking tips for Ramadan </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/16/omurice-comfort-food-for-japanese-and-koreans-a-symbol-of-warmer-ties.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="People check the menu list on a window of Rengatei, a popular and long-established restaurant specialising in Japanese-style Western dishes, at Ginza district in Tokyo, Japan March 16, 2023. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> <span class="premiumBadge"> <span>premium</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/16/omurice-comfort-food-for-japanese-and-koreans-a-symbol-of-warmer-ties.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> &#039;Omurice&#039;, comfort food for Japanese and Koreans, a symbol of warmer ties </h2> </a> <p>Japanese and South Korean officials have declined to confirm the plan or venue, while Rengatei, famed as the birthplace of omurice in 1900, declined to comment. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/14/new-york-state-vs-new-york-city-the-war-over-foie-gras-.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="A plate served with &ldquo;chawanmushi foie gras&ldquo; is seen at Tocqueville restaurant in New York, on February 23, 2023. In New York, one of the most celebrated culinary centers in the world, a war over foie gras is pitting the city, backed by animal rights activists, against duck farmers and restaurant owners, whose position is supported by the state. "> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/14/new-york-state-vs-new-york-city-the-war-over-foie-gras-.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> New York state vs New York City: the war over foie gras </h2> </a> <p>All of the foie gras in New York is made exclusively in the state of 20 million people, as France no longer exports the controversial delicacy. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/14/steam-cuisine-cooking-in-japans-hot-springs.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="In this picture taken on December 8, 2022, corn cooked by steam coming from a natural hot spring is picked by a store staff member at Myoban Onsen in the city of Beppu, Oita prefecture."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> </a> <a href='/culture/2023/03/14/steam-cuisine-cooking-in-japans-hot-springs.html'> <h2 class="titleNews"> Steam cuisine: cooking in Japan&#039;s hot springs </h2> </a> <p>The geothermal sources that make Japan a haven for hot springs or onsen are also used to produce a range of delicacies. </p> <span class="date">1 year ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listNews columns "> <div class="columnsNews d-flex"> <div class="imageLatest"> <a href='/culture/2023/03/03/across-zimbabwe-british-scones-are-the-taste-of-home.html'> <img src="" data-src='' class="lazyload" alt="Veronica Makonese, a cook at Bottom Drawer, an upscale tearoom in Harare, uses a scone cutter to shape scone dough made from simple ingredients of flour, salt, yeast, sugar and milk, in Harare on February 16, 2023."> </a> </div> <div class="latestDetail"> <a href="/culture/food"> <span class="date today"> <span class="dt-news">Food</span> </span> 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