cookie-notice | Anuga

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tabindex="63" href="" title="Sessions" >Sessions</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="level-2 navmodul navmodul_teaser clearfix"> <div class="navitem_marked"> <div class="linktitle">Webinar Snapshot Series</div> <p>In the run-up to Anuga, a series of "mini" webinars were held to inform the global Anuga community about current topics in the industry. You can now watch them on demand. </p> <a href="" title="The Webinars" class="btn primary small emphasize extern calchexback light" tabindex="64"> The Webinars </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="close" style="position: absolute;"></div> </div> <div class="subnav" id="sub-exhibitors-and-products"> <div class="subnav-wrapper"> <ul> <li class="goback desktophidden calchexback corporateback first"><span>Overview</span></li> <!-- Übersichtsseite das Linktext in mobile nicht klickbar --> <li class="level-2 navmodul navmodul_icon"> <a href="" title="Exhibitor search" tabindex="66"> <div class="navitem_icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="motive" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 60 60" style="enable-background:new 0 0 60 60;" xml:space="preserve"> <path class="color" d="M1,1L1,1L1,1z M55,1L55,1z M54.9,1L44,7L54.9,1z M5.1,1L16,7l0,0L5.1,1z M56,1L56,1z"></path> <path class="color" d="M59,0h-4c-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.2,0c-0.1,0-0.1,0-0.2,0.1l0,0L43.7,6H16.3L5.5,0.1l0,0C5.4,0.1,5.3,0,5.2,0C5.2,0,5.1,0,5,0H1 C0.4,0,0,0.4,0,1v46c0,0.6,0.4,1,1,1h4c0.1,0,0.2,0,0.3-0.1l0,0l7.1-4c0.5-0.3,0.6-0.9,0.4-1.4c-0.3-0.5-0.9-0.6-1.4-0.4L6,45.3V2.7 l9,4.9V26c0,0.6,0.4,1,1,1c0.6,0,1-0.4,1-1V8h26v18c0,0.6,0.4,1,1,1s1-0.4,1-1V7.6l9-4.9v42.6l-5.5-3.2C48.3,42,48.2,42,48,42 c-0.6,0-1,0.4-1,1c0,0.4,0.2,0.7,0.5,0.9l7.2,4c0.1,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.3,0.1h4c0.6,0,1-0.4,1-1V1C60,0.4,59.6,0,59,0z M56,46V2h2v44H56z M2,46V2h2v44H2z"></path> <path class="color" d="M47.4,59c-0.5,0-1-0.2-1.3-0.5l-7.8-7.8L37.6,51c-6.8,4.2-15.8,2.1-20-4.7s-2.1-15.8,4.7-20s15.8-2.1,20,4.7 c3.2,5.1,2.9,11.6-0.7,16.4L41,48.1l7.7,7.7c0.8,0.7,0.8,1.9,0.1,2.6C48.5,58.8,48,59,47.4,59z M30,26.2c-6.9,0-12.5,5.6-12.5,12.5 c0,6.9,5.6,12.5,12.5,12.5s12.5-5.6,12.5-12.5c0,0,0,0,0,0C42.5,31.8,36.9,26.3,30,26.2z"></path> <path class="color" d="M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M16.5,38.7c0,7.5,6,13.5,13.5,13.5c0,0,0,0,0,0l0,0C22.5,52.2,16.5,46.2,16.5,38.7 C16.5,38.7,16.5,38.7,16.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7 L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7 L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7 L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7L43.5,38.7 M43.5,38.7 L43.5,38.7 M40.5,47l-0.7,0.9l1.2,1.2l7.1,7.1c0.3,0.3,0.3,0.9,0,1.2c-0.3,0.3-0.8,0.3-1.2,0l-7.3-7.3l-1.1-1.1l-0.9,0.5 C38.7,48.9,39.7,48,40.5,47 M30,52.2L30,52.2 M30,52.2L30,52.2 M30,23.2c-8.5,0-15.5,6.9-15.5,15.4s6.9,15.5,15.4,15.5 c2.9,0,5.8-0.8,8.2-2.3l7.3,7.3c1.3,0.9,3.1,0.7,4-0.6c0.7-1,0.7-2.4,0-3.4L42.3,48c5.1-6.8,3.8-16.5-3-21.6 C36.6,24.3,33.4,23.2,30,23.2L30,23.2z M30,50.2c-6.3,0-11.5-5.1-11.5-11.5S23.6,27.3,30,27.2c6.3,0,11.5,5.1,11.5,11.5c0,0,0,0,0,0 C41.5,45.1,36.3,50.2,30,50.2z"></path> </svg> <br> <div class="linktitle ani">Exhibitor search</div> <p></p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="level-2 navmodul navmodul_icon"> <a href="" title="Product index" tabindex="67"> <div class="navitem_icon"> <svg version="1.0" xmlns="" width="200.000000pt" height="200.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 200.000000 200.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <metadata> Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 </metadata> <g transform="translate(0.000000,200.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"> <path d="M635 1954 c-181 -43 -273 -91 -381 -199 -68 -68 -89 -97 -127 -176 -60 -126 -72 -180 -71 -324 1 -101 5 -133 27 -200 133 -406 589 -598 972 -409 49 24 71 31 74 22 9 -27 574 -594 614 -616 76 -42 174 -14 214 61 24 45 22 116 -5 158 -22 36 -574 587 -605 604 -17 9 -16 14 12 65 54 100 75 192 76 320 0 140 -13 197 -73 320 -80 166 -231 294 -416 352 -59 19 -264 33 -311 22z m230 -79 c112 -23 226 -85 310 -169 133 -131 190 -278 183 -465 -5 -129 -33 -216 -102 -320 -89 -133 -237 -234 -391 -266 -308 -65 -608 113 -717 425 -25 72 -34 220 -19 302 16 81 76 208 130 276 140 176 385 263 606 217z m741 -1357 c171 -170 295 -302 299 -316 13 -54 -33 -107 -88 -100 -35 4 -617 581 -617 612 0 26 68 96 94 96 13 0 124 -103 312 -292z"/> <path d="M670 1804 c-88 -15 -117 -34 -104 -68 9 -23 32 -27 80 -15 26 7 81 10 130 6 210 -13 387 -174 425 -388 40 -223 -104 -450 -329 -519 -265 -82 -544 97 -592 379 -20 118 23 266 105 367 39 47 45 80 16 89 -28 9 -44 -2 -83 -53 -174 -228 -152 -533 52 -726 111 -104 216 -145 370 -146 184 0 335 75 437 218 211 295 82 710 -256 828 -65 22 -198 37 -251 28z"/> <path d="M455 1720 c-4 -6 -4 -22 -1 -36 5 -20 12 -25 34 -22 23 2 27 8 27 33 0 25 -4 31 -27 33 -14 2 -29 -2 -33 -8z"/> <path d="M680 1653 c-55 -29 -80 -75 -80 -149 l0 -64 -39 0 c-22 0 -43 -5 -47 -11 -4 -6 -13 -106 -21 -223 -13 -198 -13 -211 3 -223 25 -18 463 -18 487 0 16 11 17 26 3 224 -8 117 -17 217 -21 223 -3 5 -24 10 -46 10 l-39 0 0 63 c0 68 -20 114 -64 142 -39 26 -96 29 -136 8z m83 -64 c32 -14 47 -49 47 -104 l0 -45 -70 0 -70 0 0 45 c0 65 20 99 67 114 1 1 13 -4 26 -10z m153 -379 l9 -160 -184 0 -184 0 7 133 c4 72 9 144 12 160 l6 27 162 0 163 0 9 -160z"/> </g> </svg> <br> <div class="linktitle ani">Product index</div> <p></p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="level-2 navmodul navmodul_icon"> <a href="" title="Product groups" tabindex="68"> <div class="navitem_icon"> <svg id="icon-produktverzeichnis__H60" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <path class="color" d="M26.2051,26.2929 C25.8141,26.6839 25.8141,27.3159 26.2051,27.7069 L32.2051,33.7069 C32.4001,33.9019 32.6561,33.9999 32.9121,33.9999 C33.1681,33.9999 33.4241,33.9019 33.6191,33.7069 C34.0101,33.3159 34.0101,32.6839 33.6191,32.2929 L27.6191,26.2929 C27.2281,25.9019 26.5961,25.9019 26.2051,26.2929 L26.2051,26.2929 Z M23.6191,30.2929 C23.2281,29.9019 22.5961,29.9019 22.2051,30.2929 C21.8141,30.6839 21.8141,31.3159 22.2051,31.7069 L28.2051,37.7069 C28.4001,37.9019 28.6561,37.9999 28.9121,37.9999 C29.1681,37.9999 29.4241,37.9019 29.6191,37.7069 C30.0101,37.3159 30.0101,36.6839 29.6191,36.2929 L23.6191,30.2929 Z M19.6191,34.2929 C19.2281,33.9019 18.5961,33.9019 18.2051,34.2929 C17.8141,34.6839 17.8141,35.3159 18.2051,35.7069 L24.2051,41.7069 C24.4001,41.9019 24.6561,41.9999 24.9121,41.9999 C25.1681,41.9999 25.4241,41.9019 25.6191,41.7069 C26.0101,41.3159 26.0101,40.6839 25.6191,40.2929 L19.6191,34.2929 Z M38.4981,31.9999 L27.9121,21.4139 L13.3261,35.9999 L23.9121,46.5859 L38.4981,31.9999 Z M28.6191,19.2929 L40.6191,31.2929 C41.0101,31.6839 41.0101,32.3159 40.6191,32.7069 L24.6191,48.7069 C24.4241,48.9019 24.1681,48.9999 23.9121,48.9999 C23.6561,48.9999 23.4001,48.9019 23.2051,48.7069 L11.2051,36.7069 C10.8141,36.3159 10.8141,35.6839 11.2051,35.2929 L27.2051,19.2929 C27.5961,18.9019 28.2281,18.9019 28.6191,19.2929 L28.6191,19.2929 Z M51.8871,36.5749 C51.4091,36.2939 50.7971,36.4549 50.5181,36.9319 L39.0561,56.4819 C38.2281,57.9149 36.3891,58.4079 35.0011,57.6079 L32.7681,56.1609 C32.3061,55.8599 31.6861,55.9929 31.3861,56.4559 C31.0851,56.9199 31.2171,57.5389 31.6811,57.8389 L33.9571,59.3139 C34.7421,59.7669 35.6011,59.9819 36.4491,59.9819 C38.1781,59.9819 39.8611,59.0869 40.7841,57.4879 L52.2431,37.9429 C52.5221,37.4669 52.3631,36.8549 51.8871,36.5749 L51.8871,36.5749 Z M59.9121,4.9999 L59.9121,20.9999 C59.9121,24.0939 58.9281,26.3989 56.6191,28.7069 L26.9211,58.4469 C25.9761,59.3919 24.7201,59.9109 23.3841,59.9109 C22.0481,59.9109 20.7931,59.3919 19.8501,58.4469 L1.4651,40.0629 C0.5201,39.1179 0.0001,37.8619 0.0001,36.5259 C0.0001,35.1899 0.5201,33.9349 1.4651,32.9909 L27.4391,7.0519 C20.6471,5.5079 16.4321,5.4039 15.1981,5.7649 C15.7191,6.2979 17.3421,7.4299 21.2591,8.9739 C21.7731,9.1769 22.0251,9.7569 21.8231,10.2709 C21.6201,10.7849 21.0391,11.0339 20.5261,10.8349 C12.4181,7.6389 12.8921,5.8669 13.0711,5.1999 C13.4421,3.8099 15.4231,3.3469 19.4811,3.7019 C22.7861,3.9909 27.0521,4.8059 31.4931,5.9949 C35.9341,7.1849 40.0341,8.6119 43.0401,10.0149 C46.7351,11.7379 48.2161,13.1269 47.8431,14.5179 C47.4831,15.8599 45.6121,16.0239 44.9971,16.0779 C44.9681,16.0809 44.9381,16.0819 44.9091,16.0819 C44.3961,16.0819 43.9601,15.6889 43.9141,15.1689 C43.8651,14.6189 44.2721,14.1339 44.8231,14.0859 C45.2491,14.0489 45.5321,13.9909 45.7151,13.9389 C45.2871,13.4919 44.2041,12.7949 42.4721,11.9649 C42.1091,12.5769 41.9121,13.2799 41.9121,13.9999 C41.9121,16.2059 43.7061,17.9999 45.9121,17.9999 C48.1181,17.9999 49.9121,16.2059 49.9121,13.9999 C49.9121,11.7939 48.1181,9.9999 45.9121,9.9999 C45.3591,9.9999 44.9121,9.5529 44.9121,8.9999 C44.9121,8.4469 45.3591,7.9999 45.9121,7.9999 C49.2211,7.9999 51.9121,10.6909 51.9121,13.9999 C51.9121,17.3089 49.2211,19.9999 45.9121,19.9999 C42.6031,19.9999 39.9121,17.3089 39.9121,13.9999 C39.9121,12.9969 40.1761,12.0199 40.6471,11.1479 C38.2541,10.1429 35.0441,9.0179 30.9761,7.9269 C30.5471,7.8119 30.1341,7.7069 29.7211,7.6019 L2.8791,34.4059 C2.3121,34.9719 2.0001,35.7259 2.0001,36.5259 C2.0001,37.3279 2.3121,38.0809 2.8791,38.6479 L21.2641,57.0329 C22.3971,58.1659 24.3731,58.1659 25.5061,57.0329 L55.2041,27.2929 C57.1531,25.3449 57.9121,23.5799 57.9121,20.9999 L57.9121,4.9999 C57.9121,3.3459 56.5661,1.9999 54.9121,1.9999 L38.9121,1.9999 C36.3321,1.9999 34.5671,2.7589 32.6191,4.7069 C32.2281,5.0979 31.5961,5.0979 31.2051,4.7069 C30.8141,4.3159 30.8141,3.6839 31.2051,3.2929 C33.5131,0.9839 35.8181,-0.0001 38.9121,-0.0001 L54.9121,-0.0001 C57.6691,-0.0001 59.9121,2.2429 59.9121,4.9999 L59.9121,4.9999 Z" id="price-tag"/> </svg> <br> <div class="linktitle ani">Product groups</div> <p></p> </div> </a> </li> <li class="level-2 navmodul navmodul_icon"> <a href="" title="Hall plan" tabindex="69"> <div class="navitem_icon"> <svg version="1.1" id="icon-hall-plan__H60" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 60 60" style="enable-background:new 0 0 60 60;" xml:space="preserve"> <g transform="matrix(1.3333333,0,0,-1.3333333,0,80)"> <g transform="scale(0.1)"> <path class="color" d="M435,178.1c0-2.5-1.2-4.7-3.2-6.2c-2-1.4-4.6-1.7-6.9-0.9l-117.3,43.2c0,0-0.1,0-0.1,0v149l122.6-45.2c2.9-1.1,4.9-3.9,4.9-7V178.1z M157.5,167.1v149.1c0,0,0,0,0.1,0l134.9,47.2V214.4c0,0,0,0-0.1,0L157.5,167.1z M19.9,212.5c-2.9,1.1-4.9,3.9-4.9,7v133c0,2.5,1.2,4.7,3.2,6.2c1.3,0.9,2.8,1.4,4.3,1.4c0.9,0,1.8-0.2,2.6-0.5l117.3-43.2c0,0,0.1,0,0.1,0v-149L19.9,212.5z M435.3,332.2l-127.6,47c-4.9,1.8-10.3,1.8-15.2,0.1l-139.8-48.9c-1.6-0.6-3.4-0.6-5.1,0L30.3,373.7c-6.9,2.5-14.6,1.5-20.6-2.7c-6-4.2-9.6-11.1-9.6-18.4v-133c0-9.4,5.9-17.9,14.7-21.1l127.6-47c2.5-0.9,5.1-1.4,7.8-1.4c2.5,0,5,0.4,7.4,1.3l139.8,48.9c1.6,0.6,3.4,0.6,5.1,0L419.7,157c6.9-2.5,14.6-1.5,20.7,2.7c6,4.2,9.6,11.1,9.6,18.5v133C450,320.5,444.1,329,435.3,332.2"></path> <path class="color" d="M225,465c-16.6,0-30,13.4-30,30c0,16.6,13.4,30,30,30s30-13.4,30-30C255,478.4,241.6,465,225,465zM337.5,487.5c0,62.1-50.4,112.5-112.5,112.5s-112.5-50.5-112.5-112.5c0-20.5,5.6-39.5,15.2-56.1h-0.1L212,285c5.8-10,20.2-10,26,0l84.4,146.4h-0.1C331.9,448,337.5,467,337.5,487.5"></path> </g> </g> </svg> <br> <div class="linktitle ani">Hall plan</div> <p></p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="close" style="position: absolute;"></div> </div> <div class="subnav" id="sub-f&b-news"> <div class="subnav-wrapper"> <ul> <li class="goback desktophidden calchexback corporateback first"><span>Overview</span></li> <!-- Übersichtsseite das Linktext in mobile nicht klickbar --> <li class="level-2 desktophidden"> <a href="../magazine/" title="Overview F&B News" tabindex="111">Overview F&B News</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="close" style="position: absolute;"></div> </div> <div class="subnav" id="sub-for-exhibitors"> <div class="subnav-wrapper"> <ul> <li class="goback desktophidden calchexback 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Pseudonymous user profiles</h2> </div> <div> <p> <ol class="numbered_list"><li>Various cookies are used on our websites. In some cases, these are technically necessary in order to be able to offer our services at all. The legal basis for this is § 25 para. 2 TTDSG.</li><li>We also use other cookies and tracking tools, which may also come from third-party providers. In addition to analysis purposes, these serve to increase the user&#39;s comfort, to carry out a range measurement and to constantly improve our offer. In addition, they can be used to display advertising tailored to the interests of the individual user. The legal basis for this is the consent voluntarily given by the user in accordance with § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) DSGVO.<br><br>The following paragraphs list the third-party providers who can access the data collected via their respective cookie or tracking tool. As far as indicated, data is transferred to countries outside of Germany and also to third countries outside of the European Union. Due to the location of individual third party providers, it is to be expected that data will also be transferred to the USA. The legal basis for this data transfer is also the consent voluntarily given by the user.<br><br>We would like to point out that the third countries outside the European Union may not offer an adequate level of data protection based on the decision of the European Commission. In this respect, it cannot be guaranteed that state or private institutions in the third country will not access the transmitted data and use it for purposes that would not be permissible under the provisions of the GDPR. This may include the creation or enrichment of profiles of the user for analysis purposes or for the purpose of sending target group-oriented advertising. In this respect, no suitable guarantees can be given for the protection of the data.</li></ol> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="cmodul " > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p><b>6.1 Conversion tracking by third parties</b></p><p>The following conversion tracking by third parties may be used:</p><p> <ul><li><i>Ligatus Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Ligatus GmbH, Hohenstaufenring 30–32, 50674 Cologne, Germany, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Outbrain Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Outbrain Inc., 39 West 13th Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10011, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Bluepic Embed</i><br>This website uses functions of the &#34;Bluepic Embed&#34; service to display embedded graphics and to offer users the option of creating graphics with their own content. The provider of the service is FellowBlue GmbH, Grüner Brunnenweg 162, 50827 Cologne, Germany. Personal data such as IP address, time of access, device type and performance are transmitted to the service and temporarily stored in anonymized form to ensure the functionality and security of the application. In addition, the user-specific inputs in the form provided via &#34;Bluepic Embed&#34; are also temporarily transmitted to the &#34;Bluepic Embed&#34; service in order to generate the graphics. For performance reasons, the data can be stored in the so-called &#34;cache&#34; of the service&#39;s servers for up to 60 seconds and will be deleted after this time at the latest. The temporary processing of the data takes place with the submission of the form with your consent and serves to fulfill the function of the service. Further information about the processing of personal data by FellowBlue GmbH and the &#34;Bluepic Embed&#34; service can be found<a href="ärung.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>&#34;DoubleClick by Google” (Accuen Conversion Pixel)/Google Adwords Conversion Pixel</i><br>“DoubleClick by Google” is a service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). “DoubleClick by Google” uses cookies in order to present advertisements relevant to you. In the process, your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) in order to check which advertisements have been displayed in your browser and which advertisements have been called up. The cookies do not contain any personal information. The use of the “DoubleClick” cookies only enables Google and its partner websites to display advertisements on the basis of previous visits to our or other websites in the Internet. The information created by the cookies is transferred by Google to a server in the USA for evaluation and stored there. A transfer of the data by Google to third parties only takes place on the basis of legal regulations or in the context of a contract data processing agreement. In no case will Google combine your data with other data collected by Google.<br><br>You can prevent the storage of the cookies by carrying out a corresponding setting in your browser software; however, we expressly inform you that you may not then be able to use the full scope of all of the features of our websites. In addition, you can disable the collection of the data created by the cookies concerning your use of the websites and the processing of this data by Google if you download and install the browser plugin that is available under the following link under the point “DoubleClick” deactivation plugin:<br><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Google <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Twitter Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Seeding Alliance conversion pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Seeding Alliance GmbH, Lichtstr. 25, 50825 Cologne <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>. You can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > withdraw </a> to the collection and storage of data in the context of Seeding Alliance GmbH with future effect at any time.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Plista Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Plista GmbH, Torstraße 33-35, 10119 Berlin <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>. You can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > withdraw </a> to the collection and storage of data in the context of Plista GmbH with future effect at any time.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Reddit Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Reddit, Inc., 548 Market Street #16093, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a> .</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>DELFINE MEDIA Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from DEFINE MEDIA Pixel GmbH, An der Raumfabrik 31a, 76227 Karlsruhe <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a> .</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Adform Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Adform A/S, Wildersgade 10B, 1st floor, DK-1408 Copenhagen, Denmark <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>. <br>The Adform Pixel is used on our websites for the following purposes following your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. e) GDPR:<br><br>Campaign impact tracking<br>Through tracking, contacts that users have with advertisements on other websites (visual contacts and clicks on advertising banners) are related to subsequent interactions on our website. The data collected is statistically analysed in order to be able to optimise the performance of the media campaigns. All usage data collected is stored using a pseudonym. The collected data is not used to personally identify visitors to our website and is not merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym.<br><br>Control of user-based online advertising (so-called retargeting)<br>The service provider collects and processes pseudonymously your usage behaviour on websites operated by us. This data is used to address users again with targeted advertising according to their usage behaviour after visiting our websites. These advertisements are displayed outside our websites.<br><br>The third-party cookies described on the following page are used to collect data: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a><br><br>You have the option to prevent the recording of usage data by the system at any time by setting an opt-out cookie <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here. </a> If you delete the cookies in your browser, opt-out cookies will also be deleted. You must then carry out the opt-out again. Further information on data protection at Adform: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>The Trade Desk&#39; Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Trade Desk Inc., Chestnut Street, Ventura, CA 93001, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a> . You can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > withdraw </a> to the collection and storage of data in the context of The Trade Desk Inc. with future effect at any time.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>TikTok Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>ADITION Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from ADITION TECHNOLOGIES AG, Oststraße 55, 40211 Düsseldorf, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a>. You can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > withdraw </a> to the collection and storage of data in the context of ADITION with future effect at any time.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>LinkedIn Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from the LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94085, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Pinterest Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from the Pinterest Inc., 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Google Campaign Manager and Floodlight</i><br>This website uses functions of the &#34;Google Campaign Manager&#34; service, in particular the &#34;Floodlight&#34; function. The service provider is Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Campaign Manager is used to display interest-based advertisements to you throughout the Google advertising network. The ads can be targeted to the interests of the respective viewer with the help of Campaign Manager. For example, our ads may be displayed in Google search results or in banner ads on third party websites associated with Campaign Manager. In order to display ads to users that are tailored to their interests, Campaign Manager must be able to recognize the respective viewer. For this purpose, a cookie is stored in the user&#39;s browser, behind which the websites visited by the user, clicks and various other information is stored. This information is combined into a pseudonymous user profile in order to display interest-based advertising to the user in question. In the process, data is transferred to Google. Insofar as personal data is transferred to the USA, the appropriate safeguards for the transfer to a third country are the standard data protection clauses; more detailed information can be found at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>Floodlight is a so-called conversion tracking system that can be used to measure the effectiveness of advertising measures. With the help of a cookie, we can determine whether you perform certain actions on our website after clicking on one of our ads on Google or on third-party websites.<br><br>The storage of cookies and the processing of personal data are based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a) GDPR. Consent is voluntary and you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future. You can also deactivate personalized advertising using Google&#39;s &#34;Advertising settings&#34;. You will then no longer receive personalized advertising via Google services: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a> For further information on how to object to the advertisements displayed by Google, please refer to the following links: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Facebook Conversion Pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Facebook Website Custom Audiences Pixel</i><br>We use the “Website Custom Audiences” pixel from Facebook, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA on our websites. Tracking pixels are integrated into our websites for this purpose. When you visit our sites, the tracking pixel is used to establish a direct connection between your browser and Facebook’s server. As a result, Facebook receives information from your browser including the fact that your terminal has accessed our website. If you are a Facebook user, Facebook can assign the visit to our websites to your user account. We would like to point out that we, as the providers of the websites, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or of how it is used by Facebook. We can only select which sectors of Facebook users (such as age, interests) should see our advertisements displayed. In this process, we use one of two modes of working from Custom Audiences, in which no datasets — in particular, none of our users’ e-mail addresses — are transferred to Facebook.<br><br>You will find further information on this subject in Facebook’s privacy policy at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>.<br><br>Click here if you do not wish data to be collected using Custom Audiences: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a> <br><br>Alternatively you can deactivate the Facebook pixel on the Digital Advertising Alliance website under the following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Taboola conversion pixel</i><br>You will find further information on data protection and cookies from Taboola Inc. (28 West 23rd St., 5th floor, New York, NY 10010, USA) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > here </a> (You will find opt-out information under “Site Visitor Choices”)</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>AdTiger</i><br>AdTiger is a service for integrating advertisements from arejo GmbH, Schaperstraße 14, 10719 Berlin. You will find further information on data protection from AdTiger and on the use of cookies including the option of an opt-out under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Amazon Pixel</i><br>We use the web analysis services Amazon Conversion Pixel and Amazon Remarketing Pixel from Amazon of, Inc, 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, USA on our websites.<br>When you visit our sites, Amazon receives the information that you have called up our website. For this purpose, a so-called Web Beacon (these are invisible graphics) is called up from Amazon and Amazon places a cookie on your terminal, and as a result data is transferred to Amazon.<br>Amazon uses the cookie placed in order to recognize you on other websites, in apps, and within Amazon services and to show you personalized advertising as appropriate.<br>You can prevent the storage of the cookies by making a corresponding setting in your browser software. However, we inform you that you may not then be able to use the full scope of all of the features of our websites. You can also avoid the collection, by Amazon, of the data generated by the cookie regarding your use of the website and Amazon’s processing of this data by clicking on the following link and there selecting the option “Do not show me interest-based ads provided by Amazon”: <a href="" > </a>. Alternatively you can make the corresponding settings under <a href="" > </a>.<br>This results in the setting of an opt-out cookie in your browser that prevents the future recording of your data by the Amazon Pixel when you visit our website. This opt-out remains in effect until you delete the opt-out cookie.<br>Further details on the collection of data are available from Amazon at: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > Privacy Notice - Amazon Customer Service </a>.<br>We do not have any influence on the data collected nor are we aware of the full scope of the data collected. These data are transferred to the USA and are evaluated there.<br>You can also obtain further information on the purpose and scope of the data collection and its processing as well as further information on your rights in relation to this and possibilities for making settings in order to protect your privacy above and beyond that contained in the aforementioned privacy policy at: Amazon EU S.à r.l., Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. and Amazon Media EU S.à r.l., all three of them located at: 5 Rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg; e-mail: <a href="" > </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Amazon Ads</i><br>We are participants in the &#34;Amazon Ads&#34; advertising partner program of Amazon Europe S.à r.l., which was designed to provide a medium for websites by means of which advertising refunds can be earned through the placement of advertisements and links to With the program, we pursue the interest of showing you advertisements that are of interest to you and to make our website more interesting for our users.<br>Further information about Amazon: Amazon EU S.à r.l., Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. and Amazon Media EU S.à r.l., all three located 5, Rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg; e-mail: <a href="" > </a><br>For the provision of the advertisements, statistical information about you is collected, which is processed by our advertising partners. By visiting the website, Amazon receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding page of our website. For this purpose, Amazon determines your demand via web beacons and may set a cookie on your computer. If you are logged in to Amazon, your data can be directly assigned to your account there. If you do not want the assignment with your Amazon profile, you must log out. It is possible that your data will be passed on to contractual partners of Amazon and authorities. We have no influence on the data collected, nor are we aware of the full extent of the data collection. The data is transferred to the USA and evaluated there. The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.<br>You can prevent the storage of cookies by not granting or revoking your consent in our Consent Tool, or by making the appropriate settings in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. You can also deactivate the interest-based ads at Amazon via the link: <a href="https://" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a>.<br>Based on so-called EU standard contractual clauses, Amazon undertakes to comply with a data protection standard that essentially corresponds to the European standard in the event of transfer to the USA: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a><br><br>More information about Amazon&#39;s privacy policy: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a> </li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Google Analytics with Conversion Tracking and Google Signals</i><br>We use Google Analytics, a Web analysis service from Google Inc. (“Google”), including the functions “Conversion Tracking&#34; and Google Signals. Google Analytics employs so-called “cookies”, which are text files that are stored on your terminal and make it possible to analyse how you are using the website, the products that you view and possible purchases that you make. No personal data are collected during this process. The information created by the cookie (including your abbreviated IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate it, to create reports on the website activities and the products viewed or sold for the operators of the website, and to provide additional services connected with the use of the website and the Internet. If applicable, Google will also transfer this information to third parties, insofar as this is legally prescribed, or insofar as third parties process this information on behalf of Google.<br><br>You will find further information about how Google uses your data in Google’s Privacy Policy: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a> <br><br>You can deactivate Google Analytics by means of a browser add-on, should you not want the website analysis. You can download the add-on here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>.<br><br>Demographic characteristics and interests with Google Analytics<br>We use the &#34;demographic characteristics&#34; and &#34;interests&#34; functions of Google Analytics. Using these functions, reports can be created that contain statements about the age, gender and interests of visitors to the website. This data comes from interest-based advertising from Google as well as visitor data from third-party providers. It is not possible to assign this data to a specific person. You can deactivate this function at any time via the ad settings in your Google account or generally prohibit the collection of your data by Google Analytics - as shown in the item &#34;Objection to data collection&#34;.<br><br>Google signals<br>Google signals are session data from websites and apps that Google links to users who are logged into their Google account and have activated personalised advertising. Linking data to these logged-in users enables cross-device reporting, cross-device remarketing and the export of cross-device conversions to Google Ads.<br><br>The use of Google Analytics with Conversion Tracking and Google Signals takes place on the basis of your consent and thus in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR.</li></ul> </p><p><b>6.2 Further tools for the purposes of marketing and optimization</b></p><p> <ul><li><i>Use of Google AdWords and Remarketing</i><br>We also place advertisements using Google AdWords, in order to draw attention to our services outside the display network. The corresponding advertisements are displayed by Google after a search query on the part of the user.<br><br>Cookies are subsequently used to help register on our website how many users reached our website via one of our advertisements. The anonymous statistics that we gain from this process enable us to optimize our advertisements. The cookie is stored with the click on an advertisement.<br><br>We also use Google Analytics for the statistical evaluation of the data from AdWords. The storage of the cookies can be prevented using the settings of your browser. In this case your visit to our website also does not appear in the anonymous user statistics.<br><br>You will find further information about how Google uses your data in Google’s Privacy Policy under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a> and under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>You can permanently deactivate the use of cookies for personalized advertising by Google by downloading and installing the corresponding plugin provided under the following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>The use of Google AdWords and Remarketing takes place on the basis of your consent and thus in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Google AdSense</i><br>We use Google AdSense in connection with YouTube-videos. The user information collected through personalized advertising is used in accordance with Google&#39;s privacy policy. Please see Google&#39;s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > privacy policy </a> for more information.<br><br>In addition, Google informs users how ads are personalized in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > Advertising preferences </a>. These settings can be accessed on Google&#39;s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > My Account </a> page and most links labeled &#34;Google Ads&#34; or &#34;Privacy Info&#34; in Google Ads. Users can completely disable personalized ads. These options allow users to interact more with the ads they see and less likely to be distracted by them. For more information, please refer to Google&#39;s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > frequently asked questions about advertising policies </a>.<br></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Google Tag Manager</i><br>Google Tag Manager is a solution that enables us to manage various website tags using a single interface. The Tool Tag Manager itself (which implements the tags) is a cookie-free domain and does not collect any personal information. The tool triggers other tags which could themselves collect data. Google Tag Manager does not access these data. If deactivation is carried out at domain or cookie level, this remains in force for all tracking tags that have been implemented using Google Tag Manager.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Display &amp; Video 360</i><br>Display &amp; Video 360 is a tool from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. This enables us to collect data for analysis, marketing and optimisation purposes and thus improve our marketing measures and our website. The data collected is used by the tool to link advertising contacts and clicks on advertisements with a resulting use of our website. This data may also be used by us to place advertisements based on your interests.<br><br>The data collection is done via pseudonymous online identification numbers (such as cookie IDs or IP addresses). All identification numbers used by us only allow us to recognise your terminal device and your Internet browser. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that Google may link the visit to our website of users who have registered with Google with the data registered with Google. You can find out exactly how Google handles your data on Google&#39;s data protection pages by clicking on the following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>.<br><br>Under the following link you will find a description how you can deactivate the collection of data by Google on your terminal device on your terminal device: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Facebook Insights</i><br>Our Facebook page serves the purpose of enabling us to actively communicate with our customers and interested parties. We use this platform to provide information about our trade fairs and other events.<br><br>When you visit our Facebook page, your personal data can be automatically collected and stored for the purposes of market research and advertising. This data is used with pseudonyms to create user profiles. As a rule, cookies are placed on your terminal for this purpose. The cookies store the user’s behaviour and interests. Further information about this is available from Facebook under the following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>The use of the statistical information about the utilization of the Facebook page made available by Facebook (“Facebook Insights”) takes place pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within the framework of a balancing of interests for the purposes of our predominant legitimate interests in optimizing the presentation of our services and effective communication with our customers and interested parties. <br><br>The data processing is carried out on the basis of an agreement between jointly responsible parties pursuant to Article 26 GDPR. You can read this agreement here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>You can find a link to the opt-out option here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>LeadLab (wiredminds)</i><br>Products and services from wiredminds GmbH ( are used on this website for the purposes of marketing and optimization. In the process, data is collected, processed and stored, and used to create usage profiles under a pseudonym. The usage profiles are completely anonymized where this is possible and sensible. Cookies may be used in this process. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the visitor’s Internet Browser and are used to recognize the Internet Browser. The data collected, which may also include personal data, are transferred to wiredminds or collected directly by wiredminds. wiredminds is permitted to use information that has been left as a result of a visit to a website to create anonymized usage profiles. The data obtained in this way are not used to personally identify the visitor to this website without the specifically granted consent of the person affected and they are not combined with personal data concerning the bearer of the pseudonym. Insofar as IP addresses are recorded, these are anonymized by the deletion of the last number block immediately after their collection. You can withdraw to the collection, processing and storage of data with future effect at any time:</li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="cmodul "> <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner" > <a onclick="alert('Your visits are now no longer recorded.');" href="javascript:wiredminds.optOut()">Exclude from LeadLab tracking</a> </div> </div> </div> <section> <div class="cmodul " > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p></p><p> <ul><li><i>Google Maps</i><br>This website uses Google Maps to represent maps and to generate driving directions. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Due to the embedding of Google Maps, your IP address is transferred directly to Google and a cookie is stored as soon as you visit such a website. You can find information about the data processing by Google and withdraw to this at any time under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>. You will find the terms and conditions of use for Google Maps under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > Terms for Google Maps </a>. You can find exhaustive details in the data protection centre of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > Transparency and a broad range of choices </a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > Privacy Policy </a>.</li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Google Webfonts</i><br>This website uses the so-called Webfonts to represent the typefaces. These are provided by Google (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a>). To accomplish this, your browser loads the required Webfont into the browser cache when the page is called up. This is necessary in order for your browser to be able to display an optically improved representation of our text. If your browser does not support this function, your computer will be use a standard font for the display.<br><br>You will find further information about Google Webfonts under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a><br><br>You will find general information about the topic of data protection at Google under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " title="" > </a></li></ul> </p><p> <ul><li><i>Other active content (e. g. Javascript, ActiveX)</i><br>You can deactivate Javascript, ActiveX or other control elements and scripting languages in websites that contain executive elements for security reasons in your browser at any time. Our websites also remain navigable without the use of Javascript.</li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="cmodul " > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p> <ul><li><i>Dentsu Aegis Network</i><br>Koelnmesse GmbH collaborates with a target group marketer. For this purpose, cookies are used on our websites which collect or incorporate (Online Behavioral Targeting &#34;OBA&#34;) anonymous usage data for the purpose of usage-based online advertising such as the type of website visited, categories visited and/or product pages and/or which browser and terminal device was used for this. The user may either delete the cookies at any time directly in the browser or manage cookie preferences at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a> or disable the cookies of the target group marketer Dentsu Aegis Network Germany GmbH at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a>.</li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="cmodul " > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p> <ul><li><i>ADEX DMP-TECHNOLOGY</i><br>We use the &#34;DMP tag technology&#34; of The ADEX GmbH, Torstraße 19, 10119 Berlin, for the anonymous collection of information about your usage behavior and the provision of such anonymous information to Third Party Providers for the display of Online Behavioral Advertising. You can customize the settings for collection and use of information via the technology of The ADEX in your cookie settings or by clicking the following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a><br>Alternatively, you can opt out of the settings for collection and use of information by activating or deactivating The ADEX (available as ADEX) as a provider in the central preference manager of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > YourOnlineChoices </a>.</li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="cmodul " > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p> <ul><li><i>Push notifications</i><br>You can opt in to receive our push notifications. To send our push notifications, we use the delivery service &#34;CleverPush&#34;, which is provided by CleverPush GmbH, Nagelsweg 22, 20097 Hamburg (&#34;CleverPush&#34;).<br><br>By that you will receive regular messages about the event you have selected and the corresponding offer.<br><br>To opt in, you must confirm your browser&#39;s request to receive notifications. This process is documented and stored by CleverPush. This includes saving the opt in time and your browser ID or device ID. The collection of this data is required so that we can understand the processes in case of misuse and therefore serves our legal protection. To show you the push notifications, CleverPush collects and processes your browser ID on our behalf and your device ID in the case of mobile access. By subscribing to our push notifications, you agree to their receipt. Legal basis for the processing of your data after registration for our push notifications is in the presence of your consent Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.<br><br>CleverPush also statistically evaluates our push notifications. CleverPush can detect if and when our push notifications were displayed and clicked by you. This enables us to determine which push notifications are of interest to recipients, in order to match future messages to the presumed interests of all recipients and thus increase interest in our offer. In addition to the push token or device ID, we also store the focus of the app on which the push notifications were activated (e.g. business, sports, etc.). We also use this information to send push notifications to the respective subscribers who are in their presumed interests. The legal basis of the processing is in each case Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. A push token or device ID is only assigned to a specific person if we should be legally obliged to do so, to defend against claims against us if this is required as evidence, and to prosecute any violations of the law.<br><br>Your consent to the storage and use of your personal information to receive our push notifications and the statistical survey described above may be revoked at any time with future effect. Furthermore, you can withdraw to the use of personal data described above at any time on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. To revoke consent, you can change the setting to receive push notifications in your browser. If you use our push notifications on a desktop PC with the operating system &#34;Windows&#34;, you can also unsubscribe our push notifications by right-clicking on the respective push notification in the settings that appear there.<br><br>Your data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of their survey. Your data will be stored as long as the subscription to our push notifications is active.<br><br>Under the following link, the process of unsubscribing will be explained in detail: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > </a>.<br><br>To accelerate the retrieval of content (e. g. images) and to defend against attacks, CleverPush uses the offers from, an offer from Cloudflare, Inc., within the scope of order processing based on the standard contractual clauses.<br><br>CleverPush does not store any data on Cloudflare&#39;s servers that contain personal data, but only general content such as text or images. When this content is called up, the end device you are using establishes a connection to Cloudflare and this leads to the processing of the IP address of the end device you are using.</li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="cmodul paragraph" > <div class="grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div> <p>Status: 4 January 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <!--SolrIndex:off--> <!-- CONTENT_AREA_END --> </div> <!-- FOOTER_BEGIN --> <div id="footer-margin-fix" style="height: 50px; width: 100%; background-color: #FFF;"></div> <footer id="footer2021" > <div class="footer-sponsor grid-wrapper lightback"> <div class="gw-inner"> <ul> <li> <div class="inline"> <img class="image" src="" /> </div> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > <img class="image" src="" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > <img class="image" src="" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener " > <img class="image" src="" /> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="grid-wrapper darkback"> <div class="footer2021-socials"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" title="facebook" class="calchexback corporateback"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-light" src="" title="facebook"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-dark" src="" title="facebook"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" title="Instagram" class="calchexback corporateback"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-light" src="" title="Instagram"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-dark" src="" title="Instagram"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" title="LinkedIn" class="calchexback corporateback"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-light" src="" title="LinkedIn"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-dark" src="" title="LinkedIn"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" title="Blog" class="calchexback corporateback"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-light" src="" title="Blog"> <img class="footer2021-social-icon footer2021-social-icon-dark" src="" title="Blog"> </a> </div> <div class="gw-inner"> <div class="footer2021-newsletter" > <div class="nlform"> <div class="hl_3">Subscribe to Newsletter:</div> <form id="" action="javascript:void(0)" method=""> <div style="width: 100%;"> We look forward to keeping you up to date in the future. 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