China shifts from reliance on international publications

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nowrap">25 February 2020</span></div> <div style="height:39px"><script src="" type="text/javascript">lang: en_US</script> <div style="float:left;margin-right:8px"><script type="IN/Share" data-url=""></script></div><div style="float:left;margin-right:8px"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-show-count="true">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></div><iframe src="" width="106" height="28" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></div> After years of pushing Chinese researchers to publish in prestigious international journals, China’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology have jointly released a document aimed at reducing “excessive reliance” on Science Citation Index (SCI) papers for academic promotions, job offers and allocation of research funding. <br /> <br /> The change is likely to lead to a drop in international publications, which in recent years saw China rise swiftly to become <a href="" target="_new" class="bluelink">second in the world</a> for research papers published in international journals, behind only the United States.<br /> <br /> The shift away from international publishing could also see some Chinese universities fall in global higher education rankings, which rely strongly on international publication citations, experts say. <br /> <br /> “Universities have paid too much attention to SCI and some have made having a high number of SCI papers their top priority,” the new ministerial guidelines issued last week said. The SCI, owned by Clarivate Analytics, covers more than 9,000 publications, mostly in English, and has been one of the most important research indicators in China for around two decades. <br /> <br /> The move by the two ministries and backed by the Finance Ministry, which is responsible for national-level research funding, is a radical change away from the publish-or-perish culture that pressures researchers and academics in China to aim for articles and papers geared towards international publications. <br /> <br /> “The document aims to reverse the SCI-supremacy phenomenon, widely considered one-sided, excessive, and known for its distortion of information from SCI papers among scientific research evaluation systems at universities and other academic institutions in China,” the official <I>Global Times</I> newspaper said. <br /> <br /> Futao Huang, professor of higher education at Hiroshima University in Japan, who has studied the research culture among young academics in China, said the change in emphasis away from international publication would mean huge changes to China’s research evaluation system. <br /> <br /> “It is a significant change, a really big deal,” he told <I>University World News</I>, and predicted that the status of several Chinese universities in major global university rankings would decline as a result of a drop in SCI publications from Chinese university researchers. <br /> <br /> Moving away from international research publication was first announced by President Xi Jinping during a national education conference in 2018, when he said academic standards in higher education institutions could not be led significantly by Western ideas or standards, and stressed that China should have its own academic standards and norms, not bound by international norms. <br /> <br /> “It has taken two years for the ministries of education and science and technology to develop a more detailed document,” Huang said. “The Ministry of Education has asked individual universities and national research institutions to prepare their action plans and asked them to submit their revised documents written by individual universities before the summer vacation.”<br /> <br /> <B>Stepping up publication in Chinese journals</B><br /> <br /> Huang said: “The aim is to establish a new evaluation system of works which are more relevant [to China’s needs] and specially research that could be used to solve Chinese problems and ask researchers in China to find questions related to the Chinese context.”<br /> <br /> Scientists will still be encouraged to publish work in leading international journals – such as <I>Nature</I>, <I>Science</I> and <I>Cell</I> – but research that appears in less influential journals in the SCI index will no longer attract government funding, according to the guidelines. <br /> <br /> The new guidelines are also specific about not using SCI-related indices in university or discipline rankings, in awarding professional titles, hiring teachers, evaluating a teacher’s performance or resource allocation, the guidelines said.<br /> <br /> Universities are prohibited from using SCI citations as a precondition when recruiting personnel. Academic institutions can no longer reward individuals and departments based on SCI papers alone, and student graduates and awarding degrees should not be restricted by the number of SCI papers and impact factors, the guidelines state. <br /> <br /> The ministry document said the central government would establish a Chinese “scientific citation index” system “with Chinese characteristics and international influence” and encourage papers from state-funded research to be published in high-quality domestic scientific and technological journals.<br /> <br /> This would be better than top research “creamed off” by international journals, or subjecting Chinese science to overseas peer reviewers who may not understand the Chinese context, according to one Beijing academic who declined to be named. <br /> <br /> In theoretical fields without immediate applications, the scientists only need to produce “at most five representative works to prove their worth, and at least a third of their papers must be published in Chinese journals, if they want to apply for national level funding or awards”. <br /> <br /> <B>New appraisal system</B><br /> <br /> The new appraisal system, details of which are still to be made public, will instead reward scientists for innovation, the contribution of their research to society or the economy, or for moving “outside the Western scientific mainstream”, the ministry guidelines said. <br /> <br /> “For research in basic disciplines, evaluation should focus on the originality and scientific value of the research papers, not the number of SCI papers,” the guidelines said. “Application research and research in technological innovation should focus on the actual contribution of the research in real life, not the number of papers published,” it said. <br /> <br /> Universities should not list publishing SCI papers as a requirement for students to get doctoral degrees, it added.<br /> <br /> Last year Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University announced it would no longer require doctoral students to publish their research in prestigious journals in order to get their PhDs. Professors at Tsinghua said academic ability rather than the ability to get published in international journals would be the guiding factor. <br /> <br /> Academics said at the time that the international ranking of top universities like Tsinghua was unlikely to be affected as a world-class institution conducting much cutting-edge research in the hard sciences. <br /> <br /> “Compared to researchers from hard sciences, more profound changes will occur for those from humanities and social sciences, who have less international linkages and networks and conduct less international collaborative activities. In addition, English is not the academic language as it is for those in harder sciences,” Huang said. <br /> <br /> But while young academics would be expected to welcome the reduction in publication pressure, others have criticised the changes. <br /> <br /> “Many young academics are complaining about this new policy saying because they are young they don’t have any networks [contacts] and this is the only way, an objective and reliable indicator, on which they can compete with senior professors, senior researchers or those who are not that strong [in research],” Huang explained. “They say it is the only way they can be promoted to a higher academic ranking.” </div><br><script src=""></script> <div style="background:#ffe57d;padding:8px" id="subform"> <span style="font-family:arial"><b>Receive email updates from UWN</b></span> <br> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" style="width:65%;font-size:16px" placeholder="enter your email address"> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input 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